The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, October 20, 1866, Image 1

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Jr iln'onait j 5*5 \ M*' .... ,- D wnUKLY EVERY SATl*IU)AY BY J. A 'VEl.Cn. . r VOOfTEX, WOOTTENEiXII, proprietors. j . ■ \vnoVTKX, Kr»itor. \ I: W N A N HERALD. J. A. WELCH, - - Publishe.' §- fottmalj—gfrcM to politics, guvs, ^jnalte, TjthMS Or r,v OlO ve-ir, PA' J; three mon hs, ’ . v will he bsciubtiox : ride in advance, $3.00 •• l oo w- i>d an extra the Volum VOL. II ] T, GEORGIA, SATURDAY-, OCT. 20, 1S66. [NO. 7. Bates of Advertising. ! Advertisements inserted at $1.60 per aqua* | (often lines or space equivalent.) for first inser 1 tion, and 75 cents for each subsequent in. section. • Month I v or semi-moatbly. *dvertisemenv inserted at the same rates as for hew advertise. ; tnents, each insertion. ,«;• Liberal arrangements will be^ njR'Js with : those advertising by the quatteror year. All transient advertismeats must be paid ! for, when handed in. Ibe money for advertising due after the xrs= aK1 li f f*0 U A* jhe Grea!c‘ •fV K fkTJ ■U A Xl} of the Age! he glad to know that t XX xx Discover} Impeachment. 0. W. Croft’s “Eureka Oil” a been wrested from own . 0 f philanthropic s immense outlay of capital nip' [From the New York Vindicator, October 6.] Tre Charge at Monocacy. if there was not a single word or mark B ' F ’ Decrl(> P^^ R^ical Plan ...... . i —lloic tre Work is Fr> ok Done—Force accompanying the following poem to indi-; 'jute i r*3 authorship, we could tell, before reading a half a dozen lines, that it was written by a soldier. The rhythm is not (O In Mr. Conflict Between the Civil andMiiitary Admiral Semmes, Probate Judge elccr Authorities. of Mobile, having been called upon by The Tullahasse (Fla.) Sentinel, of the the Mt > bile Tribune to resign,replies thus : t, , n 26th u!t . contains a lengthy correspon- A Card. Resorted to bu the Radicals H , , , c .1 . •. , , n ■ ' ra 7, dence between the Mayor of that citv .Johnson Refuses to Obey the Be- Admiral Semmes has read, with the bests of the frump Hon press. GEORGIA RAIL ROAD. K. W. COLE, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 6.15 A. M. Arrive at Augusta fi.oO P. M. >.15 A. M. >lajor General Foster, upon the qne8-! careilIU , attention which it demands, the ; I ' eave '. A. M. j military anu ciul jurisdiction in art j c j e ; n t he Mobile Tribune of the 23d I * ‘ U ' C a . 1 3 0 ion by ai xu C .* out Gen. Butler addressed an immense au- certain cases—the former asserting the i ns t', calling upon him to resign his office L vp -^ht passenger train. entlemen, I quite as even as it might be desired, but dience at Cincinnati and advocated the supremacy of the law under the late pro-■ 0 p j ut j„ e 0 f Probate of this county — bus again that may he attributed to hasty writing— impeachment of the 1 resident, because clamation of the I resident, and the latter, \," 0 , lian can regret more than himself, fare the people, u e do not , - , . ... ,, besought to bring Congress into public taking the contrary position, upon the .u. lf ., n .. n r .nc like some of the nos- I wcaknss which experience will enable the , . , e . . 1 0 ■ V ,1 -• t,1Jt Jn > portion or tits ren.nv citizens curt-no ■ , . . 1 natieu, ridicule, and contempt; because assumption that martial law isstill supreme s i,„,.u <.„«•,>_ inmnrpnipm>p -m.l l.-ws (Vmn ’ovX At ! * mMt *» The description of he had corrCptlj used the poU of re,.,., iu thA Stu.e, The filWwi.* is a state- j S" oiilf e " S h ru'_ far the cure of Ii.flamma- j G‘e charge at Monocacy is not merely a val and appointments; because he had inebt of the facts as developed in the • t h 0 rirV, but he takes a very different view .live disease?, and an A!!e- sketch drawn froth fancy, hut a reflex of neglected to execute the laws of Congress ; correspondence : ! f roni t |, e Tribune of what becomes him It will 1,0. ^ T ,. 1 '/vlt'-owV-?.r i Gic impressions made upon the mind ofi were passed over his veto and oth- j t appears that several arrests were ; as a citizen of Alabama He has been piil.nninaiion and Ulicmtion J the writer while ha was was a participant Xutional ritn ' at ^r niai ! e t * 1 . e P (,l ' ee Tallahassee, ; chosen to an ofliee by the people. lie is ri.r,n' 's'omach and Bowels • , . .d tutional ri_ht of the ^enate to confirm an( j R ucs uupo.-ed upon officers and cnlis- elligible to that office under the Lonsti- 1 * rja 1 • r riux) Diarrhoea | ln t ‘ ,e thrilling scene. We confess an : ’ 1 ------ * - — - - - 1 0 ------ n'ipthcriX futhanmatort/ Rftennmlism ; 1 unusual admiration oftlig spirit in which in invaluable remedy tor A r>.mp/ia. jj g wr , tcg< an( j hope to welcome him , . . . „ r t unlawfully restored property belonuing Aj le yj a y 0r to instruct the police to take formally inducted into office, by fiiiing by right of capture to the 1 nited States,^ t | ie ua i u p S of any offending officer or sol- his official bond and taking the oaths Arrive at Augusta Leave Augusta Arrive ut Atlanta 3.30 A. M. 9.00 P. M 7.00 A. M. tht-^es, sa of the .!/"> Cold of all l « Pitai «nd is " l r i V l,-:j (Jlands, Sore Ajfcctionp a , ire the world f ATLANTA .and WEST POINT BAIL ROAD. Leave Atlanta 7 30 A M Arrive at Xewnan 9 53 A M f ana .wm, .not malignant,) Eruptions, •. if n Cm*, Buiw-!■'.lions, Swot- \ to the I ortlolio again : ; f re Bucs. Ear and Tooth Aches, j • 1I) appointments by placing in power officers ij] CU of the I nited States army, for tution and laws of the United States, as; ^ rr l Vt ' West loint lL 40 P il itch whom it had rejected; because he had : alleged offences. General Foster protes- well as the Stat*? of AlabAnia. He has I Leave W estPoiut 11 50 A il him corruptly used the pardoning power and against the proceeding, and requested been commissioned by the Governor, and 1 Arrive at Xetvrah 2 50 P M Ul “And in Coughs we dial- j ts equal. Ordinary coughs In I’ulmonory Consumption, | mchilis it ia tbe best jialliative j mown CHARGE OF THE TWELFTH GEORGIA BATTALION AT MONOCACY JUNCTION, MAKYLANR, JULY 1 D, 1»64. Inscribed to Will Freeman, of, Georgia, bg J. S. S. “ Forward, Twelfth Georgia!” ’tis llahvey Cries out, Not a him ton r„ | I ri.u Superintendent, of tins Company is a | iraduate of the Medical College of Nashville; j ■ *i f rom iQng experience in his profession, Mir. good knowledge of chemistry, lie has j ■bie i intrusted with the selection of chemicals j And forward we rush with a clear ringing 'for*the manufacture of the medicine, and lias j :tml will he careful to select the very | ii..e't materials to he In did in either foreign or ’ "nie markets and wc are satisfied that the ij,.j c vvo arc now putting up excels any !or- ti cr article fif the same kind for purity of chemicals, and must I'e more ctlicneious. \',V iilnec tlio “Eureka Oil” before the Torhl and upon it- merits or demerits it must r j se or full. But we know if the people will Uv it, they will be more than satisfied. For sale bv all the principal Druggists evc- Hhore throughout the country.' Compounded b • 0. \V. Croft, the original manufacturer, for ii,o Eureka Oil Muuufacturing Company at Atlanta, (la. Price at retail. $1.25 per bottle. Liberal deductions made to the trade. M. A. SHACKLEFORD, Superintendent. For sa’* by J. T. REESE, Agent, Newnan, Georgia. BLALOCK k BASS, Agents, j]—t|rn. Carrollton, Georgia. and because he usurped the power of' dier and forward the sathe to bis head- j required by law. He is ready and willing i Congress by terminating the war by proc- quarters, when the matter would be ; to perform the duties of his office, and if lamations, instead of by treaty by the investigated, and if guilty the offenders 1 he is obstructed iii their performance it j advice of the bettate or a law of Congress. Wl)U ij [ )C punished. This the Mayor j is no fault of his. Can any citizen of; F.ach of these offenses are high crimes | declined to do, upon the ground that mar-1 Alabama, with these facts before him, j Have unsurpassed facilities for the transpor- atid misdemeanors in the meaning of the . tia.1 law hsd been abrogated by the pro- call upon Admiral Semmes to resign, J _ . __ t.-icuo. . ^ Constitution. I clamation of the President, and all offen- without feeling himself iuwardly rebuked \ Frcii^lit of till IOcsci iptioilS, Arrive at Atlanta S 15 P M GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendant. Tlio Soutlaom EXPRESS COMPANY, The speech concluded as follows: ces against the laws of the State fell j for a want of that manly State pride; GOLD, SILVER CCRREffCY, “ We have been asked the ouestion properly under the judicial notice of the which, above all things else, should char- j \ yu BANK NOTES 10 lt ’ . liow can the President be impeached ?— i State tribunals. j acterize the true citizen ? Have the peo- To all parts of the " ,th a WlM hon,hern shonf ’ a ,lcafenms • VCl1 ’ ! He is Commander in-Chief of the army I General Foster hi his rejoinder Re-echoing loudly o er lull and o er dell, I aud aud the Constitution of the U. ! emphatic refusal of the Mayor to While the enemy answered with grapeshot ; noth}ng whntevcr abnut who | with his request, says : | — -- — - ^ j Atlanta in sixty hour and shell ; s } ja || [| ie office while he is being im- j “ I am compelled to call your attenlioh an J tempor.iry advantage whatever . Charleston in twenty-four. Special uttention mh wc faltered, right onward wc ; peached. Therefore, if you begin the I to the fact thit military latv is still su- j “hth Semmes, fob dnej will hever ednsent 3 will order tlie.tujmy and prcine in this State, and I hereby fohbid ! t0 fu-h a sacrifice. Armed authority | acterize the true citizen : ilave tne peo- To all parts of the to the | pie of Alabama fallen so icw that they ^ STATES, CANADA Rnd EUROPE, comply; are williiiur to sacrifice their constitutional s . .. . : • i j .. i f .!• _ . .Freight brought throuirh frotti Aew.iork to i no-fits and the honor of their otate lor- • . , ... N • .i Atlanta in sixtu hours, and from Savannah or i impeachment he Dr. J. L Mason ifc Co.’s Great AmeHcaii HOG CHOLERA CURE AND PREVENTIVE. sued Through hail storm ot iron, through oceans op na \ry to disperse Congress, and he will you to arrest, hereafter, :my officer, or! may trample his body ihto dust, but ic lead) j seize the reins of government. Where j employee in any of the departments of; bus never yet parted with his honor, and With cannon on flank of us, cannon in front, 1 j s the remedy? Here it is: The House jthe L 7 nited States army, while enlisted in j be never will. In the attitude which Stern bull-dogs of war open-mouthed in the, 0 f Representatives, under the Constitu- - the discharge of his official duties; but bis case has assumed, before the public, hunt, j tion, is the grand inquest of the nation I request that you will send the name of Wc steadily bore back the battle’s bold brent. On, on, through the timber, out into the field ! We fear not, we care not, let God be our shield! pares the bill of impeachment acaiiist i punishment. the President if it sees cause, and it pro- 1 is called Id our new . .Tune 23-tf. ates. , , V. DUXNINd, Agent, Atlanta, Ga. LJL CADE, Agent, Newnan, Ga. Or Nat Beadles,” is j jROMI’TED by a desire to benefit our coun- { irv, and also to establish an important i..G in science, we have concluded to *. ! dcr to tap public the above named remedies lot tii•* curt ami prevention of I!og Cholera. Medical pentlemen of skill and experu ncc ••egan a sc- rics of examinatiens when the cholera first began in this country.; after having performed nmitct'ous post mortem examinations upon the bodies of hogs which had died ot cholera, r:h! after great research and investigation to determine the nature of the disease, led by the lights arising therefrom, they undertook •he cure of the complaint by various remedies. They found several articles beneii dal, but “iceess was not fully attained to until the MjoVe named medicine was fcbuipoundeu. I hft medicine was not sought out for the purpose 1 f sale, but the great success attending its ■ -c bus induced them to form a company and j '•burin a Patent. Wc offer it as being, under j thb accompanying directions, fully capable ot j arresting- any epidemic of hog cholera, and | prompt in giving relief when properly admin- j i eied. We confidently believe that the rem- j *dy is a specific; yet we do not recommend it as infallible in all cases, though we have never 1 knowu it to fail, either AS a cure or preventive j against the further spread ot the disease When j used agreeably to the directions, notwith- • funding those free from the disease have been j i at j,i close proximity with those diseased. U is a great' Toni*', and will successfully remove Man'*- Sore Head and Vermin, either cf which ,:itl aderbthe health of the hog, and | ■ t'P his growtn an will make hogs so tliri.'y c.r no patent remedy foi Vie l : wc think that the , nllic will moment—the gallant dead ! With lightning-like quickness the murderous lead lias crushed through his forehead, has shatter ed his head. One after another falls dead on the spot: The colors Cre do\Vn. for the bnsign is shot. They're up again—onward o’er ditches o'er banks We rush as the musketry mows down our ranks, And the shells pinging madly disorder our flanks; ! (in! over the hill-ton, down into the valley, he regards himself as an humble repre- —perhaps I mi<>ht say, for illustration, j any of them, against whom complaint is | sentative of the honor and dignity of his! the Grand Jury of flic nation. It pre- j made, for my investigation and award of ^tate, and that State shall not be outrag-, nishment ” ^ I cd and dishonored through him. He j v ..^ ; j ... The Mayor replies again, and tells tile; not become the willing instrument j sents the bill of impeachment to the • General that he cannot revive martial law J of her debasement. If he is kept out of i ^[q^erBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CO., THOS. A. GRACE, NEWNAN, GA., Insurance Agent for the following Companies: .ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. Let Senate of the United States, which then j without denying the authority of fhe I his office by military force, in time of becomes a high court of impeachment, j President to proclaim the restoration of j p eac c, the remedy does not rest with him, and the Chief Justice of the L T . States, peace and civil law, and that inasmuch as i u,, l ess he would dishonor himself, sits in that court as the nresiding officer, i Gen. Foster had seriously impeded the It is thus no longer, for that purpose, the course of public justice, he (the Mayor) Senate of the ITnited States, but it is the | would take the earliest opportunity pf court of impeachment of the llaited j arraigning him before the civil tribunals States. What shall they do? When of the State. Here the matter rests, the impeachment is ready the Senate! The assert i on by Gen. Foster that mar- sends out its messenger or sergeant-at- | anus to brills in the criminal, be lie high I t, “ l law P reta ' ls '» Florida > 13 . d " or low. (Applause.) They set him at the reet conflict with the interpretation which ! bar and read the bill to him. If he plead | Gen. Sheridan gives to the President’s | there are large estates of deceasodciti- | guilty, then they proceed to sentence him, | problauiatidn of tbe 20Ui of AtSgifct.! ;o!?^ lled k 1 * ari . ,J ^rp iana ^ onc m ' > ' nc, “ •“ COlU ’ ml ‘° i »l> iah sentence is a deposition and depri-1„ Orleans Picayune the = ' C 5afferm "! " our P eoplc r enera .J ara rally; ration of office. ^jVheft he is bi-ought ] ( ... J r We look up to heaven j lock flaclc o’er the plain, ! b c f ore the bar the Senate of the United i -ollowing : And ask who is wounded, who missing, who 1 gtates may ordeU him to be imprisoned, J () n Monday last an affidavit was made slain ? ■ or to and bail, or any other proper order . before Recorder Gastinel, by police olfi- Ihen heave but oncsigh nnd go forward again, i that a court may adopt in a criminal case, gers Thos. Hagan aud N. McGuire, char New York. .-ETNA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford. Connecticut those eloquent appeals, wnich the Tri- ^ ^ IV - c „r r> . x . or , r , r . hune haS addressed to him, be addressed UNDER\*. RITERS^FtREJ.Nbl RANGE CO. to the President of the United States.— Whatever might be their effect, they would at least be m re manly, and more in consonance with the character of aj^-hFAULA HOME I-IRE INSURANCE CO., citizen of a State which claims the right j of seif government, subject only to the' New York. SECURITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. Constitution of the United States. If groaning under the oppression, Admiral Semmes is not the oppressor. He will, however, do the President the justice to Say, that he does not believe that the dosing of his court was his own E'jfaula, Ala. JAMES RIVER FIRE INSURANCE CO., Howardsville, Va. OGLETHORPE INSURANCE COMPANY, Savannah. Georgia. July 23-47-tf. J. LORCH & CO., Have just received at J. M. DODD'S old stand, South west Corner Ptiblio Square, NEWNAN, GEORGIA, A new and large supply ot READY MADE A3NTZ} JNO. C. WHIfNlR’S General Insurance Agency. Fire, Inland, Life & Accident, ' ’risfiraiice.Effected and Losses Promptly Lajd. UUK UI160I^U unu go IV. I tIJllL U. VUUIl v *** »■* 7 I V/Ul C -1 * « . 1 T 1? * * f»- . • USUI UIILC . L PCUlC'i illlU IJC'C 2V.O 1 luiupilj - tis magnificent, thrilling, sublime, ! and when the Constitution provided this ! ging Gen. Kama and Henry Walsh, both j f-puntaneous atft. He elieves t .at i \.as , \{ C 0 AMY ^ Cos. Drugstore, Franklin ’Tis grand, To list to the musketry’s beautiful rhyme, We know it—we feel it as onward we dash, ’.Mid the whispering hail and the bombshell’s deep crash ; Toward the guns which deal death to us flash after fLsh. Major Hauvcy has fallen—we stop not for that, For A nderson leads us on waving his hat. mode of trial, did its framers mean that; colored soldiers of the 9th United States j ^ ie result of party trick and management, a man who is before the court of impeach- cavalry, with Bring three shots on the j concerted here in ^loot e. e ’nows ment as a criminal, shall he at the same • complainants on the day before, for the ■ ^at the 1 resident was approac te on t e time chief executive of the government? purpose of committing murder. The ; subject before t ie e ection, an t a , upon * r . . n , tl.A rArtoi.j t ho men * nt tnu infprvipw By no means. • From that moment he ceases to he able to exercise the duties of that office until he is acquitted. And then comes the case of the inability of the shooting took place on Tretne street, he- i the receipt of the resuL ot this interview tween Conti and Bienville, while the «" this city, an attempt was made by the above named officers were on duty, and : opposite party to induce him to withdraw the accused have since been confined in j ^om the canvass. He believes, moreover, ... , , , , rannou’s fierce! President of the United States toexercisfe j the Parish prisoH. jthatGen. Wood was prompted td reI-> M e re nearer, we re cloae to tbe cannon s fierce , . , y- s pi ; | f ... gn».nh to Gen. J homas, with the view of ! Lie office ot 1 resident, so the V ire i res , A question here arose, owing to fgvU,*n<r tnUffprbncn after ifik election • ravGod ! ! "^ cnl must take the office, and so , h ere i f act that the accused were in the military r * - ’ | beinu; no \ ice President, it must devolve i g erV rj ce ^ whether the civil courts would .. tUom tnmina on ^ ie ^ >res ^ en ^ ^ ie ^ enate . ^ or ^ i be allowed to exercise jurisdiction in the on them-among them-tbey rfe turning j iitne be . ns ( AppIaUse .) If in any of J light; ’Tis the Sixth Corps we’re charging how they fight ? Wcr development. Nothing -his remedy. We ’>e of man, “cem us as . ... , . matter, the usages thus far having varied, these steps, so taken, according to the or j er t0 ascertain definitely the wishes | Constitution, the President does not oot) , our u,jij( a ry authorities, a letter was I aS a good citizen the behests of the high ; a( jj resse( ] to the boriimntider of the de- j court ot impeachment, then that court, . p ar tmcnt by Recorder Gastinel, in which | like any other court in the land, can call t ^ e a ' DOve f ac ts were recited, and inquiry And closely we followed, gray mixing with U p 0n t ] ie w h 0 le body of the people to aid ' uia j e ag tQ w j lat ^ jone with the iii tligllt. Hurrah boys ’tis finished—the victory’s won, We’ve passed the fierce ordeal, the lighting i done. Yet on with fresh vigor behind them we flew and he lias no doubt that this double in terference induced the President to act. He is the more confirmed in this belief by the kindly expressions which had been ! J0IIX KAY> u>ed towards him, personally, by the j President up to this period. A principle is involved in the resigna- i tion of his office, and Admiral Semmes feels that such resignation would affect Buildings, Alabama IStr’t., Atlanta, Ga. Refers to Rev. James Stacy, and J. J. Pis- sox', Esq., Newnan, Georgia. Aug. 11 -50-1 y. Southern Mutual Insurance Co. of Athens, Georgia; Y..L. G. HARRIS. Ere?: A. CHASE, Sec’y. Yf. p; PA+fi-ho, Ag't:, for Atlanta Newnan. Office with Tommy, Stewart & Orr, White- H ill Street! Athiuta,. Ga. jj^,Scrip from No! 1 to 6 taken in payment of premiums for Insurance. Aug. ll-50-3m; benefactors when they consider that w? have, tor years, been investigating the diseases °fl d-’,'iostie animals, which form not only a part J of the wealth of the country, but afford sus. teoaace to man. Allow us to add that hog cholera is but a mild disease when taken in us early stages witti this remedy, which will jNo remove worms from the bowels, and il vloiinistercd once a month by the directions, sill forever prevent any injuries from the 1 n- c'.ir.a Spiralis, which produce such alarming ymptoms in persons who eat trichinous pork. Thousands of applications have been made to the Patent Office Department ot the l nited ''fates, in behalf of- remedies to cure Hog Yaolera, but we, alone, have been able to pre- *ent the unquestionable testimony necessary to procure the Patent now in our possession blue— Halt! stack arms, boys ! sue.” prisoners. This letter has since been re- ! ^ ^nor, not only of himself hut of all ir - (Applause.) And now I serve a j t ed {0 the Recorder with the following ** 19 lellow-citrzens and of his proud hut ' ' -• - ’ ’ suffering State, and he will never consent ^ ' that those people to whom he owes so it in enforcing its rightful authority.— Rhodes will p on Andy Johnson that when a rightful i {odorserficiiil i court of the Senate of the United States, . , . . r . ’Tis night, gentle night, and on earth’s bloody j ca jj s p or a jj j n their bbhalf) and the peo- ! BEADQB S Dl’PT OF THE UULF, . many favore, shall be htimiliated by any breast, i pie of the United States, ‘the boys in ; New Orleans. La., Sept. 25, 1S6G. j j ac t of his, nor that Alabama, whose With darkness to cover us calmly wc rest; j l blue - wil j answer . We arc told that if] Respectfully returned to Judge Arthur naQje he strove to make reverred and Wc look for our And we slumber true : to cover us catmiy wc rcsi, , blue will answer. \\ e are tola uiat u ; ^ ^ nanje lie strove r comrades, alas, they are few, | Q oll£ r ress £ hall proceed to exercise their j Gastinel, Recorder ot the Second District • honored as a hou :r too soundly to grieve o’er the ; j.jyhtful authority, then there will be tried | Court, who will please have these men j nat i ons 0 f the e household word among the earth, shall blush to see ; the strength of the government, that the j brought to trial aiid punished if found he r son debase it now WTiose forms lie so silont towth night's ncc- j ftwitUnf will cell "upon the nrej and navy, and the army and navy will obey By command or i • t _a. iuKa *7n fpnr ar>out iliiit. tared dew, . God rest them—God help them—God save ! him. Let there be no them above : ! because ana navy of ‘he United God wrap tbe soldiers in blankets of love. 1 States are not tliOaG nien ^ ... . j the regular service. (Applause.) J- Lave The long trench is dug—togethet repost, j ^ desire tQ j; S p ara g e either the patrnJ- their lives but as foes;' - - * T '- : Maj. Gen. P. II. Sheridan. C : e5rGE Lf.e t Assistant Adi’t General. In conclusion, then, the Admiral take j this occasion to say to the Tribune, and i frv th,,a'c tirmffnted its article: 1 ' to those who have prompted its article ] once for all, that he has no intention 1 whatever of resigning the trust which LAVENDER R. RAY- JOHN RAY & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW; N JE\VNAtf, • GA., Will practice in the Courts of Fulton, Campbell, Fayette, Coweta, Troup, Meriwether, Carroll, Heard and Haralson. Particular attention given to tbe collection of all Claims of every description. near Newnan Hotel. [june2-Gm. Dr. A. B. CALHOUN, H AVING resumed the Practice of Medicine resp ctfully tenders his professional ser- vw-cs to the citizens of Coweta and surroand- imr counties. .' ^ His whole attention will hereafter be given to his profession in its various branches. Office on Depot street, a few step's from tbe Public Square. [Jan. fi-18-tf. STAPLE GOODS, LADIES end GENTLEMEN’S All varieties of SHOES, BOYS & GENTLEMEN’S NOTIONS, Of all kinds;' HOOP & BALMORAL SKIRTS!; CLOAKS. CORSETS t HARD-WARE AMD CUTLERY; Also a larg v e and full supply of all kinds of GROCERIES & CROCKERY. J. M. MANN, 7 Salesmen J. A. HU,NTER ; / Newnan, Ga. R. T. HUNTER, 7 Salesmen J. S. NALLS, / for Lorch&Co A. M. WOOD, 1 Salesmen W. MARTIN, / Franklin, Ga. Sept. 16-2-tf. ^I^^After the 1st October, J. Lorch & Co. will occupy the old stand of J. J. Neely with a portion of their stock. caring to us the righfio compound and self, Those who had met in their lives but as lots: ^ Qr illtfej , r ity of the army of the Uni-, .. d iuvaluablu remedy. ! TA^gether to sleep until Gabriel blow^ j States, but if the army, as such, or it i Br. fl. Marshall is having these remedies ; when together thcv’ll rise from beneath the portion of it, or if any officer ot it, prepared under his own supervHion^ ^ ^ | same £od , ' | sh all so far forget the duties he bwes to N. B. All orders addressed tVor. J. L. Ma- And together be judged by a merciful God. j his fla? . a „d to his prof, ssion as a soldier tn i: Co., Atlanta, Ga.. will receive prompt Together they lie iu their last earthly home; as t0 an swer any but the legal call ot nts Together in heaven perchance both may roam, j country, that small body of men shall be United as close as they were in their tomb. j swept from the face of the earth tis a utention. Office — at Dr. Redwine’s Drug -tore, corner Alabama and Whitehall Streets. !t is with pleasure that I state the fact that l have used, with entire success, Dr. J. L. Ma- rou A Co. s Great American ’Hog Cholera Cure nnd Preventive, aud therefore recommend it We presume this settles the matter, j his fellow-citizens have confided to him. j JjNG. W. PEAREE pnd that this precedent will henceforth T “ . ; r^FFERS his professional services to the Saving HIS Bacon.—A go;d story Is ^ | citizens of Newnan and vicinity. . . ti^ld of a Western farmer, a candidate for j He may be found at a!} hours in day time s*t Congress, whose neighbor was in the 1 the Drug Store of Dr. J. o. Henry, or at his The Cordova Colony—We had the hab f t et - steH ] i,g his bogs, and was finally j boU3e e,l3t * sl ' Je oI tbe Kai1 ' pleasure of meeting yesterday, says the ; caught in the act. Atlfiotls to secure i give prompt attention to all patronage New Orleans Picayune of the 3d. a geu- ; j|j e man s vote and his own pork at the , entrusted to his care. [june J-SJ-tf. tleman recently returned from Cordova. | S:1 nie time, the farmer went to him and j Mexico, tvhefe, since the close of the j sa i,i ; “ Now, I make this proposition, il J C. THOMPSON. V. H. THOMPSON The dIow will erase all the signs of their j mUt is swept away before the rising of. ^ ar , he has been engaged in business.— I you will let my hogs alone Ih the future, 1 ^ j t [j„ ujorniug sun.” (Prolonged cheers.) j te jj s U3 that all the colonists are well [ will not only say nothing c* the past ffriUCS will grow oreenfrom the blood' A t Hamilton, Butler in reply to a with the exception of Gen. Price, who has j but when I kill in the fall HI put into And the corn of the braves; ' onc tae most important discoveries ot , nn c-vrred JOHN MONTGOMERY, j But—stranger, step lightly, you re on sacred Louisville, Ky., July 1-lth, iSu6. t ground; — " i Be silent—breath softly—and utter no sound— -'twacRY, Juffepsox’ Co.. Ky.. \ | qq ie eves of two nations weep over the mound. J. C. THOMPSON & BRO. vtt OULD respectfully inform their friends VV and the public generally, that they can _. . . . July 15th, ItkJO. j This LS to Certify that 1 have used Dr. J. L. Mason A Oo.s Great American Hou Cholera Cure and Preventive with success and entire .ausfacuou. My hogs were dying five or six daily before and at the time 1 commenced giv ing the remedy. After using it as directed, my hogs commenced improving—only losmo- Here’? a sigh for our lost ones reposing glory; Mav the name of each one be emblazoned iu story: Here’s a health to our Gordon—how nobly rode; h e tha* he was responsible for stop- sometime been down with a severe fit ot y 0ur cellar fire barrels of as good pork as pin»°the exchange of prisoners, gave his sickness, but when our friend left he was | I make The fellow reflected a moment j ^efo^ ^ ^ store . Eoom of Eedwine historv of the transaction, and stated that ; convalescent. Ihe rest or the colony , an j replied, “ U ell, Squire, that s a .air, . “ > Culpopper & Co., he stopped the exchange under the ex- and the employees on the railroad were proposition, any bow ; and seemg itsyou ; d to MAKS AND REPAIR h ' written order Of the Lieutenant in excellent health. Their crops, more-1 HI it. But I vow I believe I shall - P - Dre:?s over, are good, and promise large returns. | j ose p. 0 rl£ by the opefatidn.” Many of the colonists will make a good j . .. < deal of money this year. Their superior [ j^Thc accomplished wife of Gen. A pre General. m j Interesting, a.^ Q( ; knoWn \ n knowledge and tact have enabled them to j T ^ ;ewart> has Liken charge of the de- ; Items.—Lmbreiias f 2.000 ■ realize largely from tbp peculiar labor and I rtinent 0 f vocal made in Greenwood he Glasgow till 1^-- P ....The i cultivation of Mexico. So satisfied ar e j Seminary, Lebanon, Tenn. ! ,4ifFprr»nr kinds OI njll^ uiauc. i A . rAmoin in th* f»rtnntrv I J ~ ene since that time—now my hogs are in coo'd I And a cheer for the Sixth Corps eouditiou, healthy, thrifty, ic. 1 recommend ‘ u to the public as a certain cure and preven tive. AMOS SEABOLT ABuLT. I bare used, with entire satisfaction, the Great American Hog Cholera Cure and Preven tive, patented and owned by Dr. J. L. Mason -L Co. It is, without a doubt, the greatest Wftdiciae for Logs vet discovered. AARON FREEMAN Acj. Vi-vB; they stebd. And fought till the turnpike was blood. Augustus N Pickens, the youngest I different kinds of . , s for bravelv ' manufacture of potter} in ng - n '! ploys 110,000 pe« B found covered with j that of the dry substance o t e per cent, is pure fat The me hod .0 plowing fires by means ot the steam in the chimney or fire was known to the ancients The manufacture of the the colonists itho remain in the country with th--ir prospects, that none ot them 1 brother of Charles Dickens, the English j ^ble” kept 1 v . % /• .1 mnnt.P.R 1 novelist, died on Friday, at Chicago. He was iu the employ of the Illinois Central imisvilie Ky.. July- 7485. |Railroad. 250 hands employed for eleven^ raoa-he. ever 30,000 miU? were supplieu. FUIHKriTUi^D at Ihe sbertert notice arid ;n good style, are ai?o prepftred to make Anril 14-32-If- We „ , . T . , ££^“The Commissioner of Agriculture, think „f returuiog to this coutttrj TNj . ^ c . Ma0 crup a the ceantry receive their supplies principally from A - { / bff{e? Orleans. RS.The r, porters at the R>u,an Cath-1 War ST.MPTOH3.-The Dumll. B^- j olicrtouncil, 111 li.ltoi.ore, are ouhlooe. | ister has seen a spider trdjoowhioh the. The debates are carried on in Latin, and word “ war was distinctly .*» O o=santer | penod and sac-cr are «a!ess to theta. lines 6 thinks » pmnosrieates tronble. PLANTERS' HOTEL, Opposite the General Passenger Depot. WE O’HALLORAN, Proprietor. April 14-32-tf. iNSur —0— . Dissolution Notice. W E Take tbi3 method of informing our friends, and tbe public generally »hat the firm of : M, W. & 5. ffil. kJDIHIIISOH, was dissolved by mutual consent, on 27th March, Mr. J. H.” Johnson having withdrawn from the; concern, Mr. *!. W. Johnson has associated -with him Mr. R. P- Johnson and Mr. William L. Gordon, and will continue the geneeral commission business Under the firm name and style.of jolmacmai cB Gordon. Thankful for past favors we solicit a contin uance of the same. . r .. Having increased our facilities, wc trust to ,rjv-e entire satisfaction to those who may deal ,,lthU£ ' . JOHNSONS & GORDON. M. W. JOHX'SO.V. K. P- JOHNSON. wm. m. Gordon. April 14-32-tf. S. P. THURMAN, J. W. SPENCJS- S. P. THURMAN dc CO. MANUFAOTUBERS WHOLESALE ic BET AIL DEALERS CANDY & CONFECTIONERIES, Depot Street, next Door to Perry’s Corner, NEWNAN, ..••GA. Tui. 9-ih-e.