The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, January 19, 1871, Image 1

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kerelrief. A comer was tom away and the fragment produced by t re black smith perfectly fitted the' rent. Be sides this, a pattern of black r in ever the crimson ground-work," which ren dered the handkerchief somewhat pe culiar, and this pattern was also in the fragment. The jury had scare'ly sat isfied itself of the fact, when a port manteau -ans brought into court, which an officer, who had been sent to search Wheeler’s room, hiwl fonnd und -r his bed. It was hastily unstrapped and* hunting-frock dr;ran forth, tom. and mouldy, but notwithstanding this, tra ces of blood were found upon the shirt When this object was held np before the jury, the excitement became in tense. Three or four men leaped through the window into the bar-room packing the crowd stfiLmqjre closely Together. The hall was filled with stem, eager faces, pressing forward to the door. ‘‘Make room, make room, I tell you, cried a female voice from the. crowd; ‘.‘she will be'stifled here,” and with her arm flung round the drooping form of Hannah Hunt, tho blacksmith’s wife forced a- passage for the poor, girl, where half a dozen men would have failed. As they passed through the door, Wheeler darted forward and in a moment would have been safe-in the dense mass of human beings that filled the darkened hall- But Johnson saw the movement jnst in time, and flung him back against the bar. “He is laying to escape—he will git eleurj".cried a voice from, the window. The ory was -followed by"a moment of comparative' silence; men bent 'their faces together and whispered in J. T. WATERMAN fjtiufentagnoise over taecrawdof i>er- ily aboutjtljie trial, 'vijih then--faces tiiraed nfr^ager-ttimosity toward: the county jaiL The murder of-Isaac Shaw had caus ed great excitement in the country^ ■ Hunt, ihe person about*, to be tu-rcign- en meant to cut through through the woods. I found a tree choking it up. >r! and was walking my horse around it, ?” when what should I see but the body ig of a man lying among the branches. It was Ike Shaw, as dead as a door tr, nail—at any rate I thought so ilien. ” o’ ‘Was he alive? Was he murdered? >1- What did you do with him?” exclaimed several voices from the crowd. >u “Keep cool, neighbors, keep cool,” or cried the smith; ‘.‘there, you have nigli m about set that poor gal into fits,” oon : I tinned he, pointing to Hannah, who le was bending toward him with clasped or hands and a look of wild anxiety in le her face, “I shouldn’t wonder now if — she faints clear away when I tell you :h that the poor fellow was cold and stiff, i id with a knife-hole in his side, but yet : to; there was a breath of life in him.” iy His predictions were right. With a or single gasp, Hannah - fell across her! I father’s lap, quite senseless, but every il one present was so occupied with tho For in the purpose s of a Family Catearticjred- icine. Xomerriwy or-other substance in them.-, S1.000 in Gold ' . WIU be ’paid fbr' every gram o£ mercurycr other Bubstahfcefsmha in onrliver Pills. For fiver di% : eaSSt’KS^jfer-vonis dr •StdE^lSia^ehg eoiisti or costiveness, dyspepsia.or fodtgeeflmfrjlptag^ rfiettmATsm, rqfTHted ralfarmly catliarticmcaicine.- - ^ These pills eiB giv? reifef in ninjfc rases out of tec for every ordinary ailment in our "Southern .st’ ■ _ _ ' • ” li. ■il?. -ra— : — —— dor^ln/lnlil in her ‘hand, and gave the lawyer a look that would have demolished a man of ordinary nerve. The-judge turned hastily on bis seat,—‘Til see you—” He cheeked himself jnst in. time, took np one of the law hooks as if to con sult some Authority, and .then replied with solemn dignity— “The court lias decided'that it is no business of yours where the girl sits.*-’ fee Months,... — - 1 00 he paper will be stopped at the expim- of the time paid fcr, unless the sub tile address iaf a snbsaiber .is to be David Hunt, who had grasped his daughter’s hand and half" risen, sank Trick to his seat again, as these words fell upon his ear, and a murmur, of ap probation passed through the crowd. The attorney turned very rod, mut tered something*! o Wheeler in an Un dertone, and after a good deal of os tentatious preparation, arose' to open “Oh, elderly man, it’s little 1 know Of the duties of men of the sea. And HI eat my hand, if I understand How you can possibly be -■ ft: “At once a cook and a captain bold, And the mate of the Nancy brig,' - Andiibo’sun tight, and a midsbipimte; And the crew of the captain’s gig.” : Then be gavenjntcb to histrowsers, which Is a trick all seamen lain; He spun°this painful-yam: “’Twas in the good, ship Nancy Bdl- Thut we sailed to the Indian sea, ,’i.. And taere on a rerf weeametogriefj Wflvvrtti hnt< aAaw ‘AAnniwnd Art A of a caintal crime, all oyer the world. At. length there was a slight copra'-' fdon manifest n«ir taejai], and while the crowd way,.Da- ug iu .(Ivertisements should be mnrked for ied time, or they will be continued charged for until ordered out Ivertisements inserted at intervalstwill inrged as new each insertion. : ivertisements to run for a longer time three months, are due and will beicol- d at the beginning of each quarter. WORM CANDY! liis ’case:' * ■The chain of evidence that he propose^- to jlay beforpthe courtwas indeed such as left-but little doubt -of; A pleasant, safe anil Cffcetaii f emsdy for worms in the hurauu body. Symptoms of Worms. Alternate paleness and flushing of coiiuteuance, a dull expression of the eves,, drowsiness, itcliiug of tho nose, a swelled upper lip, tongue whitely furred, and thictJy speckled with red spots, fetid breath‘arid enlarged, belly, a partial or general swelling pr pufthiess of the skin, a starting in the transient advertisements must be paid in advance. fob work must be paid for on delivery. Advertisements discontinued from 'any %e, before the time specified, will be Sged only for the time published. Carriage Notices and Obituaries not-ex- Bing ten lines will be published tree.— [tuories of more than ten lines will be trged for at regular advertising rates, Notices of a personal or private diameter, mded to promote any private , enterprise interest, will be charged as other adver- •menta Ldvertisers are requested to hand in'their brs as early in the week as possible.; , .’ho above terms will be strictly adhered ty nigh all o’ the crew was drowned was seventy-seven soul', teii pi .the Nancy’s men,. ., fere’to the muster roll. at before’d scythe.- It was terrible dark, btit wA "kept together tiU a great oak was fernhp. anti feil'almpst Over use'I thought "then that Sbkw was knocked from, his horse.. .1. saw Turn on; the ground; and—so help me God, I speak the truth!-—for one moment it' seemed : to, me; as if another man was bending bver.him. . I rpde towarri-hiim, but tab lightning. went. out, and; while I was calling to-him; he ;iode up. to my side.’ I left him - atthe-dbor toputup the horses,’ and- went into the cabin with ■ at-the tavern.-. Huhtbhad' insisted on Hd&ghomStaroughffiestorin’ though i ’thfcS^f^edhacf exhibited greatreluc- tance to go. After the two had disap- ipeared in the woods .-together, Shaw had never been seen' again; but two days after, Ins horse was found wan-, dertag-alongtlte higii Way,,with hissad- r;1' 1 ^ t fw d : s<3 S?4 fijkyblood, pne-of his stiriups gone; and the bridle hang ing in'tatters'about his head. - tir.-n: vt-i. ... . -j , , ■ - fully when a hand towards him an<^a |rjepi|^.v,oice ealied out: “Eeep : iip your courage, neighbor; the darkest hoiy is always just before day.” - “ . ; ^^^^ttll'-iih& ^ranSi; made a rush for the bar-room, while the re-. And flie mate of (he N;mcy brig, And the bo’sun tight, and a midshipmite, And the crew of the captaill’s-gig. “For a month we’d neither wiltles. nor drink, Till a-hangry we did feel; So we dmwed a -lot, and, accordin' shot The captain for onr menl. “The next lot fell to the captain's mate, . And a delicate dish lie madeK Then our appetite with the inidshiirmiie We seven survivors stayed. “And then we murdered the bo’sun tight, And he mod; resembled pig; ; Tlicu we wittled free, did the cook and Wo; On the crew, of the captain’s g:g, “Then only the cook aad.nie was left,-; And the delicate question ‘which Of us two goes to the : kettle //’arose, - . . And .ive'argued itrout'hs sl&. ; “For I loved that cook as a brother,-1 did, And the cook he worshipped me; colic, .fits, couvulsii n; onfl iovVy. ... i FoiffllrectioiiB en ft® of tut- boj,.-. It wonltl be well to give a small dose of rastor oil. with a few drops of spirits of tUEpoiitiue.- after tbe candy, to bring away tbo worms. TICs candy gives imme diate relief. Prepared only bv L. W. HtTST & CO., Druggists,. Macon, Ga. “ Set aside a liberal percentnge’for, adver- ing. ’ Keep yourself unceasingly before i public; and it matters not what business a are engaged in, for, if intelligently aud lustrioudy pursued, a fortune will be the nit " _TTn»»fV his life seemed to hurt him worse thnu hi wound. He begged me not to mien- tiion the matter, as he was determined not to prosecute the old man, And he ft might feared that the affiur could not be f hushed up if the people knew he was wbniided.'' It came hafd for me to be- ! -KeM* tbflt’-'Hnnt was a murderer and robber—I was in hopes' that something ; would turn np to dear him, so X made r up my mind to keep quiet. I doctored . Shaw up as wettas I could, and started ’ home, promising to come back after : dark With a wagon and take him hofite i vrifli me. - “When T came to the cross-roads again, on my, way~h«Jme, I searched jrbqu.t; Among;, the. brush to see if I coudd find anything.- There was a lit ; i tie hollow close by. the road, and rip : one side-I saw that the cods were tom as'if a horse had lost his foothold and . slipped' down; a sassafras bush close by was broken and- one of its roots tom np, and rigbfcthere, tangled with the root, I picked up a horse-shoe. Iknew it in-a minute, for The small nails had been tom from the hoof, but stack in the' shoe yet, and I declare for the first -minute my heart flew info'my mouth. I searched around in -hopra' of- finding something more^ hut this scrap of sQk with a bit of twine tied to it, was all that I could find. It did not seem; of for the prispnea^to pass. He was fol-’ lowed elosely by two females—the blacksmith’s wife and poor Hannah.— A rough, hurd-featared, but good- knit’’—Hunt's Merchants’ Magazine. “After I began to advertise my Ironware ;ely, business increased with amazing ni di ty. For ten years past I have spent 10,000 yearly, to keep my superior wares fore the public. Hod I been timid in ad- rtising, I should never lmvo possessed my jrlune of JT'(50,000.”—McLeod L’elfon, William Wheeler arid two other men from; the Bend had gone in search of the body, but nothing was to be found some viplent stmg^- gle-hear the cross-roads, 'fbot-printe •'of Ijothman,.andhorse,sunkydeep in the’mud; were Trampied all ’over the road, just where a huge pak had been thrown across it by the storm. Two or three small ’branches of the oak, which seemed to have been crushed - by some heavy weight falling upon them, =with ’ intense feeling; “neighbors,- ! were broktriisarfELSome aftytailf lCaVes have told -you -ther -' truth, the whole matted together with blood, while a truth, and nothing but the-truth, so black stream.had flowed over the trunk, help me God!” “ and stained the earth for half a yard He sat down amici, tho bi-euthless around. Mest of the blood must have crowd; no one spoke, no oner moved, flowed offer; the rain had ceased, or it but.a sound rung oyer them from the Would have been washed away. But, blacksmith’s anvil, clear and full, like further than, this no trace of the' body the quick toll of a belL All at once effort to intimidate them with bis knife. .; . ’ . “Ha, X know him now that Ilia face is like? ashes apd his eyes burning so, ’ cried the Missisrippi boatanti^ -'spring- irigup to a bench. “He was among ! them - - at Vicksburg—a blackleg—a gambler—the worst of all that; .infer nal gong wliich I told yoa wbaat the other night. I saw Mm with* knife in lus hand there, loaktag jusfc as he does i now. The rope was a’most round his neck,, bat be- stabbed the man who held Mm andgot'nway. They : hung his mates, hat he escaped—he will escape now.” : The objofrt which had possessed the crowd, up to this moment, bad only been * vague determination to secure ; the accused m .n and lodged him in some place of confinement. The peo ple were greatly excited; theur sense of justice hadbeea outraged, -an honest and innocent neighbor had been hunt ed within a step of the gallows, before their eyes, by few wicked Mm who stood armed and menacing them in tbe very bar of justice. AH the ele ments wliich lead to "violence were aroused in their hearts; fell tbe Wretched man- might have been safe but for this speech c4 Use rough boat man, and his words concentrated, the wild passion already fezafested into-a stern resolve. There was Be shout, tbe tumult grew less than it ber& been, men tamed their fierce eyes to each other, and a hoarse wMspf* nm through the crowd— “He escaped the mob then. He will escape the law now.” . These were the words went biwring from lip to lip through the room, offt from the open windows and along the street. T0MC LIVEE BITTEES. It in not a -wliieir drink, but is a compound of vegetable tunics .with pure .stimulant, and is rec- oinmended in all cast's where a tonic and gentle laxative is needed. In dynpepria, indigestion, de bility, languor, hcad-achc and costivenesH, .these bitters ai’e. especirfly commended. As a preventive of chills and fever, it will bo found to be a valua ble medicine, by gcntlyjstimuiating^tho liyer and ,iasif;saiigl?iihfrc^o|thrd^ofnmiaE3na. - Take one, Itlifetrdo^ert'a dijr—just eHotrghto ^produce a*full, healthy action on the bowels. If you have cause to use bitters of any kind, this is what you ; want. Prepared only by L. V. HITNT & CO., JDruggists, JIacon, Ga. “Advertising, like Midas’ touch;'-, fiu-nfi jrything to gold. By it j-om" dia-iug jneu ■ p " to their coflV-i-s."—Stuart lions But we’d bv blowed if we’d either tie stewed In the othej; chap’s hold, you see. = “ ‘Fli beieat if you’dines'ciaririe,“say.s Tom, Tes, that’ says J, ‘you’ll be.! Tin boiled if I die, my friend,’ says 1; And ‘exactly so,’ says ha “Says he, ‘Dear .-James, to finish me Were* foolish thing to do; s-.. For don!t you eiufit cook-me, i While 1 call—and will—cook j-oui’ "What audacity is to love and Ixfidiiefe; if.*w ll,a itl.nlfnl nno #\P , 1 KovV* llllr-lo "* before, was. set back on her head; and its immense sugar-scoop front, flaring tip from her honest- face, gave a. still more decidedly military dash-to her appearance. She waved her hand to her husband, who stood in his shop door,, and. followed,prisoner into the"femiJor;'iiy ''donrt-taonf, tnftl sat down near the bar. f it The judge had taken, his seat in the bar whmrtlu^ hropj^itthe prisoner in. On his right hand, but outside the railing, stood the prosecuting attorney, turning over one of the new law-hooks with intense interest; on the left side tho skillful use of printer’s ink is tb in business. ”—Henry Ward Beecher. ‘ ‘ Without the aid of advertisements, I Mid have Anne nothing in-my sjieeula- ans. Ihnvc the most complete iiiitli in rinter’s ink. Advertising is the royal road business. ”—P. Ti Bamum. “So he. boils the water, and takes the salt Anil the pepper in portions tme, (Which he never forgot; and some chopped shallot, And sonic sage and parsley too. -COIMPX ^dealers gg Ire MED1CIKES1 was Constable Johnson with a large * sugar crusher in liis hand, .wliieh.he struck down on the railing with great emphasis, .as. he called, the court to or der. " ; ; Hunt was brought in, and placed on a bench opposite the judge, who scru- s’^d^i^fi|v«r|^^ppj’gp*-omtheprf- : • soner’s face, while the jury waa em- j paneled and all the preliminaries en tered upon. Never yet had there , ? jtalSfS^wa^S^yaSfefi^th^S^Stich of j imposing form at the Bend before.— j Every one looked grave, some -even ] solemn, as the prisoner was arraigned! < Hunt stood np; his lips tamed wMte, ] arid the hands which he clasped oyer j his-breast shook a little, hut liis eyes ’ s .wfflre2biif0fffl®6fiStBSS^udge, as he an-, '- swered, “Not[ guilty, not guilty, .iso ] help me God!” in a voice that swelled - ( clear and full through the listening ] If* a i>lritftant, : safcan<l effective rhetlicme m cou"Iib coUIk, auvvucH of itive-.throat,; cucst-'aiarl lungs” 'bronchitis,, etc. - " ; . Every cjimc of i-onsmujitioi; eommeuoes with t, cough excited froiu .tae mdiyidiial having hUcn cold. The diseases oi the au iiOstugea are of giua' interest to every intelligent being. Tho delicate organization of tho lungs, tueir c-oustsnt activity, aud their’bt-ihg exposeu t» contact of air of, such different teiupeiuture. and .which contains various irritating matters siisi>cuded in it, render tin m especially .liaoie to d^sciisea. aud those oi- most ue- rious.cbaxac-ter. . *■ \ y $ ♦ ■^JrirtbdBc disfa^-vve^ufrer rrhfi' Loud^S Cough Mixture a reincdyi* a cold, do-not wait to let it get a. deep hold, but.take the remedy at ouce. To show, tae estimation in which this medicine is held,'we append a i**w cettificates ; It Gave Ready arid Entil-e Relief. Nearly.four years ago, when suffering from a se vere cough, i was induced by Mr. Loud to try his: Cougli Sjunp, JLt gave: such ready and entire re-' lief that I take gri*at i»leasuic in recommending it to such as may be in a sinnlar condition of suffer ing. E. W. W.AUBEN. _ Macon, Jan. 22,1870. v iNTS.OHS &C •fingerin -this pie before it’s cooked.” “Do you wish to give evidence ? Do. ybu'kxiow''ariythiiig about it?” inquired the judge eagerly.’ “Well I should think it likely that I did', Squire sq just give, me the oath. But first hen«I down your head here.” The., judge bent .his head while the smith whispered something in his ear. And themate of the Nancy brig, ; And a bosun tight, and a muLshipwite, And the craw of the captain’s gig;” DAVID HUNT. r He then gave directions to the corista- f ble in a low voice, and that dignitary * moved around to the other side and r took his station by the door. ^ The oath was administered and then ? the blacksmith unrolled a dirty liand- ! kerchief wMch he carried-under his r- arm, .aud took out a muddy hoot, a ■ horse-shoe, and a scrap of red mlTr.— ^ ,-He had scarcely laid.these things down 1 before the judge, when some confusion > arose at the door. William Wheeler l had attempted to pass out, and the 5 constable was forcing Mm back again. 1 In the struggle, Wheeler’s face was turned -to the crowd; it was" ghastly and white, and when he raised his voice 1 to expostulate, it was choked, and so hriskytliat very few heard him. * “Order, order—keep still,” resound ed through the crowd, and Wheeler, as if restored to some presence of mind, drew back to his old station. ' >siBip ! ^ ^ . ___ “Well,” saidthe blacksmith, “Iwant have killed him. Besides, I wanted to to tell you how I came by these tilings see what kind of a lawyer X' would and get back to my work again. Well, Now, squire, I’ve taken oath fa Onr Patrons, To Dealers, and to the . General Public. me that he was sick in bed, and had been all night dying with the tooth ache. Just-then the hostler-came down with Wheeler’s dandy hoots in his hand; he had brushed one when I hap- see something that made me anxious to get the’dirty boot, 'flie hostler went out a minute, and. I snatched np the boot and made for As the prisoner.sat down again, Han- j nah cast a look over the a-oWth-rosetor ; her feet, and, suppqrting her fMfering < stemhy pre.fffiig-hershand to the wall,' 3 wenfc rotind to the bench he. occupied j and crept timidly to Ms side. Htildid < not tarn his head or seem to he eon-, j sciqusvofirnttoti^huk tae lines | about his mouth began to quiver, and’ s he shut? his heavy eyehds hard togeth er once or twice, as if determined to 3 forceback tae moisturefrdni his eyes, j before it had time to form into tears'. - 3 This stem effort tef subdue the Teel- t tags taggi^ at his heart, joined to the dasollite- arid' fiehloair-wita^whieh the f poor girl had performed her simple act t of devotion, had its effect upon the i Aflortled Immediate Relief. cpscitaDEDr *' ■ On tae following day, the BencP was News of the murder had spread all over the country, and every man or woman who could make business at the county seat, went ’there to witness .the trial of David Hunt. Long before noon the main street -was alive ^rita and k Mii of I kiddle ' h'diries exfended far down the fence which separated the house lot, in a comer of which tae’' - From Mayor G. ti. Obcar. Ma. ox. Ga.. Fubniary 1,1S70. Slrasral. W.-HUST&-CQ-: Gests:—Mr. r. lend liaviug refenedtoa to me relativo-to Jhe merits of his Cougti syrup, I take seven- cold’ami iU.-u-cssi-.i_- r iu. li. wiiie’a ilestroyed my Test, Sir. Loud noticed IcryAugh and -presents ed me with some of ltis Syrup, v.-hici; aflorded me ‘Tell tae whole There was no court-house" at tae county seat, and Judge Church had made arrangements to have the trial ment at the Bend. Benches isfrace placed in tae body of the room, and, hunted stag even among tae hounds, in order to give an air of magisterial all d crouched down by the only being dignity to the whole proceedings, a hh to her onharto, toucliedtaeir sym- huge arm-chair was raised on a plat- pathies more than a thousand orations form,- mMntae-httie pwcWn'vn mbtr-b f wonldhave done. iA whisper ran thro’ usually served for a bar. A host of the erowd, n;tiny on .unequal breath decanters and glasses were removed tais drawn, and more than one heavy from tae little shelf which ran along trembled without speaking. The the front, and two or three .portentous foreman of tae jury, a blufu hale, .old looking law-books, ta new -sheep-skta fellow, drew his coat sleeve acioss-Ms covers,.occupted their place. As'yetf t'!® o^ibree-tane^ -.-Tte- jndg9 j stoi-m.some of you were in fewrn,X shod I your horses, and- worked late to get through. Among tae rest, Bill "Whee ler came in a terrible hurry, and want ed a shoe put on that handsome black critter that he rides. The animal has a delicate hoof, so I was obliged to make nails on purpose for it—small nails, such^a-s I never made for any 6tataM6feeo^p>“; ‘ 4 Wiieeler took tlie horse awaj’Jctet- before tae stomi eame on. He nevM * took, that- trouble before, but still 1 - - ^ thonght nothing of it till a good while closely, it topks after.. I saw Hiint and young Shaw med^taS line away nom tue tavern, and jnst af- He had on the sa ter tliafca man came prowling around I shod Iris horse. 1 the stoop and along tae fence. Stall I Every eye in which die hadlockedup tains chest. But she said; also, that her father had insisted that Shaw had rode home with Mm to the door, he had watched and- waited for him all night, and ttSlrhe was .about setting forth for the Bend in search of his friend, when persons came to arrest Mm. with a convitioa that his innocence could no longer be doubted, he was sitting in the mid-,t of tae court-room perfectly alone. A noise, a strange, murmuring noise, came surging in through the windows. He arose and staggered a few paces forward, won dering what had become of his child. A crowd of human beings blocked np the street, dark as death, close to Mm but lighted up. on the opposite side, by a fierce, rnddy glare. It fell on a platfrom of stern faces, uplifted, with a sort of savage awe, toward a human form swinging from a post directly before tae huge opening cut through the blacksmith-shop imee d of a win- derw. Hunt c.wt one look toward the form, framed, as it were, in the rnde opening on a l>ack ground of fire. He recognized Ms enemy, shrank back, with a groan, anil, covering his race with is>th hands, shuddering from head to foot There is another clearing now in the forest, immediately adjoining that of David Hunt; but the old cabin, with some additions, answers for the home oi the young couple as well as for the father. An air of coinfort, and even of comparative elegance, marks the spot; and, perhaps, there is not, west of the broad A1 ides, so happy a tae cross-roads. I took tae boot with my own hands and measured it by half- a dozen of tae tracks left on the spot. They fitted it like a glove. Now, squire, ‘kfflpe is tae piece of silk; it seems to me ery mneh like the that Mr. William i v around Jbis' neck. i concern the night —omix. —- - ie room was turned . ii b U I d done work went home feeling rath- ate effort to force his way through tae IiVBIjIiOW DO cb:, anti Scrofulous Diseases, Skin Dk- r caavs, i-rup liens. Pimples, Pustules, Blulclies, minims s,pel “- Tctto -, Einy-vorm, ‘ Stog^mafoT’ b ° rCS ' Sl P wlis - ilercurial Pois- • S-J' V* tti) PDRUTISG THE BLOOD. : £& tee Wood. Keep tee blood bcalteV^mdaSis uSf but with this pabulum of life disordered, there ran be no hating health. Sooner or later some- teingmuatgo wrong, and tee madiinerv of life is disordered or overthrown. Thin medicine is as owmlea* as it is effectual—* tact of immense im portance to those who take it, for many of the al teratives in market have mercury or arsenic as their basis, and often entail a countless train of evils upon their victims, even worse than tbe oris- inal ^disease. This medicine is a concentrated Fluid Eitoct of Sarsaparilla. Yellow Dock aud Queen's Delict, with threo (3) grains of purified p ,°towum to each dose, and is bv far tee best and cheapest alterative ever ofiered to tee Amenran people. Prepared only bv - - ^tou^f^^n’.Ga ’ ■ v: ' door. By this time the crowd waa in a state of wild commotion; those out side pressed np against tae windows, esger to learn what was passing in the court-room, where the excitement was ' “Gffwith his handkercMef, off with Ige. inn cl