The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, January 06, 1866, Image 2

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5S» r i ‘. I ■>, v »\ TL people i>{ the South rec'ignisc no. j'wo voun^ men residing wi Mtmm ftfrallL su I >cn ’’ r -’ <*i manhood, i»t4l;gence or pub- iiv had Rationed thetaselves it lie virtue; and to Mmpo-e lor a nfljtuont. j that t hr % will quietiy Submit to iasuil Off -vr..n^, is to suppose that the blood of theii fathers of 1770, bast-eased to flow through a'KWNAK. GEORGIA. * • * -taD> .tjtiay Kcinite January B. IS' lhe re.-to our form 1 i iioihfrur! Wc be The Reason for it. .viia>5 Ga.,.- fTr-rald objects to ti of Hon. .losh-tn HiU nod ■ G'f?Frr,rr John'-m as 1 tiited -.U,r» from. Georgia, and says <■:» that the election of those ir > d gentlemen would h .st -t> •; u of <L".rgi-i is rroueotps. for e n.~ «Rtons have been frnit- iUliifaU Wi^4*c «stU*hcJ with rt of negro cnualUv..” iJir»_r with the faui- in iSe woods, s >uie ditjpaitee. fiutn the i*Ocre.J*ut were cut,*-IF by the party,' ani were |jhi) polled to mCrete thcuiselves as best they could. 1';..,,) being apprised of the state of af- their veins, or become so miserably adul- fairs, yesterday morning, Genaral Til Ison different. ten* as the l i tain and defend it, when vve are a part have been arrested, and all the valuables ami parcel of it ; recognised as equals and not dcstraved have been recovered We ed as pc-. r-. sj But rather than submit can a —tire our readers that General Tili- to th&.ditfrru.sdul ptopi.sitions of those in- s<tt» vriil sift this'affair ’to the Lotiotu famous distniionists, Summer and Stevens, Comment is unnecessary. the United him al an end. C uld they have t!i U mstitut: s fnrsvcTlluM^sdt ol theTF'aclion irTthe fgives the peopieTfTe right t» bear his'rLht ates’ rajs, iisht G£jj^£-aequeuitA?vents'j^Srad it Iceit and stated that this t . not t- imrrif-fiJ,” Any person. white or black, may be disarmed if convicted of uiakeing any improper and dangerous use of wea- ris and others, serf throC-th. d u icr as she pa knownjraat Aids yifre \prc ffiti tlyg part ®t the Government arose Iron a mistake, be assured that their action would have been 8he WuS very simply at tired and very unostentatious in a.I her appointment*. We want all those who want good hume* in a good country fo come oivt and join us. A few years of hardship and in pons ; but no military or civil officer has •i that it bo* lest its «i«»ev So tar prt. apdy ac?«*atched *«'dficer of r , ■ l « tire c4emc«y of the jfiobern- fttyfigU-or authority to, disarm aay tla.*- convenience will be richly rewarded in lui .n rs. eoffcerrted. we will hfuirr- ur the scene of iron We. Th*-entire party -h/enrin behalf of thd nun w'-o with his-f ^'people, thereby placing:' them at life the end. VVASHi.yJXON.-Jao. 3.—It is ascertain ed that the Public Dfcbt snimmts to two thou'and eight hundred ini.lions ; and that the niiiobot now in the Treasury, is ninety miHions, one half of winch is coin. lm Iteifkiiieiifs. itovv pinioned hands protected citizens of mercy ol others, tins ci’v from arrest and imprisonment, myself among the number, and drove, - Avi[h9»|= "V i f-aBirntflid f -tl;e vile,Tepiieseti- ative of irresponsble power add unnatural All men. without dis-' tine: ion of color, have tlie right to keep arms and to defend their homes, families erthcmselvcA I am yoor friend, Ja». D. White. Death of Hon. H. STcAiiister. New York papers, of t!*o 20th, nrHwuce . ‘ Dr. A. B. CALHOUN. TTAV1NG resumed the Practice of Medicine ri resjv ctfully-tenders bis professional ser- ri’-es to the eiliaews-of Cowetn and sum>and- j fng coimties. IHs whole atteWmiT vrrll hereafter be piverv' Y. All persons 'forbidtfetr to tamper the JeSth, on the 19th, at S:tn Fr.mtisco, | to his profession iw rrs-rjinotn ■bratudies. A back it.iu >s-.f the Unit- t'it.ce wriling the a 1 ftvc, we learn that ,i ,^n:i‘ u ..>, t mjny from ils , with o.! entice jaborere to leave ther ein- of Hon. Mathew Ilall McAllister, late ed .SmU:*, wc had rather a thousand time-s two of the young ladies referred to were to suggest t ■ ’ H*r.. d tliiit fem:i!ii out ol the Union f.. rover, and tike struck by spent bullets. We are also io- tii"l!jfv*h< |;*'lloni«int’on^rr* 1 -! id Johnson should be elected , , - , f , nptury ol diplomacy. W e do not «iy it boastingly, but we live, w of Hill an 1 J-#Mwmn firmly believe it; that tiiC strength and Andy J. htison's c..riser- future prosperity of the United State lhs in the strong arms of Southern men. Let Ila in his war ic.-ds will Uic«hatrev 8 ot future developments iti tiac f, rm»*i that four of tee negroes are de id, ami one of the wounded not e xpected to ■ 1 uyutfa Tuantcrijit, 3(Jo'i. Radical Consistency. The Cleveland Herald’s Wasliington that 11 but t , str.-t! u! lien the 1 ‘r >, vvitfi t'lic if idicals, 'i he Regard fiie s as a triu npl votive policy n;i<I would def lore it accord ingly. \f;.iv Jfhoeori i-driving the best n ... . i % .. • , out the tocarn ol war agaiu sound over tiic currctor.dent says that ttie liepublicau trad# he mn the South, and it wt;l . - i.S .* . ^ 3 .■ _ K * belioove’ (Tie j.f gislauire of n^rgia to :a, *o * n “ Umt«il**5ts iu-U’-f Tirin~-in<T fliey tviTt diisd'fSifi^t cncc- tuaily bv the oUctiop of men so favorably known to the Northern masses a» Joshua yd J as. H JohnnoB.—C'Jcrittaif" y> 27. • ' 71<• l.rgi.JaUire of >Gjpirgia to * n d th<; Unite streets.. Ucspectfuj ly. . NICH DAVIS' Tit Major lieneral Grierson. . In-reply to this letter. -Gem Griers oh had Gurley prouitly relieved of tho manl- cics of which be complained. • ■ - i i mm ■ •» —:— Bureau of Freedman, Refugees And Abandoned Lands. atssa gijticrnnient members of Congress from Ohio have re-1 olved to vote unanimcyisly in favor of office Ass t Art'y font missrof On. | lid (■<, measures Strength with cither England or France, and the Southern 4«taleMtat of the Negro Suffrage in the District of Coluui- Union, and kept out by a fauatfcul «ia- fa.—Dayton Empire. | plovers before the expiration of their con- U. S. Judge for the Dist. of California, i tracts, either by offering higher wages or Judge McAllister, says the J?afanna'll j jo:her inducements. Officers and agents Herald, wa§ d naliVtS of Savannah, and | will punish by fine ortherwise, any per- was the son of HdH: Mdthew McAllister, | | son who may be convicted of such acts. many years ago a leading member of the ' The public interest r^puircs that labor Savannah h if, a!td Wait aboilt sixty five | Bo made Reliable and profiitable, and so > years old at the time of uis dfeccase. For long us tfi£ fYet'd laborer is well paid and sometime he held the poSltiJh of the j kindly treated, this Bureau will not tolcr- U S. District Attorney for Georgia ; and, j ; ate any I'ntCrferciUfS with the rights and in 1834-5 6 and IS37, he represented! Xtice on Ucpot direct, u ie>r steps from the i Public i.puue- [Jan. Ij-lS-tt. ( I). BREWSTER, -tjvsU ». -THC W ac AT. Frank & Off.-," on Hand ami is Constantly Receiving nA v D. 'i'lie Garc-.ffe thinks tire election of con- S' rvative Statesmen would strengthen the Laii is nf the {’resident, Thd rrodc r of ill' 1 Gazette ef tlie 28th Decembr—the day after the above artichi .aj^.eared. would not come to the conclusion that I’r vi.-ional Gov. Johnson h;u! been very cotiseryativc for it, contained the follow ing item--which ban been published in nearly ever journo} in Gu. and by none of them contradicted. “ The J.nGrange ileporter says that 11 on. \Vm. L. Yancey and I’rovis- iunal XGovcntOr Jolnrsdh otiCe t!i" stand together at ('o’ i made SeCcsHioif'speeches.’’ j iity North it would require no Ibniiel to predict the result (,frne contest. No government, no matter how strong it may ;*t u 0V a .r« an issue Augusta Ga., Dec. 22, 1805 ; No. 5. interests etliployers. DAVID TILLSON Chatham county in the Senate. In 1845. lie was the unsuccessful candidate of the \et the Ltest Radical Convention in In answer to ■numerous inquiries, the ‘ Hrig. Gen. \ ols-.-, and Act. Asst Com. Democratic party for Governor. In 1850, — 1 j )e removed to California, and began the Ohi", poiiJvdlj reJused to make Negro { Q ’J uw ing is published far the information An Interesting Letter ffoiSt Cordova practice of law in San Francisco. O- in the State canvass.— They agree to force Negro Suffrage os t i iig jj uroa u. bo in men or munitions.ol war, Can afford to be hated by millions of its own pcopic. \Yp write phi;u.y ; we write fbr the think ing men of tlm-Norlh tojead—the South, it' we judge others by ourseives, will never submit to be the puppet or tool ol an ir- Q age 0 r p Gurley, the AlledgedUnr- ' c i,iij and guidance of officers and agents of I Uexico. sdie establishment of a District Court The. Augusta Constitutionalist,' of the j there, he writs appointed Judge, which M.-triot ol C.dwmbia and on the pec- j v This Bureau docs .not propose to 20th, says : We have leen permitted to position he he'd until his health was c 7 cs- I'lo of 11 imessee, but will not accept it ir-upperi <*r remove from the plantations, publish the following interesting extracts trSycd. For many years Judge 3IcAMis- j for themselves.— C/iaL (JnuzctlC I'CCIKph'd -pon.-ible majority. If wre area con quer, d ['Cople let us know it, and we can in ’ derier of Gen. R. L. McCook- Out of the m ist singular cases that has d will submit to our late. arisen in our late cruel war is that ol Capt. , alternative but that their for yr homes of their late masters, the. hulp- Mess and decrepid freed people or young rou. If the former have c'uldren who are able tosupport them, they must be ! R eo . j, J ] ul Baker..Augusta, Ga : required to do so if not, there is «o other ' from a private letter: CuRnovA, Mexico, 1 November 16. 1865 t aier owners IV suppose tliilf any Southern man with ! Gurley, of Alabama, charged with kill- ! s bx»ll provide lot' them until the State ter held a prominent position at the ; Georgia bar. To a commanding person j and facinating manners he added the f graces of oratory and the force of intcl- My Dear Sir :-I left Atlanta about! kct 1,1 eompaniohable qualities he ex- celled. Many who knew him here, and ^ BHY GOOB5, SOOTS, SHOES, Gents furnishing Goods, CRGukemr, PHOTOUEAPH ALBUMS, Efcct any rc^uitatiou for.cJiatacter, coujd go t the halls of Congress and' take the “Test mg Gen. Ivobert L McCook, of the Fedc-1 provision for the supporb ral army He was tried and convicted, and i The the 1st ol October for New York. Upon my arrival at that place I met several per- |. en j^ cJ tI,e c,,arm ” of hi8 socie ^’> wi!! 8ons wuo had recently returned iroui ! regret to hear of his death. parents of the latter, if able, mast support ,, , m , • c , i * , c . , r ’ ’ ii Brazil. They gave me such miormation, Oath, is to suppose that ttie people of the released as a prisoner of war, subsequent t |ie,n,.if not, agents will endeavor to bind Un -iriii i o i i i i . ,1, i j i n j . . . i - . that £ decided not to cross the Equator. •’ ‘ ■ e-outh consieer ihemseivcs traitors and ly paro.ed and allowed to return home, them out, together with oiplians and those T • . , TI , T c , ,. - , , , , A. , i , , | t, - ,, , , ,, , | e * ■ , i visited Havana, where i found friends re Lois liuleeu. umuior, elevens & Co.. * Col. -Nick. L)uvisi addressed a letter to the whose parents can not be found, as set » .. , . , . 1 - who vkcie just lro«i this country,and Iroui whom I learned that Gen. Price,Gov. Har ris, of Tennessee, and other Confederates, ,i" weir i in Lcporrer is jnhiiaken in • might do such thing if positions were! General Commanding respecting his treat- f urt h in Circular No 3. from this office. refer.'lice to Mr Johnson s previous poli- L-hancjed/ as doubtless both id', them indi- uicnt,iTo«i which wc extract the follow eal opinions s.ill tfU pe«>p,e of this Stale j vidually, are cowards, with a limited klfa ' of the hue dignity of character. M’e would look lor the principles of their pro- It must be apparent to the pcopic that Hews ItfcSs. The French Minister has returned to Washington. IIis late visit to New York related solely to private affairs. The N egro riot in Alexandria on the believe that this gentleman i< wanting in many respects, which d. qualifies him fyr tiro high office of United States Senator, j yellitors in such pIaC0S as the Hartford W r c do not 1’or n momcjiit fu; jiose tliut the Gnzettto on reflection, will hold to the Convention. To demand of the South who site must, send to Congress to repre- i lea that foe election ol the Hon. James s .. nt ] lor a n £ erpation of power if the Johnson ""it.d greatly strengthen the Southern Ftatis be in the Union—that hands of tho J’residi.-nt. In regard to the lion. Joshua Hill, we must: ay—That we cannot see how his success would aid the President .in his war with the Ra Heals, or as they realy are rebels. At one time during the war Mr. Hill sought the office of Governor and although he was not elected, lie is in the forum of conscience, is just as guilty of aiding tlie so-called rebellion as if he had been sueessful in his efforts. The Prcsi- ■d-eitt himself, thought the bidders of the offices of Governors of the late Confeder ate States were such great criumals that he saw fit to exclude them fi in the ben efit of his Amnesty Proclamation, with out special pardon. Does not oug cot. m ] air ary well know that these bits of histo ry would be gathered up by the' rebels and be made the protest for excluding him from a seat in the.Senate. The dif lire nee between Mr. Hill and Mr. Steph ens, for whom we expressed n preference in the article quoted by (lie* Gazette — is that Mr. Stephens was elected to th-c of fice of Vice President of the Confederate States, am! Mr. Hill sought, but, failed to Li •ted 11 the office of Governor of Georgia, and as the holders of either of fice is required to secure a special pardon before restoration to the full rights of a citizens, on what ground chti the election Cf Mr. Stephens over Mr. I!ill to tlie £T j ^ matter; but the young men of the she will never recognize or submit to wil lingly. Bayonets might force her to be false to herself though she would not he true to the Union ; for lie that is true to himself, can be false to no man. Wc book to President Johnson, tostand firm, and if he be unwavering in his pur poses, and exercise the inflm-noe of his position, the North need not become Jac- obiuzed by the ultras that now hold tem porary sway over the minds of the ma jority.— Southern Recorder. Diabolical. A.most unprovuked uutrage was perpe trated, on Thursday last, by « number c>f United States colored troops, at the resi dence of 51 rs. Freeman, five miles from the city. It seems that during the afternoon a squad of soldiers passed through the front gate of the premises, around the house to the well, and drank from the bucket. 31 is. Freeman who was in the house, remarked to tli<em that she did not wish to have her well bucket used for:such purpose, whereupon oue of the number ran up the steps and presented his gun at her. She laughed at the in sult. while the p*rty left, muttering om iuously. M rs. Freeman thought little i i family prepared themselves for another visit fiom the negroes. About 9 o’clock a more numerous party returned, and surrounding the house, commence firing about tho premises. One of the young men, looking out of a window, asked the cause of their conduct. A musket was | fired at him, but without effect; he re- 8. Senate, be thought best strengthening to the President. All Americans know the extent of Mr, Stephens ability and we care not what course .he pursued dur ing tho war. he is i evertheless greatly admired by anu is a favorite of millions in the,North, Mo agree with the Gazette in its opin- I i n that' it behooves the - Legislature of i tur,,sid the fire > alld woundcd one of Uie ,'oruia to arrest the President* in his UtiNTSViutE, Ala., Dec. 9, 1865. Genral: On yesterday tk-eprisoner, Frank U. Gurley, confined in the dungeon of the county tail of this city, applied to me, it is impracticable if not impossible, { had rcceiveJ a liberal ^ til . 0U1 {Le Iin . 25th December, was a bloody affair.- the Bureau to remove and provide for the very large number of destitute and help less freed people who are scattered through out the State. Besides, it should be re- i -.t »i n r i . i i i . , lortunes with other Confederates who had as oue of his counsel, to be relieved of the ■ oieinbcrcd, that there was an implied con- j p rccc j et j uie . irons, which for greater security, have ! tract between the master and his slave, j p arrive d at Ycra Cruz on the 6th last.. ! that in return for his. service, the slave I a , )d a[ tljU p[aCC 0Q thfi mh So far should be fed, clothed and lodged, during j j ^ ave seeu> r aIU kctl deli „ htcd wi perial government of the country, and|^‘ ve w kite men aud seven negroes were were settling on a colony near this place, j killed. Shooting went on till late hour Consequently I came on here to join my j °f fbe night. I he negroes were the ag gressors. Their insolent Conduct was borne until they commenced to break in houses. been placed upon him by the military au thoritics. This being Gurley second application to this effect, I respectfully his old age, aud w here the former slave lay the matter before you, as the com- ! has fulfilled the conditions of the contract uianding officer of this district, trustin' perfectly delighted with ! this regiou of country, and 1 think that it is the most favored region I have ever seen. Nature seems to have exlmu.-ted on his part, the former master is not ab- that in your judgement and kindness you | solved from’his obligations by*the free-1 UcrscIi - in here a htfUie for \Ye are here 85 miles from Vera Cruz, will not consider me as preferring an un- dom of the slave, for which the latter is siessary and frivolous request. The iron in no way responsible. Honor and hu- baird around his waist, connected by a .inanity require that the former master chain to the manacles upon his feet, pro- > shall not attempt to escape from or evade duces soreness, and, together with the j the responsibilities. Even such colored handcuffs upon hi.n at night, disturb, and people as are able by their labor, to pro to a great degree prevent, his rest. I am vide for tluir old, worn out parents, have satisfied that an examination of the 'mas siveness and strength of the jail building' wiil convince you of the impossibility of the prisoner’s escape. Therefore, Gene ral, as a matter of humanity, I prefer this request, feeling warranted in so doing by a right to expect that the former owners and 229 from 3Iexico, on the great na tional highway and flic Imperial Railroad, between these two cities. The Fiain on which Cordova is situated is on the east ern slope of tlie great range of Coidiilcr- as, and is 3,909 feet above the ;ea. \Ye have here a most delightful and healthful of the parents, will, if able, assist them in j TL& altUudcs gives u , ; boncath hearing this burden. I a tropical sun, a temperature uotso warm as that of Middie Georgia at any season, shameful to Impose the entire burden j ^ never Coldcr t , tai| your ;q ay . A11 Justice requires this. It would be!, ameful to impi upon those wliose so only means of support lhe tr()pical ftui|s a „ d plan , s the relation I bear the prisoner and the is their labor. Very few persons have | great profa , ioili b , ncaUl the limited but-favorable knowledge which I 1 been found in the State, and they by no means the most estimable, wlio do not re gard the matter in the light stated. II. In upper and middle Georgia, where tlie land is comparatively poor, and but a have of your personal character. The inference which draws hostility to the Government from the interest now manifested by all classes in behalf of Gur ley is in my belief, unfair and illegiti mate. In this connection allow tne to say a word : It is no purpose of mine to argue th facts i« Gurley’s case, or to question the | to ten dollars for full female field hands, j ^ ^ , rQVi :tion of ary tribunal before ! the laborer to’furnish his own clothing j , , , e „ row in coffee, pineapple, aud banaua. I find the hardy representatives of the North—cabbage aud Irish potatoes. The land is the rich est that I have-ever seen-—and with the rains aud sun with which the country is smalt quamty of cotton oi corn can be ; bkssedt evcr>t Jung that is planted grows raised to the acre, planters, offer from j whh #uch lilxuriaMC , lJlat it surpris<:9 the | tv V cIvc t0 tl,Irtc . en djtlars P er mon f h ’ 7 !t,i I planter from less favored regions, e 1 board and lodging, to full male, afid eight _ . . I nc terms of coloineation is very lib- motive or action overnmeut sells to actual set- , tiers, heads of family, 640, single men which he was convicted. The popular and medicines. Along the coast and in „ , . _ , , , .. ; . r r re , /-.• , • , ; 329 acres ot tins fine land at one dollar mind of both sections was made up at the 1 Southwestern Georgia, ana in other por- j \ i . , „ , , . , (§1,09) per acre on a ertdit of five years, time, and my purpose is to have the one ! tions of the State, where good crops ol j to which I belong properly understood : cotton, rice, corn or sugar can be raised, j planters offer fifteen dollars per month, The transportation of individuals, farming implement, &c , from the port of sailing to the port of entry, and an allowance fur The Provisional Governors of Missis sippi and South Carolina have been re lieved. Texas is the onlv State to be relieved- Aaron A. Bradly (colored) has been sentenced by a military cotnmision in Savannah, to be confined at hard labor ior one year iu Fort Pulaski lor seditious -language. The jail and city gv.Srd botlsC at .Ma rietta were burned recently-. They con tained thirteen prisoners but by the vigi lance of the military, tiut one escaped. Pat Ennis was killed by James Lynch on Monday night last in Atlanta. Lynch has Dot been arrested. Gen. G. T. Anderson is spoken of for Marshal of Atlanta. Northern capitalists are establish in" loan associations in Virginia. The Peruvian government has decided to make comin«n cause with Chili against Spain. Fifteen million dollars’ worth of gov ernment cotton iu Alabama alone is un accounted for. Provisions have been made in Augus ta to have all the negroes visiting that city, vaccinated free of cash. Iwo Federal soldiers, charged with murdering 3Ir. Carmicliasl, have been arrested in Augusts. OUR Stock of Clothing- is complete. We have a fine assortment of BLACK CLOTH COATS, CASSIMERS, ETC, WE propose to sell every thing at the low est Cash Price*" Those who wish to do well will please give us a call. We can be found in the BRICK STORE, NORTH-WEST CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE, ON BAY STREET, NEWNAN, GA. Jan. £.yl 8-3jj^f. JUST RECEIVED —AND— E 1 O II SALE A Large and well Selected Stock of DRY —And— GROCERIES —Consisting of— and fairly appreciated. On the one side he is believed to be : board and lodgcing, to full ma{®. and ten | the murderer of General 3IcCook, one of dollars to full female hands. In all por . , . „ , , „ , , place ot scttifiucnt is paid by the govern- gress fiir the Ohio's most chivalrous and gallant sons, i tions of the State,planters are found who . . P r , , r , , ! e , . , uient. Ine lands ot Uordava Colony are dent ha inileags from the port of entry, to the j the printed copi 30 Barrels Floilq 2 j Kegs Nails, • 30 Bb,T - SlIr > J. lie National Union of the 23d, says -5 Boxes Tobacco, Augusta Shirting, Bleached Domestic, Prints, Merinoes r Delains. Breakfast Shawl* Ladies’ Collar*, Flannels-, Linsey, Suspenders; f.adies Jc Gent’s Shoes,. Hosiery-, Hoop Skirts, Ladie s Drc35 Triiri 1 Balmoral Skirts, mings, as oriel, And in fict every thing that 13 generally kept in a first class Dry Goods Store. GEOCEPvIES, Etc., That opinion is backed by the findings of ; prefer to give a portion of the crop which, a military commission, and has become a with a favorable season, would probably- settled popular conclusion. give the laborer a sum equivalent to that : villains. The attacking party, after war with the Radicals, (-rebels ), but dif-i ^ the parior windows, causing . , , . . . the niasterin" to f-ill ninn the vonii" la- fhis country, where Gurley was born and preceeus Ly. widely. J rum iuui 111 believing that lUt P^Liing to tail upon me y oun c ia . , ,T , m , in „„ „ ibis hodv Would--aid -him hr the election dics lu the apartment, drew off but soon returned with reiiilbrceinents. A ccner- On the other, I assert that there is not aW 1 5Ual ^ rfrotn Church, iu the hands of which they hai a citizen in North Alabama, especially in one tl,ird thc S ross to one half the net ^ raduaH gone w waste The l mper : this country, where Guriev was born and proceeds. They are at libertj fo P a 5 i,, the finest in 3Iexico, having once been in ia high state ot cultivation, hut from mis- :\-management became the property of the *y have J overnmeut having confiscated theChurch >f Messers, lfill atul Johnson to the U. i >. 8enate. Hc-rthren snaSoutheni Ken. | reare 1, who knows, or professes to know, money or a portion of Bte-ci%p as may be ; property now lhruws tili , land open t0 anything of that transaction—no matter preferred by the parties, eral charge was made upon the entrance of what complexion in politics he may be to the house; in tbe meantime the in- —who Junks that verdict correct, or that : property, or are so situated that they can i settlers. The lands in the bauds of indi- III. Freed people who have sufficient; viduab itBtuediateIj joinio „ lk wh . ch >pies of a petition to Con- V ff ’ , \ Cofiee Sasrar, impeachment of the Presi- Crushed Sugar, have been sent to that city from the. £° ^ -'^ckerel. Last f»r signatures. This indicates what G duz. Pat. Axes, is breving. Cotlon, it is said, can be cultivated in California,at a cost of five cents a pound. A premium has been offered by tbe State for tAc first plantation, of §3,000, and for the first one hundred bales, 3,000 more. 8 doz. cotton cards—* f(iVhiteinore’s No. 10) Pepper, spice & ginger, oOu ibs. English L’airy cheese, 100 £ .boxes Sardine*, Factory Thread, Powder, shot & caps, Cop e a--, Indigo and Madder, 7 * L. IT. Shovels, 500 Bushels Cotton Skied,. (From last ycar’3 crop.) The question is asked daily, where can the cheapest Dry Goods rrnd Groceries be bought in Town. The question is answered at ence i are no better cannot be purchased for less) Bcpubucan Congressional delegation, and , mates had sought refuge in the attic.— Gurley wot? guilty, as then and there, was support themselves and families, without j UlaD twcntVrfive doi ; ars per acre> Thei 8C1cnoat of ,he eleven of the Indiana* In observing the attitude and reading The two young men-weru stationed at the ,oand 10 More than this, I assert making contracts for tbcirTaoor, have tlie « ra }j rcad running immediately tLrough the ] c ^ , " re ‘ srocn i w *-l vot « for a repeal of the iu di b.vU's iu Vongrcss of a certain class head of the staircase, rcsolvdcd to de-j that at this time that the impression is right to refuse to make contrtic’s, and settlement now being made is finished { ^ ^hiogtoa city charter, in refeienec lourteen out of seventeen of the Ohio ; Go directly to HILTOX, ALLE.-¥ & CO M Meato, twen- j in one je«ri the people North: arc their principles or wetthded were dragged off. and views as enunciated the true expo- shot were fired by these infuriated demons to Lvoring nogro suffrage. " A day or two since, we arc informed, f} _ . , „ us direct j says the New Orleans True Delta, Gen. hot after i intended to be insinuated by this, that necessary that tfiey make contracts, to en- com ^ UD i ttkic;n wJth the-zzli, and placing j Can by ordered $3,000 of the money in s his trial was purposely unfair, t»r any-ad^ suVe a supply of food and escape starva- 1 ...... - -- 1 * - - - Under Masonic Ilall. Xevrortn, Ga., Jan. fi, lSGfi, [13-tf. neat of those drey represent. Our ruind through the ceilings, as they rushed w. Id- vantage willfully taken of him. It was tion com.n n year. It is also th-at we cao reach that city in the same j purcha* of blankets and shoes. These! doubl, sometimes, be- lv from room to room, destroying and pii- not * n aaturc of things that it could tive.y necessary that contracts be mac- time, and at less expense, than y»u can , are to bt distributed in ti. • different asy- i * . 1 I in timn tn nmnurn fnr wicintr /»rnr.c tnP t - 1 * . is mat;v tin,os iu have been satisfactory. The war was at its height; tlie hot lictiivg one thing r.nd then another. If fering as they went. Pictures were de- 8 v ;luii A and 8tevcus are.the great politl- moiished, albums burned; silver ware rnd eal lights of the N; rth, then this govern-1 other valuables were appropriated. Fre- b!o«*d of both, so freely shed, was at fever ivuii is not Wv-rtli preserving, nor does queutly calls were made the >uvuh desire ofiiiiation or association the family to come down ade bv them upon heat; the storm of popular feeling, never their own employers; but if they continue a .-id the fr^uits that gi rn stairs with threats so hi"h was then micgled with grief for to neglect or refuse to make contracts abiUldafiCe . (jyffee is GEORGIA—Coweta County. To nil inform it mnj/ concern : A N DREW J. BERRYh.avin", ir. proper form f a-A. applied to me for Letters ot Administr*^ ; us wiihiu foar dajs of New Orleans, so j the hospital fund to be applied to the | ZOt?, d£ls& ? homAs J ' Tn is is to cite all and singular tbe .creditors and next zf kin of said deceased to be and- appear at my office within tbe time allowed by law, and show eacse, if any they can, why letiers of Administration de bonis non should not be granted tn Andrew J. Berry on the es tate nf said deceased. m time, to prepare for raising crops t c ,y ?m Northern or MiadR Georgia. This; lums in the city—a most welcome Christ- ensuing season. will give us a splendid m, r ket for our j mas prassnt Freed people have the right to select products, whiali are coffee,su tarj tobacco, | — 2 - ^ grow mid i n great; It is stated in the English papers that the pnneigjl p fo . j Stephens the Head Center of the Fenians Vt iinc33 my hand and official signature, Jan. 5,1860A ^ B. II. MITCHELL, Ord’y. -■ —--— -- —o- *- •-'x , - .; -»a,-• ; t • tait, _ c _g ! - _ •— 1— j~—1 —* «i >-*»c 1 cuuuj Jrn. 6-18-SOd. with such meu. Certaiuly the people of that the house would be burned. Some a fallen hero, turned the current all one then, on and a.ter January lOih, 15G.J. j Ouct now raised for exportation, u c cli-j in Ireland has escaped to France and that — the North eanhe.t be blind to the results one of the negroes seated himself af^tbe way. as the breath of the tempest does officers and agents of tffc Bureau will have ' mate being peculiarly adapted to i k j tbe government had demanded his extra- GEORGIA—C oweta, County. dlliooo., the crime of j .11 hr M ki„ s b«-| tne rrench Emperir re’used to deliver property of I-antic G. Sim?, a minor under that must eventually follow at some dis- piano and he ga a chumming on it. Then the leaves of the forest. ET:s trial took C:e right, and it shall be their duty to ^growth. taut oay if such rcvoVutiotnry and Jaco-, commenced a scctxo worthy of pandemon- place under these terrible restraints; not make con tracts for them, in all. case Political affairs here may be regarded , v IntHV principles are allowetlto prevail to , ium. Dancing, howling, mimi oaths and a witness who belonged to Gurley’s com- where employers offer good wages and as settled. 'jAe iiberal party has teotljng ; him beeasse the crimech«r»-cd is mer-'ad ! ^ w l r ^ ea . ***** a ? e » fesident of aakt county ; ■ ~ - «•»« • • i-i ' - -' ■- .-vViniani nn1». «te- fc-.i T . 1 ... • • <* ■ - ' ’- ■ ° » j This is to cite ail persons concerned to b* nnd appear at tbe term t>f ihe Court of Ordi nary field next after the expiration rf thirty B immigrants r> -n x . , . . , . _ i ti - , - v3 ^ ri>m l he first publication of this notice, 0 % D- I>. Lamar is being tried in Savannah j * ! *‘l sl.ow cause, u’ atiy they can, whr said facility to find • t|dcr tbc c h:Tgc of stealing cotton from | . Pin30 . n sll ou!d not be entrusted with 1 p-- v ...w.iu .v i-.v. - oi .iiv Kwajiu iv ua.iy - ~ .•» ^ , “f “— ■ ium, Deca-ase me crimeensrged u any ureat extent or for 'any great length obscene curses filled the rooms which n-»d could be summoned, or was present kind treatment nnlcss the freed people like a respectable force anywhere in Ji« ’ into the hb'her poliUcul offeree o! wtBtt- Let tkenrloe-k in war-11 v at them- hitherto had been the retreat of naught at it. Iu this Kght-, despite what others belong fo a class above cxcr-pted, or-can. j aJid- The government is very friend^ ; selves aud ^ee how they would foci and but refined and intelligent virture. This may think, this communfty regard it— show that they can obtain better terms.— disp-.^sed t< act if their most sacred rights were de- continued until seven o’cotock yesterday Beside, General, he was ext&anged, pa- Ccntracts so made shall be as Undihg^ on aod ia gjvir Jied 7 r tl cir freedom curtailed, and th-y morning, when au officer appeared aud rolcd, sent back to his home ami friends, both parties, as though, made with . the* gq0 -j c-f - t-Ito h shadow instead oi’ the dispersed the party, O' rather ordered with others, and it is but natural that full, consenf of tile freed^people. , tbbi . towtris Sonthern immigrants-^ ng tlvc-m every homes. The snWsvicc. 'them ta their quarter?. th?v should ccucludc all rrocetdinws a- : Emner«s Das-ci throu-h th. t- o n . ’1 ! tae giwrdfiinshjp of tbc person and prapertr naip-.^.uuiaugiaiv p S. Government and attempting laid Fannie G. Sims. p.jice a lew days since, ma^iuga stop , tu CC rtain U. S. official. Wha he-. | r m Y li and and official •^catnre, Jj IY. Article II, of the amendments to • here of two days. Gen. Price, Got. Har- Hsvcs'v,, g r «t cl-a'^e ? ! 5,18'ifi. Ja*. TJ-13-30J. Jan. B. H. MITCHELL, Ord’y.