The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, September 09, 1865, Image 3

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PH THE NEWNAN HERALD 3 THE NEWNAN HEBAUD, Religious- J. C. WOOTTEN, IIeAdquarteus U. S- Forces. j Death on the Pale Horse Coming | ITEMS FROM THE JOURNAL.* Newnan, Ga. Sept. 8th, 1865. j j At.oxg.—The New York Tribune, of the j President Johnson, to his honor be it Editor, grossing at the Baptist Church, in this | G'c»rr/-<i/ Order Xo. 1. 16th,says: j saul has taken his stand firmly against city, for the past twelve days. The inde 1 ■ To preserve order^and to prevent theft “ Death seems to be riding his pale corruption. lie seems to be one of the ., A protracted meeting has been pro- THOMAS J, SPECK, dentist, MILLINERY N EWN A N, GKORG-IA-, NEWNAN, GA-, 8EPT. 0, 1865. fatiittrble Pastor, the Rev. F. M. Pnniel, ‘ an f .Pi* 40 !™"; *" ul ^ ow ‘ n y or ’* or5 a f° horse over, desert, plain, sea, and city— strongest and grandest spirits of the age. - I * 7 tmiL iwluw ttr111 hn ctn^Hv Antnrp/H in J i *— 1 ^ ’had for a time the assistant Our thanks arc due Lt. dillcr, for Tjl(>B Wcst of Columbia Cou l.itt Louisville papers. The c }, urc ]^ t be Gmc Q f writir Sept.) lias received thirteen ten by experience—one by letter T ) ESPECTFCLLY annentneea k to the citizen? of thi? place Advertisements- Dr. Smith, an experienced and skillful physician, informs you in his card where he may be found. W. Floyd is prepared to make and re pair in superior style, boots and shoes, at short notice. He has many years of cx- in his trade. See card. pe W. T. Cole, is prepared to manufacture by restoration. JV w Mll ^ , . - % , , We are gratified to learn that forty late- pected to be at their homes, and any one time to cross the Atlantic or not before wce j j ag SU jart. 'y *■"> »•“»'> 0>urcl. (near Pal- caoght a«aj iron, 1.U P>»«; fros,s c0,, ' c ’ « c3 ""°‘ *»* b ” ! - M “* Allow that ho (Alcr. Stephens is) prii- metto) eighteen with Macedonia ten after that time, except on legitimate bust- cbc ster ls not manv days distant, and ; . . , T . , r *. , 7/ r iiaccuoma, ten arreted and imprisoned. n . * . ' tll .’ ty, what then? Isn t pardon for the with Providence twenty-seven with Beth- ’ . ... • j . i • Bcath seems totrnvel with ;thc swiitness .. « r T * j roviueiice, iweuiy seven wim x>cm HI. All idle persons without subsis- . ‘ . ■ guilty and not for the inoccnUF—Jburjia/. lehem, and that the other churches in fence will be arrested and put to work un- of morning. \v e should not be surpns* y . icnce win ut JUL.iv-u 1 , .... - I Paruon is for the penitent. He have residence on Grccnvill street. Sept. 9-1--lira. WELLBORN FLOYI?, this county have been or are now being der guard. artificial limbs of a superior kind. If 8 " nilari J r bl «« cd * We bid a11 tn 2 a ^ J you need arm or leg, call on him, nnd if ymJ arc not satisfied, you need try no one else. T. k D. Swint, arc prepared to sell you on abort profits many articles which y»nt could not purchase during the war They solicit consignments, (live them a call, and wc believe they will give satis faction—as they are known to be prompt nnd faithful business men. Hilton k Allen, have on hand numer ous articles, of prime necessity and many others you would be pleased to have.— They are young men of fine business ca pacities, and nre determined to deserve success. Mr. A. B. Brookins, gives notice that lie has for sale many things the people ought to have. He sells on the live and let lito" principle. lie is a clever and accomodating merchant. Give him a call. See advertisement. Kaufman & (Jo., have just received and opened a large and elegant stock of goods. They" have many articles never before offered in this market. Mr. D. P. Wood- roof, the salesman, has been long and favorably known ae a merchant of this jdaco. 11 is many friends will be pleased to learn that he is again prepared to ac commodate them as of yore. See adver tisement in another column. Jones k Cates.—By all incans see adver tisement of this enterprising firm. Wc know you arc obliged to purchase many articles in their lino, Mr. Jones lias for rjrears past maintained in this community »n character of which any merchant may proud, (.’apt. Cates has resided in our miidst for more than two years, and made vndii an impression as .a gentleman only e.vnmmke. We wish them success. 2'tc..'Upcck > a dentist of eight years ox- pcsiitmee is prepared to work for those in n«nd uf Elis services, for reasonable fees, lleww ibinicily a citizen of East Ten- tictcnr.. .lif v»ni visit Atlanta, go to the Star Furtive, <t». Ivy street. The proprietress is j.riov.ajiptl ; i,j accommodate you in good hii *f(Tr/dVnsion wc say to merchants in these meetings God-ipced. Newnan. We arc pleased to notice every indica tion of speedy return of the former busi ness of this city. There are already five dry good stores, ten confectioneries and family groceries, and two drug stores “ in full blast,” several more business houses will be opened in a few days. A proper effort on the part of Newnan merchants to secure the trade of the adjoining coun ties will meet with success. This acconV- plished, the future prosperity of this oity is uot a matter of conjecture. IV. All citizens are forbidden to sell or to give any.intoxicating drink to any soldier without an order. By Order of M. B. SLOAN, Capt. Co. F. 150 Ill. Yol. luftry, Com’d’g Newnan Station, Ga. Communicated. Mr. Editor: I think the following; gentlemen—:Capt. Hugh Buchanan, Capt. W. W. Thomas, and Maj. U. B. W ilkin- eon, would represent Coweta with credit to themselves and constituents in the October Convention. lt. Communicated. _ Mr. Editor: The- many friends of Wc »ro blessed with numerous schools, s , muc , FreeB1>Ui K *|., Colonel W. F. nil in a fluunshms condition. The re- Wrf it an(1 T Kirbyi Esq . ; K<ra M be mnining trades and professions are apace ^ at thcrr elccti „ n t0 the Statc with those mentioned. Cotton in cons.d- j Convent5onj „ hicll asse ,„blc8 next month. crablc quantities is making its appearance. In fact the citizens seem possessed of a new spirit of enterprise, determined to repair the losses of the late war. An in dication of better times ahead. Coweta. Superior Court- The Superior Court for Coweta county, met according to adjournment on Monday 4th inst., and then adjourned until "Court in course,” The reason of this early adjournment., was, jurors had not been drawn for September Term. Ilis Honor Judge Feathcrston is doing all in his power fur the speedy and complete restoration of civil law. Mrs- Nellie Sweatman—Longevity. This lady—a citizen of this place was born in Saulsburry N. 0., and removed to this State in her IGth year; has resided in Ga. Seventy nine and Newnan three years! She is in her. 95th year, and is now blind. The p.on with whom she last lived died in Confederate service. r lhe places of resilence of her two remaining children, if living, are not known to her. Communicated. Mr. Editor: The voters of this county cannot select a batter man to represent them in the approaching Convention than It. Y. Brown. I will support any other two good men, provided the Judge is on the ticket. Citizen. Communicated. Newnan, Ga., Sept. 7th, 1865. Mr. Editor : In January last a Mayor, and a full board of cbuncilraen were elected with a view to the good govern ment and improvement of Newnan. If anything towards either object lias been doue, I confess my inability to discover the fact. A retail license of fifty dollars of morning. We should not be surprise ed to see his grim majesty any day de-! barking at Castle Canlen and riding up .>■<* to bear of any rebels asking pardon Broadway. We do not erpeet the frosts j 0,1 ,llc 8™“"“ of S™* for for mx or eight weeks, and he might hare I ,hc "' c "? rmous 1 nhn yW a busy time during that period, with time j "’e hope wc arc not uncivil iu saying to prepare fur the coming summer. , that we doo t believe that the editor of mm ■» j the Press has heart! of auv case in which X^rDIES HATS; i ■ i Trimmed and imtrimmed, from i New York and Paris, FLOWERS, PLUIES, CUFFS and COLLARS, RELtS, BUCKLES, &c. BOOT and SHOE MAKER. Shop on the Xorth-West corner of Public Square, firijoinim- the store of A. B. BtPCkins. J^-Repniring neatly and promptly done. Sept. 9-l-3m. Only five persons remain in Fort IVar- ; an ex-rebel has asked pardon ?rithout cx- ! ren—Alexander II. Stephens,^ ice Presi- I pressing penitence and regret. dent of the late Confederate States, Jas. ... . . , . • Ihe internal revenue receipts nave H. ReaLmn, l’o^tmaster-Generul of same;! 1 r .1 1 1 11 . «i 0 ’ • i - . averaged a few thousand dollars over Sd,- Gharles Cheshire, of Brooklyn, N. Y., in for recruiting-frauds.:-4-.Captain of a , , 0 ' r 1 month. 000,000 per day during the present British blockade runner,-nnd a man that On Wednesday they exceeded declined to subscribe the oath of allegi ance.—Xcic Era. a »' » :—:— 92,000,000.—Lon. .lour. We have read of the man who was bitten a few weeks ago by the head of"a rattle- PopiTiCAL.Prophecy.—In 1856 Sir j snake severed from its body. It wasn’t G. C. Lewis, an English. Baronet, wrote i by any means the only instance of men thus of the assault of Brooks upon Shni- being bittten by dead beads. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT- ner: ‘ People here speak of the outrage on Sumner as a proof oftlrc brutal manners of the Americans and their low morality. To me it seems the first blow in a civil war. It betokens the advent of a state of tilings in which political differences*' . ■, . , , , 1 : , 1 , Lod^c. cent. 1st. the undersigned t be settled by argument, and cau ^ f 0 Sclaool 33ooksV KEH AND BOZ’S HATS, i CANDLES, CHEESE, maccoboy snuff< . SODA, POTASH. &C. All for sale, clieax) for CASH or Country Troduce. ANDREW B. BROOKINS. Newnan, Ga.,- Sept. 9-1-lm. rjNHE undersigned is now manu&cturing Coweta Lodge, No^GO, | j . iiuittvit 1 r t TTrpo Newnan, Ga., Sept. 7, 1505. j j iVlv 1II (jIAL Ij13I1>0 At a called communication of the cannot were only be settled by force. 1 appointed to draft an obituary of our departed brother J. M. Brown, and most If a fool knows a secret, he tells it be- < respectfully beg leave to submit the fol- causc lie is a fool; if a knave knows one, j lowing. he tells it whenever it is his interest to tell it. But won en and young men are very apt to tell what secrets they know, from the vanity of having been trusted. Whereas our Divine Master has sum moned from the walks of life our brother J. M. Brown, than whom a truer mason, a more worthy citizen was not to be found iu our community, and whereas our 0 f a SUPERIOR KIND and nt surfi piiccs as places them within the reach of almost any one who wants stlC’ft ar-* tides. These A Tins and Legs have all the It i3 a good thing to learn caution by brother has died leaving a large family the misfortues of others. • without any immediate proteetor. . Resolved) That we the members of It is now pretty definitely ascertained , . . j _ . . , . Coweta Lodge, most sincerely sympathize that the Ivetchum defalcation Will-.exceed . . , , w , r .. . ", , rino t* • 1 Wtt-h the bereaved funny, and pledge our the cnormus sum of $1,000,000. It is! , . ■ . . ; honor as masons, to see that they never supposed that the victims will recover f 1 u n * i e 11 „ , . , r . suffer for the want of friends m-the fu- has been collected from each of three or j ^ two-fifths of their losses.—Louts- • : turd. WORKINGS of NATURE, nnd arc of superior workmanship. W. T. COLE, Depot Street, Xewnan, Oa. Sept, *4-tf. more groceries, and I would ask, what has been done with this money ? If tulle Journal. i Resolved, That this preamble, and reso lutions be published in tile Newman Physical Cause of Christ’s Death. Dr. Hanna, of Scotland, has recently | Herald, and that a copy be furnished the :en or Mail Facilities. By reference to article elsewhere bn same subject, our reiiders will learn that they can be again supplied with the mails regularly by prompt action on their part. It no one can be found to take the cou th ere has been any improvement on the numerous bridges around this place—it has been the work of citizens—so far as i published a course of sermons, in which widow as a memento of our sincere rc my in formation extends. In all candor j h c handles this, among other subjects.— for the departed, as well as a tokei [ would ask what benefit have these yf- j He accepts the theoiy of Dr. Stroud, pLdgc of our future aid, should she ever J ficcrs been to us? What have they done ? j which ascribes his death to a physical >daud in need of the same. The military authorities have time and {cause! I d b “ It is that he died lrtcrally of a brok- i • J S Henry' \ cn heart: that the intensity of Ilia emo-1 _ ———_ ^ - tion raptured this organ, occasioning in-- . stant death. The loud cry showed His j Qn thc o U[ A ug U .st, by Thos. Swint, again tendered their assistance in the en forcement of the’laws, and still they move not? I presume they must have been elected on the do-nothing platform and T.&XL SWINT, (Late BROWN, SWINT & Co.,) GENERAL COMMISSION ? 7?! TFil TIT A TY Jfclluiil For the sale of" DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, C?/ A NEW and fine stock of —AND— Ladies’ and Children's' BOOTS, HATS, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s AND — C 01UJVTJS L* VIZ on TIC SI. . if tliat is so—all oposition to them in fu- strength to. be still unimpaired and the . j j ^ ^j r j 0II ^. DelaCY, of Grcen- be*resorted' to. Shoubl our j iwrc, would be useless, if those principles immediate yielding up of lire must be due [ vHlc> Ga ? to Mrs. Martha McCombs of to some extraordinary cause. . Numerous = Gowc * a C oun (y cases on record of sudden death occasion- ! . —- ■■■ — cd by intense excitement, and post mortem DR. SMITH ! tract at thc r.,te proposed, voluntary con alcniyol, A: lio our columns for proof of j t ributicavs can the nm-niMor fun which wc are patronized tr ; clK j s ros i lin g in localities destitute of! maintain the ascendency. I most rcspect- nt Wmc. Wc challenge comparison with | mails> wi>h to^ubscribe to the Herald, wc S frtl, y « r ge each and every one of these any j.miwflB «•» the State on this score— j ;ire wclI acq;iaintct [ \ u t lf 0 surrounding j officers to resign iustanter, and therby corndderirngntlK time that has elapsed since | COUI , trv? an d will by every opportunity* give the citizens an opportunity io elect j cxaminatidTis revealed that the rupture t we Msbod *mr prospectus. ! forward'their papers. " I ^ore vigilant men. j of thc heart forces the blood into thc ba - * r J - | Tax Payer. ! enclosing it, (called,) and Ciartrell and Hill- j JS©“ Thc Ordinary of this county in- j * *' ** " * _ ! prevents all further action. The many frieiuls of thc lion. Lucius', formed us that up to thc evening of the j Morel Emancipation. Information j * Such a death seems natural to th J. G»rtrell will bo pleased to learn that ,7th, he had administered thc Amnesty j is brought from Brazil, by recent armals, j g av iour’s ciTeumstances/ lie bad been he hats resumed the practice of thc law j Oath to seven hundred and ninety-six I that an active emancipation mo", ement has j p 3S cj n fr through .extreme* mental sorrow, iu co-partnership with Mr. T- \Y . J. IIill, ! persons—of this number six hundred aml^jbeen organized in ib.c Biazdian senate q -> ne t crr xbl c struggle in the garden, indi- in the city of Atlanta. We need say j forty-four were voters of Coweta—ninety ‘ - 1 Wc liave now on consignment for sr.’.e a fine lot of Ladies and < Jenticmen’s CliOTHIISr C3r y PIECE GOODS, —AND- AY be fonnd at bis office on the Soutb siile of tbo Public Square, when not 1 professionally engaged. [sept. 0-1-tf nothing in praise of the first named gen- seven were from other counties, fifty-fiye tIonian as his reputation is already »a- j were females, and twenty-seven had ap- tional. We have met Mr. Hill at the 1 plied for special pardon, bar, and know from oxpcricnce that le is a lawyer of acknowledged ability. M e . |Ilillsbury R. Harrison, Esq., has trust that these very worthy and reliiblc ; been appionted Assistant Assessor, of gentlemen may meet with succeess com- United States Internal Revenue, for thc mensurate with theif just merits, their card in another column. Sec Death of J. M. Brown. This gentleman, who was a merchant of j counties of Coweta, Fayette and Clayton, of the 4th District of Georgia. He will j make an honest and faithful officer. Tor the gradual extinction of slavery in that country, thc largest slaveholders are more active in the matter, and the proba bilities seemed to be that the bill framed Rain. cated by the bloody swett, the humiiia- j ting trial before the Sanhedrim, and 1 Herod, and Pilate; thc mysterious agony * on thc cross, finding vent in the cry, ‘My | to accomplish this object would become • Godj 3J y God, why hast thou forsaken a law. The proposed process is gradual, j Mc , al ) point to a degree of mC ntal suf- j and will avoid any social change. The j feriag imp0SSlb l c lpr a3 t0 conceive. It main features of the bill introduced are ; waa Glc CU p g * lven j,;,,, Jriuk, the pen- j that vagrant slaves shall no longer be a]{y wl|ich hc bore for hbin3n s5nj an d it sold to new masters, but shall be free if not claimed in three months; that slaves shall no longer pass by inheritance: that GARTKELL & HILL, ? attorneys at law, OFFICE IN CRB TV’s BUILDING, Aln.l3ftxaa Stroot, Atlanta, Gfeor-gia. Sept. 0 — 1—3m. J. C. W.OOTTEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEWNAN, GEORGIA. Office over Post Officc.^^a Sept. 9—«1—tf. At the time of writing, Friday morning, this place, for the last eight years, died on . ni . 1 . e a refreshing shower is falling with a pros- Friday the 1st. inst. He was a man of 1 * reaesnin^ m o _ q f J , , . , . . ! nect of a good season. e are truly re- purc and elevated character, wTihout cue-j P *- . , .. 1 . , . , , r « <* loiccd at this fact, after a drought ox imes, and his death was a source of gnef J ten years all slaves over twenty-five to all wim know him. tending through many weeks. Death of Mrs. Griswold. Newnan lost anoth^ esteemed citixm Habeas Corpus. It is generally conceded that the Presi- <ewnau ^ dent wil , ; e5UC at an early dav, a proela- M.wcll Known in inn cuy, is now ac Suturdiiy 2d mst., in the death jf i injtion ^ rc , tOTin? th i, writ in the loyal Metropolitan Hotel. His son has been loy: shall be free; that in fifteen years slavery shall cease to exist in Brazil, and that might well occasion thc breaking of a heart that beat in such, intense sympathy with a lost race. It was literally laying down llis life for them a. voluntary sac- . - VAr ii.«m J | I'niteil States District Courts for the Northern rifiee for thc guilty. _ . ; nn d Southern Districts of the State. “The water and" the blood followln-j »@-3pccinl atrinlion pven to thc coUcclion provision shall be made in.every thru5t of the soldier’s spear-into for the aged and infirm. The number of slaves in Brazil is estimated at 3,000,000. Robert so.well known in this city, is now at tfts JOHN S. B1GBY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, N E W N A N, CEORGIA, [T ILL jiractice regularly in Coweta and w the sr.rroiinding counties, nnd in the of claims. ^ide indicate’the nature of bis death.— When the heart is ruptured, the blool, j v ~* **’ "* - as we have said, flows into the. pericordi- j Oui.d Esq.—This gentleman, . , , : \-p , t - _ - turn, the bag or sack wnteh encloses it,! •wm «n fl« <0 ia n Air of f itN _ r and by its pressure gmldallj' stops the j J. E. Jones. A. B. Cate= this lady. In life she possessed ampc . , r meaim and many rare traits of character. m m a . It.was her delight to relieve the wants ofj Buyers are giving 25 cents for here for sometime. The last time we met .beating of the heart. This blood then coagulates, and the watery matter is sep- If an the suffering, and in other respects htr walk corresponded with her christhn profession. Death of Mrs- Susan Edwards- With pain we announce the death of nhis highly esteemed citizen ot Newn.iu Cotton. Before thc next issue of thc Herald, wc expect to complete arrange ments, by which we can furnish correct Mr. Ould, was some three 3^ ar *^ * , o 0 > at [ arated from the thicker substance Aiken s Landing, along wit 1 .0 . now ; opening is made-in the pericordiuui, the General Switzer, on business r0 atn L to ; a pp CaraPlCe 0 f Gie hjpgj a3 Jj- flows out the exchange of ptisoners capture , u c , jrreS p 0nd precisely to the language 1 Commission Merchants, weekly reports ot the Newnan market. We notice ou thc Gth two freedmen Eng the “ Seven day’s fight— Washington | Qf thg evangelistj t And folthwith C there | Greenville St., 3 Doors Soath of Public Square. Union. flowed out blood and water/ This singu- Ncwnan, G-a., OFFER TO TIIE PUBLIC AT An infant son of President Juarez, of j laf phenomena can hardly be explained marching through our streets by turns, ! jj cx * 1COj wa5 buried on Saturday;from the ! on an >' otlier hypothesis ; on this theory wholoealo c»x- HLetzxil. She fell from a jersey wagon near Pal fo „ owed by muskets—carrying a sack j residencC; ; n ^ eyv York city, of Mrs. | Jt 13 exsct, J w!, at might have been ex- met to on the 7th inst., but afterwards! we jj gj] ed w jtb rock, brick-bats and -“tlie j j uarcz . The [funeral was attended by P ectc< *' drove three miles to the residence of Mrs. j j il;c o p tbat -» q*he aforesaid persons of R on , e r 0 , the Mexican Ministerin' * It seems also to harmonize with proph- Sam. Arnold, where she soon expired-— color had taken and carried away, pota- Washington, General Ortega, a number This news will carry gloom to the hearts toeSj chickens, and bacon, with intent to 0 p other Mexican gentlemen of promi- of all her acquaintances. The stea l the same. The thanks of our citi-| nencej a „d many friends and admirers of which were literally fulfilled, ‘They gave j Me vinegar to drink ; 1 * Ikey parted My j garments among them/ Why should not ccies forteliing the circumstances of his I death. The evangelists refer to several,! Church, of which this lady was a coivsts- i icns are due Capt. Sloan for his effort? to tbe J> res ident. tent member, ha? sustained an ireepar-1 U pp r ^ crime and lawlessness. able loss. ;r7"7“_. j . ! The Loudon papers-unite ip severely Crashed Sugar, Drown Sugar, Coff.-e, Syrup, Floor, ileal. Bacon, Lard, Mackerel, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Soda, Buckets, Brooms, Sifters, Cotton Cards, Cotton Yarns, Matches, Slates, Tacks, Mason’s Blacking, Table Cutlery, &<:. The senior member of the firm has long l.een others, in thc same connection, be taken known to the c ^I : c : t*?- r eT 1 counties, and would earnestly solicit me re- 1 BOOTS & SHOES of the latest style*. Also a fine assortment of Calicoes, Bleached Domestics, Hats, and Ladies Hose. 0 f all kinds. Also a good An abundant supply of Factory Thread, Salt, Tobacco, Soda, Spice," Pepper, &c. sortmeut of g33"*Cons:gnmcnts of nil kinds respectfully solicited.**^53 Gseenvili.e St., (under Masonic Ilall.) NKV. NAX, GEORGIA. Sept 9—1—If. T. P. Hilton*. J. A. Allen*. HILTON & ALLEN, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the sale of BRY COBBS, GROCERIES, —AND— Country Produce. Wc have on hand for sale f Corn, Meal, Hour, * BACON, LARD, Tobacco, Candles, Salt, Soda, Xails, Factory Thread, &c. Also Gentlemen and Ladies BOOTS SHOES, BLANKETS. Just arrived and for sale cheap FOR CA.SH, at Mr. Pinson’s Store House, l>y S. KAUFMAN & Co. ». P. WOO0ROOF, Sept 9-1-1 m. Salesman. HOU ATLANTA, GA. We ere constantly receiving various other articles not mentioned above. {^“Consignments of all kinds respectfully solicited. Gbeenvills Stk., (under Masonic Hull,) NEWNAN, GA. Sept. 9-1—tf. U- S- Excise Law. Wc will continue in our next issue the cl’ tiur exeiso Law. Champ Ferguson is said to be dying. I portuuities in an emuUtion which lie only death was a rupture of the heart, it g'-ves j Fruit, .vc: shares with rk** larks, apes, cits, and to these prophecies a definiteness never ! " 1C r " ‘squirrels.” » Ibefore aUiIlute.I t) them.” i fresh sni*ply r *0 receive very soon a »'il-ti'-csses, CriKrkcrv, Cutlery, * S ■;■•*. 1 •• S'irviving Greenville S*., nnd*T M -«i . Sent. !’-l •.rtner-*. mi. Ilall. THE Proprietress respcct- , fully informs thc public that j she has opened a House in an I eligible situation, convenient to all Business Houses and the different Depots, for the recep tion of travelers and others. The table will be supplied from tlie country, with every filing fresh and desirable, and lit verv moderate prices. » ^g^Polite Porters in atten dance. at the trains, MINNIE BANKS, Sr -Im. Int Street. ik t