The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, October 30, 1868, Image 3

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Provisoes. ARTICLE H. FRANCHISE AND KI.ECTIOXS. ‘see. 1. In sill elections by the people, B Adniinistralor's Sale. V VIRTUE of an order of the Court of Or- Constitution and Laws of Georgia Gov- pn*™t, «»■! if now «<* •« « and | „ 1P Kl.ciors u^ttiby™ P fc e ! P LVLonJ!!' _ ... noting at the time required, then said supertn-j (jeneral .-issembly, or tome dj cacn, ernillg tns ElcCliO]l*-*ConstltUtlO t. ndete' may swear each otberVand the oath- 1 , i; ,j ie Capitol, any ol their nuinbei may nut shall be of tile same effect as if taken before a j |, e present at the time specified *' •' qual Tied officer. i ihe vote, a majority of ' $ 1812. Such election shall’be held at the j vacancie ourt house, at some [dace within the limits j . 0 the Governor. ! of the county site, and at the several elect io'n ^ 1826. If a majority fail to ......... . hundred and! !„■«. intis iUm o , t..Ml,!is!i. <I. or n, W Wcim-ijay at noon, from providential causes contaimng nbolh, ^ “ < nit . ii'iobiWirf .«ai.l IT rinct- must not i-.\ d those who dn attend may adjourn from <laj five ..ire,-, more or less, wub about W) acre., pja di-trirt. .‘Sadi precincts t day for ten days, and If a majority is not pres- f re the dinary, of Carroll county, wilt be* sold be- j * for counting f^Ve the Court House door, in Carrollton, os j the elected may fill all the first Tuesday in December next, within the j which shall be duly communicated legal hours of sale, the following lands, to- • wit; . . .,1 Nos. 47 and G4, in the Pth district of said, DR. JOHN BULL’S ; B GBEAT REMEDIES, Plantation to Bent. electors slml! vote by' ballot .Sec. 2. Every male person in the United one in eacu rhnnged or T rior C-ur Stafr-f. and every male person who has been naturalized, or who has legally declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, twenty one years old or upward, who shall have resided in this State six months next proceeding the election, and shall have resided thirty days in the country in which 1 c offers to vote, and shall have paid all taxes which may have been required of him, and which be may have had an opportunity of pav ing ngrcentdy to law, for the year next pre- reading the election, (except as hereinafter provided) shall be deemed an elector, and ev- ; Jje refncec ,j in . e Freeholders the United States of the age 1 ah- li ' a t n regular term which must be time. are estab' ii ebe<i. Justices of the 1 of the Court—descriptions of entered on tin ir minutes at tu ? 1313 The day ol bolding the same is the first Wednesday in Uctober, 1861, and bien nally theteafior, ai l the time of day lor k«rp- •!o« k, a.- i v the ent at the expiration of that time, the Govern or shall convene the General Assembly on ten days’ notice, who shall fill tlm vacancies by election. , , , , n 18-7 The Electors, when aasembled to cast the vote, shall choose a President of tlu ir bodv BULL’S CEDftON BITTERS. AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS. Arkansas Heard From. Executors’ Sale. Y Virue of the last will and testament of Holston Aim on. late of Heard county, do- ,e ^' ot , T ' lp ' f!; h v . in November next ceased, will be sold before the Courthouse door be rented to the highest biddc in the totfn of Franklin, said county, within l J ie * onrt-Iiouse door m NV* non, On the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in | the legal hours of sale, the Plantation „ . November next, the following Lauds belong- | ing totne estate-of Jackson Neely, late of c 0 £ Wll] before wilhir. n^. eta county, deceased, for the yearl8f>5 tlirp five acres, _ , si, j an( j also 80 acres of lot No. 141, Bowdon district, extending into to the town of Bow don. with tine improvcinen rs—the whole Of the XESTrM0N Y OF MEDICAL MEN eightv acres included in tne incorporation ot Bowdon. 64 acres of lot No. 140, in Bowdon district, in the incorporation of Bowdon—one t ing to the estate of said deceased, to wit: , ,„ ir i Tots Nos. 157. 158. 159, 186 and 100 acres of miles East o. Newnan in said county, on t], ; Lot No. 186. all in the 12th Dist. of originally j Fayetteville Road ; embracing about'two \ m . Carroll, now said comity of Heard. j dred acres of good farming land, up c - | Sold for the benefit of the creditors and for j ; s a good dwelling house, and other ; I the purpose of distribution. Terms cash. Z. P. ALMON, ) Exec . rs Sept. 11-td—$8. H. T. ALMON, ) upon which :, PPurien- be cry male citizen of aforesaid, (except as: hereinafter provi may be a resident <J the State at the time the adoption of this Constitution, shall deemed an elector,find shall have all the rights : of an elector as aforesaid. 1‘rovirfc’f, That no soldier, sailor or marine, j in the military or naval services of the United | {States ahull acquire the rights of an elector by reason of being stationed on duty in this Slate, and no person shall vote who, if challenged, shall refuse to take the following oath : “ I do swear that 1 have not given or received, nor do I expert to give or receive, any money, treat, or any tiling of value,by which my vote, or any vote, is affected at this election; nor have I given or promised any reward, or made any threat, by which to prevent any person from voting at this election. S(c. 3. No person convicted of fc-lony or larceny before any court in this State, or any in the United States, shall be eligible to any office or appointment of honor or trust within this State, unless he shall have been pardoned. Sec. 4. No person who is Ihe holder of any public moneys shall be eligible to any office in this State, until the same is accounted for, and paid into the Treasury. See. 5. No person, who, after the adoption of this Constitution, being a resident of this State, shall engage in a duel in this State, or elsewhere, or shall send or accept a challenge, or be aider or abettor to such duel, shall vote or hold ollicc in this State, and every such shall also he subject to such punishment a? the law may prescribe. Sec. C. The General Assembly may provide from time to time for the registration of all electors, but the following classes of persons, shall not he permitted to register, vote, or hold office : First—Those who shall have been con victed of treason, embezzlement of public funds, malfeasance in office, crime punishable by law with imprisonment in the Penitentiary, or bribery, Second—Idiots or insane persons. Sec. 7. Electors shall, all cases, except treason, felony, or breach of the peace be priv- liged from arrest for live days bifore an elec tion, and two days subsequent thereto. Sec. 8. The sale of intoxicating liquors on days of election is prohibited. Sec. 9. Returns of election for all civil offi cers elected by the people, who are to be c om missioned by the Governor, and also for the members of the General Assembly shall be made to the Secretary of State, unless other wise provided by law. Sec. 10. The General Assembly shall enact laws giving protection to electors before, du ring, and subsequent to elections. Sec. 11. The election for Governor, me mbers of Congress and of the General Assembly, af ter the year 1868, shall commence on the Tues day after the first Monday in November, unless otherwise provided by law. Statutory Provisions from Irwin’s Code. CHAPTER T. QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS, g 1303. The qualification of voters for mem ing open the elections is from seven n < ni., to six o’clock p. m., and the precincts. \ 1814. If by tern o’clock a. m., cn she -my of the election, there is no proper officers pre sent to hold the election, or there is one. and may superniicn other matter, proceed i , , the election, shall administer tne onto as ic- Congress -; r , suc h cases > ' . i quired to each other, which shuli be of ( : same effec t as if taken by a qualified office r. j <1]315. All supei intendents shall have Suva elections conducted in tJ*c following manner: : 1. The vote shall he given by ballot. 2. There shall be kept by superindents, or ■ hy three’e Inks under their appointment fraction of land, it being part of lots Nos. 145 and 140. Bowdon district, (exact number of acres not known. Also, ten acres of the North- : west corner of lot No. 140, in the incorporation — * . *ofthetownof Bowdon. Also, 100 acres of § 1428. Such Electors ^all ^ 13 _^ i v ; n g on the Southeast side of In dian creek, Bowdon district; l interest ia the lv from their number, and a Secretary^ not th’ ir number : said Secretary shall make a record of their proceeding in a book, from the Executive Department kept lor that purpose Stoney Point. "WhiteCo..jArk.. May 23. '66. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Last February I J- was in Louisville purchasing drugs, and I got some of your Sarsaparilla and Cedron Bitters. Administrator's vy VIRTUE of an order from the Court of ances attached. The Plantation will be rent ed all together or' in two parcels to suit re,,-' ers. Terms.—Notes and Securities crops. td. w iill lien oc J- J- NEELY, F.Yr jm'itv vote, a messenger to convey the vote of Georgia, and shall, in regard to that and all according to tlie acts of made and provided. t; 1829. The pay of Electors shall be eight dollars per day for every day required in re maining at the Capitol on their mission, and eight dollars for every twenty tni!<s in going to and returning therefrom, said mileage to be computed as that of members of*the General i Assemble. Tne pay of ihe Secretary shall be Ordinary of Heard county, will be sold My son-in-law. who was with me in the J before the Court-house door in Franklin, with in the usual hours of sale on the first Tuesday in November next, the settlement of land be- ! Icnter^ to the estate of James McStewart. late store, lias been down with the rheumatism ful some time, commenced on the Bitters, and soon found bis general health improved. Dr. dian creek, Bowdon district; 2 interes m toe Er who has been in bad health, tried ; n f s .,jj county, deceased, containing two Inin- Mi!!?, Factory and ten acres of land around the t hem, and he also improved. ! {w0 an< j\r half acres, being parts of lots the Mills, known as the TV. I ly Jolinson Mills, p r Coffee, who has been in bad health for lying in three-fourths of a mile of Bowdon. se verai years—stomackand liver affected—improv- 1 v Carr Also, thirty acres of lot No. 153, and all of lot e j vei v niueh by the use of your Bitters. In- , u r , n as t } ie p No. 158, North half of lot Nol 171, all in Bow- deed the Cedron Bitters has given you great , ^ f . ctl r.jed bv sai don district. One fine house and lot in- Bow- ; popularity in this settlement. I think I could ‘ M - ! don. containing three acres, moreorless, known sell a great quantity of your medicines this I as tiie C. A. McDaniel place. One house and j fall—especially of your Cedron Bitters and Sar- lot in Bowdon. known rs the Jones place, con- | sapariila. Ship me via Memphis, care of ltick- taininw three acres, more or less—house has j ett N Neely. Respectfully, U. L>. Lacker. four rooms, and also a good kitehen, «fcc. Two acres in Bowdon, known as the old ac ademy lot. All sold as the property ofG. \\ . Tumlin, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terras Cash. JAMES M. TUMLIN, 1 ^ , DACRA J. TUMLIN, / OctlG-tds—$20 three lists of the names of voters, which OI1 e hundred dollars, all of which is to be paid shall be numbered in ti:e order oi their toting, and also three telly sheets. dthcr out of the contingent fund, or out of I any money in the treasury, not otherwise ap- 3. As each ballot is received, the number of propriated, in the discretion of the Governor. 2 hers of the General Assembly is contain ed in the following oath, which must be taken when the managers of an election shall re quire it: (“I swear that I have attained to the age of twenty-one years; that 1 am a citizen of the United States, and have resided for the last two years in this State, and for the last six months in this county, and have considered and claimed ills my home, and have paid all legal taxes which have been required of me, and which 1 have had an opportunity of pay ing agreeable to law, for the year proceeding this election. So help me God.’ ] $ 1304. Persons qualified to vote for mem bers of the Genera! Assembly, and none oth ers are qualified to vote for any other officers, civil or military, unless said privilege be en larged or restricted by the Constitutin, or some special enactment. § 1305. Any qualified voter for members of the General Assembly may vote for any candi date. or upon any question which is submitted to all the voters of the State, in any county of the State, and for any candidate or question which is submitted to all the voters of any dis trict or circuit., in any county of the circuit, or district, in which is embraced the county of the voters residence. § 1306. [A votercoining under the proceed ing Section shall take the following oath, when required by the managers of an election : M swear that 1 have attained to the age of twen ty-one years ; that I am a citizen of the United States a id have resided for the last two years in this State, and for the last six months in this District or Circuit, (as the case may he) and have considered and claimed it- as my home, and have paid all legal taxes required of me, and which I have had an opportunity of paying agreeable to law for the year pre ceding this election. So help me God. ! '] $ 1307. The Snperintendants may, in their discretion, or if demanded by a qualified voter compel a person offering to vote to take this oath : “ I swear that 1 have not this day voted at any place for any of the candidates, nor fur auy person for any of the the offices to be fill ed. So help me God.’’ | 1308. When any county, or portion of a county, is changed from one county, or one district, or one circuit to another, the persons who would have been qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly i i the conn tv, district, or circuit from which taken, at that time of any election, shall vote in the county, district, circuit, to which they are re moved, and if required to swear, the oath may be so qualified as to contain this fact. This provision, when applicable, appertains also to militarv elections. CHAPTER II. ELECTION FOR MEMBERS OF THE GENEUA3 ASSEM BLY. g 1309. The persons qualified to hold such elections are Justices of the Inferior Court, Justices of the Peace, and Freeholders. There must be three superintendents, and one must either be a Justice of the lnferiour .Court, or a Justice of the Peace, except in certain con tingency hereinafter to be set forth. § 1310. Before proceeding with the election each superintendent must take and subscribe the following oath : “ All, and each of us do swear that we will faithfully superintend this day’s election ; that, we are Justices of the Peace, or Freeholders (as the case may be) of this eounty; that we will make a just and true return thereof, and not kuowingly permit any one to vote unless we believe he is entitled to do so according to the laws of this State, nor knowingly prohibit any one from voting who is so entitled by law and will not divulge for whom any vote was cast uniess called on under the law to do so. So help me God.” Said affidavit shall be signed by the superintendents in the capacity, each acts in full, both as to name and station and not by abbreviation. 2 1311. Said oath shall be taken before some officer qualified to administer an oath if the voter on the lht shall be marked on his ballot before being deposited in the box. 4. When any voter is challenged and sworn, it shall be so written opposite his name on the list, and also on his ballot. 5. The superintendents may begin to count the votes at aiq time n their discretion, but they shall not do so until the polls are closed if a candidate in person or by written author ity objects. C. When the votes are counted oiet, there must be a certificate signed by all the super intendents, stating the number of vote? each person voted fur received, and each list of vo ters, and tally sheets', mu t have placed there on the signature of the superintendents. 7. The superintendents of the precincts must send their certificates, and all the other papers of the election, including the. ballots, undci the seal, to the county site for consolidation, in charge of one of their number, which must be delivered there by twelve o’clock, m., of the next day. Such person is allowed two dollars, to be paid out of the county Treasury, fur such service. 8. The superintendents, to consolidate the vote of county, must consist ot all of those who officiated at the county site, or a majori ty of them, at least one from each precinct.— They shall make and subscribe two certifi cates, stat : nu the w hole number of ' ctes in each county ; one o! them, together with one list of voters and one tally sheet from each place of holding the election, shall be sealed up and without delay mailed to the Governor; the other, with like accompaniments, shall be di rected to the Clerk of the Superior Gaunt of the county, and by him deposited in his office. Each of said returns must contain copies of the original oaths taken by the superintendents at the court house and precincts. 9. The ballots shall not be examined by the superintendents or the by-stamleiv, but shall be carefully sealed in a strong envelope (the snperintendants writing their name across the seal,) and delivered to the Clerk of the Supe rior Court, by whom they shall be kept un opened and unaltered for sixty days, if the Superior Court sits in that time, if not, until after said terms : after which time, if there is not a contest begun about said election, the said ballots shall be destroyed without open ing or examining the same, or permitting oth ers to do so. And if the Clerk shall violate, or permit others to violate this section, lie and the person violating, shall be subject to be in dicted, and fined not less than one hundred, nor more than five hundred dollars. Such clerks shali deliver said list of voters to their respective Grand Juries on the first day of the next- term of the Superior Court, and on fail ure to do so are liable to a line of i.ot less than one hundred dollars on being indicted and con- vited thereof. \ I3I6. If said superintendents do not deliv er said lists and accompaniment 5 , to said clerks within three days of the day of the elc.-tion, they are liable to indictment, and on convic tion shall be fined not less than fifty, nor more than five hundred dollars. Any superinten dent of any election failing to discharge any duty.required of him by law, is liable to a like proceeding and penalty,. § 1317. The Grand Juries shall examine said lists, and if any voter is found thereon who was not entitled to vote, they shall pre sent, said illegal voter. If any person is sus pected of voting for members of the General Assembly who was not entitled, but was en titled to vote for some other candidate at the same election, the Foreman of the Grand Ju ry may examine the ballot, and that, one alone, and lay it before the Grand Jury and return it. If the superintendents fail to return, as requir ed, the lists and the ballots, they must be pre sented. $ 1318. The Governor shall furnish the sev eral Clerks ot the Inferior Court all Blank forms necessary for said election which they shallTurnish the Justices of the Peace of the»r counties at least ten davs before election day. and on failure to do so shall be liable to a fine by tfifir Courts not exceeding one hundred dollars. $ 1319. If the superintendents'or officers of such election shall make a fraudulent return thereof, or they, or either or them, while so officiating, shall influence, or attempt to influ ence or persuade any voter not to vote as he designed, or shall take any undue means to obtain a vote, they shall forfeit for the oflence one hundred dollars, to be recovered by infor mation, and if the person be a Justice, he for feits his office on proceedings for removal. gB3B3g*aMgggg £*7 Citrons, Currants, Oranges & Apples, at THURMAN & CO’S. Administrator’s Sale. “g^Y virtue of an order from the Court of Or- y dinary of Coweta, will be sold before the Court House door, in Newnan, on the first Tuesday in December, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing land to-wit : One hundred and twenty acres of lot No. 93, in the 4th district of Coweta county. Sold as the property of Mary N. V\ ood and for benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. Oct22—$5. J- N. WOOD, Adm’r. and Nos. 47 aud 86 in the 15th district of roll now Heard county, and the farm and premises owned and c said deceased at the time of his death. Terms cash. JOHN T. STODGHILL, Adm’r. September 4-tds.—$3 Bull's Worm Destroyer. at ’Malaga, Port, Sherry and Madeira wines, THURMAN & CO'S. ^dsmEasstS’atOE*^ Sa8e. To my U. States and World-wide Eeaders. Y Y1BTUE of an order of the court of Or- I have received many testimonials from pro dinary of Carroll county, will be sold on 1 fessional and medical men, as my almanacs Uie 1st Tuesday in December next, within the ! and various publications have shown, all of legal hours of sale, the following lands, to- • which are genuine. The following letter from w f r - a highly educated and popular physician in Lots No. 102, 1G3 and 17S, and five acres of j Georgia, is certainly one of the most sensible lot 164—all in the 3d land district of said j communications I have ever received. Dr. county of Carroll, now known as the 5th dis- j Clement knows exactly what he speaks of, and his testimony deserves to be written in letters of gold. Hear what the Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DESTROYER: Administrator’s Sale. XVf virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi- j[ ^ nary, of Carroll county, will be sold be fore the Court House door in Carrollton, on the first Tuesday in December next, within Ihe usiutY hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The West half of lot of land No. 208, second district; also. 31 4-5 acres of lot No. 192. in the 6th district, on the cast line of said lot.— Also, one-ninth of lot No. 206, second district. Also, one-lialf of the mining interest ot lot No. 211, second district. Also, one-ninth of one- fourth of of lot No. 212, second district. Also, the mineral interest and mining privileges, in lot No. 222, in the 6th district. Also, the min eral interest in the east half of lot No. 158, Gth district. Also, one town lot iu Villa Rica,No. 58. Also, one vacant lot in said Town, on the south side of the street adjoining lot to Mrs. 51. J. Rodgers. No. not known. All sold as the property of J. B. Wick, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. T. 51. HA5IILTON, Adm’r. Oct23—$12,50 gfp’Sqda, Starch, Potash, Soap and Black- in,r at THURMAN & CO'S. trict, containing in all, 6124 acres, more or less. Sold as the property of Tyre Watson, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors, oct.16-S7. 5YM. G. WATSON, Adm’r, Administrator’s Sale. 4* virtue of an orde from the Court of Or- dinary of Heard county, I will sell to the"highest biddei, at the Court House, iu the town of Franklin, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following lands, belonging to the estate Robert D. Cato, deceased, towit: 128 acres of lot of land, No. 49, and two acres ot No. 43, all in the 14th district—orig inally Carroll, now said county of Heard. Terms Cash. HOPE II. COOK, Oct23—$6.50. Administrator. Application for Exemption. T UCY A. THOMPSON lias applied to tne as wife of David D. Thompson, for exemption of personalty and I will proceed to pass upon the same at the city of Newnan in said county, on the 2Gth day of October, A. D., 18G8 at my of fice. This 13th of October 1868. Oct. 19-2t. J- H. COOKE, Oru’y. Adiiassslsii’ator’s Sale. A GREEABLY to the last will and testament La. of Thomas H. Parks, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Newnan, on the first Tuesday in December next, 101] acres ot land, (5do. not known) in the 6th District of Coweta county, bounded as follows: On the East by lands belonging to the estate of said Thomas II. Parks, on the West by J. B. Goodwin, and on the North by the widow’s dower. Sold as the property of Joseph W. Parks, deceased, one of the Lega tees. Sold for distribution. Terms Cash. JOHN. P. ATKINSON, Ex'r OctlG-tds. ofT. IT. PARKS, Deceased. A<lniiaiists*alor ? s Sale. -JY VIRTUE of an order from the Honora- > ble Court of Ordinary of Heard county, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of Franklin, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following lands, to-wit : Lots No. 143 and 114, each containing 2021, acres agreeably to survey; .also 150 acres of No. 142 and five acres of No. 115. Part of said land in Heard and part in the 12th dist. of Troup county when surveyed. Said lands belonging to the estate ot Dr. Alfred II. Jack- son, of Heard county, deceased, and all his settlement of rich land near Corinth, in Heard county, except the widow’s dower, which has been surveyed and assigned to her. Terms cash. ' R. H. JACKSON, Adm’r September 4-tds.—$9 50. Administrators Sale. )Y VIRTUE of an order of the Court of J Ordinary of Coweta county, will be sold before the Court-house door in Newnan, said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, one hundred and fifteen acres, more or less, of lot of land No 36, in the seventh district of said county, tZY^oZ 5 j (-Mow. dower Moving to .he iii u , , . ,, estate of T. D. Watkins, deceased, cold tor iniendcu bv the ablest authors U1 , . ; , . ,. . , the benht of the heirs aud creditors ot said deceased. Terms cash. JAS. P. BREWSTER, Adm’r. Sept. IS-tds. Yillaxow, Walker County. Ga., 1 June 29, 1866. ) Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: I have recently given your “Worm Destroyer” several trials, i and find it wonderfully efficacious. It has not i failed in a single instance to have the wished- I for effect. I am doing a pretty large country practice, and have daily use for some article of the kind. I am no remedy recommended by that is so certain and speedy in its effects. On the contrary they are uncertain in the extreme. 5Iy object in writing to you is to find out upon what terms I can get the medicine directly from you. If I can get it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it. 1 am aware that the use of such articles is contrary to the teach ings and practice of a great majority of the regular line ot M. D.’s, but I see no just cause or good sense in discarding a remedy which we know to be efficient, simply because we may be Administrator’s Sale. -JY virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of Carroll county, will be sold be fore the Court-house door in Carrollton, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the leeal hours of sale the following valuable land, ignorant of combination. For my part, I : t 0 -wit : shall make it a rule to use all and any means ; L ot No 55, one hundred and seventy-seven to alleviate suffering humanity which I ifay be | ac . re3 of ]ot N 0 . 43 and forty acres of lot No. able to command—not hesitating because some Heard Sheriff s Sale. On the first Tuesday in Xovauiicr next. \\~ ILL be sold before the Court House door in Franklin, Heard county, within ;i legal hours of sale, the following property to- wit : Fractions of land Nos. 3 and 7, in the 12t! district, originally Carroll, now said county,.' Heard. Levy made and returned to me by G. 0. c os _ h, L. C. W. S. ECHOLS, SlftF. Oct. 2-td GEORGIA—Haralson County. ARY A. WETHERBY, administratrix on _ the estate of E. J. Wetherliy, having made application to me for letters of dismis sion from said administratorship: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why letters of dismission should not, be granted said appli- cant on the first Monday in November next. Given under my hand and official signature, this 13th day of April. 1868. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Ord’ry. April 25-Gm. GEOR(41A—Haralson County. 7 HE REAS W. J. Brown, administratoron ? f the estate of Rowland Brown, deceased, represents to the Court th'jt, he has fully ad ministered the estate of ‘■aid deceased: This is therefore to cite all persons concern ed, kindred and creditors to show cause,if any they have, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Mon day in November next. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Adm’r. 5Ly 10-6m. GEORGIA—Ileard County. jHARLES IV. 5IABRY, administrator upon the estate of Richard I. Watts, having made application to me for letters of dismis sion from said trust: These are therefore to notify all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my official signature, May 18th, 1868. W. II. C. PACE, Ordinary. 51 ay 23-6m. B Acisasiiiisfr*a.toi* ? s Sale. Y Virtue ofan order from the Coutt of Ordi- _ nary of Carroll county, will be sold before 1 ne Court House door, in Carrollton, on the 1st Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land No. 277, in the 6th district of said county, containing 202] acres, more or less, with tolerable improvements.— Sold as the property of James McVicker, de ceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms Cash. _ S. T. SI5IS, Adm’r. Octl6—tds. $6. Administrator’s Sale. 7 ILL be sold before the Court House door, to the highest bidder, in the town of Franklin, Heard county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuerday in De cember next, the following lands, belonging to the estate of Francis E Lane, late ol said coun ty, deceased, to-wit : ' About- 7-5 acres of lot No. 323, and ten acres of No. 322. in the 3d district, originally Cowe ta, now said county of Henrd. Terms cash. Oct22—$6,50. ' H. B. LANE, Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale. Y YIR.T0E of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Carroll county, will be sold belore the Court-house door in Carrollton, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the North half of lot ot land No. 48, in the 5th District of said county, containing one hundred one and one-fourth acres, more or less, with forty acres cleared, good dwelling house and other outbuildings, &c. Sold as the property of John P. Wise, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms cash. B. 51. SMITH, Adm’r. Oct. 16-td $7. " | 42, containrng in all four hundred and fifteen one more ingenious than myselt may have | ac ^ es al; adjoining . With about one hundred learned its effects first, ami secured the solo 1 right to use that knowledge. However, lam , , ,, lv - m(T on thc north of With acres cleared in a high state of cultivation. i.£fio iu use, luni ikiiuwjiugi,. aunevu, iitm i g premises are well improved, ly by no means an advocate and supporter of the .. L., ,, T ,. *- , . L .8 1 c 0.1 xu j. 41 „ i little raliapoosa River, eight mile: thousands of worthless nostrums that flood * ,, ^ 11 i- r <1 u Carrollton, near the road leading h orn Carroll ton to Villa Rica. Sold as the property of the country, that purport to cure all manner of disease to which human flesh is heir. Please reply soon, and inform me of your best terms. I am. sir, most respectfully, Julius P. Clement, M. D. Guardian’s Sale. 7 1 ' I b« AcIsiamistraSoi’s Sale. j;Y T VIRTUE of an order from the Court of _ _ [3 Ordinary, of Coweta county, will be sold, bnU a dozen bottles, and oblige 6ore the Court house door, in Newnan, Cow- Cabt. C. P. Johnson, BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good Season for the Captain’s Faith. READ THE CAPTAIN'S LETTER AND THE LETTER FROM HIS 51 OTHER. Benton Barracks, 5Io., April 30, 1860. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the effi ciency of your Sarsaparilla, and tiie healing and beneficial qualities it possesses, I send you tiie following statement ot my case. I was wounded about two years ago—was taken prisoner and confined for sixteen months Being moved so often, my wounds have not healed yet. I have not sat up a moment since I was wounded. I am shot through the hips. 5Iv general health is impaired, and I need something to assist nature, in your Sarsaparilla than in anything else. I wish that that is genuine. Please express me James Stripling, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors, subject to the widow’s dower. Terms cash. 510SES J BAXTER, Adm’r. Sept. 25-td. [Printer’s Fee, $12. Administrator’s Sale. )Y virtue of an order fiom the Court of Or- y dinary of Heard county, will be sold be fore the Court House door in the town of Frank lin, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following lands, belonging to the estate of John Pope, late of said county, deceased, to-wit: Part of lot of land, No. 38, part of 74 and part of 75, in all 150 acres, moreorless, in the 12th District, originally Carroll, now said countv of Heard. Terms cash. EDNEY POPE, Adm’x. Sept. 25-td [Printer’s Fee, $7 LL be sola in Carrollton, Ga., on the j e f a county, within the legal hours of sale, on first Tuesday in December next, within I the 1st Tuesday in December next, the follow- the legal hours cf sale, lot of land No. the 9th District of Carroll county. Sold ing property, to-wit : AH of the real estate of F. D. Bowen, deceas- the property of the minors of Henry 5IcLemore, ! ed, in Coweta, consisting of one Town lot, in deceased. JOS. X. CARR, Guardian, j Newnan, (No. not known) but lying in front I of what is known as the Sharp-topped House, r. S.—The following was writted April 30, 1866, by 5Irs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Capt. Johnson. AdministratOiS Sale. Y VIRTUE ofan order from the Court of Ordinary of Heard county, will be sold before the Court-house door in the town of 1 have more faith j Franklin, within tiie legal hours ot sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the settlement of land belonging to the estate of Solomon L. Almon, deceased, containing about 150 acres, being part of lots of landNcs. 150,151, 154 and St. Louis, 5Io. 155,'all in the 12th District originally Carroll now said county of Heard. Terms cash. G. W. DRUMMOND, Admr. Sept. 2-5-td. [Printer’s Fee, $6,50. Oct. .-tds and supposed to contain 2 or more acres ; 15 or Notice to Debtors and Creditors. I 20 acres of lot No. 40, 2d District Coweta—be- | 1320. No civil officer shall execute any writ, or civil process, upon the body of any person qualified to vote at such elections while going to, or returning from, or during his stay there, on the day, under the penalty of five hundred dollars, to be recovered by action.— A reasonable and full time shall be allowed for cjourney to and from the polls. | 1321. The election to fill vacancies for members of the General Assembly, take place under the authority of a writ of election, issued by the Governor to the Justices of the Inierior Court of the County where the vacancy occurs, who must order and publish a day for holding the same, by giving at least twenty days’ no tice. | 1322. AH of the provisions of this chapter apply equally to elections to fill snch vacan cies and other special election. ARTICLE IV. ELECTORS FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. 11323. On Tuesday after 1st Monday in Nov., 186S-, and every fourth year thereafter, until Kered by act of Congress, there shali be an e lectiou for Electors of President and Vice P resident of the United States. | 1324. On the twentieth day after said election shall have taken place, it is the duty of the Governor to consolidate the several re turns aud immediately notify those persons of their election who have received a vote amounting to a majority and to require their attendance at the Capitol on the first 5Ionday in December thereafter to cast the vote of the State on the Wednesday following at twelve o'clock m. 'i 1325. In the event all, or a majority cf said Electors may not have received a majority, the Governor shall communicate the fact to the General Assembly, if in session, and if not, he shall issue his proclamation convening them in time to secure the vote of the State in the Electoral College. The General Assembly shall, by joint ballot, elect as many Electors as have not received said majority. If a ma jority of electors have been chosen by the people they may fill the remaining vacan cies themselves by ballot, which election shall be communicated to the Governor. If, when All persons having demands against the es tate of John Ray, are requested to present them in terms of the law, .and those indebted to said estate arc requested to make immedi ate payment. L. R. RA\, Oct23—40days. Administrator GEORGIA, Coweta County. J HE RE AS, Wm. P. Powers applies to me for letters of administration of the es tate of Dr. F. W. Buckalew, late of Alabama, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 20th day of October, 1SS8. Oct23-tds. J- H. COOKE, Ord’y. 11 of said lot lying East of the road lead ing from Newnan to Silas Gordon’s ; and lots of* land Nos. 140.-145, 14<, 1/4, also 146, ex cept a life interest of 5Irs. Louisa Davis, all in - ... l ». * - oAn 1 EOIIGIA—Coweta County. IIEREAS Josiah I). Green, administra tor of David Linch, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on. record, that lie has fully administered David Linch’s estate: This is therefore to cite all persons concern ed to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they can, why letters of dismission should not be granted on the first .Monday in January. 18CiL July 3-Gm. B. II. 5I1TCIILLL, Only. GEORGIA—Coweta County. IIEREAS Sarah Cureton, admiiiistralri.-: on the estate of James Cureton. dr- ceased, represents to the Court in her petition duly filed and entered on record, that she Ins fully administered on James Cureton’s estate This is therefore to cite all persons conmi.- eil to be and appear at my office within die time prescribed by law, and show cause, it onj they can, why letters of dismission should net be granted on the first Monday in .March, lsU. Given under mv official signature, Sept, -ai, 1868 ' J. U. COOKE, Ord’ry. September 4-Gm. GEORGIA—Coweta County. TT7 IIEREAS Jos. Ii. Wynn applies to me for VY letters of guardianship ot Olenn Siuita. minor under fourteen years of age, resident of said county: Therefore all persons concerned are notified to be and appear at my office within the tinr. prescribed by law, and show cause, fl they can, why letters of guardianship should not be granted. Give* under my hand and official signature Sept. 22th, 1868. Sept. 25-30/1. J. IL COOKE, Ord j. Dr. Bull—Dear Sir: 5Iy husband, Dr. C. S. Johnson was a skillful surgeon and physician in Central New York, where he died, leaving j T) the above C. P. Johnson to my care. At thir- 1 1 ) Administrator’s Sale. Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Heard county, will be sold teen years of age he had a chronic diarrhea j before the Court House door m the town of aud scrofula, for which I gave him your Sarsa I Franklin, within the legal hours of sale on toe parilia. It cured him. I have for ten years first Tuesday, in November o0 acres recommended it to many in New York, Ohio j of land on the south side of lot .no. o45 ana - - 1 - “ — - “ gh said lot the 4th District Coweta, and containing 202 1-2 aud Iowa, for scrofula, fever sores, and general j fraction 366 the line running throu acres each. Also, west half of lot No, 141, J debility. Perfect success has attended it. T'/'ie ] and fraction 30 as to cut off said fifty acres, in East half No. 155, North half 161, East half 154 j cures effected in some cases of scrofula and fever serves the 3d District originally Coweta, now Heard all of Jot 175. except 10 acres of Northeast cor- were almost miraculous. Iam very anxious for county, belonging to the estate of P. P. Nor- ner. Also, the following fractional lots, lying on Chattahoochee river, No. 177, containing 46 acres, No. 176, containing 199 1-2 fferes, ex cept 40 acres of Southeast corner, No. 178, con taining 10 acres, No. 179, containing 38 1-4 acres, No. 180, containing 162 acres, No. 191, containing 23 acres—all lying in 4th District of Coweta county. Also, the following lands, subject to widow’s dower : South half of lot No. 161, west half of lot 154, 40 acres of South east corner of lot 176. 10 acres of Northeast- corner of 175, and lots of land Nos. 162 and 163—all in the 4th District of Coweta county. Sold as the property of F. D. Bowen, deceased, for the benefit of t he heirs. JAMES B. MARTIN, Adm’r. Oct. 16—tds. Administrator’s Sale. T>Y VKRTUE ofan orderMrom the Court of J) Administrator’s SaSe. B Y VIRTUE of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Coweta county, will be sold before the Court house door in the city of Newnan. on the 1st Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land. No. 162, in the original 5th Dist. ot said comity. _ now Panther Creek, containing 202 1-2 acres. | > Ordinary of Coweta county, will be sold more or less. Sold as the property of P. S. I before the Court-house door in Carrollton Car- Ilodges, late of said county, dee’d, and sold ! roll county, Georgia, within the legal hours of subject to widow’s dower. Terms cash. j sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, Sept. 11-tf. P. CARROLL, Adm r. j following property to-wit: — ! Lot of land No. 2, 10th District of Carroll GEORGIA—Coweta County. j county, (known as the Phillips place) contain- HEREAS G. -TV. Savage applies for let- ; ing 202.1 acres, more or less. Also part of ters of Guardianship of the person and 1 town lot No. 7, in Carrollton, lying on the pub- property of Catherine and James S. Bridges, lie square, with a business house thereon.— residents of said county, minor orphans of John j Sold us the property of F. D. Bowen, late of D. Bridges, late of Carroll county, deceased. i said county, deceased, for the benefit of heirs. This is therefore- to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law and show cause, if any they can. why said G. W Savage, should not be entrusted with the guardianship of the person and property of { said minors. Witness my hand and official signature, this October 16th. 1363. J. H. COOKE, Ord’y, Oct. 16-30d. Oct. 16- td J. B. MARTIN, Adm'r. Administrator’s Sale. ILL be sold ou the first Tuesday in De cember next, at the Court-house door in Carroii county, between the legal hours of ■ i Vv * * my son to again have recourse to your Sarsapa rilla. He is fearful of getting a spurious arti cle, hence his writing to you for it. His wounds weie terrible, but I believe he will re cover. Respectfully, Jexxie Jonxsox. DR. JOHN BULL, Manufacturer and 5'ender of the Celebrated SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP! FOR TIIE CURE OF AGUE AID FEVER man, deceased. Terms cash. JOSHUA PALMER, Adm’r. Sept. 25-td. [Printer’s Fee, $7. Administrator’s Sale. Y VIRTUE of an order of the Court of Or dinary of Coweta county, will be sold be fore the Court House dooi in Newnan, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 88, in the 6th district of Coweta connty, containing 202 1-2 acres, more or less, adjoining the l/ind of 51 lies Jones and others. Sold as the property of B. W. Nortn, de ceased, for the benefit of heir? and credno.s. Terms Cash. ^„ rT . , , Sent. 13-tds. n. A. NORTH, Admr. -OR- Ezecntor’s Sale. A GREEABLY to the last Will and testament. of Alexander Bean, will be sold before the Court House door in NewnaD, within the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November . ! next lot of land No. 163, in the 2d district of The proprietor of this celebrated medicine ; ’ nnty an ,i North half of lot, No 164, insMv claims fnr iT n cnr»prinritv over all Other i ' ’ t-\- t x* ^v CHILLS AAR FEVER. justly claims for it a superiority over all other I remedies ever offered to the public tor the safe, ; ’ certain, speedy and permanent cure of Ague and ; Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long standing. He refers to the entire Western and South-western country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion,^ that in no case whatever will it fail to cure, if the directions are strictly followed and carried j - in the same District, and fifty acres. North-east fourth, of lot No. 14 in the 11th district of Merriwetber county. These land3 all join.— Sold for the benefit of legatees and creditors. Sept. 18-tds, J. L. BEAN, Executor. out In a great many cases a single dose has j T) been sufficient for a cure, and whole families ; j > have been cured by a single bottle, with a per- Administrators Sale. Y virtue of an order from the Honorable, the Court of Ordinary cf Heard county, wiiil we sold before the Court House door, , . , ,, , 0 _ . ,, c .-i (if : feet restoration to the general health. It is, i in Franklin, within the legal hours cf sale, on ' VUe, /J?K ! UK r °' TV m f , vr v i however prudent, and in every case more cer j the first Tuesday in November nest, the fol- u;e ht.h section in said coun >, con= 0 t j to c ’ ure if j t s use Ls continued in smaller , lowing lots, fractions and parcels of land and hundred two and a hah acres, more or less. . 10-u_ . w 1 0 GEORGIA, Coweta County T flWO MONTHS a.fter date application will X be made to the Court of Ordinary cf said county, for leave to sell, at private sale, all the wild land belonging to the estate of Francis D. Bowen, late of said countv. deceas ed. ' JAMES B. MARTIN, Oct9l868—tds. Administrator. ! beeif checked, more especially in difficult and and for the benefit of heirs and creditors.— ! Terms cash. Oct. 16-td. JOSHUA TAYLOR, Adm’r. T WO 5I0NTHS after date application will be made to the Conn of Ordinary of Cowe ta eounty for leave to sell lands of the estate of James Hogan Sr,, late of said county, de ceased. Oct. 16-2m JAS. DOSTEK, Adm’r. doses for a week or two after the disease has 1 Railroad stock, all belonging to the estate of the late Wra. H. Glenn, ot said county, to-v. it. Lots No, 89 and 57, containing two hundred and two and a half acres each. Sixty-three and CL FOR SALE. NE house and lot, in the town of Newnan, now occupied by A. J. ksmith, Esq., will be sold low for cash, or ou time, by paying one-third cash, and balance in two annual in stallments, with interest. Price $1500. SPEER -fe SPEF.R, Attorneys at Law, Oct9tb-6S-3ffi. LiGrange, Ga. long-standing cases. Usually, this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order: should the patient, however, re quire a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be sufficient. DR. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office: No. 40, Cross Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. All of the alove remedies for sale by Dr J T. REESE, Sole Agent. Jaunary 25-ly. Newnan, Ga. GEORGIA —Coweta County. \ a r HEREAS John L. Bean applies for lot- ! \ y ters of Guardianship of the person an-; I property of Rufus Bean, resident of Alabama, ! minor orphan of J. F. Bean, late of said co-u* fy, deceased. This is to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office w:ff:n the time prescribed by law and show came.- any they can, why said letters should non granted. Given under my hand and official signal-- October 1st, 1808. Oct. 2-30d.* J. H. GOGKE, 0rdy. GEORGIA—Carroll County. HEREAS James C. Payne has madeV- plication to me for letters of ae -- latration on the estate of Flail Payne, - of said county, deceased: ^ This is to cite and admonish all person; cemed to be and appear at my office w ' ti,in o ' time prescribed by law and show any they can, why said letters si granted. _ . Given under my hand and official signatu - Sept. 25th, 1868. ^ ,. Cct, 2-30d, J. M. BLALOCK, Ordy. cause, n should not I'- GEORGIA—Coweta County. , \TT HEREAS John L. Bean applies for lettt YY of Guardianship of the persons ani property of Mary J., Nancy M., Su^an •> H. and Martha W. Bean, residents of sam Co _ ty_minor orphans, of V, ihiaru 5,L —- ^said county, deceased. . This is to cite and admonish all P Gr30 . n ". ifc5 . eerned to be and appear at my office wa a time prescribed by la. and show ca ’ J “ ’ ant Y they can, why said le‘ .mould noo 0- = 1 »d * _ . Given nnder my ha^ff and official ; J October 1st, 1868. 0r sy. Oct. 2-30d * J. H. COOKE, Ora J- - g 5 VO 510 NT IIS afterdate ap; be made to the Court of Coweta county fir leave to se;i belonging to the estate of David of said county, deceased. ELIZABETH GURLE September 4-2m. _ t dinK a half acres of No. 79, Fractions No. 81 con taining one hundred and fifty acres, and -'O -.5 containing one hundred acres and fifty acres of lot No, 98, all in the 15th district,, origin nallv Carroll now Heard county, This settle ment is valuable, fine farming lands. Also at the same time and place, will be sold. 30 shares of stock in the Atlanta and West Point Railroad, of .-filoO per share. Terms leash ELIZABETH R. GLENN, \ GEORGE W. GLENN, / Sept 18. tds.—$12 Adm’rs. TWO MONTHS after date apph be made to the Ordinary of oar.o- ty for leave tc sell the real estate 0 . Summerlin, late of said county, C Y i m 'x. IRENA SUMMERLIN, A l ‘ m F. N. SUMMERLIN. Adnu- August 21-2m. "V T WO MONTHS after date ft PP*® a ‘f°0riii- be made to the Honoraole ge »j the nary of Harotson county for g r0 wn, land belonging to the estate ot *’W j, en etit late of said county, deceased, tor, ’ (1 of the heirs and creditors ot sate ' ■ JASPER N. PHILP0L Aaai August 2l-2m.;