The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, February 09, 1871, Image 4

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. vftv' POETSY. THE DREAM. I sit in my chair by the blazing fire, And doze away my life, And the laughing flames leap higher and higher, As I dream of a little wife; On my shoulder I fed a pressure sweet, And arms like the snow—Oh, whiter!— About my neck-in a warm clasp meet, And the flames flash blighter andbrighter. And ringlets of gold pour over my jace, As my head to her bosom’s pillow' Sinks down in a cloud of perfiimed lace That heaves like foam on the billow; And I hear 'her warm heart’s quickening beat, And her eyes glow bright as fire, . As my lips are covered with kisses sweet, And the flames leap higher and higher. A soft cheek nestles dose to my own, And the sweet smiles o’er it chase; Jiike sun-drops on a calm lake thrown Hear dimples-the smiles efihce; A Jute-like laugh, and her swelling breast Heaves joyous—higher and higher; How happy my lot and how sweet my rest, With a wife in front of the fire. And I drink her beauty into-my heart, AndThe love-light of her eyes: With a crash the red brands fell apart— My wife np the chimney flies! Thus oft in my the blazing fire And the mocking flames laugh higher and higher, At my dream of loyo and a wife. MISCELLANY. Averages Bettor than the Best of as After all, A woman in a neighborhood is only exceeded by another • woman. She can love truer, or hate .worse than the men of the r ordinary calibre, j She can make of home a little Heav en ora little, heh, on less capital than ,any other’buainess can be carried on. She can make a ten or a hundred dollar bill goup; O! so quick! She can drive a man ont' of a house if her - tongue be. working all right quicker than Beast Butter could get. away a set of spoons, - ; She is better than piner pr stone coal for keeping a neighborhood boiling hot and Homemoreimepdhrabie thah-a bum on your first:thumb joint, all the time making-you think'slie-is a pack age of- refined,innocence,-a saint, a favorite" angelic, advertising agent for Gabriel She can kiss another woman sweeter and then, talk. about her worse than one of these Reform Republicans can all the affairs of the neighborhood than Grant knows about bis. relations or the post-office presents he receives, or is willing, to! - She can he nicer to a .woman she Rates than a carpetbag politician is to a negro before he has voted. She Can walk further to display a new dress than a loyal or disloyal contraband, could ’’travel for chickens in the night. And, God love her, if she loves a man, she will stick to him longer than the Dent family will to the immortal speech-maker, Ulysses! Like dollars, good women are hard to get, hard to keep, bothersome to look after; but here is a conundrum.—• How can we get a long without them? —Pomeroy's Democrut. The Lowest Type of Humanity. Gn the island, of Borneo, there- has been found a certain inch of wild crea tores, of Which kindred varieties have been discovered in the Phjlipine Is lands, in Terra Del Fucgo, and in South America. They walk usualy, almost erect on two legs, and in that attitude measure about four feet in height.— They are dark, wrinkled and hairy.' They construct no habitation,'form no families; scarcely associate together, deep in caves or trees, feed-on snakes and vremin, on ants’ eggs, on mice and on each other. They cannot be tamed or forced to anv labor, and are hunted and shot among the trees like the great Gorilla, of which they are a - stunted . copy; When they are captured ajrvfe one finds, with surprise that their- un couth jabbering sounds like articulate language.—They turn up a hnma. to gazeat their captor,- and .females show instincts of modesty- Are these •wretched being3 human? — Dr. Johnsonused to Bay that* habit of looking at the bright side of every event-is better than £100 a year. Bish op Hall quaintly remarks: Tor eve ry bad there might be a worse, ana •when a man breaks his leg, let him be thankfnlit wasnOfehis neck.’ When Fenelon’s library was on fire, 'God be praised, he exclaimed, ‘that itis not the dwelling of some poor man,’—This is the true spirit of cheerfulness and submission, one of the most beautiful traits that pan possess the human heart Resolve to see the sunny side, and yon have almost won the battle of life at the outset U.TTAS-CR-HOTHIKGS- The Pope is said to be an excellent billiard player. The leading papa- of Aberdeen, Scotland; launder ‘the control of an American, .. A kfasonic Lodge has been estab lished in New Zealand. Washington oysters ' are termed ‘ ‘epigastric ecstasy, v- The “one flesh” that an Indiana couple were recently- made, weighed lOOOpotmdsl .. V-/ A Chicago sflusage-maker with unu sual candor advertises his wares as “dog cheap.’ 5 Baron von Beust, the Austrian Premier; smokes -forty -cigars a day. - A Colorado editor avenges himself on a rival by publishing his marriage under the head of “Crimes and Casu alties,” Sam Houston, eldest son. of'the old hero of San-Jacinto, is editor of the ’Georgetown (Texas) Watchman. Horse-traders of Missouri put a little oil of vitriol on the animal’s hoof to make him show off bis uncontrolla ble spirit. ' Cut-Throat Depot is the cheerful and attractive name of a town in Southern California. Bristol, a town which is partly in Tennessee and partly in “Virginia, has one representative in the Legislature at Nashville and another at Rich mond. ' - The London Times remarks that there are not ten Irishmen in Ireland who do hot think of coming to Amer ica some time or other. Rethermel’szimmense picture of the battle of Gettysburg will be unveiled at the Philadelphia Academy of Music on Monday. 'It covers 512 square feet of canvass. A lady aged 61, in England, find ing herself in the wrong railway train, leaped from it when it was running air a speed of 40 miles an hour, and es caped without any injury.. A gentleman at Premont, Ohio, had a feeeption at his house the other eve ning, and- when the guests went away, it took the host all night to wash the tar and pick the feathers off his per son. Mrs.- Myra Bradwell, the female lawyer of Chicago, says she “does not believe in divorcing till Goddivorces,” and consequently will not consent to act as counsel ina divorce case. ' The Canadianssre having their usu al winter snow-shoes races, and are getting both health and recreation from them. They prefer this exercise talk about the President. And she knows more by intuition of to skating, of which they have also an Houston Female Institute. Every Man Ought to Insure his Life, OSCAR D. SCOTT, Principal. Tlie Exercises of this Institution will be re sumed on tlie second Wednesday in January,' 1871.^ * Permanently located in Perry, it ofiers good ad vantages to those who have daughters to educate. The course of study is thorough, extensive and practical, embracing all the branches of a complete education.’ ; - ' Grateful for the patronage of the past, the Priii- cipal will spare no effort to malm the school second to none—in all respects worthy of. public confi dence and eupport. •; _y. The Music Department is under the control of an ...W $25, $30, $35 $25 Music, v-V...-w.i.Ji..;i..... .. .$6permonth Board can be obtained in good families at reas onable rates. Expenses must be paid at the end.of each month. For further particulars apply fo,the Principal. ’ dec2&-tf FURNITURE. CARPETS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WALLPAPER, MATTRESSES, ' HEATHERS, SOFAS, SETTEES, WARDROBES, BUREAUS, &c. A large Btock of PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, {For Sale Low for Cash. One Thousand Maple Bedsteads, Fi’om 36.00 to §15.00. Fisk’s Patent Metallic Bnrial Cases and The best articles in the market, at Low Prices Also Coffins in Rosewood, Mahogany, Cedar, Wal nut, and imitations. lqaos.wooi>* N Next to Lanier House, dec28-3m MACON, GA. Our Trade Mark is abundance.' An Indiana sheriff, taking a horse^ ( thief to the State prison, fell asleep in” the railroad car, and “when he woke up the prisoner was gone. He thinks he must have got off at a station" for a drink,, and got left. One Yousee, at Monticello, Iowa, gives everybody notice that he has made his wife a “free gift of §5,000,” and nobody need send him.any of her bills, for he won’t pay them. An Arkansas editor lately issued his paper without editorial matter, but with-a-paragraph at the head of the leading column in which he declares that the wives of his subscribers had so occcpied his attention in calling to show - their babies that he had not time to attend to anything else. A man in Fort Wayne, In d., lost his wife, and had a stone erected over her grave. He married a second wife; anctovhen she died he had -the. grave : stone split, and it then served for the two departed. He proposed to the third yesterday,-and the lady .quaint-' ly remarked. “I do not believe that stone will : split again. EviiWieoYTMEslYf A careful estimate shows that, with in the last thirteen months, the Wash ington dispatches announcing the in tended | resignation, cf Secretary Fish have cost the Western newspapers §217.8Tt each. We wouldn’t mind' paying that sum for the truth in a ease of this sort, but-we don’t like to pay it for the transportation of an article of rumor that can be turned out here just as well as in Washington. We have had the thing stereotyped and shall continue to print it regularly once a week, whether it comes any more or not.—Courier Journal. A lady in Fond du lac, Wis., slipped on the ice and broke her leg, and the first remaxtoshe made after the acci dent was, “I wonder if Harry will marry me now!” Edwin' Forrest recently' acted in Chattanooga; and. an envious Khox- ville paper insists that when he ap peared on tire'stage/and' many of the audience saw that he upon .Whom they looked was not the cafvalry leader Gen. N. B. ; Forrest, the only great man of that’ name of whom they had ever heard, they jumped to their feet and declared they had been sold. ' T|te Supreme Court of Iowa-hah de cided that if. a juryman drinks intoxi cating liquors- during a triad, tire ver dict may be set. aside and ; a : new tria ordered. A man of Norwich, Conn., has made a bet with a church there of. fifty dol lars against the rent of a ten dollar-pew that he will-occupy the.pew every Sun day for a year. If that chiirch doesn’t poison the Tuan in ordertdvrinthebet, it isn’t the church we toke it. to be.— Courier-JouriiaL One of the grandest triumphs of modem engineering skill has just been accomplished. The tunnel under Mount Oeniis^mdre-tima seven and a half milea=-was virtually completed two days ago. This tunnel, cut through the mountain from St Michel to Susa, by means of .diamond, pointed drills, worked with compressed air, saves not only the difficult, and at times da-nger- .ous passage over the Alps, but shortens the distance between the two points -mentioned by nearly forty-three miles. As soon as the railway is laid through the tunnel, to connect with that atjSu- sa, on the eastern slope of the Al] passengers and traffic will take ti rout to Italy in preference’to any oth er. The commercial advantage which the tunnel will give to France over Germany will also be' very'great It is estimated that the cost of the tunnel, when entirely completed and ready for business, willnot be less than twenty millions of dollars George Luce, of Bloomington, Illi nois, loosely handled kerosene. A fu- mum •TE'RS; (Copyright secured.) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. HANOT ACTUBSD' BY I>. O. BRADY CO. LOTTI3VTI.EE, KT. --Sk mm “O' a Good Do not insure with a Company yon know Nothing about. THE COTTON STATES EIFE INSURANCE COMPANY —OF— MACON, GEORGIA. ^.utHorized Capital, ■ $2,000,000 Gruaranteed-Capital, • Assets,- 500,000 . $300,000 THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS Sow is the Time to Subscribe for it j You have your choice, and can take either the Daily, Tri-Weekly, or Weekly Edition. THE MORNING NEWS Is,-in all respects, a Democratic journal, faithful to Democratic principles, and earnest in the advo cacy of Democratic measures. It believes that the suce css of its party is necessary to the salvation of the country. Its reputation as a news journal will be maintained as heretofore. In Domestic, For eign and Commercial Intelligence, Literature, etc., itis not surpassed by any paper in thee ountry. Its whole character is comprehensively stated in saying that it is a great Democratic and Family Newspaper, devoted to the interests of the people of the South. To every business man, its Market Intelligence alone is worth many times its sub scription. Con. W. T. THOMPSON, with able assistants, has control of the Epitorial and News columns; while its corps of Reporters are reliable in every respect. TERMS: One Tear, «.. . $10.00 Six Months 5.0u Three Months, 2.50 THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS Is published every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday, and is made from the daily editions. One Year, ..— Six Months,... Three Months,. ...$G.OO ... 3.00 ... 1.50 AND RAPIDLY INCREASING. Mon, woman and child in Houston county should' know that Day & Gordon sell the cheapest and best goods to be fonncTtins side of the moon. If any body can go to the mopn to trade, weadvise them to do so; but if they have to stop anywhere.short of that, letthem.go to Day Gordon’s’.' Any That wants to inspect the most elegant assort ment of DryGopds that she ever beheld, should not.delay, but proceedimmediatelyto pay & Gor don’s, where Bhe most certainly Can Find Anything she."wants to Tray, and that too at the' very lowestprices. Theyhave the beat Prill ta at 12X cents; Bleached 4-4 Homespuns atjSJg cents; Dress Goods at less than Macon prices; a few more of those Boulevard shirts at $4. and anything else in the Dry Goods line, besides Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Table ariA Pocket Cutlery, Hardware-, Wooden-ware, etc-, etc. (If yon want to know.wbat is included in "etc.,” come and see for yourselves.) They liave now and always intend to keep A Good Assortment. of Ready-made Clothing, Boots, Shoes,-Hats, Caps, and Gents* .Furnishing Goods, which, in quality mid price, are' warranted to snit any reasonable man. Nbw, young, man,' iTyon want to play havoc with the hearts of theladies, be sure to buy yourdothes at Day &■ Gordon’s. Every married lady should see to it that-her Does his trading with Day & Gordon, for theirs is certainly the store at which, the best goods are sold at vey low prices. There is no mistake about .it; they mean what they say—if yon want proof of it, call and see them. Now let the whole, populace of Houston county Immediately To Dsy b Gordon’s, for they may rest assured neral assembly were soon ‘banging i that they wm save money by eo doing, ''around Luoe,” * Deposited with the State of Georgia, Deposited with the State of Sonth Carolina, .$100,000 ....$50,000 FOR THE SECURITY OF POLICY HOLDERS. These deposits are not taken from the premium assets, as many Companies have done, but were obtained by an assessment of 30 per cent upon the guaranteed capital of he stockholders. These amounts are deposited entirely beyond the control of the Com pany; they do not enter into its busin'ess, and cannot be taken up until every policy issued by the Company is paid up or cancelled. This affords security superior to all other Companies. W. E. JOHNSTON...... WM. S. HOLT, GEO. S. OBEAR, C. F: McCAY,........: JOHN W. BURKE,.... J. TWF.’R.ffRD. GREEN,.. W. J. MAGILL, ..President Vice President .......... —. — ..Secretary .f Actuary ;. 7 . General Agent .............Medical Examiner .,. .Superintendent of Agencies TTTR FOLLOWING COMPRISE SOME OF THE UNANSWERABLE ARGUMENTS WHY EVERY PLANTER SHOULD IM MEDIATELY APPLY FOR A POLICY OF LIFE INSURANCE 1. The changes and fluetdations taking place and liable to occur in commercial af fairs. v 2. The imrelialMlity ot labor. _ 3. The uncerteinty of crojps and of- prices. * 4j .Tlie absence of reqtdate capital to meet the losses and £sappointments which may occur’ * 5. . The. certainty of distress which^ in most cases, must follow the loss of the hsad of the foniily by death. ' _._ —. 6. The certainty sf provision for these contingencies, which a Life Insurance Iroiicy affords to eveiy fmiily, in a good Company. The Southern Farm and: Home.—We take pleas ure in recommending this journal to the readers of the Times and Messenger, as one of the. best publications in the South. Its Editor, Gen. Wm. THE COTTON STATES LIFE INSUBANCE COMPANY IS A GOOHCOMPANY, Therefore a policy in the Cotton States life Insurance Company is a will guard your loved ones from want or ’ J ' tune or your death. don which THE WEEKLY NEWS Is issued every Friday, is designed for country readers, and contains a careful summary of the news of the week, with the principal editorials, the current nows, the latest dispatches, and full market reports, TERMS: No attention paid to orders unless accompanied by the monoy. Postmasters everywhere are authorized-to act as Agents; Money can-be sent by Post Office order or Ex press at onr risk. Address J. H. ESTILL. Ill Bay Street, Savannah. Every Fanner Ought to Have It! THE SOUTHERN FARM & HOME A MAGAZINE OF Agriculture, Manufacture DOMESTIC ECONOMY. PTMUF.l.T.TSFTEJl WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS. J; W. BURKE &C0 Publish c-rn. GEN. W1L M. BROWNE, Editor. PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT MACON, GEORGIA Single Copy One Year .. S2.00 Three Copies “ 5.00’ Five Copies,- “ — 7.50 Sincle Copy Six months, 1.00 Invariably in advance. Late Opinions of- the Press. Tha Southern Farm and Home, pnbliBhed by J. W. Burke & Co., Macon Ga., edited by Gen. Win. II. Browne, is on onr table. We have carefully watched this monthly from the first to the pres ent number, and regard it as among the first pub lications of its chaaracter in the United States. Every farmer should .have a copy. Terms $2 per annum.—Christian Observer, Catlettsbnrg, Ey. We present the table of contents of the last number of the Southern Farm and Home, pub lished at Macon, Ga., to show onr readers what valuable information they are losing by neglecting to snbscrfbe to this magazine. This one number is of more value to any farmer who can read, than tile money necessary to seenre the magazine the entire year.—Georgia Clipper. The Farm and Home, published by J. W. Burke & Co., Macon, Ga., is gotten up fn tbg- Ua.nriKfvmret style, and is full of the most useful and practical information. Let tiie farmers of this section sub scribe at once for this most valuable Agricultural Journal. Price $2-00 a year. Itis worth three times the money.—Sparta Times mid Planter. THE HOUSTON HOME JOUHNAl A WEEKLY FAMILY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED AT V, GEORGIA, BY WATERMAN JOHN T EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Let Everybody Subscribe for it at once A Paper for the Farmer! APaper for the Mechanic! A Paper for the Merchant! A Paper for tlie Professional Man! A Paper for EVERYBODY * Tie unprecedented success of tins Company Is toe best recommendation it can, offer, 1,800 Policies in its First Year, Upon the lives of some of. the most prominent men in Georgia, Alabama, South Car olina and Florida. - - " - ; . ' It Issues policies upon all the most popular plans of Insurance; gives its policy hold ers every advantage they can get in any Company North or South. It is now success fully at work in Georgia, Alabama; North and Sonth Carolina, I’lorida'and Kentucky. For further information, see an agent of the Company, or address GEO. S. OBEAR, Seorotary, Maocna, Ga. pographical appearance of the Farm tmd.Home will compare favorably with any of the publica- tions of the day^—Selma Times and Messenger. Southern Farm and Home.—This is another new candidate for the^f*suffrages" of the Southern planter and, farmer. It is published at MacoxCGa., by J. W.-Burke & Co., and edited with rare ability by Gen. Wm. M.'Browne, a weE known journalist of excellent literary reputation. Its i^ges are filled 'with practical matter, and handsome illus trations embeUisb .psurti number. .-It .was com menced in November 1859, and has aatained a prominent place among the agricultural periodic als.—Auburn HeHigencer. With a view of putting this excellent magazine in the hands of every family in Houston and the ad joining counties, we propose to club it with the Houston Home Journal, IT WILL CONTAIN NEWS FROM AIL QUARTERS, Literature of the Highest Order, FUBT till Vou Can’t Rest! prs- It will be the organ of the HOLSTOjV coujvty agricultural club, And every number will contain articles of interest to the PLANTERS, In Politics it will be UNCOMPROMISINGLY DEMOCRATIC, Believing that the success of the Democratic Party is the only hope of saving the county from financial and social rain, and of restoring it to ife former condition of honor, pros- ^ perity and freedom from tyranny and oppression. Nevertheless, IT WILL NOT BE A POLITICAL PAPER, IN THE STRICT MEANING OF THE TERM, but will bs JOURNAL FOR THE HOME AND FIRESIDE. jg*- it -mil he our endeavor to admit to our columns nothing that will offend ** . taste of the most festidions—nothing that could not he read with perfect propriety in the , .* > .f- ' I FAMILY CIRCLE. It .will aim at a high standand in literature, and will endeavor to exclude all th» j trash which finds, publicity in too many of our papers. <ps- It wifil take a stand for what it believes to be the RIGHT SIDE m all question ^ which come before the public, and will ADHERE TO THE RIGHT, without feor or j fevor, ri K will manfully defend and earnestly labor to promote the interests of the peo- fj pie among whom it circulates, and its columns will ever be open to all communication J of interest to its readers. H It will confedn T HIRTY- T W o OOIjTJMN'Si Andwillgive FROM ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALE-MORE READING MATTER th» ' L: i Then Let Everybody Rally to its Support! We have not the time to call on every man in don’t wait, but come np of your own accord! Reader, ii work and Induce Your Neighbor to Subscribe I And don’t he satisfied to stqp with ONE 1*6 THY TO GET E. DOZEN'S Terras, $2.50 A Year* ONE COPT SOUTHERN FAB it AND HOME, ,;’T ^ - t jaS ONE COPY HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL, Ear 1350, Cash. J. W. BURKE i CO., Slscon, Sr J. T. WATERMAN, Ferry. Any one sending FIVE SUBSCHIBERS'AND $12.50,' will reedve the HOME JOBS' ^ NAL ONE YEAR FREE. Come along, ffien; if you do not.get the full value of J ^ money, it will be refimded. Address J. T. WATERMAN, Ewry, Gr»