The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, February 02, 1871, Image 3

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THE ONLY GASH STORE IN THE Sfxecaai'Ndtfces.! If strnetion as decided or Isold by them EERY INCLUDED To Consumptives. ; of cure. To. all who desire ft, of the prescription used, (frec- e directions-for preparing and rich t6ey will find.a stob Cube TizttEscntnsraB. iiu!, JtlrsLilMuf'jGa. 1 vierea^teieSMd,- -Jor-ti|*4 ^ H you witii to .obtain such er^tf they . ha4" or ^ ived, and smokes ddigiitfuHy.f And^rfwSfhSiier. ’comes - ] -X.‘T. Johnson, MaishaUvinWi ueae have, dollaxfcTH>n,e have . cente/l-- : isIP would^^moa feaas-ofrf: '-f ■ - • .•■'■ ' T&nd_even app&teaoije’.have-idtegetilerjJ'A'itaid'sMp "witii thosetyou trade with, J !' 1 ~ .brilefi. Therefore; logically, ncme are! ■p a J'; 0:u: debts. * • *.-••' tefgft&Un Ilimo wopH,j T oM embarrassing others who are depending upon your ing, must assign us ta iiie"lower walks. ^ I3fff C : of life, ■-^feeincts q£ ' | TTyofi- yUsSta" prevent mistakes' r degradation. We must associate les.f and lifigationTheSp yom-aoccuntswell, familiarly with_.csi-selve3,-or .risk the. your debts, 'infiuencespf evlrcompiuBicatioii a I The. Pi ^ yrprtwish to.aid in Hie cirenla- miter, carjsistenfc isonecbl iertaA of.5h 01 tey> mw? .let cgsh . beside you, but pay your debts. Eerluih - atistere courtesy. He'greets. 9y If. you would do to others as you wish theni to do to yoit, pay lyoirr W. MANN QwhS.—The Constitution, | . What the SfiirLlo [ editor.. of the ^tiajii! | now on a visit to Dale I lowers to "that, -paper;. - L The State .Road Owes I The Cohstitutipn' stated, a ago, that oVer 330,000 of the.oStatejj Road debts had come in, in a few days. . ^d.-feMaa^tfiihH'Lwaa^l^fpTraed last night:. 6y a'gentleipan onlth'e train, < f hn iuoidQnt. that'illustrates , the inimi- .table and jolly, humor of Mr: Foster Blodgett, ex-Superintendent. He. said' -that the Constitution, neodnltl^lj^fc-. ting over that little sum of '^)^006;i ; that wasn’t a dro j> to TaafflttwaSbdWing-; that the State Road owed six hundred . roa CoKBrnemos, AsrnM.1. Bcoscn?TJsf ™ Parties wielung lis ]?rescriptloh will plwq>e ajh dress Bov. EDWARD A- WILSON, 165 SoatJi Second Streep Wflli^jnsburgb, N. Y i decIY-ly cv xi ^ooo: Errors of Youth. . GENXLEMAX VFho snfflred Ter years ROGERSES, DRY GOODS, eh■-■■. anddhe Constitutionalist and the Con stitution shoulA . give them charad- ter? g;, term - - g Cf ^ . . ‘ •' : i\tV- Hill—No; do not know-MeGre- ' gor, .'. Never.saw him that I remember. Have not seen his affidavits. Hear they are' ridictiTonx, The Constitutioiialist, I fear, is a little spiteful bedauselsehd .alL-niy let tore to the. Chronicle .-mid . FortjTaney-r^C’ep.'W. Shirg^ 3 - Byron—Thomas RGoffl Marshalville^-N. US.- Johnson. AX Ssrr'ons De&lity. Premature Decay. and rip be effects of youthful indiscretion,-wOf, for the sake of-suffering humanity, send .free to in who Ills, recihe amL.dtrgiioiV&r tnakinghhe ded7-ly I bad* fault up the Chronicle and;. Seji- .JiineH to-jdivide 'mgt contributions. I i ■tnilightT would, but not'deeming itj» great matter,' neglected to do so. ' It has heen a rule Tof my lifs-.hever 'to bring editors under obligation to mel4r Their kindness has been voluntary;, and, in the main,, I am indebted fe them f or-manly treatment. It is sin gular how even-the best of them' eoa-' strue portions of my address; still, I £ r %'W^bm’dain J ,.foi‘' I know I am right und consUtcut, and they will one day.admit it; . . " •Report&i.*—You attended and made a sueech at a dinner yoi>r debts. _ ; •li. If-you .desire busmess with peace of rnma pay 'your debts: . > . . ' J 12. -If in . the, expectation of death you would, like to leave your dflairs in a satisfactory condition, pay., your debts: _ 13- If you wish to do whet is light in the sight- of'Gad,- pay you: debts. . - -14. Shonljgjgpjf^elris^eaHveyfold^ if if 1 <d j&ttV}-! he Best and the Cheapest by 108 per Cent! «omad^^us*tt?hy'’’jndigcstioK. It also has happy.-effect in removing-, constipation ofihe bpwels... I believe it'to be the best mdver.-ral remedy the world has .yet discovered-for the above nameddiseascsL With inv best wishes. Tobacco anci Segars, . . wH be sold at most reasonable rates. FIRE-WORKS! FIRE-WORKS-!! ‘A big supply' of attkmds. - E*fe»«t from the report of 4 committee consist ing of Messrs. H. A. CUncli. It. B.'»utfer and ypinV White, appointed by the Hancock Suy^pr Aplcultural Club, on Ftrtt'lirers-.. “ *' ’ .. Vonr commute having .again carpftiUr. iffspect-- ed the results upon corn ana.eotbpWuf the\ jnade Fertilirer,beg'leave torcpoftjm^J^^-. Uon of.the experUnental plat of JIiVB-tiappcin,'; at White riains, Grccup.ijounty. These phlting* vre carefully weigbedBnfl noted: ' • , . ’X Three rows, each 153 feet jci.^ fertaizcd- with Jot manure, •wcigli^d* 1 : 2 • sis so. - ‘ -- -y - Three rows,, each’190 feet long, fertilized with Pendleton manure, weighed ii pounds.’ C6sl per Peruvian guand, weighed 31'poiiiidd. ’Cost per acre, $22 CO. . ~ . Three rows, each 1SG feet long, fertilized with per acre; *'■" Three row®, each 160 feet long, fertilized with, fiea Fowl manure, weighed 43 pounds. _ Cunt per acre, $23 03. ^. - Three rowB^ea^g Iloyt’B SuperpLo^x>hate, » per acre, $21.00.- The comniittcc.wen! universally of t?W <jpinic» : that the number of unopened boilr "V: the Jlome- . made Fertilizer, were in excess ofjihe .iliivr fer tilizers." HUNT i CO., DrS|«>:rfs.!W and Losi superb’ stock.,of Ladies’ Suits, fringed; from 3-S.00 upwards. [ediciiiC to public, I-remAiu, y < iitrs, P,. S.—J. W.-31.'wishes to s--y tcvaSdhe people that the cheapness of his gooefets at- tonishihg. '•'The only wonder'is', thiitihis competitors in this Me&opoKtan diy will gp'to-'^o A^l apIacaasNew York.-tobtiy goods, when tlifeyean/make much mard by. buying from him., . ■ . . . ' T S' declT-^m- LYOYS YELVFr CLOaVKS or should you have taken the benefit, of the •,‘bauld-upt'act,” if you ha vs the means; yotrare nota.just man unless youp?iy j'oot debts... . .. ' ' At, greatly reduced prices. Black and Colored. Cloth : . , >.i-^wjjuok, £i»j5-§2.00 to : 25.-C0. ven by Governor: io?-- : , t ' V ’ I had been .vdth Mr. Delano several days, and foiuid him to be a real firstclass genilemab, incapable of getting up and swearing to- fold charges againfc * decent men upon no better evidence than ‘rumors tfl'fwnfcr -The-dinner was given to hbin and at-the hotel where T was. AU par ties were invited, and had ageed to at- .teucL All around me were real Defd-' -•‘Gh,-my , .TthbtightitwascbusinChar- 'ocrats. -#We all simply; honored'- by lie’!” ; ' r our presence an honorable nian. I did _■. .. .I.- >- + —;—— g^pn^-f^- ^gtsgHd,jientiment..giv-' F. M. Ford, of' Chicago, President efi by this gentleman to- Georgia—a., Johnsen’s. appointment' as Judge of State in tlje ^IJnion, (more sigmficaht WybmLhgVhaseommittecioiuicide ! '’-’-H§ fhan'Btftipletoi& " > miagine) / 523' I did ecujl(ln^fcfguryiye and see "‘lovely, avo- Edwin. Watson and Peter Davis, ®l^dyiiS©£pi§i|ijhw.J^. tekd- Tuos- daylnnd Wednesday, before Justices Hayia and Crowder, oil the charge, of Kai-ker's gip. house on fne~ntir' SfTteSp: December,,- Watson was.released .and Ditvis bounij pier in. the smn. of §‘«t:-0. to appear. ti ie Supeiior Couft. Wavitai & Crice anil C.- C. Dniican w'ere fhe ju-osecuting atiofl ~ue>%imE'cdtf. Davis'for the dey State me in . Republican/hands and tiiey liave deiiidej’to-'sustffln the organ; at the expense of Georgia. What's tlfe. .difterence between.the Califoniia thief- aiid/the'Atlanta -organ ; ; Me ErPk—t-a- GrangeReporter ■ The' girls in Xeiiia, OMo, have a pleasing-habit of kissing strangers in. the street, and tlien. wildly' screaming,. DGMESTiG GOODS. Bible Linens^ . . Napkins, .p ' Tickings, Flannels, Plaitl and Striped Oriiiibur; In endless variety. ifiurnl—“times are 3. Abstftin from intoxicating liquors, Jut not dull times .and pever keep them'iif ydiirilwfiise.* > so,we:should now L .Do not sink your capital by pur- iuence. Rot the- chasing plate.or splendid furniture, iwed' on ,bil!s,;fer- - -5. Be not''ambitious to dweU---in-a- lii*t -flic jn^fe-tuile mansion; . : mr,ney : tiiov«get. 6. Have as few parties as possi- ;dl,n^e;'-Ym''theyi.^^,CjW.'0,a.fii.. - ' - , ^Peiii :-p>s il ; s tlie . -7- Bo~eaTef«il as to-'speculations, is, ”. though : £fte$j trade. ,bey-oud liners. hho'^hnldtyo^’ mrams£' _ vbrb •,the' ; -piv>pqsi- 8, K.Over aspire to -be shareholders oneluclci'thattirie*' d’^rohrlike eoni- A'lly V.s'an'afifrma- .panies. ' . . '*... , o'pigx; ns .to, con- 9. 'HaVe-as‘few-pi^^^bP^>A\&- .and seeker- convenient, and none-of-a suspicious T- AM NO LONGER INTERESTED 1 wHhT. M. Butner or J. E Brr-f a— ih’ere'ore l am nof responsible fcrxny :cs- tract Utey may malm rE - L EELD _ Perry; Ga., Jan. 12, 1S71. ' ’ " 2t. TeTepnfiph itT-Mes'seSgef. copy twicS and send bill to this office. • . ;, . Silks, Black Anil Colored; . , .Tames'F. Taylor, we regret tp leaves this- morning for Mil Lorisianf, .'Mrylong life be his prcspr-iity'-ih all He mulevtakcs: v Ejrtra inrthcements will be offered, as oitr Stock is very large/ and wish to rccUtco-it. Come- anil. be. convinced. Dotet fbige t the-placo. ‘ Io.A>-n Mohrth. L. Vi. ’ 64 Cherry Ga. hav , e?Id. pie Home-mud^-Fertilizer above m* iitvnied,, and. will take pleasiu*e in erliibitlng it tG ailplautcrs. ttild ^lri.uea315i»oce^ar>- rtjflar<Uo r . ^ etc., and aro now taking orders. In tfiler to in.- , surt* prompt delivery, all orderp ^Uculd io sent in tlOll: Mr. Sj. i.lcmcr. .Hiow]i,. living near tiiaih^-iae, hajVflK wftahviknd^ -«i^;lr-. sioleii item hrih- l>,st^atTtfdrty’ 1 nf^it. He-iunneuL tc-Iy went ja sep. -eli of- them and e.-[)tureil the thief and the stdteii i>ahiRos. ■teppf r . Hawk insVIllc Sunday night. - - < '. six.oxd sfitt’Kr. siacos, ex S. : AYAXELBAUM, BBO. & CO., NEW YORK STORE. ’declT-3nu. CAMPBELL & JONES 3. A. & L. S. TGUNSLEY, CORY, fodMr, . ;FOR SALE! Eight .or.tali-/rood Wagon and. Plow Mules, Cere. Fo.kier. Cotton Seed, Wag- ons-rtwo m.t six h:)r. ? c.-St?:.s, Cows, Cart Plows or alLi-jnds, Dow Law Plants.-- etc* also, ' - • - LAND for rent, all utahe pjantadon of Judge E. A. Nistefi.' a*:r Hoes*on iCautory, First came first -servea. p. for cash. X elso offtr one fine./ Terr,a: S; LOTKIN. d«cl7-3fct W.,A. HOPSON & CO Staple Bry Goods, • MACON, GEORGIA, I i . W Have marked their Our thanks are bee-Mr. M. B. Cobp- fbe DFia<wdmnniif Sockj etv, Hntiei'sity of Georgia. The ceh> bmti^-igBai^^ifc^ktbe dt‘43i' jwA- -at, with Mr. Jplm L. . . Hard-, ffiu: jus,. ora tor: We would te. ghui to accept- the. invitation, Jiut,as,wu expect to be rat tling type-in Pi-iryv. nfvjst'.fhat' time,lit will be iinpossible. - W5ACON, CA, Department has the following froja ■ Moran, acting Minister to-En-gLr.'fl, dated this morning;' “The German E-.nbitssador here has qiktaJti* apfcamr d-inn-tha-t jlit .c: i ‘latiohmf laS'fEe Paris fdfls, a^an aig for three weeks- by Lai.d nhd s Signed' saboiit' eight, o’oleek ,1/urt sn ighti, :tt yersuUTes( -by ji^smarek and .Jules Favfq. r. Thu army of Paris, remain -prisoners' ,qf; ; wr.r in.the. city, but itis nokknowk whether they are te' be* disiu-medf or not.. Notdetaihr'hsrye been received, - v Nawdfork,- Jaa..,SJ0:vteCne. Wp^Ifl.ix 'spceiai from Londonyiistijll ii th,’ spys I?.,.te/S. -r,,*. . I. 1.M-/.-V, V. vtetTl Y'.l .*• BACON, LARD, FLOUR; RICE, '.Cats-Irciu tue Courier-Journal, SUGAR, COEFEE,-SYRUP, At a reecid wi dciing in Chicagoihe; ofgftn- > i>iayed -^Piit- mis -'in'- ;: 3qp bed.” .us thg bridal party left the church. Of coarse the request was not complied with. ■ . It is said that South Bend Indiana, lias four female .doctors. Brt then the tiuvnhs more than cbmpensi-ted by' the •fehtithftt -itdies oir'ybi-ie'Schn-yier'Coi- tice Hiiat f ire JDollars WiU Be ! CHEESE, POTATOES. ..r- rl-i GUANO! GUANO! mistice . .HOW Ypu MAY HAVE THEM. $95,000 Wi PREMIUMS { AWARDED TO Liquors of all Kinds ! riotloni Hits ls-now -her best pliiform, 'and, therefore, it is mined Reporter—Hew do you titink your address is. regardeSpiai^ildged 5 by ydtt private, correspondency?, ■ "m- Trti! ■ -ufeA*- vsiifi •That .means^tilCOST—le^ta^ywc^# ; .on various,lu'tielcs. It .means Pavre was in. eoruertiiC- with Lisuiriret' T»g-' n' X' '-at -midnight, v -Bismai'ukwte.ixieiLhis. “ point:'-The capitnll$iog.^HnffveD^epA-' vl ‘-—the' ‘cession - of Alsmte'rtiSl^GeftnAE Lprraino,' and a, prrt ofltn’e heetta-a or .thteej mbuey iutjclinhii^Yp he'giTarafitecdRy’' •gsfi-vwiB' the- munieipalitieii^-a portion German arinv to.return home and the .:& a es< ' ma J 3# . teirhoiy, b|t.retaine( seetu'e the fill- : filntent Of Hhe:cbmpact. ThevMobiies saved ‘ aTe to beteenthome a'nl'the Geytaan Aash.t ei ■■ ‘-troops oecirpied-the -foftsvarotind -Paris tion Aice: tit tea 6‘elocK this memirig. '"TKl en- -iceourtfj ..-Ltite'gamson-of Paris; exeeptl tiie Na- clieinal < i ■ 1 < ate. x . <• c-.-dc-. Sie?r : urns, stomach. ifie A 'wt : - tdSfiSfc* if.i -in.lf ho AND SALMON, Each of whhm has .1 . an canal chance Jo CANNED FRUITS OF ALL NIND&. est-: commehdatwfis frpm the, best v men itf *the -Stat^A^mie 'O^'^Btran- - have .served- and honoredJiqr m bette^days. Most of those'who approve, it is tiue, are old W higs, yet there are many Dem ocrats in the number. .'No lawyer has denied thelegal proposition. ' 7 Reporter—What -is the difference, between your position now and that of ObviiirouA'ifi 1^67? '7 ’ ‘ nB / ■ . Mr. Hill—Just the same as that -be- fijyefgjtjjfopona'foxie af.whom helps assassins to slay his father, and-the .other after .exposing lif e and all' to pievmli-tijdSlmgifief and fails, sifrtely and sadly recognizes the fact that Bis ^ati^ri ^ylead, and decently btnqes him, and Honestly goes to work for iik family. Is there ho difference -be- tptffeh flic‘Bitters.”if'they'Avefe ill : weys R^caT. iilWe.htayS'hadjqp-Ossh of E42M5. Vmnvsnag home. STt.lCS. on? 1A2D5. • VlStTAlIlS^it, «1 AWIXS. n. C., y/iilesucm **Tlic Bcmfiera S*a- Only forty-AfeUt hocra h^a Xew York anj paafiorl-froa Icii'- l', Ca, Xir.ft-.f.T,-, ii,on',aud Du:'ar« in lVom, To be J stribnbUs Di'jf;^ iluoc:ioflac8._ Only ia.OM ati-rcs w3j bo is cacS, ■'.The C-:-..-si-.- :» atiu^eiv S. CL. Is ci&duyi-U 03oinaHr J,n u tut the IC'-jabT-Ruj -fefo 2ud iB ettcotawfto V« m»i-eacc!ivemean» : i '' na'th Sctim, fltopBaij^S'zJLej/fcr Mithahis. 'a^j Eiciyrantj ^cneTaily, to soni- ■: u Sanar Soutb;ifea wia tbn» Uelg to b-.ihd n ; , owr conntry aaff nlbance the vail-tt p.fjbnz l3i:os.- '. prcje'.tv deposed of in thf* Aimer Is I Ktrrie I«r:‘y a-.thin fbe corporate liinJU of Uiim tof cultfoaiibo as any p>qe in the State, bccldcs cm/jracing one ■ ofJheTfiy.t - :•'o..ia^n au-i Vineyard* lnl- ln-c r _:i:-.-:fiac.l at $95,000. Will ; .-a .var :• >: to rharehoVir-. in JAXTAK1 o. great va.‘le, -atner fcl .recidfinc* :. inimteeni, J now*in-gre»l ttthes-nr-e'jpic. . Ir - Irentjrhri To. -iTSjnJ D-iHrs. •' . b:-. Eadieil Bitters to swttiiow already.. ;; -W- A ^QF§PK ^ecttull^iavitestt. his: old friends and former cnstoinctir of Housrondti cali o:vhiin -:ihd inspect His goods,-wlien they cpme to Ahieoni 4md. feels sure' that'Be eaii makeit te their interest to trado- with-hiihl - : -: - ' : - .h Candy, Nuts and Raisins! .. -. The( next'session of this instihiiion will. eoimnonce on the „ . . ■ . fcjg- SECOND MONDAY.IN JANFAEY, _ C u- Arrangements have been made by which .pnpBs'cansecnxe - J;. r ’ —. ■ . ,, 1 a, — >tr. ny. 1 ,m>-at r-j.i/io pun w. • uk iu good families. - -Writtan EXaminafioDS are held in tru.- middle and-eBd Af >*i<m, ib taorpo^h^-TEfc fftmiliarity of each ^^3 j' !w ' withhis^tadies.-^; .: q . _. .h- A . . j . . .. 1: Il.lf 1 '■■?:■: Uh.Mr-.f. ;; OF EER HIS 1 i iXION, THIRTY D0L- LABS,,to any Boy who jiill STAND BEST or: Tfotae-rensmuBg.portion-m'nsaatdp.dhtis lporfafit questiorf jvliy 'so.'man'y- hitter an important question jwiy so. many- fritter away, -untlnnhmgly.qffie. inestimable boon of health, when the means of ■ regeneration are within their rmrli- The exceUeute of -Brady's FfumljpBittcrs Jiasbeon raore gen- .... j ...htn--u ■ ■ ■ j 111, * Ifianiond Diggings in ticorgia. Questioning Dr. Stephenson, ofHall- Cfmnfy^whose book is^ noticed m tins edition, about the diamond dig- gings in thatieoniity, he says-that-Hie ge.•hgicai'fOrnmtion where these Sia- F-ieg.-te ])m. : meads are found, is apjeivcnt in Gwin- ' - ’-ry-L-st •net, Hall, Banks... and Habersham prr.ybr fli.ft^it n countie^f 2i wT^eli; hitter it aiSks and Renry Ward crops out again, in North-Girblina. and keen increased Tiromia,'in-all of which valmihle din- is said to be* v ; tao|ds have been discovered. InHalk.,?^ Sft to h japo^t forty.-iiaypbeeii foimcl.. wo ^4 eii most valuable ha ve- been destroyed or or has determin 1ms: through, igiiotemce of their cliarae- 0,1 crawling-in r nd abiding it now.?, - 1 -T, • '’"•-Ali'. Hil’—If in s 13GT, th- am :: I . t.'/fl^C^ktitu- It tioa and other resuitsaof recohstrum eh: tion they would have .became lairs by 3 vonId t‘Everybody Takes It>” W. SHARPEW CO.,; r ‘ ^ Publishers’ 4-gei^Sj':Tribu}ie Pvuditigs, . ^ & T Sfc York, ■ Are authorized to contra.-t for ndver-; tttmg in tlneip ? p^.: :; X; v v'.o, For reference, apply to 3Ir. W. -jfN.i.h- vm,-'ol’ Mt. Zion, or-to any of cur patronk - deci7-tf ' - What “Snick*’ PoiSekot says; From Fomerov's X. X. Democrat. Use. Tui. - What So Wile Do.—J. C. Derby is dispcsii^-oiki:££fe<^fitt£le property iff Aiken, S. C.,. iis will be sceii by an advertisement in to-day's paper- . He has adopted a novel plan: fpr Sffllh gives a picture worth Sc, and a iickei in the drffwingj tMr.- Derby is not a wandering-vagabond speculator, but a- high-toned, honorable business. man,. in-whose word, plans and promises-we have' full faith. His "'scheme is. a good one, and somebody will make- a fortune from it for a mere pittance; fori the property he offers is vaiuuldp. Look-at-liLysdveiiiteifieiif ami I bay b ticket. . •" - a iSTnt' rat into a . by himself as a child grfcUiis boys'sub- i he iskoduceffi sequentiy for a.nnduie iaan in nuii-bles: r Davis, they 1 but it -was lest' abotit--i.he place- six i—.wive. Both months ago, and Ih ware hunting for e-the. thanks of ; it now. Nothing was known about its •"thorov'gb-’and : value, until similar stones'were ' pre- Rhk-h thevdis- 11 , 0 '^* 1 to I lw diamonds- and'then , , t -tne lavmei* knew, ue.i&ia ,ms dots - t devolve upon j hadib&B ^.yug'infa^lefrwittv :•: d:V- . . i mond waich, from -'desetuption, tlie D'X'tcr thinks must be worth half a i miliion dollars, and "be one of -the B.tiiock has most valuable, gems in the wotid. The potatoes in this I Doctor says .the labor and'eaptial ouly keLits changed are needed .to prove that these dia- • t ... • mond fields in Gc-orgi.: sarptiss In , Juage to Dts- • v ..p ie tkose' otBrazOr'faniare equ--l to A. Holtz claw j aU j .jjj the-wpild. Diamunde k-.w . Well, which i also been found, the reader knows, tke much dif-1 m Bartow county in this- State.—7?Ie- > graph Messenger. Furniture Made to Order, He will spend the first half of each ' mouth in'his office in Perry over the , i old Drug-Store, and one fourth, or the j latter half of each momji will be given, to has practice a Hawkinsniie at Mrs. J mon opr: - - if >on witHttrffiigc-r Sowing jl^cblue,* cell on N. T. Johnson, Agent, at'Marsha!}- : Ville, Ctt . I The kit remark is this: If you will dec 17-ly