The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, September 24, 1866, Image 1

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X itimw ijcraUr c WOOTTEX, KVEBT SATURDAY BY J. A. WELCH. AVOOTTEN & ^ ELCII, Proprietor*. NEWNAN HERALD. Cjre IJehraan J. A. WELCH, Publisher. C. W GOTTEN, Editor. '<S=> Imimal;---gcv0ld I0 |Mik5, gku^, |\pinilture, Commerce, O e CO Onecc terms of subscriptios : $ ?'~l >v SIX months.... •• ,v three raon bs, ‘ -• 1 00 . nnh of sit will he allowed an extra ropy. «omp!,U. .be Volume.) VOL. II.] ISTEWISTAAST, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPT. 24, 1S66. [NO 5- A NEW AND GRAND EPOCH —IN— Cyrus W Field. life, but haml-cuffed him. The firemen put in irons. The vessel, now in possession of Braine, Reamed under or- j ders to Sea Cove, Gjamd Manan Island, a British island off Eastport, Maine.— Here he remained “three or four hours, and then steamed up the Bay of Fundy. Lraine put the passengers on board a pilot boat off FujiSiijsb, on the coast of j The Scene of the Great Surrender. j Recollections of the Fccnt—The House in which Gens. Lee ami Grant met. | A correspondent of the Richmond Whig who has just visited the scene of the irreat surrender, furnishes the follow- 4 1 was at Appomattox Court House Arrive at Augusta ? Augusta e at Atlanta l\ova Scotia, came to anchor, and had a jVp yesterday, and, indeed, it was a sad j *£*ve Augusta From the Bengal Aukara, Desperate Battle with a Serpent. | Cyrus W. Field, who has labored so were T , Sir : My objeet in now addressing the ] 0 ng to establish the Atlantic cable, was “\/T | ) I Qy 1 JjS Fi i i following through your columns, is to j born in Stockbridge, Mass., November 30. ! remove the doubt entertained by many 1S19. At an early age he came to New OR. MAGGIEL’S |? ith regard to the subject it treats upon: York, and commenced his business life as ^ * . i hence I request that you will be pleased I a clerk in a counting house down town PILLS AND SALV E. ! J to aid in giving it an early ventilation. ! go ambitious a youth could not long re- | I have perused with some interest the 1 main in such a position, and in a few #3-I.<; D.-licate Females read the following: correspondence which passed, some time j years he became the head of a large and Let the suffering and diseased read the follow- a jr 0j between Maj. Macauly of the " r wen- prosperous house of business. As a mer-. - _ „ ;. 0 „. n . fll , nar - i in f, taU who have been given up by Doctors, and j ty-third Regiment L. I., and a Mnnora j cantile man he was eminetly succ^ful,! Confederate states ,>nr surrender It was ther-th-u the Bpiikf'ii of an incurable, read the following. correspondent of the Sindian, regarding | s0 much so that in 1853 he was enabled 1 a ° ch, ’ r steere< * ft? •-fcherbrook. , t. ' , ^ • , V all whocan ^ and can have faith . of the cobra aud the nion- L retire from active business pursuits. 1 Mary’s, Halifax anti was by noon next noble old hero folded h s arms in the in-valence, road the following. i , . , . t 0 .-t d iv off Yarmouth Light On the ful low- ■ serene dignity of his matchless per.-on, K>*7- A14. Mks by g« ose - Ma J’. Mac * ul >* that : he j 4 After spend, ng six months in Nmth J a arm u Z mJ M ° f^hed baud who hung gft '$£t^nyZ;elLu -Ilaydock, to ™"?« ose f tho America he turned his attention to the | £» “ * ff C SabKput into Shel- ‘ around him that all was over. Here the L kuoan as mu-h. and being defy sworn, depoa-1 caused by the bite of the cobra , while subject of oceanic telegraphs. This be . , h * t of coa l • cleared for ! veteran of a dozen campaigns embraced ..<1 an follows: That he ih the *nlo General Agent! on t h e ol j, er l, ar ,d the Sindian maintained j C auie his hobby, and the plan ol laying " ur “ hdrb ’ 8 , tv,:, ^mr-oles nnd "izin^ through his o,r iiio l'nitcd Statea and dependencies thereof i . . . , . ,, , , j »ii .• l- . ' La Havre. Nova Scotia: av there a week, his comraues, anu, gtzing inrougn ni.s fo? pnpar^iom ormedicinea known as Mao-i that it recovered lroin the effects of the; a cable across the broad Atlantic his pet l^anavre.i , j I , , a . mr.i.'.s {‘ills and Salve, and that the following venom, and the sure remedy of theani- CvrtiflcatfK arc verhatim copies, to the bent of j a „ a j QSt j t W;1S a particular herb. I hid knowledge and belief. r GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. E. W. COLE, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta .6.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta fi.oo P. M. Leave Augusta...,. H.15 A. M. . , , t , , i Arrive at Atlanta 6.00 P. M. mg interesting letter,dated at Lynchburg: ; bt , ave \ t | ant:l J2.00 p \[ ,..10.00 A. M. ....2.30 P. M. ... . . ... i . T T • ] I Anne ;u ,*\u;ujia 12.30 A. M. communication with ihe agfcnf. of theyday to my heart. In memorv l reviewed ATLANTA and WEST POINT RAIL ROAD. idea. In 1854, he succeeded in procur- JAMES SMLITRE, Notary Public, Wall Street, New York. June, ltd, 18GG. Da. Maootel: I take my pen to write you of tnv great relfof, and that the awful pain in my aide has left me at last—thanks to your medicine. 0:i Dcotor, how thankful I am that I can get .:>!«• dif-p. 1 , ;l “ never write it enough. 1 thank | tbe encoun ter of the two inveterate foes. ,u. a. a.. —, - "• I'*-'** 1 Sandborongh harbor, near Halifax; sailed battle-worn flag, now furled, and soon to ■"* ? cIl j‘. r1cr . '">» th ? • alongside the U. S. frigate NbtstA net! U lost to their sight forever. And as 1 Newfoundland granting hun a i c. c s t mi)rnin „ As ,h c rest of his connection ; wandered over the place alone, I felt that with the CHesapeak is already well known, | I stood a solitary mourner over the grave it is unnecessary to repeat it here. < of my country. What recollections swept At the termination of the war, Braine lover uiy heart! I thought of the brave was in command of the C- S. A. schooner j :»ntl the true who perished for right and did not place any reliance upon the vera city of these statements (which had been right for fifty years to establish a tele- murn,n the case with many of its readers, as some supposed that the mongoose has a pro phylactic in its blood, and others held different hypotheses) till of late, when 1 had the opportunity of witnessing myself graph from the Continent of America to that colony, and thence to Europe. In 1854 and 185G he visited England for the further prosecution of his schemes, j g““ “ H oaving that“ thi war had j freedom. I thought of our days of peril L J j terminated, he burned her off Jamaica ! and trial, of years ol sacrifice and devo- which were so far successful tlyit in an attempt was made to lay a cable across j jri.irui of all stifforers. I could not help’.writing to you, aud hope von will not take it amies. JAMES MYEIIS, 116 Avenue D. Thin i9 to certify that I was discharged from the army with a Chronic Diarrhoea, and have been cured by Dr. Maggiol’s Pills. WILSON IlAltVEY, 27 Pitt Street. New York, April 7th, 1SG:>, Tho following is an interesting case of a man' employed in an Iron Foundry, who, in pouring melted iron into a llask that was damp and wet, caust'd an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and on him in a perfect shower, and he u as burned dreadfully. The following Certilicate was given to me by him, about eight weeks after the accident; New York, Jan. 11, 18GG. My name is Jacob Hardy; I am an Iron Foun der ; I was badly burned by hot iron in November last ’; my burns‘healed, but 1 had a running sore on niv leg that would not heal; 1 tried Maggiel’s Halve, and it cured me in a few weeks. This is ail true, and anybody can. now see me at Jack- sou’s Ironworks, 2d Avenue. J. HARDY, 119 Goeriek street. Island. The assertion of the Munora correspcu- , the Atlantic ocean, which tailed tbruvuh . . . ... , , . T » -j «• , T , , i r i , ° I arriving in Liverpool last July, paid on dent, l observed, was borne upon a fact. , the antagonism ol the elements. ° , 5? , .< tt •. a m. -i ,» , . *, | xt . • , . i m e>- i i . „„„ his men, and returned to the United The narticu ars of the combat I will re-; Nothing daunted, Mr. -Field at once -?et f , ... . . , | , ° , . u . .. ,, ^ States, believing himself safe under the late for public information. A large to work to prepare himself for another; ’ . j .. u , , , F • , e , e „ . - , ^ 1 a nines tv proclamation, lie took cobra was seen issuing out of a bramble- trial. bush, as if the animal was pursued by an j In 1858, after an experimental trip in enemy’. Subsequently a full-grown nion- j the Bay of Biscay, a second attempt w»s goose seemed to be the pursuer. The ! made, which was also unsuccessful, as was snake exhibited signs of great fear and ; a third. The fourth was triumphant, and America and England were neighbors.— lie then went to Europe, and ! tion, our poverty and-desolatiou; but yet there was some gleam of light. \\ e have alarm, and hastened to run away as soon as possible; the mongoose was evidently unwilling to let the pursued escape; and, in order to arrest the course of the cobra, it took a semi circular route and came upon it, whereupon the former halted and Messages were sent to and fro. Queen Victoria congratulated the President, and the President congratulated Queen A io toria. But, alas! this did not last— news caiW; that continuity was destroyed, raised itself, with expanded hood hosing | and to all intents and purposes the cable at its assailant. The mongoose, daunted ' was useless. Extracts from Various Lottara. “ I liad no appetite ; Maggiel’s Pills gave mo n hearty one." “Your Pills are marvellous.” “ 1 send for another box, and keep them in the house.” “Dr. Maogiel has cured mv headache that was chronic.” “ I gave half of one of yonr Pills to my babe for cholera raovbus. The dear little thing got well in a day.” “ Mv nausea of a morning is now cured.” “Your box of Maggiel’s Salve cured me of noises in the bead. I rubbed some ot your Halve behind my ears, and the noise left.” “Send mo two boxen; I want one for a poor family.” “ I enclose a dollar; your price if 25 cents, but *ho medicine to me is worth a dollar.’ ‘‘Send me five boxes of your Pills.” “Let me bw’C three boxes of your Salve by return mail.” nothing at its formidable adversary’s! threats, began to move in a circle round the cobra, with a low purring, as that of a cat. He made several circuits, the cobra twisting on alt sides he moved, and with in that time gradually raised itself to the full length,standing almost perpendicular, only the tip of the tail being on the ground, as if the cubra had great appre- hsnsion of its head, which it held as high as possible beyond the reach of the mongoose. This scheme effected naught. The opponent now shifted, and, making a mighty bound, passed over the head of the cobra and came at its back, lhc cobra instantly faced him. Having re I have over Two Hundred such Testimonials as these, but want of space compels me to con clude. J. MAGGLEL, M. D. peated the feat tvro o r mongoose stepped backward to u-v. v*«o-, • - • • Via _ n .i Mna of T° or >‘7* cct : “ d * h “ •‘ k UI has boon announced b, telegraph. Capt. a proper a.m suddenly darted upon e , ree ’ llccted on the 5lh cobra and intlictcd a severe bite on tlie ! 1 . , .. tt ?._j MAGGIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE Are almost universal in their eftects, and a cure can be almost always guaranteed. FOR BILIOUS DISEASES Nothing can be more productive *bf cure than these Pills. Their almost magic influence is felt at once; and the usual eouicoiuitants of this most distressing disease are removed. These reme dies are made from the purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. Thev will not harm the most delicate female, and can bo given with good effect in prescribed doses to the youngest babe. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And eruptions of the skin t he SALVE is most invaluable. It docs not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. D11. MAGGIEL’S PILLS INVARIABLY CURES TUE FOLLOWING DISEASES : Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Coativcueas, Dvspepsia, Diarrheea, Dropsy, Debility, Fever and Ague, Skin Diseases, EACH BOX CONTAINS 12 PILLS ONE PILL IS A DOSE. Headache, Indigestion, Influenza. Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Complaint, Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds. Even this did not deter Mr. Field from making another attempt, but it was after a lapse of seven years. Luring the whole of this time he had been working energet- j ciaily for this object, which was so far! crowned with success tliaFTn the summer amnesty proclamation, lie took up his residence in Savannah, and, according to his own statement, he has been on inti mate terms with some of our Government officials. He next went to Washington, and pre viously to starting for Williamsburgh tarried there for ten days. He had been, when arrested in Williamsburgh, board ing at the Wall House about six we.ks. He was vbited by several of his friends and acquaintances yesterday. He is cheerful, and believes as he held a com mission from the C. S. A., which the IT. States recognized as belligerents, amena ble to the laws of war, the killing of Schaffer cannot be regarded as murder, lie says that he himself never discharged a shot on board the vessel. In reply to , . .... ,, • ! inquiries as to the place of his birth, the ot 180D the laying of the cable was again | sai(J that he wa8 born at lloH y attempted but resulted disastrously, but g J- in the g tate of Mississippi. the sequel is known. ‘ . ,, . . .. , XT , . n [Captain Braine visited Newnan last spring, in tie interest of the Georgia State Directory, which he then contem plated publishing.] Arrest of Capt. Braine of the Confede rate Navy—The Chesapeake Affair- The arrest, in New York on Saturday The ' evening, of Captain John 0. Braine, for- 1 merly of the Confederate Navy, cn the l, rett !i»<. i charge of murder, and that he had capers the' dis-1 00 his person showing that he belonged a history, glowing with the deeds of man hood and chivalry, as enduring, as eternal as the blue hills that look down in peace ful grandeur on the consecrated spot. It may not be uninteresting to your readers to give a minute description of the house in which the articles of capit ulation were signed. I was a guest of Maj. McLaine, and I sat iu the very room. The house is of brick, about fiity feet long, with a porch in front extending tho whole length. In front of the house is a well covered with lattice work. The yard is small, with a fine plat ot grass shaded with locust trees. At about half past ten o’clock, Gens. Lee and Grant met in the parlor, which is about eighteen feet square, comfortably furnished, the walls decorated with paintyvis. r Lhe in terview lasted until two o’clock. Major McLaue has the names of all who were present, birt as he intends getting up a fine picture of the whole scene, I will go no more rtito detail. On the wall there is a very accurate diagram, drawn by a Federal officer. The table and the chairs have been taken away as relics. Leave Atlanta 7 30 A M Arrive at Newnan 9 53 A M Arrive at West Point 12 40 P M Leave West Point .... 11 50 A M Arrive af Newnan 2 50 P M Arrive at Atlanta 5 15 P M GEORGE G. HULL, jSuperintendant. Tlio Southern EXPRESS COMPANY, Have uusurpassed facilities for the transpor tation of Freight ofall Descriptions, GOLD, SILVER CURRENCY, AND LANK NOTES To all parts of the TJ. STATES, CANADA and ETFH0PE. Freight brought through from New Y'ork to Atlanta in sixty hours, and from Savannah or Charleston in twenty-four. Special attention is called to our new rates* V. DUNNING, Agent, Atlanta, Ga. J. B. CADE, June 23-tf. Agent, Newnan, Ga. Kates of Advertising. Advertisements inserted at $ 1.50 per square (often lines or space equivalent,).for^^first inser tion, and 75 cents for each subsequent in sertion. Monthly or semi-monthly advertisement* inserted at the same rates as for new advertise ments, each insertioh. Liberal arrangements will be made with those advertising by the quarter or year. All transieut adVertismeHts must be paid for when handed in. The money for adVcrti?cshg due after th* first insertion. ■ i in IMT ATTRACTION I HEAP BARGAINS! Boiling Food for Hogs. A Good Wife. How much of this world’s happiness and prosperity are contained in the com neck, both falling down. At thesametime, the moDgoose still retaining the hold, the cobra twLted over the mongoose verv tight ly. This brought him to the upshot of yielding to the power of the enemy, as I plainlv saw the mongoose could not move his limbs for him, but only kept his hold of December, 18G3, seized the United States passenger steamer Chesapeake, while she was on her passage from New York to Portland, Maine. He wa\ ar rested at the Wall House, Brooklyn, on Saturday, on a requisition from Washing ton, by the U. S. Marshal, at the instance S'. LpStio* r,',e of o..o James Johnson, first engineer of intervals and at times lay motionless.- thc . Chesapeake who was on board when The contest between these two well known ' Ono faehaffer, the second engineer was enemies began at nine o'clock in the | ot,e of the Confederates enga - eneimto. j observ- « d ,n the capture. Captain Braine was Notice.—None genuine without tlie engtavod trade mark around each pot < , New morning and ended about ten. ed the above occurrence from behiud the stem of a large tree, at a distance of twenty-four or twenty-five yards. Now curiosity drew pie nearer, behind another one, which left only a space of fouiteen yards between me and the scene of the ; combat. Thence I had a clearer view of what was going on. The mongoose outmatched the cobra, thouge he was the longest I ever saw. The cobra grasped him so tightly that I believed the creature would die, and not being able to retain his hold, he gave in. The cobra, availing himself of the oppor tunity, inflicted a severe sting, I can ^ sav on which part of his antagonist s body, and instantly raised its head very angrily. The xuoDgoose drew back and left the place apparently with symptoms DOCTOR J. MAGGIEL fuit which it- felony York, to counter at or box, signed by --- ^ — ^ gut into an adjoin- ** « WI uuv. v . I ing bush. The *obra moved not an inch Sold by all respectable dealers in medicines i => , ^ e f ore with expan- Stfe? s, * tM “ dC *"* d! “’ “' Idcd ho^^d losing earnestly in the direction the mongoose had gone. Now 25 cents per box or pot. Setember 1-lv. SAVED J BX-USINCf T. BABBITTS STAR YEAST rOTVDEK. Light buseuit or any kind of cake may be lll4UV witli this “ Yeast Powder ’ in 15 minutes. No shortening is required when sweet imlR is nsed. B. T. BABBITT Nos. 64 to 74 Washington st., N. York. June 16-yiui. I felt that the fight was ded to find my way from the place, but to my astonishment,before fifteen minutes could pass, the mongoose returned with charged in the warrant with the muider of Schaffer. Johnson, when Braine was arrested, was very insolent in his language towards him, and taunied him bitterly. The reporter of the New \<>rk News visited Capt. Braine at the police station, and gives the following account of the interview : Capt. Braine, on being asked if be had any objection to make a brief statement of his complicity iu the affair which re sulted in the death of Schaffer, very readily replied that he had not, and there upon gave, in reply to interrogatories, a no t j brief account ot the Chesapeake capture, the substance of which is as follows: In December, 1863, Braine came to Williamsburgh, but did not tarry long; for about a week before the capture of the Chesapeake, he sailed on board that vessel with his wife to Portland; he had at this time a commission as Lieutenant in the Confederate States Navy; while on this trip he conceived the design ot overt and intern capturing the vessel. He next went to Dvnncnrittlr WnPTft Corn is acyrccry'jrd ztj the season for p a *g^jf these two short words: IIel fattening hogs is approaching, we cannot n — -- : ,pi '~ ' do our planters and farmers a greater ser vice than to give them a piece of advice that will save them thousands, and by a very little additiun to their present amount of labor. It fe to boil all food before giving it to their fattening hogs. No man who lias made ihe experiment will ever abandon ihe practice. • A friend of ours, in Green county, a years ago, weighed out two equal quanti ties of live pork, kept them iu adjoining pens and treated them in all respects the same, except that he fed one pen on raw food and the other on exactly the same amount and quality of food boiled. At killing time those fed on boiled food weighed just 33 per cent, more than their neighbors. This ought to be conclusive, but the following contains additional tes timony: < At a meeting of the New York Far mers’ Club, Prof. Mapes made the follow ing remarks in regard to boiling food lor hogs: “ The proof of the saving of food by boiling has been given here; we may as well have it. Mr. Mason was a watch maker in G ulden, N. J., and among other fancies he liked to keep hogs. He had his hog pen built just back of his shop, so that he could sit at his window and watch his hogs. Every spring he bought some piirs and fed them through the sea^ son. Just opposite Mr Mason was the store of Mr. Van Aradale, and every pound of food that Mr. Mason gave his pigs he bought at this store. At the end of six months he got his bill from Mr. Van Arsdale, and he always slaughtered- hogs at the same time, so that he TIIOS. A. GRACE, NEWNAN, GA., Insurance Agent for the following Companies: «d£TNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CO., New Y'ork. .ETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. UNDERWRITERS’ FIRE INSURANCE CO., m New Y'ork. SECURITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New Y'ork. EUFAULA HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO., Eufaula, Ala. JAMES RIVER FIRE INSURANCE CO., Howardsville, Va. OGLETHORPE INSURANCE COMPANY', ib, Georgia. J. LORCH & COa Have just received at J. Mi DODD'S old stand, South- West Corner Public S q u a r e, NEWNAN; GEORGI'* 4 new and large READY MAI - AND fluonce is immense. The power of wife for good or evil is altogether irresist ible. Home must be the happiness or it must be forever unknown. A good wife is"to a man wisdom and courage, and strength, and hope, and endurance. A bad one is confusion, weakness, discomfi ture and despair. No condition is hope less, when the wife possesses firmness, decision, energy and economy, lucre is no outward prosperity which cun counter act indolence, folly and extravagance at home. No spirit can long resist bad do mestic influence. Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant. He delights iD enterprise and action, but to sustain him he needs a tranquil mind and a whole heart. lie expends his whole moral force in the conflicts of the world. His feelings are daily lacerated to the utmost point of endurance, by perpetual collision, irrita tion arid disappointment. To recover bis equanimity and composure, home must be to him a place of repose, of peace, of cheerfulness, of comfort, and his soul renews its strength and again goes with fresh rigor to encounter the labor and troubles of the world.* But, if at home he finds uo rest, and is there met with bad temper, sullenness or gloom, or is assailed by discontent, complaints and reproaches, the heart breaks, the spirits ire crushed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks into hopeless despair. July 23—47—tf. JNO. C. WHITNSSR’S General Insurance Agency. Fire, Inland, Life & Accident, Insurance Effected and Losses Promptly Raid. Office at McCamy & Co’s. Drug Store, Franklin Buildings, Alabama Str’t., Atlanta, Ga. Refers to Rev. James Stacy, and J^J. Ptx- so.v, Esq., Newnan, Georgia. 11-50-ly. Auf Southern Mutual Insurance Co. of Athens, Georgia. Y. L. G. HARRIS, Pres. A. CHASE, Sec’y. W. P. Patiu.0, Ag’t.. for Atlanta A Newnan. Office with Tommy, Stewart & Orr, White H ill Street, Atlanta, Ga. B^fL^Sorip from No. 1 to G taken in payment of ptemiums for Insurance. Aug. ll-50-3m. JOHN- ray. LAVENDER R. RAY. JOHN RAY & SON, attorneys at law, NEWNAN, GA., Will practice iu the Courts of Fulton, Campbell, Fayette, Coweta, Troup, Meriwether, Carroll, Heard and Haralson. Particular attention given to the collection of all Claims of every description. gftjy-Office near Newnan Hotel. [june2-6m. STAPLE GOODS. LADIES and GENTLEMEN’S All varieties of CSXXiS&ES'S, BOYS & GENTLEMEN’S, NOTIONS, Of all lcvnAe*; 4)1WILW» HOOP & BALMORAL SKIRTS; CLOAKS. CORSETS;^ HARD-WARE AJMX> CUTLERY. Also a large and full supply of all kinds of GROCERIES & CROCKERY. ,}* „ r .„._ r HP __ , his _- 0 - St. John’s New Brunswick, where his knew exactly how much his pork cost.— command were awaiting his arrival. j p ur several years it figured up at 13 cents They were mostly Englishmen; there p 0r p 0un( ]. At length some one advised in his own words,; him ^oil his corn, ile accordingly got B made No si used. refined E * He theXreng »t the cobra and j b. then came through Boston™ V” j which _ he fed to bis pigs, llfli fNA' its hold;' ultimately, stret«hin_ “11 Hground and quivering its tail, it expired. YiViii The nion oose devoured a small por- B. of Ws victim’s yd left the ^ ^ & they ™ to „ board Bread made with this Saleratus contains, when rcs idue ou the spot for ms con , they sailed. At about two o clock next baked, nothing but common salt, water aud flour. , feagt u nd fi na lly quitted the hel - j ' ; braine and his Confederates I Tk« mongoose has no proph, aettegiaud • -nor „ Junk 16-l2m. New York, j tQ coun teract the effect ot the coDra sting; but the particular herb is the only sure antidote against the venom. A W OODCOCK- thing- e ion -p ts , London, to New York, under orders from cogt f our an j a half cents per pound. bit the amnia on e . p _ Q( j! the Confederate States Navy Department, We a j, 0 bad the experience of Mr. first done. Both fell “ ,‘ he I wit h his men. Arriving at 4 o’clock m after a desperate Wragple,.which , h , lftcrnoon , he went with them the SLSSftSSSSi.^n ^an ^ reiax'— ^ »n board the Chesapeake, a. Pier No. 14, North river. He says that the assertion which has frequently been made that he enlisted -men from New York and Brooklyn is utterly untrue.— T. BABBITTS LABOR-SAVING SOAT. captured the vessel off Cape Cod. His men had all been instructed in their roles. ■ The War on Preachers.—Satan and other Radicals just now seem to be waging an extermination war upon the preachers in Missouri. Not content with putting them in prison, fining and indict ing them for expounding the Word ol God, the devils seem to have taken “ a long pull, a strong pull and a pull .4 together,” with a view of getting rid of that class of criminals entirely. The shocking murder of the Rev. Mr. Head- Ice has been followed, it appears, by other violent acts. In Grundy county, a gang Campbell, which was about the same a» i p^dic.d imps, a couple of Sundays ago. Mr. Mason’s. Henry Ellswonh . drove the Rev. Joseph Delvin from bis some extensive experiments in the j pulpit, bursted percussion caps at him, thing, and his statement is that thirty I * noote( j |ji m oa t of church, because Dr. A. B. CALHOUN. H AVING resumed the Practice of Medicine resp-ctfnlty tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Co weta and surroand ing counties. His whole attention will hereafter be given to his profession in its vArions branches. Office on Depot Street, a few steps from the Public Square. [Jan. 6-18-tf. J. AT. MANN, J. A. HUNTER. R. T. HUNTER, J. S. NALLS, A. M. WOOD, Salesmen Newnan, Ga. -» Salesmen / for Lorch&C® Salesmen? D, 1 W. MARTIN, /Franklin, Ga. Sept. lG-2-tf. Aftor the 1st October, J. Lorch & Co. will occupy the old stand of J. J. Neely with a portion of their stock £2. Remington & Sons, BE. JNO. W. PEABCE O FFERS’his professional services to the citizens of Newnan and vicinity. He may l»e found at all hours in day time at the Drug Store of Dr. "Z. S. Henry, or at his residence, brick house-ea3t E side of the Rail road at night. Will give prompt attention to all patronage entrusted to bis care. [June 2-39-tf. J. C. THOMPSON. Y. H. THOMPSON pounds of v *w corn makes as much pork as thirteen pounds of boiled corn. Yypean, April 26. Dog.—There is a dog — . This Soap is made from pure and clean A SAGACIOUS materials, contoining no aduJteratkm of any kind, Jq this city who goes daily to me ccui- •will not injure the most delicate fabric, and is _; t k bis master’s cow, and from especially adapted for woolens, which will not mons With nis mas » . shrink after being washed with this Soap. It; morning until night never looses si_nt o may be used in hard or salt water. It will remove , „ „li lVri auv one to approach Or paint, grease, tar aud stains of all kinds. One her, or allow, au rr pound warranted equal to two pounds ordinary molest her. As night COIBCs O a family soap. Directions sent with each bar for turns her Steps homeward, be lollows making three gallons handsome soft soap from j . , . Ae ...J wa rd against the one pound of this Soap. Each bar is wrapped in her—keeping watch a fo , a circnlar containing full directions for nse, prin- nf eoW thieves that tniest tne .U ted in English and German. Ask yonr grocer ** , ® nx. nno ht to be elected an for “B. T. Babbitt’s Soap." and take no olier. urbs. That dog OUgh. 10 « B. \\ BABBITT. honorary member of the police force ol Nos. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68. 69, 70, ,2 4 74 Washington , . . J Augusta ChriticR- June 16-iOm. at., NswYoA. i «e city.—Augusta Guards were placed at various points. Their instructions were not to shoot any but such as refused to surrender.— The second engineer, Orin Schaffer it appears, when called upon to surrender, was below, oiling the machinery On hearing the demand he responaed by firing upon Braioe’s second lieutenant. Three shots were then discharged at hina, and he was instantly killed- Some o the offioers, according to Braine a account, showed 1ms intrepidity. 0«e oS«r ho says, hid behind ait iee-box m the gallery The first engineer was wounded in tne chin: the fi«t dfioer in the leg and arm. Braine says that he saved the captains he had not taken the oath ; and, for the same reason, a few days since, the Rev. Mr. Price, while on his way from DeKalb to- Clinton county, was followed by a number of outlaws, who broke into a house where he was staying over night, and so beaten with clubs and pistols that ihe unoffending minister had to be con veyed to his home, where a dispatch says he now lies in a critical condition. Gov. Fletcher, of course, never hears of these things He is the most ignorant man in Missouri, it would seem, in regard to the true condition of affairs in many p*ns of the State, and, while the best men in it are being shot down like dogs, dragged from the sacred desk, or bludgc- oneS on the highway by Radical scoun- A correspondent ot the Cleveland Her ald says that as Andy Johnson was retir ing from the platform at Elyria, Ohio, a few inconsiderate persons uttered audible groans, when the President turned and said: “You will groan worse than that before you get through. The damned always groan!” Gen. Washington was Lieutenant-Gen eral of the armies of the United States. In 1798, the country beiug, as it was supposed, on the eve of si war^ wif France. President John Adams nominated and the Senate confirmed hun as Lieut i --- - tbe ‘-enforcement Geoeral of oor force, The title «e ■>«, J*.*#*^? Ln -ho here oo atterwar g borne by any one nn-tl is Q j , f them. Isn’t he a ; to create the petition for Geo. " inG ' ia i /^ can Scott p j - - 3. C. THOMPSON & BEO. TT7 0ULD respectfully inform their friends W and the public generally, that they can be found Up Stairs, over the Store-Room of Redwine, Culpopper & Co., and are prepared to MAKE AND REPAIR at the shortest notice and in good st\Ie. We are also prepared to make April 14-32-tf. • THOMAJjB A RNES, DepdK^^IS^wnaii, Ga., WrttrepSfr : ieatfy^nd promptly manufacturers of REVOLVERSj RIFLES, Muskets and. Carbines, ^or the United States service. —ALSO— POCKET and BELT EEYOLTEKS,- 3P2S®©3LS., Rifle Canes, Revolving Rifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels and Gun Materials# Sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally.- In these days of housebreaking and robbery,; every House; Store; Bank and Office should have one of Remingtons’ Revolvers. Parties desiring to avail themselves of the late improvements in PiBtols, and superior work manship and form, will find all combined m the New Remington Revolvers. _ # Circulars containing cuts and description of our Arms will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON * SONS, Ilion, N. Y. Moobe & Nichols, Agent, Sept. l-6m. No. 40, Courtland St., N. Y. PLAMERS^OTELT ^^-^afalUrgr. September 30-4-1/A- or Opposite the General Passenger Depot WM. O’HALLORAN, PropTri©tOf. April