The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, January 13, 1866, Image 2

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NEWNA3T, G10R6IA. From the New York NVw*, ■osbyaud Ki* Men. r [NFMBER X.) ’ Tables! march ! was given and thegreatest’ County Court, the Judge of which in ] partisan the worid ever saw was without be'Tftilitlifd'Thc (Jaunty ^ud^?' < a command. The men crowded around their sorrow- supp Msed to have been the work of an S-j aiiii Times. j and discharge al: ministerial duties Burin. . . -tahMOTEyrrlJ^ECeanJy J udg e pn‘ SatunUy Horsing )uur) U, IMS. TWE fuurr XEETMCG OF TALTOTt. About a week after the surrender of stricken chief to bid him a final adieu >4 OS BY a nAT *land with tearful eves and quivering li ps and shall in all eases hold his office un . i triSi if a civil case by tkc Ordinary, and- extended his hand to each. The officers til his successor is elected and qualified it a criminal case by the M.u r r I l now approached, bifn andj he fell on Jtis J Any T-caocy’i* Uic vice shall be £ 1 •£4 ■>. ' I ^^ r - ' ar * ^ m tins city exeytL s .Uiriiic rb prop. iiuri'*L' the past throe month.' ixti' #i,iht tIgm-iiiid dollars; and ie srrtnc period there were over ,D2l. W. T. COLE. L FFlrK up Stairs, Masonic Ruififticrl All Work WAun.WTKt). Pi: oks imjffi-r.tte, [j->n. U aK.Mai. Tench iwentitled to otw fhoirk» J —- — —' t imw approacuca uiui .mu m ic» uu ^ i a»i *-e.iivv iiuka^#'. r ~ r ’ t*. i _. ■ m ‘ o • „ TiTTiTi .. * , , c ... for T'tnnphlct copy of the Report of the Gcneral Lee* army, Col Mosby receivedj ^ ^ neck and mfpl a i.^ ; Finally the 1 as in tin* ease of? rife eWk of the Sujje- ?-U «tU CM$wr? Sr^yU^uot.f^ *g urn 4-paml the fines ae- rp I . . ,? 1 .. . .. ot.i i «.«« tl.nn i» n. v -i- heard criting from the same were over twerm- A five thousand dollars. I IK n 5? zeroises c.f this Institution will l>e- Cnmtrnssioncrs appointed to- prepare »• * dispatch, Tia flag of truce, from Gen.: crow d dispersed System of Laws, etc. i Hancock, who was then commanding in tu ^ on ;^. w . A dnAitifla. the Valley, with hisheadqtuners at Win- 0 f t h e Fortt-thinl Virginia But- , . , , . r, . / -i t— ,? e i)xi *7vt reason trv «iich case, then ituiav to their homes, the pis- nor Court, . as provided in £ j -OR -o— rL “ ’ ’ apon, laid aside, and the of the Code ) upon fifteen days notice. is officer sliali be coiiitni-su n -d by tand determined, whether civil or criminal by three Justices of the Inferior Court The National Intelligencer pf J»n. 1st, j that rite Fresidlyt fecl4s4usffed that) t!fr-y arc away outside. Oar people how ever do not hold President Johnson re sponsible for this state of affair* Hejhaa informed Congees* that- taxation add representation should be inseparable. Is it Tra«.- The Nashville Press and Times after ciHIng Jeff Paris all manner of civil names, finally denounces him as a eaco- detuon. We suppose that journal has exhausted its supply of billingsgate aod will nc7cr abuse him again. irf-* ghe bond for t:it> faith-fof tfasjjoirny. ^ ge ofiiis dutie. i^ a rum to be ; £ ID- * The Sheri .... ustices of the Inferior when required by the CountvJud^^ .or iboeLuniitira Ugc^uirig the fitly u roitoi- .-£uc unices JR. tn v .n> y_ . 'I -J . - _ . Tltc IntcIIi-cncer is the Presidents under ity, and take the. follow- .Clerk, shall ex. cute any writ, pr^c-pt, or )>lf)rran „ =• • rc;umed on Monday, the I‘5tli ot Jany. li-iTJCS. OF TUITION: Prepu iturr Department, per annum, ?ati iff and las deputies, ; t ; s his dutv to issue at an early day a the Union LCitor- iii ing'oath of office, viz : I order,of tlic- County Court or Ju Tuiuou ftes desired in ad vance when practi cable. liiie JDejaeiuwut- wilf-be as heieloifure Uie control of IVo r . Seals. O.AN'IKL WAbKRR. Principal. of Londosrand Fauquier, with a view to understand the terms, etc. Another message from Hancock was neeetved, stating that Gen. Chapman ot 1 his office hold the most valuable part ibis property, oamely, his law bo.ks. A sliort time since he was riding on the charge the cars between Warreutoa and Uichmond. the County of I do solemnly -wear that during eoutinua hia araiy would meet Col. Mosby at the w jj Cll j ic r£ c e jved an ruritatioii Iroiu Gen- my skill and knowledge, accoiding to law; V if from the Superior Court, but unless on —- :.ce in office, l will faithfully dis- j notice need not attend the daily session?, be duties of County Judge of J Tor cawea in' the County Court within the to the best of jurisdiction of a Justice s Court, the Sheriff’s fee shall bo the same as a Con- In other eases they shall be —- I rx \ I * I | l T n<f. M’alkcr baring'tak'ct.vliargT iv T f'lf] ’ Si 111] i'll! I'll'IHi'i] I , lege Temple. ’’ I most. Cliccrlully n JUI IU >.iUUl A lull ail UU, t0 tI -‘ e Confidence pat Gen. Early’t Letter. T!ie attention of the reader is called to the letter of Lieut. General Ksrly. The p rusut of it will interest any Southern man—and especially many citizens of this County w ho were with him in the cam- p iiyn t.> w hich he refers. Wc trust that ntir people will comply with the General’s request, by preserving all important faots within their knowledge relating to the great contest We will take pleasure in publishing well written historical sketches. The Southern people ask only that history limy speak “ the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Congress. 'l'he proceedings el Congress since re assembling, Jan 5th, have been void of interest. Sumner has employed his time and that of the country reading petitions from negroes in Alabama, Mississippi, and Colorado. The report is current in Washington and believed by many that the Tennessee member* will soon be admitted to acata. This, if done, will be a concession to the I'resident. One member, for fear that justice may be done hereafter has proposed an amend- mont to the Constitution to the effect that owner* shall never br paid for their slaves emancipated by the goverwmewt. His motto is wrong once, wrong always. Confiscation Preferable. Nut long since a Mr. Donnelly a mem ber of Congress introduced a resolution into the House, requiring a Committee named, to enquire into the expediency of establishing a National llureau of educa tion and also forcing education upon us of the South. In the preamble the said Donnelly gives bis reasons for asking this enquiory, viz, that the late war sprung from the iguoratrcc of the people South. According to the notion of this Repubii cun light, intelligence aud loyalty are in- seperable, and that ignorance and disloy alty go hand in hand. Then Mr. Don nelly these poor, ignorant Southern white people should not be punished for what they have done. Tlfcy knew not the con sequences of their act*. Thi* admission however puts an end to “ Thad Steven’s” pet scheme of confiscation. If the South ern whites were so ignorant-that -fchey do tun merit punishment for what they have done, and Mr. Steffens still insist* upon taking their property; would it not bear the appearance on his part of being after dollars only ? Or, in other words would Mr. Stevens be advocating anythirg but robbery? But, Mr, Donnelly, what say you to the assertion of the change d’aflfaire of Frovidi-nce on the American continent. Charles Sumner says that slavery has brutalized and kept in ignorance the ne gro race and that the blacks were the only loyal people iu the South during the war. Mr. Sumner says the most ignorant were the most lojal, while yau intimate that the most intelligent were the most loyal. If Mr. Sumner is right, would it »©l be well for you to reflect a little before you force education upon the people for you might thereby destroy their loyalty ? The change d’affaire and yourself must settle this question. Mr. Donnelly if you arenot mcrelypoking fim at us ; we must most solemnly protest against your measure. Tne people of the South have suffered immensely. Their slaves have been emancipated, many of their homes, cities and fields devasted and the bodies of many of Their gailent men sl»a, and after all this we ask, that the souls of our people may not be destroyed by forced education in New England free . kiveism, Puritanism and other isms that so afflict that laad. Mr. Doanelly, if we are not yet loyal, we will become loyal, and will do almost anything that may be required of us, provided wa can escape the last, crowning diaaater held tbreat- ■iogiy over us in your resolution. Now, Mr. Donnelly, don’t! appointed plaee. Accordingly Monby and . er ^j Kilpatrick to visit him on the next that I will adu mister justice impartially , stable ^ about twenty of bis officers and privates ^ ^ «. T4U the General,” says he, “it the without regard to race or color, wealth or j the same as' in the Superior Cyurt. For ? jp swam the Shenandoah River, galloped up 1 WJ|r haJ e(ltie j djff oroilt iy, aM j wc should * influence; that I will decide matters of the turnpike to Millwood, and wus receiv- > ave j )ecn t jj<j victorious, instead of the tact according to law and evidence,.and cd by Gen. Chapman and staff with every mark of courtesv. Another general and staff, a heavy body guard, besides many other soldiers, attracted, no doubt, by- courtesy, al?e meV Mosby awd his party. After some- preliminaries, Mosby in formed the General that he would not surrender his command so loog as Gen. Joe Johnson held the field ; but, in the meantime, he would remain on the defen sive only, and await the disclosure of the future. This was accepted by the Federal of ficer, and, the conference being at an end. Mosby repaired with his party to the house of a friend to partake of their din- ** ™rry a, to effect the firth da use oj the fifth section <>j the second article, and the latter part of the third danse of the second section of the fourth article of the Constitution. ARTICLE I. Cvurt. i- umnlomng a jury fur the semi annual session, three dollars; for the daily Cornel Gome! EVERYBODY & BUY. OK M M. REYNOLDS can certainly sell Frpf. Walker baring rakx-i.iota rev of ** Gol- ecoininentl patronage of' all v.-Jm ni \v ire to secure for their daugh ters a thorough and complete education* M. V. KELLOGG. Pres't ami Proprietor. ’ Jam DT-lfl-tf. vanquished, I should hpvc taken pleasure will only receive my lawtui fees ot of- Gdurt, one dollar. in calling upon him. but as it is, courtesy fice. So help uie God. ’ requires that the General shall visit me. lie shall also take the oath of fidelity § 11. Bailiffs may be appointed by the Count'' Judge, uot to exceed ,fqur in to the Constitution, &c., prescribed in number, of whom one shall be called | 134, of the Code pecial baliff. They shall each give bond They hsd proeeed but w few hundred yards in the distance of the house where they intended to dine, when to the r sur prise, a full brigade of cavalry lay hall concealed behind a hill. Without apparently noticing them, the party rode tpuietly up to their friend’s house, ar»d dined within full sight of the brigade. What Gen. Chapman meant by this concealed force, and a flag of truce float- at his door, the writer has never vet learn ed, but he cannot help thinking the Gen- oral had weak nerves. Mosby, after partaking of » tomptuous dinner, rode down with several of his men to inspect the General’s modest body guard, but before Mosby could reach them, they counter-niarcbed in the direction of their camp, as if ashamed of their position at a flag of truee meeting. Nightfall found Mosby again in his Confederacy, and he gave orders to his command to remain quietly at their ren- devous until further orders. Soon news came of Johnson’s probable surrender; and, at the same time, orders from Win chester for Mosby to surrender immeadi- atcly or every house in the two counties above mentioned would ^e committed to the flames.* Mosby sent word back that he would wot surrender his command, but he would disband it. Notice was then sent to his men to meet him in Salem on the 21st day of April for that purpose. There had been many meeting of the battalion at that place, but this last, for the purpose of dis banding the organisation, was more reluc tantly carried into effect than any previous, no matter how numerous the enemy <or inclement the weather. Twelve o’clock, midday of the 21st, found most of the battalion assembled in the old dilapidated village. Various groups gathered in the rough, stony street, and were composed of all classes, from the man whose heart was stone, to the one whose i»i»d teemed with a tender concern for hootan happiness; all classes, all ages, all ranks. Mosby walked quietly up aud down the street, his eyes bent upon the ground, scarcely uttering a word to any one. The batta’ion, the creation of his own genius, the best body of men and the finest equipped in cither service, was to be disbanded forever, and the cause iu which he used-them so heroically lost; well might the great partisan chief feel the solemnity of the hour in his sorrow- stricken bosom, and ponder long in this hopeless situation. At length the com mand was ordered to mount and fall in.— Seven full companies obeyed the order, and each commander read the following order: The Genera! did so, and they held a long conversation together. Tb? Commissioners apppoioted to pre pare a system of laws to carry into effect ! dojlars, to be paid by the State,, together j u^.a.iie u» you 1 contracts as bv l ott'dai-nt LlJ d removal be entered on The compensation of .the County ^ in u sum to be fixed by the Count' Judge, : Judge shall be a salary of two hundred .be sworn to the faithful and He. Gheaperthan any IiVvIt <*!**, :rs there r »s * Tree stnnUlug at his door that; boars a ! thon-a.-d pieces at a time, nn.1 hears VVinte.7 * arid Summer. He wishes it 'would Seat” some .Rioves, as those lie bought in market, are <ie- lavO'L on Uie way hy the hrokea bridges. Unt * they will he n!oii_f in :t few days. So' do not i I purchase else where, for l iun determined to : sell cheaper Stoves tfiau any body else in this market. W. M#:EYXl>LrtS. Jan. llMO-.'t. H Dr. A. B. CALHOUN. t YIN'G re-niaied the J’raetiee of Medicine resp.ctfullv temLerS his professional^ ser— 1 vb-es to the citizens of Coweta arid surroand- ; ii»>r cooni'ir--- llis whole attention- will hereafter be .given, to his'profession in its various branches.' OtHce on Depot.Street, a.few steps from the Public tjc.juare. j £Jau. ti.-18-tf. certain portions of the new (Jonstituion, : with his fees upon such litre prepared eleven acts. We expect j <aw.are called Court Contracts, and upon to publish all of them as space permits, j Clerical work not connected u iili a judi- Ivis supposed that the Legislature will [ ejal proceeding, and one half of all costs j adopt their recommendation''. A System of Laws, PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS The General Assemli/t/ of the State of Gconjia do enact as JoUoics : §JL A convention of this State having recogniaed the emancipation of slaves, Judge's cost*. hereinafter described a § 4. No disqualification for holding the office of County Judge shall arise from being Clerk of the Superior or Inferior Court, or Ordinary, or from holding any other office not involving duties incom patible with the duties of the County Judge, lie may, if an attorney at law, practfee in cases never connected with his own Court, but cannot have a partner who practices in live County. § 5. The County" Judge may issue bail process in civil cases, admit to bail in criminal cases, issue attachments, fore- ihirititesl- Oue or more temporary Da! 18s f titular occasions may also be appointed, who ntied not give bond but must be sworn, and their'appointment entered 011 the linn ate*. In eases within the diction of a Justice’s Court, a Bailiff fees shall be the same as a Constable’s aud iu other cases the same as a Sheriff's. § 12. Jurors, eighteen in number, of whom twelve shallserve, shall be drawn from the semi-annual s> s»ioiis, at each ! term for the next, (hut in case of failure f — the drawing may take place at any time : thirty days or .more before the . session,) j by the County Judge From the Inferior 1 Court jury box, according to the usual; r tia 1 k b n. Stock for Sale. ap- : A F: •:vv s Imres of A. >ic V\'. P. Rail Ruci'l the rt Of?, t i>r sale 0:1 favorable terms—the [ verv Lest It .i ! 1 lOiirl Stork in tlie Slate | Apply ' t'K JUilN S. B1GBY. New.uau, Ga. P ur- Jail. 1 1 10 -*Jt. 1). BRKW'STKR, SCHOOL BOOKS. AT Dll. IlEKSIv.S DKl'G ;ST0&E.j S- T L’RT Received a lot .of liu11 ion’s En^bsit ‘ - g 1 if tlrtirnnsarv, rM:; Frank & Co, jtmliiard's .>eriec of Arithmetics; Hazea’s tipeRer and Delincr. Coimel's (lebgntplij 1 . Olt}'.*y s Geography and Atlrie. Webster's Sji.ellbig {looks, tic. kc. ■ Teachers’are invited to calf and examine these j Books. They, arc liiylil v retsommetiljed and cqnsidere>l the best in usc_ [jan. l.’l-Itl-tf. •THE ATLANTA COMKRCIAL COLLEGE. Corner Wliitehall and Marietta Streets. Y17 1LL be opened on the first Moiiri.ny in 1 V February next, far the reception of aud having declared that neither slavery close uioitgagcsou personal property, is- nor involuntary servitude, except as a i suc 'Tarrauts of distress for rcu.t, punishment for crime shall ever be os . sor )’ warra,,ts > ".‘its 1st a dents. Open Jay and night. The Colic , . . . .1 i Course will embrace-Merirnntfle’Penriiwnship. nnicoec m drawing juries, iireserving the . , ,, , | n..v,iiM,Hiui.i •— J J j Doable Entry Book-Keeping, Loniiner.eial Giil- rotation as if tho jury was urawu lor the 1 ehintions am (,'oinrnereial Law. taiight. tiie (Jcrrii in. tablished in this State, all statutes, regu lations, and municipal enactments con cerning slaves, are therfore now iaappli cable to the circumstances aud condition of our people. §2. The statutes, regulations, and aud oth the is Coiu or deeds and exercise all the powers of a Justice of the Peace fu matters civil and criminal, ;' fee, however, may hcTeeovcred as costs The!Judge or C erk shall thereupon have a jury sumtuphed of five men, the officer, municipal ordinances concerning free ! i-'sue warrants requiting offenders to he seiec;ii.g pir.-ons, as far as may l e c v >n- 0 1 vemciit, not residing move than eight miles from the Court House. No juror shall serve at daily-Court more than once in three .months, unless by e msent of persons of color in our State, having been brought bclovo him or some other Judge, passed with move ot less of relation to the existence of slavery among persons of color in this State, arc also lor reasons stated in the above section, now inappli cable to our evvruinstances and condition, aud are repealed, except as to offhnees committed before the passage of this act. In these cases, the proceedings shall be regulated by the laws previously existing. provided, 'ihat the tribunal, modes of or some Justice,, -and sit singly or in con- junetkn with others a* by law required on a Court of Inquiry. The for enumeration is not exhausting, hut County Judge may in general cxetcise all such powers as arc granted to him by law, or essential to the functions granted. § fj. The County Judge shall by him self or Clerk keep a strict account of all costs described as J udgc’s costs, and of .1 rm mm. I). BROWDER & CO, Nos. -24 mil 37, MAKKKT STREET,! MQNJ30MEP.Y, ALL With a vk-.v of reducin'; concentrating Has on Hand and is Constantly Receiving SRY ROOTS, SHOES, Gents Furnishing Goods; O 7 CROCKERY, PHGTO&RAPH ALBUMS, Etc* OCR rftock of Clothing- is complete. We- have a fine assortment of BLAC2 CLOTH COATS, CASSIMERS, ETC. WE propose to sell every tiling at the low- Agoing j parti s and his own consera, which sh dl . ‘ be sufficiently shown by .failure to .objv-ct °" r 0,^ fock of J>ry G'do.-ls iri one Iforise. j tfi , t Cas jj p r i C2S - Those who'wi.-h to do £ 14. At either session ■s jitro s may be summoned as needed, aud all jurors ;n 1 ried and th will, from ami alter this date, sell at great- ‘[i prices, one of the largest, most v ,- Aril ivill please give us 11 call, complete sfo,-Its"ever broiVght to ibis We can bj ho Counts Court shall be [mid as in the Stale, and which has been well bbiightut Nn-t I0 ", nt oferier Court, upon the Judge’s or I ,,, 'V’*v »*.v ex^rioucc'. buyer ree ling ,» , . - c . * . lfi * oik He offer, thcrcft>rc. prent in- h-rk s certificate of sen tee. . ; da(feu ients tothe trafle and t.> customers. I fomuRin the § 15. All the officers of the County Court'shall he responsible for their good conduct iis .such under the same rules as proceeding and rules of evidence shall . 6nfS , forfeitures and proceeds of labor {>ffic .-rsofthn iSnriorior Court. It be the same as now by law provided, ahd the punishment shall be applied as the prisoner may elect, either under the form er, or the present system of law*. If the prisoner refuse to elect, then the Court shall apply the milder punishment. §8. All free negroes, mulattoes, mesti zoes, and the descendants of-such l aving one-eighth of negro, or African blood in their veins, shall be known in this State as persons of color. Such persons shall have the right to acquire, own, and dis under sentence, and other moneys which come his sh Treasurer, arid report such receipts’and payments to the Grand Jury of the County at the semi-annual sessiuus. of the Superior Court. He shall keep an index of all Court contracts filed in his office, and a list of all certificates ; 11J discharges granted by him according to law, which index and Court,of Record.and the proceeding* Wc, have every thing to make a complete ; assortment of goods, ami all perons desiripg to buy for Sale or consumption, will find it to . tlic-ir interest to give 113 a call. W£ IIAVI-:. BFUCK STORE, powers to puuish for contempts shall be Fiamw-bt, Red Flannel-!. Grt-r Biaakrts. .Bed the same as these of the Superior Court. Blankets. Marseilles. <Jni!t?, Talde Napkins. 1 .1 . 1 __ ( i,„ Towels ntid Toweling, Furniture Fruits, and and tile general provisions pi the Roue • . . , ’ very variety ot Hon,sc Furnsihinnr Goods. o P.iciiiv DeLaincs, All Woo! DeLaints, French Merinoes. French btmjonf IX-LJncs. Poplins of every vnrietvi and a gr-ut varretv tif DRESS GOODS. ! varying in i»rh-ee. qualities and styles.’ Wofrted Knit Goods, ft*4moral Skirt', La the County Court, to be used when ncc- * cqviablfe reputation among the tnosP pop- dies' JU-rino aud Silk L'mier Vests,-Glyyes-of froiiij 191 to § 203 inclusive, concerning the powers of a Court, apply it to. [continued next week ] Southern Masonic Female Collate, An exchanged speaking of this Cullcgc NORTH-WEST CORNER PUBLIC .SQUARE: UN. BAY STREET, NEWNAX, OA. Am. B.-l8-:;tf. pose of tlieir property, to enjoy the fruits ; ^' st s Lall be open to public in.-pection. It of their labor, to make contracts, to fUe ' shall be his duty to provide a seal for .'-This College has. enjoyed for years an aud be sued, to receive property tectioc to ject to the general rules of evidence, in the following cases: 1. In all civil cases where the rights or liabilities of person of color are involved. 2. In ail crimtnt cases where the accused is a person 0 fAiitn, and for whose good conduct he '. lished in the annua! evtuloguc-. - ’ responsible. It shall be the duty of the , Of I’rof. J. L. Jones, Fresid JUST RECEIVED . '> -uii -»L; o -iu LnetrotJ v'-di — AND— FOR S A RR A Large and well Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, —An i— GROCERIES, —Consisting of— Color; or where the proceedings is insti tuted because of some alleged injury to a person of color, bis rights or property. And in any case, civil or criminal, in which a colored person is introduced as a witness against a white person, ajparty to the case, or a white witness against WHITE GOODS. dent of the Liner Pninbric, Swiss My-lin, Jaconet Miislm, I.inen Lawn. Tarfeton; Preach Slienr lliislfn. , , . iii Mull and Nainsook Muslin. Checked r>r*l Stri- | a series ot Vbars of itcxnovrletjged Success, pe d MasHa, IUtr "Cor'd MnsBa, and French tas won for himself the* repUDriion of one Omnhric. SILKS &, SAT (NS. Judge to have a Clerk in offideTn dase of | the writer speaks t hus : , - ■ , , ‘•The'PresideiR, J. L. Jon -s. through his own sickness, or absence. The ap- 1 pointment and removal of the Clerk, un- ( j less it oe'eutS by reason of vacancy in the ( ^ the ablest educators of the State, office of Judge, sHall be entered on the niltiutos: he shall be sworn to the faitli- Afgustsk Pfbirtirig, BleariBed Domc3trr, 1'rfnts, Nfc-rinoes, 1 Brr.ikfast Sfftiwt3 Ladies’ Collars'. Fl.aWrieD, ' Lin.-Cy, Suspenders,. A Colony for colored person a party to the case, the j ^ an< ^ i* n partial discharge of Iiis duties, stand that a com patiy oppoaitc party may be sworn aud testify as a witness. If he do so, theu his ad versary may also testi^ as a witness. §4. Any affidavit or sworn statement which a white person may make in rela- and shall be competent to discharge all] l *‘men Jrein th; the duties of the Judge not their character. f uu^u | S. The Clerk, or the Judge acting as] Swan such, shall keep the miuutosof the Court, jber oi the Couiedecuc Congress. Lie has " ' nor in his for L Mexico.—We under- variety; Jb^aih.d and Viorence T jHrmofafSkirfs, oaay of prominent gen- .' A Jb ; ; '“‘V J-“'Ji 1 C.ouks: ' . J . 1 . . - 0 . 1 M '.’K ftnffC-RorvJ Indies ? nwr* Fjh- An<l in rlict % 'charge all , 1,1 men iroui this city, intend leaving *- or , t .ai ua.i .Skirts, iu great variety : Lillies' Trim- A . - i-iJieial [ n > Mexico at an .Cur.y day. i ney w.h JLO . rce<i Hats y Clonk and i>res? Trimniin’gsj Bug-, ^ ln J ’ [ via New Or.eans. Among the mo-f dis- -1 fe Gimp.? fnrf rfkfrt Bniif? : Embroider}-Braids: ^hed persons of tlie partv is Jo-Ige ! Eri-^t'-ao-aiJO.- Brawl#: Black and Colored .dilk • GROoEREES, Etc., 1 , .-r., 1' , Braids; Skein and Spool Silk Alnacca Braids.’ lately oi 1 -'ooes^ee. anu an tx mem . , - . , „ . * 1 . j ■ ,, , Uombs ainr Broshes f every variety. Tapes, FaUQUIER County April 21, I860 ,iiou to his legal rights, or the rights of record its proceedings so far as rctmiredj il " ^ I’ * ‘ ‘ ' 1,1 \‘ , n / r ' ; _ . , I oo» e » 7 j c - * mer .rtate—oecuptcs a lea Jin Solwers : I halve summoned you to-, oue for whom he is agent, a person of gether for the last time. The vision we! color shall be competent to make in rc- have cherished of a tree and independent, iation to his rights, or the righs of a per- oountry has vanished, and that country is of color for whom he is agent. Corn- Gold in New Turk 00 the 9th sold for 188. Cotton ns deofining. now the spoil of a conqueror. missions to take testimony may issue to 1 disband yoUr organization is prefer-, persons of color; but the testimony ol by law, issue its orders and processes, and keep proper di*ckets, viz; one sub poena docket, and one execution ducket, which shall be for both s Court. For the daily et of civil cases geuerally, and one for.) cnee to surrendering to our enfemics. I colored women shall not be taken de bene \ cases between^ master a oth sessions of the pk®** - that number will bd increased at ( Jim.* and Berlin .Gloves, ttr^wb.- aqd White , , Ncvr Orleans to at iea*: twenty-six I-cr- : Half Tailors’ Trimoiins of every va- ’ Se 5 s,0BS > °P e dccji *' s ..n*. This number aior.e' sntt* fork a ^1**?*™$* 'and WHffff s cctaf Idcifdfey''.-—iJ iilij S.nt and TiW■*. na servant; also am now no longer your commander. After an association of more than two , I esse merely because of sex. ^ §5 The laws of this State regulating ^ P 3 ft from you with a just. domestic relations shall be hereafter ap- ^one doeket for claims, moti-ms, iilegalijty j a-jt*oo«'fire on Friday THoruihg'last. Al pnde in the fame of your achievements, plicable to persons of color, subject to, and othcr Uke proceedings, and any ; the ca^t side 01 the Fubiio Cw^uare wa* > and grateful recollections of vour generous such alterations or modifications as may sinHnAce Ia a 1 .» • ' (Shoe?, Mer» 3, Bovs an-i Ytnttbi' BOOTS Sc, shoes; j tt /x m es . 4 Tire at LaGra^ge.—We regret U» . 9 nual sessmus, one common law - docket, was vLfte-1 by a dis- * of ?orts. far Men. Boys^an<» ChHdrem AT D. BROWDER & CO.? " r Na?. -ii x iLALKET STREET.. | one for ccimiual mues,. Fei the -6vini an-1 ! La^re- : k Cent’s Shoes, Hosiery] I White fend Colored ir» great variety.'' Bla^k tfoop^klrtsy Ladie's Dre's3 T'Vim- ... I U-jUit mmg-, yssprtej, very 'thing' that, js .generally a flr3t class.Dry Goods Store. 1 Ci- * Uistli 3 not. 8 doz. cotton cards—. {Vi’liiteraore's No, Id) Pepper,spiea k ginger, 500 ibsi Kuglish Duluv cheese. lOfUi hoicj Sardines, Factory Thrjrfd, Powder, shot * ceps, e<-»L Indigo and Madder. 30 Barrel? Floor, ,jg-'>.Krg4 Nails, . ]jiq,iJi4s. Half, him-.rupon uny o.,™rrv in .liioli he ,n-ye ^S'. Or.™t. ,-2-ltant Mm, GENTS' GOODS. among Colutnlus'lawyers, and will reffcct Black-Hoth?-onff fWimeres. Gelorod €i?Si 1 - 1 » . ^-iUibrnt bon r upon any OuvniTV in which he may *, mi ] f,.„ r -^ y e make, bis hotue, liy additions from.other jppkJ Cotton nnd Lrnen scarft’. Neck TieS an.d,FIie r -.g&PJftAJjrs, mo CoS u Handkercmefs. hid. bite--. Coffes Sugar, Crushed Sugar, * 20 Kits Mackevel. 1 6 \ i.Us. tlov- •' • ts doz. Pat. Axes. kindness to myself. And now at thi womentof bidding yooa final adieu accept the Assuranceofmy unchanging confidence; p^ple of the Sute and regard Farewell. JohnS. .Mosby. While this article was beitg read, Mos- by gazed intently on the iiae of heroes which had so oftan tallied to htscall, sad be made by this system of laws, and as j , may be from time to time made for thci^” cc ’ .other like proceedings, and anv other - bunicd, excepting-*bri»ugu s^re, on *1 » r» *1 • i*v 1 the d Tth c -rner. owo< ci by W .. C- JjrbdCy , dockets ior either sc^iun the jad^e uiav i ‘ r • - v ' ' - a i J ° - the upper rooms off winch were occupied MThOrornerv-; Ala'. [Jan. 12-1 !)-4m. PP Cr fbv the Masonic fraternity. Strayed or Stolen, h. it. ijhorcls, ! - 500 Busliels Cotton Seed, (From fast Viart Irrbp.j ' 'pu- t T7 BOM Nowaaru. Ox. Wt iae-ia- Jannarv 3.1: , ^’tr^tiqa. is asked <kn!y, where am tbe - ; A a lark Rou:lMam, ab/juu 18 'year? obL— 5 IlC:, T? st I,rv G°«ds.and Groceries be bought . „ T ~ , , . , • ‘ : 1, . • P a I irk Rcraxil are, about. 18. rear? ulil cl leanest Unr floods .and Groceries be bought i 9. In case Ol tue-aeathot the Coun -ring are the sufferer^ : h. C. Latnsey, F -pi iem Tr . rLreeif no four white hiet. ' n Tiie' qiiestkiir is answered at' entfe: ty Judge, or oi any vacancy in the office. jfbzTdirare store; -J. ri. jl civce,iJiariw.-S3 | vrith heavy tr tJfevks, has a star on her fbre- kJa. directly to . ARTICLE II. i ORGANIZATION OZ THE COUNTY COURT. § 1. A Court shall be organized id . J « . . ... „ i a *• anau oe organized id l*”" "**« * rt r *” r » »« Br*,k ach „,„ t , thi! Sta(c to ^ CJ „ od , fc= three Jostice. of lie Intcnor Court ol‘the t 5 ' 1 P ‘ 1 C -' £C -■!°0 -r , I b rt L.-hmann. lewc .er. 111 who?e store County may appoint a. County Ck-rk, who j w;; . tl „. ^ 0 f t hc AUessbr and Collce- shall give bond in such sum as they! may i tor of Irfternaf Rweritle’ and Btr 1 Liti- prescribe, and make joath as such Clerk, : m r f: Co. c jsfectiviiers. The five was bead, tend a, li i-itc sirei k 00 j her. aose. Agy lM.forciat on left at this 'Office, which will to-liar recovery, wiff be tfinnkfrilly recerv*?! &^»dj)ber*ily,rewarded by the under- sizne.'. " Ja.N G. STF.WART. rr» Ip..?* i IiaLTOA, ALLE Y Sc ( »., Cntler JLisOniri IfaJI. Nru—lari. G i . f art. 8. ' $c,c.