The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, February 15, 1868, Image 4

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The Farmer’s Fireside. Around the fire one wintry night, The farmer's rosy children sat; The fa ergot lent its blazing light. Chicago has had 338 divorces to 4,182 marriages last year. A bill is pending before the New York legislature prohibiting the marriage of And mirth went round, and harmless chat, first cousins under a heavy penalty of fine j and imprisonment. I j A West Virginia murderer, before lie i was known as a murderer, was a pall- i bearer at the funeral of one of three men ! he had killed. AT! H I'lA iiriuuo run innj MlLLlUFt ! | f T'HB subscriber lui When, hark ! a > Low tapping at the ho And thus to gain tl.eir w A feeble voice w 1 they hea d door, ing ear, heard implore: « blow? the blast across the moor, The sleet drives hissing in the wind ; Von toilsome mountain lies before, A dreary, trcclc-3 waste behind. '•My eyes arc* dim and weak with age ; No road, no path can I descry: And these poor rags ill stand the rage Of euch a keen, inclement sky. “So faint T am, these tottering feet No more ray palsied frame can bear; My freezing heart forgets to heat, And drifting snows my tomb prepare. “ Open your hospitable door, And shield me from the hiling blast; Gold, cold it blows across the moor, The weary moor that I have passed.” With hasty steps the farmer ran, And close beside the fire they place The poor, half-frozen beggar-man, With shaking limbs and pale-blue face. The little children flocking came, And chafed his frozen hands in theirs; And busily the good old dame A comfortable mess prepares. Tlieir kindness cheered his drooping soul, And slowly down his wrinkled cheek The big round tear was seen to roll, And told the thanks he could not speak. The children then began to sigh, And all their merry chat was o’er; And yet they felt, they knew not why, More glad thah they had done before. A few days ago a chicken flew into a j grain-bin in the elevator at Lacon, Mo., : was carried down with the grain and then i carried up the elevator, emerging from I the top with aloud cackle, alive and well. It operated for a ryes. The factory in Fredericksburg, Ya., i- now engaged in the manufacture of black broadcloths which are to equal the finest French cloths. There is living in the sixteenth V urd of Cincinnati, a Frenchman who stood near the scaffold where Robespierre were 'guillotined, the blood of the victim actu ally spouting in his face. Thurlow weed says : “In the present aspect of the Presidential question, the Republican candidate for President will need the vote of New York. It is said to be a common thing in New York to get up a minature distillery at a cost of about §30, and have it informed on and seized. The informer gets §300. “ Ariel's” real name is said to be Mc Mahon. IIis mother, we are told was a Miss Harris,of Ricmond, whose,first hus band was Dr. Wood or Woods, of Albe marle. She afterwards married a Mr. McMahon, and moved to Nashville. — Na tive Virginian. ‘LIVE DRUG STORE. opened an EATING J HOUSE on Grecnvi!ie street, and invites r ills from hi? triends and the public generally. His table will be supplied with the best the countrv affords, and everything cooked iu an unexceptionable style. Meals furnished at all hours—Price -50 cents. £_^The wants of all visitors promptly at tended to. [sept. 17-tf.] C. ROBISON. WK aic now offering to the trade the largest, hast assorted and cheapest STOCK OF 30K3&3, <^C a , ever brought to this market. Our purchases were made in person, for Cush, from the be.-t | -v y q 1 V n r l Manufacturing and Importing Houses, and we AT Rl L) 1 0 JL ct L GL . ire consequently able to offer inducements in j :o: Miscellaneous Items. A fellow in Lowell dropped a live cnal into a bomb-shell “ to hear it fizz.” lie heard it. A western editor says that flic gas ijj bis city is so bad that the man who puts it out, has to carry a lantern to find the lamp post. It is stated that the reason why Eutler “ put*up” at the Ballard House was that he had heard that the Messrs. Ballard keep an “ old Virginia tavern.” The well known sign of such establishments is —“ entertainment for man and Beast.” The citizens of Aikin, S. C., have call ed upon Mrs. Preston S. Brooks, for the cane presented to her husband in token of his assault on Sumner, with the intent to send it to Mrs. Sumner, inscribed, “ Hit him again.” Tomatoes are ripe in Florida. An oldest inhabitant down in Main calls this the coldest winter for twenty-five years. Haight of New Jersey, is the youngest man in Congress. The Radicals will loose twenty whites States in their struggle for ten black ones. If a small boy is a lad, a big boy must be a ladder. Beer fills many a bottle, and the bottle many a bier. » The Tennessee House has passed a bill making habitual drunkeness a ground of divorce. Brunette women are said to marry ear lier than blondes. A Detroit minister has run off with the wife of one of his deacons. Uomodore Vanderbilt pays S1C0 in gold per ton for liis steel rails. At a recent local election in Granville, Ohio, the Democracy made a gain of twenty-two on Thurman’s vote. George M. Dent, a brother-in-law of General Grant, is candidate for Congress in Arizona. Napoleon shakes his head about send ing a minister to the court of Juarez. He can’t see it. How is tins? A Radical paper says Gen. Butler was included by Col. White, in sending his challenge through the hands of a negro! There is a sable statesman in the Mu latto Convention at Atlauta, who is not affected by the pecuniary stringency. He eats and sleeps in the kitchen of iiis for mer mistress. dirim the Grant “ bottled ” Battler war, and is now “battling” himself so much that 1’utlor wants a Congressional Smelling Committee to cork him up.— Sweet is revenge. A long-bearded mill th'e other day, careless ing honors to get caug :r at Logan, Ohio, ly suffered his flow- lit iu a revolving shaft; Bracing himself promptly, his beard was torn out by The roots. When intoxicated, a Frenchman wants to dance, a German fusing, a Spaniard to gamble, an Englishman to eat, an Italian to boast, a Russian to be affectionate, an Irishman to fight, and an American to make a speech. A live gorilla is on his way to London. There "are four men in (he house named respectively—Butler, Baker, Cook and Cake. Mentana red color in Paris. is now the fashionable Schenck and Plants, of Ohio, are said to be the two ugliest men in the House. The Radicals and Grant men in Missou ri are havinga Kilkenny cat fight, iu their quiet family circle. A new’ York servant girl spread rat poison on bread for her mistress’s chil dren and spanked them because they wouldn’t eat it. Prince Albert Victor, son of the Prince of Wales and future king of Eng land, has just celebrated his fourth birth day. John Billings says everybody wants to go to heaven, but none of them are in a hurry about it. Prentice says that the Radicals of Con necticut and Maine may be for Grant, but the people of Connecticut and Maine are not for the Radicals. Tom Hood said there is no man in Ger many more inhumanly abused than the Jew. He is wronged, pelted, and hooted at; he is robbed, taxed and spit upon ; and all, for what ? Because he believes in tbe Old Testament, and wont eat pork sausages. A young woman who has just gradua- ated at a fashionable seminary, took as the subject for an essay, “ The Education of our boys.” Isn’t this young creature a little ahead of time—kind ot rushing the prospective, as it were? Is she quite sure “ our boys” won’t be girls ? The domestic affections can no more bloom in the hardened race course of pol itics thau flowers can flourish iu the paveu streets. In the statement of the truth, clear ness is intimately connected with con sciousness, as the lightning, which is the brightest thing, is also the briefest. prices nut heretofore equaled South, ,-«l in the Eastern markets when the fame quan fities are purchased. .Stock consisting iu part ot Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Lard Oil, White Leads, Sweet Oil, Paint Colors; Ca?tor Oil, Sperm Oil, Linseed Oil, Tanners’ Oil, Lubricating Oils, Non Explosive Coal Oil ; Varnishes; Wines and Liquors; Window Glass and Putty; Foreign and American Perfumes ; Pomades, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Fancy Goods, Ac , Ac. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. The bad debts that would otherwise accrue are considered in tlie reduced prices at which our goods are offered to cash purchasers. Examine our stock before buying. RED WINE A FOX, Corner Whitehall and Alabama street?, Nov. Hi-if. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SCHOOL FOR ADVANCED PUPILS. The Spring session begins on Second Tuesday in January. Students are thoroughly prepared for any Class in College, efficient teaching or practical business. Tuition from S3 to $5 per. month, desired in Advance if practicable. Deductions are made for protracted sickness. Board furnished by the Principal at slo per month. Provisions taken in exchange. DANIEL WALKER, P:in. Newnan, Dec. 11, 1SG7—tf. S. OLMSTEAD, ROOT and SHOE MAKER, MASOXIC BCIDDIXG, NEXT DOOR TO DR. COLE'S OFFICE (UP STAIRS), GREENVILLE ST., NEWNAN, GA. f jnilE public is notified that I am prepared J to do all work in my line with neatness and dispatch. Charges reasonable. [Jan. 18-3m. Horanmn aoraa lie-Opened. THE undersigned have re-opened the New- nan Hotel, and are prepared to entertain the public in'a manner consistent with its former high reputation. The citizens of Coweta coun ty are notified that themselves and horses will bo fed at reduced prices. HAMMETT & ORR. Proprietors. Newnan, January 4-tf. BOARDING HOUSE. The undersigned takes this method of in forming the public that she is prepared to accomodate a limited number of Boarders on moderate terms. The subscriber hopes by ;t strict attention to the necessities and comforts of her patrons, to merit a liberal proportion of the public patronage. For further particulars apply at my residence opposite the Baptist Church. mrs a. e. McKinley. Newnan, Ga., Dec. 7, 1367-tf. Run Here Everybody r jl^IIId undersigned takes pleasure in announ- f eing to his friends and customers that he is again prepared to do anything in the Saddlery and Harness Business, with neatness and despatch. My motto is 11 Quick sales and short profits.” He also manufactures Ihoatlier Collars. Call and see him up stairs at Old Repository. Country Produce taken In payment for work. Nov. 2-tf. GEO. AY. VANCE. A Mississippi paper estimates that one hundred thousad persons have been mar- H rieff in that State in the last two years. ! | s Another illustration of the old adage : “ Misery loves company.” Beecher has been overwhelmed with offerings of infants for adoption since he wrote that letter saying that he “ coveted his neighbor’s babies.” Retribution.—St. Marie, the inform-1 er, in writing to Gen. Grant, begging for his blood-money, says his name “lias"been thrown to all the world,” and that there no place on earth where he can go in his own name. A notable retribution for hounding his friend Surratt to "the ends of the earth.— Constitutionalist. Courtesy—Think of This.—The power of diffusing happiness is not the exclusive power of the rich. Ail are capable of it. The poorest of men can ed a class about to graduate from a semi- j ctlcer me by his affection, or distress A certain {< doctor,” recently made so by an honorary degree, has since address- BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER! NEW STORE 1---NEW GOODS! Extra Inducements to Buyers at Whole sale anil Retail! Peachtree Str., Markham’s Buildings, (Opposite Cox & Hill.) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Nov. 30-tf. GEORGE W. PRICE. Sargent’s Axes. scoviLL’s hoes. nary in which he "said: 11 Be wise, act - ) me bis hatred or contempt. Ever promptly and remember that the eyes 0 f ’ “an is dependent on another. A piec the ro.r popuft are upon you.” j neglect, even from the lowest and 1 i i most contemptible of men, is fit to ruffle ' A certain fop, who was arguing, with j the serenity of my happiness ; and a civ-1 Diogenes on the _i mortality of thesoul, ask-1 il attention, even from the humblest of! ec bun, Now where do you think I shall tour kind, carries a gracious and exhilara- i go after death ? “ Wherever your tailor influence along with it. goes, was the reply. ^ e D€ve r bear, then, that the poor; It is. a terrible fact that there are one ^ “ othin S in their P owrer - The J have j hundred thousand drunkeu women in the ? Vi— P ° Wer t0si . ve Cr wlthhoId kind ■ United States. | and obliging expressions; they have it j m their power to give or withhold the j a A (.hioftgo man was fool enough, to pay j sm ^ es or affection and siucerety of a ten-; two hundred dollars for the use of dia- 1 der attachment. Let not the humble of- ; . monds worn by his wife at the recent i feF * n ? s of poverty be disregarded. The of * he subscriber in Newnan, Georgia. Chanty ball in that city. I man of sentiment knows how to value ! 0et ~ J ' tf ' J - SARG I ). X. JUJISOX, Asrent, Dealer and Worker in Italian and America MARBLE. MONUMENTS. BOX TOMBS, TABLETS, BEAD AND FOOT STONES, MARBLE FURNITURE, A., Comer Peachtree and Walton Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. {£^=0. N. J. would respectfully invite those wishing to purchase to call and examfne his stock of Marble-and Work, which will be sold upon the most reasonable Terms. Orders so licited and promptly filled. [Jan. 5.12m. R. M. ROSE. w. R. FOX. O. A. X. ROSE. ii..?/. no si: 4- to., WHOLESALE DEALERS IX PURE BRANDTFS. WINES. WHISKEYS. GIN. RUMS. ALES AND PORTERS. Granite Block, Broad Street, ^.tla.£Lta, Gtck. Dealers at a distance supplied on reasonable terms. We call the especial attention of Phy sicians and invalid? to the unadulterated arti cles we offer for sale. Our prices are quite reasonable, and will prove satisfactory to pur chasers. I Oct. 26—^111. Dr. H. SEULS.-Pres't. ANDREW DUNN, Si.'y B. P. GLENN, Treasurer. Georgia Loom —AND— MANUFACTURERS AND PLANTERS LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! And don’t fail to call at office, (Bell-Johnsori Building, next door to Post Office,) ATLANTA, GA., And see in operation Mendenhall’s Improved Self-Acting HAND & POWtft LOOIVi! Easier Understood, easier to Operate, and more Reliable, and possesses superior advantages over all other Hand Looms, and is more Simple and Durable. Planters can be independent by Weaving all their Goods for Home Wear on the MendcnhfiH ffcaproved Hand Loom. From 15 to SO Yards Can be wovefi on this Loom in one day ! It weaves as fast as any Factory Loom ! Half the cost of the clothing of a family can be saved by its use. From §5 to §10 a day can be made on it. ITS PARTS ARE SELF-CHANGING! By the turning of an easy crank it lets the Warp off, winds up the Cloth, treads the Tread les. and throws the Shuttle. It Weaves Jeanes, Satinets, Lindseys, Blanket Twill, Double-Plain Cloth, Various kinds of Ribbed Goods, Fencing Twills of all kinds. Flax, Cotton, Tow or All-Wool Cloth, Bagging.. Towelling, Table Linen, Balmoral Skirts, Woollen, Linen and Hemp Carpets. In fact anything, from a handsome Silk to a Rag Carpet. It is small, neat and light, not larger than a common breakfast table. It is made in the most workmanlike manner, of good material, and handsomely varnished. It is very simple and easily understood—everything is perform ed by turning a crank. Looms and County Eights for Sale. JfpFor further particulars, bill of prices, descriptive circulars and samples of weaving, address Georgia Loom & Manufacturing Co., April 6-12m. Atlanta, Ga. / COURTENAY & TRENHOLM, B Shipping and Commission Merchants, f CHARLESTON, S. CRive special attention f to the dispatch of Coastwise and Foreign Freights; hy steam direct to BALTIMORE and NEW YORK and via Baltimore to PHILADELPHIA. Insurance and Freight Kates, as low. via Charles ton, as by any other line YOrth. £j*First-Class Packet Ships will always be on the berth for LIVERPOOL during the present cotton season; Shippers can economize in time as well as freight and insurance to Europe by consigning i cottons to Charleston in preference to Oxulf ports. I Quotations for freights, insurance, &e. to all I points, furnished weekly to regular correspon- # dents. r HEAD THIS. KAYTOXS OLEUM VITAE. This great German Liniment it- au almost | infallible cure for j Rheum a i ism. Ni l RALGIA, Rheumatic Pains IN THE Back, Breast, Sides or Joints Toothache, Nervous Headache, Earache, Sprains, Bruises. Swellings, Cuts, Insect Buts, Burns, «kc., &o. :mw /1 GREAT VARIETY-NEW S' ah3 CH UB -AT THE- mm& The undersigned w. their right names, th advertise his store as tj i tin STO. and would respectfully invite the p, amine his new and well-selected St ,■ lor themselves whether or not the : premises-sustain the truthfulness uf tisement. From his long experience in rm-r. he thinks he knows good goods. :u buy any other kind, and can safeb, the purchaser the worth of hi.> mune want a good job in mechanics vm experienced workman Will not the hold good in merchandize ? But •• the proof of the pudding i> j| the bag.” Call and see for voiirsci. bering that it is no trouble for him 'nor For the cure of Sudden Coughs and Colds, Asth- clerks to show goods, w hether we sell p tr Tliis great remedy should be in every house.— For horses this remedy has no equal. Ask for Kayton’s Oleum Vita;. Take no other Sent by Express for $1. KAYTON’S MAGIC CURE. AN EGYPT ATX REMEDY. he min GEORGIA—Campbell Counfy. TTTHBREAS John Baggett, administrator YV on tbe estate of Jackson Baggett, de ceased. applies to the undersigned for letters uismissarv from his administrationship : Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in November next. Given under my hand ns Ordinary of said ccnntv, this April 4th, 1867. Aug. 16-6m-$6. R. C. BEAVERS, Ord'y. Rule Ni Si. GEORGIA, CARROLL COUNTY. Superior Court, October Term, 1867. m;i. Acid Stomach. Sore Throat. Heartburn, Sea Sickness, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Pains and Cramps in the Stomach. Sent by Express for $1. KAYTON’S DYSPEPTIC PILLS. Are a sure and pleasant cure for Dyspepsia, Bil ious Disorders, Constipation, and all Disorders of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and when taken regularly will cleanse the blood. These are the greatest anti-Bilions Tills everplaced be fore the public. Sent by mail for 30 cents per box. The above medicines are prepared and sold by Prof. H. H. KAYTON. Savannah. Ga. To whom all orders should be addressed; or to the Agents. A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., Whole- side Druggists, Savannah, Ga. A liberal discount to those selling again. For sale by Druggists and Country Mer chants generally. not. J. J. PINSON. Newnan, Ga. Oct. 5-tf. F. Mortgage, &C. For sale in Newnan, at the Drugstore of Dr. EDDY SMITH. July 23, 1866 Iv. William P. Wilson vs. Samuel J. Rowan, APPEARING to the Court, by the peti tion of William P. Wilson, that on the twentr-first dav of Jannary, in the year 1862, Samuel J. Rowan, of Houston county, in said ; ^' lj< LjIA, Carioll Comi } State, made and delivered to petitioner his promissory note for the sum of eight hun dred and ninety dollars and twentv-sevt n cent Rule to Perfect Service. iperior Court. October Term, 18G6. William J. Winkles i vs. - Libel for Divorce. (credited with one hundred ana five dollars j Sarah A. Winkles. and twenty cents;) and that the said Samuel J. Rowan afterwads, to-wit: on the twenty- first of May, in the year 18G2, made and de livered to petitioner his certain other promis sory note for the sum of three hundred dollars, (credited with twenty-two dollars and ninety- one cents,) whereby one day after date of said note the said Samuel J. Rowan promised to pay petitioner the said sums of money, amount ing in the aggregate to the sum of eleven hun dred and ninety dollars and twenty-seven cents, principal, for value received; and that after wards, to-wit: on the thirtieth day of Novem ber. in the year 1866, the said Samuel J. Row an, the better to secure the payment of said notes, executed and delivered to petitioner tis deed of mortgage, whereby tbe said Samuel J. Rowan conveyed to petitioner the undivided half interest in the Laurel Hill Farm, (which consists of six hundred and seven and a half acres of land.) situated in the eleventh district of Carroll count!’, Ga., it being three hundred and three acres cf said land so mortgaged ; and it further appearing that said notes remain unpaid : It is therefore ordered, That the said defen dant do pay into Court, on or before the first day of the next Term of this Court (held on the first Monday in April next) the principal, interest and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any he can; and that on the failure of said defendant so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises be forever barred and foreclosed. And further, That this Rule he published in the Newnan Herald once a month for four months previous to the next Term of this Court, or served on the defendant, his agent or attorney as required by law. JOHN W. H. UNDERWOOD, J. T. C. Geo. W. Austin, Petitioner's Attorney. A true extract from the Minutes of this Court, October 23d, 1867. J. M. GRIFFIN, D. Clerk. Nov. 2-m4m.—§1 pr sq ea in. It appearing to the Court, by the return of ' the Sheriff, that the Defendant is not to be I found in the county ; and it further appearing j that she is not in the State. Ordered, therefore. That service he perfected i by publication of this order once a month for j four months, as required bv lawn ! Granted. LUCIUS H. FEATITERSTON, i Geo. W. Austin, Pl ff’s Att’y. J. S. C. A true extract from the Minutes of this Court. J. M. CHEVES, Clerk. December 14-4m.~ Rule to Pe-fect Service. GEORGIA. COWETA COUNTY. Superior Court, September Term, ISCi Mary E. Green, ) \ Lil I j-iAbel for Divorce. Samuel IT Green, j T APPEARING to the Court from the re turn of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside iu srid county, and it further appearing that he does not reside in said State: It is on motion ordered, That said defendant appear and answer at the next Term of this Court or that he be considered in default, and the plaintiff be allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered. That a copy of this Rule be published in term? of the law. JOHN W. II. UNDERWOOD, J. T. C. SMITH & TURNER, Att’ys Pro. Li’b’it. A true extract from the Minutes of the Court, this October 22d. 1867. Oct.2C-m4m. J. P. BREWSTER, Clerk. GEORGIA—Carrol! County. IIT HEREAS Obediah C. Cavender. execu- VV tor of the last will of J. J. Cavender, represents to the Court in his petition duly- filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered J. J. Cavender’s* estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any- they, can, why said administrator should not he discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in February, 1868. IU GEORGIA—Haralson County. INNETH MURCHESON. administrator on tbe estate of James IT. Murphy, late of said county, deceased, having applied to me for a dismission from said estate: This is therefore, to cite ail persons concern ed, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can. why said administrator, on tbe first .Monday in February, 1868, should not be dis missed. Given under my hand at office July 15, 1867. JAMES II. WILLIAMS, Onl y. August 10-6m. GEORGIA—Heard County. TILLIAM G. CRAIN, executor of the last will and testament of George Crain, deceased, having made application to me in proper form for letters of dismission from said trust: | These are therefore to cite and admonish all Given under my hand and official signature, | persons concerned to be and appear at my this August 5th. 1867. Aug. 10-Gm. J. M. BLALOCK, Oru’y. B office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can why said execu tor should not receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in February, 1868. Given under my official signature, July 24th, 1867. ‘ W. H. C.' PACE, Ord’ry. August 3-6m. Administrator’s Sale. Y VIRTUE of an order of'the Court of Ordinary of Coweta county, will be sold before tbe Cout-housc door in Newnan, said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February, 1868. one hundred and fifteen acres, more or less, of lot of land No. 36. in the seventh district of said county, (widow's dower excepted.) Also, by virtue of an order from said Court, will be sold before the Court-House door in j Campbellton. Campbell county, bet wren the; Therefore all persons concerned are notified S tl0 1 ' , l 0f iL Sa, \° n t l ie first Tuesday ^ in ' tfJ be and ;(ppea * at niy office within the time GEORGIA—Coweta County. HEREAS William J. Bryant, adminis trator of Matilda Bryant, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Ma tilda Bryant’s estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concern ed to be and appear at my office within the j March. 1868, three town lots, situate in' the j time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be gran ted on the first Monday in May. 1868. B. H. MITCHELL, Ord’y. GEORGIA—Coweta County. / 1 EORGE W. BRYANT having applied to \JC be appointed guardian of the person and property of William H., George C., Charles J., Elizabeth J. and J ames M. Hendrix, minor or phans of George W. Hendrix, resident of said cou atv: JAS. E. JONES. R. S. BURCH JONES & BURCII, GROCERY and PROJH(£ JSJex'cbauts. GREEN VILLE STBELT MASOXIC BUILDING ISTEWiSTAnsr, GA. We have on hand at onr COMMODIOUS STORE, and daily arriving— CORN, BACON, FLOUR, MEAL COFFEK, SUGAR, SYllUP, LARI);. BUTTER, G-TT-A-irao. And all other articles in our line, to wi ieh r invite the attention of the purchasing public February 16-23-tf. “A Repository cf Fashion, Pleasure, ana Instruction.” HARPER’S BAZAR. The Publishers will commence, on November 1st, the issue of Hauper's Bazar., a wo-kiv Illustrated Family Journal, devoted to Fash ion and Horne literature. Their aim is fin fold : to supply the existing need of a AV Fashion Newspaper, and to combine theivu ■ a first-class literary journal, which w ill he ii - dispensable to every household. Arrangements have been mode at an im mense cost, with the most celebrated of tk< Fashion Papers of Europe, especially wit;. ! famous Bazar of Berlin, which snppii.-s ! fashions to the leading journals of 1' i.-. t- furnish the same to them in advance. ? 1 : henceforth the fashions will appe.w i' Bazar .simultaneous with their pubic Paris and Berlin an advantage cniov, ; other journal in the country. The patrons of Harper's Bazar will no . i every fornight large pattern-plates, containin: from forty to fifty full sized patterns of misses’, and children’s bonnets, cloaks dress'*, under clothing, and other articles accompanF with the necessary descriptions and dim-chore and occasionally an elegant Colored Fashicii Plate ot the'size of Harper’s Weekly. Harper s Bazar will contain 16 folio pages of the size of Harper’s Weekly, printed on superfine calendered paper, and will be publish ed weekly. ft J WO months after date application will be £ made to the Ordinary of Carroll connty for leave to sell the North half of lot of land number thirty ^3b). in tpe 6th district of Car roll county, belonging to the estate of Lydia Goodson, deceased. Jan. Il-2m. , T:> . .. - c r . T ,, prescribed by law, and show cause, if any town ot Palmetto, in said countv of Campbell. iL ’ r ’ , /. /, , | they can, why letters of guardianship should not be granted. Witness rny hand and official signature. Nov. 23-30(1. B. H. MITCHELL, Ord’y Rule to Perfect Service. GEORGIA, COWETA COUNTY. Coweta Superior Court, September Term, 1867. All of the above described property sold for j the benefit of the heirs and creditors of T. D. Watkins, deceased. Terms cash. Dec, 14-tds. JAS. P. BBEWSTER, Adm r. Actinmi«ti’atoi'’s Sale. B Y VIRTUE of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, will be sold before Court-house door in Carrollton, said j Joseph J Pinson 1 MICHAEL GOODSON, Adm’r. connty, within the legal hours of sale, on * V3 . 1 ! R a ] the first Tuesday in March next, lot of land | J 0 g. R. Meriwether, f ! number-two hundred and seventy-seven (277j, j \\ r m ( Executor’s Sale. Herrin; 'J e for Injunction, Dis covery, sc. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1868. The publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they caa. simply the Maga zine. Weekly, and Bazaapromffilj to those ivbo prefer to receive their periodicals directly from the Office of Publication. Postmasters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will be£tip- plied with a Show-Bill on application. • The postage on Harper’s-Bazar is 20 cents » year, which must be paid at the subscriber! post office. TERMS: Harper’s Bazar, one year S4 00 An ext ra copy of either the Magazine, Week ly, or Bazar will he supplied gratis for every Club of Fivc Subscribers at 84 00 each, in er.e remittance; or Six Copies for $20 00. Back numbers can be supplied at nnv time HARPER & BROTHERS, ; Franklin Square, New lork. " 18 6 8 . THE SOUTHERN FAVORITE!-' w T APPEARING to tbe Court, by the return j of the Sheriff, that said defendants are not! j in the sixth (6th) district of said county, coa- ILL be sold before the Court-house door : taining two hundred two and a half acres, in the- town of Franklin, Heard county. | more or less, with a good dwelling house ami j be found in'said county^ aud it* farther ap- j within the, legal hours of sale, on tbe first outbuildings, &c. Sold as the property of j gearing that they reside out of said State: Tuesday in March next, the north half of lot Jame3 Mc\ icker. deceased, for the benefit of ’ of land No. 190,.in the 12th district of origi- the heir3 and creditors of said deceased.— BURKE’S WJBEKLT I'ox Soys and Oixls* Beautifully Illustrated and Elegantly Printed. Pronounced by the-Southern Press to ha the most elegant and talented young people's papor print- f ed in this country’ nally Carroll now Heard county, containing Terms cash. 101^ acres, belonging to the estate of A. E. ; January 11 -tds-§7 Veazey. Terms cash. j Jan. 25-tds-S5. G. D. LEWIS. Exec’r. S. T. SIMS, AumT. YOOG J. LO.\C{ B z/n Sargent’s No. ID Cotton Yam. HE above goods, and in all numbers, are -offered to the public. An ample stock always on hand at the store Administrator’s Sale. Y VIRTUE of an order from the Honora ble the Court of Ordinary of Heard conn- will ii; tbe town the legal hours of sale, op the first Tuesday ia March nest, one house end lot in the village of Corinth, Heard county, belonging to the estate of Thomas Milan, deceased. Sold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors. ; XXAVTNG resumed the practice of Law. will _ ■ XX faithfully attend to such professional . j business as may be entrusted to him in Coweta be sold before the Court-house door ■ an ^ adjoining counties, lira of Franklin, said county, within.; Fees graduated to suit the-times., Kggr-Qffice in the Court House. Newnan, Ga., August 24-tf. <WO mouths after date application will be ^ r . - , . , , . , ~ t »»*. <»i& publishing Maroonee 8 Tslasje It is therefore ordered by toe Court, That j a Sequel co the Young Marooners. and Jack ! thfj appear and an 3 wer at the next term of Dobell, oka Boy’s Adventures i* Llxas, hf thi.-. C/OUit. and upon uulure thereof that said j one of Fannin’s men—pronounced “equal - j Bill be taken for confessed. j the best, of Mayne Reid s stories.” We sb^ An»i it is further ordered, That publication • begin, in.tne first number of 1868, a thnlhp& J of this orJer be made in the Newnan. Herald, I story, by a lady of Virginia, entitled • EttC' • a public gazette published in the city of New.- j Hunter ; A Tale of the War.” which will nm ; nan, and said State, once a month for four i for several months. . . months. [ Among the regular contributors to Burk c JOHN W. H. UNDERWOOD. J. S. C. j-Weekly are Rev. F. R. Goulding. author c- j CHAS. G. McKINLEY, j ’‘The Young Marooners;” Mrs. Jane L_y Solicitor for Complainant. ! Cross; Mrs. Ford, of Rome, Ga.: Miss Mar) J - j A true extract from the Minutes of tbe Court, j November 2d. 1867. Nov9-m4m. J. P. BREWSTER, Clerk. made to tbe Ordinary of Coweta countv j GEORGIA—Heard County. j Terms—One half cash, the other due the for leave to sell the land belonging to the es- * A LE8 RIDLEY, administrator upon 25th December next. ^ tate of James. M. Bridges, deceased, for the : A of James Presnall, having ARGENT. Mr.-William Gillmore Simms, the dov-!of ^ d « eds i T' v0 “° Mhs "ppIicaUoa will be y . , kJIUJL Caro'd°aio?L B dS,atl iling “ »f thfa world. He is near 80 years old. circumstaaces - j with a cheerful heart to the end of the They lighten the weary is world, a I heart to journey.—Dr. Chalmers. -L made to the Court of Ordinary of Heard , county tor leave to sell all the real estate be longing to Robert Boggus, late of said countv, deceased. R. H. BOGGUS, Exec’r. December 14-2m. JOHN M. GENTRY, Adm r. January 2-5-tds-§7. the es-J made benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de- i application to me in proper form for letters of 1 Notice to Debtors and Creditors* 4 I.L persons indebted to tbe estate of John j f\ Dougherty, deceased, are hereby notified i to make immediate payment, and those haviag ! claims against the same will presen terms and time prescribed bv law. Jan. 25-6t, W. B. BERRY, Adm'r. ! ceased. MARY M Jan. 12-2m. BRIDGES, Adm'x. Everybody take Notice!; Marble Head Stones furnished for Soldiers dismission from said administratien: This is therefore to cite all persons concern ed to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of dismission should not j be granted on tbe first Monday in Februarv, them in j Graves size,.2 fleet by 10 inches, with inscrip- ' !868. tiom—in any quantity, at *3.50, bv S. B. O A TAT AY I G jven under my official signature, July 12th , ' ’ ’ll 867. • Ag t of WM, GRAY, Atlanta, Qa. | August 3-6m. Upshur, of Norfolk. Va., and many others. Terms. — S2 a year in advance; 'three ee? ! , for S5 ; Five copfes for S8 ; Ten copies tor 3 and Twenty-one copies for $30. .. Clergymen and Teachers furnished at per annum. The volume begins with the July nu j Ug, Back numbers can bo supplied from ^ and all yearly subscribers may re y el ,‘ e ; j a numbers for the first six months, stitch an elegant illuminated cover. Address, J. W. BURKE k CO., Publishers, MacomJ^ ill he > 11WO months after date application | made to the-Court of Ordinary m c ' 0 , j conury-for teave to sell the lands belongi g W, H: G. PACE, Ord’ry. j the estate of William Brooks, deceased 7 1 Oct. 26-2m. XOLLESONKIRBU^