The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, March 02, 1871, Image 4

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•m miscellanrr 'ol The AlHpators fin Florida. * —The female alligator will not allow .the male to approach her nest He &ea a ^ufetquoua habit of eating all the a«ga, tfju* neceaaitating her laying jch<ye, jrhicjh she dpea not like to do.— Mo, whenever %he .catches him in that neighborhood she thrashes him on geggspl prindiplee, he has either done' mischief,Of intends it; at any rate, he is meddling in domestic matters and deservfea snubbing. I’m told that it is, jreaJly amusing to seethe big bully jtick his tail between his legs and •peat ok, the very image of'a hen pecked husband,' after one of these ,CQnjngal scoldings. He is not by any means a maid husband; and although i»e .tnjef fcis thrashing kindly, be re- .vep£«s himself hy watching until the ly dispujn as he can catch. Sonne, dligators don’t like to know their own fathers. " "" -l/_- . f V*** but few instances where preatures have attacked grown men; fhey are fond of children, and shoy attachment to the offspring of oftier people ,as they^do their own.— in one instance, where .a man on ^ck^waa cro: ^ ossriig afford, he was pjisff Jjy the leg, but when his dog another instance, an alligator struck at two spokes .fro^fflj^yha vtoeeto, leaving a tooth sticking in one ; as a mement^of the visit. He hurried <>ff gTea ‘ ; pose, for a dentist. “ a * ' ’Gators like dogs, -darkieS:- : ' CURRENT ITEMS. .,-Sumpter county boasts of a man whose toenails are so bard he' has to rasp them off with a file. Wheat'is looking well in upper East Tennessee. , The corn crop of Tennessee for 1870. is es^maiei at 47,5.00,000, or an ave rage of Aveniy bushd| .per apre, r .'S?| The entire, pres? of California is calling on the Government for the pro motion of raids against toe Apach es. 'TATf-ffi X .. ~lli W3hom Litjde,. of Clarke county, 1 killed a six months old pig that weighed 175 pounds. An improved telegraph—place a line of women fifty steps apart, and com- aifcfr- A young lady wrote verses for a A doctor was asked to dance the “Lancers” He declined, bu s>, willingness to • lance Young swell—“Isay, boy, what do ___ _ worn thorn out™ -« ? ^py—“Wears’em at home 1” ‘' hisdeg to’ ’■IS^hSi 'O&0 maapCdogs have : jmi sawed, eh?”- Why mn. am, when “Hi®. . ^ka VftsBternUgfaer^^S was regmitjy invited to a-seat on the floor of the House at Washington, indignantly re fused, saying’that he Was Accustomed toc^it'bn chairs at’htome.- rsr, G-EOR.&X4, .00 taken for ; th%t- > «rf c |; ; ,|»ppy > and aron, FaT, r T ^jys ago, and the point of a pencil ha mislead a young and inexperienced hpd, in his pocket pierced- his side, ^eaq^ehfilm%?ynst^^k. ito drink; he learns by experience after having been eaten once or twice?,; Bjtlier^ore is 'open he vrill draw-al] the alligators to fbeipla^ i>y’^cal£itig,,and then A»Epei?Y>ff to another plifce where .s^tir'iiBOW^Ia clearfwrihe ^Htnsep^wn to PPif eyes skinned and ears up, pushing his m then sneaking ayay again. ^r»«2k> mi and P^e Cincinnati Times office has been apprised at $200,265 over and above the liabilities, which are set down at $56,023. The good will of y&^efa}IS4),O06.') A Titusville reporter has heard Mis3 jEellegg y- a^ng, and likens her notes to.thS “smooth, unctuous triek- of the oleaginous commodity from ry. house you find more or less swamp, ot . ana in evi JkoiMUTflO# 'J‘> gator. very much because some traveler had .io,i0i99$&R,al%ato&' "Hevliveff near and killed snakes, frogs, you (*hfc t 0ii,d ..a 31 1 wild IMMiP preventing young childr'en frc/in stray- " Yhomi’ ’ is very mm maligned, however, every theft of cat tle is laid on his slimy back, and' that |b, woods and the entrfis-;(^irdEif!i^';taknb .. ' piikand ieftSeirinaJ ;ffis>eyes : toe o& : the top of. to see the'efceature swimming aloijg .rwith only Msbyes floating above ijjSie 1 jiuiffice. Heicomes ashore to sleep in ihpaundnhb,{and paying attention Uo —-"jus deep, becomes so'dead to a}l sbiind •' that a steanfbdfefS * nlfijl ^co23£ alopg pide,' then hia astonishment when a A if It is not strange that Dio Lewis should he dsejfly impressed with ,the importance of health when his name A charitable Cincinnati man keeps a dr. bit 8ogs olmmed at his front door, \ so that poor people who stop to ft thus jbe’ :bite£’ bcracaammodated^.without fly taking the .trouble to go in the house? * . - .. ! Edwin E. Campbell, now in 1 ..the r in-, -ins-editorial ca pacity, ^ot less than 39 newspapers. Originally a pn^jpaj. printer, t lie has ' ; .^iefedWiaBolia Journal sajs:,“Y[e now belieyg^gi. too dpetrine of ! total .cnrioM depra.vity.. j.gog» ^etkasustolen toe ~ .pnjbiJtoRPf fcfiafc PSSPed by the edit or of the Leavenworth Independent, r«*f nis^ ^ ©ABBOTS, MATTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL-PAPEB, MATTBESSES, EEATHEBS, • SOFAS, • ' r . SETTOEaSS, : WARDROBES, BUREAUS, Ac. , A large Btock of Do not insure with a Company yon know Nothing nhout. THE COTTO'N- STATES PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY For Sale Low far Cash. rU -,i —OF- i One Thousand Maple Bedsteads, From $6.00 to $15,00. Fisk’s Patent Metallic Burial Cases and Caskets, Tlie best articles in the market, pt Low Price* Also Cqflhis in' Hose wood, Mahogany, Cedar, uiit, and injijalionfi. THOS.WOOD. • Kext to Lanier House. •-•siliA \’i$v MACONJ ' si Jl GEORGIA. aoi Aixthorteeft Capital,. $2,000,000 0 500,000 ■ $800,00O doc23-3m m MACON. GA. . c »• •• batibariusi. * r ' - Every bobyTakes It! r ojien||^g . .of the barerfoot sea- yjh: ^^prr^pf jpditor, who has been bullet wakbsThim upj and’toe hiried^^ aji/^astera tour, announces io his reader, as the most remarkable piece of totedhgeneff" gained in his travels, that there are actually newspa per men .on the Atlantic coasf i have n'ot been- called on to kill any one'fer. several years. 'The Vandals tie water, are sometimes very ludiQj:pug ( —Z,tppi'«- ‘-f-fjf — !' f a^yi?/*3H c Fi(« a @@a.aea Of all the dreary places, deliver us from the dreary' farm houses, which so many people caj| homo. Bars f«aj£ ftont gate; chicke^ ^Rt^-bpfpre' toe door; pig pens elbowing, the * .Chouse iu the cared for t or po trees ^ all;; cheer ing slirubs; no neatness; no trimness. lAbdy.ei*# “ ’ T ' walk, ar.d a pleasaptjlcqjfiftj^roupd it, don’ t cost a great deal ' Thwy lean be - t pecured little by liftlei'dt. ,i bdd I ‘'times, and the expenso hardly felt. And .if ■j* ..j too time comes when it is best to sell kxi>: $ho" farm, - fifty djcfilars- so-' inTOSted.-i j demanding attention of the utolbst promptitude and assiduity frozp all who could approach then found that while women and chil- dren were buraingin oilrdrenched cars, ;led bodies were- sinking jtbrough' • na saSnsensibly yield to . a higher price for •< such a" farm, whcirhc' thinks^the ..•*2*$lejj»nt surroundings it offers to his \ ^ .jpicjmd children.- . Farmers,ybeautify . and. adorn your farmsp set "t)ut“ orch- • arda shrubbmy, ’ shade Seesj^T&y, ! “ ^lawns; build good fences; put up good » - gates, aud paint- or -whitewash your *% pntoouses ahff fences. 1 -, , . sSfWI*a:'» *N-S» ?-« m > .♦ - ^ A PHi'stciAN being asked b^ a pa_- tient if He'toought a little spnitstnow and then would hurt iiim much,- re- “I 4p hot know that a little ocpaslpnaily wouldhurt yoii much; hut-' if you don’t take any, it won’t hurt you at all” C “If we had read of a railroad acci- „ „—wounded teTfl. Ymfi. tti mir&ie&epgSfhM 3t|fltogtstrnnks{ andJhaaialroMl mfficiiils apd ibandain ^HBpfcsd^of^toasalrs, etc., we would have grieved to confess a ptoof of bargisfi^igi'-— • ' ama the calnmnious reproaches withal toi mlge toe oppressions On : toe South:ortoeit politicians in Congress. papers exhibited by the inhabitants and railroad p pie of the - populous and cultival Valiev of the Hudson. No event: has ?teeSed'.i5%;$oiito ifor wMch ‘Christian ♦ people, of? tois Christian nAtiomf-'. could bludi a deeper'red. “ . *, Jton^iOH Made -EAsr^We read in The Grand Jury of Chatham county refuse to reocommend the levring of a one of the religious journals that tax td> raise $3,000 for $e ^District church, now in'course of construction Court. The jury popsiaer it a^,‘ffun- gus” upon tfye judiciary, and cannot phrd with conveniences and luxuries, ’‘'recon}it} end any taxation upon an al- and, in fact, all toe modem improv- feady overtaxed people for the siip- pprt of this woitolsss piece of machine ry. They further recommend that , tie Senators andRepreseatativesIfrom that requested to; .have toe pnt AHminiatr«tinn:dBi«irMtnliiimiT{atA' England.-” The d(-sire will certainly be grafified. England: can bare noth? jpg to do with toe present Admtoistrar tion without t feeling humiliated: . luxuries. There is nothing like tak- '■ . . • - iusr things easy. ■ ■ E v.^oi —- 3^!* - . X. ;x A womaq^to glay cougto, losoi, !hos "— given birth to fifteen children in four- A. mother .out West recently ad- |»en years : " Ijave ho inteBigence dressed her daughter tlpm: “My daugh- p to how the husband and father is.j ter, you are now fifteen years of age, getting along; bu* ft be still lives, he j engaged to be married, and without j* doing a thousand times better than j a freckje on ypur faee, ' I have done in Now Newark, N, J., k to be. sup- Hfeidfc' Adjoining toe - vesfay is to be built-a church parlor, which is to be furnished like a modern drawing-room, with piano aud‘ elegant furniture.— Beneath this room will be situated act establishing the same repealed. the cu hr.: \ • * •.* -b.-.o ^.Ji .n AUl. RU An exchange declares that “the pres-, “big dinners.” While the gooff peo- , , with a hotel range, ■ i -° conveniences for getting .up e were about it, it is a wonder they did not add a billiard saloon, a smok- ingj&oto» a reading-room, and a gym- FAMILY. BITTERS: (Copyright Ffflljsprai^ Ms dfro. JORSA^PTBYrAbli I)R,UCKJI8TA nxmFACToasD bt D. C. BRADY A CO. Ebufsvi£lb; kt. AND RAPIDLY INCREASING, ,K022 3ia <i i V A CD Deposited ifith tte J5t*te of Georgia,.,..,,,, Deposited with the State of South Carolina,-w. .. : •; • • FOR THE W1CPBITY OF POLICY HOLDERS. m .$100,000 ,;$30,006 J2m_k; Man, woman and child in Houston county should know that Day & Gordon soil the cheapest and bent be found this sido of the moon, if any body can go £o the moon to trade, we advise them to do so; but if they have to stop-anywhere short t SottojA isj •j' £>: i. Tf That wants to inspoet the most elegant assort ment of Dry Goods that ehe ever beheld,- should don’s, vrhsro aha most osrtaixdy Can- Find • ' . U-T{oab j AcTtiilnstoft WBati tolmj, ud thafc-too at tlia uyloireatpricei. Thajr bar* tiu but Prista at HiS3^r‘Blc4dlea : A-tHE[^£paas''atl2,q cental Wooden-ware, eta, eta (If yon wan; to know? Is in eluded in “eta,-*' come and eeeforyonrseli ^wtod alwiyaintend lb ^ 70 \£hes» Are^^et -ftoen'Skem thepramhna nitte, u many CuBpsaioR have do«d, but were obtained by an fiseeswuit cf 30 per cent upon the guavanteetl <stpital of to# stockholders. These amount* axa deposited entirely beyond the control of me Com- p ay; they do not enter into ita businem, and cannot be taken up nntil every pto> y issued by the Company is paid np or cancelled. This affords security superior to vu. J 3 ’O’A’- -I; , .^resident .......Vice President — Secretary .........Actuary JOHN W. BURKE, General Agent J. MERCER GHE^N, .Medical Examiner. W. B. JOHNSTON,.. ’#§?iiESD£TT : Y GEO. S, 03EAR,. • • C. F. McCAY,...... W. J. MAGILL,.. . Superintendent of henries r\ -= i r' A Good Jtaadj.msde dotking, Boott, Shoes, Hmta, Cajaiand Gents’ lUndshtag ffoSur which, in qnalltj and prloe. are warranted to suit any reasonable nun. Now. young man, if job want to play havoc with the hearts of the ladies, he y> Sn£?<np:M<^up»ro?*r tc@orf<m'B.‘... Every married lady ahoatf-see to it that her,” «I ¥ Husband AH . G ^ f*Y . lay duty.’ ffiiY.:or vjormrTA- r.jji'*J Doss his trading with Day fc GOrdon. for' Urfr. is cartainiy the store at which (h« tee; *o-ein are sold at vey low prioaa There is no mistake ahoat it; they maan what they cay—if yon want proof of it, call and 1 aae taem. Now let the whole popplaoa of Noortcn eannty !3 Kill Immediately • To Say k Gordon’s, far they may rest assured that they will nva money by ae doing. THE FOLLOWING COMPRISE SOME OF THE UNAlRrWERABLE AI3&OS0 m ■ . 1 ■ - - ~-Y- .-T ARGUMENTS WHY EVERY ~ —“ i . ,7. •; 'X^i-rr-sr MEDIATELY APPLY “FOR A POLICY OF LIFE INSURANCE 1. The changes and fluctuations taking ptaee and liaWo to ooeur in oopwuareial aft V.%. T»e Uhtoliidfflitrottabpci i - • 3. The uncertainty of crops and of prieep, , • '• ' ‘ r/A 4. The absence of requisite capital to meet the loans end disappointments which may of distress which, in most cbm, must follow toe loss of the head provision for than eonting««es. which e life Insurance Policy occur 5. The the eLfforde to er«ary fiuaily, in a good Company. THE COTTON STATES LITE 1 ;JT'£AvI«I liKT Cl I AST Therefore a poliev in the Cotton States life" ___ . _ will guard your lov#ff ones from went or pecuniary ffubws, gt the evi tune or your death. « : f' j . ?ji y-ii flc-' 1 *. % C V; '. ■ r- *: • y:,7’- - of your mufor- ■ tm^Year, rr 1,800 Policies m i jc, z r t Bt .<>■>'.7i Upon the livae.of mu of the me •t preaninmt mfu to Pw* Alaha»e, Smith Ou- oliua and Flonila. It issues peliaiae upon all the moet popular plans of bMuraoee; gives ita peliey holff- ers every advantage thay can get in any Company Ncfth pr South. It is now raceaae- ob » .. a GEO. S, OBEAB, Sccrctwy, Maoon, Ga„ - m- »■ JOBSQS ; A«tot, P«U7. 6% THE MORNING NEWS la. ia all respects, a Democratic journal, faithful to DUm&atie principle., and earn.* in the advo-- cacy of Democratic meararca. Itbaliavaathattha snsecaa of its psrtyie naceamry to tha salvation of the country. Its reputation aa a news journal win be a* heretofore. In Domestic, For eign and Commercial IntelUgenee, literature. ( itia set aaipaaaad by any paper iptheoonntry. Ita whole Character is compraheniivefr stated in saying that it U a great Democratic and Family EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Let Everybody Subscribe for it at raw of the South. To every buapiess man, its Market Intelligence alone is worth many times Its sub scription.-’- ^ ‘ ' Com W. T. THOMFbON, with able assistant*, has control of the Epitorisl sad News cel-.umis; while ita corps of Eepprtara are "reliahla in everj- : . T E R If S : ’*er, [ouf! Three 2doutb»,... Six Mouth*,...... Y.V.It.—. .\. 5.00 THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS Is published every Monday. Wadheadhy and Sat nrday; and is made from the daily editions - TEEMS: --ii"- ' Om-Tearl.!... SiX Three Months, .... $6.fX> S.».i L6i ; THE WEEKLY NEWS Is lacned kvary Friday. Is designed Or country readers, and aentains a careful summary of thr news of the week, with the principal nlitorialc. t news, the latest dispstchrs, aud full -report*. - • TEEMS: Ora Tear. fXOO tilx Months, - l.‘JO A Paper for the Fanner! APaper for the Mechanic! A Paper for the Merchant l A Paper for the Professional Man! • ffA Paper $br th,e Family Circle! A Paper for EVERYBODY! No attention paid to orders unless accompanied by the money. Postmaster, e»otywhar« are authorised to set as j Agents. , j - Money can be sent by Port Oflico order or Ex press at our risk. JT WILL COKTAnr JLuJL Address J. H. ESTTLL. lllvCsy Street, Savannah. Every Fanner. Ougkt to Have It! THE SOUTHERN FARM & HOME A MAGAZINE OF Agriculture, Manufacture DOMESTIC ECONOMY. XkpETJiPegliP WITH NUMEROUS ILLU-STRATIONS. J. W. BURKE A CO...........Publishers. GEN. WJlL M BROWNE,.. Editor. PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT MACON, ; . GEORGIA. r ffingle Copy One Year, i. $2.06 ThPrtCopias "•*“ .. ... 5:60 Five Copies, • ................ 7.50 Sind# Oopy Six montbs,....Loo i u&Z. tovuiiabtyto ftdvanca. Lat* Opinloru of too Proa*. rSoutharuVarm and Home. pnblished by J. W. Burks k Co., Macon Ga., edited by Otn. Win. Jf, Browne, is on «nr table. We have carefiuly watched this monthljr from the flnt to Urn pres ent nnmbar, and regard ii as among tbs first pub lications «f its chaaracter in tha United States. Every'farmer should have acopy. Terms $2 per B.-^Chriatiaii NEWS FROM ALL QUARTEB Literature of the Highest Order, a-m^ i’UAT Y«1T Yowt Can’t Hcot! JJ2T It will be the organ of tha HOUSTON COUjVTT AGRICULTURAL CLl And- every number will contain articles of interest to the PLANTERS. Io Is wifi he UNCOMPROMISINGLY DEMOCRATIC, Relieving that toe success of the Democratic Party is the only hop# of saving tto ■ from *Tid social ruin, end of restoring it to ita former condition of to®-! perity and freedom from tyranny and oppression. Nevertheless, IT "'ILL NOT! POLITICAL PAPER, IN THE STRICT MEANING OF THE TERM hat ri We preaent ffaa table of contenta' ef 'toe last umber of the:Southern:Farm and Home, pub lished at Macon. Ga., to show oar made* what ■hH taoT morp value.'to any farinar who canraad- thaii tha money nectssary to secure the magaxine the entire year.—Georgia Clipper. Farm and Hlme, published by J- w - Burke Jk Cn Ae, ia flottap np in thm l2SUd$02&CSt Ty lXr'Y -I v ■, rJ ** ' -inrs style, and ia fhU of the most useful and practical information. Jbet the farmers if this section^aub- onea for this moat valuable Agricultural . Price *9-00 *-»ar ti i ^kupotat tome i money.—Sparta Times and Planter. The 8outheru Farm and Home.—We take p’ uoneof tbs Ha Editor, Gem ta due of tha clearest thinkers and abiart WTiterajta toe Southern couhtay/and tha ty- pogr^hical sppeeraace of .toa Farm and. Home will oomnare favorably with any of tha cublica- ' tions ef toeday.—helms Times ud. Hsssengu. candidate for the “ soffragea ” of the Southern planter and fuser. It ia published at Mecon, Ge, ry J. W. Burke k Co., and edited with rare ability by Gen. Wat. M. Browne, a well known journalUt of excellent lHersry reputation: Itr pages are ABei with practical matter, and handsome illns- tsatseos embellish tech number.. It vu com menced In November IMS, and baa aatained a prominent plaee —j the agricultural periodio- ~ * - , .' -' With a view ed putttag this excellent nucleine in the hands of #v«ry family hi Houston and tha ad> joining ennttae,.-fa propoaa to dnhit with tha Houston Home Journal, an teHewa; iU/ ro7 •£*i~S.:,r,r . ONE COPT IOCTKEBN FAEJf AND HOME. *. x-JOB . j. - ONE COPY HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL, For S&50, Cask. Add.ess J. W. BUBXE k 00.. Macon. tW !■: .XAThiX r«4f JOURNAL FOR THE HORS AND FIRESIDE. i • ■ .. - *,. t ySr- It will be our endeavor to admit to cur colamas nothing that will cfe luste of tile most ftttfiffjou*—nothing tl»t cwfid not by prad with perfect pnrpridj: - FAMILY GIRCLE. gth ft will #j)a at g high atahdau^ is fittmtnrA and v3? eade#ror to ewlto* 1 - trash which finds pphlicily ia loo many of our papeza. ysr It willl take a stand for what it behaves to bo the RIGHT SIDE in *3 P* which come before the public; aud will ADHERE TO THE BIGHT, wilhwtf tavor, regariee* alike of'to# fieRety of frieads and the hatred of foes. i will ever be open to all comma** jar- It will pi# inaoqg whppi it (tocnlatam «»A »to < of interast to ita readea, par- It will coqtain* •p qpc^x x«. *js it - tw ° o f? x» "S’^ sff sr And wfll give FROM ONE-THIRD TO ONE-PALF MORE BEADING MATfiS- moat qf the Country Paper* ip to^ State. Then Let Everybody Rally to it^ Sypport! We have.not the fitoe to eeH on ovary nmarin thewrenty and ask his to snl*e^ don’t wait, but come «p of yonr oF»8peordl‘ Reader, if you take it -jcrsa&' work and ... Induce Your Neighbor to Subscribe! And" iloq’t b$ eatigflad to atop with ONE, hut TO &** A- ' W . ' ■ i:Z ts- BO sending FIVE SUBSCRIBERS AND $12.50, wfll receive to# HOI^ XAL ONE YEAR FREE. Come along, then; if jotj ffo not get the fall Tftl3e momor, it will be refunded. Addreto * ; Ternt*. Any c j. j. wat^rma^, besx - £•§??? s nBHHiasm