The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, April 06, 1871, Image 2

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The Houston Home journal PERKY, 6, 1871. Tje Labor Qae tion. Cotton lias been quiet the past week, closing at 13 cents, from last ac counts. The Connecticut election is doubt ful. Both sides claim the victory.— It is probable that neither candidate for Governor was elected, and if so the election will be made by the Leg islature, In that ease Jewell, Radi cal, will be elected, as the Legislature is largely Radical. Two white men, Lloyd and Rolseriback have been arrested for the murder cl ■G. "tV. Fish. . From the facts elicited The difficulty appearsto be bow to j manage free negro labor to make it most profitable; there appears to be no regular plan adopted by the planters by which they can secure the" faithful ser vices of the freedmen. It appears to me that land owners operate against the best- interest of the country by renting their lands to the freedmen, or allowing them to settle or build on theii-Lands. They have not the means of cultivating the land within them selves, to make it profitable to either party, the rento'r or the _ tiller, conse quently as his labor has been badly di rected, and the land badly cultivated, there is a clear loss to the country of fa far - , jt seems" that Lloyd wanted Fish's office, and influenced Uolsen- back to shoot him through jealousy. A short time ago we asked our read ers .information about what js going on in different parts of the county. We wanted news letters, or letters pertaining to crops and farm ing—not homilies, philosophical dis sertations, nor poetry, Send us no tices of marriages, deaths, accidents. And crops, and— -be , brief. We in the way of buildings and, fences are made for the use of the land a num ber of years, they are so imperfectly made that they’are unprofitable and do. not pay. Moreover, this system induces the freedman to feel his im portance, by. occupying the position of a tenant instead of a laborer, and is well calculated to cause them to be come greater rogues and thieves than they otherwise would be if their labor was directed in a more profitable man ner;' very, often get articles commencing; “The few ideas I have ■written may interest some of your readers.” Row we want to publish those things, which . viU certainly interest all our readers, Right here Tr'e will make a' rule: We cannot henceforth publish long com munications. only in exceptional cases. Blear-eyed. Beast Bniier is an un forgiving old cuss—but then, no man Is ever so utterly relentless as the one that inflicts a wrong. The injured loi’sye^^and possibly for-, and, we must be the judge of thos get; hut the injurer canfdo. neither. ‘ Zf 'vnnfA Inncl i*1 ft * nIrnrmro iejl •"* * cases. Now if., our Mends.-write long Articles which aro not published, they Will know the reason- why. No gffijnet. is intended by this, and we hope none will be taken, -hut we shall adhere to our rule anyhow. We.have three long communications -on 1 - hand mow; they will bp published 'next week,, aftei yvliich the rule will go'into effect. Who Gan Answer? Dr. R. G. Bryiin informs us that-on Sunday night last ten of liis hands left him without provocation; He had paid them ImR -tfceir wages in money every month,-and hod allowed.most o 0 . them to get somewhatin.deht td him for supplies. He wants to know where is.the law,to make - them fulfill their - contract.- If hp lfiid failed- to perform his part, these negroes would-very sobn have -had the matter before a court, and he very pertinently asks why there is not a law to . compel them in the matter as well as to compel him. Can : 'any one answer- the, question^" Th- ' law as it now exists seems- to he one- sidedf - - ■?* . i The following" paragraph Has been sent us, '.doubtless for.publication: “m the tiffie of tkeold Britisk Warf- Whate were the Namse of the twoe Pnxtyes Wliige & tory Whige hold on ‘ : Democrat Where Did -you-come_.Ffom • you doe note except of. Republickar- Principelcs tory Red -- capes and-Red Jackets subk as A-D. 187ti oh G~ Wash ington tyvoo many scape galloweses” Any man who can make sense out of ifckat may take ojir devil’s hat... Houston, the Banner Gonnty. The question * ‘Ho w are you getting along?” is asked us almost evers .day by some of our friends. From the. number of times this happens 4 wc should,suppose that every reader feels i personal interest in the prosperity cafiital misapplied. If improvemeats Beast Butler. Our Congressman. The La Grange Reporter has this to say of Judge Bigby: We are glad to observe that the Representative of the Third .District of Georgia-in congress, although elec ted by the Radical party, is acting with the conservative wing-of his-party.— "Bigby is not a bad man at heart. His greatest fault is that he is. exceedingly ambitions for place and position, and is not very par ticular as to what party shall confer upon him official honors, as will be-learned by-ari' investigation of his-politicai record since the war.— Personally, Mr. Bigby is conservative; politically, he is anything for office.,— In 18GS, lie was a candidate for nomi- .nation for Congress by both. tiie Dem- A Toothless Tejple, "cefai and Republican. parties, and “ ew sets >** abandoned scoundrel that, too, inthe short space of less than sixty days.- . We. hope the Judge will make a good record for himself, and-one favorable to the people of his District;- An Editor’s Shirt. tie -'feels -v fuid knows, that, if-his sins u-e not remembered tb.fey ..ought "to be, uid therefore'ach; a lthough they weEe.- In. the ; Ifisfc general-convention of tliQ Democratic party, Jheid previous 0 fbe war; the man--whose nane'heads this, feeble-tribute - did.the last noble -•cfc. of . hhi life,- He vpted- -styty odd times for Horn Jefferson Davis—and. .having thus run his course as a man of hono^, hasted-rapidly . towards- the horizon of " damning infamy; gathering around, hihi as he .went the Sutpidons if his- friends and'the-undying-hatred of-his friends and the undying hatred, if his foes. .Tp-daydie stands alone the"most" perfect monster of Instead—- he Nemesis ofhis own r&ce-^a howl ing, Abaddon. No wordscan descibt fche hatred with which honorable mind. 1 everywhere contemplate the moral leforinity.-that in him finds its fullest and. most unehviable development.— He combines,. m mental - and moral "irganization, the subtlety of the fox, ■ helnstincts of the grave-robbing Hy ena, and" the-venoim ofthet-Gobra da Gapeiio. His name and his'f-ame, foi the past-ten- years,".-have been aperftcf- desert; , unrelieved by so much as; .ouf oasis of noble, gen ei-pus or manly thought, " instinct or action. A-'con fessed thief—-a . condemned liar—an ignoble cowaid, ho moves along •liroTigh a relentless life, fattening on' liis own venoni and proud of his dis tinguished and imperishable infamy.— Che Hayhati of the American service and- the Judas oltheante-bsllum Dem ocratic- -party-^-the hissing and- the reproach 'bf the "D. S. .Government among.tiie naiioiis- of -ErtrOpe' ahd'the - "ic'orn and eb'ntsmptr pf honorable then at ho ! meP—the political. Ghoul of-the dead “war-betfrsen the"-States” , and he • ^ameless yaunterrof his: owd re proach, hs:occupied, to-flfty aniche'in’ the- temple of Infamy that even im- . measurable contemp^i|SblR must be iof the Home Journal. This manifes- compeffed to stoop, -to rn,'order thatif" tationof interest is of course very .grat- .^7 bq ableio reachdnxp.!,_ ifyin- to ns, and to express -this And this is jhe being gratification we write this para- * Subjecting-the Southern: people to anh L X ' '■'* '■ ' Hie horrors of a new- inquisition on A little less than four mouths ago account of.*«Sonthem onti-ages so-call- we commenced thg publication of the Honston Home Journal Few encour aged us, hut every body whom we asked agreed to take the paper. Now we have a circulation of over -five hundred, and it is steadily increasing. We have, not yet asked a single sub scriber for his subscripiion, but they have come forward voluntarily and paid us enough to bear tbe current expenses of the office and keep us in funds. We doubt if another county paper iu the State can make the Same showing. .. . The Perry merchants advertise ■ lib erally with-us, and those of Fort Tal ley are beginning to do the same.— Never was a paper more cordially, and .enthusiastically supported than ours. We have lost three subscribers on account of our political principles, but we think wo can stand that The Rads in this county hate «s like-r— blazes, but we think we can stand that too. The Sheriff fondly imagines he will take his advertising away from us, but we think we can stand that too. For the strong support we. have received, both moral and financial, we most heartily thank our people, and we here claim that HOUSTON IS THE BANNER NEWSPAPER COUNTY IN GEORGIA, ed—this -is the creature that cannot suffer the storm,of hatfedbetweSn the lections th abate lest he should sink with "other scum, to his native bottom when the waves have ceased to roll-—' this the impersonation of ’the’ fabled Mokanna, in all except the veil that concealed his. archetype’s hideous ness! What must the-f worshippers be where such "monsters constitute the Gods bflheir Idolatiyi—Mbntgoi>i r ery Mail, ■ ' : " 'V.' Editors 'have a first-rate time Texas. The ladies of a town out there -have given to the editor of the paper, ah embroideredahirt which contains a pictorial -history of Texas, including the war with Mexico, and themecting of Jhe firat Legislature, and also -pick tures of the State; all worked in red worsted. The editor never wore shirt in his life, -and, he thought -this wasm flag for the temperance proces sion- which was to come off the next week. So he made a little-,-speech of thanks, in which he. said he would fling : it out forever to the breezes of heaven, that they might kiss'its -folds :nd that until his hands .palsied .it should never be trailed in the dust— never. The ladies, didn’t understand him, and when he talked aboht its trailing, tbeyblimhedahdsaidthey were ‘ sorry they made it too long.’- But a committeeman took the editor aside and explained the shirt to" him "n a whisper, and next .day he appeared in the office with ' that shirt mounted over his coat, and wrote four columns' of , explanation for.-Iris- paper. The_ shirt is much theboys of the town and .whenever the editors goes out :for; a waik^ they ■ follow him "h regiments, studying, the history of Texas and-the-fine arts on-the back of it, i -■ ... ; - How to Prosper In Business. C-on. T. M. Acton, generally known as “the Phat Man .of the Constitu tion,” was "in Perry last Tuesday, in the interest of the Atlanta Constitu tion. We are glad to know ha. did well in our county, for the Constitu tion is a paper w e admire. Many and hard are the blows which this fearless champion of Demoerrcy deals out to Radicals. We would like to see it cir culate generally through our cqun- ty- Three Methodist preachers are about to start on a missionary expe dition to convert the inhabitants of the western slope of the Continent.— They will take with them a tent .capa ble of covering 4,000 people, and will journey across the plains, preaching a6 they go. Their objective points ' is California, but on their return they will pitch their tent among the Mor- jjjons for awhile and hold a camp- SMtatteg in ftaHLake City While ohr, frontier settlements' are exposed-to serious danger from Radian outrages and depredatons, and are cry ing out for relief, two regiments', oht of cavalry and'the other infantry, have been ordered from the plains into Kentucky, and Tennessee, by way of il lustrating the simplicity of Republi can institutions, - and proving the PresiAent’s.desirefto get .military pps~ session,of those States. Thsefforts oi the Administration ~to provoke, a col-, lisipn of some - kind, as an excuse for: the exercise, of more arbitrary- authori- yBajFe been uuceasmg ever since .the. populay judgment pronounce agamst the President and his party.— Every new provocation of this kina must be aus-wered withithe • jrebnke. oi natient forbearance. . ..The day of re; liei is near at hand, and when it comes -alT.fhese wrongs will he -rightfully, re dressed.—Patriot. 1 Pesiiut Croy. The consumption cf peanuts is im mense. and consequently their pro duction is large. A cotemporary says that of pc'cants Tirginia will send to the market tliic year 400,000 bhsh'els; Tennessee £00,000, Georgia and the Carolines from 150,000 to 200,000 bushws, which, together with what we import from Africa, will furnish an abundant- supply for peanut consum ers. Parinejrs find it quite profitable to raise peanuts, and in the coarse oi few years the United States will be raising these nuts, by the million bushels. The .excellence of the pea nut, as an article of food has never been demonstrated although they are with some persons a diet, else how would the keepers of the numerous which they are sold make a living?—Boston Giiltivator- In the first place,-..make up your, mind'to accomplish whatever you ran dertake; decide upon some particular employment and persevere in it., All diffieidtiea are ' overcome, by ; assiduj-- ' ' IAN Be not afraid to work with your own hands, and diHgentiy, too... “A eat in gloves catches-'no-mice.”. He who remains in the mill grinds, not he; who goes and comes. -. - Attend to your business; never trust another. “A pot that belongs to many is. ill-stirred and worse boiled. ” Be frugal.. .“That which will, not Inake a pot will smake: a ;pot lid.”!— “Save the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.”: 'Be .abstemious. “Who' dainties :qve-shall b'eggars-prove. ” - - Rise early. “The sleepy tox catches no-* ppidtry..” - . .“‘Plough . deep- while sluggards sleep, and-you will have corn to sell-and keep:’-“ V A Treat evety; one with respect- -and cirility. nothing lost by courtesy.” “Good manners insure success.”' x-. r. Never anticipate: wealth from any other source than labor; especiallymev- er. place.dependence upon becoming the; possessor offan inheritanoe. ."- “Hfr who waits for dead men’s shoes .may "have-to go along time barefoot.” - “He who. runs after a: shadow hatha Terrible times in Warrenton, Vir ginia, are thus depicted by the editor of the SentiueU A few weeks ago, a dentist came to town and advertised that he would re move all of a personas teeth for §2 and insert a new set for §10, besides giving six months’- credit.' The Warrenton people are very fond of bargains, so there was a rush for the dentist’s office. He was busy for'two weeks pulling teeth,- and at the end of that tune hnlf the -people 'had empty gums, and a bone dust factoxy in the neighborhood doubled its workmen so "as to-grincinp. the teeth. " Meanwhile the people were waiting for theMentist to fit them with eloped with the hotel keeper’s wife,- and now there are two or three thou sand people in' town who cannot- eat anything tougher than soup and fari na. • Ail theibutchers have railed,land" not a cracker hasbeen sold; for three- weeks. One man, it is said, whittled out a Set of wooden teeth for himself, but the first drink "of whisky, he took —Warrantori whisky—-set them in a blaze, and his funeral came off the best day. The dentist will hear of sometuing greatly to his disadvantage if be comes back; - : The Washington correspondent of the Atlanta- Sun writes as follows: “I have-met .Gen, Young, Mr. Price, nd Mr. Speer—all of whom appear to be watching closely the doings of Con gress, and ikre willing to serve.their constituents,. Gen. Young denies that’ he proposed to- charge through the House, and clean it out, as reported in some .of the G eorgia papers. - He will, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, FOR SALE! 1 FINE SET OF BRASS BAND IN- A Sl’-tcU MF.NTS, as good as new. Will be sold very low. Apply to J. K. MATHEWS, aprG-lt Fort Yalley, Ga. 40 Weeks for One Dollar. THE A^MEiilCAX E U K AL HOME-from April 1, 1871.—A i'ir.-t-jlass. Eigat-pa^e, Agricultural and Family Weekly. Specimens free: ' * - v HOPED* S & WILCOX. Bodiester. X. T. A FIiEE GALERT OF ART.—D. Appleton & Co v Xew York, will send to every new subscriber to Appleton's Jouunal, renLitmg i $4 - for one year's subscription, Ten Supebb - Engravings, Ku.table for framing, from, paintings bythe most ^minebt ‘ American artists, tio that each new snb- scciber .receives Gratis what wou!d : cost $10 in the print shops." Foll^^rticiilMs *0011 be* furnish ed on application. . . ' published A PPLETON’S JOUIIXAL is published weekly, -tAI-aiid consists of 23 4to pages, each number at- tracfclvelj illustrated'. - - Its, contents consist of se rial Novell and Shcut Stories, Essays upon Histo^- fr nml Sofmd f Tnrii<*a JHrptclmc of MVotAi .hA ’a'j l ._ s: that peiialrr to the' pursuits and recreations of tlib people;.whetiifir of town'or country.- Price $4 per annum- $2 for she mouths. Bents per number. D. Appleton & Col, Publishers," Hew York. ‘ * * 2iE& SlTQIlZ BY A SOUTHERN AUTHOR—A *4- .SerialStary of euri'iassing intere^t, by the au thor of “Valerie Aylmer,” which the presfe have .so highly extolled, will appear in.. Appleton's Journal, No. 103. -New’subscribers may com mence their subscriptions .with iae beaming of the New Story. Subscription price $4 per annum or $2 for Six months.. 1). Appleton & Cof/Rub- Lshtaa, N. Y. ' ' .. * * aii,diseases cf the-person; skin, hair, cyes, com- plexion. Write to 714, Broadway, New York. Send Your Sons To a Practical School, that will train them for ac-_ tivfc UNeilil lde and a successful futute: >The In stitution that btist ’accomplishes this, and" is large ly patronized : by --tue South', is Eastman College, Poughkeepsie; N7Y. Address for particulars H. J. EASTMAN, iJhD., President. . -EASTMA'N-’S.; •• Busin-oss College ATLANTA, GA. Open May lOtii. For full pai-tlculars of the In- stltutioii, Piticflcal.Course of Study, Terms of i*uitioii, Board, xc., address , - ' - A. lti EASTMAN, Principal. Formexly of- Eastman College, Poughkeepsie. however, fi^ht-ifc out for the interesfc of jM.OOlllillg'tOlls P -llltlBSery his people on another line. It is ceri taihly satisfactory to know that, he was not guilty of such indiscretion, hut it is well known th^t-if- it was necessary, and he had-the power, he does not lack the. courage to charge. iMr. Price is constantly in his seat, prepared tcty»ff- set Mr. Speer’s vote, should he' go wrong, ns-Mr. Speer's radicalism is as pure as it" was in the Georgia Senate. But'notwithstanding his politics, Mr. Speer is prompt to give -his ■ J^gntion to the business of liis con: The Chy Post Office.—The mail business of this? city, which" is the great 4 entrepot and universal distribu tor of mailmatter. to the whole coun- -try,. is vastly, increasing every day.-— "The figures show that three thousand bags of-letters,, papers and "pamplets, weighing "in the Aggregate a hundred and fifty tons, pass through the New York Post Office during every twenty- onrliburs. To receive and deliver this immense amount of matter requires the services cif five hundred clerks and three hundred carriers.—-V. Y. llerafd. [Ar-vF.ETisEiiEirr.] It is true that I-am a colored man, nevertheless, I have a character to sus tain, otherwise I-would be thought as centemptible as some men who take the liberiy.of assailing me through iheir'bastard prints. lam aware of my fondness for ardent spirits, which eaused 'me to be put into tlie guard house; but.I was not put in there for leather, nor for stealing old' Daniel. Miller’s sow and pigs, nor for taking Bill Rnmph’s fifteen dol srs not to.qn-os.ecuts him for fighting old man __ ___ J| Daniel. I was not put in 'the'guard Kvervthiiig is trained and p 110 ? 186 f or stealing wagons and mules r- v w 1 and Lorse^ neither did I get any xiay St,bv courtesv.” “finorl fo j. h well I dug for this same mangy, grizzly, cur ptlppy,. who takes the lib erty of calling me a" highway -robber. I am a black man and I guarantee that my character stands fairer among, re- :3pectah& gCktlehiin than his does, and, T fL'.vo hirn fo innlrA - flip, tvinl ’TIiir ISth-cYearr C00 Acres. 13 Greenhouses. Largest. Asab t tmeufi—all sizes. • Best Stock* Low Trices! Would yon know What, .When,. iHbw'for Plant! Fru.t, Suade, Evergreen Trees, RootGiaitS, Seed lings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed,'-Early Rose Pota- liiest, Best Coileotion-F-Soi'ts’and quality. . Send 10 cents for New, Illustrated, Descriptive Cata logue—90 pages. :_e id stamp each for Catalogues of seeds with plam d-rections—G4pages; Bedding and Garden planfcf—32-p«-igbs, and^Vholesale Price Lnit-y'il pages. Address F.. K. PHtENiX, iiloom- m 0 ton, linnois. Thankful for fhvois conferred during the past season, an INSPECTION of their new stock by the trading pnBlic is xesiieclfnlly solicited - mar30^3m - 17. Ai 'BANSS &SONS. *■ I^MPLOYMENT,- BUSINESS FOR ALL.—Best In- diititrial 8-p%e newspaper. 50 cts. per year. Send stamp for copy. PATENT STAR Boston,Mass Bin LB I NS F£LT,sa wurkajia i^.teaa ..I iiiaBt-ii.'iioor coveuug mats. Sc. C. J. FAY. eamden, 25. J. A, is. FButtdUiiAK, Pioprietor of Peamsylvama Agricul- tura^‘orks. TOKX,. PENNSYLVANIA. J Manufacturer of Improved Polished Steel • DICKSON SWEEPS,-. . • - Solid Steel- Sweeps "and" Scrapers, Steel Plows, Shovel Flow Biadeu, Cnitivators.-Horsc Hoes, Har rows. Hurse- Powers, Threshing Machines^ Ac., ore. S#id for Illustrated Catalogue. V. B. EDWARDS, Cotmselor at Law, 401 Penn. Av., Wasaington, D.-Ch, gives' special atten tion to cialms under the late. Act of Congress tor examination of claims of loyal e.tizens of States lately in rebellion. Charges l-easonable. ./COTTON MACHINERY for sale cheap. 3;00t> Danfo. th Spindles, 1 patent 36 inch tarils, and full preparatLon. Now rimniugand in first rate order. Address MACHlNEllY; care Messrs., Geo. P. Rowell Sc Co., 41 ParlrRow, New York-' I A DAY in very best business ever offered ‘ agents. . Por particulars address, with Moore & Co., Ill 3d St., Louisyilie, Ky. F^AS-HAKST S-APOLiSNE Cleans Kid, Gloves and all kinds of Clotas and Clothing; removes Paint, Grease, Tar, in- otantT;*', witnout tbe least injury to the' finest fah. rio. Said by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE CO., 33 BarciaySt Now Nork, 46 La Saiie St., Chicago- - ” - * USE THE -“VEGETABLE P : Pu niGiiary Bahama Iwf U The oid^Standai’d Remedy for Coughs; Colds oon- ', Nothing better. Cvtler Bncw?. Sc Co., Boston. Agents! Read This! wearisomo race. -Above all things hover lespair'. God is "where he is. ' “He £Mps those who, tamly trust in Him.” . ■- ■Another Constixctioxaij Aue-vd-- Davis; of ^Kentucky, ;has. iafeoduced a joint resolution- propos- ing ah amendment to the Goiistitution- for 'the establisment rfnd - constitution" of- a tribunal of one member front each State to decide Ml questions be- tween.the United. "States an&- the ■ sev eral States, . and the cohstitotionMity of the acts of Congress, or acS; of any government officer; and to open count the electoral votes -for President and : Vice-Eresideiit, the" proceedings to Tie on petition or appeal of a majority to decide questions. Baptist Convention;—This body, embracing twenty-seven Associations in different parts of .the State, and a membership of 60,-000,- meets in Car- tersville, Ga., on the 21st of-April next. The'minutes of the last session, show the membership of the denpioi- nation in the State—regular,. anti-ifiis- sionary and. colored—to be 115, 19A— The colored Membership is 26^758.— Besides general objects of benevo lence, this Convention elects the Board'bf trnstees of Mercer Universi ty, which has recently been moved from Penfidd to Macon. Husbands ought to keep out of the kitchen. A husband who did not, writes thus of the consequences: “I found fault some time ago, with Maria Ann’s custard pie, and tried to tell her how my mother made -custard pie. .Maria Ann made the pie after my receipt. It lasted longer than any other pie we ever Inal Maria Ann set it on the table every day for dinner, and you see I could not eat it because I forgot to tell her to pot in any eggs or shortening. It was economicM but in a fit of generosity I stole it from tire pantry and gave it to a poor little boy in the neighborhood. The hoy’s funeral was largely attended by his former playmates. I did not go my- 1 aMf.” dare him to make the trial This same so-called white., man, but - better known as the grizzly -tan-yard pap, is eternally.yelping at'some respectable man. He never was respectable or he ■would pay me' for digging- his well. Helies up all day, and at night when I and Ml other honest men are asleep, lie-is out in town and country, at. his lying- devilment. I never got a'tyree nigger in Virginia, and- hired him on tne railroad two years, and pocketed the pay. No, I didn’t, if I am a nig ger. I am above the like of that—the nigger is here at hand. Now, Mr. Ed itor, this grizzly tan-yard pup has sev eral indictments against him, and I propose that you look on the criminal docket of the county and you will soon see which of. deserves the charge of highway Jobbery; I am' so tyy, Mr. Editor, that I was compelled to notice one so far beneath "me, but having-re- cently been a slave, and but'few being aware of my standing - being .superior to the ’grizzly-pup’s, Ihope wili be a sufficient excirse for the condescension. - . Joe Marshaii, Colored. PER WEEK, AND EXPENSES, or aUo-w _ large cpininissioii, to sell ottr fieiv ftud wondeclul inventfcns. Address M. WAGNER Sc CO., Mar- sliali: Mich. . * , A VOID *• QUACKS!—A - Yictim of early indiscre- ticiu, cadamg nervous debility, iiremature de cay, &c., having tried in vain every advert:^ l-emedy, has" a simple means of self-cur'^, Trtiieli he will send fr£e to his fejlb^'-Huii'erers.' -Adcli^ess J. H. TUTTIlE, 78 Nassau St., New York. .; ■ DIED, . In this, county, on Sunday, March 26, M.artha Gakkett, daughter of F.. M. and. A, S Yfalker, aged,.six months and twenty-three-days. NEW NOTICE. To all -whp. it may concern.. Fringle Sisirunk (colored) who has. entered into coniraet with" the-undersigned as"a fitfan laboror for the year 1871, and who is how strolling over, the country in the non-pa- fomitnceqf his contract, may tsoon make application to 'some pesson or^pr^oiis in. Houston Ganntyibf employment If such should-prove to be the case, due notice is hereby given to all parsons giving him em ployment for "ohe or mom days, that for such offence thev will he prosecuted, " ." V -Ml). -LANE. Houston Co., Ga.;. liar 3Uth, 1871. FOR SALE. G eorgia; Houston county.— Superior Court, .December Adjourned Term; 1870. Maria S. Tharpe, 1 • vs'. r Libel for Drvor.CE. Augustus Tharpe. ] It being made to appear to the Court that Augustus ThaA-pe, the defendant in the Ltbove stated sase, as a non-resident pf the Slate of Georgia, andrasides in the State of Louisiana, and cannot bs'served personally with said Libel: It is ordered by the Court that service of the. same be perfected by -publication of this order in The Honston Home Journal, (a-public gazette published it Perry, in said county , once each month, for four-eonSeeutive months, requiting said Augustus Tharpe to be and appear at the May v 1871 of said Court, to an swer said Libel, else said cause will proceed to a hearing ex parte as to him." C. B. COLE, . Judge S. C. M C.. Killen & Maetin, Libellant’s Solicitors. DAY & GORDON Are now receiving a large and well selected stock of Spring Dry Goods, Georgia Casatmeres! ( GEORGIA CASSIMERES, spring and J summer styles, jnst received and for sale bv THOS. J. CATER. mh30-dt Of every description; a fine'assortment of Clothing, Hats, &c. We call speciat "attention io our stock of BOOTS AMD SHOES, .Of aR the latest sty to sel] es. which we promise CHEAP. Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet Articles, £c. SUGAR ATSD COFFEE on hand. SPRING GOODS! W . A. BANKS & ECKS, No. 43 Triangular Block, MACOH, - r GEOHGIA, Are fbify receiving and. opening an EN TIRE NEW STOCK of WMte Wire Clothes Line, Braided and plain. Warranted not to- rust or injure clothes in any way. For sale by F. W. JOBSON, mh30—tf Perry, Ga. Chlnelia Island Peruvian GUANO. I 2sT store and for s;\le at $80, cash. Will also, furnish, on short notice, Gnanape Island Guano at $70 cash per ton of *2000 pounds. We guarantee the purity and gen uineness 6f the above Guanos. JONES . & BA55EK: Chesapeake Guanos. A T reduced prices for cash. On time or for cotton on terms to suit the times. JONES & BAXTER, Agents. DRUGS, DRUGS! Dr. J, C. CILBERTS Is the place to Buv BURE'and XJNADUL. TERATED MEDICINES. HE SELLS AT 3AC0Y PRICES*. Corn, Oats and Hay. CF JONES & BAXTER. Meal and Bran. dAA BUSHELS Fresh Grorsarl 1 Meal.- OUv/ 10,000 pounds Wheat Bran, ' 100 bushels Cow Peas, In. store and for sale by J ONES & BAXTER. Lime Diaster and Cfement. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Embracing AH fhe Novelties of the Season. CAR HA T & CURD, DEAXEKSIN Hardware, Iron & Steel PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Cotton and Com Sweeps, AViacon, - - mh30-^m * Georgia MARTIN & COLYER, PORT VALLEY, - - GEORGIJ. Wholesale and retail dealers in GROGERiES, FROViSIGNS, Grain of all kinds, Tobacco, Segarf, Liquors, Candy, Flour, Meal, Coffee, , Tea, . Sugar, Salt, Canned Fruits, Tin and Wo'oden Ware, All of which will he sold vey low. ftr -Ca h. A'Vos a tsrU. mb3i)-3ni PLANTERS? BAHK -FORT VALLEY, GA. O F the best quality r alwaysom hand and Jbrsaklowby' "- ' JONES* BAXTER. Baron and Lard. € HOICE Tennessee HSma-, Cl'.oice Ten- itesKee Sides; Choi<» Tennessee Shoul ders, Bulk Hams and Shoulders,. Lard 7 in cans and raddies, for sale by - > - JONES&BAXTER.. ToMcco. Tobacco. .-— !F BOXES Tobacco, all grades, at very 8 O lowqiriocs, for sale by mliOO ff JONES & BAXTER. 100 Cherrv street. C 1EORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY—Wil- T longhby Manning' has "applied for ex emption o: ptrsonalty, and settirig apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon tho sam4 on tbe of April, 1671,.at ten o'clock. A. 31.'. at my office. March 25, 2S71. W.-T. SWIFT, O. H. C. r-t EORGIA. : \T persons in HOUSTON. -COUNTY.—All persons indebted to tbe estate of J. H. I’ugb/Hteof said, county dee’d, arahereby r i nested to call and settle: and all persons .^oidiiif ding claims sgaihst his estate, nrere- q ured to present tliem according, to lnvr. J. G. GILBERT, Executor. March, 23, J371. NOTICE. Persons imlebteii to Jolm Q. Belton, deceased, arc notified to jay tl^eundersigned. w-nois-tLe ad- miiilst: r.lor on tUc estate, and creditors uill pre. sent theii* demands in terms of the law; March 1.1th, 1871. I. It, RICE. Application for Dismission. 0EOBGIA, HOU.STOil. COBIiry—Eayid H. Ri ley, Administrator of Amos O’Pry. petitions for letters of dismission. ’ These are therefore to notify all persons interested to be aiid appear at my office on or before tbe - first Monday in July next, to show cause, If any, why tbe petition should not be, granted. Given .under my band and official signature, this March f 5.1871. W. T. SUUT, O. H. C. NOTICE. Authorized Capital, $200jGOO UNDEn rwra "rtw.r rnoii the state* Receives Deposits, discounts Paper, buys and ’sells Exchange, also Gold and Silver.- CoHections made at'all accessible pbintfe. A true extract firom the-minutes/ T. M. KILLEN, jacl2 -lam4m" . • D. Glerlti - ; Mortgage, etc.' December • • -Adjourned Term, V 1870. J. vVi Lathroi> & Oo., . . c; .. versus'. .. - . _ George 'W. Alieu, James H. Allen, Jamea' M. Ward, C. F- Ward aiid E. C. Dunlap. Present, the Honorable C. B. Cole,'Judge of sa d'Uouit. ' . It appearing to said Court, by;the petition of J. W. Lathrop & Go., which'firm is composed of J. W. iatiiop, Sr., J. L. Warren and J. W. Latfarop, j4*., that said George W. Alien, C-F. ^?ard, James, d. Allea. .James M. Ward and E. G. Dunlap* all of said county, except said James M. Wa^d and C. F. VYa;d, now of the county of Burke, were indebted to. said J. W. Lathrop & Co., on the lOtii*-day'of Jjdy, 1871, in the sum of* Four Thousand^ Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight Dollars and Twenty-one Gents, ($4,858.21) besides mtei-est on an account -stated,-beginning January 20th, 1870, and .ending Janua v luth, 1871; and which account had been contia ;ted by then duly authorized age. t, the said James H. Ahen, formoney and supplies, to carry on-their planting Operations in said county of Houston, for tne year 1870, and^ which account more fully appears by referenced a Bill ofPartic- ulars attached to their petition as a panti thereof, ^and which is now dne and unpaid; and that the •better to secure the payment of said account, and ' fbovanf-flip (aid Affpn iaticipatlon tbeieof. tbe said George W. AHen, a F. Ward, James-H.’ Alleir, James M. Ward and E. c'lmblap, on the 12th day of January, 1870, made and executed to tLem their Deed of Slort. gace.-whereby.they conveyed Tmto petitmpers tbe foDowinb lots of-land- fix th<f Nintb (9lb). District, of'Houston county, to-wit: nnmber one hundred and three, (liti), one hjmdzed and four, (104b'half of'number tiiiity-ihiie, {SOJ. lot.ninety. (pOj, fU*e (x) acres of let Tha House and Lot where J. D. Tharp Eves. The Hohee and Lot where H. G. Northerii acres of lot ninety, (SO), thirty-nine (3P> acres of lot eighty-nine, 1S9), lot niocty-one. (91); ohe hun- d.-cd and one, (101), one hundred and/two,■ (102). ohe bund ed and twee-ty-tinee, (123), one hundrer': and t-.veutv-four, (121), and one hundred and twen 'tv-five, (125),‘containing in all nineteen hundred (1900) acres, and being the place formerly belong ing to Hugh Allen, deceased, conditoned to he upon the payment of the account stated The store house and lot adj piping m j store. The Academy lot, where Mr. Neel teaches. The office occupied by -Messrs Martin A .Davis. . Caff and get a bargain. I want money very much to pay my debts. E. L. FELDER. P. S. Goods Cheap for Gash at Felder's Honest Candles at Fdder’e aj*6-9t herehTljefore referred to. And it appearing fur ther that said acconnt still remains unpaid, it is ordered that said George W. Allen, C. F. Ward James E. Allen, Jaines M. Ward and E- C. Dtmlap do pav into Comt, by the first day of the next Term thereof, toe principal, interest and costs due on&vd account; (or show cause to the contrary,. I a:,v t pave,) and toet on their failui-e so to do the ecu tv and redemption in and to said land so rnort aged, be forever thereafter’ barred and foreclosed- And . that this rule t>e published in the Houston Home Journal, once a month for four months, or a copy thereof served on said George W. Aden, Jaines H. Allen, James 31. Ward, C. F. Ward and E. C. Dunlap, or tceir authorized Agent or Attorney, at least three months previous to the next term of, this Court. A true extract from the minutes, this January 14th, 1871 ' I. iL KILLEN, limle D. O. Sop. Court W. j. Actesson, - - : W. E. Brown, - - - - -President. - - Cashier. dieectoes: W. J. Anderson, GoL Hngh L. Denn; Wm. R. Brown, Dr. Wm. A Mathews. Dr, W. H. Hollingshead. Tub 9— 2m K osadalis! s A The Great Amexican Health. Restorer! Furlfiee the blood and cures Scrofula, Sy philis, Skin Diseases, iilieumatism, Diseases of Women, and all Chronic Affections oi the Blood, Liver and Kidneya. Recom mended by the iledical I acu*ty and many thousands of our best citizens. Read toe testimony of Physicians and jjatiehts-who have used liosadalis; s^nd for our Rosadahs (jiude td Health Book, or Almanac for this year, which we publish for gratuitous distribution; it will give you mncii valuable infuriuat.on- Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, Fays: I fake pleasure in recommending your Rosaualis as-a very powerful alteiative. I Lave seen it used in two cases w*to happy results—one in a case of secondary syphi lis, in which the patient pronounced him self cured after Laving taken five bottles of your medicine. The other in a case of scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly improving under its use.and the indications are that tne patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formula by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative ingre- Dr. Sparks, of 2iicholasvil2e, Kentucky, saya he nas used Rosa dabs incases of Scro- fularaud Secondary Syphilis wi’to satisfac tory results—as a cleaner of the blood', I know no better remedy. / - ^ - - Samuel G. HcFadden. of IlurfreesboroV Tenn., says: I have used seven bottles of Eosadalia, and am entirely cured of Ehe.unatism; send me four bottles, as I whui it for my brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes. Benjamin Eechiol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty yerrs with an in veterate eruption over my yrhole body; a short timo since I purchased a bottle of Ko- eadalis and it effected a perfect cure. Rosadalis is sold by all druggists. Shehttts Office, Houston Co. ) _ March 15th, 1871. } Notices of sale and otoer advertising connected with tlris ofikie will hereafter be published in the Southwest Georgian, instead of the Houston Home •JounxAL. •W. D. PIERCE, Sheriff! mblC-iti'- - - l r call an® suytour supplies; TERMS-STRICTLY CASH; dec28-tf G a p a I and Ja-pa m AT. SPG. GJLBKESFS- DRUG- STORE-- dec 28-tf- : Window (Siam and Putty FOR SALE BY jLjrr. J". dec 28-tf O. CROCKETT X2?033_ ‘WorliS, MACON, GA>„ Build Iron Railings for "Grave Ik sis,. Public Squares, Ac.; make HORSE PO WER SA W MILLS,. Grist Mills, Portable Engines, Iron and Brass Castings of all kinds.. nih30—3m E- CROCa-XX,. FOR$2PERLSM& We -will insert »n sdvertisszacht. ONE MONTH In Thirty-foiarfirsUclasa, GEORGIA - Including Five Dailies,. We refer to thepoMisber of thia. paper tovduan. our iwspontJibility in- whliJcuown.. TC.TST &33JSSPS. JggTTTBL Address GEO-H.SGASEUb & CO, ARYEETiajESSAGEXTS. SOS. 10 ASP « DARE. DPtoybEW YOBE- DUBLOM & &aEYFOUS v WHOLESALE DEALERS-IX. G EOi:$LV, HOI'STO^ COUNTY.—Whereas Wjh . Brandon, Administrator of Floyd Sawyer, de- reased, bay applied to me for dismission fr >m the same, tlitise ai e therefore to cite all persons in terjected to-be and appear before me on or* I>efore the first Monday'in June next,, to show cause, if any, why-1Liey shcmld not be granted tbe ajipli- cant. Giveh ilnder my hand and official signature tick March 187L ' s ' W. T. SWIFT, O. H. C. F. A. JOBSON, CS- 33. ^ rpa. ItSi, PF2URY, GEORGIA. FIRE ARMS -Of every description repaired or remodeled. Repairing of Sewmg Machines, AKD ALT* KINDS OP BRASS, STEEL, - COPPER, - LIGHT IRON, BRITTANLA, or SILVERWARE, Done with neatness and dispatch. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. jan26-tf --- - . WM, BRUNSON, GROOERIES CONFECTIONERIES^ POEEIGIT AND BaHESnd LIQUORS, WINES, KTG-, ETC,, Third Street, ADJOINING J. COLLINS t SON’S WABKNOCflK MACON, GEORGIA. deelT-3m . . ABBETT’S LIVER MEDICINE & SAFE AXD CEETAIX CUBE For aD toads of LIVER COMPLAINTS, And all diseases told indispositions thxi originate from & diseased state or inactiv ity of toe Liver, such as Olircmc and Acntc Inflammation V E K dyspepsia, sick headache, SODB- NESS OF THE STOMACH, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, CHOLIp, COSTIYE- SFSS, , > ; - - '•'jPevef and Ague, Bilious Fever, Dropsy aiid Jaundice. Hiis Medicine is purely Vegetable AND PERFECTLY HARMLESS, AND AGENT FOE AT.T. THE APPROVED KINDS OF Office, No. 5 Commerce street Baltimore. i Clements 4c Co,, Proprietors. Foe Km. rs Pebby, bv . if C 6ILBEBI. jpeU-ly Dr- Gr XT I* o i persons indebted to me will please come forward and make immediate pay ment, as I need ff ip money to cany on my business. WM. BRUNSON. wae-tf But its efficacy is too permanently estab- > lisfied in tlie Sontiiem and Western States; Jj to require further recommendation. i Tha wise wiU give it a trial—that is all; >S that is asked. i Hundreds of Certificates from the best; : m eu in the country attest the value of our; Q medicine. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Sent by Tnail on receipt of price. CRAWFORD & WALKED, proprietors, WEST POINT, - - GEORGIA. For sale by Kotthows, Bom A Co-, Fort Valley. Gfc dadTAr Par. J. C. Gilbort, 1