The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, June 23, 1866, Image 1

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!5nr .O WltEKLV EVERY SATURDAY EY NEWNAN HERALD. Cje Jfctonan F. S. WELCH, - - - - Publisher. J. A. WELCH. . r WOOTTEK. A VOOTTEN&WELCH, Proprietors. j c . woOTTEX, Editor. tkkms ok subscription : One copy ° : ' c J car; P a - vable iu ad ™ nCe > 53.00 . v six n:*ontli ‘ rinecopv three months, 14 “ 1 00 t Chib of sir will be allowed an extra copy. ",r j>v numbers complete the Volume.) H fteMg f mmial; - * - Jieraid to fjtoliticjs, gUnvs, J^gwultort, 4C o;, $t. VOL. I.] USTE'WIfSr.AJSr, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JTIjSTE 23, 1S66. [NO. 42. Hates of Advertising. Advt rtisements inserted at $1.50 per square ! (often ines or space equivalent.) for first inser- i tion, and 7-5 cents for each subsequent in- ! sertion. Monthly or scini-monllity advertisements inserter’ at the same rstes as for new advertise ments. each insertion. Liberal arrangements will be made with I those advertising by the quaiter or year. ! All transient advertisments must be paid ; for when handed in. The nionev for advertiseing due after the first-insertion. flffi r ia.l Report of Generals Steedman condition of the freedmen of these s-cttle- and Fullerton. merits, while in charge of Gen. Saxton, _ ( was such as to give but little hope that, r i rfian'sBureau m Extremis—State under the policy pursued by that officer. of A fairs Georgia. they would ever have become self-sup- portico’ cven with the fertile lands on nn.viiS AT SAVANNA}! And VICINITY. ! which they were located, placed at their j \fter visiting the South Carolina is- disposal, free from rent and taxes. The ? in j 3 we proceeded to Savannah, Ga., failure of Gen. Saxton’s administration j where we were joined by Brevet Major ■ resulted from a variety of causes, among j David Tilson, Assistant Commis- ] which may be enumerated: Grmer of the Bureau for Georgia. He 'J he unnecessary continuance of Gov-| accompanied us on our visit to the sea • cinuient support of the freedmen, which j island under his charge. Our first inves- : tended to increase their natural improvi-! ti ^ation was on St. Catharine’s Island.— deuce, and to encourage habits of idle-j There has been much confusion and dis- ■ ness. order here occasioned by the llev. Tunis ! Keeping them under such guardianship 1 I Campbell, a colored man from Nova and tutelage that they were disinclined; Scotia who was located on the island by to make proper exertions for their own • Dm Saxon, as an agent of the Bureau, j support or improvement. This man abolished all the simple rules I Teaching them to distrust all white j •md regulations adopted by the freedmen ! men but those who had immediate author- j fur their own guidance, and established | ity over them, or who came among them j instead a parody of the U. States Govern- j with passes from the Bureau, thus pre- j rmuit, putting himself in the position of> paring them to fall an easy prey to the j President and assuming in addition die- j sharpers who afterwards gained access to I tatorial powers. Under his administration ! them under the guise of friendship, ta-1 the freedmen were armed, no white man ! king advantage of their credulity, and I was allowed to land on the island, and fraudulently appropriating crops, pvery effort was made to stir up feelings J Their inexperience in providing fori their own support, and in. managing busi- j ness for themselves. An impartial comparison of the com- j parativc condition of the freedmen on ; the South Carolina islands and those in ! Florida and South-west Georgia, clearly j demonstrates that the freed people who have remained on the plantations, and have been aided by the advice of sensible ] and practical military and Bureau officers, j olf than those who j rations and clo- i thing by the Government. In our opinion the most equitable solu [From tbe Round Table.] June Pictures. June's glorious sun unclouded shines. And not a bud unopened lingers ; The roses laugh, and 'mid their vines The golden-petaled eglantines Tangle their fragrant fingers. The epauletted blackbird sings His love-song in the rushy meadows, And orioles on flaming wing3 Dart through the orchard openings, And Sadi into the shadows. of animosity against the white race.— Among other powers assumed by Camp bell, lie issued land grants, claiming to do so “by virtue of the authority vested in him by the President of the United States and Gen. Saxton,” and took espe cial cafe to bestow the best allotments on himself and relations. The conduct of this man had a most prejudicial influence on the freedflieu, and Afar the lake, a Silver sheet Girdled with swells of green. Iie3 slcepin The brooks that in its bosom meet 1 see not, but their foam-shod feet 1 hear, the ledges leaping. In groups beneath the pastnre trees, Full fed, the cows lie drowsing : The locust grove's alive with bees, With song like that Of summer seas, Among the blooms carousing. With soft and amorous murmur. Swimming the Mississippi—Adventures Letter from Rev. Edward Fontaine, of a Desperate Horse-thief. Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and the The St. Cloud correspondent of the St. Tame Tiger. Paul Press, in a letter dated May 30, * A very well written story has been for gives the following account of the adven- somc tin - e “ S oin g the rounds” in the, tures of a horse-thief: 1 papers of a daring feat performed by Gcd. j This lias not been a very monotonous ! Sidney Johnston — the shooting of a place of late, but there was excitement domestic tiger at his dinner table. When I read the article, I almost be-' J. C. THOMPSON. V. H. THOKPSOS enough this morning to have raised a stir in Pandemonium. It seems that one of the 4 light fingered gentry ’ had stolen a Very valuable blooded horse iu Indepen dence, Iowa, and made his way with his prize to St Cloud. Our sherifi' received a letter some days si" e from the owner | of the animal, a Mr. Fargo, requesting j the arrest of the thief and the seizure of i the property. The sheriff accordingly | made the arrest this forenoon as the thief j was about leaving with bis stolen animal. ; The rascal professed to have a bill of sale | in bis saddlebags, and while pretending j to search for it, he broke from the officer, : and started with full speed toward the , , | river, through the most public part of the \oung quail are whistling In the brake j ‘ • o - 1 (Each day their faltering notes grow firmer) ; The kingbirds cheerful music make, ] The 4 hue and cry was raised, and a And doves the woodland echoes wake j large crowd immediately pursued. A\ hen I near the river the thief turned round and i deliberately fired his revolver at the near- Sweet is the noontide of the year j est pursuer, and then, throwing off his That crowns ths world with chaplets floral, coat, jumped into tbe river and swam for the opposite shore. A good many shots were fired at him, one of which it is thought, must have hit him, as blood was Bids the old Eden reappear, And makes a perfumed atmosphere With living music choral, Leave your dull haunts, ye human moles, Blindly for sordid treasures mining : By verdurous paths seek brighter goals, And wreath around your jaded souls The garlands June is twining. tion of thc qucBtion of the occupation of j Courtship in Greenland, the Sea Islands and the coast under Gen. 1 There is something exceedingly meian- Sherman’s order, will be to surrender the , choly in tne accounts which are given of lands to the former owners, on the first : the custom of courtship in Greenland. from lie obtained succeeded ii them to work, and abolishing the absurd form of govern ment-established by Camp bell. Gen. Tillson ascertained that of the whole number oi land grants on the island, seventeen only were valid. These grants covered 515 acres, and were scat tered all over the island. He consolidated them so ns Ti!) Oceftpy one section of the island only, leaving the remainder for ■ ...u:_: . — T... «1, „ mcnMS. '1 llCVC of these 145 are working for Messrs. "Winchester A Schuyler of New York, who have rented a part of the Oldbury plantation, and the remainder are cult! rating land on their own account. The 1 17 freedmen working for Winchester A Schuyler have planted 550 acres of cotton ! season’s planting, and 115 of corn; the 475 freedmen working for themselves have planted only ”00 acres of cotton and 200 acres of corn. the on ec ii Hr: river settlement. This settlement, embracing originally several hundred freed people, the largest in money j them while occupying the ! be determined by a commission appointed Greenlander hat in j by the Government. Of course we doj upon some fern rue illirgness and less so- The women of Green- placed them for a time entirely be- j arc infinitely better yond the control of the Assistant Com-j have been assisted with missioncr of Georgia. On his first visit to the island, Gen. Tillson discovered that prompt intervention was necessary for the interest of the freedmen them selves, as their lands we're being unculti vated, anil they were not far removed *«.*«*> - --1 „ ,, - „„ i i.. M a bsnlute want. With much difficulty ! day of January next, requiring the land j Generally, women enter upon the ble=se hearing from them, and ! owners to pay to the freedmen the value estate with more restoring order and getting i in money of all improvements made by j licitude than men. land—this to; land are an exception to this rum. A r fixed his affection do upon some female, acquaints his parents not mean by this to interfere with any of with the state of his heart J hey apply the freedmen who may desire to surrender ; to the parents of the girl, and it the the lauds they are now occupying at any ; parties thus far agree, the next tiling is : time before that date, by arrangement J to appoint two female negotiators, whose j between themselves and owners of the duty it is to broach the subject to the, land Generals Tillson and Scott both j young lady. This is a matter of great, concur with ns that this arrangement will j tact and delicacy. The lady ambassadors ; fncy are 'soTjE 1 seen where he eame out of the river on the other side, but the scoundrel escaped, reaching the swamp before he could be overtaken: Swimming the Mississippi River, Where the current is as swift as it is at this point, and with all his clothes on but his coat, is a feat that every man would not care to undertake. ’I his even ing Mr. Fargo, the owner of the horse, came upon the stage, and says that the thief is the same man who, when he wa lieved a part of it, for I recollected j having heard something of the kind at ] the house of Gen. Johnston, ia Austin,] Texas. I was never in Brazoria, where ; the scene of the event is laid. I dined j with the General and iris family on the j day after he had returned from one of j his hazardous journeys in the wilds of Texas, lie had been a General in the j Republic of Texas in 1837-8, but at the j time mentioned he was a Major and a ■■ Paymaster in that of the U nited States. J. C. THOMPSON & BRO. \T T OULD respectfully inform tbeir friends V V and the public generally, that they can be found Up Stairs, over the Store-Room of Kcdwine, , Culpopper & Co., and are prepared to MAKE AND REPAIR JFTJjRIN'IT’TTIEt-E at the shortest notice and in good sty Ie. We are also prepared to make .“iW clplrieMfflsJUT April 14-32-tf. MAT ATTRACTION! i! -VliFt G-X3XTX ^ TOBACCO HOUSE. GOOD BARGAINS* -Either ■tTr-mr win nti wiiulujiMIluj nr> un D W A I niiii Ail. D ON’T purchase until you call at P. A. POWER'S TOBACCO HOUSE, where you will find him ever ready aud willing to It was a part of his duty to visit 1-ort j accommodate all ana gbc Croghan, Forth Worth, Fort Mason, and j all the military posts on the frontier of j Texas, once in every three months to pay off the troops. 1 have forgotten who were the company present, except I have 1 an indistinct recollection of Major Giles; Porter, U. S. A., Miss Johnston, the; eldest daughter of the General by bis; first marriage, and seme other officers; but I remember distinctly a part of the conversation at the dinner table. The General related to us a dangerous encoun ter he had with a very large panther during his recent trip. His dog bayed him near the road, and fearing that his faithful attendant had encountered somc dangerous animal that might be more than bis match, from the fierceness of his barking, lie went to his rescue with a Mississippi rifle. As he approached, the EAP BARGAINS! Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Soda-, Cheese, Crackers, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Bacon, Salt, Sorghum Syrup, New Orleans Syrup, Spades-, Shovels, Factory Cottoii, Brooms, Water Buckets, dog, encouraged by his presence, sprang at the panther, but was knocked down by a blow from his paw. lie then attempted j And a general assortment of everything kept to shoot him at a distance of six or eight j in a being taken by the Sheriff to the Iowa! feet, but the rifle missed fire, and at the j Penitentiary last fall, whither he hau j explosion of the cap the panther turned | been sentenced for horse stealing, jumped ] from the dog and attempted to seize him. j Go to the Tobacco House at once to purchase, from the boat into the river, carrying the He clubbed tbe rifle and struck him over] February 3-22-tf. officer with him, who was drowned, while j the head with such force that the entire | _____ . . the criminal escaped, and there is now a ] butt of the gun was knocked off, the ; I reward of 8300 for his arrest. lie is j guard broken, and the barrel and part of j rather under the medium size, about; the stock banded to it was left in his: twenty-six years old, and lithe and active hand. But ho said the violence of the j as a cat J. M. HOLBROOK, blow checked his advance for a moment. The dog recovered sufficiently to seize ] -r, ! him bv the back, and gave him time to ! A _ unnyDog Story. ] repeat the blow with the barrel of the. When the war in Italy commenced,.: w ' n j c h ina de an excellent club, and i as T t H 4 V 11 dyAPj e R 1 ! J . ar “ r a i^. Ut i that time he stunned him. “Yet,” he] " I remarked, •* aittiougn I am a strong uwu, weighing nearly two hundred pounds, and W From the Columbus Sun and Times. The Stay La;v. men and the land owners. Should tlie recommendation be adopted by tbe Gov- avowal of tbe awful subject of their «is-] thev saw a formal order forbidding the eminent, we respectfully suggest that the j sion. Instead of doing this, they launch j entrance of all dogs upon the vessel.— , can " trik ' e hari f blows j had to repeat ths ! and CAPS, all of whic order be issued before the last of Septem- out in praises of the gentleman who seeks j As they were very much attached to their | i]nrn t])o ] lpnr) P Kpvprn i j Cash at wholesale and her next, so as to give both parties ample her hand. They speak of the splendor of; dogs they were stricken with time to make arrangements fur the next li is house, the sumptuousness of his fur-1 was not easy to deceive :he sharp look niturc, of his courage and skill in catch- out kept by the Intendent, for every sol ing seals, and other accomplishments. . dicr advauced along the tarrow gangway, The lady, pretending to be affronted j one by one, as their names were callfed. | &ave gucIi an encounter with another one , Messrs. Editors: I have had several eve * at, these remote hints, runs away, | Necessity is the mother of invention, letters addressed to me as Chairman of! tearing the ringlets of her hair as she ; 1 he drummers unscrewed their drut the Committee on the Judiciary of the! retires, xvhiie the ambassadresses, having j and the best dogs of the regiment were House of Representatives, asking my I S ot the conscnt of , her parents, pursue j concealed in the drum?, which were colony on the coast, under Gen. Sherman’s . views as to the intention of the Legisla- i llor > dra ? her froni ! ier P lace of conceaI ’ j scre wed up again. . t j ie Commissioner of the General Land . order, was last year under the control of] turc j u pass i ng the proviso to the 1st: n,ent > takc her b Y force to . th< r ll0U ! c °L When regiments embark no music is 1 Offi ce j n Texas, and which used to follow: Rev. Mr. Tiffany, and an agent of the I sect j on 0 f the Stay Law. : llcr intended husband, and there leave 1 played, but on this occasion the Colonel] b im like a dog, aud was as playful and' * “ » I 1 / 1 1 1 _1 A— ll. a I 1 • 1 i 1 1 111 • IT j . 4 • harmless as a domestic cat. OULD most respectfully inform the pub lic and his old patrons that he is now permanently located at his old stand on WIIIT El H AIjIj ST liEET, (Sign of the Big Hat,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, . f j strokes upon the panther’s head several times before I could crush it and kill him. I had no idea before that this ani mal was so tenacious of life, and so dan- i gerous; and I shall be careful never to have such an unless I am better prepared.” ! One of the company then related some j anecdote about a pet panther which, in 1841, belonged to Col. Thomas W. Ward, With a large stock of well selected HATS h will be sold lotr for retail. Nov. 25-13-12m. J. M. HOLBROOK. r a\ .11. & R. €. CLARKE, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS :.V Tln glisili ds American HARDWARE, agent ot Bureau, appointed to that position by Gen. Saxton. If the records kept by Gen. Saxton were in our reach we could, without doubt, obtain official information as to the workings of but in the absence of the records we can only report such facts as arc within the knowledge of Gen. Tillson and other 'officers in the Department. On taking charge of this settlement, Mr. Tiffany hired twenty-five freedmen as a guard, armed with United States muskets, and used them to pi event any whitenian from entering the settlement. Several United States officers who had not Mr. Tiffany’s pass refused the use of th CONSISTING IN PART OF My position as Chairman of the Com- j her - Compelled to remain there, she sits determined there should be music, lie , uuluJlcaa aa „ vat. ,, mittee on the Judiciary does not give to | ^ da J s Wltb d,skevcled bair ,’ S1 ‘ ent a " d 0 ^ d \ red 1:hc P tl J u P ets 1 anJ dru “ s to , takc i Mrs. Johnston said she would not like I ^ P ° Un f 1 „ ^ ’ my opinion any additional weight, and as ] Ejected, refusing every kind of suste- the held ct the column, and to play a ' havc such a t in her house _ It j 0,000 pounds Moulds; a lawyer, I am sure there are many in ! '' ancc . tdl at kind ' e " t, ; cat, f do i llve tune - The face of the drummers— ■ ht be harm l es s while young and well- j Cast, Blister and German Steel; tins settlement; | Georgia whose Rgd judgment is-entitled not prevail, she is compiled by force,; every one of whom had a dog in fcd but sbc feared that if pinched with j Plow and Tire Iron; drum-urn be conceived. The trumpets , , . carniverous propensity might ] Carpenters’ Tools • sounded, the drums were all silent. The!, f \ , , . \ A . J p auois, women faint at the proposal of marriage | Colonel got angry—bawled to know why ] n^] hers’elT or Children She <=aid ! Blacksmit5is ’ Tooli I —in others they fly to the mountains, I the drums did not beat. There was but j , , , mmpAfn. ( ’«li-irf Building Materials; J. LORCII & CO., Have just received at J. M. DODD'S old stand, South- West Corner Public Square, NEWMAN, GEORGIA, A new and large supply ot READY MARE A.N7D to more consideration; but as the lawyers and evcn by blows, to submit to the de- ser-m to differ in their construction of the ! te^d union. In some cases, Greenland proviso, and several inquiries of general interest have been put to me, 1 will, with j l “ ""t ; tu« mums um not ucau had read somewhere a short story your permission, answer them through and only return when compelled to do so j one thing to do, and that was to beat.— > about a British officcr in thc service of] Nails, Axes, Shovels; the Sun and Times. j by hunger and cold. If one cuts off her , The moment the drums began to beat in-, fche Eas( . India Com anv who raiscd a ] Spades, Mill Saws, 1st. If defendant fails to pay one-fourth j bair it is a sign she is determined to resist. numeral dogs began to howl and to bay, i }}e al Xi and kc ‘ t f in his room in j Leather and Ilubber g j ti ofthe execution by first of January, 1867, dcath - j to the astonishment of everybody but the . the - ris - n where h F e was statione d._i „ “ , r , ]ni £ ™ ' plaintiff levy and sell more property | All this appears so unnatural to us, j Zouaves. ! When two years old it was perfectly gen- j T> F 111 a b ’,‘ Everybody looked right, left, backward j t i e and good natured, and had never ; 1 0Ciet and Ia1jle Cutlery ; no sign of a clog i exhibited any ferocity. It sat near its j Horse Shoes and Nails; more the dogs j m as ter at the mess table, and he frequent- < Guns and Pistols; 1U *- oviutuitm. may plaintitt levy ana sell more property : Ail tins appears so unnatural to us., ■ s officers who had i thau will be su ffi cien t to pay one-fourth ? ] that we seek for thc reason of such an: Everybody looked rigl ss. were baited and] opinion is that Plaintiff, under apparent violation of tbe first principles j and fordward—but, no ie Government boat sucb circumstances, after 1st January, j of human nature. The Greenland wife | anywhere; and yet, the to cross the Ogochce river. Ibis guard ] ySG7, will be entitled to collect his whole j is the slave of her husband, doomed to a howled. At last a spaniel fell out of a of twenty-five men, who served the entire ; deb (. season, were to be paid out ot the pro-: oq. Are debtors obliged to pay one- ceedsof the rice crop, raised by freedmen iburtb tbe debt not" in suit,) before of the settlement. Mr. Tiffany & av c ] ^j xe 2 sb January, 1367, in order to entitle them certificates^ for the amount due • tbcm t0 sbl y executions issaied ou judg- theui, which certificates they still hold, £ll ents obtained after 1st January, 180/ ? but are unable to get either rice or money. ; yjy opinion is that any debt accruing All 'fho freed people of this colony . p r j or t 0 J une , 1865, on which the debtor' life of toil, drudgery and privation; and* drum, rolled over and over on the ground, if he dies she and her children have no ' got up and took to his bee’s, howling resource against starvation. The married louder than ever. Roars of laughter the tiger to lick as usual, and the animal j state is a miserable condition, while wid- greeted this explanation of the myterious „„rfr,rTTiofl tLo tn«L- rr-rr ji innfitol v • ! owhood is a more appalling fate. ] howls The Intendent ordered the drum- 1 mers to advance on board,oae by^ose, and Were supplied through the season with sba jj j a j] t0 p av p ar t by the 1st January,] . 'Government rations, which -were to be d SG7, although not in judgment or even border, wrn paid for out of their crops. We were : j n su ; t j g a debfc within the proviso, and ] tucky, says: informed by the Bureau officers of tbe j tbat tbe de btor, by failing to pay, loses | Mr. Editor: I think the followin department that none of these rations : ad tbe bonc fit of the Stay Law. too good to be lost: have ever beeu repaid. A very consider- d ' be object of the Stay Law was to give A staunch democrat .able crop of rice was made by the freed- ] t ; me to the honest debtor, anxious, but Very Rich A correspondent of the Western Re-' in ° \ aS *? eard ’ f the drum was unscrewed, his fcand> to Lis dismay the tiger closed v : and the dog put ashore. Only one {iog. b j s j aW3 upon and growled fiercely, ruing from Burksville, Ken- ] go t on board ; this was Toutou, who kept Without waiting for any other evidence ] quiet through all the rolling. It need not. 0 f b : lS carniverous intentions, he called is! be said the 3d Zouaves adore Toutou. lie ] to his orderly to hand him his pistol, ly fed it with slices oi meat while dining, j And all other Goods usually kept in the One day in carving the roast ot beef, he] rr , cut his finger and presented his hand to j c _ Also Agents for performed the task very affectionately;! but in doing so tasted a drop of warm j Fairbanks Platform & Counter Scales- blood which trickled from the cut finger. T. M. k R. C. CLARKE, Corner Line and Peach Tree Streets, ATLANTA, GA. Jan. 20-20-Sin. to roll the drum as he came. It a bark-1 When tbe officer attempted to withdraw ! hood, during the Mexican war, was called mien, and Mr. Tiffany, the agent, adver- una ble to pay, and to save his property ] U p 0 n to pray at a regular church meeting, ] A Little ROMANCE.—The grand-' amid the clatter of knives and forks, and ] THOMAS BARNES, ! made liis entry into Paris, at their head a w i tb w hich he instantly killed him by a Depot Str \ewnan Ga this neighbor- ] few days since.-Paris Letter. ] shot ; n the eye. . will repair neatly and promptly ” ' T suppose that some of the company Orissa D AND ^S»_V SeDtember 30-4-ly. LADIES ami GENTLEMEN'S ©©©!§§> ©IDlfe All varieties of sums, BOYS & GENTLEMEN’S NOTIONS, Of all kinds; HOOP & BALMORAL SKIRTS ; CLOAKS, EGRSET5 ; HARD-WARE A.Jsno> CUTLERY. Also a large and full supply of all kinds of GROCERIES & CROCKERY. J. M. MANN, 1 Salesmen J. A. HUNTER, / New-nun, Ga. R. T. HUNTER,.\ Salesmen JOS. NALLS, j forLorch&Co A. M. WOOD, j Salesmen W. MARTIN, / Franklin, Ga. Sept. 16 2-tf. PIKE NIX TIN SHOP, —AT THE— T Tiff TREE related the result .•sale to be suspended, and notified Tiffany j gj T i n g f our years credit, than could be be ^ron^ bless it. We of the demo-' celebrated as 44 the lowland beauty. -that only bonded officers were authorized Fealiz^ed bv forced payments, but it was : crat i c party are charged with making a Lee was successful and bore off the prize.; lection to tbe writer about the fto sell Government property. What dis- j e^p^ted that debtors would go earnestly j war 0 f conquest, but" we believe it to be The son of the marriage, 44 Light Horse ” ! about Gen. Jolmston and the t; position was eventually made of the rice j /OT09r £ io liquidate balances. ; a wa r cf defense. But, oh Lord, we 1 ” T ‘ •crop, or who received the profits ot it, we ; jp y am r jobt in my construction of] wou ] d not enter into an argument on the were unable to ascertain. Mr. Tiffany 1 ^ bc ] aWi tb e debtor, in order to avail him- sub j ec t before you—but, for further par- shortly after this retired, whether volun- se jp 0 p tbe beue fit of the act, must be j t j cu } ars> would refer you to the President’s tary or otherwise can only be determined ] p re p are d in all cases ou the 1st January. ] yi essa ^e.” by the records, which are not within our , t o show that he has paid one-fourth -} b ; s W:IS brought to mind by hearing] ranch .r* n. . r 1 v. : . , , - . 1 __ it. , i ? r ^ Harry Lee, was always held in great friendship by Washington ; and Irving, confused recol- anecdote tame tiger. A Novel Mode of Smuggling Al-] in his biography, suggests that the mem- ] c^hol.—A few days since the officers of ] ory of this tenderness for the mother i tbe customs a t Rouse’s Point, New York, j was not without its influence in connec-] se i zed gome §2,000 worth of alcohol in- , , , x e ___ . _ ^, tion with the sod. i r0 :ced pure shellac varnish, which proved reach. Most of the freed people ot the j 0 p tbe deb f as it existed on the 8th of j tbe same brother, befece *a association, a j This frendship continued between them to contain a slight mixture of gam shellac settlement became discouraged, and vol- March, 1S66, and every debt, although j f ew da y S since,make the following speech: until the death of “ the father of his untarily abandoning their land grants, ! ^ppraincr prior to June, 1865, oa whieh 1.1 would unre upon you, brethren, the ’ country.” Major General Harry Lee was payment shall not^ be made by the] ~ ~ ’ ” ins to of the "Western Recorder,” turn-! a gallant officer, the author of “ Memoirs the delegation from a church in i of the War in the South.;” Governor of w land grants, accruing prior to June, lbb5, Ofi which are now working under contract for the j sucb payment shall not be made by the] former owners of the land, or the persons ] bst j a u ua ry, 1867, will be subject to]^ ^ ^ ^ ^ who have rented plantations from the j j ud a m ent, execution and sale as though j «'and you, brethren, ought to! Virginia in 1791; an advocate of the landowners. ] ‘ t h e C a ct of Sth March, 1866. had not been I j7Too as the interests of the church Federal Constitututioa in the Virginia " 0 have mentioned thesi particular : pa5ied . Respectfully, D Kentucky and Tennessee are very Convention; a member of Congress when cases as indicating the condition of the j F * R. J. Moses. ! * i - P i,- allied* and w : ll become much more Washington died ; appointed by Congress : custom house in this manner. freedmen occupying the Sea Islands aud 5 — —”— , i * the’cnmnletion of the Danville] to deliver the eulogy oa the occasion, and est rate of duty on varnish is less than thc coast under Gen. Sherman’s orders.! The Custom Receipts at lour ot tue • so upouiuw p which I pray! in his eulogy originated the classic one dollar per gallon, while alcohol pays nnrt,. for the week ending and McMinville KEroadl, a § oa J t j WO rds: 44 Fi«t in war, first in peace,! three. After passing it through the dr.ll-.Sl involved in that land first in the hearts of his country-] custom-house in this form, the gum is fiiteen thousand dollars involved m men ^ 1 ea _ sl i y separ3te d and the alcohol left pure. enterprise. * J in alcohol, in order to pass it through the custom-house as varnisk. If this new dodge could succeed we should soon have all the alcohol in the British Provinces introduced iato the United States as var nish, as importers can save over two dol lars per gallon in passing it tnrough the ' The hi J. D. WATSON, attorney at law, AXD real estate agent, NEWNAN, GA., F OR Selling. Renting or Buying Real Es tate in Xewnan, or in Coweta and ad joining counties. [Oct. 28—8-ly. Our personal observations, the evidence j the principal ports, for the we have taken, and the inquiries we have I 9th inst., were three and a quarter million been obliged to make to supply the place dollars. Upwards of one million ot tins of records, have convinced us that the : was at New York. h- Who Wants Literary Aid? I WILL gi ve Literary aid in any direction, for moderate remuneration. I will furn ish, at short notice. Essays on any subject, Orations, Poetical Effusions. CommuBication3 for th» Press, and such like. All communica tions strictly private. Address, enclosing stamp, A. J. SMITH, January 20-6m. Newman, Ga. -WE. Jars.- ZEToyaAolcdLsi \\J OULD respectfully inform everybody and the balance of mankind, that be is now prepared to furnish anything and every thing in the way of STOVES & TIN WARS, At the very lowest prices and shortest notice. Best Patent of Family Cook Stoves, from $25 to $-30, according to size] and outfit. Tin Ware reduced 25 per cent, under- any other market. Come, come everybody, aud buy! I will duplicate bill3 bought at wholesale in any market in the Union since the war. January 20-20-7m. TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE. ■J^fOTWITHSTANDING GOV. JENKINS has IN suspended the collection for the first qnarter of tlie Tax enforced by the ?2th clause of the 2d section of the Tax Act of 18G6, still Dealers ia Liquors are required to make re turns to me for tfcat quarter, and to pay the Tax for tbe second quarter at the same time. The law i3 thus construed : 1st. The Tax 13 to be paid every time that the liquer is sold. 2d. No one shall be exempted as a Manufac turer or Distiller who simply furnishes grain or fruit, ami doee not distill it himself. 3d. Manufacturers or distillers who sell liquor (except of their own make) are liable to the Tax. Those interested ate notified that I will be in Newnan on the 28th and 29th of June to receive the returns and collect the Taxes as aforesaid. J. p. NEELY, June 2-39-3t. T. C. Coweta coantv.