The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, February 24, 1866, Image 2

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€l)c limium IMlL HEWHAN. GEORGIA. Sararday Kornvag February £4, 1366. President Johnson. TRc recent addresses and act? of the )’resident lend tie-to believe that lie fm!j intends to take ("he Cix*sWutioo for bu> pui lc and leave the company of the Rad ical*. Wc doubt not that theolsticlc* in h;s way are, but, we believe he will eurmount tlictn. The Republican party elected him, and for many reasons have weighty claims upon— y.t,. wc ap prehend no Dian will have the effrontry tb aSsert that he should follow his party when by so doing lie is forced to trample upon the Union, and the Constitution,and disregard his oath of office. It is hard to separate from those who have honored liioi, it is harder still for him to commit perjury. 11 is painful for him to place lihnicdf* in antagonism to those who were once his friends—it is more painful still for him to place himself in a position an tagonistic to the Union, and the best in terest of the nation. We trust the President will not rest 6 ithfied with a partial rupture. If the issue is once made plain and an appeal is made to the people the Executive will have nothing to fear. Mr Johnson will never place himself in a correct position, until lie makes liis Cabinet a unit. It is eleai* to an impartial observer, that this body is divided, that the head of one oi the Departments is pursuing a course in- con-istent with the President’s avowed policy. The Federal Executive desires peape, aud the return of good will between all parts of the notion, 'flic garrbouing of towns and cities in the South with ne gro troops has an opposite tendency.— The President 1ms decided that a pardon restores to an individual all his property except slaves. This light has been de nied to certain parties and the people know who lias caused this denial. l*fc> haj* it would lie best not to particularize, hut enough has been said to indicate that the President basin his own cabiuet those who opposo his restoration policy. We caunot doubt that Andrew Johnson will offer walking papers to such of his cabinet rs differ from him in their views. When these dissonting members retire wc will see rapid strides in the restoration of the Uuion. Americans will then fully un derstand the wisdom of t^ic President’s policy, liis popularity and his opponents’ unpopularity will he increased. In other words success will crown his efforts, while defeat will be the fate of liis enemies.— Tile Uniort will bo restored and Our peo ple will be prosperous on do more. On the other baud, if Mr. Johnson, permits those opposed to his policy to hold scats in his cabinet, his efforts at re storation will he fcoble and unsuecossful, while the extreme views of the liadicals will bo triumphant. The effoct upon the country of such an event will bq incalcula ble. Our land bccomd as barren as Idu mea and our cities as desolate as Pfctra. Then with nfi the zeal we possess, we would urge upon Audiew Johnson to make hjs cabinet a unit and save this people from tha dark late that will be theirs if by any means bis enemies should triumph. Petroleum in Alabama. Wo learn from the Rome Courier that tbei steamer Undine took down the Coosa river lust week from that place to Gads den, Cherokee County, Ala , a carload— #10,000 worth—of machinery, for boring lor Petroleum Oil, at or near Gadsden.— The Courier understands the machinery belongs to nu Atlanta company, of which Mr. .T. II. Rogers is Superintendent. It is said that the work of boring will be commenced immediately by practical oil men^ who arc very sanguine of success They say the indications of rich deposits are of the very best kind. They are go- ini; to make a-thorough test as soon as American Cotton Planter end Soil of the South. —wp A note from Dr. Cloud. Editor and I’ropriet r, informed U; th .t; it Wa- liis U ill edge ville Correspondence., ttb. ltr, lSG'j. Iu ai‘1 -—Your very .welcome let ter readied!ai - two da - since, I have intention to resurSe the pubTica^TorraT th™ be'cft waiting, Use Our fr.. .. 1 u , , , , . , r ns Vicjubcr, for 4 * something to turn Cotton Planter and expected to issue the ‘ - ' first number about The new volume? March. A Visit to a* Confederate Settlement in •; t.- • tlnr >’»».j t. ! U A l II Y, PI AM KBS, Mexico.- , • thni-two firiiily f>iab.ish* A correspondent of the New York tri-\d »•• tun any ri>k. All ti.e ( .mfedenres |.un«!«K IMI iii&iestmg^^ceonnt of a wete csce- d.ngly frnidK to,t he l.mpe- vis'.t teftl.e fiusifed.-ra^ CJnny at Cord*- n-r. fr *fn v.ho-e hands-Jh*} hue r.-e.*it va in Mexico. We copy st u;c i.ortioti ed manv a favor, and intended to remain of it: MUSICAL INSTRUMENT* Silver-Waro;, N* . . , . . up/’ about which I might write you. When I hi forme*! the judge (Perk , . LUth of tins month. [ >CII J v ,, u the sp ech of Hon. Jas. A. 0 r tiu; c l,; c f object of my visit, he iuiiur-.full of rebel ji»ldiers am! officers who con- j wili / epminen9C with I Kend« r of Meriwetluir, on-the abolition offer ,.j , ne „,j facilities 1 des: W**^^*^™ «-i»| ONE HlliUOX DOM,.ms! T i ilililt!»i^lTi*w 4^'•• <“4**' rive Doll;!rs *' i>:>n r, . j, ii. uKNj. : W. IP W. DEXT& l’.RO, im-ve- jest liecfciivi:i> U tin* Old Stand 1 ol Went .v Allen, on the our re^nr.l to vain, AND NOT TO BE PAID 1 OR Until you know what yon arc to receive! AYest Side fireenviffe-SL Xt’wnan. fin. A r.A i’ll lit STOCK OF •.jlii|Ti new friends constantly, and bis at f [ f ;nr ji, e animals l could n >t help had sent for their families; some were tenti,yn TO business shows that the people | t i/jukimr that the colour was not in a a!readv on their way to Mexico. Anmna ! 0 f Meriwether county knew well whom j wy t i uri.-hin^; coudhjo.n. 'I'hey Were , them Gens. Shelby's and EwMl’s families l.-.AS Gold and Sih'i-r W itche< w -re *listril>- utvU aiuouji Uic patrons oi J'akki.mson ,v t o.. • luring the month of January IS A;. Read rwinments of ihe press, speaking of the l irin in the most coni|diiiKnt:try manner :—“ A mint industrious and prosperous house."—Shippers- Misconstrued. Radical journals mifayuiRtrue the ' thev ctccted to represent tliem. * spavined, lame, and of a very diminutive ,Gcn Price was also waiting for his wim, remark of the President,-that loyal men i U»P‘ Tucker, liis colleague, U a hale, j ^ T hey stumbled several times on , who was to join bin in a month or so.— 1- M r' i’.u. i-K ’ hearty widower, who makes laws u» the j jj, ^ T all( j were so hard of moathtbat In short, every one I Saw there seemed cn- fchouiu ooutrul ifaa diflercHt G.i - » • lu<ll „i„g a t the State House, and love to a cn „ ine cou ij IIOt have made them tirely sati-fi,-d with his new enditon, so I burgh, V„.. Sentinel -tiive »ll who ci «uh merits, i lie President docs not refer tn j t j,c l^oies in the evening. lie is 14 ^ ei> -j i;. c l t he bridle. The Judre was much ! much so as to d< sire others to associate j tlmm |*«?rteot^ — Bnukirk.^.p h“‘^ original unionist only—but, to all who i^uian in every respect, and a man of no ! a!llUSe j at , I1V efforts to keep my hor.,e in with them, and employing to that effect ! ,!in«' J :Vn.A!»» ^f'*their «.»oil have taken the oath of Amnesty and j ordinary merit. _ __ „! the right direction. ‘-Don't be angry.” ■ all the arguments of' a snege-tivp mind. , Potlz N. V . 7V'»<v. -‘ Perfectly reliuMe •Nvnck. N. V., id yielded obedience to th i of Amnesty and ordinary merit. ^ the right direction. *-l»on t bo angry, j all tbe arguments of ft suege-tivc muni, j ^- ew p. lltz y. r.mee. -‘ Perfectly reli«l»l the laws of the land. U ! *»e resources of the State were suf , | 3Us j|,inglv f “against these po..r j Nearly every Confederate who has set- 1 :lM ,i w iil d» all they promise.”—.Vyack, N. V . . tie.ent, this J^cgishiture would, 1 have but i crc .,. urcs • j t U ot their fault if thev 1 tied on this spot lias entered 640 acres **f. City $ County. -‘Stand high for honesty an say these who were. • ^ JouU> rcmove Ul0 Penitentiary to | do *- t f - uH o W the straight line ; it is the | ground. If all have not done so it is be- | 'bll Mr. Johnson did not but those who are (non ) loyal should fill !^ |nc 0l i u r an j u, ore favorable locality.— | . - .fault of education. They have be., 'cause me ianu aooui vruma «.*.> 1 1|e .. s •• C-u I ij.,liar 1 e N. V. RmUt. --Keeptheir responsible positions. If lie had intended. ( R u t under the cireuuisUit;eoS, the inerea- | tra i„ ed guerrillas.” He informed me • been all surveyed, and could not cousc-| w . o _j , u . t |,„nor,ildv by tlu ir pHtrons. - '— quetitly be sold. In a few weeks, how | Lyons, N. V. /W cause the land about Cordova has not yel to refer to the past, the proper language , sed burthens o. the people in the way «>1 t | Ja ^ | lurs< . s? brought up in that profession, would have been used lai ^ s ’ thc enoru!OUS d.crease-in the val | arc g(>jn broken down and sold tor a trifle ue of their property, Ac. &e., Ido no1 1 a ftcrward. ife then gave me the history The President Sustained. \ think the hotly at this session, at least, The Senate on the 20th, by a vote of j will entertain such a proposition. In my nn . , 0 r j I ■ j-i',1 opinion, a nOw l’etiiientiary would cost 30 yens to 18 na-.s refused to trass tin* t f . ■> s * - 1 . but lutie more than the repairing of the Fftcdmen’s Bureau Bill over the ! tc.-n- ; oJd j vul j. The j cbr i d 0 f tb e Institution dent’s veto. ;—l mean tbe brick remaining, lor there On the same day Tliad. Stevens' reso- j is nothing else of any value lek—will sell lution to deprive the Southern States ol fur at least uue halt the original . • ,, i i i n. The money thus obtained and that which representation until they are declared fit J „-i i:_. r 1 ■ ; would have to be expended in rebuilding by Congress, passed the House by a vote | tliew ,j „ lie> w iH, in my judgment, very of 109 yeas tj 40 nays. Too Late—The Code- We rn/rct exceedingly that the letter of our able correspondent Wat cauic to hand too late, though written in time, for this issue. Wc have room only for his closing remarks. “ The entire Code has to be changed. All that is not we propose to amend, by saying, “ All parts of the Code of thii- State which have not been, arc hereby amended. Do not grow impatient, or help induce the people So to feel j and we will do oui eery best. The House on the Banks. J. W. T. under date of Feb. 19th says : “ A motion was made to day to recitid thc resolution of Mr. Adams, of Clark, in regard to Banks furnishing reports, etc., it was lost, four votes beiug east against recinding to one for it. 1 liis shows de cidedly the feeling of this body in regard to extending relief to the Banks, when such relief cannot be extended to. the people. The Batiks will not receive much at the hands of this Legislature.” A COLONEL MURDERED BY A NE GRO IN KNOXVILLE. The Negro Hanged by the Mob. Knoxvili.k Feb. 14 180*1.—At a sale of Government property lu re to-day. Lieu tenant Colonel Dyer, late of the First Tennessee Cavalry, was shot through the heart by a negro Soldier. The. Colonel had purchased some articles at the sale, and On goingito jniy f t them was ordered to stand hack, and simultaneously shot. Soon afterward a large crowd gathered in front of the military headquarters and demanded the peisort of the negro soldier. After Gliding him the crowd hung him to the branch of h tree until dead. The greatest excitement prevails. nearly, if not ijuite build a new one Ii was expected here, until the latter part Of last week, that lion. II. A . John son would address thc •General Assembly on the state of the country, but a letter received by his friends here, inform us that lie cannot do so at present. It is still, however, hoped and believed that Uon. A. II. Stephens will soon address the Legislature on that important subject. The House has decided to leave the question.of the abolition of the Peniten tiary to a vote of the people; tbe elcctiuu to come on the Grst Wednesday in Oc- tub* r next. I do not think the Senate will concur in the action of the House, as it has already rejected a hill providing for its abolitiou. 1 have no objection to leav ing important matters to the decision of the peoplej but I do think leaving the ah olition of the Penitentiary to them is a “ right shoulder shift” of a considerable responsibility. Ten convicts for various crimes, have recently urrivdd licre, among them a “nig ger”—the Grst darky, l presume, ever so sentenced in this State. Saturday last was spent in discussing the Tax Bill reported by thc Finance Committee. The clause in regard to a specific Tax oil liquors, was indefinitely postponed. Considerable discussion arose hi regard to taxing uegroes in the same manner as whites. Mr. Glenn of Whitfield, contended that the negro should be taxed only for a .-pc,- eific purpo e, viz: the education of their young and the support of their aged and infirm—that thus taxed they could never claim the right of suffrage. It was con tended by others that the negro received protection in person and property, and was as fully represented as widows, orph ans aud aliens, whose property bad never been exempt from taxation. of the two we were now riding, 'liny were led to tho slaughter house, when a rebel soldier, w ho was then in search of beasts of burden for the colony met the driver, anil proposed to swap them for an old pistol which he had brought from Texas. The driver, who belonged to a band of guerrillas,'accepted the bargain the exchange took place at the next tav ern and were sealed by two glasses of aguardiente. Ikoou.became so enraptured by the magnificence of thc landscape around us that I teased to beaflected by the restless temper of my charger. Each step we made, each cut of the route, revealed to us unparalleled natural beauties. Ihe mobogany, the wild cocoa tree, palm trees with their fan like leaves, the iron oak, a tree as hard as iron, the tapotilo, the gatidn, the balsam and other precious trees, lined the road and shaded the soil. In the midst of them fields oflimc, bana na, pineapple, orange and lemon trees en raptured the sight and the smell. A soft breeze, impregnated with the perfume of thousands of flowers and trees, refreshed the atmosphere, and hundreds of birds of most brilliant plumage, voluptuously bath ing in their radiant firmament, added by their song to the enchanting scenery be fore us. “Y'ou now begin to understand,” said Judge Perkins, who was sharing the ad miration produced upon me by such a sight, “why we decline returning to the States. Where could we find, tell me, any spot comparable to this ? not certain ly in any part of the country we have just left. As ro fertility, this land may challenge the richest soil o! the United States. Here thc farmer gets two, some- liir es three, crops of corn in a year, which lie sells, on the spot, at 81 a bushel, some times 82, and sometimes 83. Let us take the lowest figure. Suppose that you should have a patch of lOd acres planted with corn, thc acre giving you 6t> bushels each crop and 120 bushels for two crops, why,at the end of the year yon have pockettd your §12,000, upon which you will have to deduct, {wrhaps, S2.000 for hired labor and other expenses Net profit, 810,000. Where can you find any farm which would give you so much in any part of the world ? 1 do not men- 'I lie hill w;ll probably*, he disposed of i t j on j, cre other products, the cotton, the to-day. j *offee, sugar, which require the assistance Thc House bill to poidon ii rry L. Cox 0 p f speak merely of what h The staid old Washington Intelligencer indulges itself and its readers in the fol lowing UveU’-donunciiitipu of Mr. tjtev- ens, of reni.sylvanin : Starting out in conspicuous public life on the duplicable hbobr of aiiti-Masonry/an’d closing it for ever, so far as the mass of the people of Pennsylvania is concerned, by corrupt practices to defeat the finally to subvert the go’v State, he only found refu existence—we had almost said tolerance ; close. passed the Senatu a few days ago. without a dissenting voice. A? bill for the pardon of Martin, has been lost in the House, but one origina ting iu the Senate for the same purpose, passed that body by a large majority, on ly four voting against it. It will come before the House this week. The special order for to-morrow, is a hill to be entitled an act to authorize His Ex- popular.will, /aijd ; cellcncy the Governor, to issue and uego- 0 f grass will make you as good : overnuieht of the tiatc the Bonds of the Slate whereby to j as Sl ny log cabin you have ever duge lor political j raise money, &c., a copy of which I en- 0 f_ Xs to fencing, .this indis poor, man can do here with only a couple of hands and ayoke of oxen or mules.” “But,” said 1, “don’t you include in the expenses of settlement the housing and fencing?” “There is no need of either in those fortunate regions” replied the Judge.— VS.e these banibos,” added he, striking with the whip a-clustcr of canes as large as my leg, “four rows of this and a roof a house dreamed We are pleased To see this enterprise put on foot in onr nti^lilsHitig. State.— Should it prove a success at the poLnt hf- ing fappiod, dt will give evidence of the existence of a great source of wealth in that State, which probably exists all over one third or more of its territory—or at least to tlie extent 6f its rich and vast coal fields. Its development will attract capital, not only in this great source of w*' *J*h, but o: numberless other sources of boundless wealth, which exist in the Northensern, Middle and Northwestern portions of thc State. It will also bring life and vigorous vitality to several droop- ,jiig Railroad enterprises which were pro- jected-to tap and give value to the vast mineral wealth known at the time to ex ist in that section.—Columbus Sun. The.piace of-geueral business of this “The Georgia Petroleum Company."* is Newuan, and not Atlanta. The officers of the company are men of energy and learuiagt and will be successful if success be possible. We will state too, that the •Stockholders are sanguine in the belief that Mr. Rodgers will speedily discover Petroleum In the locality referred to. pensal le auxilary of every American plantation, to live—bj a flight to a hoyse b£^refuge, i I also send you a hill introduced by j the thing is entirely unknown here.— a Gibraltar of political prejudice,ignorance ! Hon. E. A. l'ottle of W arreu, in regard ’f hose. who. have cattle or sheep have also and hate. There, above all other places, ! to establishing rules of evidence and pro-1 a n ian to watch over them, and a herd a sardonic and saturnine character might coedings for ascertaining and adjusting j never goes without its shepherd. Those (best be expected to control a people who, tjie equities between the different credit-; temping have either a pen for that in following implicitly the dictation of.pus ol the Banks of this State, Ac. ! purpose.or tic thc animal to a tree; so habitual political overseers, have no j Ihe last clause of section of the Bill there is no danger of having your fields ! strength of wili to rise above the mastery j reads thus : “ All confiictiiiAj law^. and j visited by destructive animals.” | which fetters and degrades human nature especially all summary remedies in favor ' j listening to the Judge when my ] itself.” I ol Lauk creditors, are hereby I. , s :^ht was arrested by an uiiCuished house, j Think of you like, \e Lanx rid a story high, and four or five tents pitch- National Currency--Gen. Lee before the d^n. Railroad oppressed peopne of Gcor- e j a i,„g a bro?k lined with trees and S a * - *• t • | shrubs “Surely, said I, “this I doubt tlio ability of myself and col- the colony.” “You have guessed right,” . , league to tret through the Bill authoriz- ^aid Mr. Perkins: “here is my gallant 1 Ihe issue of nat.onel cawencv for the ltl g the Mayor and Aldermen of the city friend, Gen. Price and his associates,! Reconstruction Committee. Washington,’FeB. 17 1806. ever, the colonists, who number abou» 100 at present, will be satisfied. F-»r the surveyors arc hard at work, and the sale of land is progressing. These land:- are sold at -?1 per acre, payable in five install ments, bearing interest at six per cent. 500 Solid g .1*1 Hunting watches, .#300 to 750 500 M ioi,-.Cased G <!•! Watches...250 to r>0O *500 l.ailies Enameled Wnt.die-.... IUO to f>u0 oOU Dnmoinl Cluster Ladies's S-.-ls 3no to 70u 1.000Diamond 8-ditaire Rings, _75to-jso 1,000 Heavy Silver Hunting \Vntches7-5 to 150 1.000 Open-Face Silver Watches -0 to 75 1.0"0 Sil v’r a Mahog’ny ninsic’l box’s l On to 500 1,000 Silver I lining Sets 75 to ;;:.o 1.500 Silver Tea Sets, complete 50 to g<_)0 2,000 Silver Urns and Salvers 7oto25n 2.090 Seven Chamber Revolvers 75 to 3o0 2.500 1’atent ri.ngle Barrel Pistols.... 25 to 75 2.000 Richly Framed Oi! Paintin .S...75 to 3-50 2.5 )0 Elegant Pearl Opera Classes...25 to 75 t it,000 Mammoth Photograph Albums.loto 51 gan, of Sevier, asked that the roll bo call- j 3,000 Cluster Diamond Rings 25 to joo ed, and that the absentees be required to j j$,noo Ladies’ Oval Bracelets ,....l-5to 5t> respond, but this failed to elicit response 3.5oo (J.dd Chains, different dcsigns..2a togOQ r , 1 m’u .. „*•„ i .3.500 Gobi Thimbles, chaso l j lo .»« enough to snow a quorum. Ihe contu-, . -- . . * , . - ... t t“.00o Sitr et and Plain Gobi Rings. ...-> to ,.• Sion and excitement which prevail* cl was ; hl/wo (K-ntlemens’ Scarf Pius 5 to 50 evidently on the increase, as tbe Iriends j g.5ou Brooches mid Ear Drops 5 to of the bill were convinced that quite a number of its enemies had »i: her absent- [Special Dispatch to the Louisville Democrat.] A Row in the Tennessee Legislature— The Lie Paised. Nashville, Feb. 16. During the progress of the debate on the franchise bill in the House Mr. Du- ed themselves from the House or refused 13,500 Gold Lockets, Double Glass....~5 to 35 lo.OUoGoId Pens and Gold Holders...lo to 75 10,000 Sets Studs and Sleeve Buttons...5 to 25 . , 5 000 Silver Goblets a Dni.king CiipS-5 to oO to vote, in order to prevent a quorum and j 5fll00 Set Ten, Table* Desert Spoons. 10 to thus defeat the passage of the bill, ami ;/«.ioo.Set Tea,Table a Desert Forks_l0 to this seemed more obvious from the fact that some half dozen anti-franchise mem bers who were present at the forenoon sessiou had absented themselves. Mr. Mullins, of Bedford, said that there were members present who refused to answer to their names -and he would not be sur prised if it was the result of a caucus ar rangement. The Speaker, in great ex citement, asked if the member from Bed ford meant to charge that he was pnvy to that arrangement? Mr. Mullins re replied that he would as so n suspect the Speaker as anybody el.~e. The Speaker sprang from his chair, and prouottneed the member from Bedford “a G d d d old liar !’’ at the same time e n- phasising bis remark by throwing hi? gavel toward the offending member. It fell short of its mark upon the floor. Mr 5.000 8et Tea, Table a Desert Knives., lo to 25 2,500 Revolving Silver Cas’ors 25 to 75 2,500 Si.ver Cake and Fruit Baskets...25 to 75 12,500 Wine Holders and other articles..5 to 75 To immediately dispose of the above tnag- ! nilicetit S’ock, Certificates naming the articles j are placed in sealed envelopes and well mix ed. Haiders arc entitled to the articles nam ed on tiieir Certificate upon payment of §5.00 whether it he a beautiful Watch ora Musical Box worth §500.00, or a Plaia Gold Ring worth >5. The rutifrn of any of our Certificates en titles you to the article named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of its worth, «-id as no article valued less than 85 is named on any Certificate, it will at once be seen that this is NO LOTTERV, but a straight forward legitim ate transaction, which may be participated in even by the most fastidious. “^38 Any oae wishing to invest in the above enterprise can receive a sample package of a half-dozen Certificates, naming some * f the above articles, by sending n stamped envelope Mullins retorted that the Speaker was “a ■ bearing their address. Certificates not to be d d old scoundrel.” A regular set-to i P :l >d for unless fully satisfactory. We do this seemed inevitable, but the members iu*h- 1 that " n m: * v ,,c co, ' vinctd 0, ' 0l,r «"eerityand ed around each of the infuriated parties and prevented a collision. The confusion which had reigned in thc ball of course itic:e*scd under the influence of this Mid den demonstration, but gradully abated. B£n„Tbirty six gtrtis were fired in New the genuineness of our sale. Address, PARKINSON & CO., feb. 24-25-3m. 208 Broad wav. New York. GEORGIA, Unwcta (’minty. TTT IIEREAS Mary A. WAtoin Guardian for \ V tli* person and property of Jesse M . Haven, Connnectieut, in honor of Presi- • Susan V., and Alonze A. W. Wnltom, and dent Johnson’s veto of the Freedmen’s wlicrrns John B. L. U»lt.>m one ot her securi ties on her b ml having departed this life: Bureau Bill. Jim ^kiTtioTimnits. Potatoes! Potatoes!! 100 bv BBLS:-Choice N'orthern Planting Potatoes, jnsi received and for sale A. K. SB AGO. Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. fcb. 2 l-25-4t. Dissolution! and James Worthcn the other security on her bond having been dismissed : and she failing to give other good and sufficient security her letters of Guardianship were therefore declared revoked. These are therefore to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office on, or be fore, the first Monday in April next and show cause, if any they can. why Letters of Guardi anship should not he vested inthcClerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, in terms of the Statute iu such eases made and provided. Given under my hand and offluial signature, this 23d day of February. 18615. Fob. 24-2->-30d. B. IL MITCHELL, .Ord’y. IHE Co-Partnership heretofore existing un- S ELECTION NOTICE. der the firm name and style of Perry Fleming, is this day dissolved by mutual j . “ , consent. Those indebted to the Lite firm will ! A * Election herein ordered to he held find their papers in the hands of W. E. Flem- Y «t tli* several Precincts in «’oweta conn ing whoiwiii contiuue the Business at the old - ’ ” !l 1 ^ -londay m March next, furCoun- Stand. PERKY i FLEMING. i '- v Jff-urer, to till a vacancy. i-„t, •>, ! I»y Order of Court, feb. 13, 18t;»">. THOMAS SWLN'T, J. I. C. —.V-.N[>-=- Consisting of Axe?, (Collin?,) Trace (’bains,- Long Handle Sliovels, Spades^ Sifter?, Tea Kettle?, Coffee Mills, Fry Bans, Curry Combs & Ilocs, TABLE CUTLERY Nail?, Bad Locks, Grind Stones. Spading Forks, Bowder A Sliot, Gun Cap?, Extra Oven Lids, Casting?, IIallies, Tacks, Swedes Iron, (large lot,) Hope, Blacking, Ac. &c. &c GROCERIES. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Sugars, Snuff, Beppcr, Soda, Copperas, Indigo, Apple Vinegar, Mackerel and Cheese, We have iihso *i Large Stock of CROCKERY —AND - \ To Arrive n Large Supply of FLOUR, CORN & BACON, We will keep on hand all other articles usu ally kept in-our line. jjS2?“WK SELL FOR CASH ONLY^Wf Ncwnan. Feb. 17-24-tf. LEWIS L. ABBOTT. V.'. L. ABBOTT. B. V. ABBOTT. ABBOTT Ac miOTIlEKK, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN" ROUT. Y. BROWN, J. I. U. fcb. 17-24-td. HENRY K. ALLEN J. I. G. = TRODICE m GROCERIES, X^ri3LitolAo.ll Str-, ATLANTA, GA. County Treasurer. WE are authorized to announce that W. J. ' RANSOM is n (,’uudidate tor County Treastijer . of Coweta County, Kleetiua lirM Monday iu j March next. [feb. 17—5* WE Are authorized lo announce that , W re., ri. BEADLES, ia a Candidate for County. Treasurer, of Coweta. Election first Moutlay ! in March next. [feb. 17-24-td. DENTISTRY. J. W WILEY, (Graduate of'tbe Baltimore College of Dental Surgery) ILL. perfrirm all operations pertaining to bis Profes sion, with neatness and dispatch. He respectfully refers to the following tes timonials : Dr. J. W. W lev.—The Full Set of Teeth yon made fr-r my wife about 8 years ago. are ill that could be desired. They are pronoun ced by all who have seen them as beautiful, and as to their durability and usefulness, I would state, they never have needed repair, and that my wife's health has been transformed from bad to good, owing no doubt to tbeir perfect adaptability to mastication. Wm. G. IIkkjhsu. My wife had been afflicted with 11 nervous head ache for more than a year, caused from indigestion consequent upoa the loss of teeth. Dr. Wiley inserted a set of Artificial Teeth, and it was but a few weeks when we discover ed quite an improvement iu her health. She is now enjoying robust health, and 1 believe is purely indebted to his skill in assisting nature tn the dr.-charge of a proper mastication. J. II. Graham. With pleasure we recommend Dr. Whileyas | a scientific Dentist. He is not only entitled to ; the patronage of the Southern people as being ; a regular graduate in his profession, but, from | his devotion and self sacrifice to thc cause of J our once happy South. P wc forego merit for ! charlatanism from personal feelings, let us con sider the appreciation of those who gave their S'ipport in our struggle for Southern indepen dence. Every one admits that he makes bel ter and prettier sets of Teeth than any one else : and those employing his services will gc< value received f,,r their money. We ten- bim this testimonial unsolicited. If. K. Allen, John M. Hill, 15. K. Dennis, B. P. Hill, Jus. Russell, G. M H.uivey. Feb 17-2 l-Gra HAVE JUST RECEIVED 1500 Bags Com, T . cry abi$ Secretary of )\ ar, as fellow? : i Ranking institutions from the citic3. 1 brought from the Traus-Missiaaippi De-, I Wtjartmeui oomuuinaers wm detail q„ Saturday the House, revived, eu partwent by the gallant soldiers who are ! reir.mcTi fa! staff cTfifer? or selected aDd niotiqujof .Ur. Adams of Uiark, to refuse us and co operating, with ua in appointed to act as snch, to relieve offi- ; w e ,Certain any proposition for the relief the foundation pf this settlement. Thev ! eers ot the Subsistence Department in (lt - ]$ :u & s £ t;rte> mtfil they. make are intended for housed until wc are richer | the volunteer service, at all posts or sta- a full report of their assets, liabilities, &e. ana more numerous: they will then make i tions occupied by troops or, by Ihe re is a motion now before thc House,! TOO m for more substantial buildings.” garrison/compteed o f rfgulnrs and yol-; t0 reconsider the clause : in the Tax Bill, -In a few minutes, and notwithstanding unteers. less in .toUu stix-jigtu than a on- placing, a specifiatajt upon liquors. The j the worthless ness of our nags, we reached fade, excepting regular cstablisho 1 *.ub nation was uiada by Mr. Hudson of Har-1 the only, house adjoining the new city.— ,sistence lfepartments The officers so r ^ an d is being argued by tha: gentle- AVe there found Gov. Harris planning j j reneyed will be ordered to their respect- ut present. ; find a few Indians nailing planks on thl v T ive piaebs of residence. A ] There is a negro school Lore in fuM! floor. When we entered the room the Kee(S Choice New Lard- General R. R l/ee was A.-wdiy before blast. All the little freedaien, male and j Governor dropped his tool, and comin^ Ae Keconstruetioii Coiuntiuce for two j feuaiJe, "yallcr” and black, a:tend it.— to u.-, said with a smile “Is it to the ear- I h ours, and left the Capitol *ur Oil Metro- j Xhe teachers who are perfect specimens of | center or the Governor you wish to speak? i pobt^Q House about 2:30 o’clock, ^orne the Maine Yankee, are bearding in a negro j Judge Perkins replied, “to either ” He few persons being aware that he wa? be- f aaa ity ! “ Birds of a feather;’ Ac. " ! then iutrodneed me, and the conversation lore the co^nua^c, lingered, around; the j p r . Ridley of Troup, has be:n frying ! became general. In about a quarter of uoor of th6 coumiitfree room, to get a • f or se vcral days to get thc.House to adopt an hour Gen. Priee made h»s appeurance glimpse of him and loHowed him to the] a resolution; settmg forth a day, after He roeefeed me with cordialitv, said he scrgeant-aj-^rt^ rA>ni. In a - few mo- ■ F b:ch. no new uuifrer will be egteriaiued.. was glad to sec me and then asked me mc » e oapitol, on foot, and pj e w ^jj m;1 b 0 aa o:h*;r effort to-day I sap- where I was coming from M. i:EI>WI.VK, J. K. C LLfEPPKU, J(iS. KIIGSDEUY. fi -qsjJ pu« szTarAiLifiiigJ.a* l^'.quAi io|i[(iuu:,f 3Aiidua?arj puyAp % ‘.ixMitNO ‘aniAsmoi , b [>UOOOg <)c JVUsNVa ¥ MNIUU riivi? f! (North East Corner Public Square,) Uj3moj5 n|Sms> paidjro AauiM 3) • 03» V 4B0 bbls. P loilF. (Different Grades,) <• Ap Newnan, Georgia, 2l»,000 lbs. New Bacon Sides, M ‘■ K, "°K P ,ie J'lduaif 40 Bags Coffee, 45 bbls. Sugar,-diff*nt grades, 50 boxes Tobacco, —ALSU-r- GHXRIKU) y eeaoj-j L J V A a H I >1 3 HA -Lh-.T. Are now Receiving a General Assortment’ of walked down the aveivue. a curious crowd * The Rail Road Bill regulating the rate of charges, which passed tbe House, wu- lost in th.c Senate. ... . _ _ w The words, 1 • 1 y t - : pose \Xe canuot got away before the ! Northern States, seemed to awaken his i gutuering *. iu.., as he wai».e , wmen 10tU of March, I think, but many are attention. “We are much interested here iflc. case .0 qu.teai^apembla^e. by-the anxious to adjourn on the 26th inst. concerning the intentioas of the United •tnat c ne.ieu q rfers. Me have had some very severe weath- j States towards Mexico. We do not be- |JL ’ " ^ ~ cr ^ or A^£ u -oh it is very j lieve, however, th*t they mean war against George SvUI-EY. Esq., an old citizen plca?aut here now. The trees in the Cap- this country. What they wish to do is to PEPPER, SPICE. CHEESE. MACKEREL, &c. Constantly on ban<i. feb. 24-25-Gt. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. IRA E. ^ITH. M. D. ii. L. iOHSSO^y M. D. SMITH & JOHNSON. H AVING purcta.-od Dr. c. U. Smith's en tire Stock of Fresh Drags,.will continue busbies? at the stand formerly occupied bv Smii'i k Lorch on the South side of the Public 1 Square. Thev will keep on hand a good *up- 1 ply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, DYE-i STl y STATIUNLUY, C<>mbs and Brushes, I f’onsisting of STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery, BOOTS & SHOES, Clothing, Crockery, Saddlery, FAMILY MEDICINES, CORN &, FLCUR. And thc Bert Patent of Washing Machines, (Warranted to give Full Satisfactioa.J Perfumeries, Tobacco and Cigars, Fiue Bran- j AH 'of which we will sell as low as the lo-v- dtoi and Wines, Cor purposes.) Ac. e '*- We respectfully invite our friends nil \ “ those indebted to-tbc estate of Joseph 1 te., all of whi«-h thev will stll at reasonable ! citizens.genecillv this andf’arroll couu- Botiannoa, deceased, will make irame- rates. ('stll and ' " “ ' ‘ *' , .. . ,. .. .. _ . » • , ^ - - — -j l7r . . and examine. P.eseriwtions care- . * l - v ' to fr a .U aud ex.unine our Stock of Good* of Augusta and a distingmsheu tueuii*er j ltor ^qaare, are budding fine.y, and will atmov u?. and to make the French desist. '"‘! ate “ n d those haring dcin;;:ii3 ag- fully and promptly filled. Tlisv aro pirepared 1 , -" :!or o pqrciiM,ing elsewhere. , of the liar of that city, died suddenly iu blo^m soGn if the warm weather coctit- U not hkely they will succeed.” He then *‘ cst ' vHI P re ^ nt th ‘-® ta ui» in ; to furnish I'by.-i- i *L S with medicines uta* few hi? office, of apoplexy, oil Monday last, j uc? for a few days " J W T J repeated the same arguments used by j T K:RCy ; ; prW, «'-’*»«ra-e bought ii. Atlanu. We are permanently located in this place, *N‘l r»ur motto ’.viil bo • Quick .?.tles ami .ifiort Profim. [feb. !7^2l-ti