The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, May 30, 1868, Image 2

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Siiv Jm tfijp Jlfiufimi | evenly years; but it «I»h-s hk-hu loyalty t<> in-j once remove Ilulb^ri we oan hardly permit we hail with gladness every effort toward? l»-oiiocniticpArtv^ equality — loyalty to s-lf-degradation — yen, [ oursclvt s to doubt; i ; ut that aet cannot making these principles a living reality “J iy The Hamiltonian and Web-! believeth in radicalism shall be saved, and j Economy and Home Ind f -.e- daunted.” tt *lStry| loyal tv to m!i infamy. vindicate the parity; of the ballot box and j on every inch of the An eriean soil. After exhausting ingenuity in “ invent- the freedom of cl Jtions. The dismissal ; ing doctrines" insulting and oppressive to up 1 or even punishment of the wrongdoers of the South, the members of the Convention-^ cannot I' to an outrrged people for re finally relent and do make out to express their suits attributable to trie U'-ot-l such means sat sympathy for us in these words: a* these letters disclose.— Columbus Ka Imaoixk.— Imagine. it you can, the feelings: ..^ih. fids Convention declares itsfcympa- *] v1 ' yr - (<f Joe Brown, of Georgia, as a ineinbcr <if the jj,y with all the oppressed people which are XEWNAN. GEORGIA. Sfctnrday Morning, May!30,1868. Jos Brown’s Recantation and Eypoera- sy at Chicago, traction of the constitution has : | 1C t ], at believeth not shall he .rsi established by the sxtooI, ar.d I have ac-, VfQW suck a Joutl.somo picture, I turn! tiieswl m that, and 1 tind the Republican • .. , . • ,> .rty standing on the platform today that hast hope! ully tp ,hc American democracy,; f iart. 0 H-cn abandoned by the Democratic party. — j and in the name of my suffering country That naturally leads me into the Republican | [ crv —gave or we perish \ party. i« beers q I know that is a 'cry nn- \\ hen l announced for General Grant i jl he was considered bv all 1 SAVE VOI R n\UHv THE CHfCKASABOf;rk / (Cheers ) I know that is a very nn-‘ ,, „ , T . , . ^popular doctrine in the Sputli, but I ltelieve it Mr. Conway, of Louisiana, sod I suppose | ^‘ trut; jj ut lct Jne , you> Mr . President *«r president, I that ft is pa.t of the settb-d po’iey of the Re- : 1>n( j gentlemen that there are inanv whiff parties a Cons | publie-in party to-day to have the South come m ^ n j n the s-uth. there are large nnmbf*s of 0 f duplicity into the Convention Imon end foremost— « 0 J,^ na | Frcnsi«ini»ts in the South, who tu-day f ervativc man, and incapable ! iilLi II l LTUiHl lU iU Are now prejiared to pnii-fins:- otlf TH° Platform of the National Radical ; -lim we have another marked event s/md as firmly bv the Republican party ancj . . of special moment—that there is with us to- au'dl support the ’emit Captain of the age— ,s before the country , day in full heart and full fellowship one offQ,. m , ra j Grant, (lire it aj ) Our Demo- that controversy disappointed the ooun- ; ^hey have established, a depot at V ihe termer governors in the days of the re: el- j critic friends there have oppos'd negro suffrage Irv YC t pleased the Radical party ; for j North Water street, fur the receipt nndV J ‘ 11 is late controversy with the President and his action in I QO'iTON and Lines 1{.\ tu pay for them Clr,v ,H . V 'l'uatin- on the 1st and 2d articles by the same vote l»y which be was acquitted of the 11th. Asce.- tint loyejty ami devotion to Radicalism is the taining the folly of fuithcr effort, the Impeach on ]y means of securing a removal of disabili- menl Court adjourned sine the. So we appre- j (;,, s j t matters not how devoted to the Cun- he.nd that there will he no effort made in the fjtJtution, to fretMlum of speech and the press, future to >emove Mr. Johnson from office. i lil>c*rty of conscience, and the former wise ' usages and practices of the government, Highest Mark t 1‘rfcc in Cash. 1 depot at X 0 . receipt and gtorr^, Chicago Convention, listening to the baml play stjuggling for their rights. the air <>f “,l»bn Brown s soul is marching on," y>'e think' we cannot Ikj mistaken in tl*e in- liepublicail Party, Adopted at Chicag'O. anil the audience singing the words. 1 tention of the Convention to declare its Sj’tn — ~ •- — ' pithy with the people of the South, for vre ■ ' J 118 1,LAT ^ uRM - ‘> States, which has since Become recon- j an d denounced it as an outrage upon manhood. v 'f,. U nd ■» man after their own heart K Rags and Paper Stock of aft I mpeaciimkmt Dkad--On niesday the articles ^ now none so much oppressed -or making such : Tile National llepuoliean party of the : -fnuted—(applause. — and lias proved himself t a nd yet in the late elections the negro who j - . .. . . ’ i the in\med;ate charge of Capt. Thomas F > l ’ : of imj.eacl.ment preferred against the I’resi- lte gtr ug-des for lost'riglte as the whites United States, assembled in National (’on- i«« ,h « r,r '’ tr, «* sl ’ <*1—a genuine Republican voted the Democratic ticket was really a very who won Id ‘H-fcira c at lioililrtg, Jo. par y , wh(1 u ; aut i 10 vUcd to pay a liberal i-iice’f.^l . > i i . ^ »,,i it; rv 1 , ** ... . tt r . , , ,, . .• • ,» -* t . il* „ . ., lU i and in full fellowship w i:h the Renublican ' respectable fellow—flangbtvri—and white men ascendency. stock 1'enuired bv the Com mm-< vr.n d dent were taken up by the benate, and His l.x- ( ,f the Southern States. Unfortunate! v, their vcntloti in the City Of Chicago on tiic >th , , T i , i r i 1 , i ,i o ... , . , , .. . 1 , , 1 1 .. . - U , , 1 • ^blU, ;i - . , , , . ... i , ,. ,, ic,-b i . r m • party, 1 move that ex-Governor Joseph E. who voted the Repaidican ticket wck* sealift--! G rant has degenerated. Ambition has brdtiglit to him in »suitable condition cellcncy was tnwl ami pronounce no g 111 > j sympathy is all that we get. ( day of : .ay, lcOe., make tl»e p roWMj 0 f Georgia, be invited to say a few wags and traitors. (Ciieers and laughter. I— i j p nior; ,lixed him. He is not the man he j Rags may be either wiiite, colored, or mi- d Their 4tli nesolutiou jo an emphatic resolve dchiration of principles : i \\ards. (Tremendous applause and cries of They- toil us there yon establish negro siiprem- 1 ‘ _ v t t ... \ . j but they uiust be free of woolens nW„U First—We congratulate the c. on try on t lie assured success of the rt const ruction j roj cfs of Congress, as evinc 'd by the adoption, in a majority of the State lately in rebellion, of Constitutions securing equal civil and pol tica! right.- In all, and • Rrnw a. Rrown. 5 ’) acy in the. South. Not so; n*tt so While we was, when he Riet General Lee :,t APP°* j wt n handled. ’ ' 4a “' The Chair—ft is hardiv necessary to pot a gn»nt to tne colored people all their rights, mattox Court House, and returned him i Dealers in paper stock in the city and int motion which lias such » reception. Will | civil and political, we do not expect them to be his sword. He is not the man he was, j rior will find it to their advantage to comir Governor Brown address the Convention? to sus.iain these instimti. CniEr Ji stici: fhtASB.—A Washington cones-) p n)gcr jhed C jtizc-n may be, his devotion goes regard it as the dat3 of th jMindent of a Georgia Radical paper, referring f or naught unless he Supports the Radical io the refusal of certain prominent Radicals to jy j e t it« principles be ever so wicked or unjust support Grant, says: ‘‘A few disappointed men ; w^. >],. 1 n recur frequently to the subject bc- will imdonbtcfdl)-shuigb off, of this number 1 f orc (he election in November, feel mortified in being fofecJ -to say that Chief Justice Chase is one.’ 1 Joe Brown at Chicago.—We present in this issue Joo Brown’s offort at Chicago, not that we have any respect, for.the man or his talk, but that our readers may know of his vile political treachery. The pen that can do the subject justice lias never been used by mortal. Wc would not refer to it at all were it not for the purpose of asking the people’s attention to one point, viz: Brown’s assertion that the Radicals of Georgia expect to buy with the {State patronage enough white men to carry Georgia for Grant. We appeal to the voters of this State to prove him a hold and defiant tra- duccr of their fair name and fame, by a close, h ue and honorable adherence to principle. A New Yoi.cmi:.—That favorite of the little folks, “Burke’s Weekly," will enter upon a new volume in July, and the publishers prom ise several marked improvements. As soon as Air. Goulding’s story—now drawing to a close —is finished, a tin illing story of Indian life will be commenced, the scene laid in Upper Georgia. We are assured that this story will be found full of interest and instruction. Af ter July, tlic Weekly will contain 32 columns of matter each week, instead of 24, i\z hereto fore ; the illustrations will he increased in number, and the editor assures us he has ;t host of good things in store for his readers. The publishers will send specimen numbers free of charge to all who write for them. Now is the time to subscribe. Terms, $2 a year. Address J. W. Burke & Co., publishers, Macon, Ga. AODBESS OF GOVERNOR BROWN, OF GEORGIA. Gov. Brown—M-. Chairman, ns :t has been announce.! that ihe committee "i’ll be ready 10 report in a few minutes, I think it niisjht be improjeu - that I siionbi enler into any discus- , .. , c , ' .. , -ion of the questions nvolved at this time. I vent the people of such states from being ., , , 1 ■ . u - „ c . t t ** I could not do justice to iny.-eit or nii^soction if remitted to a state oi anarchy. . j aitrmpt to speak without time to review, to j our masters. As much as you have seen in the papers on the subject, it is not so in the State of Georgia. For instance, when those who ate included within tho constjtuttor Government and to pre- ” when lie took his Southern tour, passing ‘ nicate with us before disposing of their « ,i,ruu s h , f 0 ; , 5v°" ende ; i*. i-m ^ d reported to J resident .Johnson, ox the j i,y Ending their intluence to secure the save unendinent and who will be voters, although i spirit of the South, that—oil's Hi ll. No j and’ collection of all ihe rags to be fotn.V tin y have no right to hold office under our , guch man eou | d en( J orse the Chicago plat- Uhcir respective localities. We will credit the :o:ist:ti;tion, come to ttie ballot box, there are c r ■ in exchange for paper at liberal rates fern the merchantable Rags they may send as Fi-mond-- Ti frage to all 1 demanded bv evesv i.e guarantee ot equal SuL . s»t»e exunt, the questions Involved, id') not yal men at tlie South was ' *«» intrude Uf•■)» liie proceedings of this ensiwofaeion uf pub- 'lie-safety, (if gratitude .and "f justice, at The Chicago Platform. The.chiefs of the Radical clans assembled at Chicago on, A^ay the 20th, for the purpose of nominating candidates for President t\qd Vice President, and Issuing a declaration of princi ples. In our last number our readers were in formed that Grant apd Colfax were their nom- necs, and this week we publish their Declaration of Principles. We are glad they met, and still more rejoic ed that they have laid down tlicir platform of principles; for if the Democracy cannot suc ceed against such doctrines as therein set forth, it would be impossible to triumph under any circumstances. The Convention has pledged their party to a radical change of government, and a total disregard, of certain lundumental principles of the Decimation of Independence. A brief examination of the 2d declaration will satisfy any impartial mind of the correctness ol the charge above made. “ 2d. The guarantees, by Congress, of equal suffrage to all loyal men in the South was do inamled by every consideration of public safety, of gratitude and of justice, and must be main tained, while the question of suffrage in all the loyal States properly belongs to the people of those States." I came here, as- has w ell been ec<»nsiru> t wi rtT<-l. (Laughter we have these advantages. . if *pphi> (vb an original must bo lunntaiiir*], whiio the qposd-ui of secqMonI*t—(b»i:]»hrer) —and that’s hank — suffrage in ail-1lie loyal St it s properly be- An open con.i-.ssbm is goo^ for the soqj. longs t » the people (States. j -'Crk-S of •• PI .tform! 1‘i.itformU amid which \ Thipl — We denounce all forms of ro- = ^%? rn " n .*' l Z tuv i U ' ** 7F' • Vi . ... , ,, Fhe Chair—Gov. Brown, ot Georgia.gentle- pn-fiation as a national enme, tne national iJnen of , lieCorvpntfon lionor requires the payment of ihe pub- j \ Vuice—Tell n- your experience. (Laugh- : 2> ve ,IS t!le fruits of the victory we have lately l.c indebtedne to a'l creditors, at home and abroad, not onlv of the 1 cc irding to tlie letter but the spirit , ., ... , °i - > • ! in South Laro in.». laws tjndcr which it w; coutfact - “?Tay with Brother .Will ey.” 'I'liuse .ale- words of Bishop -Simpson-,' sponse-to u tel (-gram from Senator Harlan to the Bishop before the test oath on the 11th article, expressing his fears that Willey, the Senator from West Virginia, “ wits lu*t,” that is, would vote for the acquittal of the Presi dent. What strange ad vice, and what a strange prayer it would be. We suppose the petition would run thus: “ Lord, I belong to the part} - of ‘great mor al ideas.’ I am aware that Thou didst make the African black and the Anglo Saxon white, and cause him to rule. But in this, Lord, I and my party believe Thou wast wrong; and, Lord, if Thou art willing, we intend to change the order- of things a little, and shall make the African rule over the Southern States; and ;f Thou wilt not consent we will do it any \y«y. But Lord there is one man in our wav m .1 , , ... ■ . ** - ** ! Here was no common tribunal whose judgment , • V “"J--w|l*i.di-aovcratuirpmodror redemption, j, uhfrsi , )e r , 5| , fct . ,, .k/sifrim. ;ind it is t he duty ot Congress to reduce | Court decided ujior. a question bearing upon the rate of interest tbcreou whenever it j the great issury the party agairst whom tin- can tiossiblv be done. i Ji-u-ion was nude refused to abide by it, be- Sl’xtll—That the brst poliev to di ».in. ! it regard'd it as political. While Mr. * I'umu , «ntv4 - ^ Phis is said with a s ,lty men at rml ion! ism—that no conees- vn-'v of prejudicing the Republican party Nortii 3 j, )U;s would answer but concessions to par- a y' tfv in<.t!*rst»(« We denied it. The radical party has where the blacks arc »u iho majority. It onr J .. in this matter there proven 1J ill a prophet, by lulhlling Ins puo- i A Voice—Tell ns your experience, in the utmost good faith ter and applause.) ! Mr. Brown—As I remarked before I left my I I was nu original secessionist. I w :« born Growing up under the influence and teachings of that master intel- eet. j lect, Calhoun—then in the full glow of his Fourth-—It is cue to the labor fo the meridian—I eagerly imbibed, l.'.s .Stare rights nation that taxation should bo eoualized,' , *“ rn i !,0 > !U!,) '■ ‘u l bP < ' ftP * •-mcercb. mi l , ; , • n * * • i religiously believed that they were correct, as and reduced as rapidly as tn y H»tional j ^ hf ; iit ; V( . d lhat your opposite views were fai'h Will permit. j sound for years before the mifcrtunate strug- Fil'th— The national debt, contrnptpd ■ gie we have passed through. I foresaw that its it has been for the preservation of the ‘die issue which divided the North and the Union for all time to come, should be ox ^ onil1 m "*’ ultimately be settled by the sword. . tin ! co: , two hundred thousand majority <>f white men. ■ lorin. Ifficre we Lave the advantage in education ami j Sir, when Brown, Tllllbert & Co., first ; Rags sent by the rivers and Great Norf experience. Vi e claim that we have the supe- ; embarked for i econstrutioii, under the ! Rail ru;vd. bl»ou4d addressed -the (tom nan ! ° f i. Tc " . me not - , the V, h i lt *i ti: v ! -Military Bills, B. II. Hill told us, that re-; & Mobile, AiaUnw.- black neoj.'.e ot Georgia can mb'. V hy, they • . .. .. , . A’ll shn>ments bv the Mobihrr.nd Ohio i •; ! are two hundred thousand in the minority, and t^nstruettuo ‘Ueaqt radisalum tlxut loy- j ronr j s v loll M b e directed to Beaver Mc, t .|, Station, the location of the Company’s Work geW’or further information apply at t Company’s Depot, No. 51, North Water stre by person or by let*. white race acts properly in this matter there [proven U til a propner, ny luiumng ms •! - •> will be no difficulty. phophecy, and we ought to own up. In conclusion let me say that while we have The negroes in the next Legislature j a hard tight to make iu Georgia, if you wiil ... " ,. _i. ^ & J - will not vote tor a oenator who is against won in a desperate fight, we expect to give their holding office, and hence, in Chicago, Georgi a for General Grant. (Great applause.) Brown qioves up to a full sholarship in We have elected our Governor : we have adopt- r:ld j ca l ethics, and prunounpps for politic J ed our •instituted, ami elected a large major- i . / , /•. if y of both branches of the General Assembly. ' ( ‘ L ' 1 ■! ’ . . _ li t our Governor is not inaugurated, our Leg- I Hop t tdanie nie for not going that iai, islature is not called together. We desire that I never agreed to. The military bills, the Stevens bili which passed the House <>t ( j un { rcouiro it, Ui'i»r-sent;U!ves th. ..W; jUjr W j - Jhcru are 0l |' ler very objectionable oat- amended m tlie Senate, and then passed, the; . S . . , amendment we desire is to allow one Governor tors in said pi tform, but it v, luft (t^s been Bullock to convene bis Legislature. Do that, presented does not justify my action to and they will adopt the constitutional amend- j you and vour political associates, you Then let them receive us intoCongress, : ^ w pprsya< j| et I though one arose from the dead.” Excuse me to the or to the undersignei at the office of the Advertiser and Registc. W. G. CLARK, ii Vt gCj"All newspapers publishing this advert; ■ ment, one month, and calling attentio; to ‘ will receive credit for the same at their r'guL rates. [May 30 m. FIMLEY’S CEUEN DASHER that man is Andrew Johnson. Lord, we have set our heart upon his removal, but we fear that brother Willey has what he terms eon- fieioncious scruples. But, Lord, Thou knowest, at least it is so, whether Thou knowest it or not, that everything should yield to p.oty ne cessity, and hence 1 for myself and my influ ential friend, Bishop Simpson, request Thee to knock these foolish, notions oat of brother Willey’s head. Tench him that if he believes the President, or rather Andrew Johnson, is not guilty, still, for the good of our party of “great moral ideas,” he must vote guilty.— Learn him to believe, Lord, that there is noth ing wrong in this, and in fact lie is licensed to do whatever tends to advance the interests of tlae party of “ igoraj jdeag,” xegaolless pf what (s written in a hook, called the Bible, because, Lord, that book is old, and surely Thou didst not contemplate these times when Thou hadst it written. But, Lord, it matters not. But, in conclusion, we would beseech Thee to make brother WiRpy vote guilty. For doing which we shall remain very respectfully yours; but if Thou wilt not do as I prav, rook ou' f , (or Thou shall be made to regret a denial of my prayer. ^.4... v..v .. .-V to dimin- . , . r , , nil- 1 - | Clay lived—that great man, that pieiucator — 0lir burden ol debt IS to SO improve j (eh * C( . r5 iimJ greafarphui^j-we were able to cur credit that capitalists will seek to loan ilvt . rt this great issue; but Mr. Clay was called Col. us money at lower lutes of interest than we now pay. and must continue to pay, so long as repudiation, partial or total, open or covert, is threatened or suspect ed. Seventh—The Government of the Un ited Skates should be administered with the strictest economy, and thp corruptions which have been so shamefully nursed and fostered Up Andrew Johnson loudly for radical reform. Eighth—Wc profoundly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and regret the accession of An drew J.ilmson to the Presidency, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected him and the cause he was pledged to support; has usurped legislative and judicial functions; has refused to execute the laws; has used his high office to in duce other officers to ignore and violate the laws: 1 -Vs employe-- his executive from his field of usefulness; Webster died I ami Calhoun slept with his fathers; and when | the storm again arose there was no one \»ho i could pour oil upon in £ troubled waters and star$ the deluge, and secession was tlie result, f went into it cordially. As n State rights man I stood by it—(cheers)—as long as thfye was any chance to sustain it. When the Pres ident of the Confederate Suites abandoned the great State rights doctrine that we conimenc'd Is now offered to the citizens of Coweta« j adjacent comities with headquarters at Dr. REESE'S Drug Store, and .J. E. JONES, Grantville and Senob. Finley’s Churn Dasher is precisely ad in ‘ to the old fashioned Church, and opcated the same manner. Finley’s Chum Dasln-F will make Jlutiei t __ less than one-t(iird of the time, and will me nd must have if we succeed in this , Club, I canuQt be a party to such trunsac-1 one-fourth more than the old fashioned Das!: (Great applause.) j tions Finley’s Churn Dasher will pay for i self ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ i IVrsonally, Brown, Halbert & Co., thu i,u:lcase of From the Atlutfa Inldhgmccr. | have my reirard ^ but politically, may the Col. GasKill S F,eitei. I Chicago platform, atrj all its advocates soon conic to griet. j Finley.’s C'hnm Dasher most precisely mcc Your obedient servant, the requirements and means of every ho.: . A'. A. GASKILL i keeper. The Ladies eveiy where aye delight with this little, simple, useful article. ment and give us tlie control of the -State govern.- liient and it- luttyonage, which we fought for ami won contest. Butter and saving of labor less than thirty days. Price $2—Invariably Cash! IJnlbnt, President “ Central Cran* Ci\ib oj State of Gconjia Hear Sir—4bow me, through you, to tender my resignation as Secretary uf the above named club. “ A dymept respect to the opinion or mankind,” constrains me to present through you my reasons for withdrawing from said club. Prin ciples, not nieu.” should be the motto of i "iili and agreed upon. I differed from him.— j every patiiot of Amciica. J part ot call j When he adopted his conscript measures. I the Chicago platform, partieul »rly refer- which gave h*m the entire coiitrfil of the ; r j n nr to the South, I cannot endorse, nor Superintendent Hulbert “Fixing up ” | power to roucUr insecure ilie p^oppenty, the Elctions. j i iu,;c , 11D e i" y, and life of the citizens, attempt the South fell you of the North were the con querors, and I think I had sense enough at the end of the struggle to know when I was whipped. (Cheers.) The President of the U. States, after the surrender of Gen. Johnston, ordered my arrest and imprisonment. After inv.- 1 ‘■■"•‘••c vAr ; \ 7 ‘‘ jvti tree to new i it then that come w!-eu*~» .-by liki r.Y;e my i this land and the do] Grant’s past rtcord gave a he would never accept so harsh and pro scriptive a platform. I had it but a few cays ago, almost from his own lips, that The Ashburn Murder.—More Ar rests in Columbus.—The Enquirer of Sxn4 a y says that Mr. George Betz, Jr., and Mr. liobert Daniel, both young tnen of excellent character, had been arrested in that city and scot to Fort Pulaski, as was supposed, upon charge of being implicat ed in tb-J jfssassinatiui* of Ashburn.— Neither the accused nor their friends, however, had been, inlormed ol the nu- | ture of the accnaatiort again-ist them.— p u n , Two women, one white and one black, urunccs that "’ho were in the house’occupied by Ash burn on tlie night of the assassination, FOR Tlie Ladies. HAVE just completed and furnished m ICE CREAM SALOON expressly for ri Ladies, ;»r*d. am now prepared to furnish t! public with l<-e Cream. Lemonade and Sc: Water I have also just, received from tie Northern market a well assorted Stock of Confectioneries, he'ivc.Sd-SMCu.n D» ,, ar t V denjn.g t.. j prt’Sinnptioi. the arrests were w*° ,|- 1P sttifoc the ,-i-.!-«• a* ioiiiifaii. ihelr ban 0*1 or that the jiarties were impficated in the mur- the States the FL i internal affairs, 'j’h^ very first di clara- i tion of principles, by the party nominal- ticr 1 ind with some other r has abused the pardouiag })>»w ; er; lias de- i my own nati’.e land Now we r.est"st that plank proposes to con tinue thp change in the government of States The time was when each State enjoyed th e acknowledged light of regulating the question of suffrage, and were in every other respect equals; but now, the Radical Couveptiotn at Chicago proposes that Georgia and her South ern sisters shall not regulate the privilege of suffrage, but that Ohio and twenty-six other States may. In Georgia the negro must and shall vote—Congress will see to it—while in twenty-seven States the negro may vote if the whites will permit him. Who will dare deny that the Radical party is not pledged to a con tinned deqial of Georgia’s equality in. the Union ? Were Georgia represented in Congress The following letters were published by j nouticed the National Legislature as un- j Tips p,f “Good”)—and with your construction ; Government ^ \y a “Sun and Times” of yesterday mom eoHSliiutronal; has peisisteutly and enr- j J /1f?,- S t h e^o^e rn ment"of tb D e d Sti ?es Georgia, > n £ ! ie [" rupt.y lesuten, by every mwans in ‘ lls i to any other organized government. (Cheers.) power, every proper attempt at the re- j The natural inquiry then was, what is n:y in- coustruetion of the States lately in rebel- ; terest and what is my duty? I believed that lion • has perverted tits public patronage j interest and my office to remain in . ; , .i, i_ j this government. If I remained here I must into an engine ot wholesale corruption, , - „ .. .. . r ,, , , , - . , . , , c 1 , . , seek amnestv ot the government for the past, I ana itas been justly impeached tor high j j aslc its prqtpcfion for the future; if j crimes and misdemeanors^ and p»o.peGy i it yielded me that I was h,annd in honor tq the iRg ' Hd'q’rs Sub District of Ga. b Office Sup’t Ivegistration k Atlaota, Ga., May 8. 18G8. V John M finer, Esq., Columbus: Dear Sir : Did Hinton the Senator elect from your District, hold office be fore the war ? Can't you get up affidavits from t(ip counties, of Marion and Chattahooche ? the tinio hiJ lioicc between h'is government and some other _ ’-grnment. I still lo’e ! ing him, strikes the dagger to the heart tlie be^t—(cheers and j uf Republican liberty, and pledges the ash mg ton to prevent future, if she chooses, from conforming her Constitution to that of Ohio, New York, or Massachusetts. The perpetuity of “ the States- lately in rebellion ” as organized under the mil itary bills is regarded “ as the duty of the Government to sustain.” As well pronounced-guilty by the votes of thi r ty- i return to my allegiance and make a good citi ’ ‘ ! zeu if 1 could. (Cries of “Good !” and cheers.) Senators | zen H 1 coum. (Cries of “Good and cheers.) Nimh-The doctrine of Great Britan, 1 »4r«™t«l every •ncasure from x- , , I that time to this for reconstruction. (Ap- and Utocr European powers, taat because p1i1use j" w ^en the President of the United Try. Get Dr. Gilbert and other irieqds ; a man is once ft subject he is aivyays so, ! States proposed the plan I advised our people at work at once, and send me their affida- i must be resisted at every hazard by the ; to accept it, because we had fallen, and we „ , .... vits. Can’tyouseuame, tlie affidavits of United States as a relic of the feodalj^dus other power to negotiate with but with ... . •* , h ' i . a -At . fV, u |.Mr/-Pnnf,nna'A'ni. He aid not call Congress together.— yourself apt} Chapman, of irauds commit tunes, not authorized by the law of nations j When Congres?j which ]r f A the jefritimare ted in Columbus, of at least that force j and at war with our national lionor and control of the question—(cheer? and prolonged and intimidation were used by the rebels, j independence. Naturalized citizens green- have been sent to the same place pto- 0 p ;i q (j-fscripti-ons, which I can dispose of o: bably as witnesses. J his strengthens the : satisfactory terms. Call .and see ni^ at the first door abov 1 1’, Pest office*. I cap furnish you with anytl.ii.• you want in rhe Oonfcctionery line except creu. Very respectfully, GEO. A. 151R if. P. S. By short noticp, rev Cream- can had in any quantity for Parties and. Suppers Wisdom in small Lots. May 1 < k-tf. G. A. V It required all kind uv men tomaik up the wurld, you see there had to tie sum cgctistikle dqrrt Cogls for hotel ( clerks. It don’t talk as much sense fc* pick i* | lock or forge a check as it dus to not do i TT AVTNG bough-t out the Messrs. Johnson* j JL I now odcr a new and wt-ll-selcctc 1 stock of Wot oat feme lines and inaugurate at j Wen it rains pudden jou hold up jnnr £ ! dish, but don t spend your time watchen 1 for- a shower. against the freed men ? Let me hear from them. Yours, E. IIui.bert. titled to be protected in aii (heir I of iukts applaus*')—proposed the constitutional amend ment to Southern States, I advised such nes-tion H’dq’rs Sub-District of Ga., Office Sup’t Registration, At ran Pa, Ga., May 8, 1868. ) John M. Duer, Esq., Columbus f Dear Sir : Y'ours cf the Gth at hand We want affidavits proving force, fraud, intimidation in violation of General Or- citiscusfe-ip as though they were native- lnen,r? as-songnt my ogiujon on ti;t i ) he fi tj„;fr.rl 1 that it was better to accept it:- but the feeling born, and no citizen oi the Lmted otates. , , . ’ .. , was so overwhelming against it that no voice native or naturalized, must be liable to cun Id sustain it. 'Ihen there was the consti- arrest and imprisonment by any foreign I tutiona! amendment. There was but one issue ’ ■ ■ * - ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ■ and once a consolidated despotism take no man upon such doctrine, not even j - , _ , Gen. Grunt. Nothing 1 have ever done I 11 do " 1 a smart wv" to he a fool, has pledged me to this. I Iie keerhl1 ,hat J»“ *»“ 9 *“ ??“ r ": u,,a liocs It not look' a little odd to you, before you give a reeeet, aoc alius git a my dear sir; qi;d did not you feel strange reccct before you git your rnuna. Ef you air onia a quarter of a second tu late you won’t git in time. We’ve got lots of men with toweren in i’ ipent to interfere in his behalf. to-day, and her people demanded a curtailment! ders. We must have theiu. Go to work of the privilege of suffrage, and limitation of! ; >ud get them up at once, its exercise, as New York and Pennsylvania ! Xhe names of the parties making the have done—in brief, if we desired to adopt in ! affidavits will not be known to any person toto, without the crossing of a t oe the dotting except yourself and the Board. They need have no fears on that score. You j ly in finding qp that GpnY&HBQffi after tlie work I h-ave referred to, by an en dorsement of “ the great principles laid- down in the immortal Declaration of I n- tellex and brillyent genyus ar.d all that, dependence ?” ! but then you see we need just a few men Having been a member of the Chicago j of good common sense like. Convention, and having endorsed its plat- j There may be sum sweet sadness in : form, may I not say truthfully that you i c | )uin „ the bitter end of adversity, but have declared that you are not the “equal” the 1R( j st uv in this section would ■ or a northern radical i Have you But ag rather hav terbacker you know. sorted it to be the duty of Congress “ to ; i - g- „ : ,, , J „ n . V> en a man brags on Insselr Jet bun aii| prevent you and me from enjoying a i . >• — ,, . A . . J . . , 0 £ ■ . : so; no won else brags on nn. if we-refused to vote with them wecourd j constitutional right: Did not such tran- 7 , . ' 1 ■ You can t do bigness without senge c;ny ; more than you ken start a- cooper r4nap a bung hole. Calicoes, Muslins, Mosenbique, Plain and striped Jaconets, Swiss Nansooks r Black and brown Shirting fnd’ Sheeting, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Linens, Cassiraers, Piece Goods, Cqttpna-d’e3 r Stripes, Ticking, Osoabirgs, READY MADE CLOTHING, PlA- of ail i, the Constitution of Connecticut, we could not do it. Yet reverse it, and Connecticut could make the change. This party, then, goes before the country j man and.- other friends to assist you on the platform of the inequality of the States. I The election in you? county will be and has the hardihood to ask the citizens of j contested. Defend yourself by attacking from holding oth- v.o ... v, . t ... , and country. The bounties and pensions pro-there'arc other and better men to, vided by law for these brave defenders of take onr place. Therefore, jq my judgment, j “must be maintained,” while hardships of campaign and cruise, and im- ! qualified me and others wit la ng. trom hohtn • i , ‘i - i- • .1 „ - . ,i office. That was no living is»ue. J. and Ov periled their lives in the romee ot n ke 1Ka , wiU s0 „ u !iKS f „,„ ilvc stage, a, cap swear' them before Capt. Hill- go* work “ sharp and quick.” Get Citap- | tlie nation are obligations never to The widows and nmh Pq we acted very mju-lit l usly. V !tat followed? : r The Supplementary lh'fonu*ruction acts. I ad- o.p..ans o. v j^,j ou p ;LS .; rt g e o. tlie first of these that ; f sets up one rule upon the question of suf- i vp frage for the North and for the 1 1 South, j. he Congressional rule fortheSuuth all the loyal Purchased Entirely for Gash, the prosecuted Sta-tes to vote for their nomi nees. Was there ever before such an exhibition of unblushing impudence ? And yet, in shame be it said, a few men living in Georgia, voted for the adoption of the platform ; in effect voted themselves the inferiors of the citizens | of the Northern States. The feelings of these the enemy Respectfully, E. Hulbf.rt. Is it possible that Gen. Meade can Ion- can do as they please upon the ! \\' K }, ave received our new Stock of Goods rgotten. The widows and orphans oi the first of these that} ^ cor ^ sah i ect ' adlI ? itte( | is | from Now Yoik, : the gallant dead are the wards ot the ppo we s hould accept It. At th it time it would ; Georgia enslaved, i he btales t.iouga re- ’ ! pie, a sacred legacy bequeathed to the have been.easy for me to five: ~tvr!:i-<ut vain- ; constructed are nut equals, nation's l.rutectuio- care i ty I may say 3 had somepopuiarity in my State, j Though the 14th ai tide becomes part | ' Klevcoth I'orRn immigration, which f 1 <* Coo.tUa.iin of the United State:,, 1 in. the pass has added so much to the ; j ar j t y ; i,„t duty dictated a different c j and development of the resources ; followed it. and have receive ’ (he heart i and the increase of power in this nation, i nunciatmn <>f my peph', or «T 1:1 r ? e proportion j Another resolution, in substance, de- ! •' the asylum of the oppressed of all na-! 01 tor nur ; c A’’; ; dares lealty to partv, tke test of loyal- i *- 1 r , i non need as an enemy of my race a ml a traitor i J i J ii mid bo iOst-er ed aou encouraged ^ t^ t . cause v/liiclx h«is wrought so much.— i ty • Consisting ef course. 1 “i ] Georgia is forbidden, if she should desire- j j>y Goods and Notions, hearty de- ; it, to take the benefit of its provisions. j Boots, Shoes Hats, Clothing, wi. A fine assortment of Crockery and Glass Ware, Hard Ware, Powder,. Shot, Sffiee, Pepper, Ginger, Soda,, Copperas, Sulphur,. (ndigo, Madder. Coffee, Sugar, Spades, Hoes, Shovels. Scythe Bdgdes, Harries, Traces, Buggy Whips, Umbrellas, Trunks, Buckets, Ptopt-v UacoiMj Floitr, Meal, SaW, * A fine lot of T O IB J±. O O O - j ger retain. Halbert in his position after j tion this ? Here is an officer, whose duty it j by a liberal and just policy. • I do not think so. I think my course more ! Ashburn had more magnanimity than is to receive and eomnare the election re-| Twelfth—This convention declares its hqnorahle than that ot tue man who was a ; j iag t h e late Chicago platform. Ashburn ‘ - - . r : - . I . -v . . rebel and sought the same amnesty that 1 re- : . . . • -. - - . ?- . Together with a great n -’.ny ^offier too tedious to mention, all of which '-re sold at reasonable prices. { see and- be convinced. men at the time they assisted in fixing tuo turng an( j declare the result ‘‘secretly so- 1 sympathy with ii the ow-iessfd people r _ desirc-d the removal of poiitical disabili Hardware, Cutlery, Cropkery, Shoe Findings of every descript’n,. Buggy Trimming of all kinds, 1 ome ana _ Saddlery, Harness Leather, I ggT’Mr. R. L. Hcxter, as pleasing Sole Leather, Calf Skins, 1 '' i!i he °“ hiind , at all .j‘ m ' S ^ or bar. ’ K dies, or those who wish to iook oi . In fact everything usually kept in a Mixed return tn j thanks to.all former customer;: - iuvL- AH rtf which wc wiil sell .... All of which, we will sell LOW FOR FASH. ol’.ctt a continuance- of their pat'° r “ 1 '-* ! ping to be able to satisfy tLeiri ;a .edure I has ments derive their just powers from the consent tiOn of fairness and truth, but iu of the governed.” The.declaration, however, | terest of a part//, he tells liis confidants that Congress must maintain the governments —men directly interested iu the resuit NIii 1 Stones and Spindles, Bolting Cloths, Smut Machines and fixtures, Hoisting Screws and Balgs, agents for one of the best importing New York for the sale of all kinds of if a republicen promise is lyng. I cm humiliate my- uuless compelled. None but erected in ten States under tin*Sherniau-Sifcd' J to go to work at once and get up affidavits j the rebellion, but nowdrankly and honest- ! the Constitution of the United States, 1 qnder- j those “ deaf to the voice of justice and labarger bill, is to the effect that these, govern- , to show some kind of abuse or irregulari- • ly co-operate with us in restoring peace | stood it to bind a.v only when my 8tate re- j consanguinity ’ can ask more. Ihe ne- 1 meuts derive their powers, not from the.“gov- j ty by their opponents ; he tells them “we j to the country and reconstructing tlie j mained in the union, but if she withdrew— : , r - 0 the Republican party—the ne ; All of which we will sell at New York whole- «r„ed,” but from Congress, composed not in , musl have them, and pit*,, of them'; \ Southern State Governments upon the j tu^'^ng'io thUSskvot.t , Th , e bai ( of l he /«?• il i “tM*m^!Sals piu-t O’- whole of their citizens, but those of- arnitQ hurry up the thing, he exhorts basis ot impartial justice and equai rights ! cause, of which she must be Lie judge—I did . is ?aid 4 is good for tae bite; therefore, as j belore maJtinfr th^kpurchases will find itgreat- ofher Stet^s. Think of it, Georgians. Y'ou them to “work sharp and quick,” and j are received back into the communion of! not fee] that I Had violated that oath when I the Democratic pa^ty has been charged ;.jy t0 their advaatage to compare our price list : are called upon, give your consent to a doc- j secretly^ promising them that they and j the loyal people; aoi wc favor tlie re-1 ' VeL r: ^ *\ ktate ; but the catn by which ; w jth the attempt to destroy the Union, so | with those fro^ other houses, trine which is the sqm of all hvpocrisy and j their confederates shall “ never be known uioval of the disqualifications and rcstric y'df- 1 i-T 1 0, ‘ ‘ -'N 1 ’- . ff j may it not be the mission oi the Ameri- j Thankful foi- the very liberai patronage be- oppression—to a doctrine fhe most monstrous . to any person outside of his Board ! j tions imposed upon tne late rebels in the [ poit . not only the constitution lfut the union | can Democracy, in the proyuience of God, j ^tiuuance of. the’ same at'the old of modern times—to a doetj-nte that makes you rr ’ 1 * *" • ’ ^ — a1 ' - * *- -*? 1 - — «-|J ^ -- 1 i— • *-■—*— r* -t : o ■_. ^ - — the slaves of a Congress of N- Will you do it? Talk not of neetjon with such demands as thesa. Loyally : Hulbert and his managers of tke eieafiou. j “ Good good.”] t __ * aocordiog to Radicalism now, doe3 not. mean We trust that they will also convince the ; Ecsolccd, That we recognize the great take hold on. As I understood the doctrines j magnanimity, and we have conjured them | G months after Rue application wiil be loyally to the Constitution framed by Wash-j General Commanding, that the election principles laid down in the immortal De 1 Democracy they we^e State sovereignt} jjy ties of our common kindred, to dis ^ fiiade .o th^ Court UidiiKtry of Coweta laput* 1 and co-laborers, nor to the goa-ern- ought be to held over again under more ; claration of Independence as the true | “ubUsh”i adifflreSTo-nine. a°?d it b j avow tUfcse usurpations Bat the cry th • “Imteof H. It. Harrison,deceased" 2 ' 118 * as aomimstered by fheir successors for; WmesJ mara^ement. That be will at | foop^ation of deiap^ratic government, and j that I am no boond by allegiance to the' is, “INo mercy but to a radical. He that .May 30 2m. J. P. BREWSTER, Adm’r. as been mr desire to do in the Newcan ( Ga., iiay 23-tf. J- t* •' WJI. S. HILUEU A^ent aiul €oniini sS ‘° U MERCHANT, (Stubs os te,e Soctu-Wes? Corn-.-* oF SQCABfi,) J)eaLER in all kin* of. ProvisionSr Fagtiiy Groceries, Shoes and Crockery. . T?xcb» n » Country Produce taken i Goods. j}. He will .sell; as cheap as the cbeape^^ public are respectfully^ sola ^ , e e—)'° u exaqjine S 19 Stock. Come- ' p y£j»v 23-t get bargains.