The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, July 21, 1866, Image 1

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Ik 1 pfilLiSHICD WKSKLY BVRilY -ATt'RDA Y BY W007TKX, J - A - WELCH. y/< )0T I KN & WELCH, Proprietors. .1. <’ WOOTTEN Euitor. 0:i” TKHMS 0.-’ SUBSCRIPTION : CO pv one year, payable in advance, $3.00 p ,-opy six months.. “ l ob ./•copv three snon hs,“ “ 1 00 a Club of six will be allowed an extra copy. . Fifty numbers complete the Volume.) p.-rom the Anglo ltrazillian Times, May IT] Emigration to Brazil—-Discouraging j Letter from Professor Agassiz. At Sea 27th March, I860. ) Off the Island of Gaivotas. ) Friend: At last I find TH [E NEWNAN H [E BALD. _j % SPkMd 1 omm! ; - - - rotefl to f olitko, |to, gtitd tmt, dtaiTOf, tu VOL. IJ ISTEYYISrAYISr, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1866. [NO. 46. jt v Item! Jante; fTs. WElXlL - - - * ■ - - - Publisher. Bates of Advertising. Advertisements inserted at $1.50 per square [often lines or spa«e equivalent,) for first inser tion, and 75 cents for each subsequent in- scriioa. . . , _. Monthly or semi-monthly advertisements inserted at the same rates as for new advertisc- m«uts. each insertion. Liberal arrangements will be mndo with tho e advertising by the quaiter or year. All transient advertismeats must be |>Wil for when handed in. The money for ndvertiseing due after the firs: insertion. My Dear moment to answer your inquires reg ard- The National Convention—The Consti tutional Amendment. The W ashington correspoudcnt of the Macon Telegraph says: “ The National Convention was called Constitution, designed to operate on the people and the States which are denied all representation or voice in the Congress which originates them, are of a radical, if not revolutionary, character. These and other proceedings, and the An Eventful History. William II. Wilson, a very intelligent young man The Prussian “Needle” Gun. As this weapon, which was referred to of nineteen, presented himself; »n the telegraphic dispatches published to us yesterday morning, and asked thro' , oa yesterday', will in all prooabihiy be the Picayune to be put in communication , frequently mentioned during the course with his parents, who, he is fold, are .of * hs P^sent European war, a few words GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. E. \V. COLE, Superintendent. by men both Republicans aud Democrats, j po ii t ica! crisis which they have tended to • somewhere’in New Orleans. His history, 1 who, like senators Cowan and Doolittle, I nr ^ n „ * had consistently supported the President’s in" foreign emigration into Brazil. Be- [ policy. The chief object of the Conven- f .re entering upon such details as I deem tion will be to devise means whereby that j produce, justify and demand a convoca- f or ao young a man, which he told us in tion of the people by delegates from all I a straight forward mauner, having first j necessary wy views on course. But Jonah would attempted to swallow the for the clear explanation of this subject, allow me to ...akc some reflections upon emigration iu general, and to point out certain distinc tions, essential, as it seems to me, to a just appreciation of the question. In this day emigration is not what it was i swallowed dona twenty' years ago. Then the emigrant | what else_at the was generally a political refugee, flying, ho and his, from a more or less oppressive civil persecution. M’hat he sought was a safe asylum and protection. Ilis coun try was still the land where he was born. I participate in, and To day emigration is more voluntary and ' " ' more deliberate. The emigrant general ly leaves hie home in order to ameliorate ),j s lot and to associate himself with the destinies of a new world. What he seeks is a new country offering him advantages superior to those he has hitherto known. To look upon the emigrant as a mercenary is generally to do him an injustice. It is because in the United States the value of the individual man is fully recognized the tide of emigration under all forms has joined towards her shores. With this order of things, a country which establish es distinctions unfavorable to the new comer will hope in vain to attract a nu- 'incrous emigration; in my judgment Brazil would deceive herself as to the fu ture if she indulges the hope of speedy progress in ail active and intelligent emi gration, without previously having abol ished restrictions which still weigh heavi ly upon the stranger who comes to estab lish himself upon her soil. Let no one delude himself in this respect; that which the emigrant seeks is that which is least •easily conceded: absolute equality with the inhabitants of older date and even with the descendant of the older races. I would add further that 1 have obser ved in Brazil certain administrative eus- itonis, principally touching the acquisition of Teal estate and the intervention of au thority in the affairs of private individu als, which until they arc fundamentally modified must remain an invincible obsta cle to emigration on a large scale. I al lude especially to rite delays and formali- (tics attending the entrance into possession or practical occupation of land, and which in tire eves of the stranger are tantamount to the complete exclusion. The emigrant ought to be able to take possession of the ground between to-day and to morrow, for he rarely has the means of waiting, 'i rue political wisdom should rather stimulate him to establish himself upon any terri- the States and from the whole country. The President has labored with devoted in description ol its plan and principles will net be out of place. The cartridge used in the “Needle” made affidavit to the same before Justice { fil un ,s ™ade of stiff card-board, the ball, Hero, is one of the most eventful of the powder, and explosive composition beiug relation to the Democratic party as Jonah ; w j, ere ] ie | iac j of old held to the whale. 1 he whale swallowed Jonah and the Lord knows a right to expect eo-opera- ‘ the outbreak of the war he sought service, tion and friendly support. That the j an ,j going to Richmond he was there reg- great body of our countrymen are earn-1 ularly commissioned by Judah P. Benja- samc time, as a matter ot! e8 t]y and cordially with him in his efforts min, then Secretary of War, in the secret policy can be immediately carried out. t assiduity and fidelity to promote union, 1 eventful histories of the war. lie tells harmony, prosperity and happiness among us h c ] s a native of the Lynchburg, Ya.; j its P reai peculiarity is inai me utuu. - ! the States and people, but has met with j his father’s name James II. Wilson, bis powder is placed immediately in rear ot Democrats. But it will hold the same; resistance misrepresentation and calumny mother’s maiden name Maria Jones. At the base of the ball and between it and — , - a: — ^ 1 - the powder. The advantage of this is, that when the powder is ignited that por tion next the ball in which combustion is first perfected exerts its full foice upon the projectile, the powder in rear also ex erting its influence, as it becomes almost simultaneously ignited. L nder the pres ent system, in which that part of the sent across 'to the enemy’s lines. He af- \ gun with the ball in a condition of only' terwards reported to Gen. Johnson and 1 partial combustion, the explosive orce o Gen. Hill, and continued in service until the powder first consumed being- equa e to expel the hall and the powder in its front before the charge has time to be come entirely ignited. Thus in the “Needle” gun all the powder is consumed, scarcely have i t0 promote the national welfare, whale. I he i n „ r p r ilrmb*-r>fb nntwithstamlinsr service and bis He was then fourteen years old, commission was dated May 1, September 8,1864, when be was captured at Bermuda Hundreds, taken to Norfolk, tried before a military commission as a 1 spy, convicted and sentenced to be hung.. w , , - _ , ' ! On account of his extreme youth, his, a °d applied to the best effect, an so as ! sentence was commuted by President j to obtain its fullest force at the same m- I have never doubted, notwithstanding the hos- Xational Democratic Convention will be ; tility of malevolent partizans, stimulated j ]$61. With this he reported to General held in due time. But all those who J jjy perverted party organizations; and I 1 Beauregard, at Manassas, and was thence 2 Phiiadel- j re j 0 j cc that a Convention which shall phia Convention on the 14th of August,! represent all true Union men of our will henceforth act and vote with the ; w f )0 ] e coun try has been called to sustain L>emocratic party. In other words the j hj m Philadelphia Convention will be absorbed and swallowed by the Democratic party. I will say no more on this point than to repeat the words of an eloquent member of Congress on reading from your article: “ ‘ Would to God that article could be published in every Southern newspaper, and read and acted upon, and its wise counsels followed, by the people of every Southern State!’ “ More good news about the ‘Constitu tional Amendment.’ The list of States at the North which will uot ratify the Constitutional Amendment, every week grows larger. It is now certain that it will not be ratified by Maryland, Ken tucky, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa: nine States in the North! Add to these nine or ten States iu the South, and then let the Lord be praised for averting this great evil from the land.” Watches—Solution of Difficulties Our French Cousins have receutly been so deeply exercised in relation to the offi dal ‘figures’ respecting the division of ‘ watches,’ in the Northern States, that it; Lincoln to twenty years imprisonment in can be but a duty, little short of visiting] ^jj e Qhj 0 State Prison, whither he was at| stant and in the same direction. Leave Atlanta Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive at Atlanta Leave Atlanta Arrive at Augusta Leave August* Arrive at Atlanta 6.15 A. M. j 6.00 P. M. 7.00 A. M. 6.35 P. M. 6.30 P. M. 5.25 A. M. 6.25 P. M 5.30 A. M ATLANTA and WEST POINT KAIL ROAD. Leave Atlanta 6 00 A M Arrive at Newman 8 44 A M Arrive at West Point 11 45 A M Leave West Point 12 35 P M Arrive at Newnan 3 28 P M Arrive at Atlanta 6 02 P M GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendant. Tlxo Southoi’n EXPRESS COMPANY, Have unsurpassed facilities for the transpor tation of Freight of all Descriptions, GOLD, SILVER CURRENCY, AND BANK NO TES To all parts of the was drew Johnson. lory not yet-occupied, guranteeing to him .a light to asiy improvements he «nay make, even upon soil which does not yet belong to him. Another great difficulty arises from the arbitrary mannervn which subordinate officers interfere in the affairs of individuals. I do not know how faUhe Brrrziliian. born in the country, feels the necessity of the support and counsels, direct or indirect, of tiie public adminis tration in his private affairs; tout I do know positively, that in our days the cm- upon gt a te A Letter from Secretary Weils. While Dennison, Speed, Harlan and Stanton have shamefully deserted the President in his patriotic efforts to main tain the Constitution and restore the Union, Secretary Wells stands firm by his side, as will be seen in the following extract from a letter bearing date Hth inst., which he addressed to Senator Doolittle: “The policy initiated by President Lincoln to restore national unity was adopted and carried forward by President Johnson; the States which had been in rebellion wore, under this benign policy, resuming their legitimate functions; the people had laid down their arms, and those who had been in insurrection were returning to their allegiance; the Consti tution had been vindicated and the Union was supposed to be restored, when a check The “Needle” gun is a breech-loader; i TJ. STATES, CANADA and EUROPE, the widows and'the fatherless in their j transferred and’ confined till ’Mav ! an d when the trigger is pulled, a stout, Freight brought through from New York to fronfthe’ir ‘.fflic.f" P< “ iW *’ 1 **. ° f tb “ l~? J—«• t*> i t i Well, it does, at first sight, credible, that in this ‘ inventions and conveniences gle watch is found in either Connecticut or Rhode Island; and but ‘seventy-nine’ in all New England! But so the figures declare! And, Yankeedom itself being judge, ‘figures’ and ‘ niggers ’ never lie, even if white folks do! All, then, that j \yqi son visited his home at Lynchburg, Va., where he was informed that his pa rents removed to this c’ty, after the close of the war, in June of last year, about a year ago. He arrived in this city yester day morning from Cairo, by the steamer David White, Capt. Vawter, who kindly gave him a free passage. If this publi cation shall result in ascertaining the whereabouts of his parents, its object will have been attained.—N. 0. Picayune. This young gentleman was in our city yesterday. We learn that he has discov ered his parents, they residing in Charles ton, instead of New Orleans.— Vielcsburg Herald. is left for us to do, is to account for the astonishing fact. And 1st. As regards! Connecticut and her little sister ‘ Rhoda,’ | they having been the burning focus of] the Hartford Convention secession and anti-war movements in 1814; and again, from 1860 to the present hour, having been up to Nebuchadnezzar heat of wrath and vengeful feeling against secessionists —red, aisa, with the blood of the mar tyrs slain in defense of the Southern the I cause, they must have, on mature reflec tion, become convinced that their course of conduct would not bear ‘watching; aud lienee, before the Assessor came round, they hauded them over to Fenians, to bear them off into ‘a land not inhab ited.’ 2d. As regards Massachusetts, the prob ability is that as she had within her Pil- j grim Rock domains, the great U. S. Ar- i moTv—was ‘ cute ’ enough also, to see I that while watches and clocks would be taxed, ‘Arms’ would be at a premium, ] she had her whole stock in those linos, | converted into arms and other ‘ military I equipments,’ ‘ Bureau mountings’ and the i like! j 3d. Respecting the exceedingly small ] number found in New England at large, i a friend suggests that, though I States had been for an age past the great of ‘ time pieces,’ for the rest of the continent, and while they; from the i when he was fully pardoned by An-! base of the cartridge, parallel with its - axis, into the detonating charge bv the ball, causing its explosion and the igni tion of the cartridge. In accuracy the “Needle” gun cannot be surpassed, and its effective range is said to be about fifteen hundred yards — It is, however, doubtful whether it will be found to bear with impunity the neces- sarially rough treatment of an active cam paign. The Prussian Jagers and sharpshooters generally are armed with these formida ble weapon, and upon a skirmish line, when it can be used with care and delib eration, it must prove highly effective. The pardon was dated advanced age of j\j a y and was approved by the iences, not a sin- Secretary of War, and the object of his declaration before Justice Hero was for the purpose of obtaining a duplicate copy of bis pardon, which for that purpose will be forwarded to Washington. Immediately after this pardon young Charleston in ticent>/-four. Special attention is called to our new rates. V. DUNNING, June 23-tf. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. was put upon the progress to national harmony and prosperity thus dawning upcu the country. On the assembling of Congress all efforts for Uuion and na tionality became suddenly paralyzed ; the measures of reconciliation which the Pres ident had, from the time he entered upon , . . r . r his duties, pursued with eminent success,! ^PP 1 ^ rc -* or * were assailed, and their beneficent pur- j e pose, toa -roat silent, defeated; attempts j (h people, were Etude to imnoeccondibons precedent, -» h f„ U1 ' „ iftc d in the faculty , Stnt** Lnfm-ft nernnttino- them to ! sel ' e& ? wore ^ p tt le ' The Secret.—“I noticed,” said Frank lin, “a mechanic among a number of others at work on a house erecting, but a little way from my office, who always ap peared to be in a merry humor, who bad a kind word and a cheerful smile for every one hc met. Let the day be ever so cold, gloomy or sunless, a happy smile danced like a sunbeam on his countenance.— Meeting him one morning. 1 asked him to tell me the secret of his constant and happy flow of spirits.” “ No secret, doc- I have got one of the best wives in the world, and when 1 go j to work she always has a kind word of i encouragement for me, and when I go ! home she meets me with a smile and a kiss; and then tea is sure to be ready, and she has done so many little things through the day to please me, that I con- not find it in my heart to speak an unkind word to anybody.” JOHN' RAY. LAVENDER R. RAY- JOHN RAY & SON, attorneys at law, NEWNAN, GA., Will practice in the Courts of Pulton, Campbell, Fayette, Coweta, Troup, Meriwether, Carroll, Heard and Haralson. Particular attention given to the collection of all Claims of every description. J5^“Oflice near Newnan Hotel. [jutie2-6m. 0 DR. JNG. W. PEARCE professional services to the ,FFER3 bis professional services citizens of Newnan and vicinity. He may be found at all hours in day time at the Drug Store of Dr. .T. S. Henry, or at his residence, brick bouse cast ^side of the Rail road at night. Will give prompt attention to all patronage entrusted to his care. [jane 2-89-tf. J. LORCH & CO., Have just received at J. M. DODD’S old stand, South- West Corner Public Square, NEWNAN, GEORGIA, A new and large supply ot READY MADE 1610 THING, AND STAPLE HOBBS, LADIES ami GENTLEMEN’S J. C. THOMPSON. V. H. THOMPSON j their cupidity was $ dead set rainst incurring the r ^ before permitting them to , igraut fears nothing so much as all which j exercse tbeir constitutional rights; loyal j _ anay he considered tutelage; still more Senators and Representatives from the when this tutelage takes occasionally the : g tates which had been iu rebellion were form of petty tyranny, lie generally | re f US ed admittance in Congress — the ; wcre ------ a. of anv leaves his own country to escape from this p eop ] e denied rightful constitutional; COat , an< ^ ee P' n ? U P * ' id will certainly not choose | ^ J MPn t*tinn_nnd Eleven States were j ‘ ‘ on ‘ hat Dot W . ,, tflAwn ! 4th. Thai, although it is well known . „ , - fp, i- ! that the vast hordes of 1 burners, thieves U,o Government These proceedings, ^ orerswept the South conflict wrth the fundamental pnn-: d ff v £ s , tities which our whole government; u “ riu » _ , ’ •very thing, an as the land of his adoption one where would pursue him even into liis transactions. The opening of the Ama zons will no doubt bring to its borders a ! representation—and -eleven States were 11 and are excluded from ail participation in private The Sodom of America. The city of Washington seems to be fast becoming the Sodom of America, - L - ... where vice holds her high courts, and | debauchery its endless rounds of guilty pleasures. If we are to credit the ac counts which reach us daily, disclosing the wickedness of the National Capital, it cannot be questioned that there is no f city of similar proportions in the New World or the old, which equals its fea tures of sin and immorality. Here is what the correspondent of a New York those ! P a P er Ea J s t ^ le m0 ^ ern Gomcrrah : j “Washington is full of drunkards, ] dust, frail women, speculators, niggers, ! lice, office seekers and thieves.” A nice place, indeed, must be this lo- first they, them-! cality, where the Radical Sanhedrim assembles. And when we consider the uessmg- that they had but little! fascinations and blandishments which need of time k fje phu hearts ! is not strange that they have done but, tive cn the point of publicity, and left little, and intend continuing in the panic 11 '* L “ _:J ~ * J course until tha dog days, or as long as cholera and public sentiment will permit them. Ti e Jews had an idea that no good thing could come out of Nazareth, and we begin to be impressed with very much the same views about Washington. Cer- J. C. THOMPSON & BHO. w [From the Ohio State Journal, June 23.] A Lovers Race for Liberty and License. Last week in a town not a thousand miles from Columbus a young man who loved wisely and well, proposed, was ac cepted, and proceeded to procure the mar riage license from the proper official in that : surround the martyred Congressmen, it: C0UI1 ty town. He was a little sensi- OT'LD respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they can be found Up Stairs, over the Store-Room of Redwino, Culpopper & Co., and arc prepared to MAKE AND REPAIR iFTTFlISriTTTFb-E at the shortest notice and in good stjle. We are also prepared to make April l i-32-tf. salubrious, more fit to be the focus of numerous population, than this magnificent {j ieor y that the loyal and qualified Sena vinces of Para and Amazonas. Aud yet, ^ un ion in one bond of the people cfj ®. t ^ ea ^ ^fWful^alscUhat theft I have pleasure in repeating that, "bat- j our common country , and which invites i ^ U ^ whil^ h7'm over may be said to the contrary, exen in counc il and political action the citizens , 1 e m keen the article* f or future «ales Brazil, 1 know no country in the world | of State l and Territory, from the i tends to keep t^ articles ^ future sales richer, more attractive, more fertile, more j Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the denicg ^ at he 0W J them. Lakes to tbe Gulf. The centralizing! Jiave we eX p eD ded our whole j stock of both reasoning and conjecture, in our endeavors to solve that deep mys- tgfj for the benefit of our French cousins. We can do no more! Wait they must, as well as the rest of the world, till the Great Judgment Day reveals those and j all other like transactions. In the mean J | time, we invite them to rejoice with us, that though New York. Pennsylvania and galley of the Amazonas. I am, Ac Louis Agassiz. 'The will of the late General Lass was tiled at the Probate office iu Detroit on Saturday. It contains no charitable be quests, and leaves special legacies amount ing, in the aggregate, to fifteen thousand tors from eleven States shall be excluded . from Congress, and that those States and , the people of those States shall not par-' tlcipate in the Government, is scarcely j less repugnant than that of secession; itself. Propositions to change the Constitution and unsettle some of tne foundation prin dollars, to the” following persons : Wm. ciples of our organic law—to change our . pa i(f out their hirelings"to plunder Foxen, George S. Frost, John E. Hunt, I judicial system in such a manner as to nee of the Mates ponsible J which now characterizes the city of mag- ! nificent distances. The black sheep ; have come there with the Radicals, and : were not born and reared on the banks i of tbe Potomac. As every nation and its citizens are judged by foreigners from the displays presented at the capital, tbe ambassadors and ministers of the great civilized pow ers of the earth must be making up a most damaging record against the Amer- can people, based upon tbe crimes and corruptions which constantly transpire under their eyes. To us of the South, as we have no part or lot “ in running the machine,” it is a matter of supreme home for a horseback ride to said county seat, dressed apparently in his old clothes. Under these, however, he wore his “ Sun- day-go-to-meetins,” and on nearing the point of destination, hitched his horse, laid off his old clothes, and tripped light ly over the bridge into town, a very dandy in unruffled smoothness. It so happened that he shed his clothes and tied his horse near a stream of considerable depth. Men discovered both and soon concluded that some reckless young man had been drowned. The subject was thoroughly canvassed, and preparations made to drag the stream for the body. A large crowd had collected by this time, and the ex citement was intense. The proceedings were stopped by an excited individual plunging^cross the bridge, springing on the horse, and galloping away. The in ference at once was, that the young man had stolen the horse, and several farmers started immediately in pursuit. Young man saw them and whipped up to full speed. The race was a close one for sev- al miles, when he dodged them by taking a by-path through the woods. He was again discovered, however, and again the chase commenced, the pursuit being joined HATS! CAPS! J. M. HOLBROOK, W OULD most respectfully inform the pub lic and liis old patrons that he is now permanently located at his old stand on WHITEHALL STREET, (Sign of the Big Hat,) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, With a large stock of well selected HATS and CAPS, all of which will be sold loiv for Cash at wholesale and retail. Xov. 25-13-12m. J. M. HOLBROOK. THOMAS BARNES, Depot Str., Newnan, Ga., Will repair neatly and promptly SlOCSlta. <3» S3 —and SeDtember 30-4-ly. T. H. & R. €. CLARKE, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN , w .... , .and desolate, they, in accordance with James C. Fitzpatrick and Marcella Bligh. .destroy the independence ot the Mates ^ 4 reserre d rights’ doctrines of New sent The rest of the estate is divided equally by insidiously transferring to the l eaera* york a nd New England, sought security ! themselves. The South was once inter- | a nd pursuers went through the. country indifference how much those who repre- in by many new comers with fresh horses. Northern constituencies disgrace ] Pell-mell, rough and tumble, the pursued between his four children. Lewis Cass, i tribunals all questions relating to Jr., who is appointed sole executor ; Mrs. , “life, liberty and property ot the citizen Canfield, Mrs. Ledyard, ana Baroness'—to change the basis of representation, f,! for themselves and property outside of a j so-calied Uniou.Vhich has ceased to afford 1 | ested iu upholding the honor, glory and ; for many miles, creating everywhere ex-j but which was one of the delicate and diffi cult compromises of the Convention of Yon Limburg, save that Mrs. Canfield : reeeives ten thousand dollars more than the others. This ladv has been Mr. Cass, 11787, when no States were excluded from constant attendant "for some years, he representation—to exchange the existing having lived with her since his retirement and wisely adjusted distribution of powers them protection purity of the American name, but as —the Sta‘e of New York j Radicalism will not receive our assistance in these respects, they are at perfect lib erty to blacken their fame to their heart’s countent.—Richmond Times. incut from public life. The division of the property will be made by C. C. Trow- between the different departments of th government, by trans! has still SS5 men or women who are still able to own a watch, and honest enough to pav tax upon it. Ohio has 4. . and • Pennsylvania has over a iUOO. 1, ermont, | moreover, has twol In these facts we | The Penalty of Genius.—An un bridge and George S. Frost. The proba fog powers in certain departments oMhe trreat | v r£ q 0ice . aD d in them we will never happy Prussian inventor most lucklessly erring the paroou- = * - *■ an( j re j 0 ice so long as we annoimeed at the present juncture his cases from the Rx-! J J j- r .c n n V* tc Dvr.lnci ua ble value of the whole estite is about one million five hundred thousand dollars. To be a woman of fashion is one of the , » . easiest things in the world. A late wri- Constitution, which is to ter thus describes it: “ Buy everything all time, a proscription ot you don’t want, and pay for nothing you »et; smile on all mankind but your hus band ; be bappy everywhere but at home, neglect your children and nurse lap dogs; go to church every time you get a new dress.” ecutivc, where it properly belongs, to j Congress or the legislative branch of the 1 Government, to which it does not iegiti- j mately pertain—to incorporate into our j ' ‘ ' staud through ! citizens who! have erred and who are liable to penalties j under existing enactments, by disqualifi cations, partaking of the nature of ex post facto laws and bills of attainder— these propositions or changes, aggregated i as one and called an amendment to the live.— Citizen. discovery of a new explosive cartridge and a terrible explosive bullet, two secrets Curious Tbe Tennessee Senate or- which, it is said, will make the Prussian dered one thousand copies of Brownlow's armv invincible, and so determined is the message to be printed in English, anu two thousand in Germaa. Are Americans in a minority in Tennessee ? It is reported that Gen F. P. Blair will stump Iowa against Gen. Podge, and t a Mr. Doolittle will stump the first District for Fitz Henry VTarren. Government that the secret shall not es cape that the man is guarded night and day by a squad ef twelve soldiers; every ietter whieh he writes is inspected, and he is Hot allowed to communicate orally with any person, except in the presence of hia guard. Rather a severe penalty for genius. Engliali A merican HARDW ARE, CONSISTING IN PART OK 25,000 pounds Plow Steel; 5,000 pounds “ Moulds; Cast, Blister and German Steel; 1 Plow and Tire Iron; Carpenters’ Tools; Blacksmiths’ Tools; All varieties of BOYS & GENTLEMEN’S NOTIONS. Of all kinds; HOOP & BALMORAL SKIRTS} •CLOAKS, CORSETS; HARD-WARE Axvrn CUTLERY. Also a large and full supply of all kinds of GROCERIES & CROCKERY. *, \ i'ER, / N J. M. MANN, \ Salesmen J. A. HUNTER, / Newnan, Ga. R. T. HUNTER, I Salesmen J. S. NALLS, f forhoreh&Co A. M. WOOD, \ W. MARTIN, Sept. 16-2-tf. Salesmen / Franklin, Ga. PHCENIX Tffi SHOP, —AT THE— TIN TUBE. W. M. Reynolds W OULD respectfully inform everybody and tbe balance of mankind, that be is now prepared to furnish anything and every thing in the way of STOYES & Till WARE, At the very lowest prices and shortest notice. Best Patent of Family Cook Stoves, ^ from $25 to $50, according to size| and outfit. Tin Ware reduced 25 per cent, under any other market. Come, come everybody,and buy! I will duplicate bills bought at wholesale in any market in the Union since the war. January 20-20-7m. citement. At last the young man neared I the residence of his intended bride. He j Building Materials; rode at once to the gate, dismounted, and i Axes, Shovels; plunged into the house, as the pursuing > g pa( ] e3 Mill Saws; part, dashed up he declaring '*■« ‘‘‘J Le ath« ’and Rubber Belting; “couldn t have his license without riding , . hard for them,” aud that he wouldn’t give , Hemp and Gum Packing , them up without a fuss. Explanation Pocket and Tab.e Cutlery; and there was a hearty laugh at the ex- [-j orse Shoes and Nails; pense of the unsophisticated youth who j Gung and p* lsto ] s . had been pursued as a horee^ t ie , nt 0 +her Goods usually kept in the | who only labored under the misapprehen- - sion that his pursuers wanted to rob him Hardware line, of his marriage license. Also Agents for Fantak’s Platform & Cenaier Scales- T. JL <5; R. C. CLARKE, Corner Line and Peach Tree Streets, ATLANTA, GA. Jan. 20-20-6m. A. F. BURNETT k CO., 1 BURNETT BR05 ATLANTA, GA., MACON, GA., IN’ I o W E ARE prepared to furnish ICE /Crys tal Lake) at 4 cents per pound to pir- ties in country or on line of Rail Road. Lib-.- ral deduction made on car load or ton. X^’Shipments well packed, [june 23-3m. Mr. Greely, who is getting fat, and is a hard worker, is noted for improving adl his spare opportunities to sleep. He sleeps through his railway trips, aud also sleeps in church when he goes to that place of repose. W Corn, Bacon, &c., r ILL be ordered from the West for large buyers by A. K. 8EAG0, Commission Merchant, Feb. 3-22-6tn. Atlanta, Ga. jN" o t i c e . A LL kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE ta ken in exchange for GOODS at the high est market rates, also RAGS and LOOSE COTTON. [33-if] RANDALL & CO.