The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, February 09, 1871, Image 3

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The Great Medical Discorery! •Dr. WALKES'S CAXXFOP.JTIA VINEGAR BITTERS, 2a Hundreds of Thousands §=fj 5* Ik If jj WHAT ARE THEY?f== BOOK NOTICES. louston Home Journal The Fap.ii and Ho:.n: for FebruaTV is the best, the most instructive anti moyt .entertaining number that has yet beeaissue’d of that.deserve Jly popujnr periodfeaL r ~ Hon. E. Steadman’s Essay on Cot ton Manufactures at the South) 5 an admirable paper, full of sound, practi cal sense, gpd valuable advice. Jolm Plowhandles, - whose ferffier' letters have at’racbd so much attention and been so highly commended, . excels himself in this number, on the subject of 'Agricultural Colleges. The Household, Scientific and Farm Yard Departments r are aff first-rate.— The-“Editor’s Book Table” contains many interesting noticea-of new books, and tbe first chapters are published of a new story, which promises to be'very exciting. ’We heartily commend the Farm and Home to popular favor as a first-class .magazine,, and advise all who have the opportunity to go to work , and to get. up clnbs of subscribers and earn for themselves some of the'fine premiums offered by the publishers, a list of which is given in this number. Published by J. W. Burke & Co., Macon, Ga., Terms, two dollars a year. The People’s MagziSe.—This is a modest, unpretending magazine, but Special Notices. SPECIALITIES o Consumptives. - having been pern 1411011 * 9 -TaSSBfiSS? d » copy of the prescription used, (free viU, tbe directions for preparing. and oipe, which they will find a sdue Conn 1 vttios, Asihms. Bnoxcuiiiz, kc. ilii pg the prescription wffl pleaise ad- ( B«v. EDWARD A. WILSOK. ,th Second Street, wfllismsborgh, K. T - S. Waxelljamii. I>ro. & CVs J. W. MANN which is considered Having largely rcjdeaiilied their popular, stores (luring the paid week by extSSfre- peretases at the great whgfesale auction sales,' will-offer, on Monday next, the JoK lowing goods: - Agents of the Honston .Home Jonrnal. Errors of Youth. yrrorv who apffered for years from GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, Fort Valley—Geo. W. Stnrges. Byron—Thomas B.’ Goff. Marshalyille—N. T. Johnson. Mills Slashes Bnllock. T. It. Mills, Esq., of Savannah, hav ing been apjiointed by Bullock Attor ney for the First Senatorial District, received the following elegant epistle from James M Simms, colored, late carriage-driver of Hon. John E. Ward, •but now District Judge: ■ Savannah, Juny 30th 1871; TB Mills Esq, . i Sir, having been Duly quaiiied Judge of the First Senatorial- District-Court; The duty of qualifying the District Attumey have been de volved Upon me; and your credentials with other necessary papers have been placed 1 in my hand, Directing me to qualify you as such, when it will be vour’plessure so to do; you will I pre sume inform me at your eonvinance; Bespeelfully &c Jaaies, Mt Simms, But it was not Mr. Mills’ “pleasure” to be qualified. On the contrary, he rebukes “our model Governor” in the ^foehUity. Premature Deriy, and all til of yopthfnl iadiccretion, will, for the offering ham&mty. secd free to aE.who Ihe recite .and direction for making the jmedy by which he wan cured. Sufferers io profit by the advertiaer’e experience, i by addressing, In-perfect confidence,: JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 42, Cedar Street, New York Bnssaoooos. CONFECTIONERIES Fruits, Toys; &c. ESr M N y Y U K I N K. i?'*?' Made of Poor Iiara, Whisker, Prowf Spirits andlicfciwJjIcuur* doctored,spiced and sweetened to picas.) the taste, called “Ton- ica,.**** Appetisers/* “Restorers,” *c:, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rein, bnt are a trao Medicine, made from the Native Boots and Herbs of California, free from alt Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and LIFE GIVING PRIX- / CIPLE^a pcrfcct Renovator andInvhrorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blocd to a healthy condition. No - person can,take these Biiters according to direc tion uad remain long cawdl. ^ - j FerluSaamutory and Chronic Rheu matism and Gob:, Dyapcps-iu orlndi- reNtloo, BHioas Krnzistcut cud later- mitt ent Fevern, D1 seamen of the Blood, Liver, Kidney*, and Bladder, these.Blt- tera have been most successful. Sach Dis- ca«ic» are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced b7 derangement of the Oifiemivc Organs. DYSPEPSIA OH INDIGESTION. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tight ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad taste in t&a Mouth Bilious At tacks, Palpitation of the Heart, .Inflammation of the I.ucga, Pain In theregions of the Sidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms', arc the off springs of Dyspepsia. . „ .... Tii*. y invigorate t!:e Stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equalled efficacy In cleansing the blood of. all. imparities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions.Tetter, Salt Ilheum,Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ei eg-Worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eves, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Sfcia, Humors and Dis eases of the'Skin, of whatever name • or nature^ arc literally dug up and carried oat of the system in a short time by' the use of these Bitters. One bottle in 6uch cas-;s will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find Its impurities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse It when it Is foul, and your feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. . PIN, TAPEsad other WOK3IS, larkingin the system of-so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle. J. WALKER. Proprietor. R. H. MoDONALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal„ and S2 and Si Commerce Street, New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Sold by Dr. J. C. GILBERT, Perry. 25 pieces Of Oman Yelomsat 75c, 'Worth..... $1.03 100 -* Empress Cloths at aOc, Worth. 75 150 " Ser^e Popljns at.... ..35c to 65 . 200 “T All yrot* plaids, fi car 35-1o- 75,- th.j best. Also an extensive Jot:'. o£ inferior grades of Dress Goods from 20eto 30cv SHAWLS AlUPoiiitsr pf Importance WHISKIES, BRANDIES. Square and Long Wool Shawls iu great variety and the Cheapest by 100 per Cent! Tobacco and Segars, ■Which will be sold at most reasonable rates. FIRE-WORKS! FIRE-WORKS!! big supply of -all kinds. SUITS VXD CLOAKS A most snperb stack of 'Ladies’ Suits, fringed, from $3.00 upwards. yours, P. S.—J. W. M. wishes to say to all the people that the cheapness of his goods is as tonishing. The only wonder is, that his competitors in this Metropolitan city will go to so small a place as New York, to buy noods, when they can make mnch more by buying from him., decl7-3m LYONS YELYET CLOAKS WE HAVE SOLD IT jan26-3t At greatly reduced prices. . Black and Colored Cloth . Saeques, from ¥2.00 to 25.00. t rowB, each 1!>0 feet long, fertilized.with uaeuuon oy -inquirer i Ion manure, weighed 42 pounds. Coetpei yOUng gentlemen who-att- 19 80. liibifion in the classic cit 0 rows, each 188 feet long, fertilized with , , . , ’ U gnano, weighed 31 pounds. Cost per SOn > 0n t “- e i DJ S M of 22 go. ., stateJthat they are not los 1 rowB, each 186 feet long, fertilized .with; hr, .awoilfifed ior,.and-il ‘.‘how DOMESTIC GOODS. Deak Sib:—I have, through post of this day, received from James M. Simms, your appointee for Judge of the First District, an official,, written notification, under the seal of the State, informing me of my appoint ment as-District Attorney of the First Senatorial District. Whilst I should be pleased to fill the Judge of AND KNOW Table Linens, Napkins, Tickings, Flannels, Plaid and Striped Ornaburgs, In endless variety. salubrious state of sible, but not probable, that one can travel -ima country like this without- finding something of interest or amuse ment, os the experience of the two young men referred to will evince. ‘ Being actuated by philanthropic mo tives and lust, but not- least, by a de sire to “travel” and see something of the world; and" study human nature in its various phases, they left their na tive village -with high ho|>es and bright antietoations. After a delightful ride of ten'miles throngli sand beds that, forcibly reminded one of the “Great Sahara,” (where the dread It is the very Article I AM NO- LONGER INTERESTED with T. M Butner or J. E Barrett;— therefore I am not responsible for any con tract they may make E. L. FELDER. Perry, Ga., Jan. 12, 1871. 2t Telegraph & Messenger copy twice and send bill to this office FOB office in question under high character, possessing good legal attainments and intellectual culture, I cannot, for one second, entertain the monstrous jn-oposition of accepting it under the embryo Judge appointed for the position. In this connection I may say that I have no desire to mis interpret the motive of your Excellen cy in the above appointment, but I can not refrain from the opinion that it must have been done as' Silks, Black And Colored. miscellaneous paragraphs.- We com mend it to all who want good reading for the family. Published by Pott and Amery, 5 and' 13 Cooper Union, N Y,: price 83 per annum. The Galaxy.—This favorite maga zine promisesfor 1871, even greater at tractions than heretofore. It lias gath ered around itself a staff of the most popular writers in every department, and it is clear that every number is made up with the same unity of pur pose and niee discernment of the pub lic taste, which characterizes our most successful daily and weekly papers. It has been tbe custom for magazines to furnish the public with the best selection they could make from such articles as were sent to them for pub lication. Tbe day for thisds past-, and the editor of a first class magazine has a very different duty to perform from ■reading manuscript, and cnlliug out the best. He must create. He must map out the style :0f magazine he Extra inducements will be offered, as our-Stock is very large, and wish to reduce it. Come and be convinced. Don’t forget the place. lira. L. W. HUNT t CO., Dwggigtte 82 and brry street, Macon, Ga. have tlie formula for bmo-made Fertilizer above meuUoned, and ake pleaaurc in exhibiting it to all planters iving all necessary information iu regard, to licy are prepared to furnish the chemicala- ind are now taking orders. In order to iu, prompt delivery, all orders should be sent in 45 AND 47 SECOND STBEET, MACON, GA. S. WAXELBAUM, BEO. '& CO., NEW YORK STORE. decl7-3m. CAMPBELL & JONES S. A. & L S. TOUNSLEY, simoom do’n.’t sweep,) and over Mossy Hill which is the mother of solitude, they reached the famous city of Henderson, not however in time to'visit the many places of interest to'be found there:" There were gathered fair women and brave men. The beauty of liayne- ville, tbe pride of Perry, and the tal ent of Henderson were there. All wa° ’ bustle and confusion, For who can stolid imuioved nor feel the power divine ; Of music in a brass born. (That last is poetry.) Here the cur tain rises; the performance commences with a charade from ShakspenreJ or' some other man, while' the orchestra struck up* that appropriate tune,— “Gome, rise up, William Riley.” We felt very much like going on the stage ourselves, but have since .decided- not to do so. purposed in sult to .myself, and through me to the Bar of the Eastern Circuit. If I be correct in this opinion, I despise the- effort. Whilst J have never known or seen James M. Simms until about one month ago, I can safely say that in his appointment your Excellency has done more to' disgrace the Executive office of Georgia than in any previous error He is a dis- GENERAL Qen. C. D. ANDEBBON, Agent, Furt Valley, Ga. Dr. J. 0. GILBERT, Agent, Perry, Ga. MULES, COHN, FODDER, FOR SALE! Eight or ton good Wagon and Flow Mules, Com, Fodder, Cotton Seed, Wag- OROGERIES, PROVISIONS, Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING & SHOES A. HOPSON & CO. IT IS SUPERIOR TO ANY COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACON, GEORGIA,, ons—two and six horse—Steers, Cows, Cart Plows of all kinds, Dow Law Planters, etc; COMMERCIAL also, LAE39 FOR RENT, all at the plantation of Judge E. A Nisbet, near Houston Factory. First come first served. Cheap for cash. I also offer one fine riding horse. S. BOYKIN. jan!9-it Have marked their of'your administration, grace to your Excellency, and his ap pointment a lasting memento of an at tempt by a Governor of Georgia to soil and degrade the Judiciary of the State. Under these circumstances your Ex cellency will pardon me for herewith returning to you my commission—un accepted. Very truly, T. B. Mills, Jb. BACON, LARD, FLOUB, BICE, ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. dec!7-tf FERTILIZER SUGAR, COFFEE, SYBUP, See What Five Dollars Will Do! GUANO! GUANO! PHENIX GUANO,- T SALT AND PLASTER COMPOUND, WILCOX GIBBS & CO. MANIPU LATED GUANO. I am offering the above .well known standard 'fertilizers for'cash' or on time at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, to correspond with the low price of cotton. C. D. ANDERSON, Fort Vrilley, Ga. decl7-tfc - After: witnessing several charades and tableaux, .which exceed ed our most sanguine expectations, that “tocsin of the soul;” the supper bell, was heard, and as we were batter -prepared to discuss a well filled table than to criticise the stage, we respond ed without much reluctance. .After merely tasting some of the good things, .and glancing at others, we sought- repose, and were soon in the “dini land of dreams.” Goobeb. HOW YOU. MAY HAVE THEM. $95,000 IN PREMIUMS I WLo Sought tliat Saoh of Guano.?. iLEARINC OUT PRICES AWARDED TO Mis. Editob:—Strange as it may seem, a mail in our neighborhood has actually, bought another sack of guano for the present crop! Did you not 'think that everybody was cured on the “Joanna” question? And yet there is one man disposed to try it-- again.- • Da not ask his-name; he doubtless .bought it on the sly, supposing that everybody had quit the stuff, ana that he would try it just one time more on a small scale. It may not'be fair to tell his name, for he may be a Dickson man; and Mr. Diqkson,.you know, has never failed with “Joanna.” . Now, Mr. Editor, this -brings up Ihe point. Who,. of; all, the-, planters - in Honston county, -will have the nerve t<j use guano the present season in the face of the experience of last'year? Did we not exhaust the whole cata logue of commercial fertilizers! and did we not find them generally worthless—^ mere manipulated, stuffs manufactured. cieatly burned to teach tire lesson of .letting guano alone? I thought so; and: the fact intimated, in my text seems to show the correctness' of my it means at COST—less than cost various articles. It means 19,080 SHAREHOLDERS, Each of whom has also an eqnal chance, to _ ri $95,000 in Valuable Real Estate Prizes! Consistiiig of FAE5IS, vitXASITES. HOME STEADS, OKCHABUS, VIXEYAIiDS, Ac., at ATKINS, S. C., well,named “Tlie Sontkem'Sara toga.” Only forty-eight hom-s from'New York and onchonr from Augusta, Ga. Ninets-fiye Thousand Dollars in Prizes, ■ to bo distributed 'among the Shareholders.^ Only 13.00J shares win be isa'acd, at $5 each. The Great Premium Land Sale at Aiken, S. C., is conducted on a new and popular plan for the r •sale of desirable and valuable improved Itcal Es- “te, and is calculated to be a most effeclive mean, of attraptiii^ the, attention of Health Seekers, Capitalista/Farmers, Slechanfce/ and Zmigranta generally, to .our own Sonny Sontb, and will thus help to build up oar country and enhance tlio market value of our lauds. AKD SALMON, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL NINDS: The goods must move! SODA, STARCH, SALT, SPICES, PERRY HIGH SCHOOL. The above was’ hauded in and should have been published last week,' bub it wits overlooked. “Goober” tells his story as straight as a fish-hook, but we musfcfipt he ; iffl|l?T§to6d, as endoreing any of it. That part, - particularly, where he speaks of “merely tasting some of the gocid r things, and glancing at others, ”—-oh, ‘ ‘GooBer,-’’ .that w-on’t HWQ THOUSAND TONS l W. A. HOPSON respectfully inyites | old friends and former customers 1 Houston to coll oh him and inspect i goods, when they come to Macon, d feels sure ■ that he .can make it to. hr interest to trade with him. . janl9-tf Candy, Nuts and Raisins! Tlie next session of this institution will commonee on the m GEORGIA SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY. Arrangements have been made by whicli pupils can secure BOARD AT $15.00 PER MONTH, in-good families. Written Examinations are held in the middle and end of each session, to test thoroughly the familiarity of each pupil' with, his studies. To obtain a laudable ambition, WE OF- -FER HIS - TUITION, THIRTY DOL LARS, to any boy who will STAND BEST in the school, at the final examination next July.. - We ask every one who has aeon to edu- ea te, to give us a trial. CHARLES M. NEEL; ; Principal. But, to tell you the truth, we can’t begin to enumerate half the theings ve haye in our store Come and see for yourselves.- S. A. & L. S. TOUNSLEY. decl7-tf I unportant question why so many fritter ay, unthinkingly, the inestimable boon- health, when the means of regeneration 5 within their reach. The excdlence of ady's Family Bittas has been more gen- uly endorsed than any other “medicine” sr introduced to the public, and hundreds w look upon the cure effected, “by Hie tters as next to a miracle, and we would r to ell who are suffering frnVp whatever to try a ‘^bottle,” as we know: they 7e cured hundreds, and hcucu we speak the book, and it is no wonder that Attempt at Burglary. . The following account of an attempt i^burglaxy, has been.sent us from as any place in tbe §tate, besides embracing ons of the most celebrated Orchards and Vineyard# Sooth. Tina property, valued ab , $95jG00. " Wm be awarded to shareholders in JANUARY NEXT, and is of great value, either for residence ‘ or-to own as an investment, being now in greal URMITtJBE Love Story; tihe'$tbry of a Valentine; Lauriger; Something about Balloons- —iUustiuted; ramify Peer—fflustrated; Clvm* AI-i11 - ^n.i calculation. Tlie sack of ! guano men tioned above is the only; one that -the .writer has heard of being brought from .Fort Valley to this part of Houston, tills season - Aye haye,^been, offensively ! W. W. SHARPE & CO., fui/isW*’ Agents, THbunc- Buildings, JTew York, alarmed, and made iris escape out pf iffiie-piffCalrihet; Home anil.&iciety; the window, not however -without be-' Books %ijd. v Authors at ; Home. ; '(We ing fpdowed by a pistol shot from Mr. commend Scribner’s unhesitatingly. W aite, wlricli'belpcd him along - q t that he left his coat, hat and shoes. Is n so?—Madam. Birinor saysth'a He did not succeed iu taking anything at the dance last week, a couple ’were feamUhe house. Heis'supppsed tqbe tellring on the colonade, when the 6ame one - who^went into-tlie pate Mi at 6nce r :tiiey cEnched andTbit'each sonage and also in to. Mr. Hi C. Hams’ other seyeriiLlames. Male and female the same night. He' probably wanted created he tlihin. ’ ~ -fc '-i S something to eat, as-he tjent into din- .' • " t , , - - ing rooms : only^. Sew-rai attempts Life xx the old Laxd Yet.—Iaxst have been i^de ' to rob dining rooms week there were six - children; five - of and smoke-houses recently, 'SnipiSt'te than bo^, bom, in this county, with- time some steps were taken to put a in a circuit of a few miles. ' For reference, apply to Mr. W. J. North ern, of Mt Zion, or to any of our pafronsl decI7-tf zers shaH'prove genuine and effective, and further; without material reduction, in the' priqgs of genuine articles, we caimot afford to buy it So;-by coin- mon-consent, we have_concluded to let .guano go by the board. . The price is Fhose word, plans and promises we £ ^ feitfe His scheme, is a 10 °Ue, and somebody will make a .une from it- for a mere pittance, for 8 he offers is valuable, ’o at his advertisement- and buy a Cotton, at last accounts, was quiet and dull, at 13; for full middling, in Furniture Made to and repaired at short notice. a Singer Bering Machine, ohsson, Agent, at Marshall-