Newspaper Page Text
of chills ami fever, it will b>.« found t.* b»* a valua
ble medicine, by gently stimulating the liv^r and
s.«sL- ; tinn nature to throw off Take one,
two or three doses a day—l’-ut man*gb to pn><lnew
a fnlL bnaJthy action .>u the bow Is. If yon ti/w*
*-au:v t-» iw» bitt- rs or r.xiy kind. thi» ia what y*n>-
want. -Prepared only bf-
>*L V. HUNT & CO..
Draipb. Mav&i Ga
J The following items we clip from the
t|(Banner-Journal: .
1 General Butler has certainly the
knack of keeping himself before the
public. He is a man of a capacious j
stomach. 1 ' : ‘ ;
Butler is happy. Everybody is talk-
. ing about him, and, for -wonder, the
. subject is not spoons.
'We are told thiit Grant and Butler
1 “have'buried'the hatchet.” Now let
■ them follow it
The SSfdemBepublicarisays, “Gen,
* Grant & "a political and intellectual
, iriuuk” Keno!
U ■' j. ’ ->< i- ■' - .
If General Butler is going into the
Cabinet, they had better remove the
silver and things.
An exchange soys: Housewives who
ore annoyed withmuddy water on wash
day, might do well to remember that
a piece of alum as large, ns a walnut
-will clear, as bright as crystal, a whole
hpgs-head of turbid water.
The Philadelphia Age says: Immi
grants, in future, are to be sent dr-oct
from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, to
ports in the Southern Stages. This
plan cannot fail to aid the labor system
of that section of the Union,
• ' ' \ '
—One of the. .Lord Chancellors of
England'was wont to say, as the result
of liis extended, observation,' “How ex
actly proportioned to a man’s ignor
ance of the. subject, is the {noise he
makes about it at-a. public meeting.
A Cincinnati Judge decides that a
boy, marrying under the age of eigh r
rhe Houston Home Journal ! inge
-r-.-rrSt- ■ **-" l !gw-- : v-w I lo’.vs:
>EBBY, GA, DECEMBER 17, 1S70. Fo
yr j Jr., j. F. ' T!iey »«y QniirfmjHcanlescfleiicr h i sr.iv.s v
^!Ifox,tjeSg«i EW, X;
and Robert Alexander, eoIort^fjPjJl jwHflBgPfjljMWfliP ftafa .gfe
-1 * 1 7T. ,t «L Peksokai-—BLnri. jck lass Usm^-towri l j
Tnz.^jrpupg Cowman .-t.-, V. - j this-«*ifc;-«I: o a drmnnicrfi-oin-Baltincire: . I
; rCoie, tot j ,,4 fiom Alterta, 'and a gerithoiiaii -.who; ,1
Hdjonrti«l flis saine day at the request of j j ; f
the Bar and citizens of Port
now stands adjourned to Uiese^nd Slonday | men ^ ^ to
in January; jurors and others interested ’ ^ <r( . "* :-*““■**?’ e
will do" well to note this feet • - j % i ~ ‘ ‘ '*
ick- PojiEityy'isysiii >
To Consumptives.
Tfc. Hmtlaer, baviue Mi
«r tl»t dread
m«li« of"r3e- ToTl’l wlrn <lMirc it,
1 of the pc
of charge), with the directioua for preparing and
oatag the same, which thej- w01
FOB Lkmoutios. Azth** EtMH
Partioa wishing the preecriptien J® I***
druul Kev. EDWARD A. WILsUX
165 South Second Street, WiDiauiebuigh. N. 1
d«ri7-iy g-»sr-e»--Ttr
Is a zfltsuost. t*afeaatl p&vtivA m-nlcim* in c«u!i<.
ct?i«U, Bureaus of .tap tlircoct. cbest and loo^s*
Every case of c*mstimpt!on comm^ncM w.Va p
mn^h. cx.-it*sl from tint individual xiavtug Ut«n
coM. The duMurs t^tvrir pas-^ s arc «*f
taferesf tj avory b-fiujg. The d-li»-/rte
organization of thp Iuo^s. theira»-t-r ty.
and tli-ir bclax expojs*vl t * orntrt «»f a r of •uca
iliilerrnt ieiap--rature. natl vli:ctt 4 c.»ntauu vx.-!«.ua
imtatltAC matters sasptrndtsl nm.i«*r tv-3
twi«v*iailr discsMca, aud th«Mo of m«*st .v^
rions charar-ftw. Jk
For tluMi! d»sra.-*cs w o£f?rc%»f. bw«l’4 (. v »3^h
Mixture as a rouiedy. If y.*u cat--h a r*»l4. u*r no?
wait to let a il»vt> hold but tak- the rtrmed/
atones.' X‘t Bh«».«r tiic o.Hmuit:*»u in which l*ue
nitslicia© in heltl, we ^>jjoui1 a few «tftidcat>-a
It Gave Hea;ly and Entire BvlIrC
Xeady four yarn ego. when eufloriag firom a ■-*—
v*ro cough. I waa hultb-ed by llr. to try ho
.Cough Syrup,. It .cave hihua rt-»Sy and cutirc re
lief that I taAe gr-h: pl-a..i:ri; hi it
V, such w may t« iir a similar -eOmUtioa of >nil*r-
ing. E. W. YU mud.
Maoufi. fan. 24 Istu. '
erwithiLinmv, .-uid twodir, loads of. the
precious iiniib ds uniyedicxo a few diiys
sh^ awaiting Ihar liito;—for sale-at -nine
Tcesijat Night, Dee. 15, 187ft
The Nectar-Pickwick Clnb convened
to-night at the usual liqnr. Brother*
iii.' for the 1 Testy was called to the chair, and
to all who j. Brother Pimler requested to act
jQRidSiame of Mr. Wa-
rxTKiriema-.! ternuvu having been proposed
ifidcuro, ! Nemo', ho was nniuiimorislyx'lettteu as
Wj'’.. . ...r»r member of The Nectar PielfwJCk 1
.’Scw-ToA*; Qui,, w hieh, ns was snggt'stied^T|§.',
! PhuliT, wi mill, no doubt, miite- his
bosom swell witb emotions of pride.
Bro. Kimpel said, that in view bf the
titles that, some of the Brelltran as r
sumed, he would move, that. ‘ ‘allhan-
;}& , slid- Kefn d^.
here ia the State; ttwi&he^wg:
: Clirk0pimisic.teu:her, who caiaiot be ex-1
| ctaied 'Tn - Ins' profession. We are .deter-
-imnedjfe'ra seeoiid to. none in the way of)
te^ihmgithe ‘^ybnng. idea how .to shoot.” {
Besi-.lei thla'.Irs. L. 0. Niles has. a nice
little school, and we term her the model:
teacher of the State for juveniles.'
I would hot have yon think that T am
boasting,'but truth, like murder, will out
I mnst say that it is universally given -up
that Ifarsiudville is the “Banner'’town for
pretty t^ris, all a young man .has to do, to
be convincqii of the fiipt, is to - cull and ' see
for hiinself ft . .. *' -,
.Our merehante are Sxiug ttp for Christ; '
Afforded' Imaiwlhtle Belief.
GKX»:^btU-»Uaaiug Uiat you have *ugag«-J
iu the »«miihte»i)f- P ^l.m'tV C'uii.<h Sjqatj-. it
affords me ple»«i;r»r bear tr.-ti m. -uv in 14* <u«er-
it. I. was Buffering fruin a very Uuuhleitumt: cviu^U
whftn Mr. Loud presented me with • buttle of hi«
Syrup, tin* «*.• of which aff<>rtl«4 me immediate
relief. My mother used a small purtiim Mt by
aue, w’lth similar bsuettcial rteults.
Kc.-povirully, ymtr», *. J. U. Gcuu.
lie Best and the Cheapest 1)J 100 per
lasih the way
k^p^hjsul|^^’^tt L i
Extract from tlic r<-K.-t of » cmnmittcg a
lug of Meinov. H. A. CUnclu It. K. Uoiti
Frxuk White, appointed tiy tl» Jlaucv^j..(
Agricultural Club, tm reitlhz.-iv:
•• Tour commit* laying camfuUy ll
eA the Teeulte ujeju cu-n Oi'l cottou ,‘f the J
male H-u .e Jo r.-pot|pair cu
tlon of the experilorutal plat of- Mr.-K. ll
at White I’Uiua, Greene County. Tin hc pi'
■we ran'fully wnlRheil aiot noted:
Thriei rovrn, each 18S feet long, fettlliw*.!
Jot manure, weighed
410 So.
Three rowa, rach l‘A> ft-*t long, fertilize.
randlcton manure, weighed laponuda. C*
ftliree rows, OOCli J8S fiet' i Uig.if^b'ltzei
IPuruviau gnauo, wclghitl 31 pounds.
MOS $23 W).
Thrr4. row*, r«h 1«5 fret lrnifj. fortlll^d
Thr« Hi**, each 1«! feet hmr„ ter Wired
As rowl inaunrt. weighed t3 poutule. Co:
Hoyt’s Sup^rphonphatc, wo;^h»Hl 35 pounds^
j>«r aerfc. $‘il GO.
Thu committee were univorsidly of the fff
that th**. uutubor of unoix-.h- d. bollr. .ju,tlu' .1
made Fertilizer, were iu crenel tho oth«
MoHsrH. L. W. UU2ST & 00.. ^
«i Cherry rtrcvt, Macfei; G».3ink* t'Xii Maua
the Homfl-roade Fertilizer s***^<? lucutsonod
will take plcaaure in ezliil.illng it to all pl-i
aud giving all gfetjAr In^.neaqoo m t^:a
It TCeT^aro^fr^m^t-yrniniffl farcTOl;
etc., and are uow taking mitera. In order
aure prompt delivery. Ml pidere ehould be cm
teen years, without the consent of his
parents or guardians, may repni" '
such marriage and. marry sigitin, ”
From Mayor (<. S. Obear.
H.WD9, Ga, February 1. W3IX
Mwmrr. L W. HUNT .t CO.r ', 4 p . *
u ^
does not recognize his first wife oh
such after he is eighteen. A fine
opening for scoundrelism. j
stnzed hini, threw lum, qn teia ground
■ I —,1 i— l.ii TT.i ,V. .I. , — -—1 — Iii.
j^iu hear front me again.
und gagged him, He then took his
hauilkerchief antJtied his hands under
one leg, gave hith two or three kicks,
threw him over the fence, anil left him:
Horace chiivlejl hojn& aml not : being
able to open gates or climb fences,
went to the horsc-lbt,-and, fortunately,
Ciund his fnther'in the crib, and after
j-epeated efforts. to call him, succeeded
e apiiointed by the .chair t6 devjge^ a.j Sridal uartvLA-ouiaMtf.Lyfir- Mr. J - E4.1&.
iilge for the a The m'ltifil^efe^j PO'A'S’s, Corlime De$i:ni7i^rP
2m*d^@rtA'^KmiTWand Homo -wcrc [ Mr, W. S. Grady and Miss May Patten;
-conliugly npjaunted by the chair. “fiMr. W. B. _ .Tolinston and IllisSj Elli),
The following resolutions • were of- i Walker;- -Mr.-15. M. Davis nnebiMisn
tet^.ApiJtlib7cj^> and iuuiuin40iisly.,N.e-U«AYnltidu-Mr.-■ J;.-'J.“'^til58 aitt:
teptodj* Miss Ballic;^
Whereas some few members of this j Boss awl Mbs Leona fMiUiTyJIMBbJ.
infornuitions as wc have j F. LumsiMfe slid Miss Clara MtQueiin?)
\rt and Miss;-:M?)llic :
Wn^ththtesi'nd haiidsfql
"the. autiuhri; coi-h'criKi
inany handsful of. manure, qre'.dqily
lystin yoiu stock-yard, that might, be.
snveid in »icn order by a little care 'dn
haapuig up afrit cdvcriijg' from wash-
m^riims?' Tlifisp hnmlsfiil-oTiaafrnrti.
. are • more' iviilntd>l>* ■ t<>-' thor cpl^-idqr
than the,scpai-ate graihs^of 'gold that
§ tAiuer, -with‘ cazefiit tdil, t gathers
wifelicsflioja ^|. : eartk’,and sand
biuik. . He hnfrts, gatbenj •..and save#
them nil, and thus accumulates his
’’ <pile.bAi<i^3<JSbj)li i *il; successful cnl-
tiyutvik; elastic the glitter of goldeveu
in the manure heap; they only wait a
club froi
-bXSb^rtblVJ^roiii time to lilue;
ceive, have been nspirnnts to matri
monial ties, (cheers), and ulioreas lliejr
■ hyjOfsfi3<lijhly abandoned thatdcpiirsqi
[whftih must nocessr.rily be attended
j wish more or loss disaator, .(cheers),
j from what reason*, we do not here feel
j *.t liberty to stale; (loud eheexg.).-
I lt -solvell that \v
; Nectar Pfekwiek "Club, viewing, lire j
j‘gk-at und Lasting benefits of single
j blessedness, (cheers) and hkcludoric
! indepcmicnce, (loud cheers) do oou-
e A-isilolh ]
i they Save' displayed in persuing suelin
jeour-e, (loud agp ati*c), and truat'-tliat
they will stand by the time lirmored ; |, s( ,
j principles Mf tno i’ickwTeltieni fraterni- ■
j ty until time shall cease her massive !
i tramp. (Loud und Continued applause.) j
'dHSSalvcd-^ltfther that the iniporta- !
tiou that lias been cast njidh our!
august body by some designing per-1
•sods ttet it is composed Jifyotiug men ;
who hase iati -with serious ilisuj'poiut- ;
'■■■ k...c,-A..iuImo unii yfirnotir a;
pLsnsc). MM1 is Circulated for up other thin,; new and the latest style now is . th*
purppse, tlnin that of itpiuing our | time to call on Mr. Kcbo.ii <.| ;. »'
reput/diduseni exposing us to public:; Baptist Ct^n^h aud secure one 'oi^.
contempt and ridicule, iflid-tff forcing jfiM pictures) They am bmn'.iV.. Add if.
tin ngaiusl our will into matrimow:^* ^^Wit'giJ'^th(3rkm^*’@'f|}-!;'o hftjebf
diqnitage, ..'^Uniil r.nd couliuued'^ np-1 K,u;il ‘ knot.igrnph he is ready to wait on
jiCume and erics that’s so, that’s so. j J' on 1,11,1 ,"' i!1 &**■ ca,irc satisfecUon.—
Then the following additional' reso-1 w-i-A nednAaed • i !,lc> fir “ lho m'gitiv.s taken in I’rny.
11 in making himself ’heard. Mr. Red-
!s ; dick '-released- his; little son, and at
In ofrehrejiaircd toliis dwelliug, thinking
* .th’o. fienil’ that had committed the
Borriblc! deed was lnrking near by
’/ waiting for him to go in'search of him.
I* He is still at large, but efforts are bo-
8 ing-made for Ills capture.
°. . Anotheb Mas KnmED. —'Mr S. W.
: A.: Smith, • a shoe-maker, -was killed
-liSSt ni^ht at the har-rciom of Garrard
s . by Captain. 0. A. Garrard,
“i ope of thB-proprietors of Bte barroom.
a Gapt- G. was arrested by the Sheriff)
fe arid we suppose'the. case will undergo
W* offrr yna the a lavra Btanian/l nrtA-n at a
reasonable margin for pntflt, aud «*mfitWutly a*fc
: jour u**:*taKi-<> in briu^iug tiu*aomerU*«rU>n« jmb-
n-.Ueii bafon* f:o« public.
tt Gw larjjo aud wall a**urfed atoah tjt
nicnibcxM'-of tile-;• withstanding tile"ridicrite tliiit has-.been
j hpiped on debating 'm "flie<iay%;
j of N0.1I1 down to tlie-pti-s-jii*, weiadimi-fi Lri
Jlienpiniiinlhaf >tso!hm.3f- I
qnicken the operations of tliC - mfiuj anil
give'a r&tdy ' coHfliiiiiiP’df "bfegnage,. (Juui
di.scnasion. fj&ofthV its' have aj dsWiii/.
■ lub. Will’HotSom-; of the youni#HM>h-':of
lVn-v take hold of Oig yjmfldt niklget it 1
-larteii during the coufug -.veil:? “IVe s::v
j "‘young men" because we sujipo.e flS: innr--
• lied menDive;as much discussion aa jiatne
1 ;« thc-y can w. 11 attend to.
: the club is organized, and w.
gamed gentlemen who desire to' 'Os^Apc
fraui the cares of vexatious in the society.
i!y no means exclude the luarried meu; lei
To Oar Patrons, To Dealers, and to the
i.'l a^:v
General Public.
iirlrfs-si6wHfifrd6\r':!‘‘Cg;ii6 in
twelve emetics for one shilling,
j. Thb-m'edical-schbol at. Iowa City has
u dog with a siphon pipe let into his
stomach - ;By-ils aid gastric juice’can
lx; obtained for esperimenta und other
curious physical phenomena \ie shown,
such as opening the end arid allowing
the dog to drink, which as the fluid
runs out qs fast as it - is taken in, he
will do till he lies down exhautsted.
The canine is in good health.
Paints, Otis, Varnishes,
W E feel that we amnot do a better service than
to raise a voice of warning agaiust tbc indis-
: criminate use of PatentMcdicines, whose name it
now -Legion, a large majority of which are pnt up*
The Courier-Journal nvers that tlie
editor of tlie Mobile Register “ wears.
Gen. C. D. AlsWmW>X. AKMif,
!’u;t latlcj .
in. .1. 0. (.ll.l:KKT. A,C-«t,
However, - it ihe'-CTcbtioii' of it inori’iiiiiont 'at Richz
. "'hj '^o. histirig
our great
itefnl peo-
Will still be kept ”tp to the* lwnal standard, and
ordern arc • r for anything in this linaw f
>L. W. HUNT k <IO.* • f
g Whulcaalf Drug and Chemical Wurohou^
Moron. Ua.
—Josh Billings has been to Long
Brunch and thereof writes:“The big
gest thing tjiey hev got here for the
See What Fire Dollars Will Don
No. <1 Second StroA.
'This firm lins, during the past week,
- '• •mtr T-’L? tig.p
received a heavy addition to tlioir nl-
rondr Stock, ajid propqsqlasell
»t prices to correspond with the .price-
sof cotton. . .< r
1 ern brethren” excluimiiig, ‘ ‘1 iottle i up,
Ben,-tkat,s no funeral of ours; fight it
out yourself.”.
A Scandinavian paper, pulilished, at
Chicago..' lias. i the following severe
pamgaph on Butler:
.‘^Det.iu:Shirt att geri. Butlers npp-
gjftsom kongressmian skafl blifva at
soka genp mdrifva: dessa kina infor
We like to bee independence of this
redhot kind, arid we eatirffy- agree
with the writer of the paragraph,
y An 'ohl farmer said to" lus sons:
.‘.‘Brija,. dqh’tyop ever speckcrkte, or
waite for sutkin’ to turn up. Tibn
might just as weli go iuil sit down on
a' : stone hj the middle of ; the . medder
with a pale atwixt vour lcgs an’wait
forncpis' to ba<,toToaito:benu]k.'
'if 1 '*', -*•- ^ . vV.t'
Monster Railroad Enterprise.—
hundred and twaity-five'!lt is ssud-that ri monster enterprise is
lcrigtli.arid in soriie places five miles in
thickricss. Into this pool, every day
at.feri o’clock tho folks all retire—males
and females arid widders promiskuss.
They dress in flannel attire menny of
col<> v>*,.and look Hz' near like when they
are in the poohaz a fl^khfIducks and
drakes. tbis'pool liaz-
stood 'so long ! it has got salty, and
bright to change.” ! . . . ’
$95,000 IN PREMIUMS!
For Scrofula and Scrofulous Diacaacs, Skin Kb-.
enHfts, Frnptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blutclir**.
13oiLs. EryHipclas, Tetter, Scald-head, Kiu^-Worm,
isouti, iurytiipciaa, xetier, acaiu-ucaa, iiiiifl*vrunu.
Ulcers, Tumors, Sores, Syphilis, Meretuial Pois
oning, and for
Even wlion no particular disordor in felt, people
enjoy better health and live^longer for cleansing
Etch of whom has also an «iik>l <hanr» to
SOS,000 in
Valuable Real Estate Prizes!
C.TOBlating of y.UUIS,' VILLASnES. tUOSIB-
AIEI5S, S. (X, wen aamed -TIk Btmtbera Sara-
toKa.” Only forty-eight lumra from Sew York
aud one Lour from Angufsta, Ga.
SinefB-Ore Thonaand DoHara In Prize., to b*
diatrilmtod among tiie SfaazeboIdemjJOniy U.UM
aiart-B will be Usdod, at f 3 carli.
Uic Great Pn minm land Sait-at. Alkyn. S. C-,
ia aondticted on a new and pbgaiiar plan tor tie.
Kate of derfirablL- anil Taincbie unjur.T«l Real Bv.
tato, *nd-ii* caleuiat-.! wmiiat effe.-iive mwra
Of,attrac^n<tMie attention of Hruitn Badftn,
CapiCiIirla. Meolmmc#,' asd Emijsranb.
generaHj-; to lar-ovm Snnuy South, and win thn.
help fc) build. up oar country and enhance tin.
market value of our bndz.
Tbs property diajwaed- of in tbia maimer ia
eOriate partly within the cbrpeHf eg limit* of
Aikin, and ia under as high a state of cuilivation
aa anyplace iu thn State, bcaidre embracing on.
of the moat celebrated Orchard* aud •yiuryard*
South Tbi* property,_yalned at
f?<),pth; I’.nu.tliat this jnay ri?ei occoi
omber mmwum&gi wp
Uurch wi%tliiit .sjpii, s gman
gnyjt,-which ,tkeri- uieim§...will Mil
ial* disease. This -medicine Is ft,cOhct?utrated
iuid- Extract of Sausaperilla, * Yrilnw Dot't aud
* Delight, with three (3) grains of irarifled:
L?rv*t;a> 3 —, — — ^
Iodide of Potassium to each d03e, aud is by far
the best and cheapest alterative #ver offered to the
American people. Prepared only by- - ' •
: L. W. HUNT k CO.v/
.bn ftjpt.rimprig railroa:d riicn to estab-
R^ a tiirongh freight and passenger,
line on aii immense scale fori hilling
merchandise^thibrigh'frorii 1 ' New York
■to. San Francisco, Girina,'Australia, the
Sandwich islands arid Indian ports.
{ Edit '■ ■’"■'■•• ■ ,!
„ Ofit m Kansas City :.a; xaan : was re-
fused a fteel'dinner.'-ljy adurdihearted
restaurant-"-keqier; - who' ; Wits sorry
Utt! ti-ms Who obj ; -vt'to collecting for
: | an object on the nabbuth, we ■ v
] uLtugg-fSt tllfit'ihey hhoTild apbnirit
nf j A-nitabl&diPFiiin '* tins - meri® 3 -wh
tii& meeting* of theih - congi-egiifabii- si
V 1 lie helil and ! the-'<uilleritioii taken i
ri k Let itske^lp»*mbered't : hfi|tliK
It nunentis Wiber piiseff^iy'iihS 'i
; Jthatrifciji to lie -,ofre' -fo- w
■...jrisa-.peqple, we m..y point'-"pro
gjt hgu,-
look up hath rasjiect fbr 1
a- goltoii’tlffprigh wMi quickiy, owing to', fl
d abiEty of ita praading- .officer. I assn
you it is yfsg^. refi-ffihlng to have such : .
T ,. ' , , - 1 jffiU 'BclfltaW'AHjMl Sim' SL^
Judicial ®vetac alwnyK pavs. :.;ciiraX, .iruad-i p
*** -.-^ ^Y^jfcsooivor they Wr
It yon don't m^nto lulmlyoui,(nvn.bu- - No yonnirlndy will he'*ffl|u;.‘^1
idness, infill pay to advertise, 1 kftlSh (foA the, p-c^iie
speciffjicnnij^ion yfjli* Cinh
: We Mir htt^itiofi fx»Hiic &tn ire ~ gJver&w* {
Tiicrifbf tlieTiek-^^TClnU^ Fri-m a ptd- I toes
sonal ex.UBnxvficm of th'c pichtrc rcferred'to, j mu
we can testiti-tliat it UMiU-it-is represented ;
■tol>v ; -OneoFthdricR^ti^eBlwaKtuteriwitkj^^
one mis] ; .
Liver Pills, -
rn tikesmonrthSa*iSHt*™ ^ ''"' 111 '”- f
•'fl**-’!* t|P«>W»,to n .i^e%iB b’dly fob n !i>rm<!ii:|
. u - j wliilffiLfcrarth elniclicd-iiiK hamis .-wlth * j g
. Ln trncweek ^]*^«|^ n ^- I1 iave ; prip'£^r , iflie’wniTld Kke^to^pilll
a whole.v^ and jim r ; U the teeth Tram a forty-five «w glul-i *-
th,U plan either. i Aboiher felt from Hi, aching, void nithin i ’
A huge advcr&emcat once and then &- j ^ :t WHK lhe ' ' ' 1 ,
1 c>i rti»lte|-thf|timprttguon thit the: "Hear of all UoiirB m-O !.'aV fa.ib. ' !
■ ■.■*. [■,! ijmplMtffllii
IiijudKanradvert&ngKlikefi.shingwh£ie :i i 1111 ? fhe-Serrenak^Bhhfe phiz-'wbiud lame ,-~Lrn
— themnririi»a*fa,atoau»gd'fo le{ jxujrhries {gHg»
c.u :,. ..... ■ . , _ , rivfl, o TTrtti. ll,^ T.iw- n--..11 x--(—.iii l.v 1- !
iciuc. itu mercury or other subatance in. them.
81,000 in Gold .
Will-be paid for every grain of mercury or other
Bubstauce found in our Liver PDbi. For liver dia-
I^hrmkto'luS bun hrivt-rusbis. i
le uf auvertiaiu^ us ttuyiliingJ:lseb
LAPdESVBE4gY,34ASE it is worth jj.
doing wriL W.r :: f
And offer W,? dtrii rjcom aid a lvertisiaif -'«!?«> : -b
Trtiigedtiidiva't'tCaAr formerprfw.t.ll.'f.'fis.oo lH«t wriy To g^jaw^^bat we knoiy that it
Scrkb llmd Suits at - flifio :i
lracilra' Cltdh Suits at 9.0(1. - f 12.00 to 15.00
AErilbofiJih sto<^ <rfj \bF< yjodt.\
v«littacndeal* at MO ,
*^^CidGIorcsZt. r -„..„_.„.„„...... U ,
Have rcGcivcdTthcir third stock of
The farmer^vho.3tintfi,'hi3: fields, S
tis rin-uTsbnritl improyi(ldirt'a.4;|ie hwii,d :
starves his working cattie^?5i \ lifith;
casesh'ri m diminuusliiug tlis ability of,
a faithful start'a^to-be to hnne
'Tho iarinor who obtains >jbrom a
might have- obtained twenty, is selling
. dots licit give buck to Ills fields as
scail)Ie ' much as lie fakes from them. seTLs
fertility of tiro soil.jdaj'th^'tov:
B5 mer’a oapitoL ’P& wrlj
keep these truths in view, arid act in
according with tho rules tli«y suggest,
will find his 'compensation in tlie iu-
| creasing' products ollns^txmi; .in tiie :
^Pigmentation of lua, wealth, ; anil in
! the promotion of general, prosperity.
E|JilE5mihcr‘in'the Newport! T: ;i: l,
1 says this is ber.v a pretty girl jumped in-
Hicks of Charleston, were introduced to
.. the Conference by (he Bishop yesterday,
also Dr. Harrison. Afterwards Dr. Poiszid
1 imide a ffile.jpoechjm behalf-df fil'd South- 1
..... l*.......... c * —- i .
erh Review—^»f which periodical, you are,
r ! - ' H° ‘toribt well ue, 1 iaiffited. : .0. ll Smith
•Vri ’ l^M'y^rdAyiey^lg^ 9^-_%
. •■; Hclhpdist Church. ftt-fiigJit:!fHis luermon w HHI. |
5OT1-' 3ir^ ; ^ ddivaeftyrepletei In -Oblil^, Huife Ifffori tffi toRTSiTilite. He who’
' • patimand eimerdiic«i;'- -■ , -
Onr little town is quiet arid
toi busincMi reij- good, hnd politics
at t - ed if vnil of tranquility whieh : m
f the dreaded lull just before the election storm.
0 of The craps are being rapidly put in. the
market to eel], in order to cancel indebted-
. ness p.vst due. . ." :::: : ■ : . (
lony For theiirment, adieu. a
•tiler fymfd *#>1 *:!: .1;- Xont8 frulv ^h3Sf
gton '. '■ - ’ r V -
the .
thriLh Gpba,—A Cuban gentleman now in j
pair i^hinyton ^ the present cpriilition. j to j&fj water at Rye B r -ach: “H-KiqJtarie
of affairs in Cuba is easily stated, i ?' ,w Uf,t llor liege lord, she- certainly.
Ll-.- That the insurrecaonists will be able ; loved him, and w*.i di-lightml to dis-
by« to hold out against Spain for several I playherlove. -Beforehetiirlvreacltetl
vrati, and that if thev can get-armril her.she threw herself in encfiiitS^g
iow they wfll conclude the war ia : !imdm-ss into his 'tremnhm* embrace
r t > thei? favor the next summeri He savs! -md hung uixin. his curling- lips as if
.the insurrection can newer lie. put) she-longed, to grow there. ■
ton .town. . . T^purpk vrttmrnk of 0m singers
,,n. L-mberi weddings,’’ says an ^
1 "f ; i,: .7.T n T™ ’ 11J1 7-,insinin !; -nts-^K ( .0;r». This is aeevd-
?m ticut. Bvidinidy. Liev are. to ;-ocnpil-:ti>r,; 6i YilL-.L.pan
V-«-lebarted l>y IretiidT hembi' ' drav,
Don’t expect irn
L. W: HUNT k CO,
PrugaiBtu, Haco-j.'Ga.
uo doubt, Well uognAilited.
(be i: -;)tist 1 CfoirtiB-a3dyi)y. -Pouaff hi: the .elstijl: :gH«n; ,-^iEii-by Sasainring; he
Symptoms of Worms.