The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, January 26, 1871, Image 4

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A Democratic and Family Newspaper. Houston Female Institute Never a maiden's face as lair J mil the wide, wide world; Never a’ lock of dark bi-own indr That ever so_ gracefully curled. Never an eye so clan- arid bright, s Bendingmy inmost heart, Warming my soul with its tender light, Till all tliingsfelse deport J am borne along by the tidal waves, The 'passionate waves of! love; Naught else do I know in the realms below, Naught else in the realms above. Till I find, alas jLwhat women are, ijow false and tickle and vain. And taking some other, as guiding star, J try niv chances again, SAVANNAH WORKING NEWS Now Is the Time to Subscribe for it i Yan have your choice, and can take either the Daily, TrLflfeeSbV or Weekly Edition, Carmen. Cano cannon sixpence a corbis_plena iye, Multas ares atras percoctasin a pie;. Ufci pic apart «$, Inin canit avium; grex, Nonne suave cibus hoe locari ante rex? Fuisuet rex in parlor multo de niunmo tu- Sjens, ; .. ' : Rc-glua in euliisi braid and rnel consumens: AncIUa was in horto, dopendens' out her clothes, - Quran venit parva comix demorsa esther furniture the MORNINC NEWS Is, in all respects, a Democratic journal, faithful to Democratic principles, and earnest in the advo cacy of Democratic measures. -It believes that the success of its party is necessary to the salvation of the country. Its reputation as a nows journal will be maintained as heretofore. In Domestic, For eign and Commercial Intelligence. Literature, etc., if is got surpassed Jgr agy J»per in thee ountry. jjs whole character is comprehensively stated in saying that it is a great Democratic and Family Newspaper^ devoted to the interests of the people of the South. To every business man, its Market intelligence alono is worth many times its sub scription. Col. W. T. THOMPSON, with able assistants, has oontrol of the Epitorial and News .columns; while its corps of Reporters are reliable in every respect. TERMS: .$10.00 . . 5.50 Do not insure with, a Company yon hnow Nothing about, MISCELLANY;. Sheet musi&T-Bingmg in bed. . . ’ Yankee rigkts-^Patent rights. "• A current-report-4-A tide table. A strapping-fellow—An hostler. The sweets of office—The sugar du- filled nis fnnpy, of ' the tenderness of conjugal loye, and the sweet habitudes of domestic bliss. He stopped in the city of Baltimore: He met oldoompamons, jolly fellows, with whom lie had passed convivial hours, The intoxicating cup glittered before him; the.-temptation was' too greatfhe would spend one more revel before he entered that purer sphere depicted in his dreams. That cheerless November night he' was fonnd lying in the sfcreet, stupefied with drink, covered with dirt, and his face" distorted wtth horror. His jovial companions had deserted him. He: was tgketi to a hospital A fearful dream rose upon liiui, grid fired his brain.—J 'Delirium, with Mr thousand" demons, darkened his intellect once beautiful with- fairy thoughts and poetic fancies. Mania a potu ensued. A clergyman was sent for, “(Shall I send for your Mends?” said thepiotas man. “EriendsJ said'tlie dying man as though the word was a mockery; “my best friend would be he who would take pistol and blow ont-my brains, and Bins relieve pie of my misery,” We hear men cavil at religion, "What a treasure.' beyond a}T estimate, early piety would. have been to Edgar Allan Poe, - One Year, .... Six Mouths... Three XIontliH, Dangerous, individualscv-people dressed to kill. A musical burglar—Qne who breaks ipto.a tune. Definition of a kiss—A report from- tieadvquarfem. The book whose contents rule the WorhL—Pocket book Wisconsin farmers use dog power for cider mills. ' - , The man-who works with a will— ffhe Probate Judge, : Coat-of-armsfor reportersrr-A pump- handle in motion, '. ' A left-handed, compliment can nev er be the right thing. When are thieves liko leopards? ■When they are “spotted.” ' Trifles, make perfection, but perfec tion itself is not a trifle. Unflinching-flannel and meii are un common in marked ; Sumner’s, Lafayette. lecture is two hours passing a given pojqt. A woman- who has b uried six hus bands is called a good planter. - • Why is the sun like a good loaf? Because itisdight when it .rises, A “popular” /edition'of., the Bible has just been ibsued. Was it a never poimlar before? Why is a lamplighter like a cowardly soldier? Because he runs away from his post. Paintings by “old masters” ipse now so little thought of that- new; masters don’t paint them. . . Hint to Mothers—When a-child will creep ratker'tknn walk, it-p'a sign of an on-kneesy disposition.' The height of APi-Ute Indian’s am bition is to marrya woman witha win ter’s store of dried grasshoppers. A New York cpiiple Stopped Hgittin” married the other day to witness. a lively dogfight in the vestibule. The story about the blue-eyed Wis consin girl who sheared forty sheep in one day is sheer nonsense. The winds are responsible for. many PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, \ For Sale IjOW for Cash. THE TRi-WEEKLY NEWS ft published every Monday. Wednesday and Sat urday, and is made from the daily editions. T Elf MS: LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY One Thousand Maple Bedsteads, From §6.00 to §15.00. Fisk’s Patent Metallic Burial Qgsgs and THOS. WOOD- Next to Lanier House, . MACON, GA. Every bobyTaeces It! Deposited with the State of Georgia,, Hew Congressmen Used to Travel. Iu the olden time the wealthy Sena tors and Representatives used to jour- to Washington 'from their homes in to Washington 'from their homes their own carriages, which they tlnis. had for their own use during tlie ses sion in this city of magnificent dis tances, Bufhs King used to come with his four bays; the four iron grays which Jackson" drove from the Her mitage when he'Was Senator, have nev er been surpassed; and Calhoun’s four- in-hand chestnuts, which brought him and his - family from Port Hill, were muen admired. Henry Clay, when he yvasffirst a member of-the House, rode from Ashland to the capital on a thor ough-bred colt of his own raising, and. it tdok him longer to get there than it now docs a California member of Con gress to come by rail from the -Goldeii Gate, - (Copyright secured.) DVS?NTRV AHD PLUS, For Liver and Eidneys it hs as equal, These deposits arc not token from the premium assets, as many Companies have done, hut were obtained by an assessment of 30 per cent upon the guaranteed capital of the stockholders, These amounts are deposited entirely bdyond the control of the Com pany; they do not" enter into its business, and cannot be taken up until every policy issued by the Company is paid up or cancelled. This affords security superior to aU other Companies, W. B, JOHNSTON,,, , WM. S. HOLT,. GEO. S. 0BEAR, c. P. McCAY, JOHN W. BTJRKE,... J. IffERCgB/ GREEN, W. J. MAGIEL,,.,,,, ,,, .President Vice President Man, woman and child in Houston county should know that Day k Gordon sell the cheapest and best ~ ' jf any- PUBLISgEP MONTHLY AT MACON, GEOKttlA. goods to be found this side of the moon, body can go to the moon-to . trade,- we advise thorn to do so; but if .they have-to stop anywhere short of that, lei them go to Day & Gordon’s. Any . Dr. .Hall-says “picking ths'Cars” is a mpst mischievous practice; in attempt ing" to do this with hard: substances an unlucky . motion has many a time ; pierced; the drum.- Nothing harder or ; sharr>er than the end of .the little fin-. ; get, with the nail pared, ought ever to be.mtroduGed.ihtg the egi unless by a pliysfejnn. - . : -. - •' Persons are-often segnondeavdriqg to xembve-thcj'wari’ with the head ofa pin. This ought never to be done; first, because it cot only ^endangers the r,iptiire of. the ear by being pushed too far m, but if not so far, it’may grate ' against the drum, excite inflammation and an nicer, which will finally eat all 'the parts away, especially if of a scrof ulous constitution; secondly, hard sub stances have slipped-iq and caused the necessity of painful operations to fish Single Copy One Year,...-. Three Copies .“ Five Copies, “ Sincle Copy Six months,..... jsS" Invariably in advance, will slander attempt to wotrnil the most honest fame. , . " ' : V; Accustom yqursejf to'sonie employ ment for every hour you can prudent^ Jy snatch from business. - - . The violet grows, low and'cdyers it self with its own-team, and-of ali flow- . ers, yields the sweetest pm^ge, ' Such js humility. . J . In the time that men. waste iq be- wailing the pbrvensouess of their for- fiiue, they could, gain a: oompetency. No man will excel in his profession if lie thinks himself above it ; And pommerce will notflguri^liin. any coun- tiy- where commerce is nolf respected.' I i, n — . 1.1 —I.. . ill Tlmt to inspect tha most ele^nt assort ment of Dry Goods tirnt she ever beheld, should not delay, but proceed iininndistcly to Day & Gor-; doll’s, where she most certainly This Sonthem Farm and Home, published by 3. W, Burke k Co., ^lacon Gw, edited by Gen. Wm. M. Browne, is ou our table. We have carefully -watched this monthly from the first to the pres ent number, and regard it as among the first pub lications of its chaaracter in the United States. Every f*nuer should have a copy. Terms $5 per iriniim—Christian Observer, Catlcttsbnrg, Ky. We present the table of contents of the last number of the Southern Farm and Home, pub lished at Macon, Ga., to show our readers what valuable information they are losing by neglecting to subscribe to this magazine. This one utunber is at more value to any farmer who can read, than the money necessary to secure {he magazine the entire year.—Georgia Clipper, ‘ The J^rm and Home, published by J. W. Burke $ Co., Macon, Ga., is gotten np in the handsomest style, and is full of the most nsefnl gpd practical information. Let the farmers of this section sub scribe at once for this most valuable Agricultural Journal, Price $2.00 a year. It is worth three times the money.—Sparta Times and I'.'aufer. The Southern Farm and Hojae^=We take pleas ure in recommeuding this journal to the readers Of the Times and Messenger, as one of the best publications tit the South. Its Editor, Gen. Wm. M. Browne, is one of the dearest thinkers and ablest writers in the Southern country, and toe ty pographical appearance of the Farm and Home will compare "favorably with any of the pnblic*- -Anything she wants to buy, end that too at toe very lowest prices. . They have the best Prints at 12cents; Bleached Act Homespuns at I2& cents; Dress Gpods af less than Macon price?; a few more of those Boulevard skirls at $4, and anything else in. the Dry Grpqda line, besides Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Hard-ware, Woo den-Ycare, etc., etc. {3£ yoir -vrant to know what isin eluded in“etc.,” come and seefor yourselves.) They have no^ and always intend to >kcep LIFE INSURANCE} 1. The changes an4 fluctuations taking place and liable to aamp iq csramenrini a£ &irs. 2. The unreliability of labor. } 3. The raccrtaintv of crops and of prices, 4. The absence of Requisite capital to njeet the losses and disappointments which may occur " . " 5. The certainly of distress which, in most cases, must follow the kps of ftp "head of the fivmily by death. ' ' 6. The certainty sf provision for these contingencies, uftich a lafe lnsufance Polity A Good TH3B COTTON STATES LIFE INSIjEANCEJlJOMPANY IS A GOOD COMPANY, Therefore a policy in the Cotton States Life Insurance Company will guard your loved gnesfosin want «r pecuniary distress, iq ftp < tpne cm youy death. Husband jibe crowd, Jieeps vritii perfect sweefe- pess the independence of solitude. liberty will not decend to.a people; p iicople must raise thsmselyes to; lib erty; it is a blessing- that must be parned, before it caq be enjoyed. Extract of a letter from Laura to Lillie: “I declare, dear, I never gave the absurd creature the slightest en couragement I did saynneeveningl thought the little sandy coves about Wobbleswick were charming especial ly one. The -idea of his thinking T was alluding to him!-’, etc. ^Policies in its First Year, joining countiea, we propose io club i{ witli the Houston Home JpurnaJ, os folloWB; . . ONE COPY SOUTHERN FABM AND HOME,' li, can and. sec them,; Now let jlie whole papyiaee'qf lionkion c.unty make a grand rush . down the prices of divorces very low in this market. We quote; Common separation, §15; small alimony, §25; largejaihnony, §50 to §5G0. There are but few of . tne latter in the market.^ General business good and increas- ..$100,000 Deposited lyith the State of So nth Carolina,,-..,,,,,$50,00V FOR THE SECURITY OF POLICY HOLDERS, One Year,.......... Six Mouths, » Three Months,..... $6.00 ..... 3.00 1.50 THE WEEKLY HEWS la issued every Friday, is designed for country readers, and contains a careful summary of the news of the week, with the principal editorials, the current news, the lafesfc dispatches, and full market reports, TEEMS: - One Year, $2.0u Six Months, * No attention paid to orders unless accompanied by the money. Postmasters e^firywhere ^re authorized to act as Agents. Money can be sent by Post Office .order or Ex press at our risk. 4d4ress 11TT . J. H. ESTIDL, 111 Bay Street, Savannah. 5Every Earmer Ought to Haye It! SOUTHERN FARM & HOME A MAGAZINE OF Agriculture, Manufacture DORaESTIC ECONOMY. wnrp.vTjtoifFm vrrnr NUMEBOUS ILLUSTBATIONS. J. W. BURKE & CO •.-, Publishcra. GEN. WM. M.- BBOWNE,..,„,,.Editor. THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL A WlgKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED AT PERRY, &EORC5rXA, J O H N T . W A T R- B M A N EDITOB AND PBOPBIETOB. Let Everybody Subscribe for it at once! A Paper for tbe Farmer l APaper for the Mechanic l A Paper for the Merchant! A Paper for the Professional Man! A Paper for the Family Circle! A Paper for EYEBYBODY l IT WILL CONTAIN NEWS FROM ALL QUARTERS, Literature of the Highest Order, 3PT3T2MT till you. Caaa’t 1 It will be tfeo ojfgnn of the HOUSTON COUJYTy AGRICULTURAL CLUB, And every number will contain articles of interest to the PhANTEBS. In I’t-lliini! will ba UNCOMPROMISINGLY DEMOCRATIC, Believing that the success of the Democratic Party is the oqly hope of saving the mr.r.nj from hnantifil and social ruin, and of restoring it to its former oomhiion of honc-r, pae peritv and freedom from tyranny and oppression. Nevertheless, IT WILL NOT BI1 POLITICAL PAPEB, IN TEE STBICT MEANING OF THE TEBM, but will U» J0DRXAL FOB THE ROME AND FIRESIDE, pQ~ It will be our endeavor to admit to onr columns nothing that will offand xi ;aste of the most fastidious—nothing that could not be read with perfect propriety is t* FAMILY CIBOLE, P5» It will aim at a high sfanrimid in fitcrature, and wifi endeaTor to cxcluda all * irasn which finds publicity in tco pjfiny of our papers- It vrijll fake a stand for what it believes to Jm the BIGHT SIDE in all gncaad , which cojne before the public, and will ADHEBE TO TSE BIGHT, without to* lavor, regardless alike of the flattery of friends and the hatred of foes, pq~ It will manfully defend and earnestly labor to promote the intertota °f . pie 'among whom it circulates, and its columns wifi ever be open to sB eogmm^ 1 ^ a of interest to its readers. It will contain thiis-TT-tw© cojiUMjsrs, And will give FBOM ONE-TBIBD TO ONE-HALF MOBE BEADING MATTES tM ; most of the Country Papers in the State. Then Let Everybody Rally to its Support! We have not.the time to tall on eveiy man in fte county and ask him to t don’t wait, but cope np of your OTrn accord! Bt»der,if JOR take it work aqfl Induce Your Neighbor to Subscribe! And fian’t bs satisfied to stop with ONE but G-ET a pOZRZO'!