The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, September 01, 1866, Image 1

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- 0 F. S. WELCH, Publisher. Proprietors. wool XKN', Editor. % Jfouvnul;---devoted to Politics, pnr$, Shrknltmt, (T.oimnmc, fa. ;<R> . % ND O '—-> NL- v <z> ♦ ! TBttX!? OF , . 1 c^- t oa r . pa ; ',x roonti s.. hree mon-li? -bsoriptwk : -able in advance he al $3.00 ; 1.50 j -• i oo j wed an extra copy. j VOL. I.] XEWXAX, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPT. 1, I860. [NO. o o iume.) i Rates of Advertising. Advertisements inserted a* $1.50 pet square (often lines or space equivalent) for first inser tion. and 75 cents for each subsequent in sertion. ; Monthly or semi-monthly advertisements : inserted ntthe same r*|c3 as for new advertise ments, each insertion. Liberal arrangements will be made -with j those adverti:. : ng by the quaitcr or year, j All transient advertismeats must be paid for when handed in. • nSP- 1 The money for ndverfiseing due after tho i first insertion. i.L.iMi w urn—immtcas=aaamammmi cy,> : h of the Prison Life of A LadV S Bis-eia- A • Mr. Davis. The vbbeville Banner has been per- extracts make the ioilowing letJer which gives some interest- motion concerning the President \y Y. Times, “E. C.,” f"ii'o ;..:ei 1 onfetU'ratc States. 'J lie let- the 7th, relates the followii ■/ IriiS S^>™U essed withthe fruth cf ubi?ct of vyhieh she vvi ires, imp..i. cause, by coming into possession of the j . •* *‘‘ J 1 p'"- A 0 testimony of Gen. Lee. before a comfnit- in °P cratl ‘ ,n • Submarine Cables cf the World. The Atlantic cable is the fifty-fifth J deep sea line now in working order. The oldest line is that from Dover to Calais, twenfv-seven miles lone, which was laid in 1851, and Las ; therefore, been in ope ration for fifteen years. The line from Dover to Ostend has been worked f r thirteen years. A cable vrr.s hud from buhj?c in ah^t length, or: 15 Fi in the Richmond Whig. How United States Spies and Confed erate Traitors Operated in Richmond During the War. The Richmond correspondent of the in his letter of # ^ following unique story: rich vas written tyiihont any i . ««The country will remember that da is .n the fnmniar My e c a r j t ) ie w j n ter our Government obtained . as-urance of the hopelessness of the rebel | ^ c y ?,cu G, u-cany ten a_ 1 lie following is a list ot the lines n>w cause, dv cuuuus miu i)w;esMyu ui me i . sentence a sense deep sympathy which all the women i t ^ e Q p t j ie rc q jC ] Congress, which was 1 n on oi the late f- !: i never reported to the Houses, except in i I AID - pi-acf.* cosxkctfd. for the illustrious captive. But to j sccrefc if at all . A fu u history ; Dover xtrnct: _ ... - I of the manner in which the Government. jgjg j> OT er io Ostend 1 be more I J 7 but it is : r and invited roe. to join her. ot ^ too goon y et i 0 K \ 0 niore than outline it.— r cciving her letter in time to meet *'<•’•, , qq le ev j,] ence 0 f Gen. Lee was taken late followed her to Fortress . lonioe, ana ^ ^j lC w ; n tcr by this committoo. :;~d long •,::.-r some little diplomacy, got permission j :)C f orc tq jC committee had determined! to enter and spend the day (the 4th of i w ] iat coursG they should pursue—almost July) We had the happiness of seeing, ; ^ e f oro the ink was dry upon their notes; ::-tening to and dining witn our illu.stri- —tj ie efl tire statement of the rebel Gen ous President—illustrious by bis misfor-; erf _ t ^ tunc?, his talents, his high position and j of p res * 1( i ent Lincoln at Washington. In | is-37 Ceylon to I his many virtue Splendent in this Cooper (like Dr in his praise of him, says tnat it is 1I11_ . l eSS inf’ormntion. Outside the house it i ays R. Australia to ible to entrap him into ofie word of j once changetl hands, and a second par-, is r ,8 Ceylon to 1 j parasites, monop : swindle the hu«" anu the two onus fastened, one to the erect-. I a m earth . tlie other to t he a * i end »nig satellite, dangtKi r of and i these planets cc itntnenee revolving in ing in-erit ri 1 * »“T* diner ent directions, t' 1 future avails of (»u the lr* the om crops w ml I ’>e most 15k- !y to ! west, “Ann find their way into the p 1 -kets of these 11 E. Lee a; who none: ned then Monument to the Daughter of Gen. Lee. The c : ‘irons cf Warren, X ■/., have just to the memory of a c, bearing thfffollevr- ch looks towards the eo. daughter of Gen BrTr GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. F. W. COLK. Superintendent. m n 1 Tran a i A Bold Ft ’d eapressly t‘> r in I Ex .• On the : outh si<t June 18. 1$39. am rdinr Spring-. Warren county, X. 0., j Leave .Giants Arrive at Augn ve A.: Arrive at Atlanta L .ve Atlanta Arrive at Ahousta . AiiJ. t; .'-u^u . , I*»* Au-tlsta iqd at the W e Arrive at V:i ”.£a 0.15 A. M. 6.o0 P. M. 7.00 A. M. O.Mj P. M. | 0 30 P. M. I n 5.25 V. M. 1 6 -' 5R>, 0 Jhi Ai A. M. he extract: . , . . ! of the manner in which the Go My friend, Mrs. B. (. ir -p r> otece) . 0 |- ta | nC( j that- information would rrale me she was going to For ress . on- I than any romance, I i: IN ' Captain Do Luc, the lender of a sqtrnd- ron <>f the \Tcror Eniamrol lancets, at tached to the fourth cor s. having received F • 453 Por’patrU k to Donac .ades . ■ i irert v ; i, Wi 1- 1 Sweden to Denmark : - ; Is..*4 (Corsica to Sardinia 18" 5 Egypt I boa Laiy to Sicily 1850 St. of Ganso to Cape Hretca .»4 13 E ari’order c f f*( j r oui Gen. C 1 :. . to posh him- ineet with the 15. li 1 enemy, ): ‘old V pi t : sentoi i himself before ■-.7 I O the -ate s of Sadi awa, ui ic re, of course. 12 12 with his squad ron he met vri :i the Aus- 110 i *2 : trians (f . t . city wa-v r sr; :1 in their ros- id 12 ; so-.- : r,n i. nnd in : lame -m :a her* too.— 10 11 Instead < r-*ei g his st, aps at a double- Ml Oc* 1 r 2> t. ] EP p On ten rth side are the hist- lines a levoilte hymn, whi h^thfi yduffg h'.dylf asked i-r«««. ujiap: . " ' I^BSei I: r wf.--i "It: •:e .11 e alPHityvav?, Who-: IT •. r-js and ifcftrth’obeys."’ G n. Lee was invited to ho present at the erection of the monument, but sent I ATLANTA and WSST POINT ■ST anta 6 00 A M Arrive at os ewnan 8 44 A * Arrive at \V*est Point 11 15 A M Leave XVcst Point ,...i2 35 P M \rrivc at Mewnau 3 28 P M , ... —. i i • • r * ,i 1856 Across Norway Fiords.'..... ’resident illustrious by his misfor- j era p wort j f or wor d, was in the possession ; lg37 A( . ross mouths of Danube.. Ills, Ins high position and j of ]> ros (j cnt Lincoln at Washington. In I iS57 Ceylon to India ics, which shine more re- t ] ie ru0in where the committee met was a: 18-58 Italy to Sic iy Lis his day of gloom. _ Dr. ! closct> anJ fVom that closet, immediately | England to Iloliand )r. Craven) is enthusiastic : aftcr tl]fcir Comment, came the price- Xcfois'konvav FiouisZ^ , Islam 14 iO 49' 9 8 9 30 9 s s U0 8 230 8 16 8 140 8 oO 8 bitterness or impatience towards his ene- [ t walked leisurely through the streets i 1859 Alexandria ink'-', and shows himself greater iu his i 0 * f pjchniond with it, until Upon the eh-1 18o9 Eig.uml to U-..:u ; tiu magnoniiniiy, his patience and gentleness, | vlrona he encountered one of the com- j f unai r pt'tfy j mon C ountry Cults of this section pro-1 ]^ g 59 Across rivers in India ian in the days , c ' e din«. with t lie half of a newly killed; 1859 Malta to Sicily federacy. We | , )ecf t o Wards tho rc bel lines in Butler’s j 1859 Euglaud to Die of Mau .... ross the parade j frynt Xo communication that the most • f? r “ “f^France‘""i casemate w icre j iy UX . C j C j C011 1J perceive passed between ! j 8 ^ 9 x rt ^ man i a to Bass’ Straits.. • qtiKK (lor 1 iiii-.-ioii at nn end:, jenterc-d fearlt-sly in j head of his squadron, i be cr -my, thou ii p | or < i ght times in - gev. ; squadron was f.dlowe i guard of the fourth c j cuv in great haste. might have Considered his Rockdridge Baths, July 25, y S3. Luili^s: I have re.i-l wit’i deep emo tion your letter qf the 17th inst., inviting myself and family to witness the er ction .vrnv. at Atlanta C 02 P M GEORGE G. HELL, Superintendent. the brave captain : of nrmonument over the’ remains of ray TIlo SoutRorn EXPRESS COMPANY, the city 5, the daughter, at^ .A\ arreti \\ lute Sulphui ; ;i a vo unsurpassed facilities for the transpor- 3C3 G4 24 10 60 S6 229. 21 240 23 wonderful self-control under pr'tty j mQn country cults of this section pro-1 yg ; j9 Across river3 iu Irntia lights and indignities, than in the days 0 eeding with the half of a newly killed; 1859 Malta to Sicily of his power in the Confederacy. We saw him walk feebly across from his lock-up to the casemate Lis wife lives, tnc uuisc and baby by his ^J 1C i lia n a ud the cart, but the former jggo Denmark—Greet Belt side, his emaciated figure and tottering 1 frr ad U ally changed his direction, and was I 1800 Decca to Pegu 116 step telling the tale of hardships and ill- 1 ° oon v , a ik; n? back in the direction whence j i860 Barcelona to Mahon 189 treatment. Presently we followed him, | i)e conie *; §he curt went on, reached and ; {««« *}^ r ^ Majorca..^ raid not. one of us but. kisset. the emacia- ; p assed through the rebel camps without, 78( . fj ^ t /Antoiiio to Iviza ted hand which he neld out to welcome ; Iuo lestation, and reached the pickets,! jg,;] y-orwar across Fiords. us, wetting them with our tears. He j w here it halted as a matter of course.— i 1861 Toulon to Corsica talks June 23-tr. d'ks cheerfully, but with difficulty, his , The b ec f was destined for the house of a l s «i Holyhead to Eowth voice is so weak, and every hour thtiy j planter j uSt beyond the rebel lines, and : give him a teaspoonlui o7 Vandy, and he j jn p i ain ' s i g bt of their outposts, and about l8c ., p emb '; oke ‘ l0 \y C xibrd.'. eoui-distant between them and our own jgr,2 Frith of Forth outposts 'These explanations maue, and 1862 England to Holland.... a cureless seareh .HA* by Ac rebel j lag lies down often to wrest his back. “ 1 could understand the temptation to Dr.'Coopcr to set down 1:is conversation, wonderful is it, so pointed, so strong and so forcible, every sentence so concen trated as to seem the very essence of wis dom. 1 found out through Mrs. B. and Dr. Cooper his opinion of Dr. Craven’s book ; it is not reliable. ‘•lie says he is often misrepresented, , . ... , t \, ^ _ rn 1 P863 Sardinia to Sicily sentry, that is a look into it, . Aar pi-- , v .,. , c ' ceeded on its way. Just as it neared the ]> ; ; n , u . 1 , l0 " t0 Av fona . house, a small party of-our cavalry made i 1 ggy LaCalle to Biserte. 97 r a dash at it, and to tlie utter'surprise of; 1865 Sweden to Prussia 55 the rebel pickets, who saw the whole al- i860 Biserte to Marsala loi^- fair, our men only hovered a moment around the cart, then galloped back with Total miles 8 1865 Corsica to Tuscany.. 1866 Yalentia to Xevvfouu iland..l 865 •and oftener misunderstood j not that he ' Qne more man than they came with, lcav- tliinks Dr. Graven would falsify willfully, j in „ cart and beef, and driver and mule hut Col. Ilalpine, who wrote the book for ; be q lin j t b e , n qq, ey aid not know it then, his bugle. Springs, on the Sth of next, mouth, g a force six 1 do not know how taAspYcss to you thinking that the my thanks for your*gretufflmfBess to her by the whole van- while living, and your 1j$feetionate re- wptv evacuated the membrunce for her since dead. Still t’apt. De Luc' M v giatitude for your attention and ; was not satisfied. Accompanied by only consideration will cotuiuua through life. 1 four lancers,-he rode* to the railroad sta- and my prayers will 1)3 daily offered to j tion and ordered an engine to be got the throne of the Most High ibr IDs j ready. Entering a car with his four men, boundless blessings upon you. j lie made it hitch to Die locomotive and I have always cherished the inLentiqtl | bid the engineer to-A.’.i. t for V icenza — | of visaing the tomb of her who never ! No signs of Austrian's on the road. At gave me aught but pleasure*? but to af i last ihe locomotive, with the car contain- fqrd me the satisfaction which I crave, it ] iug Capt. Dc Luc arid] his four men, en- jiiust he .attended with more privacy than i tered tiie railroad s'-^jrion at' Vicenza : it l can hope for c-n the" occasion -you pro- i was full of Aust: ft, troops! Nothing! pose. i was left for the captain »<> do biit'Ao re-. But there arc more controlling consid- trace his steps, it that wt* even p«v-.-.thic.. cratiuRS which will prevent jny .being; Iusorancc » ■ i Had he had with ln>n the whole of his present. Her mother, who for years has i A2TNA LU : squadron, ten to one'he would have order-! been afflicted with a paintui . disease,! led the buuie t sonuU the charge, and no | which has reduced her Ito a state ot help-' doubt have thrown7 the enemy into the I Is?-ness, is thus far otr her way to ,the j greatest ccnfnriop, was net ].repaved mineral springs, which are considered , for a surprise. Butvwhat could five men the best calculated to afford her relief.— j My attendance is necessary t:« her iu her : iqurnny a ad the C°W wyiks. JL -E : LpS»^o w at my disposal is the only time which can 1 fce devoted to this purpose. , around with a disappointed air, called the : But though absent in person, my heart 1 engineer and ordered him to turn the will be with you, and my sorrow and de-; | locomotive and d: ve ’d at the head of a yotions will be min ded with yoursJ&j^, long train of cars which was waiting to j 1 hope my eldest sons and daughter may be able to be present with yomDut! tation of F rcigljLu of all Descriptions, GOLD, SILVER (LKEENLY, AND BANK NOTES To all parts of tb 3 y , ( tLL 1 u. STATES, CANADA and ZilROPE. Freight brought through from New York to Atlanta in sixty hmrnf, and from Savannah or Charleston iu UcenUf-f^ur. Special attention is called to our new rates. Y. DENYING, J. IiORClI & CO.. Have just received at J.* M. DODD’S old stand, #otfth- > 'YW'^k • . West Corner Public Square, NEWNANf GEORGIA, A new and large supply MADE ) ot A, It A !*c*11 AM AMTD several Lund reds ? K Go back, go back en n-lv 1 ] , ’D:t« hard the e.ptiin, who, having put out of the widow, was looking be sent somewhero by the Austrians TUOS.- A. OLA NEWXAt’, llartUi 1, ‘ 1 ' KNICKERBOCKEC LtFE D an “ York. Ar'm -%k 2 mVDERWRFi’ERS : Several cabels of shorter lengtlis, not ■ I The engineer, let it he said to his praise, j .13 they are distant from me, I cannot tell; performed the manoeuvre with both dex-; under what circumstances yoiir invitation : FIFE . .-r, Jew York. SECURITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New Yiw ,r * fiUrrULA HOME FIRE insurance CO., Bum 11 la, Ala. JAMES RIVER FIRE INSURANCE CO., Howardsvilie, Va. OGLETHORPE INSURANCE COMPANY, Savannah, Georgia. July 23-47-tf. JW 10 Uieil, . , , . . . ,, . - • i tciity auu.iiuw.uKi, u..u Craven, b M garble.) .be conversa.ioea to | ^-^^Eo beef was e men, and the "4Jrf So Clj"'bZ dX a" I >»<g i'o Ij«c *»«« suit his own views and wishes. Colonel 1 - - ■ — • I ameient parts or tnc woria, out, tuny are , „ ,.i,,.i„ ♦ ..... l. mo, a* WHiffiiii ing, ‘ llur.tcr was his model of a soldier, whereas, Mr. Davis* said in our presence, ‘ Hunter is simply- a brute. In our early days we were much associated, and I thought him conscientious, though a fa natic. but be is entirely changed since then.’ “ While Mr. Davis rested we were ta ken to see his apartment in'Carrol! Hall, which is precisely like the apartments occupied by lions and tigers in a menag erie. The back is closed, and three sides of iron bars, and great padlocks. Before tlicso bars three guards walk, gazing at Lim, walking, sleeping, washing, dressing; not cveu a curtain to protect him. At nine o eL ck a. in. he is let out, and at | before. “In outline this was-ho.'g the tiling terity and quickness; and fv,-ct)ry- minutes j may find them. I feel ceitain, however, 1 teadowa at the that nothing but necessity will prevent min a and the cacka^e con-! 14?“° ' (.7 - head of a whole train loaded v- ith Aus- j their attendance. , Halpine was on General_ Hunter’s staff, i ta ‘ iaed “ th ; Lateinents of Gem Lee^bcfore iX^^^nmSlv afidci' the°problem of trian toh:iceo-a tndo worth half a mil-1 ^ I inclose, according to ynnr request,i General Insurance Agency, lienee he makes Mr. Davis gunty oi say- t j u; Cjm , niItee 0 f Congress'- a few Sours A'A c , a tcle^nidi " - i ,10a °* Danes. ~ itneo-.,. • s n-th, anu the pige, Inland, Life & Accident, ^ u,« ^ngJan^, Ireland and are Lie ^ Ma dame as Rolinson 0TR- i over he - ^’1- J.-Rtcr arc the last la-o.r.nce Effected and Losses Promptly Paid. , l4 ‘r „ ♦ starting points of nineteen of the whole . * i rf f„ r i Ol: at McCamv « Co’s. Druj Store. I-rauklin was done. It may seem strange, but " “ f ■, - .• ltalv > uy3 ! sce * : lines or < y yo-li sbe askea tor. Lincoln and Grant knew long before ma-j . Norwav hits laid three across the I The Bremen bark Libelle, from San ; just before ^ -a*! , ny of the highest officials of the insur-1 p-7 nee 1357 • France has two- Spain Francisco for Hong Kong, was totally j I am, with great respect, gent government the sworn statement of; ^ an< j j- jj a t , vo _ qq ie Ni a |t a a;j ri lost on the night of March -1, on W ake | Your obedient servant, ’’ 1 ’ , .. ,-i (ot Island. Among her passengers was! Jv. jL^Lee. nnks^toBm 'Atlantic cable, "is" laid’ in j Madame Anna Bishop, and the following j Mrs. Joseph S. Jones, Mrs. Thus. (N-to li, [ three sections, and the part in deep water letter from her to a gentleman of fean BOYS & GENTLEMEN’S their commander as to the hopelessness of further resistance. Knowing that the Government and Grant had this informa tion, explains many things iu connection with the arrival within our lines of Hun ter, Stephens and Campbell, at the time of the Hampton Loads conference, which at the time were inexplicable. The feat f Buildings, Alabama Str’t., Atlanta, Gn. Refers to Rev. Jamks Stact, and J. J. Pix- ! sex. Esq., Newnan, Georgia. ! Ang. 11-59-ly. has neve? caused any expense for repairs. -• . [N. Y News. Brancisco, Cal., describes the catastrophe: j Guam, Mariana 1st,axes, May 7. Ton will be chocked to learn we have beer, wrecked on Wake Islands, on the; nnttee. m ^ _ ,1 , tv 1 r wco.1 u.. - A religious journal gives a remarkable !To Ex-Governor I Oiiock. director c -I 5,^ of March, and tost all. We were j account illustraiin^abe credulity of the rf oblainlui! this information is unrivalled i Ihe Coiled Stales Mint nt Philadelphia, _^ J„ .ho annals of tv;,., and gradually, „s tmor a year comes a | rill be found clad man, who claims to be entitled to the interest on some millions cf dollars. the facts come to light, it w three weeks on the uninhabited island.— Jews in Bussia and Poland in respect to nd we had to wait three days ! their expected iMessiah. In Soda Goda, before we could get any from tlie ship.' a solitary dirty Jewish town iu a desolate Bffscovine, there resides aj ie 31 ess : a!i is ex pect in iss Brownlow, Miss M. Alston, Mrs.' Southern Mutual Insurance Co. J. M. Heck, Mrs. Lucinda Jones, Com- \ of Athens, Georgia. Y. L. Cr. HARRIS, Pres. A. CHASE, Sec’y. ff. P. Patit lo, Ag't., for Atlanta k NcWnan. Office with Tommy, Stewart k Orr, IVliile- Hall Street, Atlanta, Ga. gg^S.-rip froin No. 1 to C taken in/jptrymont of piemiums for Insurance. Aug. 11-50-Sm. passers by, --- ^ nels every two hours, effectually keep him awake. Tie walks out on the rampaG* from 5 to G p. m.. 3irs. Davis and B- supporting him- Y\ hen the signal sounds , of hi. Oon-rcss.-' *•* 1,10 G*«r.,mcnt must very soon be ^ n0 slore3 here . OfCrarsk wo know nothin- of Ihe ver- ‘mif settle with him, when the i.mor- itv of this narrative. JO TIN RAT. LAY FINDER P-. EAY. JOHN BAY & SOIL to the belief of two- j attorneys at law, NBWNAN, GA., Will practice in the Courts of Fulton, CumphcU, Fay elf e, Coweta, Troup, Meriwether, Carroll, II ard and Haralson. iding in the Slavonic mt patriarch of the We came, twenty- family is represented as an old idiot, who - • — - . , . . , , ; one of us. in* open boat fourteen hundred j jg reduced to the lowest state of stupidity,: X\ e may say, how-1 Cin.n.. T.i >.,^ -.u- <- >- y iuc . u ,jj eg ]{ 0 w we w«-h it was to San I n...- a i>J who Las amassed millions by means j „ rt .. 4 . ever, that there was .enough accuracy in ; au aoes notagain appear a t ie .am. ^ | ciscoI A perfect miracle our safe pass- • 0 f this superstitious belief of hiscoun-j PiirVtcQhir attent ion given to the coUection Jov*fch5flock*up and the gutard appears, he j t | ie rf p 0r t which was publisln-d in tae^ ^ ; age to this place, 'ihe cuptaiu m the trym-n, who consider it a sacred duty! 0 f ft n claims of every description. says n'cVcr a word, but' turns from his v ,[• papers of Gen. Lee's opinions : . * | Lik.rile left at t lie-same time we did from to visit the chief of their Messianic fam- ! g^Office nenr Newnan [june2-Sm. companions with a look of so much ago- V^-s expressed to the Congressiorol i various Corn Oaicuxat-ioii3. U'akc Island, in a small boat, with four iiy at least once in their life, each one; nv , mingled with fortitude, as is heart- j (Araroittee f investigation, to render it ■ The Bock lord (ill.) Register is respon- 0 1 his men and three Chinese; but up to taking a tributary gilt, never le=3 than a i Dr. A. B. CAXiHOIJi'T. rendin/to witness. . ) xmxt to certain that t?Nre had been trea^h-j sible for the following: j this time we have not heard of them “The most touching sight I ever wit- ! eTV or eaV es-droppi»g> something or J t< a New England Johnny cake— ta-, We a^e here a month to-dav.^ The Gov nessed was to sec him "lift his emaciated SO rt. But.upon the-'essential point ]jj n g the old fashioned dimensions—is ; ernor has sent a fchoon.r to Wake Island r , ... . ^ tt ,. a hands and say grace, thanking God for j mcn Honed by this corr/pondenu and set j s j xteeu i DC hes long, six inches wide, and for the specie sated from Cue wreck, and ganfc mansions of his daughters and sons- ’“HUwh'oIe attention will hereafter bo given all his mercies ” ■ i vth in tlie report as polished, that Den.; one an j a ] ia jf inches in thickness. iSup,- we have to wait its letura to take us to in-law, who are selected from the richest t0 lli3 p ro fWr = i on ; n i t3 various branches. * “ —* , . Lefc admitted that if Confederate cause nosing the entire crop of iilinois for ! Manilla, where we hope to commence 0 f the rich. The palace contaics a silver ; Office on Depot Street, a few step3 from the ANTICS-OF THE Cable.—The Atlantic h onc i e ss. we yow ^enough, of the isG-i was ground into meal and converted j operations. 31 r. Xbm Reed a:; I the Jap- room, with all conceivable articles of; Public Square. [Jan. 6-18-tf. Telegraph, says an exchange, does some ; ^ t J aut h 0 uzeA t0 declare that the - nt0 johnny cake, allowing one quart of ane.-e are allowed to go with this to Hong plate, reckoned to be worth several hun-1 queer things. It will take us some time i slatemcn t was r/* rue ‘ Gfen. Lee’s opin- mca ] t 0 cac h cake, and the Johnny cakes Kong. j dreds of thousands of roubles. The most: DR. JNQ. W. rEAxillE to get used to them. -For example, the j on wag cou diyfral- He told the com- „. ore j a }j up j n the form of a solid wall, You cannot imagine how we suffered magnificent Turkish carpets aud the j ^afFERS his professional services to the Loudon markets of to-day at noon, are ’ T11 jttee what necessary to enable rt wen t v f ee t high and twenty feet wide, all one night, from rule o’clock P. 31., heaviest damask curtains are piled in the j ^ / citizens of Newnan and vicinity. Dr. J. S. Henry, or at his use east side of the Rail- - pound sterling. Every possible kind of ; JTAVING resumed the Pr; -tice of Medicine t- 1 magnificence and luxury is stored Up in | 11 respectfully tenders hi-; professional ser- d the chambers of his palace, and the c-le-1 )' ICC3 t0 ,! . ie C!t: ^ en3 01 ( -- ovt ' ta -urround- . . . . * . _ . 1 i n oonntu-a Of all kinds; HOOP & BALMORAL SKIRTS; CLOAKS. COESETS; HARD-WARE CUTLERY. Also a large and full supply- of all kinds of GROCERIES & CROCKERY. J. M. MANN, 7 Salesmen J. A. HUNTER, /NewpAn, Da. Id. T. HUNTER, 7 Salesmen J. 3. NALLS, J for Lorch&Co A. M. TVOOD, \ Salesmen Vv r . MARTIN, / Franklin, Ga. Sept. lG-2-tf. igZF*After the 1st ■ J. Lorch & Co. will occyPJ | old stand of J. J. Net>ywrih a portion of their PHfENIX TIN SHOP, Anna Bishop Schults. savs ;—A great many persons are at a ,oss to known how to dispo-e of ragged and mutilated currency that accumulates on ive prompt attention to all patronage care. [jane 2-39-tf. C. TIIOMPSOX. IT. TIIOlVPSOM J. c. THOMPSON & BRO. ' "Y^VOULD re-peetfully inform their friends will reach New York before sunset- yesA^'Afy-/ To the last, G^n. Lee believed pjg^ an j s i x ty feet wide of solid bread. (mbr _ as you will, we "jere was no cause for the Confederates q’ljg immense ergp would put a Johnny! e , ^despair, if they would put forth their .the hands of everv man. woman 1 The proposed tnonel between France J ;‘‘| "" 1 c 11 Y 1 " 1 ' u T'k* ti AA o. l.ondou but of the news itse.t. In; h , • r „ ics a „ d maintam tlie constan-, , c hild—savaee and civiliz d—upon i an J Eodand is likely to have a foraiida- tho.r hands. It .s the Ma.e- thm l , njany cases tve shall .ntelltgcno/ de ?* ion which a poojde truly lh face of lhe - ini , a bl,abIo gloltc. 1= Lie rival in the -Yean ferry,” proposed 7,“ r ^ LlTsToA on . au . e ' Ln ' , H p ar ° . U ocours - It Ye j j erQ j c an j thoroughly deterui’ued were. wou jj f ee j the planet for two davs. It by a 3Ir. Fowler, who would employ en- ‘' n : ’1 V“ ". fk-fr nn - r ' and the public generally, that they can Austrians and Iruss.ans-should go io of xhere »J„ his assnrauoes „ ouW req ui,e a crib eight feet wide, ai- o mous steam vosse s, like the Great; put ,n a sen parage, f n a pap« be d oar agatn, and Cgl* another battle of Sa-q o \ Mio in officiil l orieK , and he , ; J 0 aild a ha |f feet to a bushel, Eastern, to plv between the tiro shores. b tf' ! ar0 “" d A' WMCZ JAl ****’■ over tf Storc-Eoota .( B.d^n . ft Y ?Rv V htar of eld no different tone iu his communioa- thrcc ” t , 10 , jsa nd two hundred and seventy : These boatsStarting from special docks ^ “““"V. UA - .4 3 r fYfJ -n pfp ■ m 3 nek u"; 3 7 au S T a r°l tion. with Congress in secret session.-. ei ht mi l e8 in length, reaching Iron. Pas- ; at Dover and Calais, would take the trains T> yb d 3 llL,l ^ c . "* *“ ?rei " red ” MAKL A -'° BBPA “ .- f. W1 , s '‘ j 16 nrt er p ea 0 We deem it proper to make this state- saU }-quoddy Bay to San Francisco, and a ■ on board, and convey them across, so that b 1 '- United h’tatcs, Washington, I). C.j ^xJU^-ISriTXTU^-E repo; ZVZr we ahalThefr European “ ent .(f hich . “ based , U P°“ ! - ood ^urc of Jhe ^distance Writ there would be no-Jelay, no changing of Return^It'goesMd'retarns '***?!?'ft?™!* S °° d ^ ^ —AT THE— tree. j are also prepared to make April 14-32-lf. , rr. T , , \ a i KOOWieUgC Ul IUC uaiu lautoy _ .were cuuiuitu ...--J, ~uc; .tccu jrjuuuil a.JU i ano, ouu , in \p oucton dispatches recenec couee j; T e that it would be a rejection j t {j ree halloas to z bushel, u would form as the roughest weather would have no i San Ym,,!-’ ’ M w re ° . : upon the humanity of Gen. Lee to have < an ; n » at)C l < 0 a sufficient to float the entire sensible effect on the motion of the mam-' f -a T r „ a imedS tk T n - ne ® C L 0Ck the |bHieved that he kept the noble armies of; navies ^ the world. No man need starve moth ferry-boat, demon of sickness’ Lost in e.-A , tics is that ,^P^anetion of these an- ^ Oonfederacy exposed to the bards taps ; t0 jeath in Illinois. would be banished from that i»vored - despa-ca .r< m - ^ *1^ J vi-itinTr the! TITAYF 4 Q T> \ pYRC from ea«tt-. 1 1C -. SU k an u dlS P a ^ C ^L S and hazards of war for mouths alter he: “If all the kernels of this extraordinary highway. The ttnnel would take ib vl ca ei 7°v! n ^ ^ . j. V J strip the Ut ^ dispatches out-: become convinced that the struggle crQ p were str ung on a wire, *■*» lW0 «.ta to .omple(e,*d cost £2d.OOMdO, J?*uo! De P ot St V* Ga “ F _ • was hopeless. . and a half sruins to au lacb, lengthwise,: sterling. The ferry boats could Oe ready A- a - “■» aaa ®P. t0 tal J ; a „ , Will repair neatly and promptly P ^here bei,.g5i7,-b0 iu a bushel, tbi. wiroi in 20 months, and would ouly cost £1,-*eee found. It .s feored they to fibe moon two hundred 500,000. - !«««P bant near ' h “ 1 ‘ *** wm h *'l atiff’fifty trmes, Torming a cabal four in- — 1 secn - There is a society of revolutionists in ivussia called the u Hell ■' society. [Ex change. _ '. W' It is proposed to make Browulow, honory members of this order.—A ashvuie Fnion: - -a ■* . The total appropriations of the last Congress were $122,005,307. _ i^hYing raised in Petersburg, , Ya , formife. Avis's faithful negro ser- | vaht, Robert. chaa » diameter. “Now if this gigantic cabal couid be twisted about the necks of speculators, koa II. France is preparing u>,receive the re- • mains of the JDaxe as Reiehstadt—Napo-t 3Irs. Davis has gone to Canada to see her little boy Jeff , jr. 30.J 3) 2a £5« S3 —AXO— ei-tember 30-4-1 y. TX3ST TAJY.. Hey^ids XT7 0ULD respectful inform everybody \V an( i g t( . jylance of man Kind, that be is now prepare! U ’ jnish anything and every thing in the way, 0 - STOY25"'& TIN WARE, At the very lowest prices aDd. shortest notice. Best Patent of Family Cook Stoves, from $25 to $50, according to size! and outfit. 1 Tin Ware red need 25 per cent, under any other market. Come, corne everybody, aud buy! I will duplicate bills bought at wholesale in r.r.v market in the Union since the war. j/muarv 20-23-7m. — 1 —-—- 1 A. F. BURNETT & CO., 1 BURNETT BROS.,- AT I ‘ . VA. liA., MACON, GA., DlrTAtiEri.S I3XT ac C E . W I, ARE prepared to furnish ICE (-Crys tal Lake) at 4 cents per pound to par ties ir- country or on line of Rail Road. Libe ral deduction made on car load or ton. j$g?~3hipmenta well packed. [june23-3m. 3ST oti c e . A LL kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE ta ken in exchange for GOODS at the high est market rates, also RAGS and LOOjJ^ COTTON- [33-tfj RANDALL k. CO