The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, March 17, 1866, Image 2

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-’esMM* NEWMAN, GEORGIA. Sitaxday Ilorianj. March 17, 18G6. “J. N Immortal “J. N-” Wc had a visit from the immortal ” FtjlcJ by some' the greatest orator, philosopher and satirist that cter lived. During the late war lie was a citizen el ^ the North, and as a true philosopher was i concer t 0 f actioo compelled to- view the war from both t-taiid points, atatf to resist the prejudice that existed agaiuut the (south, Ims stood a willing martyr to the theory that each was right from tlvcir respective stand points. A veil of prejudice enshroud ing both, caused each to consider the other wrong. He ever claimed the South Comm u n 1 ccte d . A Word for Teachers. Editor : ,-k a little of your valliable space, for the purpose of suggesting to the Teachers of Coweta and adjoining coun ties, the propriety of meeting in Newman, on the 2d Saturday in May next. The meeting desire! for the purpose of consulting and advising upon subjects of vast importance to the Profession, and the country. The necessity fur more is felt by all true Teachers. Uniformity in rates of Tuition, in the system of government and especially in A ifcrtheni Estimate of Confederate Leaders. We extract the following from long re view of the late war in the New York Citizen, a Republican paper, edited by Col. llalpine, late of the United States I army : DAVIS. Let those loyal gentleman, disciples of Mr. Abbott, who worship the character of Bonaparte, make some consistent hom age to the brilliant directory of Jefferson Davis. Both were men cf destiny, and A Kind axdUo»§id*Ratx Ju A. verv learned and compassionate ia Texas, on passing sentence n Jones, who had been convicted of nutil'k DISPATCHES TCTTIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS. WasuINOTuN, March 0. In the House the 11:1 securing civil rights to all persons without regard to color, in all the States was referred bade , . , e ,, to the Judiciary Committee. _ Many lie- j concluded his remarks as follows. publicans dLsrbgretd as to the constiiu-] tiunal power to pass it in its present shape believing it invaded, to a groa the rights of the States. The Senate discussed the constitutional \V. kV hknt, J. i 1. I > 1'. 1 I. ,1)131 (1 & “The fact is, Jones, that thi O n ?t did not intend to order you to MP cxe ‘ extent, cuted before next Spring but tlie \tcJthir is very cold ; our jail, unfortunatty, ) s in a very bad condition; much <J; t c j broken : tlie the jHrsomtcl of the survivor is by lar tlie : ; n „ .] l0 qualification for voters shall nobler. Of the fallen angels, whose dark ’ plumage swept from our Senate Halls, he j made the mo.‘ t courtly adi -a. Of all tlie t p e ne ,. r0 the right suffrage,and the South •traitors he was most entirely in earnest, j p, e ° C0Iu p C H e d to do so in five years. ; Of all decision Ins was the sagest, the p}j e s „h s titutc was disagreed to; and the amendment apportioning representation j glass iu the windows L broken among tlie States. Mr. Henderson off-r- : chimneys are iu such a dilapidated Aa.e d, as a substitute, that no J*uite prescrib-1 that no tire can be made to render crimiuate on account of color or race said his own State, Missouri, will give | the kind of Text Books to be used, is so ; promptest and the most cu luring. He, or j,_,j na i resolution was then rejected by urgently called for, by the exigences of: only, of tlie conspirators, felt that his a vote of 25 to 22. Sumner and other nidi j the times that it can be no longer neglect- I ed. I have been very loth to take the quarrel with the Union was irreconcila- , ca j g vo teJ against it. was fully justifiable from its view, uuu | waiteJ in vain for Some and i lead in this hie, and stood by his capital till the last’ and has never yet advised submission. Washington, March 9. \ Committee from the Maryland Legis- i , t • i j n. vGiiniiuw-t iitMi nit .iui iiu.. * great ma.ter, but having , jj; s ca p ac ity has been belittled by none j. i(t0re yesterday presented the President tlie Nortli from a misapprehension ignor-1 ], ea ,j SC { the pj a ]i j n motion, my senso od this ^nd Overpowered the Boiith on Q f will no longer permtt me to re- thc- idea that hdr people were in rebellion, ■ majn 6llent when they from their view were fighting : j earnestly hope others will speak at for their constitutional rights, based upon , uDCC an j j c ^ us ^now if the suggestion the idea that a State had a right to su- j uice ^ their approval. I would be glad if older and wiser of Bonaparte’s querulousness. Blind, and gray, and wasted, his dominions are 1 narrowed to a casemate, while the repub with resolutions adopted by that body ap- j proving his policy. A delegatoin from Kentucky also presented the proceedings dis- j apartments comfortable; Lc.v.2c% < ,u : • to the great number ot prisoners ti more than one blanket can be allowed^ each ; to sleep sound aud couifortab" therefore, is out of the question. I consideration of these circumstances, an wishing to lessen your sufferings as much as possible, the Court in the exercise o’ its humane compassion, hereby orders you to be executed to-morrow morning, as soou after breakfast as may be con venient to the sheriff aud agreeable to you.’’ J . K UhC.M&Antw pajasL®*** domksticK2JPv;ass. Agricultural plantation Supp lL ‘ • HEKT&BKO, HAVE .HiST nECiilVEI) Stand of Dent' & Allen, on ihe the Old West sac Greenv ille-St. Neivnan, Ra. A large stock of hardware lie he would overthrow reaches to the uf a mee ting held at Frankfort, endors- silent oceius. LF.E. In Robert Lee the same ridence to I** 1 * our : iiig the veto message. The President in I response to both delegations reiterated his austere Fro-1 determination to defend the Constitution republicanism, against ail attacks, from whatever quarter cede, J. N. will visit us again in April. ;iwmc of our Xcwnnn, brethren would sug-1 shaUcrcdour faith in traditional respecta-1 they may come. II* is a bero piartyr of twenty volun-1 t hc pj aec an j hour for the meeting, tnry incarcerations in the North, to resist j ThU mcctin ^ is intended to be prelim* bility. The heir of Washington went with tlie rest of the new chivalry, and MIr.T.EDOEVII.LE, March 9. The Senate bill adjusting equities be- the prejudices against the South. J. N. stands now a martyr for the lion. Jefferson Davis on the principle that lie is a patriot from a Southern view, and as tlie war is now over both views must be considered to produce a general reconcili ation. lie addressed a small crowd in the Court House, and while at the top of his voice in a lofty strain, a horse passed through the streets running away with a sulky and by this uicaus lie was relieved ot tlie “pressure” of about oue halt ol adopted the followin his audieBC*, nary to a more protracted and extended one during the summer hollidays. Teachers, arouse yourselves to a just J appreciation of your high and honorable calling, and a full sense of th’c responsi bilities of the hour. Jas. B. IIunnicutt. Senoia, Gn., March 12, I860. The Platform of the Pennsylvania De mocracy. The Pennsylvania Democratic Con vention* at Harrisburg which nominated the lion. Hester Clymer for Governor, resolutions uiiutii- witli ten times the talent of that great j tween bill holders and stockholders of in- j Fablus, crushed the armies of our lesser solvent banks, was dofeated in the House ! respectabilities, till ho met in Grant a by a majority of 19. A bill to allow man without a pedegree. lie was the aliens to own and dispose of real estate equal of Wellington in manoeuvring great j was passed. bodies of troops upon small interior forces, j Washington, March 10.—The Com- Thc Duke at Waterloo fought his whole j mittce of Ways abd Means have agreed army upon a mile and a quarter arc ; but to report a very considerable reduction of Lee, nt Cold Harbor for five days present- the internal revenue taxation, and espe- ed a solid line of battle wherever we ; cially tc repeal the (5 cents per ton now sought him, till his whole force seemed j levied on freights. manoeuvred by the wink of his eye and every salient that we touched was a corps Washington, March 11—The British Minister has been assured by the Govcrn- | rnously : — " | The Democracy of Pennsylvania in Radicalism iH the Tennessee legisla- j Convention met, recognizing a crisis in ture. An effbit was made by the not loDg since in the Tennessee Lc ture to pass an act to disfranchise nine the affairs of the Republic, and estcem- Ilailicals j ing the immediate restoration of the Un- j u _ i ion paramount to all other issues, do re solve : First: That the States whereof the toon twentieths o< those who were form- people were lately iu rebellion, are intc- crly legal voters in that State. Following gral parts of tlie Union, and are entitled the footsteps of their great leader at to representation in Congress by men du- ! ly elected who bear true faith to the Con stitution aud laws, and in 6rder to vindi cate the maxim tl^at “taxation without representation,” is tyranny, such ropre sentatives should be forthwith admitted. Second-, Tlvat tlie faith of the Repub- Washington, the supporters of this a boiniuablc measure sought to force it through without debate under the tall of the previous question. The friends of Republicanism knowing they .were in the minority and wore unable to defeat by their votes the passage of the bill, with drew from the Assembly, leaving that lie is pledged to the payment of the na tional debt, and Congress shall pass all laws neccssarry for that purpose. Third: That we owe obedience to the body w ithout a quorium, and of course ‘ Constitution ot the United States, in- locked the wheels of legislation. The ! eluding the^amendmentpiohibitiiig sla\c- . , . , , * rv. and under its provision will accord to retiring members have siaco resigned aud | ^ cinancipatc / aU ’ t j^ ir rights of per son and property. Fourth: That each State has the ex clusive right to regulate the qualifications of its own citizens. Filth : That the white race alone is entitled to the control of the Government appealed to their constituents to sustain 1 them by a re-election. The Governor has issued a proclamation ordering elections to bo held on the Gist day of March to fill their vacancies. The Governor in his pro- clauiation intimates pretty clearly that un- j 0 p Republic, and we are unwilHn: to grant to negroes the right to vote. Sixth : That tho told enunciation of the principles of the Constitution and the policy of restoration containined in the recent annual and Freed men’s Bureau veto messages of President Johusoii enti- lcss men arc elected to fill their vacancies, who will vote for the biU, civil government will be lost in Ten nessee and ^cr people placed under mili tary rule. The newspapers of that state speaking for the people have responded tie him to the confidence and support of by saying that they are in favor of any-1 w ^ 10 respect the Constitution and lo\c J J . ° ... . . . on nut rv While the fortifications of Richmond j merit that no violation of the ncutralllty tand, his name shall evoke admiration.- The art of war is unacquainted with any laws by the Fenians will be permitted. The Canadians are apprehensive and defense so admirable- Splendid as were ! greatly alarmed about an invasion, the triumphs of his engineering, the vie- i WASHINGTON, March, 12.—The Scn- turios of his infantry were his best monu-1 ate has confirmed all the nominations of merits. But over the glory of liis talent: the President, except Geo. Mackey for 1V11 a shadow as eternal as his memory'— tlie frown of a resolute Democracy, whose sacrifice was longer than his art. STUART. I stood in the cemetery of Hollywood at the grave of Stuart—a space without a shaft, lie revolutionized the cavalry tactics ol our time, and was in dash and disssoluteness the Prince Rupert of the West. Forrest and Stoncman, Morgan Collector of the Customs at Charleston, and Geo. S Bryan, of Charleston, for District Judge of the United States, for the District or South Carolina. Washington, March 12.—Senator Sherman presented a petition from citi zens of Columbia, South Carolina, asking indemnity for losses sustained by the de struction of their houses. He read a let ter from Gen Sherman alledging that Columbia was not fired by the Federal arid Grierson. Mosby and Kilpatrick were | . .. . . , .. ,, , „ r A , . . . . n • . , .1 i authorities, but by order of General \v ade his imatators. He inaugurated the grand ■ .V • . ’ .. J . r.. .. lt ... raid which taught Sheridan the nothing-! Ha*iipton. General Sherman states that nc'i of di>tmM,">»FSuraed”'Shef- ‘!>« “ft f 6re 7 b f n ,. he '"‘'"FI in:m to tear tho’ coulinent like a pocket 1 he bill was referred to the Committee on claims. The bill for the admission of Colorado into the Union was discussed. Mr. Sum ner opposed it, because there was no pro vision in the Constitution of the new State allowing negro suffrage. New Orleans, March 13.—John T. Monroe has been elected Mayor of New Orleans by 311 majority. Almost the entire National Democratic ticket was sueccs-ful. Judge Kellogg, Collector of the Cus toms, has news that the Government au thorities at Washington have dismissed Henry Ward Beecher and the Trial of Mr. Davis.—A correspon dent of a Southern paper, who is travel- Q un?j pistols. Gun Material, Brass Goods, A ing North, fell in with Ilcnry Ward r i cu ltur:ilIniplerucuts,Circul.arantlSashH:iw Beccher on a railroad train to Washing-! Gum and Leather Belting, 1’iu king, llou ton. lie thus narrates his conversation : Furnishing t.oo.Ks,Plated and *• In conversation with us he ayowed ker ^ : Tou|jj Wood flnd wmo , y ware, Carria; himself an uncompromising peace man. I u ar j w -arc and Wood Work, Ac., and wilt Blood enough, he thought, had now been j happy to sec their friends at their old plac-e spilt, and he was for mercy, forgiveness j business, aud forbearance. He admitted that his i former violent views haa become modi fied, and he now cordially indorses the Union policy of the President. He al luded to the case of Mr. Davis, and ex pressed the hope that he would be tried if at all, by a civil tribunal, and if con victed, pardoned. lie contended that the power of Mr. Davis for mischief was forever gone, and that no good could re suit from his execution.” I1IP20YEDDSHTISTR Vulcanized India Rulbcr Platt A Red Republican German paper thus speaks of the President: “ The President has to be indicted and removed from his office. TLis is the only correct way. But we, unfortunately, have little confidence in the determina tion of Congress, aud our consolation solely consists in the certitude that Pres ident Johnson will show himself just as weak and miserable as he is a depraved wretch ? ” 1 ^ OK Lightness, cleanliness, and perfect :ul i tation to the parts upon which it repo: this recent invention surpasses all others ; 5 j economy and comfort it has no equal: for rability no superior. Call at my office examine specimens, comparing them w gold or silver plate, and make your own cho : In all cases when my work fails to grre sac faction no charge will be made. Charges extracting, plugging, and all plate work m crate. Jfcs^-Office in Masonic Building, No. 4, stairs. Mar.—Wm. T. COLE, Denti their country. Seventh : That the nation owes to the brave men of our. army and navy a debt of lasting gratituded for their heroic ser vices in defense of the Constitution and the Union; aud that while wc cherish imp. The fervid imagination of the Southern people, demonstrated in feats of romance like Stuart’s, make them, during the war, the great suggestive captains. They built the first iron-clad, made the first of tlie great raids, and under Stonewall Jackson executed the earliest of the great infantry marches. But the colder adaptability of the North developed every hint from the South into a perfect system. The expa- riment of the Merrimac has grown to the Dictator, the Dunderberg, aud the Iron sides. The engineering assiduity of! Hcnure-arJ, imitated by tho Sort!.; has j " oshtegton_ all persons who hare marked the camps of oor armies, as if the 1 bee " '"S’Sfd of P™P C “J 1 - ’ in the South claimed aa belonging to the protecting mountains had followed our co 1 limns. But it may be doubted that any division commander has yet arisen to rival the splendid infantry genius of Jack- son. JACKSON. As Lee was master of manuceuvre, Jack- son was the great Capt. of aggressive war fare. He combined the cunning and the Confederate Government. All cotton now seized is to be held until a full exam ination shall have been had. Large and enthusiastic Fenian meet ings were held in all the principal cities of the country on Saturday night and yesterday, at which money for the cause, in response to the appeals of the speakers, boldness of Napoleon. To cover his great! p 0urC( ] into the treasury copiously. The movement by tlie flank in 1SG2, he did Boston Fenians have resolved to forego this affair lies in the ' Vl .^ h a tc “ dc , r atiecUon the n jC' uor y lhe j not beshate to fight Pope’s whole army ! t h c i r contemplated parade on St. Patrick’s • tv n f Tenne^oeans ; ! on> . wc l’ lc . ll o® to t,ieir wl ^ ows a . nd or ‘ j with a division, aud the celerity of his ! j a y an( j devote the money which would uy oi j P h ans the nation s care and protection. mar /.L .. n Sh*namLv.b inum if:ir nrrjiin l. 1.*<-» /in**in <f mil f a *1 thing that will produce a change, and are of tho opinion that the distruction ol Brownlow's civil, and the establishment of a military government will bo a bless- ing. The whole gist of fact that a small minority Rre seeking to pass an act by which they cau hold all of the offices, and do all the voting of tho State to tho exclusion of the very large majority who pay nearly all tho taxes. Iu other words this faction is seeking to overthrow Republicanism _ V ua*u„ u v . w ^ vwtJ and established the principle that Brown- friends of Ireland have much to cou- 1 assuluc d ) indeed, the proportions of a ua- and the adjustment of the public debt, low and his chosen few have the right i 1 “„ t 1 he ./ 1 “ , 1 e * tion. lie was the most republican of re- j The mild and endearing tone^on thej to rule tho state, that government was in tended for the benefit of the governing and not the governed. Our people have beeu aecusfcomcd to look upou Brownlow as the sum of all "Washington, March 13.—Some weeks ago a delegation from the British Pro vinces visited Washington with the view of coutinuing the reciprocity trade be tween the United States and British Pro vinces. A biil was reported for this pur pose in the House, and after several days’ discussion it was last night rejected.— The foreign Tariff Act will now apply to the Provinces. phans the nation’s care and protectioi Eighth : That we urge upon Congress ! the duty of equalizing the bouuties of our soldiers and sailors. The Fenian Excitement. The monster Fenian meeting at Jones’ Wood yesterday was a great success, and march up the Shenandoah, to appear agaiu },ave been required to carry it out to as- on the field of Bull Run, was only equal- < s j g j struggle for the liberation of the ed by the energy of his attack. He mov- j ^ recn Isln.—Herald of the bth. ed infantry with the speed of horse, and 7. • . having hurled three great commanders) Reunion qf\irginia. The Virginia back from the Old Dominion, died before Legislature has appointed three commis- the lustre of its arms had diminished iu ; siouers to proceed to West Virginia to i that flush of victory when rebellion had Gen. Spiner says there are only ?23,- 000,000 belonging to the Government in the National Banks, instead of $70,000,- 000, as believed, by the Comptroller’s Glerk. An Act. For the relief of the people of Georgia, and to prevent the levy and sale of property under certain circumstances and within a limited period. (^Passed over the Governor’s veto.) Section 1. The General Assembly do enact, That there shall be no levy or Sale of property of defendants in this State, under any execution founded on any judgment, order or decree of any court heretofore or hereafter to be rendered upon any contract or liability made or incurred prior to the 1st of June, 1865. Provided, the said defendant shall pay or cause to be paid, during each year, one fourth part of the amount of principal and interest of such execution,- or of the debt or claim on which such execution has been or may hereafter be obtained, so that the entire indebtedness shall be paid in four years from the 1st January, 1866, the first instalment to be paid by the 1st January, 1867, and the fourth and last by 1st January 1870. Sec. 2 lie it further enacted, That this act shall not apply to executions for costs, nor to rules againsts officers for money, nor to any process issued against persons proceed to West Virginia to holding money or effects as bailees, nor to ne ,T oeiatc to a reunion of the two States-t^ a ® e ^ where pliantiffs shall make oath that same time in the enthusiasm which mark ed the whole proceedings. There were not less than one hundred thousand peo pie on tlie grounds, all seemingly bavin but one thought at heart—the cause which had brougiit them together—the consid- meanness, but they must not think that ' cra ti ou of the best means of aidiug their and order which prevailed, and at the ^ gtcrn ail( j simple as any Roundhead, i solution is admirable. It reads ... s.... * 41* .. 4 1. -«.. «.. !.. /.I. ■«%.. m! ^ * ** _ a mi . . i 1 a v• re- “Rcsolv- and this is why we hold his memory od, That the people of Virginia deeply greenCr than that of his companions whose j lament the dismemberment of the “Old ; Selection to the Union was augmented by . State,” and are sincerely desirous to cs- their treason to popular institutions. *" UKo1 principle involved in this contest, be tween the Radical faction and tho uias- couutrymen in the present determined struggle for independence. The immense tablish and perpetuate the reunion of the There were other personages identified States of Virginia and West Virginia, j rl0S lor the with this grand historical defense, but and that they do confidentially appeal to P an ® these are the great statues—Davis, Lee, i their brethren of West Virginia to concur 1 Jackson, Stuart, Beauregard. defendants have absconded, are abscond ing or have removed, or arc removing their property, or fraudulently conveying, secreting, or concealing the same, to avoid the payment of their just debts, nor to orders for allimony and fines for neglect of road duty, or processes issued by Ordiua- support of widows and or- . • . . j 1 gathering was unanimous in favor of ses ot leuncsscc originated in his fanatical c . brain. Far from it. It is a party measure, j and wherever Radicalism has life enough to raise its head, its full features will be recognised. This naughty Tennessee in 1 meeting England’s system yf repressive measures by a hostile nlerbonstration, aud the 23d. says the Chicago Republican, j ^ 1 (Rad.) Govcronor Stone of Iowa received 1 ! large sums of money were contributed as the foilow : n dispatch from the members e | sinews of war for that purpose Speeches . ot Con „ ress lrom that Statc . Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all with them in the adoption of suitable! statutes of limitations relating to liens measures of co-operatiou in the restore- affected by this act shall be suspended 1 - •- - - -• ’’ n 1 during the continuance of the act. Sec. 4. Bc itfnrthor exacted, Tk» temj officer or other person violating this act, “Help Cassius, or I Sink!”—On tion of the ancient Cammonwcalth of _ i were delivered by Colonel O Mahonv, B. ! 1). Killian and other recognized leaders ' To Governor Stone—Iu this trying fant fully resembles its bloatej mother j £ pfedged StllM lrc ‘*S ra E W "S themselves to go iuto the gap when the time shall come. Archbishop McCloskey, in an exhorta- at Washington, and if not throttled .nay grow to be a monster and require lor its daily amusement the execution of a good citizen of Georgia’s unhappy ter, Radicalism is the same tho world over. Its political in America closely ]j cs t 0 withdraw from it, and was partieu- er to their members of Congress.— Has the Iowa Legislature no words ol ap probation The reader will ask, what followed ? This Aad she wilted. Tiie Chincha Islands, lying off the Pc- 5 shall be guilty of trespass and liable to j ruvian coast, do not exceed in extent two 1 the defendant in damages, not less than and a half miles, yet for years past they the amount of the judgment, order or have supplied cargoes of guauo to an ave- decree, upon which he is proceeding, as in rage of four hundred ships per annum, other cases of trespass, with a freightage of not less than 9,000,- j Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That any secu- 000 the value of such cargoes ia Europe | r ity upon any debt or demand for which being upwards of 30,000,000 in gold.— executions may have been or may be is- Thcy are moreover more densely popula- jsued during the continuance of this act, ted than any others of like extent, having! shall have the right, with or without the upwards of 2,000 residents, about 600 of consent of the plaintiff, to cause a levy whom are Chinese laborers, in the employ and sale to be made, whenever the secu larly severe ou the Jones’ Wood demon-! stration. The circular of the Archbishop j was read to tho congregations Catholic churches of closely resemble its religious features in Arabia. It delights in the flow of inno cent blood in Republics as well as in , Monarchies, and dies only amid the bright and blessed light of the sun of Peace. If Americans really desire to en- reading by remarks of approval joy a barpy and prosperous career, and transmit these blessings to their posteri ty, let them banish all dissension, and Mrs. Jefferson Davis passed here iu opposition to the Feuian movement day before yesterday en route tor New Ur- ot all the of the government contractor for the load ing of the shipping. rity shall make oath that the principal defendant has brought himself within the provisions of the 2d sec. of this act. — — leaus and other points, She was aecotn the city by their panied by a little son, five or six vears of New Orleans, f uesday, March 6. The j whenever any plaintiff or security pastors, some of whom accompanied the age. Our latest iniormation about Mr. t*— .mi in I .ftMint tn lur* in exeention levie While Davis is that his health is much improved and his treatment humane.—Huntsville Independent 'id. TnE Texas State Convention.— I Sec. 6. Be it further eHacted, That (North Side Public Square, next door to Frec- " ” ’ ’ shall Texas State Convention still continues in ; attempt to have an execution levied for session. i any of the causes stated in the 2d Sec., it was being read in St Bridget’s church, corner of avenue B and Eighth street, a man in the assemblage rose aad vehe mently protested against it. Several per- strife and east overboard all who counsel S ons were called upon by the efiiciatin otherwise .A different course makes cor- clergyman to put the disturber out, but tain xhe triumph of Radicalism and the declined to do so. ilownfall of American institutions. The Committee on the condition of the j the defendant may stay the said execu ate reported adversely on the ordinance 1 tion by filing with the levying officer his Gen. Ector late of the C. S. A., is now principal of the Masonic School, at Henderson, "J^xas, which was his place ot islature. j residence previous to the war. His friends, ‘ | especially the ladies of that place, are for the protection and encouragement of affidavit, denying the cxistance manufacturers, declaring that it was a ; cause, and in giving bond and se proper subject for the action of the Le of said security in in doable the amount of the execution, We learn that the Homestead bill, and about to raise a sufficient sum of money to Nf.W ORLEANS now lias a population the bill allowing the redemption of pro- purchase him a comfortable home, larger bv sixty thousand than ever be- perty sold under execution within two The above gallant gentleman lost a lej The Finance Committee reported sweeping ordinance declaring uuil and years, as heretofore provided for in other short neticc. Physicians and Families - - , , - , - •- , , . j c j . • li 1 get aparc article of Brandy, Wine, Gin, or Rum\ void all debts contracted by tne £tate in cases, and where the^defendant is unable f or medicinal purposes. Churches supplied^ fore Galveston aud other Texan cities are years, were both vetoed by the Governor, at the siege of Atlanta, and is well known their pav fuU ’ t0 overflowing, and the same is said of , and tailed to command a two-thirds vote throughout this section of the country. The s; Memphis, Mobile, Montgomery, Atlanta, i upon the reconsideration.—Macon ~ ' ' and all the towns of the South-west. graph. the late war, aud forbidding the Legis- to give security, he may make his affida lature to assume or make provisions for vit of inability, as provided for in cases of ‘ payment same opinion concerning the Con-S appeal in Sec. 3543 of the Code of Ga. Ttlc- \ Ue was from Mcrriwcther county.—; federate debt was also under considers-! laws and parts of laws militating against •V-K-. this act are hereby repealed. Adfiiaisiisrator’s SaSc. ILL be sold at tlie late residence of Jo Rowland, deceased, 4tli Distriot, Co eta, Co,, Ga., on Saturday the 24th instn Stock Hogs, Sows and Pigs, two (-) Mi Cows with voting calves, Yearlings, 1 Tv Horse Wagon, 1 (art, 1000 lbs Fodder, Cotton Gin, 1 Wheat Thrash, 1 Wheat Fan. IJee Gums, 20 Bfits Corn, Bacon and Lar 3 Feather Beds and lied clothing. Also,ah of Household and Kitchen furniture. Ternl Cask T. P. IIILTOX, Adin’r. With the Will auucxei| March 13, lS06-28-2t. Notice to Debtors and Credited A LL those having demands against tli estate of John Rowland lata of Cc eta county, deceased, will present them terms of the law, and all those indebted the estato of said deceased will come forwari and make payment within the time prescribe! by law. ' T. P. PULTUN, Adm’r. With the will annexe March 17-28-Gt. STATE OF GEORG I A-Cowota County '’l 4 JT 1IEREAS, George E. Smith, Adminis- || trator of B. L. 1. Smith, represents t< the Court, in his petition duly tiled and enter ed on record, that he ha3 fuliy Administered! B. L I. Smith’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concern-] ed. kindred and creditors, to-show cause if any they can why said administrator should not lie discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in September l8tji>. March 10. 18UG. B. II. MITCHELL, Ord'y. March, I7-28-Gm. STATE OF GEORGIA-Ooweta County.] G 1 ABRIEL L. JOHNSON, Administrator on f the estate of John it. Johnson, deceased, who was Guardian for William E , Lucinda J., Rebecca A., and Eugenia A. Strong, having] applied to the Court of Ordinary of saidcoun- ty, fora discharge from his guardianship of said minor persons and property ; this is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, to show cause, by filing their objections in my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, why said Gabriel L. Johnson, Adminis trator as aforesaid, should not be dismissed from his Guardianship of said minors, and receive letters of dismission. Given under my hand and official signature, titis 15th day of March. 18CR. March 17-2«-40d. B. II. MITCHELL, Ord’ry. SHOE FINDINGS, SOLE LEATHER, Calf Skins, Lasts, Spokes,tFclloes, Springs, Axels, Saddles, Harness,&c. Just received by JOHN MORROW & SON, Phmni.t Building, Decatur-St. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. March 10-47-Im. man’s Law Office.) NEWNAN, GA. T HIS magnificent Saloon has been fitted! up at great expense, and is supplied witi’l the verv purttl and brands of Imported Brandies, Wines, Gin, Rum, Ac. The IF/uVl kies are Old and Pttrt and the Cigars are slij conditioned to pay the plaintiff the amount that you can desire. _ 4 due on said execution during the four Parties supplied with/f/ie Imported Hines nt with Wines for sacramental purposes. The proprietor intends to leave nothing un done that would contribute to the elegance of] Be’it farther enacted, That all! ^ or ^ . , ... . ’ . ; his visitors. Ji you deart a r<... tmil• give in no a ca 10-W