The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, October 27, 1866, Image 1

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prS i,isB ED WOOTTKS WHEKLT CVEBV SATURDAY BY J. A. WELCH. J, A. WELCH, - - Publisher. AV()OnE>'&-WELCH, Pr opr is tor i £ WOOVTEX,- .Editor. § gsumal;---JlmiM U folitits, gto, flpntltm ttmutm. tfb;! s or SUBSCRIPTION r ,.„ r payable in advance, $3.00 Ar.ecop? “ 150 n e cf’P. v * ,x m i,< >< 1 00 0oeco!*y tnrf h<j .^^ed an extra copy. AC1 ^° f °!mbirs .complete the Volume.) VOL. II ] XIOVVN'.VX GEORGIA. SATURDAY, OCT. 27, 1S66. [NO. S. Bates of Advertising. .Advertisements inserted at $1.50per square (often lines or space equivalent.) for first inser tion, and 73 cents for each subsequent ie- seraon. ! Monthlv or semi-monthly advertnemenU inserted at the same rates as for new adverti»e- . merits, each Insertion. Liberal arrangements will be made with I those advertising by the quarter or year. All transient advertisments must be paid i for when handed in. The money for adrartiseing due after the 1 first insertion. \V. B. W. DENT, lie greatest Discovery of the Age! Public will be glad to know that y Lg G .W. Croft's “ Eureka OU” H . q w n wrested from oblivion by a A ' rtnft'nv of philanthropic gentlemen, Snmense outlay of capital has again L before the people. \,e no not fcffn ■ , i- a arc-all, like some of the nos- • : :a ‘V t, ie dov are said to be: but we do K 0 ® ! nossesses advantages over any oth- compound for the cure of Inflamma- ,rL rl'riccrative diseases, and as an Alle- tor v an-l Jt will nol on ly alleviate, but t ' IO m ° . ‘ X s t majority of the following l! ni f " K11 -h as Inflammation and Ulceration rn-ofall kind, nitmtcry{0T Flux) JMrrl,^,, vt ’» DiT'thnia, Inflammatory Hheumahsm ; “ I '] SQ a,, invaluable remedy for Neuralgia, *" ana kind, (not malignant,) Eruptions, P" v Mr Bruises, Cuts, Bone-l’\lions, Swol- f m rh»d> ^orc Fates, Ear and Tooth Aches, .[factions. $c. And in Coughs we chal- tLe world lor its equal. Ordinary coughs ■'" h cur( In Pulmonory ^Consumption Art'haia # n J Bronchitis it is the best palliative ^The" S-ncrintcndeiit of this Company is a dunt e‘of the Medical College of Nashville, S j.7f|. 0 m long experience in his profession, ..Ha good knowledge of chemistry, lie has I leu intrusted with the selection of chemicals fir the manufacture of the medicine, and has i(( cn and will he careful lo select the very fi./.t materials to be found in either foreign cr Lome markets, and we. arc satisfied that the article we arc now putting up excels any for mer article of the same kind k for purity of r umicals, and must be more efficacious. We jiluc.e the “Eureka Oil” before the ircnld, and upon its merits or demerits it must rise or fall. But we know if the people will trr it. they will he more than satisfied. For sale by all the principal^ Druggists cvc- Triierc tliroughout the country. Compounded Fv 0. W. Croft, the original manufacturer, for fii» Eureka Oil Manufacturing Company at >;litnta, Ga. * Pried r.t retail. $1.25 per bottle. Liberal deductions nuulc to the trade. M. A. SHACKLEFORD, Superintendent. for sals by J. T. REESE, Agent, Newnan, Georgia. BLALOCK k BASS,Agents Aug. 11 —Cm. Carrollton, Georgia. •L ii. dent. Ltlter irc-m Cez*erai Tiu&oa. Heaikjrs Sub List. of Ga.. Assistant A jutant <L nerai > (ifiie Augusta. tia.. Oct. la. i*b>. Gentlemen : l have the h m* SALT, SALT. 80 SACKS Liverpool Salt, for sale hv W B W DENT & BRO. 20 MACKEREL. KITS No. 1 Mackerel; fresh, for sale by W B W DENT *v BRO. ' W. B. W. DENT & BRO, Grocers and Commission M:3DIrLOX3;^.Kr^r^, . , , . ... knowledge the receipt ot your cunminu- West Side Greenvil!e-St. Newnan, Ga. cation of the 8th inst.. forwarding copies of resolutions adopted in public meeting by the citizens of Henry countv. In reply, I beg leave tn make the fol lowing statement: On the lMh of .'ja\ last r- ports reached these headquarters of outrage, upon treed people, and threats! on tlie put of the citizens to shoot Mr. Phi;lips, ua.eiit ot tlie Bureau, if he dar ed to arrest any person for ..hipping a “ damned negro May 23 —Simitar reports were received July 20.— Information reached these headquarters of the of a gang of jayhawkers in Henry county, who were whipping, robbing and killing freed people, and driving^thein.from plantations where they were employed. July ol.—I addressed a letter to the Judges of the Interior Court and tue Sheriff of Henry county, calling iq on the civil am !n titles to mforce tiie laws leave the county. The more important of the foregoing statements do i *t. by any nn uns rest ' ;y up .a the repqrt* ina ie by Mr. Phillips, 'i he rrutf: can he established from affiTav;.- and ofije.ii uocuineuts on fi:e at these lieadquaners. r.v festinionv of officers of tb.e army aP*l citiz* ns d.oubt, and in a manner to convince any impartial tribunal. -Ail peaceful erturts having been exhausted and failed ; tile civil authorities having >hown themselves unable or unwilling to l So- Addreza of the SouUisrn Loyalists Called.” ! Brownlow’s Menagerie of Southern po litical hearts, after traveling through tiic X >rth and Vfest. and putting decency to shame wherever they went, finally con cluded the : r t >ur bv a pilgrimage to the GEORGIA HAIL ROAD. COLE. Superintendent. 1 AWM) IP SUGAR. 1 KBBLS. Sugar, (Yellow, A B C and Pow- JL tJ aered), for sc.le Lv W'i! W DENT k BRO. perty. or to I rin;. COFFEE. 1 OOD lot Rio (all grades) just received and for sale by AY B W DENT & BRO. Dr. J. L. Mason & Co.'s G reat American HOS CHOLERA CURE AND PREVENTIVE. I )I'.OMPTED by a desire to benefit our conn-. try, and also to establish an important fuel in science, we have concluded to offer to •lit pblic the above name*! remedies for the cure and prevention of Ilog Cholera. Medical ftnlleraen of skill and experience began a se rifs of examinations when the cholera first begun in this country; after having performed numerous post mortem examinations upon the bodies of bogs which had alied of cholera, and after great research and investigation to determine the nature of the disease, led by the lights arising therefrom* they undertook • he cure of the complaint by various remedies.- They found several articles beneficial, but (access was not fully attained to until the above named medicine was compounded. The medicine was not sought out for the purpose of sale, but the great success attending its use has induced them to form a company and obtain a Patent, V.'e oiler it as being, under the accompanying directions, fully capable of »nesting any epidemic of hog cholera, and prompt in giving relief when properly adniin- isteied. \Ye confidently believe that the rem edy is a specific : yet we do not recommend it R > infallible in all cases, though we have uevfcr known it to fail, either as a cure or preventive "gainst the further spread of the disease when used agreeably fo the directions, notwith standing those free from the disease have been kept in close proximity with those diseased. it is <Y great Toni*-, and will successfully remove Mange, Sore Head and Vermin, either of which will affect the health of the hog, and stop his growth and development. Nothing will make hogs so thrifty as this remedy. We j offer no patent remedy lor the cure of man, but we think that the public will esteem us as benefactors when they consider that we have, for years, been* investigating the diseases of domestic animals* which form not only a part cf the wealth of the country, but afi'ord sus tenance to man. Allow us to add that hog cholera is out n mild disease when taken in jt; early stages with this remedy, which will Also remove worms from the bowels, and ii •dministered onCP a month by the directions, will forever prevent any injuries Jroui the i ri- thins Fyiralis, which produce such alarming a,.,...- * l. , . , ♦ V .. I . t L I II A It V UlH IV _ r CHEESE. STATE, fresh, for sale by W B W-DE.Vr and BRO. SYRUP. STEWART'S Refined, for sale by W B W DENT and BRO. d' the S’: T e—beyond ,-h uk*ws of t *mb of Abraham Lincoln. Here the}' went tlirough sundry disgusting manoeu vres and hypocritical professions of pa triotisfn, closing up with an address fo the people of ttie Unit 1 States. The leading feature of the address is opposi tion to the present State governments of the South, which they wi-h overthrown and new governments instituted, with themselves and negroes at the he*dof affairs, all “rebels” to be their subjects. As a matter of curiosity we copy the con clusion of the adJr ss. in which they sum up their j iau, as follows : * “ \Ye have expressed ourselves string!} in this paper, because we feel deeply.— The bones of our dead are in Southern graves. Our homes are there. All the clustering lecollections of our childhood ect the freed in their lights of j eis m and pro- Lrim. tj trial and puuishmept i erootS of inoti.-trous eru hies upon them ; there was no alter- nafive but to use nui tary force in com pliance with G uerM Orders Xo. 41, above referred to. I shall hold the prisoners and maintaiu a garrison in Henry county until th? con duct of the people and the action of the civil authorities warrant the belief that will be enforced and all classes protected. E. VY Leave Atlanta.....]— ti.15 A. II. Arrive at Augusta fi.00 P. 31. Leave Augusta .0.15 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 5.50 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Augusta -‘’.30 A. M. Leave Augusta ff.00 P. M Arrive at Atlanta 7.00 A. M. ATLANTA and WEST POINT LIgAIL ROAD. I VC A Linta. Le; Arrive at New nan..- the laws of citiztu-a |i mere profession, in tbe presence of facts are connected with the soil from which SO A M ....f) 53 A M Arrive at West. Feint 12 40 P M Leave West Point 11.50 A M Arrive at Xewnan 2 50 P M Arrive at Atlanta. 5 15 P M L. P. Gil A XT, Superintcndaut. Longt r to trust sence to indulge 10 FLOUR. BBLS. Fe.vorita—10 Sacks R Y Brown’s best, lor sale by W B W DENT and BRO. COHN- C CHOICE Bread Corn, for sale I W B W DENT and BRO. CROCKERY AXU GLASS WARE. A LL styles, large lot. for sale bv Av B \V DENT and BRO. ARROW TIES. OT Arrow Ties for Cotton, 50 per cent. i cheaper than rope, for sale by \V B \Y DENT and Bl IO. B BAGGING AND HOPE. AGG1NG and Rope for sale by \Y B W DENT and BRO. dition, ba< I am, I IRON. RON, Swedes and English, for sale by W B DENT and BRO. HOLLOW WARE. HAA PIECES Iloilow,Ware, all sizes, for ZUU sale by \V B \V DENT and BRO. HARD WARE. rpRACE Chains,-Shovels, Spades, Fry Pans, X etc., for sale by ,W B W DENT and BRO. P» W’OODEX UCKETS, Tubs, etc WARE. for sate by W B \Y DENT ai.d BRO. COPPERAS AND MADDER. C lOi’PERASaud Madder for sale by f \V B W DENT ami.BRO. tobacco: T OBACCO, Cliewinpmn.l Smoking, for sale ij v W B W DENT and BRO. and prut ect the freed people. This letter w: sent Auough Mr. Phil lips, «ho repoiu'ed iis delivery, and the reply of tne judges ai d the sheriff that they “e-ouid nut do art} thing. He fur ther reported that the outrages upon the freed people stiil continued. Aug. 22.—One G. D. Gardiner whip ped a freed girl most unmercifully ; the blood was oozing from her back and arms when she presented herself before the agent Gardiner t»as arrested by the soldiers on duty with the agent, and af ter wards released on a writ oi' habeas cor pus, issued by the llou 8. O. McDaniel, i Judge of file County Court. he agent j was instructed to re arrest Mr. Gardiner i and bold id ni, under General Orders Xo. j 144 (O. 8.), iruiii headquarters of the j army, unless tlie civil authorities institu ted proceeding against him. The Judge j of the County Court was informed of the , . T 1 . 1 _° ?to A .;' f l instructions to the agent. About that time the gang of nu’lawsj before referred to murdered a freed wo man. The agent reported that he asked ; the Judge if the guilty parties would be tried by him if they were arrested by j the agent? The Judge replied that he would no — hat the arrest would be ille gal. In addition to these rep rfs. others were received from Capt. Waibn lge, A'. 8. A. Commissary at Atlanta, and Capt. Elders, at Griffiu, that freed people who had beeu subjected to cruelties in Henry county had appeared before them to make complaint, bearing upon their bruised :n my possession', would b, criminal credulity. As the publication of tbs resolutions seat me tend to give the impression that the military authority have acted in an onnressive and tyrannical manner, without due investigation or knowledge of facts, I shall publi-h the foregoing statement we are c.i.led upon to exile ourselves—i Men of America' we cannot reconcile ourselves to tlie fate in store for us, should j we be deserted bv you. and w’e will not believe that you are capable of betraying us The ideas which we would crystulize | in your minds are : EXPB5 | Have uusurpas > Sovitlaorii SS. COMPANY, e l [.lenities for the transpor tation of Freight ol all Descriptions, GOLD, SILVER CERRElNOr, , AND DANK NOTES To all parts of tbe I 1 lave altogcti her niistakon the eharac- ! ter a n ! ir tentin ns i d" tlie jk ople of this .State , if. ; after reac brig this statement. they shall decide th; it my action has been hasty , ill-C- tm.’ide .., i or too severe. i : mi gr; ttifud to add that this is tbe ; first instai ice in til is State whon the ef- forts to restore t lie supreruaey Mf" civil law, i:i a n *auner fo ptot f t the rijlits of all citizens , irres; ; ect ive of color or con- ■ r-t. That the usurpations of the pj ST.iTAS, CANADA and EUROPE. zing them “Second. f f!ie rebels cannot power bv giving them be kept< out or power t>y giving mem absolute 1 control ot the late rebellion's States; And, ! “Third. That loyal m«m cannot he se cured in any of their rights while offices in the States whore they live, from Gover- At nor d-'wn to proved so nearly a' failtire. very respectfully, u Your obedrent servant, Davis Tillson. Chm’u. ) j'A. 31. Campbell, E-q„ 8cc.' } McDonough, Henry Co., Ga. , Affection for tie iloroic Dead- The Memphis Avalanche, commenting on the order of Gen. Sheridan against funerals over Confederate soldiers, and h:s more recent remark., “ I consider these gorgeous funeral deuioustrrtions an insu.t to me, an*i to every man who ever were the Federal blue,” utters the following -e:iti- mciits to which every tr->e Southern heart will respond A men : “Gen. Sheridan mny issue his orders, j ? numbering from one to one th'iusand. and constable, are' rampant redials. “ V/c know that the views herein ex- iwesscd are ertdbrseVl by nearly all the Union men of the SoiYth of all face*, : and in order that there maybe no misuii- dersTiindiiig as to what we wish to have ; lone, wc repeat that we ask Congress t*> ! pass a law providing for the establishment i of legal civil governments in the non- : constructed States, and that the said law • shall embody the following ideas: “ First. That no man who took part in ilion shall be permitted to vote hoi-1 office, at least until he shall have coimdied with such conditions as Con gross may see fit to impose. 7 might broug! t through from New York to itsitd in sij ftf h ;i!u-iN)n in (ir ..ul from Savannah or i,ti;-four. Special attention ailed to our a j.v rates. V. DUNNING. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. J. B. (JADE, une '23-ff. Agent, Newnan, Ga. TIIOS. A. GRACE, J. LORCH & CO.. Have just received at J. J. Neely’sold stand, South- East Corner Public Square, NEWNAN, GEORGIA, A new and large supply ot READY MADE AKTD XEWNAN, GA., Insurance Agent forthe foil*)wing Companies: .-ETNA LIFE INSTR\XCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. LIFE INSURANCE - .v York. KNICKERBOCKEI CO., ,-ETNA FIRE I NEC RANCH COMPANY, II irtfor*.!, <’.’iiaecticnt. the reb or NDERW SECURITY FI III DUE INSURANCE CO., V i KjVti. sSUi: ANGB COMPANY, “ Second. re : peet to c*. F.U"AUL A and bloody persons the proof of their he can no more restrain the tide of pub | lie sympathy which c ones ebbing and itatemeuts Captain Waibridge slated that frequent homing ironi t..e SiOutt.ei n »H':irt t.n trim, complaint* reached him from Henry conn- i dead, than be can repress me *a\ i-s o* tv that the inhabitants attacked tbe schol w CASH, CASlI. T E SELi- for Cash or not at all. W B \V DENT and BRO. to X) k A- CHEAP to y> tt a /A %) p X X, u : ars and teachers of freed men schools, I atoned them on their way home, and j threatened “ to kill every damned nigg r j or white man who upheld the tstablish- | ment and continuation of the nigger ! schools.” He further slates that lie noti- ; fiod the civil authorities, and culled upon j them to remedy the evil, but t -ey t ;, k no notice of it, and ch-time i they eon J 1 not. In one instance a freed woman was the ocean King Ca.ntUc, dressed in a rich gown, took his seat upon the sea shore, and ordered the ocean to lie still ; but notwithstanding his “ ipse dixit,” the obi wave came thundering along as usual, and tlie self-conceited King came very- near being drowned. General Sheridan ini- ht as well undertake to stop tl e eb bing and flowing of the sea as to dry up lie ?oujfiem ir slain the public sympathy which the b neopte feel for the memory of th afterwards subj< cteu to cruelties so atr*>- ciuus and revolting that a description would be unfit tor publication. On one occasion. after Mr. Phillips had arrested a man in pursuance of order- The undersigned, having entered into a per- J fearfully beaten, her person our mg T ainl man- nt business at” the • £?outli-east corner ot the Public Square, invites tbe attention of the public to an examination ot his stock before buying elsewhere, as cheap bargains will he given for CASH ONLY—(no exceptions.) He will keep constantly on hand a supply of the following articles: Sugar, Snuff, Coffee, Tobacco, Flour, Cop eras. Salt., Indigc-, Eicon, Madder, Lard, Hardware, Meal, _ , Shoes ’ Soda. Hats. • reaper. Homespuns, Vinegar, Books, h r cs. As wc have already said, the brave men who fell at THernnpvicB de- s.-rve as much credit 33 the legion who tr iijp *'d * Lein d'.v. n; and the (b nfe-le- r te dead d-.-erves as much gb>r innumerable host who conqueret It has been the custom of ad a. -y as the j them.— j es to pav j from these headquarters, a mob of armed re ^ ct tQ t j ic or y of the noble dead, citizens of the couuty, numbering Irmfi , ^hile living, signalized their lives one tiuii.uei t-o two hundred, compciied Mr. lTiiliips to release the prisoner. On another ocv.ts.ou a L nited {States soioicr, in the peiforuj.qi'.ge oi his duty, was fired upon, and i>n matiy other occasions the rightful authority.oi' the G'>vfcinnient of the United States has been insured, de fied and treated with contempt by the citizens and civil authorities of Henry county. Soapy Cutlery, AYorni Candy, kc.. Ac., *ymptoins in persons who eat tricLiinous pork. Thousands of applications b*™ beeff mhde to mRny art i cIcs nsually kept in the Dry the Patent Office Department States, in behalf of remedies to cure Hog Cholera, but we, alone, have been able to pre sent tbe unquestionable testimony necessary to procure the J’aic.Ht now in our possession, securing to us the right to compound and sell this invaluable remedy. Dr. H. Marshall is having these remedies prenared uader his own supervision. J. L. MASON & CO. N. B.—All orders, addressed to Dr. J. L. Ma- •c*n & Co., Atlauta. Ga., will receive prompt attention. Office — at Dr. Redwine’s Drug Store, corner Alabama and Whitehall Streets. Goods Hue. lOTThc highest Dried Fruit. market price paid for AY. O. PERRY. by deeds of valor Xo brave, mag:) mi- j ui.jus m in wilt object to a “ftmerui pro | cession."’ however “ gorgeous" The at-, tempt to obiitoratc the memory of our i dead heroes will only concentrate the j affections bur people. These demon- | ftrniionsare not intended to commemorate : the cause in which so many gallant men ; i fell, but as a tribute to bftvery. which 1 all ha-ions dc'ight to honor and respect.! of our cause, and as Sheridan would i d.-fiie the graves <>f the nob:e men wliose and broke in the cause they , • q oeiieveo rigiu*. Such men as Butler and it would be unpopular to punish waite j gjj t , r ;j an , uav i SSU e orders prohibiting That all loyal men, without or or’rico, shall be p :rm'ttcd to vote, “'j hird. That wh* rever if may be need ed, a 1 ical mi if ary force shall be organ ized, consisting solely of loyal men, and that the expense of organizing, equip ping and mairUaing said force shall be | defrayed bv th *t portion of the commu nity whose conduct tenders its presence i necessary-. “ Appealing to fill patriots to see to it, that the fruits of vic'ory are not lost at the eleventh hour, and that tlio-e friends of the nation who most need its protec tion‘shall not be firsc abandoned, wc res pectfully submit our cause to the Ameri ca:! people. Albert Grtfeix, Alabama, A J Hamilton, Texas, J P Newman, D. D., Louisiana, \V J S.Mirn. Tennessee, Jes?e Stench, Texas, West:in Flint. 3I:ssouri, J II Bingham, Alabama, II BoKUM. Tennessee, 0 H Moss, Missouri. C U Branscomb, Missouri, George Tuck hi. Virginia, L Sherwood. Texas, E J Davis. Texas, H C WARMourn. Louisiana, j P B Ran dole it, “ New York; HOME FIRE TN? E if.ntla. Ala. \ I ifyi LADIES arid GENTLEMEN’S §§)©!§ a All varieties of OEIItS'BlH’S SE02SS, BOYS & GENTLEMEN’S .NCE CO., JAMES RIVE'I H»r FIRE INSURANCE CO., ■ fr 1. \ ille, Ya. OC LETfiORI’E INSURANCE COMFANY, S ?!-; Hi. Georgia. July 23-17-If. j si 0,0. waaestwes General Insurance Agency. Fire, Inland, Life & Accident, Insurance Effected and Losses Promptly Paid. O-iice at XIcCamv k Co's. Drug Store. Franklin Bail lings. A!a'i:ii:i i .Srr't., Atlanta. Ga. Refers to K v. J.,mes StacV. and S. J. Pix- sox. Esq.. Newnan, Georgia. L\ TIONS, Of all kinds; Aug. II -.70-1 v. Southern Mutual" Insurance Co. of Athens, Georgia. A. CHASE, Sec'y. for Atlanta" A Newnan. Stewart k Orr, Yffiite- (/:•. •. 1 tp G taken in payment irauce. negar, Books, | >l r . Phillips reported to me, j " "*. ai , ] c f t t Candles, Stationery | fcha< . he caile d upon t he Sheriff of Henry | if that , uch mc „ a pr ' county, and asked him to arrest certam j ^ g e t j lc ,, r;1V( parties charged with committing outrages - ^ r .^ i,| ,j arK on treed people; the Sheriff replied, tnat {. p jj l Ve ,j . .. i*i .- --- : s h white I r: . ' Sneridan may egro—it 1 - the erection o_ ot j toauso!euu)S bat they cannot pre- ted to Tennessee, and fs now of J* ‘ ,-a ian ' i shedding^)? tears'or ret-re^s the the United States. The opposition are _ gvg-The books and papers belonging to the estate of King W. Perry, deceased, will be found at this house, on application to Sept- 15-Gm. P. G. PERRY, Adru'r. Hardwick. It is with pleasure that I state the fact that 1 have used, with entire success. Dr. J. L. 51a- *on i Co.'s Great American Ilog Cholera Cure *vtu1 Preventive, and therefore recommend it ws one of the most important discoveries ol JOHN MONTGOMERY, Louisville, Ky.. July 14th. lS6G. N"EW3trr*\-, JErFEPSOX Co., Kv.,\ _ . . Julv 15th. 18GG- / This 'S to certify that I have used Dr. J- L. Mascn *. to.'s Great American Hog Cholera Cure and Preventive with success and entire satistacuon. My hogs were dying five or six daily betore and at the time I commenced giv ing the remedy. After using it as directed, iny hogs commenced improving—only losing one since that time—now aiv hogs are In stood condition, healthy, thrifty, Ac. I recommend it to the public as a certain care and preven- ,iTf - AMOS SEAB0LT. 1 have u«d. with entire satisfaction, the Great American Ilog Cholera Cure and Preven tive, patented and owned by Dr. J. L. Mason * Co. It ie, without a. doubt, the greatest utdiciite for hega yet discovered. AARON FREEMAN, Arj Yi-#sv kouisTille, Ky.. J-alr. 1S06 Win. Clark, A. N. Wilson, C. C. . OF ..Newnan, Ga. T. M. Jones, .. uten for any til ing u* ne to a negro it mu lit be uusaie—that lie was not going; to obey tne order- <4 my ii*mu kee —and that the reb -iliou w *s no: over yet in Henry eoiuit).’ Facts which have come to my knowl-: edge through other s*iurcos, leave Lut lit tle room to doubt the truth ot this report. But whether or not the civil authorities have at any time used the language re ported, is of little consequence; it can be established by positive proof that they have not diligently exercised their au thority to preserve order Jackson and Johnson. The Phila-lelplra'Age, under the head j of “ Strange .Coincidence,” furnishes the : following facts in the lives of the two ! Tennessee Presidents : “ Andrew Jackson was born in Xorth ! Carolina, emigrated to Tennessee, and | was elected Prosit States During his oppositi n were wonderfully exercise*i because he removed me: opposed the government. Y. L. G. HARRIS, Pi- \V. P. J *ATII.L'i, Ag’t. 'Office wit'n Tommy ii *il.Street, At!--»i tv^S -rip from J of jucaiiams for Ins Aug. >11— JO*i;*t KAY. LAVENDER R. RAY- SOUS JlAY 6 SON, ATT-0BKEYS:AT LAW, id \Y N, GgY., WRl p;‘ice in the Courts of Taller}, Campbell, Fayette, Coicela, Troup, JiferiicetJier, (lor-oil. Heard and Hi raison. Parti* nk r attenti *>•* gUcii tr the collection of rs 11 Claims ia u.-nv Oescription. p.J’Uiirt; noarNeivauu Hotel. [junez-Gm. HOOP &BAL140HAL SKiRTSij CLOAKS. CORSETS; HARD-WARE CUTLERY. Also a large and full supply of all kinds of GROCERIES & CROCKERY. J. M. MANN, I Salesmen J. A. HUNTER, / Newnan, Gft. R T. IIUNTER, T Salesmen J. S. NALLS, / for Lorch&Co ANSI. WOOD. | "Salesmen W. MARTIN, /Franklin, Ga. Sept. 10-2-tf- _____ ___-og—, Dr. A. 2. CALIIDUN. Practice of Medicine lent of the United j fTAYiNG retimed xh« Practice of Med:< s administration the! l : 1 resp-ctfully tenUer t his professional .... . uiucs to toe citizens oi Cuwetn ;;aa surroa son was born from office who Andrew Juhn- in North Carolina, etuigra- scr- roand- ing counties. H ; .- whole att mtion will hereafter be . given to fils j-,rof<*??i'»n in its various branches. Office on Depot Street,* a te>./ s‘eps from the ire .S'ware; rJam G-18-tf. searing affections, a. .1 these are more to be piazed than heartless inscriptions on just now wonderfully exercised about In removing men Irom oilfC'e who are opposed i brass and splendid marble. In giving up ! to the government. Philadelphia was the struggle the South claims on!-, one DB. JHG. W. ?EARCE (V thing, and that is the privilege of honor ing her heroes. Their de ds are the only trophies we have kept ol a iour years bloodv war. Surely a generous adversa ry would not w->h to rub us uf this boon.. fit I FI ERU hit professional services to the citizens of Newnan and vi'-inity. II - mav be found at a!! hours in diy time ft the Dr-ug Ft ore of Dr. J. 5*. Henry, or at his residence, brick hou-e east side of the Rail- j road at night. i )Viil give prompt attention to all patronage whose municipal aali rities re lysed j entrusted to his care: [j un e 2-39-tf. the only city in the Uni'*n whose tnunici- pat authorities refused to extend hospi talities to G*-n. Jackson nn iiis visit to’ the West, and Philadelphia is the only to ex-end hos;»ita«:t:es to Andrew John 1. X. D. Our. “h D. Bi*M. ORR & SIMMS,. . GROCERS AND COMMISSION aiEH.oiB:;AMr2fo, Bay Str., Newnan, Ga., R AVE received and offer for sale a new stock of ' A- CERI3S, which wc will sell at short profit. We have embraced in our stock an assortment of HARD-WARE, CROCKERY AND COWFECTIO-NEHIES. ’gE2g=*Cail and. see us September 28-tf. JOS. F.. OS.XT. W. T. WOOD. iad maintain \Ye have buried every recollection of thej sou on his visit to tne W DENT & M r OOD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers & Commission ;Ux nr JIh 5 the memory of our comrades, and j peace" and that they have shown no iLMe we i n t en .j to keep this green and fresh ! activity iu releasing prisoners arrested U J | throughout, all time. They fell in wlut Jackson, and by a d cided vote “ But rise p-'i»p!e of P’iilade!phia turn ed out rn niits-e to welcome Andrew To Cotton Planters & Buyers. , wxg the House of Wit sox, Cal- | J) (y jLL A j\ 1 \\ the Bureau agent. Notwithstanding that t | lgv reijar ^ t .4 a just an 1 righteous ca ise. and mod the agent is acting by virtue of a resolu __ .. __ v tiou of the Consulutnmal f onvcntion ii the sacrifice made— c^iDUiiatice with tiie at the ! r H. .... io.*>, .**... the munteipiai an- 'tf*-' polls sternly rebuked ’orioualy and unselfishly was j rhurries f-r their cnremptible m -anuc- The lawaY k Co.. No. 44, Broad Street, N. ,d :ire :-n-;.- .red to ir ike liberal adrun- General Coiriniission Merchants, Wo 1 STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE, &Ai An Election T b(? b eld atkhe several precincts m \\ ‘coN. count.-m tb. 5* November next for a Court of said county iastice of the Inferior fill the vacancy of iC ^ W°fewBEB3I. Clerk. ; this State ami . . laws of the Unified States he civil ail thurifies have constantly and openly as- serted that his acts Were li’.ega* TOld - thereby giving aid and countenance bad men, and weakening the only power which sought to protect the freed pe**p e. During tbe time Mr. Phillips nas h.-.d the office' of Agent of this Bur*, au has been —j , bv tbe citizens oi the county ii he dareu to execute his orders, and has .ect-i• * o many anonymous communications to m same effect. Ou the 19th of August: ~i=> office was a second time firea into by a band of armed men, and he «ompe*U4 to d. i he They fell devoted but undying— The very gales tueir names are signing, The wat«rs murini.r of their name; The woods are peopled of their fame; The meanest rill, the mightiest river, Rolls mingling with their fame forever. e of Philadelphia turned out : tn mor e to welcome Andrew J*>ht;«on. j and will administer a similar rebuke to i the present municipal authorities at the i badot box. Strange coincidences some the lowest rates, on Cotton in the field res-lvfor shipment consigned to them. We h *ve ma te the above arrangement with ! Shi* house been.ise we know them p- rsonaily ar.d u.i vouch for their respoa-dbllity and proiuptnsss in businc-u?. ORME & FARRAR, Cotton Brokers, Grocers k Com. Merchants, . . ..» ; j , - Marietta *St. Atlanta. Ga. times happen m this wicsed world ol; *' C P — ' GREENVILLE STREET, —Georgia. Bewnan, September 8-1-tf. ours. i- REI-GELT C-N Cotton. e omce Ol A^*.^ N ; te a death from the Atlanta p-y-rs that the saga- s been rep ^ - f he ^ared ! ciuus Superimeudeut of the Georgia Kai The negro-wor.-hippers are fond \Ye observe j p t .r c „t e wool, b it abuse General Wool.— Prentice. F or sale! R >pe. Sep 22-3- ;:.* ,-iO Coils Greecleaf k Todd Mills’ heavy India Bagging, By ORME & FARRAR. S. P. THURMAN, J. W. SPENCE. S. P. THURMAN & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND— WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER* —IN— ii.i.i i is deteimined not to be out none b> Gold—Ofe thousand pounds of gold ! the Tennessee lines, and has put the j has arrived in Baris irom Costa Bica, j \ ^e<l cotton or 5o0 ILs. I taken from mises emceued to a French , 4 HEAVY Sto k of Groceries and Provis- | A ion? on hand, and f *r bep 258-3-3®, By OR JE k FARRAR. .reight oi c**a*i*r.. — — — — - — , . , . , ,. . . -.—— — « wei 'ht, at §5 c-J iroiu Atlanta to New j company,^ad worked ucueT ffieoirectxoB ; . .. . lij. 01 York.— Ckro.: :,E & Sentinel. of a French Generalsry ±restLentGastro. Sep 22-2-3m. /ORDERS arid C n ; >gr m-;qfc= «ailicit-d, By. Q2ME. k FAR8AB. Ii] Di-pot Street, ceit Door to Perry’s Corner, NSyVNAN, GA, Jane 9—Lb-tC