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-(T'ljr 11 non an Iwalil.
j r 1TOOTTR*, J- A. WELCH, f
Pr opr ietors.
€lje Jburann leralii.
F. S. WELCH* * *
- Publisher.
J. C. WOOTTEN, Editor.
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I Fifty numbers complete the Volume.)
YOL. I.]
[NO. 18.
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The following unit! and touchingly beau,
tifttl poem was written by the gifted but
From the Richmond Times.
Major General Butler.
A terrible calamity has plaunged the
Bather Bough Honeymoon.
On last Friday morning an athlectic
unfortunate Haskell, a short time before I young farmer, in the town of Wayncsburg,
his death, and dedicated “ to Mrs. Louisa ! took a fair girl, “ all bathed in blushes,’ whole land in the blackest depths of
.Jane Uice, the amiable, gentle-hearted, I from her parents, and started for the first grief and despair The nation is reeling
and accomplished matron of the Eastern 'town across the Pennsylvania line to be I from the effects of a fearful loss. Mas-
married, where the ceremony could be j sachusets, with streaming eyes, is clothing
Kentucky Asylum for the Insane, at Lex-
jn.rton ” It was written during a lucid
interval when both lie and his friends be
lieved that his mental abbervatio i was
entirely cured. Hut, alas ! the grievous
and fearful malady returned, and his poor
bark once more was tossed and wildly
uvept, “ aimless and helmless,” over life’s
ocean :
The Bansomed.
PAItr I.
I'm am adrift oil Life's ocean, and wildly I
Aimless and heltaless, its fathomless deep;
The wild winds assail me, *it threatninglv
The clouds roll around me in hideous forms. s
1 drift to a lee-shore! I strke!—am aground!
T.ic mail waters whelm me—I drown! obi 1
drown —
Merer! oh, mercy! Oh, Lord, set me free!
And take me, oh, take llenvenandThee.
I wander Life's desert—lone, desolate, sad,
Faint, reeling, and weary—I'm mud! oh, I'm
mad 1
No glad waters meet me, no streams flowing
I perish 1 1 perish ! oh, God, set me free!
Ab ; hopeless 1 pray Thee, 'tis idle and vain ;.
I perish ! IporiahJ Kami rain—give me rain—
Let tin stream of Deliverance flow gently tome,
And drill me, oh! drift me, to Heaven and
'Mid the wranglings of men and their conflicts
so fierce,
Half mad and despairing, niv lips spit a curse,
Instead of imploring a Refuge and I’eace,
From Lite's maddeuing battle, for Hope and
1 hear on defiantly, proud, reckless, unblanchcd
At the dangers that hem m« The curses 1
At Earth and Heaven. Lord! mercy for me!
Receive me 1 receive me, (g_li^vca Thee.
But the storm* how ls no longer, the desert is
The battle’s tierce strife no more, hurries me on j
Tic tempests no more lash the ocean’s calm
And the clouds float in beauty afar to the west.
1 move through Life's bowers full ot bliss and
of lot *,
Looking fondly to earth and with transport
above; ' ■
And an angel soft whispers, "The Lord sets
thee free
To come to me! Come to me—dwell here
with me.”
1 thunk Thee, oh Lord ! that my raving career
AVa.i checked by the hand of Omnipotence, here,
That struck from its jarred equilibrium, the
Whose balance, my madnessand folly combined)
Had periled fore’er in my earthly career,
While night’s thickening darknesL encompass
ed me here,
And my sad soul is ransomed, imprisoned and
1 am coming, oh, Lord! 1 bow gently to Thee.
Joy! jay! Oh ! anguish and sorrow no more
Shall lead me, its victim, on Life’s crumbling
The winds waft me gently, 1 perish no more :
I thirst not—the war of Life's struggle is o’er;
Hope beckons me on with its sweet, whisper
ing tale,
To^R.alk through, all hopefully, Life's pleasant
And l come to Tkcc, Lord, unimprisoned and
free, ' 1 -
And l bless Thee, ah ! bless Thee, for mercy
performed without a license,
happy pair were accompanied by a
sister of the girl, a tall, gaunt, sharp-
featured female of some thirty seven
summers. The pair crossed the line, were
married and returned to Wcllsville to pars
the night. People at the hotel where the
The 1 herself with sackcloth and preparing to
sprinkle ashes-over jbq££able habiliments
of inconsolable woe. Benjamin, treason
ably ealled Beast, but sprnamed Butler,
her well beloved and greatest warrior, has
shot like a meteoric stone from the mili
tary firmament of les-ser suns, planets and
wedding party stopped, observed that they I and fixed stacs, and has ceased to be a
Major General. He tendered his resig
nation the other day, and as republics arc
proverbially ungrateful, the President,
forgetful of the blazing glories of “Big
Bethel,” of the immortal honors of “ the
Gap,” and of the flaming renown of the
“ fire ship,” accepted the mighty warrior's
resignation. The newspapers, with malig
nant emphasis insert that it was “ prompt
ly accepted,” and one Godless journal vi
ciously hints that the proffered retirement
of the mighty lloabdi was “ snapped at
by the war office authorities.”
Profound as will be the grief of the
civilized world at the retirement of the
honored and honest hero, Virginia is al
most desolated at the national bereave
ment involved in his loss. We shall al
ways recollect that many of this great
man’s most Famous and wondrous achieve
ments were upon our soil. IIis first essay
at pitched battle was at Big Bethel. It
was here he dug his immortal “ ditch,”
and from the waters of Virginia the great
“fire-ship” sailed, and exploded with
conducted themselves in a rather singular
manner. The husband would take his
j-istcr-iu-law, the tall female aforsaid, into
one comer of the parlor, and talk earnest
ly to her, gestickulating wildly all the
time. Then the tall female would put
her foot down and talk to him in an angry
and exciting manner. The husband
would take his fair young bride into a
corner; but he would no sooner commence
talking to her than the gaunt sister’would
with grim visage rush between them
and join in the conversation. The people
of the hotel ascertained what this meant
about uine o'clock that evening. There
was an uproar iu the room which had been
assigned to the newly married couple.—
Female shrieks and masObline swears star
tled the people in the hotel and they rush
ed to the spot. The gaunt female was
pressing agaiust the door ol the room,
and the newly marrried man, mostly un
dressed, was barring her out with all his
might. Occasionally she would kick the
door far enough to disclose the stalwart
any further reinforcements to Lee from , hops. If they happen to be interred a
Beauregard V' At that moment Beaure-, little differently, is it anybody’s business ?
gard, as Geo. Grant informs us, thanks to As so many outlandish things have been
the time wasted by Build*, bad drawn in I eliminated within such brief intervals,
all his “ loose forces in North and South who can tell what phantasmagoria live
Carolina,” and was “ bringing them to men may exhibit for the edification of the
the defense of Rtchnfffndntod Petersburg.
Two days afterwards, on the 16th of'May,
he fell upon Butlerasttf him book into a farmers a bunch^of turuips ; ipto a
husband, in his Gentleman Greek Slave such terrific and harmless splendor a few
It appears that the female insisted upon
ocucpying the same bed with tiie newly
married pair; that her'sister was favora
bly disposed to the arrangement, and that
he had agreed to it before the wedding
took place, and now indignantly repudia
ted the contiacL “ Wont you go away
now,'Susan ?” said the newly married rnar.v
softening his voice.
“ No,” said she, “ I won't—so there!”
“ Don’t you budge an inch !" cried the
married sister, within the room.
“ Now—-now, Maria,” said the yoting
man to his wife, in a piteous tone, “ don't
go to cultin’ up in this way: now don’t.”
miles from Fort Fisher, after which the
General with characteristic modesty, with
drew his forces from before that place,
and permitted a younger New England
General to gather all the laurels. Two
Virginia cities, “ near the sea,” will ever
hold in giatcful remembrance, the human
ity, urbanity, unselfishness and splendid
integrity with which he disc targed his
official trusts.
At the very moment when the heart
rending intelligence of liis resignation
reached us, a member of the Y irginia
Legislature, anticipating his appointment
to the command of his military division,
had introduced a resolution tedolent with
between the forks of the James and Ap
pomattox,” where, as Gen. Grant, with
somewhat unhistorical, but by no means
disagreeable malice, observes, “ his army
though in a position of great security,
was as completely shut out from future
operations against Richmond as if it had
been in a bottle strongly corked.”
G«n. Grant’s quaint picture of Gen.
Butler “ corked up in a bottle ” will IiTe
in history and furnish a splendid theme
for the painter and poet. With his char
acteristic pertinacity Gen. Grant, having
hermetically bottled Butler, deems it not
inadvisable to shake him up a little, as if
he was a sort of prescription, which re
quired such treatment, before disposing
of him altogether. He pounces down
upon him for his Fort Fisher fiasco, and
asserts that Butler went there with the ar
my and fleet which was sent to reduce
that place without permsssion. He pokes
an infinite amount of dry fun at him when
he says in his report, “ I rather formed
the idea that Gen. Butler was (in going
departed. Is it to reason thus: Into
statesman’s grave jewelry shall be thrown ;
garroter’s, a pair of bnisSflr n ucEfos; into
a carpenter’s, a chisel; into a steamboat
captain’s, a smoke stack ; into an ex-quar-
termasters, Confederate bond and Abstract
L; into Beast Butler’s, a Newgate calan-
dar; into a Major General’s, his commis
sion and a copy of Sherman's .March ; into
Beecher’s and Brownlow’s a barrel of
sulphur—and so on os the imagination
may suggest.
It will be seen that wc have said noth
ing of the ladies. Into your grave,
Ophelia, there shall be cast rosemary,
marigold and violet. But into yours,
mother of our heroic slain, the tears of
the good and pure.—Augusta Const itu-
Spain and Chili.
Spain is decidedly in want of money
Austria, Italy, or any of the weak and
miserable lesser European governments,
never withstood severer trials in that re
gard than Spain is now undergoing.—
Nor, has she the inherent, or acquired
to North Carolina) actuated by a desire | eneT &’ ‘ hat crea,e wea,th or 8tiluulato
“ I'll cut up as much as I wanter!” she ! pleasant reminiscences of the great war
rior’s deeds of valor in Norfolk and Ports
mouth. It was a touching and eloquent
tribute to the late Major General, for it
recommended, in anticipation of bis ad
vent, a “ distribution of all the money in
the State Treasury, among the widows
sharply replied.
“ Well,” roared the desperate man,
throwing the door wide open and stalking
out among the crowd, “jest you two wiin-
min put on your duds and go right straight
homeland bring back the old man and
woman, and your grandfather, who is-uigb j and or P hans of deceased soldiers,” and
on to a hundred, bring ’em all here, I'll
marry the irho/e caboodle of 'em, and
ice'll all sleep together
The difficulty was finally adjusted by
the tail female taking a room. Wclls-
villc is enjoying it.-elt over the sensation.
[ ('lea vki n<l Plaindealcr.
also provided for the appointment of
swift footed “ couriers ” to convey the
glad tidings of his arrival through the
land, and to urge all prudent housewives
to conceal their silver spoons and forks.
to witness the explosion of his powder
ship.” Phew ! we call that a cruel hit.
And Gen. Grant renews the roar of inex
tinguishable laughter which followed the
explosion of that ship, by saying, with
most delightful maliciousness, that “ the
aforesaid ship blew up so harmlessly that
nobody in the Confederate States had the
remotest idea what the explosion' meant
until the Northern papers explained the
In this opinion Gen. Grant is strictly
correct for we really thought that a fright
ful disaster had befallen an iron elad,
until we were all convulsed with merri
ment at the result of the ingenious But
ler’s plan for blowing up Fort Fisher.—
In this, as in many other instances Gen.
Butler was singularly sparing of Confed
erate lives. The care which, as a pru
dent thoughtful warrior, he invariably
took of his own precious life, made
him unwilling to shed human blood.—
Confiscation was his strong point, and
when he moved with his confiscation co
horts in the rear of a “ fighting general,”
he was really grand. But alas! alas!
this great and good man—this incompar
able military governor and most preda
cious and prudent warrior—this hero,
whose fame is as familiar as household
words in three continents, whose deeds
are at once the admiration of the brigands
of Greece and the pirates, of the Chinese
seas and whom Vcrrcs and Hastings
Never Slept with that Regiment.
Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, now
stumping this State, went to \\ ashington
at the head of the 22d Massachusetts
volunteers, but it will be remembered,
turned tail at the capital and let his men
no on to battle while he cultivated the arts. . , n .
^ ; ot a weeping country, and when Comm
it was an amusing peculiarity, of the j might have envied as the upright governor
great departed, that be was fond of plater j of conquered provinces, has gone from
and had an exquisite taste in jewelry, our midst, and no longer illuminates with
musical instruments, household furniture, J his splendid and incomparable reputation,
and gold and silver coin. The people of j an honorable profession. We still hope
New Orleans delight to keep fresh the
memory of his remarkable taste in the
fine arts.
At the moment when Benjamin, the
beloved of Massachusetts, is taking leave
of peace in the United btates Senate. , . . ,
1 . , . bta, with a well moistened mourning
In his speech at Yonkers, he said, tnabus- . ~ ,
„ r . r i l i handkerchief at each
ing the Democratic party : “I know ihera.
wintered with
How Sugar is made White.
The way in which sugar is made per-
j l have slept with them,
| them and summered with
| then a returned soldier in
! called out at the top of lus voice
eye, seems to say,
don’t go, Ben,” it is to be regretted that
Gen. Grant should have alluded in his
that a very lofty and well merited cxalta-
tation awaits him, although tardy justice
and the ingratitude of man may postpone
it to his very last moments. Nemesis is
sometimes apparently inattentive to her ; desired to impose on it a free government,
favorites, but rarely fails in the long run ! In that year, she also, bargained with
to mete out to them a measure of reward
resources to development. Miserably
bankrupt, ns is her exchequor, no indica
tions of replenishing her coffers exist at
home, and she begins to look elsewhere
for a supply of requisite funds. A few
years since a foreign war gave her a tem
porary recuperation. But unparalleled
profligacy in squandering the public money
has left her treasury empty.
Since 1855 sixty million pounds
of church property has undergone
secularization, but Spain’s financial em.
barrassment is as tetriWe as ever. Her
budget for 1865 exhibits a deficit of six
million of pounds. Her flouting debt - a
he beginning of the year is at
about twenty million pounds. At any
rate, it was so large, and her abilty to
meet It so small, that the Queen presented
the government a portion of the royal do
main. Thus some estimate may be foizued
of Spain’s monetary difficulties.
A necessity has arisen that Queen Isa
bella II, and the able Narvaez, must meet.
The latter, the principle crown officer—
the Premier sees that there is no hope of
doing at home, and hence, the national
piracy that she is inaugurating against
the little Republic of Chili, as a desperate
resort. Too weak to make such resis
tance, Chili must become a victim to the
repacity of Spain, after a manner hardly
justifiable by the coda governing civilized
powers. If money is not to be gotten in
this undertaking, she hopes at least for
renown. In this way she extorted 20,t
000,000 piastres from Morocco a few
years since. In 1858, she joined France
in an expedition against Chochin Cina.—
In that year she declared war against
Moroco, upon a trivial pretext, and the
latter paid out by a heavy indemnity.
The war against Mexico began in 1861
by the capitulatiomuf Vera Cruz. Spain,
anxious for the welfare of that country,
H AVISO associate# in the practice ot
Medicine, respect tolly Render their servi
ces to the citizens of Sqwn«n and country.—
Particular attention glVeri to Snrgvry and
Obstetrics., ;( jj
jhgrMay found a^ all hours, when not
pmfessionajlr emr.iged; at’their office on Brick
Front. South dtiic of Public Square, third
door front. Dodd’s corner. (Oct. 21-7-tfl
r rlHK undersigntd take pleasure in announ-
| cing to the people of Newnan and coun
try that They have just received a stock of
8C5UA1I orders and prescriptions promptly
attended to. (J. D. «t T. E. SMITH.
December 1S-15-31.
am ATiRAi
i iu..!
J. \V. WILEY, D. D. S.,
AS returned to Xewuan to resume the
practice of
ID entistry.
All Work Warranted.
Office on Depot street. [nov. 11-10-tf.
ILL practice regularly in Coweta and
V V the surrounding counties, and iu the
United States District Courts fur the Northern
and Southern Districts of the State.
gfe^Spceial attention given to the collection
and securing of claims.
Sept. 1#—1—tf.
BgyOflice in the Herald Office.
Sept. 9-I-tf.
I jlOR Selling, Renting or Buying Real Ks.
^ tatc in Newaan, or in Coweta and ad
joining cpnnties. [Oct. 28-8-ly.
Have just received at J. M.
DODD’S old stand, South-
West Corner Public
A new and large supply of
All varieties of
W OULD most respectfully inform the pub
lie and his old patrons that he is now
permanently located at his old stand on
(Sign of the Big Hat,)
With a large stock of well selected HATS
and CATS, all of which will be sold low for
Cash at wholesale and retail.
Nor. 25-15-12m. J. M. HOLBROOK.
FOR Receiving, Put
ting in Order and Ship-i ,-o
ping Co‘ton to safe :ind\Ty<
responsible firms in Au-*
gusta, New York or Liverpool.
£Sj“Liberal advances arranged for parties
desiring it.
Newnan, Ga., Sept. 2fl-3-tf.
fully commensurate with their merits.
them. rcport t 0 the hero of Big Bethel in such j
the audience • . 1 . , . .
A Hew Wrinkle.
At the burial of Lord Palmerston
fcctly white, it is said, was found out in j ^ jf JQU have ? y ou nC ver
a curious way. A hen that had gone
through a clay mud puddle, went with
her muddy feet into a sugar house. She
left her tracks on a pile of sugar. It was
observed bv some one, that wherever the
tracks wexc the sugar was whitened.—
This led to some experiments. The re
sult was that wet clay came to be used m
wefing sugar. It is used in this way
The sugar
as you see
large ends are upward. The smaller ends;
have a hole in them. The jar is filled
with sugar, the clay put over the top
and kept wet. The moisture goes down
I,.,* “well s ‘S n *^ cant an< ^ sarcastic terms as to show j m03t extraordinary incident transpired,
rie’pt wih ,hat he / reatI >’ co" 16111113 and his | After the bodj ha j beei deposited in tbe
^ pretensions to military skill. | tou.b, the
AH of us remember that in the spring j ritual of the
Santa Ana, the ostensible President of
San Domingo, for the restoration of that
country to the Spanish Crown. But the
people of San Domingo were opposed to it
and the negotiation failed.
The Mexican affair, so far as Spain was
concerned, terminated no better. Subse-
officiating clergyman bcgaEf the Sp,in comment ^ with
, j , . , Peru, on account of aliedged wrongs to
le dead, ana pronouncing the ’ ° . °
of 1S64, Gen. Butler at the head of a : solemn words with due clerical decorum , son | e of her subjects, and she seize! the
the 22d Massachusetts! The roar
laughter which greeted this sally con-
pletoly abashed the eloquent gentleunn, | T™«kir.r and . . , ‘ ! Chincha Guano Islands by way of recla
hadn't the hart. vast arrn J) steamed up James River, and came to that never-to-hc forgotten phrase :: J J
landed on the south side of that stream. ^ As h c *s to ashes, and dust to dust.” Uui- j
As discretion always entered very largely 1 versally as all men know, at this sta^c of !
| and when it subsided he
• tu go ou with his vituperation.—X I -
into the valor of this great chieftain, he the interment a fragment ql earth-mold is
A Rkmarkvri.e Man.—An excuangc
. . , - » * i paper tells us that “there lives a man in y*- ’
is put roto carthern jars, shaped l 1 . critical davs the
, , fpi,-1 the town of Marion, W is., who t5 sixty
:e the sugar loaves are. lne! , , 1 v, r chuckled at the tr
° 'years old, and who never went to a bar ot c
anv kind and drank
failed to advance on Richmond for some
eight days, and for two or three of these
Confederates always
crumbled upon the coffin. Not bo, hoi
matt on
It is the same predatory disposition
which now culminates iu war against
Chili, simply because Spain alledges Chili
violated her neutrality during the pen-
Depot Str., Newnan, Ga.,
Will repair neatly and promptly
<£f ® A .
September 30-f-lv.
Of all kinds;
Also a large and full supply
of all kinds of
J. A. HUNTER, } Ne
new bakery.i
Fresh. _h>reacL!
The undersigned is prepared to furnish
If liberally putronized, customers can have
bread sent to them before breakfast each day.
Oct. 2S-8-3m.
ever with my Lord Premier. lie was no : Jancy of the war with Peru
sharer of the common lot; for, instead of Spain in theac transactions is certainly
thought of having kept t he base sod the Chief Mourner (hired for j falling from her old and fair renown in
driirkSjf sibv kind ■ 50 valorous.a turn qniet with, we think.
Tin are.
; of spirits, never attended a theatre or
sh^w ot any description, never took a
I drink of spirits, never took a chew of to-;
through the su^ar, and drops from the hole . . . . i
„ , X . bacco or smoked a pipe or cigar, never
English funerals at so much per head) the grand days of her glory. Shepenwits
showered upon the old man s metalic case national pride and honor to go, if she can
in the small end of the jar.
the sugar perfectly white.
This makes
went to a ball or danced a step, never play- • VL ‘ r ' d'ertm
about sixty cavalry and nine hundred in
fantrv Tetb* 8 c. pecial part of Genaral a number
Butler’s military career, Gen. Grant refers 1 rings! We do not wonder that the spec-
with ananionnt of grim derision whieh is tator* are represented to have been aston-
He charges Gen. Butler^ t3 hed at this unusual proceeding. It al-
cwnitn, Ga.
R. T. HUNTER, V Salesmen
JOS. NALLS, / for Lorch&Co.
A. M. WOOD, j Salesmen
W. MARTIN, /Franklin, Ga.
Sept. 16-2 tf.
diamonds and precious ! only swell the assets of her treasury.
[Montgomery Ledger.
Gen. Rudskt Toombs.—A gentleman
from this city has received a letter from
W. M. Reynolds
■ respectfully inform everybody I
V? and the bxUnce of mankind, that be U
i now prepared to furnish anything and every
thing in the wav of
! ed » iniue o. r cards, bi'lards, JtouMflF «»■>«■* "yolwM* *» ol most parallel George the Thira'a sepol. a,;, disli hed Georgian, dated Uaia- K’Ufrrj’C
When Webster jras 3v-1 dice or checVcrs. er anj game ehatever the first grand attack upon thisc.tjHem | tnre , in which eighty jeers of rottenness L 'oia fc. 22d. ' OaG.aaO
Ua cnnih ill fnp.laTDftt in »1«r IMrU _ n tv- .t - ■ 1
enjoying flue health.
The General was
He had been join-
V , Y , i r ” , ' ffie south side of the James in Mav, 1864. W ere shrined iu rold We thi»k it
tug he asked some Due D> the grand : that is played for money, never courteu were snrinea in gold, w e think .t ^ o ^
ele-y of Gray ; ! hut one girl, whom he married and lives ; D be remembered that on the 14th j undignified departure from a custom sane-: ^ bj hU wifii a fcw daJS prcvioiU . W
••The curfew tolls the knell of parting! with vet, never joined any order or or- ! of- ia J.< 1^. having then, as we said,j tified by Dearly every Christian creed.— uo d e reUndthatthey haveabaodaptmeans,
day r, ^ 1 "anizatioa except tlie"Christian church, of! >4sted *“'5^ priceless days, Butler tele-' Still wc cannot quarrel with defunct b , viag and sold considerable
Palmerston dyin- rolls up eves.! which he is still a member, and 'bever had '^r^ d from Bermuda H.ndreds to great men and their mawolums. At the j ^j^ing to the Genera,. This
and with his fluttering mind still fixed I his name in a newspaper but once, tV*, Washington that he had p«t himself present time, politicians seem to control j informati , n will doubtless be gratifying
T ” j . „ j i,„ r .^ es across pretty much erervihing and added, religion
upon the concerns of uatious, whisperswas when he was married, a o lie re/- , _ U J ... : _ ..’i. ."
“Read mo the Belgnin treatr again.” j to give his name for publication no*
Q~een Victoria is a Pope in j to the i*any friends of the General tbrough-
Gcn. Grant will not be trouble! with balmoral skirt-. Palmerston created bis-'out the coantry. The Dady Sun.
At the very Ipwp»* prices and shortest notice.
Patent of Family Cook Stove* a*
from $25 to $50, according to size
and outfit.
Tin Ware red need 25 per cent, nnder
any other market.
Come, come everybody, and buv!
I will duplicate bills bought at wholesalo in
any market in the Union .since tbe war.
fiSTShop at present three doors from Pub,
lie .Square, on Depot street. (dec a-U-flm. |
Forwarding Merchants,
Advances made on Consignments made to
MATTS, CRANE & CO., New York,
WATT& GIVEN h. CO, New Orleans
W. Sj. \Y ATTS &, CO, Liverpool, Eng.,
by either of the above Houses.
October 21-7-ora.