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(i hf Hciimnit Strife
v/ff» ck.
- RnLlishei
H#tf |'oiivniil:---gn-otcil la -Milks, pe*§| ^ouniliuve, CoMinux
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one month
• : t. .* c O'"" ! 0.00
,- , or-li v r o-iio? dne yr-:tr. 1 in.(ID
.qyfi.v number.- complete ihe Yyiuuie.
I?nh?r Secession —The Social
. well nigh exhausted* its
^ c ') ow > £S '* 1 " 9 * - ' ‘ 1<in ‘ - l,e f: P ct ’ c ^ : then ulol jiioneyi I)ifappkjiuOnetit to re- j National strength wlrith'wilf he required
Hon. 'A illinm Alien, at tiro I>emr,emtio j coiring tire iimign aid <..f Mithrudnfcsjj to lift this country over that '(loop, dark
festival, a I (Vlumbtf-qA )hio ; .Jan. H, rind j 0‘c King ofi Pont us-, which tho Guuleder-l gulf of an nll-enibaracrng bankruptcy, with
-,,} ':j»l,pj in the Cincinnati Kuuuiaer •^ Gtttc.iimiem hud .-**uubt, and lac ike whic-h its future is threatened.
? Vwh.Hfc fm»iiio \\L < n \b J 1 want of a nary, being unable to obtainj The peohle of the South arc still ottr
} R a t e s o f A J v c r t i s i n g.
j Alvt - ti. nu nt- :: • u;i >1 at $l.-'*o pt r srpiatw
! 1; ;• or space crjtti valent:) for fi; t insei-
j:ion. mi:-I* U> aot)ts for each subsequent fit-
i . ; ja- . - ! "
'f in'ihiv or serai-ftionlliljr advertisements
| inserted nlthc same rates as for new advertise-*
1 Meats, mob insertion, -■»
‘••iberul ari;»ngeme!it3 wilt b« made with
tbyic advertising by the quarter ur,yenr.
All trartstetrf advertismeHts must 1>IT paid
for when hnmled in.
Tire,.money tor advertiseihg. <luc after tiul
first insertion.
somethin" tow an! the m'ightv effort of
—herself holding t!i
" ! J 1 . 01 ' ! fourth year the armies .of the ConfV.dera- as generous, as just, and as patriotic, as
, , . ! '!""“. 1U1 1 'ey were everywhere beaten ; and, finally, thetr counlrjrrtetGof t!ie North, or as anr
■ I a cental ,,»d pnmwnt g,, 0 J at ' d >’ • ’
“> r » r ** *« l ‘!R h » » i The l-ecolted Stale, with the
for the march of her legion* and the pas- | <? i: „.i
cage of her couriers, throu
of Italy, Ingot her with the
. r of peace and war, and
wet's oi levying troops ami revenues for 1 ,i,, _ lr„.i n>i._ ,j
discretion.other people the world contains. It must
single ex-! not be forgotten that the people of the
- , j to her paramount authority. The (.’on-! people born in the North reside
, ,!, i mi ( ,Hj..i --t. ti t ve. y ot i, r paiti- (p-dcrate Government disnju.eared from ' &mth ; five lmrfdred thousand people
, a: ii, t .it "t.iu t.tti 6,syut allies of the t ] ie cal |]j « ];t ce a exhalation in the horn in the .South reside in the North :
Human people, retained their
tdate governments tn till their integrity'
for every object of local and municipal
legislation. Jn the year G(i2, from the
fjunu.ilion of Rome, corresponding with
the year
le.-pcclivc (-veiling.” , r J Uus luiving laid dtrwn their , ami, notwithstanding the continued tide-
arms, the (’ohfeclerafe Statesstuod defehse-! of emigration from abreatf to' our shares,
h>s in the presence of their victorious no great nation on earth hears upon its
adversary, to receive whatever doom that, ( Kee so many features of family likeness,
adversary might pronounce,,. The Roman | Nowhere else is there to he found a great
| Senate had hut to speak, and every one! nation so characterized by homogeneity'
1 of the .State Govermenta so lately in re-1 *>f texture, and vtnity of character; and it
! bellion erased to exist, it had hut to| w«* this very-homogeneity ah'd unity far
speak, attd every citizen of those States! nvorc than the'configuration of the coun-
b< came a slave. It had but to utter the Hys surface, which rendered the disrup-
word confiscation, and every one of these
unfortunate people became a homeless and
tion of the politicul Union iinpossiblc.
What Congress has to do is not to re-
Icss pauper. What did that Sun- store the Union, but to recognize the fact
C o in iii;; a(, jite ,1.
A Xevraan Belle.
A.rAHopy ox.BKjvam.
■ -L write rTjout aNcivaaa Ifdlle,
Beware ! Oh, beware!
For ;bc controls a magic spell,
Beware 1 Oh, beware I
Her festures nr? of perfect mould,
And half her charms ran he’er be told.
Beware! Oh, beware 1
Iler . aadiej lips of rosy hue,
Ifyoo don't isuud will capture you,
Beware.! Oil, beware! -
Her teeth although so jwarfy white,
Are oulj shovru by smile? more bright.
Beware! t*h, beware!
Her eyes are of a hazel gray,
They dazzle man by.night and day,
Beware ! Ob, beware!
Her words nrc silvered o’er with love.
Like only Angels speak above,
Beware! Oh, beware?
A form with perfect grace,
All hallowed by au Angel - * face,
Beware 1 Oil, beware I
.She’ll lead you tip with sweetest smilos,
But when yon fall yoh’H fall for miles,
Beware ! Oil, beware !
Xewnnn. Ga., .Tart. 22. lfdG.
ate do under these circttmstancu s '! There J tiiat tlie Union
had been a revolt which placed its being | * r he llcpresentat
Com Seed.
Not only should extra care be taken
corn designed for planting
to have till
John Bell on the Test Oath of !S0£.
The President at ooe time appeared to i
attribute some importance to the selection j
of such members of GdirgreSs in the elec J
| lions by the people; ns could take the tbst j
' oath df 1862, beHtrinp. no doubt, that it j
would be the removal of aa uLstado that j
would give rise to delay, or, at all ov» nts. j
might bean impediment in the way of fc
prompt organization of Congress, includ
ing Senators and Representatives from the
South. I see that very little care was
taken iu the elections which hare occur
red, to select such men as could he expec
ted to take that oath, and I rejoiced that
, it so happened, and hope that no man
from the South will, on any account, take
the oath, or do anything by which such a
test of qualification can be drawn into
precedent, or be sanctioned, even for a
Idy, for it is clearly one of those insidious
innovation; or encroachments upon the
wisest institutions of Government that oc
casionally take place in time of great po
litical excitement and disturbance, which
if adopted, becomes precedents, to justify
changes that destroy or revolutionize the
Government itself. If the fanatical party
in the North had succeeded in forming n
conspiracy to effect a total change of Gov
ernment, there could be no more effective
device adopted than the test oath enaoted
in eighteen hundred and sixty two. A
IGbmt mmm\
mm ,<ioo ds!
nion has never been dissolved.! next spring thoroughly ripened: and diietR - httle reflection will he sufficient to detect
sentatives of the South should 1 but the heat ears should be selected.— the manner in which it can he made to
: nels well filled out at both ends, should j the Constitution, can ho so radically efi'ec-
prcviously to tlie birth of
(’linst, the allied States-claimed of the
Central Government of Rome what were
known as the ilgli's of J.artium, or, iu
oilier words, Of Roman citizenship, so far
as to vote iii the election of Roman Con
sul?, and other magistrates ; and, also to
vote in the assemblies ol the Roman peo
ple upon all rjucstiouti of peace and war.
They predicated those claims upon the
admitted fact that lor stxty years they I in jJhpArtTy ; the territories of Rome were | be admitted, not merely as a matter off Those ripening first are quite likelv to [ accomplish the purpose desired. If the
“ o I lo R l"n hij *■“>«“ 0f j rigbo but with an urbane nnd produe- the cwlicst ripening crop »l«n | , lua UC CJ tion S prescribed bj the Constitu
mtnciuiM .o ii.t noman ic 0 tonfl, anu lc 1()ns _ J[ ;iny KoUian towns Ju.d been I magnanimity. J hey should be received planted again. The largest should be j - / 3
more tliap two thirds ql tJio R'venue to ! n!t | u< . e< j ty as l, cs The republic liad sat-! — not with sneers and jeers—not with the | t;iken, and" those from the prolific stalks. | tIOn for members of Congress, or any office
the Roman treasury ; ami that while with j f vre j everything that could embitter the; vulgar arrogance of a dominant material j Those which are perfect, havinsr the ker-1 necfeBSar J to the government created by
:i ", o. these troops ami reveiwies,.j ,j,j n j s lm . n ;l a i„. s t t I ie i r fellows.^{ *>ree—not as enslaved prisoners of
home had effected the conquest of large
mid rich counties beyt n’d the finrits of
Italy, the ]iroeceds arising from all these
conquests, tile lands, the prisoners of war
naidi! slaves, and the immense contibr-
1 tons in money levied upon subjugated
kingdoms, ha I all, and ill .ctery‘ instance,
heon apprnpi iatcd by and to the exclusive
benefit of the Rumair’ ocople.
Notwitlist.aiiding the manifest justice of
this iletiiand, Roiiic refused to grant it.
Having exhausted all the means of reason
tiinl |iursiv.isinn, and all in Vain, ten
twelve of the allied States seceded i
indy. They proclaimed their
rnceui the Centra! Goverumcnt oi' Rome ;
tlmy proceeded to organise wlmt they
tinned the Italian Confederacy; they
adopted as their eapitol, the city of Cor-
W'liot, then, did tire Roman Senate do ?J a place behind tho car of the victor—bat j in a l! cases be. chosen. These matters ted, then Congress, the President and
Did it utter the word of annihilation to ■ as the members of a common family, who ar e quite too often overlooked. Wo have '
the governments of the revolted States'? j h??ve been estranged for the moment by j known many farmers who have expended
Did It reduce thoi* people to bondage and I the unseen works of those natural laws ^ g V c or ten dollars or more per acre, iu
starvation^.-- That jSenate was not com-j which so often break in upon the artificial preparing and planting a piece of ground,
arrngements of political communities, and '
posed of fanirtuf?. ’ T^-efy inember was a
Geivend or a Statesmen, and nine tenths
ol them were foth. That body was not a
ercatioii'of yesterday. It had existed lor
six hundred and sixty-five ’ years'; and
during that whole time, in ail the alfairs
of war, nogutiatiun, legislation, judicature
and administration, that Senate had dis
played a vigor and a wisdom which lias
independ- | K!V( .|. p, Qn equaled. No, not even ap
proach ed,-sa ye by those, moderate govern |
incuts which have taken that Senate as
their example, and drawn their inspira
tion from tlie wisdom of its counsels.—
' > f ‘iey or^.ui z.ed a Senate Composed ; J)j,l itspwak destruction to those Statessla^
", '‘^h’gatcs I run the seceded States ; j V( , r yt ;!ni j fegutiry to those unhappy people?
1 Vy l ' !, ‘ ctod VontiiU and magistrates, j Wh: j t lllcn a*d\l, C Senate do ? No, no !
"--.I titles ;;ml luntions corresponding | a ,, :! et of stupid vengeance wtis
null those in t he Roman organization; Jecnied unworthy of the'majesty. of the
inev organized a largo and powerful army,
anil, having dune these these.things, they
ilbpatched emhassadoi's to the Senate of
dome—they making one
appeal I
exhibit phenomena which all may sec but
none can interpret. They should he re
ceived as children of a common parentage
not with a clouded brow and a threatening
asp< ct, but with open arms, with sobs and
tcais for the misery wc have been com
pelled to inflict upon them. If Congress
* shall thus, elevate itself to a high point
from which it may survey' the nation ash
whole, and fee! tlie sublimity of it» owrr
from which they had gathered half a
crop, simply for want of a shilling’s
worth of time in selecting and preparing
the best seed, and this, in a greater or
loss degree, is too much the case general,
ly. It is likely that other cases of bad
economy practiced by multitudes, who
send their children to the district school
a year at an expense of thirty to fifty dol
lars for clothing, teaehers, etc., and yet
loose half the benefit to be derived simply
position as the nation’s representative, the j because they withhold one extra shillin
ominous doubt which now overspreads j fb r a « u itablc book. We urge every fartu-
t.he public mind will speedily give place j er j, t , over his corn-fields himself, as
to the returning Confidence of the people . as tbe crop has ripened, and gather
in their Government and in themselves. ; of the kind of ears- wc have indicated.
deemed unworthy' of the majesty
Roman people—unworthy the gcnerosiity
and magnanimity of the Roman Senate,
i Such an act of malignant stupidity has
peaceful be(?n rescr ved for a later day, and for a
what they dec mod but justice , ]j( ( ] e faction in the north cast corner of
10 themselves. Their embassadors were i th * s republic-more debased by supeisti-
a "d defiant au- j t j^ n , U(t j brutalized by fanaticism. What
sent back with a haughty
s wet
What the people want is security for
! the future—security which depends not
upon tlie sword, but upon will and affec
tion—upon tho mutual recognition of tlie
rights of men and of States—as those
rights are expressed in the Constitution
and the law, and practically applied
through the peaceful tribunals where none
but the ministers of’ the law preside.—
With this restored confidence the reinvig-
eig Upon the receipt of this answer, jjj thftt pc(m ! c do? ‘ It passed a decree,
e Confederate Government ordered its j ratiGe .j t .|,‘ e full assembly of the Roman
out of the kind of ears- we have indicated,
and then oi flier husk and store them
away in a dry room, or go back to the
oid-fasliioned plan of stripping down the
husks, braiding them together so that the
seed cars may be hung up in the attic or
other safe, dry place.— Germantown Tel
Remedy for Rots in Horses.—A
writer in the Southern Cultivator gives
orated energies of this great people wn!; ^ p Q ji
Cabinet, Supreme Court Judges, Foreign
Ministers, and the whole Government
may be changed from white to black with
the same facility and by the same inter
pretation of constitutional powers by
which the exclusion of members elect
from the Statos lately in rebellion, who
have been unconditionally pardoned by
the President and have taken the oath,
or are willing to take the amnesty or oath
of allegiance, can be effected by the inter
position of the test oath of 1802, and it is
clear, that, if Congress has the power to
add to the qualifications prescribed by the
Constitution for members of Congress,
then it may change those already pre
scribed. It is only necessary for Congress
to enact that all members elected to either
House of Congress, ami that every olficer
under the Government, shall be a descen
dant of the African race, and we may
have a whole Government constituted of
black men; or, if Congress chooses to
make no change in some of the depart-
; ments of the Government, then we can
J. T ORCH & CO.,
Ilare just received nt J. M.
DODD'S old sWu-vd,-Soutli-
\\ est Corner Public
juuivfl ttiburji
rrUIS xerciscs'of this T.'.stitution will be
resinned on Monday, the loth of J.inv.
Frop.-untorv Department, per nnnnm, $50
Collegiate, 7-3
Tuition fees desired in advance when practi
Tho Music Department will be as heretofore
under the control of I’rof. Seals.
Prof. Walker having taken charge of “ Col-'
logo TV-ill pie,” I most, cheerfully recommend
him to the full confidence and patronage of
nil who may desire to secure for their daugh
ters a thorough-and complete education.
Pics't and Proprietor.
Tan. 13-10-tf.
A new’nnd large supply
All varieties of
egiuns to bo drawn up upon the military , {o What manner of de
mutts intervening between the two capi- [ Jt was a Jccrcc conferring
"Is, and there to stand upon their defense, j c ; {i/0M< i • t t )0 ir fu!
ilotne began by conffring the rights ofj whom y‘ w ift, n wore
Artiuin, or Roman citizenship, upon the ] cont - c f re p ? They were con Git
.order States wliioo had not joined <j t KelaUyesir oitho war ; and up r
icw ( onfedi mcy. Having thus by an | of the ^ rit , ltes AV hich had
oiateii energies ot this gretit people win; .i following simnle remedv for hots i . . _ ,
soon fill the immense void in the country’s whichj if administered in time, he ealls haT ® a v ® net ^ ® f colors * some ,ueiJlber3
! ij .j 1 black, others white. The clause in the
Jiisvtjr ui Lixv. avuiuu j - n mvti, it tv i in i 11
r ot cTecreoVa.s^hat ? j nmtcfiai wealth, Tnade l>y the wasthil, an a j ni0tS t. Infallible
__ its of
ness. U pdn
wore those rights,
ed within
... ..wu.j.v.v, remedy. Dreitch
fires of war. hvery good cit’Zen, with a I iVde ] y wit]l 6weot mi!k a:1 ,q uiblasses (su-
soul reanimated by the bright prospects I ^brhbnAy will do)'well shaken togeth-
of freedom and security in the future,
will put forth his utmost energies to place
□ everyone !■ himself'in a situation to’contribute his
which had laid down j ^ u ‘l l 1ur * that immense .tjontr.bution
ilavin" done this—Imving, | from the nations wealth, without which
strengthened thetr allogumco aji.d sceuryi ; by h ^ h ^ 0 f and jus- im-H-aring bankruptcy must ingulf its
resfoYcfl the Italian Union 'mote all, and turn the country over to the perils'
of justice to these border States. t , j nrn , s
tigthencd their alloghmco ajid socur^ji
tin if aid. the Roman Si nato ordered their
Constitution, which provides that each
House of Congress shall judge of the
election returns, and qualifications ” of
its own members, have been construed by
er. Continue it, a small bottle every 15
or 20 minutes, until the animal becomes
easy, then give a quart bottle full ofj , . ,
strong salt and water, followed soon after ,L ' rad,cal P art J t0 S ive the P owcr to the
with a quart of castor oil.
It is idle to g : ve anything to kill the
I drench and will do it. They seize on it
and fill in a little while. In salt
( and water they will die dormant for days
to Asia Minor to recover hrr territories I ■*•'**■'• j together, and in this state the oil will
there, which Mithradctes. taking advau-j (iEN. Lee DOES NOT AsX FOR i AR-. carry qfiem off*. A good many valuable.
, i i- i ] c v. . i i t;, £ e Social war in Italy, .had over- [ DON.—The New- York correspondent of: fior^es have died recently in this vicinity,
were slaughtered upon the field. Q t battle. ! n ° an q oecup iec p wl:h J, is troops; and ; tho ^ ‘ ‘ '
House of Representatives, not merely to
inquire and decide whether the applicant
hots while in the horse. The only plan ; for a seat has the qualifications prescri-
them off this is a sweet; jjy qj ic constitution, viz.: that he was
more generally as tlie Social war. It ex
tended through three voa~s and ten months
of time. Three’hundred thousand men
. tiieK legions speedily sent this- ancient) “ 1 he statement which went the rounds ; ^avecl if the above simple remedy
Maximilian back to his liuhj kingdom oft a few months since to tho effect that | la j i, cen p ruU )ptly administered,
outus which, ii» with in a few years after,} General Lee had filed an application for j
During the first and second years of the
war, the balance of victory was greatly in
favor of tlie Confederate Gori rtuneut.— j j
many prolonged and saugunnirV batfles^jj^y “jdcTis *’-provinco"tb the Roman
tlie [Inman armies had been routed anu i ~ i*
cut to pieces, so that at the close of the . • tlrJS Suited, uuoii the basis of
second y»v.r every thing seemed to 1 e iual ri'difs, by admitting all to rartici-
cate the final triumph of tlie ( eufedcrncy. ^ }j| j fs bl . n ' 6t? . wh o were required to
Lut Romo was Rome SUB- . Pmi'? ‘ hare th „ burthens of the Government',
mx lumdm! tmd -Wty-two yenrs of ortrn- j ^ cn3]j!cd to bxhtbit thaUp-Iiteal phe-
K-rmutcd conflict ot arms, within and bo- | bn> ncver before or since seen in,
tcayane says :
The lives of mast oi them might have
“pardon," is now denied on the authori-1
ty of the pardon bateau. There is no j COMPLEX RELATIONSHIP.—A corres-
such application for pardon on file, nor 1 pondent of Hamer's Monthly is involved
nefet .
tins discharge of his duties as Fresident _ _ _
ct V.'ashington ttcj Ai, U who H«td .<tbl h*r ^d.,»ght w in M fek° their sits itrtoo BmpW
m 5w*nnn^i^mo l.mtco I msmed the widow; my *
sucu application lor paruon on uh?, nur j ponaeiu oi narper* iuuniniy is luvoiveu
ha^ there been. Gen. Lee took the nm-(; n Joniestie perntexitics.. He writes :
nesty cath just previous to etiterit-g upon ! ; . • •
the discharge of his duties, as President { I acquainted with a young widow,.
of Yfashiiigton College, and tins is ail ‘ who lived wi
that he lias done in the wav of securing | s< , nie house.
“ twenty five years of age,” had been
•'‘seveu years a citizen of the United
States,” and was an “ inhabitant of the
State from which he was elected,” but
cerfain other qualifications added by
Congress and found in. the con
stitution. Such a measure, certainly can
be accomplished by an amendment of the
constitution in the usual form. There
seems to be an idea afloat on the minds of
socie, that the exercise by the two Houses
o£Congress of the powers given them to
j judge of the right of each of its own
caxisssB’s saoES,
Of all kinds;
Also a largo and full supply
of all kinds of
J. tf. MAX.V, 1 Salesmen
J. A. HUNT Bit? / N'ewnan, Ga
lt. T. HITNTKU, 1 .Salesmen
JOS. NALLS, /furLorcliiCo.
A. 31. \V( l 0D, > Salesmen
ML MARTIN, /Franklin, Ga.
Sept. 16-2-tf. - - - ■
Corner Whitehall and Marietta Streets.
W ILL be opened ou the first Monday in
February next, for the reception- of
Students. Open day nnd night. The Oollegw
Course, will embrace Mercantile Penmanship,
DodlMe faitry Book-Keeping, Commercial Cal
culations, and Commercial Law.
Also, \Vi 11 be tauglit, the German, French,
Spanish and Italian languages.
Circulars containing all information?
required, sent to any oue by addressing,
G. WALTON KNIGHT, President,
Box 20o, Atlanta, Ga.
Jau. 1 * i— 10—t.
I-X i g* li School*
Male am! Female Collegiate Institute.
Professor Mathematics, Ancient Languages, .jc.-
THOMAS J. GIBSON, Assistast,
Instructor in English Branches.
tier of states lying at live fiend of tho Alps, A
and embraced within the territory known
st' v isalpinc Gaul.* Slie ntxt. ami for the
first time in her histciy, inetirpoiaieT
iVeefi.tneo, or men who had o6'en s’kves,
into the body of l^-.r legions—humilia
tion which she had Aver l-cforc proudjy
lxdused la upon Iters-:If, even when,
duriug the seceu I I’utiio war, the err
< 'arthag
over all
liis eanij
imd by
1,>- the border States. with the rsefui’s
from tlie body of.tlic ;'V; > dme«. re.-rgan-
ized her armies, she' depart, >1 from her
usual custom of piaeir.g those mnu's trr.-
u p
five hundred years after the close of the.| up to accuse H;i
Social war. its vi:st system ui loreign j •
conquest, without the iiru’iini-s.oti of a t y few years ago a man
single-: homy anti without' h.avirg. in all
' j duties ot tne eomnnttces on elections, in
. fachc-i, n.y wi.e ; s step G. l u^ l ,.er *s ; e j»t, er House of (fougrws. arises on quea-
rS^TSal ^ ^J-^'ltionsoffairness at the polls, and of the
-e- m Western New York a-serted ! ^ . mw . W1 " 7 ,&f [qualifications of the voters. The question
U Jr . > • . who is toe step-mother of my wife, has a t ^ rot jrnB qaaiiiSearions of mem .
t!n*e. signed a single treaty of peace by ! t j 12t t he blood status on r.n axe found in , .
which n'he acre nF.its.'territorial conquest | h;9''t'0ssess‘iou were from a dog wfitcli 'he • A 3 j - 1 - •- r---.-a.iy my ^.ep-jrot e. ; -ju. ^ 5 ,. 3 give? any trouble
was surrendered or restored. j had killed. The c:e*c was referred to 1'rc-f.; because he is the'son of my wife's step- j *
1 have been thus particular in these [Jadlev, of Buffalo, wild vn- purposely daughter, so is my wife the grand-mother ^ General Grant bn? sent to both
... 1 .. . * • t . . ** .» 5! kL- ...... _ . . ”
Genera! Merchandise
A.Vt) Xt.b XtxriS <»F
3riek Front, Second Door from Herald OfF.ce,
3V111 keep on hand.a .general assortment of
such good? as are needed in the country, which
they will sell
Low for Cash or Country Produce.
November ll-10-3m.
M u s i c J) c ]> a r l in cut.
Exercises begin or the second Monday
in January, 18GG.
Course of Study and Rates of Tuition
per Scholastic Month.
Primary Dei’abtjik.vf, (Spelling, Head-'
ing and Writing,) $2 oO
Preparatory Department, (English
Grammar, Geography,Arithmetic,&c;,) 4 00
Commercial Department, (English
Grammar,English Composition, Arith
metic, Book Keeping, Penmanship, Al
gebra, <5cc.,) r» OO
Coleeoiath Department, (Natural Sci
ences and Belles Letters, Declamation^
Latin, Greek, French, Higher Mathe
matics, Music, &c.,) o OO
f D rm iptom.
The above School will consist of two Terms
—six months for the first, and four for tho
second. Students entering either of these
will be charged from time of entrance until
close of tlie Term. Tuition payable at the close
of each month. 1
Board and lodging can be had at $20 per
month. To young men preferring to board’
themselves, Mnj. Moreland and others havo-
offered to furnish timber, and allow them to>
build rooms on their land, near the Academy,
free of charge.
“Christian Association r every Wednesday,
night. Lectures on Bible subjects.
“Literary Society”—important subjects
discussed—every Friday night.
31aj. Pl. O-Mohei and, )
Rev. W. Ii. Smith, |
Rev. B. StatToro, j Trustees.
Tiios. C. Houeland, {
John W. Arnold, j [Dec. 2-13-2m.
rtnilE #luler»igo>od, Imving rented Hie “ Phi-
1 loiuathic Institute,”respectfully announce
to the citizens of N'ewnan and surrounding
country that they will open a
Monday, Jan. 15th, T8GG.
The rooms are commodious and well ar
ranged for the comfort of stndent3.
Spelling, Reading, Arithmetic, Algebra, Ge-
ometry, Trigonometry and the higher Mathe
matics taught. Also the Latin ari'T Greek
Languages. Boys prepared for a College
3FLatos of Tuition.
Spelling, Reading, Geography
and Arithipetie $4 00 per month.
Otlier branches 5 00 “ “
KFSi-,Diie first day of each month.
Those desiring to send their boys or wards
would do well to see 3V . S. BP,A DLLS,
Nov. 4-0-tf. W. T. FREEMAN.
—ax the—
'W'. IvSI-
Senate and House Committees on Military
very important . com mun teat ion
an increase of the regular
The sn""Crtior.« contained in!
2 s .. . • . i £’ rr >rU ,r -t?C 2+ tM T.r.r Nxry-ryri
. Grant’s corr.Tiiunicatrans are e-sett- O a U « /NO tX' aut ii A A AAg,
\\T OULD .rtkpectfnHy inform everyirOdr
t V aad the Imlanco »f mankind, that fie is
now t.rcpare<I to iornisii any tiling and every
tainapn taewaTof . . ...
. Th i Gousliia it i- •’ : - <h
Their eatks are fliff ufiofi'th Yr lips: NYi!
thrv redeem iha-e solemn pledge thn
node to- the Aimighty that they wrajid
Onions and iv,—"cnrce.y
mmeh can be said ih friiriqhf cflions
f.rrv!?. They c ’em
rentedv fw various
thlir different from the Lid prepared Ly.;
' J .y... - ... *_ I At the verv
. ScnaEr'*> iison. Ihc authority For rats-j
negro rcgiiiiaau.he prop e-.cs t<> place)
• in the hands of the President. It i»i
rill j
very lowest prices -nnd shortest notice.
Ps»t*»Rt of F.ifnilv Cook Stbves, »•
from to $-3u. accordiag to stze&^D'^.
lUi'i outui. .
Tie. Warc reduced 2-3 per, cent, under 1
ih c. ; j brother in-law of eit son, because he has
n to • tt'rarc^fit'.vc an I p ; .
s diseases to whibh .a!o-Jpot hi? step sister for a wife. I am the - jj,^
li-iVe. For gapes and 1 brother of niy own son, who is the son.of j n . ;
ihu-tho comma mi vi t“ D ! ''' ^wAce-vrn'iTs'of tbcPrcshlem H iiifhmStton throat, eyes and hstJJ my step-mo'her; I am. the brother :n-taw ^ubtful whether the f’-ommiftees vril! j aojr ot!.t#mar!{et.
SMrS* NA T' - a.-ayxN
lolcs thV- ablcsf (icucrals* ofi tho age—the generals. —- ■' tons it^.wict m i-a» I>. -Uv V --'.p- i own son : my son is We gr- . « tfly|(j eR £ rr rm. t lliiuks :• i. >u.J be Ttfi to .vstewtifenni#
. ...r Caius Maria . bis gi ■ rival entire arm;, 1 ; XYill th. y »v>pe •: wii.ti - ■ v:: i : c: , • 1 r. ir. i 1 am mv “w:i ^jir:dLtTi*.r ' M.I. li .Y tr Tr /. | Rnoarj 20-2b-7m
tAc-b-lWfc. ; S'lh ' TliV.-l ,-r-.-.1 sh-»uM ? . u.-ir- mi • rurau.-' - v - ..
I>epot Htr., Newnan, Ga.,
Will repair neatly and promptly
*2? y seCsX) lira 30
’cTitember 70—1-lv.
Fresh _jB read!
T!:e undersigned is prepared to furnish
If liberally putronized. customers can have
bread seat to them before breakfast each dav.
Oct. 28-8-Bm. W. B. CHAPMAN. *
'he Ilcraid Otlict.'^a