The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, January 20, 1866, Image 2

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' -w* IV ) Synowi* of tht Oortraor’s Message. Thirdly, that to the extent of thia JiramflU JC^CrOllU! We have *pac* oujy in which to give pledge, all appropriation* hitherto tuade, _ | a synopsis of this document. It contains ( for State ases and policy, of that income, bat few ideas on InitrnctioM to A«e**ors and Collectors and the vine; we have finest ofwheat. "\y|| 0 Wants Literary Aid? —from TT»w«p|y Tlepajtmcnt-~*Jatcd wi»h pttbcand-wti tbweereals in great per- "j ~ ’ ifcctioh, the cot ten plant, rice, indhggh YSOiG KEN, HEAD THI BEWHAS. OEOBOIA. taturday Korninc iaaaary 20, ISM. FEDERAL RELATION*. Gov. Jenkins, gives it aa hia opinion Ur. Speed s Letter. that not many months will elapse before Mr. James Speed, Attorney General, | our people will berepresented to Cocgtees. in a letter to President Johnson, in re- History furnishes no rreordof s people in- January 1, 1880. H. R Harrison, this County has furnisln , (not involving the violation of contract) ! be repeated.*’ EDUCATION. In the present embarrassed condition , "" { " bow.w” ftb.t I lens who die ''A assessor * or jeochi®ral, : pemtlnto,. india rubber -and | J isli< d us with a copy fheunemin —a peculiar ind valuable fibre; WlLf. rive Literary ni-i in any direction. V NV YOUNG MAN’ of. good moriTs. who desires U> prepare himself for Teaching, at short?'wo th-f*-Ks-avs on any snbjcct. . or any ot!« r profession, and who can ‘ make a Orations. Political Effusions. Communications f/isc' r of .Oik* Hundred Dollars, can have the for the Press, and such like. AiJj;onimiinica- chanre .of iso- doing at the i“ Gruutrille Male of the “ Instructions," referred to, and that answers many of the purposes cf both from which wc make extracts below. W e fl jX 3 „j hemp—and, lx»t of ail; and whit, sponaeturesolutionsof the.Senate,explain- rited and urged to participate in amend ing the delay in the Jefferson Davis. says that a parole is no ticipation in legislation growing out of it. protection from prosecution for treason of Stale, all that can be done, is to keep alive the State university, the Asylumns for insane and blind that they may l.ere- till lesa than one hundred and fifty barre * moreover qo;t>:her couutty in the workl '* cu.n produfce, Flo fit's jvdsi and Bacchus’ tious strictly St* me, . J*au*F>JV-**t- REVENUE NOTICE. AddnrsSTF enclosing' and Female Collegiate Institute. ’ A. J.PMiTiL ;. For particuLais address Xewnan. (Li. LEONIDAS JONES, Prinrlpp!. Jan. 20-20—It. Gr.mtviHe. Georgia. trial of the Hon. , ing the constitution and then denied par- after receive proper nurture and fulfill their missions. LAWS REGULATING INTEREST. conf«'«s that this opinion of Mi After giving hia reasons therefor tha Governor makes this suggestion on this REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS. His Excellency urges the adoption by •Vcl in <•» enwtion# of .nrpn.e. th< u ..„ UuirMS , >ho |,., h , nk prep.,.! W.bHi,vodittpl,wlj.hatth,»hng», s e ^ heConiiii . (siwietjfort ^ .nbjccl. . in the parole, “The above named person / f _ f A u u - m int | “ I suggest for your consideration, th ir. allowed to return to his home, not to per year are required to make only month- bonst-- the lordly maguey or pulque plant ly returns. It will be seen that the Got- 0 f Anahuac ernment requires the Tax to be paid I have seen some of the very best plnnt- , poinptly. - . | era, from Mts^ourir Te ii^essety and the ; '/ Xeiman. Ha.. J,/}n«n the annual LIST. South, arid 1 have conversed with learned LL TANKS (anmiar: special Within twenty days after the annual list from the assessor, , ...... ... . . through the northern ana most healthy Dxpctt Collectors Office ) Fmtei» States Interval Reve ft. k 2t> Division 4th District Ga. ) j nary 10'k. } 4 Lf, TANKS (iininarrspecial find monthly) • assessed i:i the months of Ocioher. No- Hall IT ous e, COitNKli PRYOR AND HUNTER STREETS,- ATLANTA GA. BgY_,Eight neatly furnished rooms with sin- hods just added. ment of the freed men. He says it is just, „ _ . ... . . , ... . . . ; expediency of so modifying the law on and libera 1 , as «t should be to That class, f . . , . , lector must advertise iu one newspaper „ , , • , .. IS -A. JL. l.l UK HlUtllllS » » v-v.w v.. IMM 1 > llll'lPU. receiving r . mcn L ranee aud ^nyrjMrts v . j ^■Jirr airl Dcceaiber lue fk^^’oricrs at t*vt*rr trrbin. p »ho « ,1 ifopc, ail of whom happen to have traveled sesyor in the county of Co wen*, arc now due j. in ^O-Aai, J. \V. AKKRS. ’ 1 ! ' , ,, .1 t , t' » v .. and must he paid Iry the “Oth instunt. nt this Proprietor. mid must he pa office. The pemilty-fbr failure, witp h es for i. * v, _ ...I I* molded b, Ihe n.ilil.r, aothoritie. of ||e , hc !a „ ge .,ed b , the United Stole., k Ion- a. he obtteree. |hj WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD. This valuable item of State property this parole and obeys the laws which were in forte previous to January 1st, 18C1. where lie resided,” was a full and the war. When delivered to the State authorities in Sept, last, this road wajs not only in a bad con- ■hi. for . Emmem entertained ■ f !' t ' on > ■»«. *'»«» *«!“« <* the idea that .here ...I* be »n, .pla, j *“ k ’ '*' • et f- The Snperml-n. ^ i, suffered heavily from complete protection from nil prosecutions J i JnllttO* . x? ♦.« • li* Ctatn end tFwte. True, the wiwds “military autliorirtcs” are used; but no person in upon words “ he would regard it a Mr, Sneed my, Ember, .ha. ! *•« *» ,he « . large dime- ■ •. - r tion, purchased nearly all of tlie needed rent calamity if t ’ r J articles from U. S. Government at a cost many whom the sword spared, the law •innnnn - * j i ,. ... i .i , I not far short of 0400,000 in its delapi ahou d spare also. In other words, the ’ - r Attorney Genera! would regard as a ca- luuiitv the failure of the law to execute many living Southern men. Wc had flattered ourselves with the hope that the future would be marked wiih sublime efforts at peace and recon ciliation—that it would witness no other efluMOtis of blood; but the sentiments of Mr. Speed augur evil and only evil. We thank God, however, ihat this officer has not the power of life nnd death in his humte, and that there \S such a tiling as public opinion which may yet make itself felt. The world knows that the Southern people entered upon the contest believing that they were right. They fought long and'well. Superior physical force crush rd them. They threw down their arms, intending to observe scrupulously their oaths and paroles, trusting to the good faifli of the United States Government, and they still rely upon it, let the opinion of the Attorney Ucneral be what it may. We cannot permit ourselves to think for u moment ihut this Government will suf fer any one to violate the spirit of paroles, even though the letter of them might justify the actiou. Wc accord the Attor ney General honesty of opinion, and penned this article merely to express our surprise at some of his sentiments, and making known the fiim belief of our people that their interpretations of paroles will be the one finally adopted by the Government. In conclusion we must say that wc rend with delight the remark of Mr. Speed that he would regard a violation of the Constitution by the President a great er calamity than the escape of many Southern men from execution. Al 1 that the late Confederates ask is a strict ob- servaiice of tbe Constitution. Their cor dial support will he extended to the Administration that respects it. Our people never did and never will object to that instrument. Let it be administered as it was in the earlier days of the Re public, and our word for it. not a murmur or complaint will be heard from the JL’o- touiac to the Rio Grande. We wish the War would Close. It is said that a severe war between the Radicals and the President « raging. At times wc are disposed to credit the statement; but when we look at the re sult we feel inclined to believe that the war is waged, not between these parties, but upon the Southern people. The con flict may be funny to them, but it is death to us. The President says the Southern States are in the Union, and consequently dated state the road in two months has yielded a nett income exceeding one half of tbe amount of purchases. Additional outlays arc needed to_ place the road iu proper condition. The Governor opposes the suggestion of placing this great State interest under the management of Com Jiissioners. With Commissioners there will be divided re sponsibility and counsel, ete , and increas ed expense. The General Assembly is urged to make but little if any change in the present system—increase the pay ol Superintendent to such an extent as in their judgment will secure the highest capacity for the position and make n«> delay in making appropriations for placing the road in good order. PENITENTIARY. If this system be abandoned what shall replace it f There must be a return to the one that preceded it. About thirty years since the experiment was tried, but the scenes of the whipping post, pillory and exhibitiou in court of the red hot brand burning infamy into the human flesh, produced such a revulsion in the public mind that the next Legislature restored the Penitentiary. His views arc that instead of abandoning—the represen tatives of the people should address them, with the light of experience, to the task of improving the system. The propriety of a change of location is left entirely to the wisdom of the members of tbc General Assembly. Should that body de termine to locate it elsewhere, he suggests that the present site, with necessary re pairs to the buildings not destroyed, might be used advantageously as a labor prison for colored convicts. Agents should be appointed to settle all matters of account growing out of the copartnership between Messers. Devine, Jones ar.d Lee and the State in the card factory. STATE TREASURY. For all practical purposes the treasury may now bo said to be empty. Large amounts must be expended in the revival of im portant interests—the p yment of civil list and interest on public debt. Recourse must be had to the credit of the State, in order to raise these amounts rather than sell State property A tabular statement of money required for 1866 and 1867 is given. The remission of the tax lor 1865 and the imposing of a moderate ; this subject as to make seven per cent : the legal rate, where interest is charg- able : according to law, and no rate fixed by 'contract; and to povide further, that any rate of interest not exceeding ten per cent, may be established by, and collected under a contract, for the payment of money. This advance will probably be sufficient to test practically the merit of the proposed change, and it will be easy from this point to recede or advance furth er, as experieuce may dictate.” INCREASE OF PAUPERISM. Owing io sudden emancipation there will be for a time an increase of pauper ism. For eases involving no criminality provisions must be made. To do which he advises the laying of moderate capitation tax upon each adult person of color, capa ble of earning wages, and the same be paid to the justices of the inferior Courts to disbursed under rules to be prescribed by themselves. CLAIM OF COTTON. Secretary McCulloch, in a letter to Provisional Gov. Johnson, says the State must prosecute in the U. S. Court of claims her claim for cotton captured by the Federal army at Savannah. Repart of Commissioners. As the Commissioners have proposed alterations in their report we will Rot publish any more of it until the Legisla ture acts. Legislative Proceedings. The Legislature met Monday 15th ; but there being barely a quorum present, both branches adjourned until Tuesday, on which day the Governor's Message was read to both Houses. Two Judges of tbe Supreme Court will be elected uext Tues day. Congressional Proceedings. For the past week have been mainly concerning the negro, and the Southern States. Both Houses have before them a bill confering the elective franchise upon the negroes in the District of Colum bia. Suiuner is busily engaged, as usual, reading negro petitions from various sec tions. llowe has offered a resolution for the appointment of Provisional Governors over the late Confederate States. Morrell lias before Congress a proposition to in crease the tax on cotton. A proposition iu the House allow the negroes in the District of Columbia to determine by bal lot whether white men should be allowed to vote, secured twelve votes. In the Sen ate on the 15th, Mr. Chandler offered a 0 resolution requesting the President to withdraw our Minister from England and by Proclamation to declare non-intcrcouire between the two nations, because England has refused indemnity for damages to^ Yankee commerce by her subjects. This resolution lies over. On the same day Sherman offered resolution to expell J. J. orders his tax-gatherers to go over the a jj c( j $^500,000, now needed the whole land and collect what few greenbacks wc j wou | d bc on j y $6,000,000. The annual possess. Congress says these States are ! j n t cre st and appropriation for support of not iu the Union, and hence exclude : tlie Government would not exceed $800- tlieir Representatives. It is seen that the war between Mr. Johnson and Con gress brings upon us all the evils and none of the benefits of Government.— How we do wish it would close! Wheeler of Kentucky Cadet in Naval one during the latter part of this year » Academy, because he was once in Con recommended. The entile indebtedness of the state falls short of $3,500,000. If to this were federate service and declaring that r.o person who ever rendered aid to the Con federate cause can be a cadet in the Aca demy. This was refered to Naval Com mittee. i ii vvvu vouini ais mo ^ j notices to be posted in at least four public un thy on « ^nd, an agricultural country places in each county, stating the time and j to kh i !*** P* rts ut FranCC and | ' ' 1 Iso of surpassing mineral in each county in his district, and by ! P* rt * The Europeans report, , n«t?^ 4e. will in every ? se be added. ’ V P K. VV. DECK- • Deputy Collector 4.*h DfctricL place within said county at which be or . al «° ^passing mineral' Per J. \W MlYCIlRT.L: Assistant, his deputy will *ttcnd to receive ,h c * wealth, while the Americans, on the other, duties, which time must not be less t an pronounce it a grazing and cattle country ten days after tbe publication of said notice. At the expiration of ten days from the advertised time, it is the duty of the col lector to serve demands upon ail persons Jan. 20--0-2t. jos. e. rut xt. w. t. Tvoob. w. bj'wO&d. who have neglected to make payment. Form 9 has been prepared for this pur pose, and for the issuing and service thereol the collector is entitled to a fee of twenty cents, and to four cents for each mile actually and necssarilly tra velled in serving the same. No travel fee can be charged when the notice is sent by mail, and none for the distance travelled in returning when personal ser vice is made. If payment is not made within ten days after the service of demand, the col lector will proceed to collect the duties, with the penalty of ten per cent, and the proper costs and expenses, by distraint.” DISTILLED SPIRITS AND COAL OIL. “ Distillers of spirits and coal oil arc- required to make return on tbe first, elev enth, and twenty-first days of each month, or within five days thereafter, and the duties are payable immediately to the collector. It is provided in section 69 that if the duties are not paid at the time required, a penalty of ten per centnm shall be added; and, in case of refusal or neglect to pay within ten days, the amount may be collected by distraint without any previous notice. In addition to the proceeding by dis traint, a failure to pay the duties at the time required, renders the distiller liable to the forfeitures prescribed in section 68, and seizure should be made by the collector under the provisions of that sec tion whenever, in his judgment, the in terests of tbe government so require. In determining which course to pursue, the collector should always be careful to select that which offers the best security for the collection of the tax. Whenever a seizure is made, under section 68, for a failure to pay at the pre scribed time, tbc Collector should notify the Commissionerbcforc commencing pro ceedings to enforce the forfeiture. Collectors will specially note the clause in section 59 which requires the duty to be paid on all spirits not removed to a bonded warehouse before the day pre scribed by law for making return of the same. This applies also to refined coal to which even the blue-grass regions of DENT, WOOD & CO., Kentucky and ienuessee are not to be compared- * Cxi*oc*oi’S : & Ooniini^sioii The mountains abound with minerals -xt tx ta /~i TT \ n't the woods with guuie, and the forests with . - * 1A X L- » the finest of timber—with the most cx- dejilebs is — quisitc dye and ornamental woods, gums and spices, drugs and medicinal plants of Groceries (Llfjflbrs OXt cptCfl) rare virtue *- * and Family Supplies, n.Wfc just re’ceivrtl and are now offering for ssle, large sunp.res of Washington, Jan. 9, 18GG. In the House to-dav a massage from the President was read in response to the ! R 0 jie resolution for information about any at tempts of Maximilian to secure the recog nition of the Mexican Empire It seeui6 that in July last Maximilian sent a spe cial envoy to the President, with u letter 'asking the rccognith n of the Mexican Empire, on the ground that it was firmly established, was acquiesced in by the Mexican people ginerally, aud was recog nized by all the great Powers, Hut Mr. Seward returned the letter to the French Minister, with the reply that the President refused to receive it. In November last the French Govern ment conveyed to our an official intima tion of its willingness to withdraw from Mexico the French troops, if the United States would assure Napoleon of a friend ly and tolerant spirit toward the Govern ment of Maximilian To this Mr. Seward replied on the 6th of December last that the condition cannot be complied with. It is said that the Senate lias refused to confirm the appointment of Mr. Camp bell as Minister to ths 31exican Repub lic.—JVeic York Neics. ITews Items. The Savannah Herald states that Judge Hardin has been pardbned "by the Pres ident. Orders have been received at Savannah to proceed with the trial of Gen Mercer. General John 11. Gordon is about to locate at Brunswick, Ga., where he will engage in the lumber business. It is his purpose to erect two large mills on the Brunswick railroad, and will carry on an extensive business in connection with other gentlemen. Sugar (all qualities,) Coffee, Tea, Soda, Cheese, Crackers, Tobacco, (Chewing & Smoking.) Buck Wheat Flour, Mackerel, Flour, (the first brands,) Blacking Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Toilet Soap, Well Buckets, Well Ropes, Brushes, i Brooms, &C..&C.; J. SI. .1,1 TIES, T) -f, 'rxrrriry' r Yi> O ( ) Tf V O ATLANTA, GA V IIays and sells Gold. Silver, Bonds, Bank Bills,? Gold Bullion and Gold Dusf.- Jiinpacy 30-Jm. •A. K. SEAfi©, commission merchant; (K-TABI.ISHFI) IV L : l Sl.\K-tS IN' I8')2.) Corner Forsyth and Mitchell Streets, Atlanta. - Oa., AV i 11 wive jirumpt attention to tilling ot Cash Orders,"ami to the Selling of Cotton and Gen eral Produce and Jlerchan Use. [jan: 2(lfcn). ZIMMESMAN & VERDERY, CiUpCLBlS, PRODUCE —AND — CCMMiSSlOH MERCHANTS, Conirr }>rrj(id and Marietta Sts, ATLANTA, .....GA. Prompt attention given to Consign ments. and Orders. It. P Zimmerman. Late of Scranton & Zimmerman, Augusta, Ga. S. A. VKlOKttV, [.ate of Jackson, .Miller k Verdcry, Jan: -0-] in. * Augusta Ga. if Dn TIciWTS Y £ €’o , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UKAI.E3S IN 7*-8 SHIRTING, FACTORY YARD'S. We have also a good stork of Confoctionorics, —Consisting of— CANDIES (assorted), RAISINS, ALMONDS, ■’FIGS, ORANGES, etc. We call attention to our stock of Saddles, Bridles and rugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, Putty,&c., 1 ALA BAM A STR, ATLANTA, GA. i jg-^'Con'itry Orders filled promptly and i\t ! 1 .west n ices. I Jan. 20-3ui. a: J. OB ME.' It. M FVBItAB. Git Iff E & FAItRARv Grofors. Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, Marietta Street, Atlanta, He. liEFKItKXCKS. ' Pliiiii/y (“liiy toi:, and Wright .t Alexander, j, _ Augusta, Ga. Buggy W." II. Stark It. Powell, and Jm. L’o-dnr Savannah,Ga; Lee ,'c Norton, .Montgomery, Ala. Harness, of Ik We hare for sale many numerous to rhentroii. irtieIi-3 too TO ARRIVE RICE,. rrei-h from the .Mill, I A large stock of CASTINGS, Both English and American ; : IKON, . Both Swede's arid Etigli.-h refined; AXES, Returns from most of the counties of the Western Judic : a! Circuit indicates a close race for the Judgeship between Judge Hutchings and Mr. Simmons. In r pr«lC*e Cl lain 6; the counties of Gwinnett, Clarke, Walton, Jackson and Banks, the latter is thirty votes ahead. COX & HILL, WHOLESALE G ROCE RS —A N T>— esEsais nmmnms M e r c li a n t s . VXD I.r.A EKS IX Foreign and Domestic Liquor-, Segura, Tobacco, &c., &c., No. 2,Cberukee Biuck, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA. GA. January .‘!'i-'Jin. (S W Collin’* and Bradley;) Mexico. Commodore Mauray, Imperial Commis sioner, iu a recently published letter speaks thus of the wealth of the Mexican soil He says there are a number of settlements contemplated. None need be afraid of not finding a home, for there is room for all. Settlements should be large enough to support Mills, Tan-Yards, etc. Single settlers would find many embara.-ments frdn ignorance of language. TUE WEALTH OF TI1E SOIL. “The earth here yields to the care of j ^ husbandry with a profusion that would A\ fIlSf IUPlit5 a in ' All size* 5 - Curry-Combs, Tacks, Frying Pans, And oth«*r article* in our Hue. PlKENIX TIN SHOP, -AT THE — Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws, of the , , ) TVc will, from time to time, receive large Confederate army, was elected Clerk of additioo8 lo our st0 „ k . the Superior and Inferior Courts of Rich mond county, in this State, Wednesday last. His father held the same office for many years. If the son is as good at writing as he is at fighting, he will make a capital officer.— The Daily Tcleqtph.a 000. From the earnings of the Western & Atlantic Railroad and a tax of one- eight of one per cent, an income of 81,- j Jefferson Davis. The See. of War and Atty. Gen. give as reasons why Jefferson Davis has not j two ant j j„ 0 th ers with three harvests au- seeut iucrcdible here and fubuions in Europe. In some places it crowus the! ' labor of the husbandman regularly with NEW STORE—SEW GOODS. Wc will give goods in c.vehnugc for OOUHTSY Fn&DBOS, or receive '.he same on Consignment. Bf?LWe will sell for CASH only. Orders from the country solicited and satis faction guaranteed. GREENY ILLE STREET, (Masonic Building formerly occupied Lv Joxrs & Cates,} Bewnan, Ga. Jan. 2u-20-tf. T IN TEEE . W. 3d- Hoynol^© V igour,!) respectfully inform everybody f and the h.ibulre nf mankind, that lie is now prepared to fniuish auythii tiling in the way of and every ojLiixiiib or xaav ii Airily uually. and in each one he gathers one Attempted Murder of James Cureton. b*cn tried the facts that it is inadvi- OSOjCKW^may* b« «dculated upon. This ! Sablc t(> *7 i hundred, two hundred, and sometime* ! Ty will leave an annual balance of 0250,000 : ,n a 5talv! ,n W " ch he W3S j three hundred, aud occasionally four him- j * ▼ hich may be treated as a sinking fund . | Present danng the war. and that YtrgJh,a ! Jrea to i J> and eTen roore , according to i i-rr I is not in such a condition that the civil ; ll -till and'the kind of seed used. It is apprehended there will be no diffi- We have learned, from Judge R. Y. | CB , tj {n fiobstitat i Dg new bonds for thoee Courts can be held. It may be months ( Brown, the particulars of the attempted over du{ . with interest in arrears provided - vct bcfVre he 18 brou - ht , to tnal T e ! murder of James Cnreton, living in New bury District, S. U , but formerly a citi zen of this county overdue, with arrears provided the interest due is included in the new i bond and the State provides a sinking j ! lease him has turned out to be fa’se. Monthlies. About 10 o clock at i f Qnd 0 f two per cent, per annum. The , uight of the 25th December, a party °P; piling rpcomnjendatioas on this subject; The February number of Godey is a are : j magnificent one. Eveiy ladj of taste “ I recommend, therefore, first that you should subscribe for this Magazine, authorize the Executive, a$ the necessi-, Peterson for February is at hand* and twenty-five armed negroes went to his house. Some broke down the door, while the outsiders fired at him through the window. So near were they that hist „ . _ . , 4 .. . i „ . . , , r ,, clothes were set on fire. Two balls passed 1 tlcs of the Sute "q uire > and that j fully up to its fonnerstandard ofexceilenee. through his body, one through his left j extent only, to issue bonds of tbe "State, I This is saying a great deal. It is not in- ■Vlh-rw.irds he was beaten by the having not less than twenty, nor more viiiains and left for dead. His son was also severely wounded. The object ot the outlaws was nothing but tbe murder of the whites. They had no especial spite nt Mr. U. We are pleased to learn that there is a fair prospect of the recov ery of Mr. C. and his son. The negroes were all armed with Enfield rifles. Seven of the scoundrels have been apprehended and are now in Newbury jail. Dave, formerly a slave of James Harris, late of this county, was the leader, and is one of the seven. Would it not be well for our eitiseoi to be on the aitrt. as thefts are frequent and outrages such as described above may ire rj-rctTsisd rt gry triu - :? than thirty years to run, bearing an in terest not exeeeking six per cent, for an amount, which added to the existing fun ded debt, not yet matured, shall not ex ceed six millions of dollars. Secondly, that for the payment of tbe interest, and for the creation of n sinking food (accu mulative) to discharge the- principal of the debt, now proposed to be created, of two per cent, per annum on that prinei- his own skill andThe^kind of seed used. Cotton and corn do well in almost ali j t;<>as, - t ' n 8 parts of the Empire. . But the cotton cs-' rumor that there was a plot on loot to re- penally of Tamaulipais, Matahauala, Fres- j nillo, Durango, Maxatlan, and the States ' north, are said to be ef a better staple, j save sea island, than any produced iu the > United States. Indeed, the cotton of Yucatan is called sea island. Under these fine climates, which give a parity and transparency to the atmosphere that makes existence itself an enjojraent and invest the ere with faculties of must a new sen-«e, the vegetable kingdom displays its wealth and its powers most E IIAYE jnst received nnd opened new and well-selected stock of IDRY GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, PIECE GOODS. j Also a large i5tock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING, ferior to any Magazine published. T. M. & R. C. CLARK I*], IW II 6 L E S A £ E and 11 Ef AIL DrALzrs ur rTx.gli.ggl3. cta Tnoricau ;HAE D W iNTtE, t ^ CONSISTING l>* FABX OF 125,000 pounds Plow Steel; • 5,000 pounds “ Moulds; : Cagt, Biistcr and German Steel; \ Plow and Tire Iron; ’ Car j enters’ Tocls; [ Blacksmiths’ Tools; 1 Building Materials; At tlie very lowest prices ntnl sliortest notice, j Best Patent of Family Cook Stoves, _ from Si.'» to §o0, hccordiiig to size R*3cf\ ac.d ontfif. Tiu. Ware reduced 2-> per cent, under any otlier market. Com'', come pr'crvl.ody. and hny! I wiil duplicate hills bought at wholesale in. any market in the Union since the war. Jan nary 20-?o-7in. Administratrix?** Sale. \iitl( K of an order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Coweta county, will be so d on the first Tir-olay in March next, at the Conrt House doi r in Newnan, in said-county, within the lawful hours o r , 3ale, a very valua ble line Lot of Land, number three hundred and five (30-ej in tlie first district of- said conn- t>. .Sohi a- the property of John’ Rigby, de ceased. for the benefit of h:3 hc:r3 and CredI-- tor-. Terms on uav of sale. Jan. 20-4od. SUSAN L. BISCY, Adin’.v.- (The largest ever brought to this market,) A large lot of :nt ! Nail«, Axes, Shovels ; al- Ladies’ and Gents’ Bools, Shoes, j « nad „ Ml n S:1 _,. Gov. Jenkins’ Appointments.—The Governor has appointed H. J. Gl\ii- liams, and R. L Hunter, Secretaries of the Executive Department; Z. D. Harri son, Messenger; J. G- Montgomery, of Augusta, Librarian ; Jesse Horton Cap tain of the Guard for tbe Capitol; Wilkj C. Anderson Principal Keeper of tbe Pen itentiary; Cbas. G. Talbird Assistant; Dr. C- D. Case Pbjsician. Spades, Mill ! Leather and Rubber Belting; Iletnp aud Gum Packing; pal, so much of the aBmml income of the ; Boston notion is a “paper j f(jaQd in t}H . ent } re brcadt h of plain that j Westent & Atlantic Railroad as may be | pt^^^teT-p^of*ii^desftTblef are j lies betwecn ° f ^ | necessary, be sacredly pledged, and that | te be made for from eight to twenty fire; and the mouth of the Amazon. Hats, Caps, r . | And a great many other articles loo nnmerons i gorgeously, and with the mom marvelous j • Pocket and Table Cutlery ; vigot and concentration. J ca j] attention to our large stock of • Horse Shoes and Nails; cl “T ,p °“*" d TT * TPTL' LADIES- ..d OESTS TRAVELING ! G “"» *•”• • ens/a uiay be seen crowded together, plica ** " up in steppes one above another, in per- i fection, fruits, floweis and products, whieh , vV e wonld respectfully iorite those wishing in less favored clime* require aw many to purchase to call and examine onr stoc^, latitudes, climates and soils as can be »Web we offer at reduced price?. it. krameE, At K- W". Perrv’s old stand. A<9iniiiiMr«TforN 1 ) Y VIRTUE rg an order from the Conrt off ) Llrdiniin.- of t.'oweta. County, will be sold' ; o;i the first Tuesday in M ircli. at the - t’o’irt llo-ise di*(r in Newnanj ?niil cornitv,he-- ; trvecu ,:be legal hours of sale, tlie tractor L ilid wliereon It L I Smith resided at the | fime of !i?2 death, cotitain’ng thrre hundred- and twenty atTt-?, more or les*.--it-n-atc, lying- •and being in the sixth District of sail county, ■ s.djiinii.g the binds of Cx-orgti K. Smith, John . V Jlminiciift,Mies Jones and others,-reserving: -! ;lie widow'.-, dower during h< r lifeiiiir'. and at ; In-r •Te-.T?!i go'-; to the purchaser', t Terms on the <1;«y. GEORGE E. S-MITil, Adtn'r. of B L r-Smith. TRUNKS, VALISES, kc. And all other Goods nyually kepi in the j 20-2o-td.-». : Notie d to Debtors and Creditors. BE- those in<it-bte 1 to tiie estate of Elisha Hardware line. * •' AL-oA.g«.tj Ur Fabtank’s Flat Term & Counter Scales--d *Tedge be set f- r th in lb" Vends He-c besides cotters arid ccfw. tbc e!fr->; tnOMAS G. ALEXANDER, J?—. -V. ~n r ) ,A' ^.iDwrsJtr V T. .M. k n. C. CLARK It, Corner Line and Peach Tree Street.-, ATLANTA. G A. Jin. iv, Lite of Carroll county, deceased, cotne ftirvranianti seTt-Ic thcs.tmc without- lrla v; and elk having (lemands against said •ii eeascd will present ttiem in terms of the- br.v ki •t[(-!i>:‘.r’Cs made and provided. WILLIAM T. RHIUJ-PS, A.dra r. M .fAs' BAY. A'lta x. Jar.