The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, March 02, 1871, Image 3

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Insr-e your property in the Ojetugia Home Insurance Company, of Columbus, Ga. N. T. Johnson, Agent at Misshall- ville, Ga. Dr. WALKER’S CAJAFOItNTA VINEMR BITTERS, a^«jHs®iC9fe«fS3t0ft3aiida^S ZZ Bear testimony to tkelr "Wonder- «!»: = o fnlCurativeEffccta. ggr ||S WHAT ARE THEY?|=5 eny ■woman- Wimmen without clothes ■would be a sad spectacle, particularly in winter when the h..w1ip’ blasflB pn vaiL Who air yew envw.iy,” I asked j of my visitor. ♦ “I am a pilgrim,’’she said. ‘‘I be- ! long to the Agitator, a noosepaper de- ; j If yon want a few tons of the Made Fertilizer,” prepared by L. Thai “Quern of Durham ” Sinol bacco has arrived, and smokes deli; For sale by N. T. Johnson, Marsl J. W -MATTNT GROCERIES, DOT GOODS, § O^FEeTIOWEBJES spirits aud HefiixK* Lac aura doctored* spteci}, i J sweetened t > plc.:r.; tIm taste, called *TOn- ‘ •y* ** Appetizers,” Restorers,** *e., tl^at lead ;:3 tippler on t3 Urnnlccnacss and rulaJbnt aro true Medicine,made from the Native lldotsifiuV Icrbsof Califomi: '150 “ Serge Popliun at 200 “ All Wool Plaids, fiuta Also an exieuKire line of : Good** from -JOcto.^Uc* i, free? jtrpiu nil A Icohollc rare fiSliYlffStf BLOOD" ZI V1TAC cud 'LEr. ptrfrct 1! ysten, carrying rotator of off all poisonous matter and exersm jo/i cu Points of Importance WHISKIES, BRANDIES, AM CLOAKS iiP.. S.^J.W., M. wishes -to say. to all the .popple that the cheapness of his goods is ns^ tonishing. .Thejmly wonder is, that his competitors in this Metropolitap city will go*to so small a glace iis New York, to buy ARS. caws. i[ r “Yes, "said I, in a polite an’ soft- ninfl manner, “it’ll only cost two », *• HMibnamoaM. for a whole year.” “Hiiyo.y.yp.a wife?|'sho asked. 1 “I hev,” s;dd I, "wonderin’ what she was cornin’ at. tiu you she I jftygfF to -’ i'ifrrtrsfr'this-in ? )tS irshAttiKr. <^®on, Lard, to uua m IT IS SUPERIOR TO AN COMMERCIAL CANDY, APPLES, ORANGES. RAISINS, A-MU, Ail UL^, UXu’U’iVJ-CiQ, IlAiOU>0. :*.r*m j0 rtum u aJMsa taaisavi »il ct g> kwjti-ajJJ »d-‘ aoija tas xaq CC 1.j m»u lo.xaqiia tinoS* aidT fr.p—< rr - LOBSTER, SARDINES, tnich’l ^MiOHaoaerQ&siasfvsoshoip v rs. ’em of she has a hankerin’ that n- way.Tmw «JHI«,5 ; wit5rJ h- “Wood yew consent that she should ? ♦* 1 '£P|3 ft.f.fyUA & J Yx , And everything else good to eat He also keeps a good assortment of ~ “She can go whore she pi ■ascs, ” l said ^^htrgeuertS&IltSy*® ® LIQUORS, ; ®|iyiww^ ••••• she, an throstilL. her arms arouuc. flgjl ijK#r$ u 391®? kinds, to which he invites the neck left wildly. special attention of the thirsty. imlpi Tlli? Liquids .q^jall Kinds,] ^ i CANNED OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, .. .RArrao .8 <#3 ...-r-r?A0a2« .1,3 .aZ.TUT .W ZJIOT, k«r.«ciicr’ goes &q rt.irto ckf • ^ua also an equal chance, to ■■' fit 'jsr: n uHt. oniW'vnJtj :• srftn&i }U>. fl(|:-j r ia^.:9eal"-®state Prizes! M b farms; VIIX.VSITES. r HOAIE, id a igQtol Kf OliCHAirbS, ■. VBtEVAltbs; ic.. at ■ l!e Bottthegr Sum. Ifefe if *K«toei«taB»liffld «OG^4b Pdaii to b« ■.the;fW? iI Wi td J*lB{'ftlftbe StarchoWerm. Ollly ltl.OOt serrations. “You ■ air an impulsive femail,” sa*d < I,»ai'c«rr aBibaHjfkhtmSe sponta neous an’ outbrakin’. You nedd a , Wtf nidi her yunantftteeeefc acman’a. wift j SOAP, SHOT AND" POWDER^-.,,, J=»3s!m >Ktf eib r ' iter* .is.ZT j lyiL-j . •• .-J »j» »S» tu! eSJvi. tpc Ve .' :• .;j£ Candyv‘^l»t8«^Hid ^RafeihgJ *«~xc 9&s a Aiv ; ' midntlA mms] 61 !H*G£O0 O'dTWOlJO" RHI IIT GEORGIA Vrr***" o{ Houston to But, to tell you the truth, we can’t begin r t< store. Come and see for yourselves. S. A. A L. S. TOCNSI decI7-tf ty, sternly rebukes Gov. Buliock i t its jn si the foliowingei»im>i aii el rwwtici :c jsdm jgts In hist November at the reg ifer- t s-v< 5 term, we as GftodJmo^j^o^ a bill against James A. Jacksonfor “fcan-j «bor rying concealed weapons.” The ievi- by v To the reasoning portion of mankind it is an important question why so many hitter away, unthinkingly, the inestimable boon of health, when the means of regeneration are within their reach. The excellence of ■ifrzxi South*-4Hi»£fopertjwaiacti-at erafly endotvecPtnan any offier^‘m|mcinF > ' ever introduced to thepublic, and hundreds hatever peacelul conversation, ana ow they braided them for being membei lS?Pf&aA^ed4^teUjSOe4$pany of C SI tBilt T-wi-pf TTnnn fTip-ir f*allir»or him atTor md antio0 »d» «i p.-:<rq t rtdsrsjfT ; *** ' iurar met rnaco turd tssrr butsg i.-rw ! *° c ' aiud: in j-j io •asr : £S3~ Send for a pamphlet. An Agent may be found at almost every Depotj but "Information can always be had of tried to shoot, and would have dp ^ha^nqhjha^artyj. j^fh whom | was dispqfing, efficted a rapid i successful escape. The colored m Aiken, ST/ as wmTSe seen by an advertisement in to-day’s paper. He bas adopted a novel plan •’ ’for jg-foip gives a picture worth §5, and a ticket in the drawing., JME perby is not a "affiiaKriil^ragaomiu.§eculatdr, but a. high-toned, honorable business man, jritn esses were colored. Yet the Grand Jury learn from Tm fpsiailo 1 ! 008 f f T « Gov. Bollock, that he has grante4| to goo.d one, and somebody will nja}ie-r v fortune from it for a mere pittance, for property he offers" is valuable. H you wont a Singer Sewing Machine, fi*h"'WNi Agent, at UarshRlI- throngb reasonable fear pf his life, into the Kkenels' from the viojence of his political op- dbyly'TOgmeu do" ponents “to carry openly and publiply cat’’ X-i3 ,02 in his hand, a cavalry pistol” from his “T^e§,^^id s house to the public square, and to the" we wilkemanci^ de|»ot; and that iron} that apt he was slavery of dress, The Houston Home Journal PERRY ga, M\ItC5-i ifi’A. p Special* Notices. advertiser, hmvins been pcrmanenUy cored , 0Mst are *a disemse. flotummpUon. by a simple i,, unions to mate known to bis fellow- r nieoje * .na. .u. :* ■uff< !rf dargeb with the directions for preparing and airing the name, which they will find a sent Cube ros CosBvnmos, Asthma, Beoschitis, kc. Puflea wishing the prescripti«B.v,- " ireM Rev. EDWAKD A ‘ 165 South Second Street, wmiarnsbnrgh, X. Y dec!7-ly Error&^YSSa*** A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from "jferrouB Debility, Premature Decay, and aU ie effects of youthful indiscretion, wilhyfer the wte of goffering humanity, send free to J who need it, the recibe and direction for making the lmple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wirting tp, prto£ byjje •gertiyr's eaperie^e, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OODEN, decl7-ly No. *2, Cedar Street, New York jic-raugacigi a%*tegtt<nr; Agents of the Houston Home JotirnaL Trfttf '^orf’^^ailey—Geo. "W. Sturges.: Byron—Thomas B. Goff. Marshalville—N. T. Johnson. Life and Fire Insurance! -InEu best^Chmi^^es It^hc ?d!lowing rites: ir Lt mi «rj HOIHE-MADE FERTILIZER. «« LiXt’-id. “ I'tifUc heJBest tofl J^ifceu Cent! Private D-wellin^n and contents, isolatAcC ?or [ $1,000, leas than 4 cento—the name ratio foi jail*#- zo'l f ■ha BSCtNv lent. Per. amonnts. Also Gin Houses, Baras, And other propeity at as los* lates tlirpngli poljtifal ani mosity, indicted as atoresaid—an ^fur ther, that Jackson is nnder fear qf his life, that he^dures not appear fend himself at law against said In this act and proclamation,! Gov. ulipc& danders ttfe cornmunitv, and UHHUIUU fTvt . F|K’ especially this Grand Jury, publishing to the world that through malice, we have f oreifWOril ' ourselves, and rnlsel 1 charged a man with “carrying} •cqn- — cealed weapons,” when the carrying bfey^Gd all donbt And upon what evidence does Ms Excellency make this | gross accusation against ns? The w&worn statement of the accused himsef-maAe fill- tl>,, yj^eh the offense was done, in the absence pf his " i&SSwd* Whirti ntktements, pi ovid- ed they^om^frQift- jjge of his. parf^,' J have more weight in his enlighjtened mind, than the strongest sworn testi mony of meiTDf any and all colors, and the sworn findings of a respectable Grand Jury. Extract from the report of a commiltf Jng of Messrs. H. A. Clinch, R. B. Baxter and West Point, Ga., Dee. 1, lfjG9?-“ Messrs. Crawford & WAi^mt.' Asnxarot sUaneflwU a .a :!_• rAo.DEM.Qli: . t sl siGsoct.' *t9 j ^.Ml U X^UWMWT. 1« MUOthU* t'-aa « M til. A friend,-.just:arrived from. dhe far iaszl at tssjt a+9 j in my.Qjynjnuid = whethet-jpn tli£, 1 •W w««Wlrti be WeS*i'fD#ise 1 to’grvi Frank White, appointed by the Hancock County Agricnltnral Club, on Fertilizers: “ Your committe having again care: cd the results upon corn and cotton of the Home made Fertilizer, beg leave to report our examina tion of the experimental plat of Mr. Ii. Tappou. Jit White Plains, Greene Oomfiy. we carefully weighed and no6-<* Three rows, each 1SS feet long, fertilized with lot manure, weighed 42 pounds. Cost per acre. $19 8(1. . Three rows, each 19fl,fi Pendleton manure, weighed 42 pounds. Cost pc: acre, $19 .89. Throe rows, each 188 feet long, fertilized with Thrwe rows, each 38G feet long, fertilized with JIome-made FrnTiLir.ER, weighed 40 poundfi. Cost jkeraerg, $9 00. Thn Bra Fowl manure, weigheB 43 ftimudH. an o. $23 03. Three rows, each 180 feet long, fertilized witi. Hoyt'fi Si per The committee were umverftidly of the opinion that the number of unopened bollr oh the Home made Fertilizer, were in cxeew of the other ftr- ’Gentlemen: Having carefully e: ed your formula, for “ABBETT’S ER MEDICINE,” it affords me jit to be one of tlio best preparations of the kind ever presented to the public, for iv^Ahseasej and V vegetable. It is no quack medicine. It is a scientif ic compound. I most cheerfully ®<tVEei5 YJ5S33W-ISST 3t _as a safe and certain remedy. "Respectfully, mli2-3t J. W. Osein, M. B mmmittee wore uniYerftklly of the omuiou v ° ’ Mcsan*. L. \V. HI7NT & CO., I)riujgi«ts, 82 aud y cherry etrect, Macon, Cr. have the formula for the Home-made Fertilizer ^V| ^'^t^UQd, jiiJ will take pleasure in exhibiting it to nil planters aad giving all necessary information in regard to • esc premiered to furniftli the chemicals- *«£ fioi" IttinUd^) Ifijrqejtojn, ■ promjit delivery, all orders Hhvuid he sent in early. Gen'C. J). ANDFHSON’. Axsmt. . Dr. J. CuGtmmt, Agent.- Lawrence Pal mer, living in the eastern part of the comity, died suddenly last Saturday. ng to his faijm in kn when there came V M 1 .-* .wwotosr shouted "“Come'm!’ v ' *TEe“^^r. Open ed an’ the^igqp^ entered. She was dressed in a pair of jstore boots an’ an;irbn r gray" gef^p^fpccta- cles, an’ uhe walked up 1 ' to" me with majesty in her mien. I knew who she was the minute I set .my tm hole mv- the “Well,” said L calmly “the wim- ifien in Chicago need something of this sort. Where them "that air mar ried never know on goto’ to ^d at night but what, on wakto’ ni> to the mo min’ they n.^- be divorced, aa’ them that ain’t married spend their time to bet-tin’ how many times they can be divorce; if powerfully. Keep stirrto’ on ’em up, ef you please. The more you agitate the better for ’em.” With these words I arose an’ tollin’ her to set still until my return’, "f "stole softly down stairs. I hev not been back since. What will be the effect oi leavin’ a femail agitator settin’ to my sea! the whole of this time , I don’t sffenvSf|IiB«I-Qo JQacKjs-’T? her patience will be of cast iron. tariff^ Superficial knowl<?dg< water—it shines deceitfully but can be easily skimmed off Laziness travels so slowly that pov- ei-ty soon overtakes her. tive chill about noon, aud died ii,the 4ges-f^l*hn^iP@VY 3HT i about fweii- •xcellent mini in every respect. i a hm-glassyceyeainr m- !a5»wi a acAizm >u ,ti,Ur 1 ■ Our Exchanges. April etons Journaij comes tb'- lit this week as usual, full of exciillenl i^aiSAg aud superb engravings. It has no peer among the weeklies. ; Pomeroy’s Democrat comes to us e If!*7© e i?l ^tSuneli, unflinching Democrat that used to. hurl its thunder from La Cros e. If" claims a circul toon of 390,000. i ’• • for Boys and Girls is rather lute coming, but is an excellent number. It is very prettily Amon; MACON, GEOIIGLV, 10 JJLSl’JTTJOmZJa Have received a handsome wsortment _ n(l . , - . ... by Mary Faith Floyd; a p of AXSa toAH «tl fld iarniai V ere nlWqnj Stmuvwli btt , .a iSTargRivt J.Treston and a va embark wiU^U| the^sea. o| e p suffrage V” a statoh-nw-’j ojijec- tion to takin’ a quiet sail ’hvithvyou, pr**vided : 'fto^ J Wait I WiH®t4<»^p ! fiS4’ y ou’ll do.all the tractions are two confirmed storici 3jty! the author of “Jack Dobell,” entitled “Tito young: Explorers: ilf Roy Life in Texas” and “Tile Indians at pirt Dauber s Nest, - a Tale of the Sbmi- SSleE:J0‘5l ued; by Mrs. poem by iriety of other things. All the- childifcifcshijuld have it. x£8WW&M& TILX ‘ Y f " jr not at all inferior to its predecessors. . That most tostiucl've and entertain .ir»a*4 1c BoiiilHttr'j 3® T05t iLHff ItjemiiidiMmU „ .. - - -wraps, ^mm § and line JAOliTit, - .. ■ curious flunks concentog the ancient Fenians, (from -v’S g nChitK)3ic IMdESHftfctract on first plge); a very readable article on “Life iq YhQ p Wh Om todt vutoo* ascwlw a» 3^% ^ b f uus T01VELS, NAPKINS, TABLE BBSENSr and his Subjects”; “Yicloi-Emiu " “ 7 >W tour bmvtf fg hie* mtobr ufe tractions. Y .11 flfJtEiSouxHEiiN Farm and Home fuf March is out to good time. It has - its °s Jlouseuo’d, and {well ■ Susti'iy.^itS-'repittatato^ ASSftr dub: .With the Farm and Home—sec udveriise- "IHWfc »> fcato* a *iat Zj-Z H -if; . 1, i tuid ihSnecf , his goods, ri and feels sure that he cau make it to Allendale and Marsaifles, anjlis, jonqnq tn V* ‘»^gAwH!CiTyeaioaaiiwottg% mi&w fitters as next to a miiade, aud we would say to all who are suffering from whatever .disease, to try a “bottle,” as*we know thev > Tect H%iw<§ by the book, ’’and it is no Everybody Takes It Publishers’ Agents, Tribune Buildings, New York, # Are aulhocized to,contract for ■What “Brick” Pomeroy says; From Pomeroy’s N. Y. Democrat, Dec. 7th. tmi .thes who wereqpfcstalw Bist ... T gT^cefiiHy-arnse.,»n’- saddles.. ; “How a^q^ypq paa’am; was you Wish- ill’ to subscribe to the El^PjisOg 'Jour nal/'’ at the same time dtopto’any pen . ... . . ., . . m tne mk, an opemn my subscrip tion book,—This alius gits ’enij. It looks Jike.bizness. IWWilDSllOl "-■ __ . v |f^^[AHMQ.a FLO VLA •ht 1,000 Lives^ost. 1 for the holy caws of 'jll ! it kid' 1 ^ ’ “No majai^’ 2 said I, “lam a bytenan.” • “Air you,!’ she said, .“prepared to {£ H c>o,0,oqjfc. ‘‘I am Mollin to su3br f “Air yew willin’ that she shpiilu share with yew the burdens and trials 1 ofli “I ain’t noways pertikler, UnpariilldM |* reader, for it.tEeU not happen any where in thus neighborhood: in fact .such a thing could not take place. COOPER OHI’aASaOKI YJd Keeps such a hill and elegant assortment of FANCY GROCERIES, IN GEORGIA. OO 3 TIT- WE HAVE SOLD^IT CESS AND KNOW OOAK It is the very Article FOR iig.iO foastlTOril:rjrnfX. < HJL a^A. □DAVID DICKSON, Esk p 'rdoa'fz’liiw 3 LiH.c I'; tCrs riccord!av; to direc- ti:» x anti r;:na!nlon-.u:x>r Jl. For ]ulWnim«f^rVirailThronic Ithea- umtiKEi am! («onf, Dyspepsia, orl Indi- xrcsrinu»JB7I5o[i^”'RcjuIIllent aud |ntcr- :ulf iv*iit Fevers, Diseases of tlic Liver, KfAHvvM, umbHladtier, these BU- ters !;ayt*lA'if.f *JifjifT:rec ”ssfu 1. Siich-Dla- c.osfs an ca?.;cd by Vitiated Blood, vrlffch. id "c.icrjtlj br djrai^ement j of the Digestive Organs. IN DIGESTION* j., Ilpad.xetierftKii'i'a^ho Shonlders, Gonclxs; r.c.A of the Chest, Dizziacss, Sour Eructatloni-'of. is the lloatlx Bilious tichs. ralpit-tloa of the Heart, Iaflammatlon of 1 ' fyxxp in the regions of theKidndys^uid-'- alnn:!r-(l ot^icr paimul symptoms, arc ^hc off- '?r:acz of Dyspepsia. T.i r iarisrarate the Stomach and stimulate the .L>rpil liver and bowe'.s, which render tlicni of un- f-jaall *4 efficacy ii cieansin^ t!ie blooti of dll' "USbitiOfcIasSisuifff4bjs new’UffllioS visor toa KtSILSlilN ms's ASKS, Ernrtiosr.Tcttcr, : -l: i:i|.-- -i lUnirt.i'a—Sl)-:ta",k’liiiplcs, I’u.stnlcs. 3o::?,t>Arbn:iclos, Ri.i£-"*70rms, Scald-IIcittl, Soro Kv. s,Err-dp-los, Itch, Scurf;, Discolorations of hj Humors and Diseased of the Skia, Of wiMitcyer jnaa\ arc liteifally dug up afffi In liAmort time-by :iu Hse of tht-s: Bitters. One bottle in-such- .:as <; udll conviucj the most incredulous of their cusalivejdtccts. : . - ■ * J *" the Vitiated Blood ■whenever you find .ts i. ipurftics bursting through tl:c shin JnPlni- Erupt I ns dr Sores; cleanse it when'you obstructed ojjd tlnggtsh In the iveins; - L aiiAyhUVomit IsffoulV n?x<l yi>ur feelings will you when. Keep t’.ic blood pure and the a’tu oft.j s\-stein.will follow, i’l Tie T.i S f Ea:id other WO BUIS, lurking in c syatenx ef s > many thousands, arc effectually 4j»troved jin.I removed. For full directions, read rtiVf lufuif-STiIar around cadi bottle. ^7t%^l*fj?roprtrtor. R. H..MCDONALD* •O'., Dniggists and G erf.'Agents. ?an F ran cisco, aCO^Sl ^nlSTGomraercc Street, New York. -DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Sbld byDi-. J. C. GILBERT^ Peny. veiy violent and tosulii drew’from his pocket (where the same concealed! a Colt’s Repeater, imd it^«ABldf the parly retired m fear of his life. .The ■grwBfl* . sfla boo—v. J rijtos -f e« tj. »zr**tff' 7. k -mvid ly ta \iste eat £s> Aaaa* k* II sjin- largely tEplwmftnxktlnnr; iX>paln< pnrdiastofe” the. uuctiun sales, will offer, un-Monday next, ; the fob X .. > iat ed Et®S|€»OW . <:ao CAMBBEEL & JONfSI • €hE‘NERA ; L u ^ M j'°f WAREHOUSE . - -AXD . j COMMISSION MERCHANTS MACON, CA.: -v : ’ • q >>--U rr ' f: ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROIIET-- LY ATTENDED TO. decl7-tf r 0tiI^O! GUANO V ’PHENTX GUANO, SALT AND PLASTER COMPOUND, WILCOX GIBBS & CO. MANIPU- LATED GUANO. 7fllIiflm-'offerihg the above weR known standard -fertilizers for cash or on tomeiatl dtaowne?#* 1 vdt - y ' c: GREATLY REDUCED PRICES to dorrespond with the low price of cotton. A o ^ AOTHSatSON, ,■ Sqt:K» and 3Long Wool Slievlx in' ereet Tnriotj ■1 a-'iiw L-. ’ w \ A most roperfr stock oTliidies’ Saits, r j; %tog^,"frC)lh : SS ; i ^O‘B^)araqda. .. LYONS V ELYET CLOAKS jy-Jix -.'f.meel.moq j-ra .r~-' ^tgr^lyjqduc^ prices. Black and Coloned Gloth •- : iT - Slcqnte, frwm- 52.00‘to 25.00. nm ! -^a'Zidirr-r r. bs r,r.c DOBESIlifcfibOBS. PableLfecnsj v ‘ * c>r '- - ’ ■ 1 - - TtTidjjng*, ,j,jfjannels,-Plaid and Striped Ofnftbnrga, c&i endless •* vari^^ m * sr*£* ..CA L*:- <1v ^* , Bln civ x\mi Colored. Tftif ; % .utz iU 1 *S 2^J Exfrti indudinionfH \rifl be offered, our Stock fe ve)y'Lirge,‘ aqd"wish to dflee it.' ' Cfome ’apSF’be eonvinend. vn’Fforgct* the place. ’ 1 •' i :■ ; : d>MH3 YV>r 45 ahd!47 sEetoa^^TKfiET^tfkc^i,, at, norm .rg' -t* .n-dirm lira bo* S. .KANELBAUM, PRO. 4USO.. ’•ah Tedflce Don' decl7-3m. xcr ri ^feKJkfASesor 1 : -rr.-,d . ." '* i »:tl tier h- U E h lt ' :nndenijpi3d, Fhj^eiin» of P«rr7 znff • -■Tirinltj-. Inrnnc extended unlimited indul- pf-onr. patron., find onV collurtion. inadequate to. current expense. Heucc-vc sjj tt, tforte in arrears, io-cbme forward and calicel.tlieir indebtadneas^or we will not nerve See What Five . Dollars .WP1. Do! Fort Valley, Ga. , ,.j HOMES ! HEALTH! HAPPINESS 1 HOW YOU MAY HAVE THEM. S95.0OO-HSI PREMIUMS I ..meto mAtFARDEDTOi ,ji -t’li.T jjereto Lb.'s