The Newnan herald. (Newnan, Ga.) 1865-1887, September 28, 1886, Image 1

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PUBLISHED ETEKf TUESDAY. A ’ B ‘ CATES > K4itor and Publisher. IU ' 4 0* SCBSCBIPIOX : THE NEWNAN HERALD. W00TTE5 k CATES, Proprietors. One copy one year, in advance 11.50 Wn0t Paid ln ^vanoe, the terms are $2.00 a year. 4 Cl ' lb ° f six all °weJ an extra copy. Fifty-two numbers complete the volume. VOLUME XXI. WISDOM, JUSTICE AND MODERATION. TEBISi-ll.M perjewiiUnm. NEWMAN, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1886. NUMBER 50. PUBUWIEir ETEBT TCBWT. bite; <ir ufonn* SasaavRswawr s. S *Non“es inlocal OauriMtaglMr Stf-aSS©!® 8 * 5 '® ‘■S,»SKSSSf“»"" > strictly in advahco. . Address r.a Originator of Rock Bottom Prices in Newnan, Georgia. Presents to the public mented every way possible to sell ;oods for less money than my com- petditors, but before reaching the object in view I had to resort to that has never before been equalled j three important principle3 . in this section of the country, his Dry Goods Stock house is loaded with goods;,and the great variety of styles a most inter esting sight to behold. His trip tb the Eastern Markets resulted in a perfect success. Never betore has he Deen so lortunate in meeting up with such Bargains. Competition Will Tremble at My Prices- Thousands of dollars worth of JOB LOTS AND DRUMMERS SAMPLES which I picked up at-less than val ue will be offered at a small advance and all my WOOLEN GOODS T bought before the recent advance of 20 per cent, which my trade shall have the benefit of. To describe my Dress Goods Stock (1) To buy goods at the proper place. (2) To buy goods at the proper time. (3) And to buy goods in proper quanties. QUIJLTS. 500 Honey Comb Bed Quilts at 35c worth 75c, 200 Honey Comb Bed Quilts at 75c worth $1.25, 125 Honey Comb Bed Quilts at 125c worrti $2.00, 110 Marseilles Quilts 10-4 at $2.00, worth $3.00, 130 Marseilles Quilts 11-4 at $2.25 worth $3 25, 142 Marseilles Quilts 12-4 at $2.50 worth $3.50. Where else will you find 500 doz. Handsome bordered Sold everywhere else for five times that amount. My stock of Would only be a waste of time but NOTICE THE TERRIBLE DE- Flannels, Jeans and Linceys STUCTION OF PRICES that space permits to quote: 5,000 yds Brocade Dress Goods at 5c, 5,000 yds heavy Brocades at 8e, S,500yds Wool Cashmere at 10c, 3,000 yds Plain and Brocade Wool Sateen at 15c, 3,750 yds double width Cable Twills at 20c—a beauty, Are unapproachable. Here is a va riety to suit all at prices that DEFY THE COMPETITION OF THE BROAD EARTH. These goods I bought <iuring May ann June before the advance of 20 Fine double width Cashmere all col-! per cent, was thought of by any'one ors at 25c—a bargain—elsewhere at else. 40c, 1,400 yds Imported Tricot at 35c, Large stock of double width Black Cashmers ranging from 25c all the way to $1.00 200 pieces good Prints at 3c, 220 pieces splendid Prints at 4c, 430 pieces the best made Prints at 5c. For many years I have experi- My 10c Jeans I could sell just as well at 15c. My 15c Jeaqs sells ready any where for 20e. For 20c I’ll sell you a Jeans that can’t be touched for less than 30c. But for 33c a yd I will sell you a Jeans that will opea your eyes in astonishment. Two special Job Lots In Flannels, one at 10c and the other at 12 Lc, a I picked them up at my own price ( and could readily sell them at 25c, but I rather sell goods at short prof its and have a crowded house. My Zephyr Shawl at 75c is a' bar gain at $1.00 and my $1.00 Zephyr Shawl sells over other counters at $1.50. Our Job Lot only fi doz very fine Shawls 62 inches square made of Raw Silk and Lamb’s Wool import ed at $2.50, which is les3 than half they cost to import. My Blanket stock an endless va riety from $1.00 a pair to the finest made. • Here is the result of J. B. Mount’s practical knowledge where, when and how to buy goods. bargain for 29c a yd. The immensity of my CLOAK, SHAWL AND BLANKET STOCK Is indescribable. More Cloaks more Shawls and more Blanket han all the Stonres in town keep. Garments from $1.75 each to $40.00 a piece. Every size, style and quality, Short and Long Wraps, in Plush Embossed Silk and Velvet, As- trican, Chinchilla, Diagonals and Caster Beavers. Russian Circulars, New Markets, Double and Single Breasted Jackets, Dolmas and Mantillas, all elegantly trimmed in Fur, SILK FLU, Passimentry and Astrican, a choice selection from the largest manufac tures in the known world at prices in reach of all. (Jar Job Lot containing ^ doz. Neck Shalls at 10c. Each. it neither pays for the bleaching nor the making, but bear in mind the power of Ready Cash In the Eastern Markets is mighty. The fruits of which I shall scatter this season in every direction of the country. Sharp Standard Needles 2 papers for 5c. American Standard Pins 2 papers for 5c. 200 doz. Corsets Silk Embroidered at 25 cents each, no merchant can match them for less than 50c. 50 doz Ladies Undervests at 25c, What have high prices come to but to disgrace. 50 doz splendid Men’s Undershirts at 20c each nothing like them ever seen or heard of. 24 doz splendid Jerseys at 50c, no man offers them for less than 75c. J. B. Mount’s stock of JERSEYS Comprises every style and make and an inspection will settle the question^that he leads the market in variety and prices. 50 doz. Ladies Standing Collars with Collar-button, warrented pure linen, the latest style, at the un heard of price of 5c. Thousands of dozens Dress But-; J. B. Mount has never attempted tons, the handsomest variety ever ; to Copy Prices from his sold over any counter, at 5c per doz- Competitors But comes to the front with Rock Hosiery Department. bottom Prices voluntarily,which act the public readily appreciates by Job Lot 400 doz children’s hose, the crowded house and large amount which I will sell from 3%, to 5c per of goods he sells, pair, not a single pair worth less j than 10c. Our Job Lot 625 doz Misses and 1 J.B. MOUNT’S Ladies Hose, Drummers Samples, Solid and Fancy Colors, the variety I Yard wide Bleached Domestic at too numerous to itemize, at strictly 5c beats the world; his yard wide half price. Good Ladies Hose Solid Sea Island at oc the topic of conver- and Fancy Colors at 5c, at 7c, at 10c, sation; his yard wide Sheeting, at and all the way up to 40c. 520 UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS AT 25 CENTS. Such prices sourd incredible, as My regular Hosiery stocks I brought direct from manufacturers in case lots thereby saving 25 per cent, which enables me to offer them at my competitors cost and make a profit. Splendid Red Table Linen at 25 Cents per Yard. Elegant Doylies at 20 cents per sett not to be matched for less than 40 cents. J. B. Mount’s Three great principles have the de sired effect. High prices laid in the dust and necessities of life with in reach of all. 300 doz Good Towels at 234 c each 53ac and Shirting at 4j£c as low as the factories offer them and his checks at 16>£e lower than the low est. $1,500 m hard cash invested this season in Worsteds, Casmeres, Tricots, suitable for men, boys and children’s wear, ranging from 25c a yard ail the way to $5 a yard, both of American and Imported Goods. More Casmers and Cloths than have ever been seen in this market at anyone time. My prices on them will satisfy the closest buyer. CLOTHING. $5,000 worth of New Clothing. My Clothing stock this season is by far the mo3t superior in the country, comprising many Job Lots which areofiered at half price. Suits of Diagonals, Tricots, Cork screws amd Casimers, Suits and Overcoats of all prices from the $1.50 Boys Suit to the $30 Men’s suit. No color, no quality, no style but what can be found here. THE HALF CANT BE TOLD Of my elegant stock of Boys and Children Suits and Overcoats. Suits and Overcoats for Boys from 4 years up and with every Suit or Overcoat I will give free of charge a High or low instep Shoes, Button or Lace Shoes, Congress Gaiters, Narrow Toed Shoes, Spring Heel Shoes, Misses and Children’s Shoes, Brogan Boots and Shoes, Stitched down Shoes, Shoes to fit everybody. For $1.00 I will sell you an all leather screwed bottom Brogan, And for $1.25 I will sell the Best Brogan os Ml j But for 87)4 I will sell a OUt Lin en Shade 6 feet long that will be an , ornament in any parler in^the coun try. HATS. Bargains In Hats, Mens and Ladies. Beautiful Baseball Cap Little Boys remember this. Harness. A lew Sets of Harness that I will close out at cost. Shoe Department. J. B. Mount’s Shoe stock the very centre of attraction. No other such a stock of Shoes and Boots. No other such a variety and no such prices. Every shoe in this stock made especially to order at the factory. My better grades of shoes I war rant and by that I mean that I Will make good all premature wearing out upon notice. CARPETS. J. B. Mount calls particular at tention to his Beautiful and Well Selected Stock of Carpets, Ac, will deplicate the prices of any house in the country. Window Shades. 50 pair of Linen Window Shades with spring rollers at 50c each. 65 pair Gilt Bordered Linen Shades 6 feet long at 75c each. Trunks* Bargains in Tranks and Vallces, Bargains in all lines and of every variety. No trouble to show goods here, no’ time spared to price them. Price your goods in ANY MARKET You will,, ^promise you I will beat them. Bring Your Samples; From any house in the country, I promise you I will match them lor LESS MONEY. Do not hesitate to look at my goods before purchasing. I prom ise I will make it to your interest. J. B. MOUNT, ORIGINATOR OF ROCK BOTTOM JOHNSON BBO-S OLD STAND, PRICES IN NEWNAN. NEWNAN, GA.