The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, January 12, 1871, Image 1

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MAY APPLE LIVER j'boat altogether. So I tos'obliged to ahnostas much as Ton did!" .. ... •’{^tthhaize’pl'l Iiivid H':uifc s:ii& c1ov.ii to a bench, rleE l .-wit&^o6to£'caa^C8a»>».'..'. viat van across the prison-room, aud, “A cunning fellow, tfrai hosilarvifTwverin;.; his i'fcce' with •Loth hands, jonra, ” sstid Jolfeshh, irafldi^fem‘thej:§qfifeed'meud. 1 thu?g";i:'he was ashamed judge, and tekfr g an hr bridle ii’ : : . .: sir. o . _ w-- ‘tinny, Al1te^r[”Jie added,' loraing; them—- Hannah crept to Ms side, -and . ^nrto-t&£>.y6TitBg-BiJa»,! .•‘.^pa’.'WKtttedtbendii^ her -fair head against his an order fe seADaridHunt, - one day t-hreissi-Wed to ■•; : -r: him. last week; I iiin gpir.g : do\m fo the jail j ' : “I didn’t d > it, Hannah—tlte God; how,. yon exiiwalfc along dud iwilllet| of Hriivehknows I didn’t. iWgrow- yonia.’’ , . ’ r . iagthin. 11 t k dnwu-herti tc-d soue- ■^''heidnihesitafed a moment. .- t %!t5m^^thiithebnt < itSsn’tagailtj'' his daughter there now’”^vrir^jcoaseience;' 7 '^eyi^^'-lfalig’intor-ieH-, ed. fc ! nori'0~..nt they iil.n, te.-X IB 'Cry-ont “Gfrjes, liodrjgal, she herq? [leaves j hiot-ghilfy’.^with’ myiast-breath: Thby the old'man. ” f • [ shan't .point you . out, Haimak, alter ! i - i,; «T1 . -,... -....— il — _ n 7 T'— ......... ... ' . - ..... — .... : 1.1. ... 7 ie Year, - - | Months,,. ~ 1 50 tee Months, i 00 Che papa will be stopped at the expira- n of the tune paid for, unless 'the' sufe iption is previously renewed, if the address of a subscriber is to be nged, we must have the old address as 1-as the hew one, to prevent; mistake, lo subscription received far ai less period n three months. , Jo attention paid to anonymons comnrar- ations, as we are responsible for every- ag in onr reading columns. Tliis rule is perative. - my one sending ns five nc-iiv swluiOnbers l $12 50, .yvilLjeceive hie Home ijeor«»£B£. -«/? rt/Iw/vrficr-m,>r\tx will 1m p.liar^ed age lo6if,-&om;soiftn&e hiEci^Hie’ wifd. seni-eh which she hed beca. compelled 'tp_-m;ikc^r'i^it|^nt i s , Be^dfOTdJedlnfi(;- prey and. efejst toward the - man, pnr- M«t®*op3chfB%; bei'adJ against liis thick boirts;. . “Rxir puss; poor puss,” murmured rough coat with Ms hand; •;*>: But, as if-nlig'had, ngtfeeen - that he the cat suapppd. to . the squirrel, winch she seized in her month, and % earrieg, under, the bed, where sl^^maSielPgrrrivlfilg .fiercely,- and peering the ^stranger,, from tinder ■ the valance, with Kcs: , ronmky&ivage .: : eye5,.as,khe ' Ati* 1 -' : ^e birtt ecaniiP#-: P' ytlrns, beidw>- the-', -man. jrcjfr rrp a- ladcter - v - -i •, v ; . 8 . ; . • - Usplnycd advertisements will bo charged irdiug to-the space they occupy.'• -- Jll advertisements shculd-be marked for >ecified time, or they will be continued i charged for until ordered out. ^wAwflnAm/mlo itir«rl of uiIpt ■She jafidi t ‘We linger, we.- must- notsfoy; My’fleiik's ill danger.- my slieep ivffl wander; B^nld.theni .yendejr^liow fier thcy-stiayF, ; T answered holder; t: Xuy, let me hear you,' 1 And stilt be near you, ;md kfil adorel i year- ! btig— ■-. . - - - . j Ah! sfctr, my (h'rling. a mpiaent mere!’ YtQRM CAHDY Advertisements inserted at intervals will (charged as new each insertion. Advertisements to run for a longer time bn three months, are dne tuid wilt be col- &ed at the beginning of each quarter, transient advertisements mast be- paid Bn advance. j Bob work must be paid for on delivery. I Advertisements discontinued irpm nay; Eie, before the tirnr sjieiilicd, y.lfi he Egad only for the time pnliiishei fcarriage Notices ith<l Obituaries cpt ix-. Eding ten lines will be published iree.— bituaries of more than ten lilies will be iirged for at regular udviriisiug r.itta. Rfoticoa of a personal or private character,. leuded to pipmote any private emci-prare [interest, will be chargeil iis other adver- lementS. . ‘Advertisers are requested to l’.ar.d in theiy vors os early in the week ns possible. The above terms will be sine tty adhered A ijJcassiifc. s^ufo an<l rfft-.’Uia! roiortly for wonns iu tint lnmuui i>ouy. r Sptiptums of Worms. I AltcniKtepatsaes#! ftial ftamiiiw; of rnnht^iancb. a dull cxpvoesiou ol', the 1-.-. I--'. ilrovrsiact:.;, it-lilng of tliv-iicsv. a^vo-itod upper- iip. Unit^i,. -.vliUeb' fnn-r.l mPJ tSicaly siieriteu red spots, fetid t)i-e.atti r.r-d ctilir red- belly, a fartlrd »:r. aeueral sv^dliuiror jmumess of tie etdn. a atarfins in. the. slst-p, and crindlatref flic t-cth. a sensatitm as if Mimettana wcce lodged in tl-.e lliroat a ktsdual wasileg of they'd!, sieknessof tiidVtyiai.'-ev'.f vbip- .t'uff. a she; i di-y eoiadi, ;:ipp: t'.te sdmati»e»-yoiiI c-ouft. at other thucs feeble. «u uuc&tnr^ eravino for ctii-t, '.-fcalk or clay. 1>ovela souscrimoR costive, at otliee times loose, p-ect fretfuiness end irrita- binp-of te.aipev. pains in tie- st-»macli aud bowels, colic, fiti. ci uvulsicns aud patsy. I Tor directions see top of tbe l>ox. It would be well to Rive a siusOl iSuse of castor oil, with a feu- drops of spiriteof tnrpeutiiio, arh-rtbe raudy. to brio;; away tha worms. TIPs candy ;;ives imme diate- relief. Picpared only by - . J& \V; HOST A: CO., . • JlrivSRisis, afacoul G.%, -She whispered, fwgliing: “There wil he-sor- row. • ■ - Beyond to-morrow, -if I lose to-day: ' atv fold nngunsdcsu tuvfioek mifoldcd— I shall bj .seuideJaud 1 s(^f,!Vss-e.yi' ! Said I, raplying: “If ttiny do,- j I’hqy.ought tb-kiss yoii when you grt b'-me: And well rdwnialeil by friend and neighbor. Should lie the label-from which you eome,” . “Tfiev JKmcmbar,” . the answered diiHi^h-ttrcaa-tail ngiffiliimV.hmi L’in. as glad of it as'rf I’d caught a "'bear in • a ebon trap. . ..Consain.mail I can bc- .lieve the old chap’s guilty arter fill!’! - With these words tlie coashible went out, closing the^door. .au-efnlly after luii!, ar-d morditiug his horse made the best of his v. ’y'fiy the Bench Judge Ohurehcwas ymlknig ,tip and down the veranda, in front of his tav- ern, when the constable feide up. Lt's.nmis so-ferveht- Set aside a liberal percentage for advey- Then each hotflaber glowed quick within me, And loye did .win me to swiftxepty; “A!i! dq bjjt prove me, .and hone shall.biiid yoTr,- -' 1 i '■iliCd-df bidA. . ; ’ Noli fr.ijynor find yoni iuitil I die,” Sim blushed ahd started and s'oodj;v;;-.iangi . As il~.deVi.diug in dreams But I did brave them—rtold them plainly She doubted vainly, she musi immina-. - , {sing. Keep yourself unceasingly . befiim Be public; and it matters not whit business tou are engaged in, for, if intelligently amj tadustriously pursued, a for.uuc v.ili lie the gtsult,"—Hunt’s Merchants' Magazine. t “After I began to advert a, my Ironwai-s Ireely, business ineiuased until muszing ra bidity. For ten years past I have spent E30.000 yearly, to keep my snip--r.'of n-ares before the pnblie. Had I i • ! imid in i;d- rertising, I should never h:i\,. pos,sessed niy brtuue of X3SO,(JOU. ”—Mc-Leod ihiton, : 3irmiugliam. j “Advertising, like, Miila; [vcrytliinR to gold. By it y lraw millions to their c (Si-cek Cliristnifis-riooiier than stiliait. itb atiytiling'Of ^'kiiut‘ .Gver lierws • wc-clo uotiit i>maen! pfiipinn to him hiiiybmly,' lnii.-it is only a. fl’.w -areefta' ; sinchji hoiorjiKis kfaaziclijnjtitbsCChri^' 1 tiiiiVgot fqi' hial ealrnfy proposed, .ns ;i jueanS of mhkfrifrp(»Etic:il.eqpIfiifJnr the’party, flnit Amerfean Christians i generally klitiuITgb to killing Englirh | anil CaniiiThrn-I'hi-isfians, as»l ileSfroj - ' ittg their' property,. bn ‘ aceount of. : ai 'f cetiain siuii of money, uml large nnm- ;mfe> of tb * inure ‘■‘hiK-nncecl” Chri*.- [ tians tliink tlmt',, although he was mia- i taken, hh is stilt a dear, delightful. TONIC LIVBK BITTEILS, ig, by his own neighbors, too!”, - that for her saike,” icptied Vic ha. “Yes, father, we will go together, casting a look of revolting tenderness either of us liave anytliing to live for-- .on, ;lhe helpi^ss gnl. • -. ow,” said Hannah Hunt,-irismg from y:.‘.‘>Yell then, jet me ■ fell you. Bill er father’s arms far enough: -to- wind IVhecler, ;if. I wps the .cbjd-bloqanl er own around his neck, :ind "lajung; murderer that: ; y on . think- .1 ani, I nr pgle, wet cheek feebly down on i -should consider my gal. herb disgraced is ■ shoulder. “I am glad, .father, j by marrying a man who would help iat yon want me to .go with yon. The ! me to-escape; hut I am ho . murderer; orld would' be so lonesome after—\ nor robber, either. I wouldn’t ran iter that” | away if ’these jail doors were, finug David Hunt laid bis check down to 1 wide open, ahd a troop of horses oh the outside! If they want to try me for my Iffe, let the neighbors do it If y want to - hang ■ me, let - them do. t too. AYe are ready, Hannah, we. ready,”, and, wringing liis dough 's hand Avith a sort of mbnrufnl- tiie jie.vultiition, the old man looked'-firmly '■’ in the- face of his anxions visitor. ,<^3hc_ would sooner- be with her: old .fatlieer. on the ’ gallows than your- wife,—' AYoiddn’t yon, Hannah?” continued the firm old man, folding ihe'poor girl in' his arms.-' ’ ’ ‘ AYlieeler began to'expo'stiilaife again, ’ “HITof’nb use,'I tell’ yon, T : am' de- tefmiu«Bt6 stand triaL’ I’m riot-guil ty, and I wont sneak awayhsif 1- Was. l’ tench, turns i-.r daring men kurs.'— Btuart >' “ Wlmt audiuity is to Inv - and boltlness |o war, the skiillui use of pc n i r s iuk is to Success in hnsintr-s. Henrv AVi;id Beeehor. ? “ The uew.qmpidvi nun!-; Fisk.”—James' (Fisk, Jr. : “Without the aid of advertisements, I. feould have d.iti-.i nothing in my sp-.euln- fcous.' I have the most vt ;---iiUe,lnith in j {printer’s juk. Ailvirti ang i’s iLe royaV.i-oail: [to business. ! t doors, too, were, knobbed-with great the .pale face upon his shoulder, and spike nails, and .bolted, with massive began rocking her in his arms again,’ 1 bars just as they came from the forge, without any other reply; for this rush c Altogether, though rudely built, the of passionate feeling had exhausted j that 1 jail was not only strong but well guard- even his great strength. By degrees f are: 1 ed, and it must have been a despera te both father "and child became more l man indeed who could hope for escape calm; bnt David was still holding 1’ r When once immured within its ragged strengthless girl imhis arais,- when the. l walls. prison ’door opened ’ and AYillkm { But the stout faitner, who was the Wheeler entered the roomi- only important prisoner in. the build- David Hunt sprung to. -his feet, set ; ing, had little thought of escape. -If Hannah down, and dashing the tears' . the massive logs could have crumbled from his face with an impetuous ino- to’dust at his feet; David Hunt would tion of the hand, walked the • not have fled one step -from the cap- further end of his dungeon; where, he ; tivify in which his friends and neigh- turned, like a stag-at bay, and w.iited J j hors lu-A-ylacfid Jiim. Still imprison- jn stem silence for his visitor to speak. . ment wasa wearyfrial to-au old man Almost for the first time in Ins life who had been ah hislifeem active filter,-vyiUiftm.,AYhceler was at ate for,, i. of the- soil—a healthy,' enterprising, words; he tumcd'ipale, ahd then' i'- cheerful farmer. He.felt restive, and L color bnrhed hotly up to his foi-ehoad- . sometimes almost sullen, cooped up— but shaking off the faseinatibir avhieh [ as ha. expressed it—-like a bam-door the prisoner’s eye seemed to fik -upon- . fowl with its-wings clipped; sometime bubj he-moved gently' to . the.heuch I he gave way to fits of childlike rnehm- where Hannab v^issitiang, and.pkegfr ! choly, for—innocent or guilty of-Isaac biinself near her. Hunt tpok'-'a’- 'stei»; ! > Shaw’s death—the old man could not forward, but before he eoiijd do rilo^e bnt feel-the event deeply; the more so Ms daughter had left ’ her seif . and as his gentle and suffering daughter stood by his.side,;pale, and still freni- was always near, to remind him, by blihg, bnt with the tear quenched; in her sad and monmfnl attempts at her eyes!; .. - . v - - cheerMhessi how terribly she felt the ‘‘ivelL sir, what db you want here? ■ event which had rendered her young This roof belongs' to the'State. If I heart desolate. . were a.feee.mail it could not cover us,' • Somethnes, David Hunt wonldgive both half a minute longer, fl-- y ■way : to.- fits: of sturdy indignation , “Ihave come as a friend: pray hear : against those who had plaTced him in me with patience,” said Y'heeleu ris- , Confinement, and again he wauld- ad- ing and moving:toward theAprisoher.'; : xnit, with simple-hearted candor, that Hunt-ffUng one powerful aim aronhd appearances were s&ong against him,-ibis child,'IiaKl:motibhed. Al-htielei- ba^ affd-becould not blame Hiose who, on [with 'ffie.atheri; J; - :; = -. evidence so conclusive, ted. dragged pi -‘Spy: wKere ypu^ace; . him from his. quiet home,, and shut X caro nothing -about ivhaf* ]Jace via; himmp,-. to undergo a disgraceful hial stand-in,, but my gal. herS,' .freinhleaaa! for the murder of a man whom heh’ad if. a rattle-snake wci;-i .crawiibg this ‘ loved as. a son. : : - way ; keep where v -. sts, : : j can l ‘H woMd not have cared,”-said.'Da- yon,wcll erLo;!ghi'’i-’ , :, E ” : \ vid to his daughter,' on the morning ; ‘ ‘AYliv do-you-ixeat me in this wav?” : after Conshilile Johnsou'had. 1^'en at said AYheeler, soothingly. “You hug; j : thejaahto warn him. of AVheeler’s. visit, or not, but I only h-ame to j • “I Wouldnot have eared : a ■bean-stalk' .*35 i£ T could help you. T!; - about being shut up’here, HI didn't’ comes on to-moi-row,”'.' I .havetokee every scoundrel that chboses yl ‘ ‘‘Tb-inovr Jv. ” ’ exclaimed EHnn-.ih,' ■. to come in and aA meimnndent q;ies-.. hlinfi-g, ,'apil th fronu Tfhbkl .eniraglr to think :that j uiafr. ‘e -.- ---r poor Ike ; is gonfry-don’t taru r-’r 'fEhe evidence against hiihiishn'ongirj idfln’t- eiy- so, [Hannah—yon [ did not Tto, Convict-•irayfihih, ; ’ s£ c‘Jil6ak£(i^ieei-t v.-. UCHT. H. 4. EAhlMt. HA'NK.IH. A. COUGH HBHEfrY. iToacnkL Crrz nt tvetifcint* the army ' as poor ash church monse.. He is now very rk-li,. iindhis weidlhif.rax»idlyang- meatiug. * l-’o doubt he will. leave the Presidency’ ocp' of the richest men in the nation. The Radical leaders boast that the Radical is- a party of progress. The. ease of General Gra&f is an iHiis- triition in point.’ He progressed trean poyci-ty; when he struck the army, in IStJl,-tuiULhe has become one of the wealthiest millionaires iu the eetrabry. Bo much for “gift enterprises.” ■^Jh-CejriPX jgfiEALEBS'lM'ia BsSSScte: iTRUMENTfj | Ib a pit aoint, fiafp and efToctiA t> nacdlelne Iu cou^lin . Three weelcs i\{ i coi«i8. kuvucH of tiie Cirt-at. cUc^l i-xri liqifc'i . ' i 10 ; \l i, • bi-oueiiitiri, etc. : . , iu.cuar empti , Every case c.f c-.mywptl-ju cajwucucsh ; c,m«h extbl. d irrirn. tW iuOsvliL^ l^yiiig- cak..t .j SiOW - T - j V«lu. Tee discasco.tJi Citiair l-ajj«^v’s. qp | Da.vid Hllllt’ii till { iut' tu .evrry iHMd-UMit biting. Tlte aCxicalo I . ' ' ■ _ : or,;.Tu;/r.i.ou < : the iui.jjs. coll^ixt a'4-Vdy- i beSY*r*tu the Jlllgt M standing witl [ ircjtatiuij :u;attyj^ gujn eutied iu X reUilar Lian j j- 0 ho^rt, iihd ■ especlaUy’ititiiit : tb diHeuhfrt!. aiuLLv.‘ae o£ iuoKt ee- , _ ~. ! rioila cuanuiter. v . . r . j upper InmicliCH t I lur tliOrte vlis«;aFC.-i>’e oftVt P;pf. IxumVk 1 ; . . . • . - _ •. - i Slixlnre 'as a fciiivdy. Ii vru; x ateh a cold, do iicdj. ensp IU' 1 "ail tu'fct it Cri a «lwi» fcjdi but vulk tba rctai-iii- . fi.i ,,...,: % i i atouev. -To BOOM- »,„•m.wiicU tuis-1 1X10 Ui - ln P-'?»‘- 0. J | audii-iucIslirid, weai>:«m! a'i'mv ooitifl_.ati;s ; I Ms foot struck II - Gave. Ready and Entire Relief, j ground. It was Nearly fotir y’ea--s ago, when nuifkiug from » sc- j rusted and \V6« V vcrc cov*jh;.X was induced by."ilr. Loiid to -try Ins'! heeil Ivili”* upon Cough S.Miip, It ©we Bueii. ready'and enure re- !'>. v lief tnat'i taiiu great pieasnrr hi recommending it grass aild struwbi to HUdi aa uiay be in a siinJac 'eoiid.tioh of anffer- ing. . . is. w. W.VUUKS. over and tangled Macon, Jan, 22, }sio. so coninletelv tin “Ntr, no, jqhnnon, that’ will -never dp; law is law; but hii’i,' lins-U— think of anything of the kind yet. AYe -must do OUT duty—the laws must be maintained, Afr. Jolmson!” ; , rTlie jjnlge^i>okt!.-thj.'So hist- words in a ruiseefVoice, and accbmpaiii'ad- with- a warning look, which the constable iniderstood, for just then’ "William Yvheeler came sauntering round a corner of the house, and slowly ap. .proac-hed ; them, . -The appearance of 'this nian had been'mh'chehitngCd since his presentation to tlie reader; Ms fear tirros had. become, sharp and thin, a -restless, anxious expression would con stantly break over them, notwithstand ing the listless air which he always -as sumed., . His : figure had shrank away ■till t-he'huiilang-fr-jck, wMchhe always. wpfe, .hung loosely over it. r : All fbig gave a neglected look to liis whole poi^p/i., «>mbined, as it was, with " the ■ disdrdf r Vlfrble-in thl romiundcr. of his drees, ’- . f u. ’’-’ T’ ; ‘‘Halloa, AYheelcr," said the consta ble, ■ ghraciiig-ht thayoung man’s dress,. iyMeh was even more roughly put 'on than it had been the, day before, and gating Ms ? : yesptla$!k' on the clumsy cithcri were guests. Whether theparty dinefT Imaitily or-not, there isiio rea-. .riKarto dpuhtlthat. they must heartily -des|nse gaeh other. 'Ben Hill eating nhd drinking at the same table with Bullock! • ■’Ben must have the stomach To Our Patrons, To Dealers, and to the General Pnblie. tal stumble,- it might have, not been discovered. The man lifted, the axe, exaihiued ijicloscly,., and mutteringj-r, -.-“There is nothing, here but rn3t-ii downright honest -rust”—-rested the . implem.eut ii^mstJ&^tsx^apjl moved Afforded Immediate R;I!i\E - $Lv^psii* &*;,~3$ui£ary j Messrs. L. ly. HUXT, k-GO.: | Gr^Ts:—^pudc^ifrnvlfinttiiat yuu LaA*e‘engaged] iiv |he mamjiUctare ctf’P. lAmd.'iAiCiiutfa i*up, iH* alToriifi'^ar lileadiirtv ; tv» bc^r' fjj-tiuiouy to its ntcl-i it. I-was-sufferii^ fruiri c vtirA’ tix’ybifcGome.coiii'l: [ Avlioii Mtvioud prcscuivd mti'wtth a Ek^tic-uf tils t Syrup,” tiie ’ nsa pf 'Avxacii alb »rdc^ aie.ximuodiat^ • j- veiief.- My.ui<' u«vi i siaall -portion leit by | me, AA’iUt-thmllar bciiciiciRl resuitri. - .1 Uct5pcc'tnUlIy,.yoiu-», ; ; J. C. Ctkd. ; ■flfTIT feel that \ro cannot do abfrttfr aerricethan VV to raise a. voice of warniu^ a^iuilht tUr iiuliR 1 crimiuaic use of Pateut Medic-ues, whose liauic ia flow Legion, a larp.e majority ui which’arc pul tip- on the market by ignorant quacks, who do Aict-ac'r 'tuaiiy know anything of medicine. ' Many of thine Ho-caJled remedies are of uo value whatever, aud some are very dangerous; being recommended for. diseases whidiit they lm’ariably a^jnavT.tu, thus in creasing the hntfei’ing and ttften piodueing lasting disability or shortening the life of the. individual. As druggists aud dealers, ay.* are cOiui»ciled to buy and sell these uostirnins, wKich avc do'Tor just what they. arv. As'a protection to the people.f rom gross imposition, and from the suffering tliaf is often entailed on..them by tlie use of tint clavs of nostrums above,mentioned, we have prcparedmid offer them a few* strictly Pnrq lvamiiy Mediciuen. The formulas for these medicines iuxr all published wid ifwillbe seen they are. ail arficJea of merit. ■Persona Who take medicine Without the ad-vice oif a physician' Avoiild dO Vvell to give the'se tlie prefer ence,' because tlicy. are good, and pure, and are prepared by pCraonS'who have had long years of experience ^ compounding medicines. ‘ ■ - cle f^ e ana TOmiRabited, like afforaakenbircl s nest, in the rabbi fil iH- RtUg yqget-ii- ; ble giirdsh^no wraathbf smoke went mirling up, from tho stick chimney, ir the, qufet Tncgniug iar; affilj-Athough it From Slaror G. S'. MXccX, Oa : . FuiJruaiy 1, ISTtt. -Mdskts. L. W.'HUNT fc CO.i SEKTSil-Mr. P. Loud Laving referred }i>u to me relative to tlie merits oT3iis cou^li ayriln. T fake Blesinro lnitatirisitliat wXeii ijtagi-iBg'froniareiy; severe CTddimd.<tistrc!-siug cough; ivlud, .dtsstroyea my rest, Mr-louil uuticed juj- cousli'ami present; ed me Mail soul, oi idcOVTua. avail a awarded me immediate redTef, and eiiableil n;e to" re;t quaili; a tiling Iliad not been aide til do for severafuights before. ’ I tberes'gre esteem tbe Syrup & very vab> able medicine. Vonrs. very reapre-tfully, ’ - Ueokje S. 03EAH. mass, nJhiril time, but in an instant after the forked flames .shot up in all dfreytipas, shuttir^ him from the view : of • rntin-iilled spectators, and the I gab nt man enmeback no more; The AUkdgcvflle Union tMuks if we' i c-ynld have had a fair; constitiitionai ! elec tion, and none have hevu. allowed :fri. vote.cxc- ; q,t tiipke entitled to vote, we shosd.i have chctvd evciy member “: Co;.: - •' nd mi;.-. very member - ; u ' ‘ ” *d ; i ■ would jiartj: of fit orgia except two 1 rg grease .spo.s wh-ra Fatty Harris trad Bob- -v-r ,tv , neglected-itwax! ’I»£K^ was i the hearth, caked to^ no-hviBg sociable with a chap who ie wafer that-had ■ rained: woiv a silk Ivindkoi-eiiief week cla-vr,- chimney; a and had his loalf-skin booiv blacked one' comer,' made-- it covered- tyith - ft ^p'tetty makes ns plain homssiinn fehows mfe- ^njttrastfHLY- : - Pthdow, - tied th» same' - AYhccler had ajqjrbacht^ thoar wsth cahm. itsvrayinma^^ hffmfei' who v fc JfV;^$. 0 % iH g crflots had known batlitthi sleep for many.. the and a mass of morning'last word .he hffed his -eyes, which; tangled with Scarlet rnni seera^d,-rlmqst bfack. from the-dark: ower had forced’frieir: 'shi^'wffafoite.d’fiiem, afidicasta keen! nd ei-ej^^&ap^^waHl. glance front the-eonsfedfle totfiejud^y.'l -besides, whiat could a lawyer; : enough, true enough,” rejoin- : nith, folding his dusty anus' >hmg. “I will be W3i do VOU saw t!:,-w-d, ! -1 Mill ]>c kx'pit to klic. u^nsj stsnd^ff, auu er.-xtire tfor anything in tins line. : ‘ . ’ ' ,;L. W. HLTNX k CO.. .'VYL.old^e' X>rug and Cltemicnl Warebourio. Mocoa, Ga. moved abc-nt vdth 'n soft tivad, oijd j unlocked the etipboards and that large *3“ -Ml. cf tb-. above preparations for sale oy ! chest with a btuich of keys which hr- Dii. j. c. dt&BSRT, | took from liisqjocket steoiihily, os’ if. .Perry, 6a. : his heart would- not peniiit him t<>