The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, April 13, 1871, Image 2

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Wmessn^if. ouston Home Journal GA., APRIL 13, 1871. We respectfully request all who have not paid their subscription, to do so as soon as convenient A good many have already paid, and this is an indi cation that the others will pay readily when , called on. Those not getting their papers at Perry can pay the agents at their respective post offices, if they prefer. Let each one consider this personal; we. need the money, and don’t want to keep. this notice standing. Who’ll be the first to respond ? Don’t all speak &t once. BY JELEGB. > 6.*7*Th6 f - " PH. Paris, April u.— killed to-day was an extrac. Scene. Three huge hearse^, with bliek velvet palls and each decorated With twelve red flags, bore the dead. .Fol lowing them were eight thousand Na tional Guards and double that number of citizens. Women in hundreds were marching past- and along the without any Grant and 70s message. A short- time ago, President Grant bent a message to Congress in' which he proclaimed that armed - bodies of baen are resisting the law in some qf the States. Let ns get some testimo ny. The Governors of North Caroli- na,- Sonth Carolina, Georgia, Loftiai- Sha Arkansas have reported to "the; President that their States are peacea ble and orderly, that there-iano armed resistance to the law, and no insurrec tion that they feel called on to suppress Gen. Grant himself, five years ago, officially reported to Congress': ’"I am now satisfied that the mmra of the thinking men of the' South accept the present situation of affairs in good faith.' The questions which have here tofore divided the sentiments of the people of the two sections—slavery and State rights, or the right of a Stkio to secede from the-. Union—they ’regard as having been settled forever by the highest' 'tribunal—arms—that •men can resort to. * * * My observations lead me to the con.- ' elusion that the citizens pf the " South ern States are anxious tp return to self government within the Union, as - soon as possible;-that they are in earn est in wishing to dp'what -they tlrink is required by the .Government—hot humiliating -to them as citizens—and that if such course was pointed out, ' they would pursue if in good faith. ’ ’ Does the President intimate or. be lieve that ihere ta more, disorder at the ■{ South' now tLan there w'as -five' 1 years; • ago just after the close-of the war ?— No; he knows that there is not a State in the Union where the -laws cannot be executed; but he sees signs of the dissolution of-his party; he is aware 5 that .the chances f6r his re-election are becoming fewer every day; there fore he must Beep-his party in power in the South, by force, if heqfi he; he '• must feather" his own/nest; he must - labor zealously " for his own re-elec- * tion. ’^‘The-truth is sir,” said Jim **isk in a. moment of 'inspiration; “the truth is/.sjr, Grant is thhriation- i al Log. ” ’ - . : - . : boulevards at a solemn pace. -Many members of the Commune joined the procession. They arrived' atthe Pere la Chaise. Each hearse contained thirty-three coffins, and twentjrthree other hearses were already in the cem etery, filled with dead from the hospi tals. It was ah awful scene. In one huge grave all ihe'bodies were buried one at a time’ amidst the slrriekO of -. women and. the shoutsof men for ven-- geahee on the Eesasins.of e Dandy. ’ the effam mate man is a Mfiak "’e is a cross between root beer jerpop, the cork out, a fresh- Stnefmaid found in a cow with hands filled with He is a teacup foil of syllabub; a kit ten'in pantaletts; a sick monkey with a blonde moustache. He is a vine , P BORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.— \JT Daniel T. Clark has applied to me for exemption of personalty, aid I will pas ipon the same on the 22d day of April. 1871, at ten o’clock, A, H/," at my office. April/?, 137L - W.T. SWIFT, O. H. C. oil; a paper kite in a dead calm. He lives like-a butterfly—nobody can tell why. He is as harmless as.a .cent’s -worth of spruce grim, . and a button: witboutahole. He is as lazy ss bread years grasshopper. .He -goes, throflgh life on tiptoe, and cologne wa ter spilt on the ground. Dr. Ayer, the medicine man made a —- {speech the other day, in which he Pere la Chpise. wm qne.mass of people thus spokeof his advertising: swaying with passion and screaming j , -‘An advertisement; .taking the rail j “Viva la Ropubliquel” “Viva la. of the n^spapers With wlii?hrwe'con-^i' F-thfiGnm- .- tA*. ~ C. P. GUILFORD & CO. MACON.GA., 'Are State Agents" f<Jr those 'Celebrated FLORENCE REVERSE-FEED FOR SALE ! -a i be sold, very low. apr6-lt J^MATHEWS, Port Valley, Ga. 40 tlOeks for One Dollar. - HOPKINS & WILCOX, Bodheater, Y. FREEGALEEY OP ART.—D. Appleton & Co, —. _ »emrjnewm _ to Appleton’s Journal, remitting for one year’s subscription, Ten Supers Engravings, suitable for framing, from paintings by the most eminent American aitists, so that each new sub scriber - receives - Gratis what would cost $10 in the print shops. Pull particulars will be furnish ed on application. A PPLETON'S JOURNAL is published weekly, and consists of 23 4to pages, each number at tractively illust.ated. Its contents'consist of se- rr and Social Topics, Sketches of Travel and Ad venture,.« Ku-KIux in Nevada. The mails from Nevada contain ter- irililot Stories. of . tho - atrooions crimes .*wmmitted in' that, rotten-borough ; Stateiby organized bands o! incendia ries and, cut-throats. The Virgima- fUity/EnterpBse BayB that , within" the pastten years over two- hundred mur- < dew have been committed -in Storey . eounty alone, orau atmage of twenty /ftryear; and, during that-time, but' one j man' has been/tried and hanged; so nab 3Jons, haspublio sentiment.'-become' to . crime, and so poorly" have tbe /laws been administered.. The- desperadoes Vlccame so bolfi at last that the pronii- ; nent citizens and taxpayers of Virgin ia City lynched one as a warning to tithe ]-reat If -lawlessness add crime /were «s prevalent - in the Southern 1 States as it. is in this one county' eff! j Nevada, there would be an average of j .-’.0,000 murders- yearly in tho eleven, re- < constructed States. ■ ‘ ■«»•>>- —- ’A young man who-was caught Rtraih- ■*lag liis sweetheart to .his bosom'the other night, 'justifies himself on .the jgrqund that.he has- aright to strain liis ewnhoneyl ‘M —— Commune I.” The address of the Com.7 xqunists creates'great grief in. the city, mixed with.bitter.animosity. The Commune has issued a arresting all accused. with complicity with the Versailles Government, from whom ajuryshsfisele'ct hostages, three of. whom-shall/suffer death for every one executed by the Versailles. Gov ernment whether a captured National or a civil partisan.of. the Commune. Washington,- April 8.—The details of Friday’s fighting are as follows; The Communists at.Couvbevoie were dislodged by the guns of Fort Vale-, rien. They, rallied in -Avenue de Neu- illy, whence They, were driven by the. Versailles troops behind Neuiliy Bridge whioh they ; bftrrieadecL .The shells demolished'.their barricades, and the Communists-, after suffering heavily-hr -atteihpting to hold the bridge, fellinto } emporary. disorder.; hut they, succeed ed in- extricating their, artillery, , and took refuge in the houses on thi east ern bank of the river. The Versailles troops occupied the houses on the opposite side of the river, and a sharp fusilade was maintained -across "the river. Finally the troops pushed across , the bridge, when the Insur gents.’ gnus from.the ramparts swept Avenue de Neuiliy, checkimg 'pur suit. *Under cover of the rampart guns the Communists agniri erected barricades, hut were ultimately driven beneath the ramparts. - The battle lasted till .sunset, when seven guns stilLprotected 'the gate—and the forts were silent. Picard officially announces a-com plete success of the government troops' after two days’(Thursday andFriday): of fighting. The government loss. is heavy.' Gen. Bisson is killed. Marshall McMahon, who.eommands the Versailles troops, has his beadquar- tem at Fetit Trianon. Versailles, April 8.—The Commu nists continue the reign of- terror in Paris and neighborhood. The indig nities heaped upon religion have shocked all the decent-p.ortion of the community. There is a .war against the priests, and is not safe for one to be seen in Paris. All hopes,are in McMa hon. . The Government troops main- •tain the positions captured from the Insurgents. -No new attack has been made 'by either pariy. There' is"a strong ; desire among the more sub stantial citizens .to see.Paris, again rd-' occupied by the Germans. . The loss in the' -battles yesterday, on both sides is quite as large, as was mentioned in previous dapafehes. The, conduct of the. Government troops at-Aye d'e Neu iliy most heroic. They never fal tered, for a moment during $he rain of shells and heavy, firing. Their loss is great, but success is completed The Communists, since the battle,-' have committed tho wildest excesses, and butchered the'prisoner^ they held.— -Ipba excitement here is intterise, .and cpmmunicatipn with Paris is kept "up only, with.groat difficulty^ : . -Paris,-Aprd,7i.^viaLqnd6n, 8.—The fighting-is tcirible.The Nafionals-on- Thursday night ■ re-deenpied the .bariir / cade- at -Neuiliy, ahdiit" was tprday tract (some 1900 annually) is struck off in - such numbers, that, when piled upon' each other flatwise, like -the leivfis of -a book, the ihickness of-them is'sixteen miles. Li addition, it takes some seven millions of pamplets and twelve millions of circulars to meet the public demand for this kind of in formation. Our annual issue of pam phlets alone,-laid solid on. each other, •make a pile eight and one quarter miles high. The circulars measured -endwise reach 1849miles, rand these assertions are matters of mathemati cal • certainty., -.Whatever the estima- „tian in- whifeh.Qieseqiubhcatibns may be held here, they reach the firesides of millions upon millions of men who do treasure and regard them, .and who in their trials dp keed the counsel they -bring.” ‘ -He-/stated also that -his laboratory makes every day about 630,000 doses of his preparations—all- of which are bought and swallowed by some body, . • .Soteekdjtptis Excuses.—Usually it fiihs not been considered iueumbpnt, ^eioely. at-iackbd: by.-the batteries of yjn th® .fiend to send,qpologies -for. not ■jbeing present at festive gatherings;-^-, ■shut a different custom has now been introduced.' At the twenty-thirdanni- yersary festival of the Spiritualists /in Apofio Hall, New York, last Friday, .judge Edmonds communjoated to the {meeting “a dispatch from his old {friends, James .T. Brady, Ogden Hpff- maa and ;N. F. Talmndsev ih the spir-' f t land, regretting their inability to die -present in bodily form.” .Very polite Jin those “venerable shades.” He “ -The Costui' Coxtestixg -and then’ the -fighting inefeasing- in {Congress.—The lost House of Bepre- ■ jPentatives voted §114,000 to pay per sons contesting for seats. This "fact £as led the Committee on Election, in yhe -present House to investigate the subject, and they have unanimously p-rreed hereafter not to recommend f he payment of any compensation to /-'ntestants who fail, beyond what is actual, reasonable and necessary ex- -pense for a contest, founded in good ifsith and on reasonable grounds. It S3 to be hoped this rale wifi be adhered intensity, the 'committee'of / -hostility, advanced-two fresh battalions _ of in- ■ s fantay, .supporiaMi)y eight gnis ; The population of London is 8,568- ^!(j, against 2,473,758twentyyearsago c —an increase of 1,089,652, or oyer fif- -/y-seve^ per cent. This is remarka- •1 Is for so old and so large a city. . The population of London lacks only 100- f£9 of.being as large as that- of the 3?hole State of Ohio/ ——r ■ ©ne of the results of the German Arctic exploring expedition; is the dis- jj-very of immense coal beds in the --•rth of Greenland. Mountains ex- {•---eding Mount Blanc in height were -.'■'covered, and the botanical speci- ;- -ns found indicate that Greenland iv-st have been covered at one time ^r-/Vh a rich vegetation. the Versailles army. The Nationals, defended their position' 'with, mitrail leuses, which had been mounted, on the -barricade,' There' -was a perfect 'rain pf shells front the Versailles army 5EWIM168MIMES,I Washington correspondent of the Louisville Courier-Journal says, “Col Bergen, whom the President has nom inated as consul to Pernambuco, has been ordered to leave Washington on.a requisisilron from Caldwell; the Radical Governor of North Carolina; that he is wanted to' answer for crime. Bergen was one of-Holden’s militia officers, and testified to hanging men by the thumb to extort confession. If Grants is allowed to continue his method-of making appointments / he will-send half the thieves and murder ers in the country abroad. A -wife.'in San Franeisco.iately put a petition for divorce in the court on the .ground that her husband- was a ‘confounded fool.” The judge, who was au old bachelor, would not admit the plea, because, he said, every man who gets married would he liable to the same imputation. A young Hoosier once .said to a Hoosieress: “Sal is there anybody courtin’ yu now?” And Sal replied: •Weff Sam, there is one fellow sorter courtin’ and sorter not, but! reckon it is more sorter not than--sorter.”. Fn,ii Your Lamps; et. the Morn ing.—Scarcely a week passes but we read accounts of frightful accidents from kerosene lamps exploding and killing, or scarring for life, women- and children. A simple knowledge of the inflaihable nature of the fluid will probably put a stop to nearly-all the accidents. As the oil bums. down in the lamp, highly inflamablegas gathers dver. its surface, and as the -oil de-. creases the gas increases. When the oil .is nearly consumed a slight jar will often .inflame the' gas, and an explosion is sure, to follow—death and destruc tion. A bombshell no more to be dreadect Now, if it is not allowed tp bum more than half way clown, such accidents are almost impossible. Al ways fill your, lamp every.morning; .then you need never fear an explo- ■ al. y utcth HE3T; PELL, CORD, BRAID, v TUCK, ; Q U I.LX BIKD, NEW STOEY BY A SOUTHERN AUTHOK.—A - Serial Story of siirpaseiDg interest, by tbe au- [-tiiorof-^‘YftTerie-Avimer/’ v/iiicli the press, have so highly extolled, will appear in ArpzaEjroN’s Journal, No. 103. New subscribers may-com mence their subscriptions with the beginning of the New Story. Subscription, price §4 r per annum or $2 for six months. V. Appleton & Co., Pub lishers, N. Y. - DARN-, GATHER, And Gather and Sew on without Bast- rag- and papers upon all tlie various subjects **<it pertain £o tie pursuits and recreations of flTo r.fnn.r, whether Ct t-wa or country; Price $ipe?Xin, s-_* L: ^ Contis. 29 number.' -D. AtpletoS s P°v Publishers, ... /; m DAY & GORDON Ate now receiving a large and well selected ' stock of Spring Dry- Gfoo'ds Of every description; a fine assortment of Clothing, Hats, &c. We call special attention to BOOTS AND SH Of all the latest styles, which; to sell CHEAP. promise Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet Articles, <&c. O r- S. S- Pitch’s Family Physician, pages; sent by mail free. Teaches how to ci z’ 1 diseases of .the person: akin, hair, eyes, com plexion. Write to 714, Broadway, New York. Send Your Sons To a Practical School, that will train - ^ :Gn ^ )r ^ c ' tive useful life and a successful future. * ir ^' stitution that best accomplishes tljis> and 1b large ly patiuijized by the South, is Eastman College; Poughkeepsie, N. Y, Address for parti H. J. EASTMAN, LL.D.,:Pi SUGAR AND COFFEE Of the best gradfes kept constantly on bfind. SPBlNG- GOODS 6 bit EASTMAN’S TTa •Business Col ATLANTA, CA< Open May 10th.. For full particulars 5pf the In Btituiion,' Pfacfical Coups© of Study, -Tdrmff- hf Tuition, Board,-«c.. address ^ ' •' A. It. EASTMAN, Principal, Formerly of Eastman College, Poughkeepsie. Bloomiiigton, ID. KuMry Also Agents for the - - W O-RL.’D RENO WNEB ’RF.T.T^’I’RF'Rr.F ST. SjOTJIS HAINES BROTHERS PIMOS, 4-asd— , Wholesale and Retail: Dealers in WE. XT S3 X O. Robbery .is Abbbvh,i,e.—It is re ported -that the safe of the County Treasurer of Abbeville, South Caroli na, L. /EL .Russetl/ was -robbed of about xmtff half past fonrin the; /afternoon,- thousand dollars, on/Friday nighi. when it.became apparent a -direct as- suit wasiihtended by-the goymSument ’forces. The movement proved a feint,- however, for-instoafi of ipUorahgitJiP: the Veggailles troops / advanced upon both theright: and Teft^flanks of,, the barricades.. ’There/ was' for' ttfl hpmi.-a rapid and effective fire of musketry, Some Niggers. —‘ ‘Ahontr the year 1813, a wealthy Nor&-Carqlina plan tar named-Pollock, the o^per pf fif teen -thousand slaves, was a regula visitant at SmatbgaSprings.”—Sarato- gian. _ ' . • . So he .was. - - We.-khew Pollbok inti mately. Hp was, indeed, a .wealthy planter. The fifteen thousand slaves mentioned, by the Saratogian 7 were merely some; that he-kept- ;ahout the house to wait on him. The bulk of his property of that species was off on his plantations. The Govern ment used, to refuse to take the census in North Carolina because it. couldn’t; "afford to pay the expenses of coimting Pollock’s negroes.—Charleston Courier. * kept Imports of been very heavy at New Orleans this season. Since September 1, 1870, 409,225 bars weighing 82,000 tons, have been imported. This is sufficient to lay a track nearly a thousand miles hi length. "• - How to raise beets—take hold of the tops and pall The sfefe was deliberately .opened and thei-mohey, abstracted- ; The guitty party is, strongly .suspected./- - - 7=3 - NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. A FUSE LOT OF Tennessee^ ^ Bacbn ; Hams, .Sides and Shoulders. C O R ' .N : , New Crle^ris an?J. Georgia PANE SYRUP. assoitaaent of - ;■ DRY, GOODS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, \ GROGEERY, Ac. " For sale py the - apl'3-lm' WIGGINS A CO., Fort Yaliey, Ga. ST SPRING STYLES. . _ her friend? and customers who have so liberally patronized her in the past, that sne will continue her business at her resi dence just^'above the Methodist Church, formerly known as the Carpenter Stand. Dresses made in any style desired: prices moderate;/all my work warranted; good fit ting a’specialty. I- have a small lot of trim mings winch I am offering low Give mo N. 0. T HE A8SES1JENT ON .BEAL AND pels -nal property in Perry for 1871, is now due, and the Tax Book-will remain EfJiptGAL fUERGHAMDISi, PIANOS Sold On Instalssents. LIBERAL DISCOUNT ' To Teachers, and the Trade generally. CihcuiiARs and Price Lists sent free on application.- - / G. P. GUILFORD & CO^ i'Mulberry St., - - - Macoh, Ga apl3-ly NOTICE. li>th Year. COO'Acres. 13 GreenbouBeS -TArge^t Assortment—ail sizes. Best StockI ' Ugfr Prices! Would you know Wbat, Wlieu, How ‘Jo. Pl^it! Fruit, Shade, Evergreen Trees, Boot GrafferSoed- lings, Osage TTaiits, AppIe Seed, Early KbSe. I^itr p toes,Sbnibs^Ihjsea, Gxecnliyuseand^i ardhii ^lant &fc., FLOWER AND VEOEi'ABpirSEEDS ifeest^‘-BeH{ ColieetiOTi-^orbraiid Quality." ‘ Send 10 cents for New, Illustrated, DescripUve Cata logue—90 pages, jead stamp each for Catftfogues of seeds with plain directions—6-ip ages £Bed ding and Garden plhiits—32 pages, and Whole^alePri List—24 pages. Address F. K. PHCENIX,;BIo6i ingtou, Illinois. ^ dustrial '8-page new^Taper. Send Bkunp fGi; eopy, -PATENT STAR -^Best In- 60 etti. per/year. Boston^Iass ns mvH B 0 IL U E N U ST & t. S l'or cut side work and inside instead of plaster, lioor covering; mats, Ac. (J- J. FAY, Camden r N.; J. " 510 cents. F. Sag/e,Cromwell Ck>nn . A. B. FARaUHAR, Proprietor of Pennsylvania Agricul- - .. tural. Works. YORK, PElixSYLVAXIA. .. .. Manufacturer of 1 Improved Polished Steel:: . / . DICKSON SWEEPS, /. • Solid Steel Sweeps and Scrapers, Steel Plows, Shovel Plow Blades, Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Har rows, Horse -Powers' Threshing Machines, &c. Send for Illust: ated Catalogue. • . \J BTEDWARUS" Counselor at Law, 461 Penn. " V r Av., Whsningtoh/D.' C., gives special^ atten tion to claims under the late Act of Congress for examination of clainis of loyal citizens of States lately in rebellion. Chafes reasonable. , - C OTTON MACHINERY for sale cheap..; 3,000 Danforth Spindl^arWith patent 36 inch cards, ’ - ” ■ • ' " - - ■ - and full preparation. NaiY runningand in firstrate order. Address" MACHINERY, care Messrs. Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park Row, New York. A DAY in very best business ever offered w ageritK.: J^ir particulars address,' wiih », Moore A Co., Ill 3d St., Louisvilie^Ky, FRAGRANT SAPOL1ENE Cleans Bid <5loves and iall .kinds of Clotlis and Cloiliing; removes Paint,. Gr«ise, Tar, Ac., in stantly, without the; least injurvito the lir.est lab- 1828 1270 USE THE “VEGETABLE PiUmonary SRlaaI2l• ,, The old Standard Remedy for Coughs, ’Colds Con sumption. . Nothing better. Cutler Bros. & Co., Boston. Agents! Read This! W E WILL PAY -AGENTS A SALARY OE-$30. PER 'WEEK, AND EXPENSES, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful 'invention*. Address M. WAGNER & CO.,)Maf- shall, Mich. tion, causing nervous debility, premature de- ; cay, &c.; having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has a, simple means of sell-cure, wliich he will send free to his fellow-suilerers. Address J. H. TUTl'LE, ..75 Nassau St., New. York. G /EpKGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY. ' Superior Court, December Adjourned Term, 1S70. Maria S. Tharpe, ) f vs. ' > Libel fob Divoece. Augustus Tharpe. } It being made to appear to theGourf that Augustus Tharpe, tlie defendant in the above stated case, is a non-resident of the State of.Georgia, and rerides in the State of Louisiaha, and cannot he-sarved personally with said Libel: It is ordered by the Court that service of the "same be perfected bj r publicatipn of this;order in The Houston Home Journal, (a public gazette published, at Perry, in said county i, once each month, for four consecutive months, requiring, said Augustas,: Tharp^vto be and appear ajt the -May Term next (1871 of said Court, to an swer said Libel, else said cause will piocebl to a hearing ex parte as to him. .. ' ' - G. B. COLE, Judge S. C. M. .C- ; Killex & Marte?, Libellant’s Solieitois, A true extraet from the minutes. T. M. KTLLEN, janl2-lam4m D. Olerk.- J.W. Lsfhrop & Co., versus George'W. Allen, James H-. Allen,- Janies ' M.- Ward, .0,1'. Ward and E. C. Bunlap. Adjourned ' 18J0.- Pre^rnt, tho Honorable C- B. Cole, Judge of .satd'Cbnrt. ; " . -../.. It appearing to said Court, by tlie petitionrof J. V. Latbrop A' : Co., wiiirb firm is composed of J. H. Allen, Jame3 M. Ward andE. C. Dunlap,'of said county, except said James M. Ward and v. I". Ward, now of tbe county of-Unrie, were indebted to said J. W. Lstcrop & Co., on the' 10th day of' July, 1871, in tiie sum of four Thousand, Eight' Hundred and Fifty-eight Dollars and Twenty-one Cents, ($4,858.21)" besides interest on an accotiiit . 'toted, beginning January 20th, 1870, and ending To all who it, may ooncern, Pringle Sistrnnk (cbTorea) who haa entered into contract with the undersigned as a farm Iftbpror for Sie -year 1871' and who is now strolling over'.the country in the hon-per _ formonce of hip coniracti mayisoon make in ahtidpatt 011 application to some person or persons m " 1 ”’“” 1 T ” Houston County for employment- If such should prove to he toe case, due notice" is. hereby given to all persgps'giving him em ployment 'for one or more days, that* for - " : "" M. D. LANE. Houston Co., Ga., Mar 30th. 1871. _u_ ■ TT FORSALE. The House and Lot where J. D. Tharplives. The Hou se and Lot where TL G. Northern -^J.- v \/^ ;/ ', ; » lives. store house and lot adjoining my store. The. Academy lot, where Mr. Neel teaches. a call. TEEMS CASH. . - Mbs. S. C. CHOATE. The office occupied by'Messrs Martin & ■ - Tlovic L'~* - Davis. Call and get al E- L. FELDER.: uuw tiue, ana uie hh duur ■ \wh rcmoiu open 'until the first of July nest, at the of- P. S. Goods Cheap for Cash at Felder’s fice ofKillen It Maffin. -ir - . EDWIN MARTIN, | Honest Candles at Felder’s April 10-«ow2m CTk A Trass, j api&AL January l£ih, 3871 ;.anc^ which account had been contracted by fheir anlyanthonzed agent, the said "James H. Alien, for money and supplies to. carri on their planting operations in said county *oi Houston, fox the year 1870; and whi(3i .account more folly appears by reference to a Bill of JPartfcr aud whidi is now due and unpaid; and better to securo tha payment of said account, and' in anticipation thereof,'the'Baid George W^ Allen,. C F. Ward, James H. Allen/James 3L Ward 'and e! CL Dunlap, on tha 12th day of _ ___ whereby tfidy conveyed unto petitioners ISowing Ibfai of land in the Ninth (9th) Disj of Houston county, to-wit: number one hundred: vnfi fifree Y1031. OHQ himdred and four, (104), half of nhmber thirty-idhe, (Wj, lot ninety, (90), five (51 acres of lot eighty-nine, (89). seventy-five (TSf fired “and one, tI01>, one hundred and two, (102), - - and' twenty-three, (123), one 1 one bundl ed s (1900) acres, and being the place formerly, belong- inn to Hugh Allen, deceased. Conditioned to be- 1 vted upon -the- payment of the account stated herein before referred to. And. it appearing fur ther that said ".account sSH remains unpaid, it is W. Allen. C, F. Ward, JamesH- Alien, JamesM. W: ”” " snd E. O- Dnnlcp dcy.of the next ' and costs due the contrary, •—• - 'so tir foreclosed. And teat-this rule De puouened the Housfbn'Ho 1112 Journal, once'amonthforfi leu, James ‘H. Aden, James M. Ward, C. T. and E. C. Dm lap, or then-authorized Agent lean three months previous to the next term of this Court A true extract from the minutes, this January 11th, 1871 1. M. KTi.T.F.X, D,C.8i^>. Court. W. A. BANKS & SONS, fj jtifr J - " vp No^ffiriafigalM-Block, Tit v;g2?m\- cMAU.QTU- v -f A -r GEORGIA, iJy-mcciviii^ aiifl .EN- TUtE'NEW STOCK of GOODS, .' Embracing All fho Novelties of tho Scares. Thimkfifl.f'orfltvors ooMar^fi during the past'.'season, an INSPECTlGNtof-their new stoek by the-trading public is lirespoctlaliy ramr30-3m. ; W..A. BANK?;& SONS. & CURD, Hardware, Iron & Steel, FAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Cotton and Corn Sweeps, Macon, . - - -■ Georgia ftiARTIM & CGLYER, FORT VALLEY, - - GEORGIA, Wholesale and retail dealers in GROCERIES, PMMJOiia, Grain of all kinds, Tobacco, Segars, Liquors, Candy, Flour, Meal, Coffee, Tea, . Sugar, Salt, ' Canned Fruits, Tin and Wooden TFare, All of which will be'sold vey low for Cash. Give-us a call. mb30-3m Georgia Cassimeres! G EOBGIA CASSIMEBES, spring and suinmer styles, just received and for sale by THOS. J. CATEB. . mh30-4t .... i White Wire Ciothe^ Ia?e, -Braided-and plain. mh30-tf Warranted not to For sale JOBSON, Ferry, Ga. Cliinclia Island Peruvian cuanoV .. ^ F store and for sale at $80, cash.. -Will also farnlshi on short notice,. Guanape Triunrl Guano at S70 cash per ton of 2000 pdimfis-" M e gwaantee the puntyandgenr fineness of the above Guanos. ' - '. JONES & BAXTER V. f Ghe3apeake Gnaiios. - On -tune or A T reduced prices for cash. _ - - fo|^ootton on terms to suit the tunes. , JQNES & BANTER, Agents. CotS, Oats and Hay. DRUGS, DRUGS Dr. J. C. GILBERpg fa the place to bny PITRE and Tty TEBATED MEDICINES," HE SELLS AT MACON PfiicR j 0 X consignment, and for sale cheap by 1 JONES & BAXTER. Meal and Bran. I? A A BUSHELS Fresh Ground. Meal OUU 10,000 pounds Wheat Bran,- . 100 bushels Cow'Feas, In store and tor sale by JONES & BAYTEB. Lime Plaster and Ceinenti: 0 .F the best quality,.always.on hand- and for sale low by ■ JONES & BAXTEB. Bacon and Lard. C HOICE Tennaesee Ham3, Choice Ten nessee Sides,. Choice Tennessee Shoul ders, Bulk Hams and Shoulders, Lard in cans and.caddies, for sale by JONES A BAXTEB. Tobacco. Tobacco. . .' BOXES Toliacc' 1 , nil grades, at very i O low prices, for side by JONES A BAXTEB, mh30 tf -100 Cherry street p KOBOIA, HOUSTON. COUNTY—Wil- VX 'longhby Manning’ has applied fox ex- inption of perseniiltya and setting apart aid .valuation- of homc-steiul, and I'vdtfpass upon the feints ait the ,8th day-of April, 1871, at fen oVlpek, A- M., at mv office. Marsh 25, ,2871. W r . T. SWIFT, O. Hi C. ( 'f EOBGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—All J -peraoss indebted to the estate of J. H. Pugh, late of said county dec’d, are hereby r quested to call and settle; and all-persons- a-: filing claims ag iisst Jus estate, are re- q Tved to present them awording to law. J. C-. GILBEBT, Executor;-- March, 23, 1871. NOTICE. Persous indebted to John Q. Bolton, deceased, .re notified to pay fhe nndersigncd. who miniptialor on the estate, and creditors will pre- !nt their demands in tf:rms of the law. Jlarch Kith. 187L J. R. RICK Application for Dismission. ley. Administrator of Amos O’Pry. 1 petitions for letters of dismission. These are therefore to notify all persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the . first Monday in July next, to show cause, if -any, why the petition should not be "granted. Given under my hand and official signature, tliis March 15.1871. WVT. SWIFT, O. Hi C. NOTICE. PLANTERS’ BANE, FORT VALLEY, GA. Authorized Capital, - - - $200,000 UNDEB CHABTEB JFBOiT THE STATE, Beceives Deposits, discoimts Paper, buys W. J. Andeesok, W. E.JBbown, - - 7 President. - — - Cashier. -DIEECTOBS: W. J. Anderson, CoL Hugh L. Dennard, Wm. B. Brown, Dr. Wm. A" Mathews. Dr. W. H. Holltagshead. mh2-3m c>€sstc3.alls! s much, valuable information. Dr. B..W. Carr, of Baltimore. Bays: I lake pleaaure in -recommending your EosiDiLis: as a veryJpowerful alterative. I have seen’it used in two caaea with happy results—one -in a case of secondly ayphi- Iia, in which the parent pronounced him self cured alter having taken five bottlea of yonr medicine. The other is a case of scrofnla of 'long standing, £ ' 3T — The Great American Health Restorer ! Purifies the blood and unrea Scrofula, Sy philis: SMn Diseases, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women, and all Chronic Affections of the -Blood, liver and Kidneys- Recom mended by the Medical faculty and many -Hwusahasqf our bestdtizeng. Head - the testimony of Physicians and -patieirte who have used Hosadalis; send for our -Bosadalis Guide to -Health Boob, or Almanac for/ thra’year,- which we publish -for gratuitous distribution; it"will give you mrif.l* -v»1rr&MA infrrrmatinTT y _e patient will sooif recover. - ifully- examined file 'formula by ~r ^Bosadalis is made, and find it Kentucky. -BB - M. - cases of Scro fula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfac tory results—as a cleaner of the blood."*-! knownebetter remedyv - > r ~ r] Samuel G. McFadden. of Murfreesboro', I haYB^vsed seven bottles of and am entirely cured of .Rh send^me tour bottles, a^Lwisr ‘ ' SSra&ohf/'Srfte. Bosadalis, ALL THE APPEGVED KINDS : OF FonSAmm-.PraBv.nt Dr- 3, C GILBERT. -- - sidd-ly SuEiiirrs Office, Houston Co. Hotlccs of sale and other MarchlSth, 1371. CdJf advertising connected /er be published in the th this' office will hereafter be Southwest Georgian, instead of file Houston Hoace JOUJtN'AL- W. D. I’HjP.CE, Shsi-ifT. mhlC-4t. . ; . . v- ,’ > pXORGIA. HOUSTON COUNTS-—Whereas Wm. vT Brunsoir, Adminlst!*ator of Floyd ~ . .-Sawyer, de ceased, has applied to me for dismission/from the same, ihese arc therefore -to cite all persons in terested to be and appear before me on - er before file first Monday in June. next, to •show^ cause, if any, why they should not be granted- “the" appli- •aut. Given under my hand and official signature !>.H.C. this March 1st, 1871. W. T. SWIFT, 0.1 F. A. JOBSON, C3- "0.13. SS JOGl 1123.. PEKRY, GEORGIA. FIRE ARMS . Of every description, repaired or remodried. Repairiiig of Sewing Machines, ABD ALL KINDS OP BRASS, . . . - - STEEL,. COFFER, - - - LIGHT IRON, r BKETTANIA, or SILVERWARE, Done with neatness and dispatch. TERMS STRICSTLT CASH jan2S^tf WM. BRUNSON, deAleb Ef GROG ERI E'S call Ind buy your supples. I TERMS. SfitteJTLY CASK dec2ff-tf . ,/ / -^r O opal and fepaj -N7-^^l3\rX»3EC, AT J. -O. GILBERTS DRUG 3T0B1 ^ dec28tif . Window Glass and Patty! FOB SALE BY Dr. S’. O. dec 28-tf G-X i i H K M.T. CROCKETT X3TC533. ' ' MACOR, GA., Build. Iron Bailings for Grave Loti, PotSs Squares, Ac.; make _ HORSE PO WER SA W MILLS, Grist Mills f Portable Engines, Iron mi • Brass Castings of all kinds. . mh30-3m E. CBOCKr.TT. | FOB $2 PER LINE We will.insert an. advertisement ■ O-TV'E' M/'O 2W T FI In Thirty-four first-cla*. GEORGIA HEWSPAPEES Ihriudihg Ftre Dailiea. Wb refer .to the publisher of thia papor to wktsa our responsihAity ia well known. XriEaSU? SETOTT I'm® Addcoaa GHO . P. HOWELL & CO, ADVEBTISEiG AGENTS. - KO3-40AKD11 PAJtgECOT, HEW YOBX. DUSLON & DREYFOUS, -ffHOr.toiAI.E HEAT,EBB 32f AHD : DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES. ETC., ETC- Tlatrd. Stroot, ADJOIXECa J. COIJ.TXfl 4 flOK’B WABEKOCSS MACON, GEORGIA. decl7-3m ' * ~ .' SE8ETT S LIVER MEDiGIHE Chronic and Acnts InflammatioB AND AGENT FOB G- TJ A KT O, ment, I to me will please immediate pay- I need the money to carry on my nsiness. WM. BRUNSON. jan26-tf A SAFE AND CERTAIN CUBE For all kinds of LIVER COMPLAINTS, Ana all diseaeca and indiaposillona that ity of- originate from a diseased stato or inactiv- ' the Liver, such Tu* la r V 3E3 1 It DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, SOHB- XESS OF THE STOliACH,-LOTVlvESS OF spurns, CHOLIC, COSHVE- Fever aad Ague, Bilious Fever, Dropsy and Jaundice. This Medicine is purely Vegetable AKD PERFECTLY HARMLESS, Dnt ita efficacy is .too perminently'estab lished in the Southern and Western State, to require funber recommendation. The wiee will give it a trial—that is all that is asked. Hundreds-of Certificates from the best men in the country attest the value of oUr medicine. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Sent by mail on receipt of price. CJUWTOBD A WALKER. PBOPBIETOBS. " ^ tfiSTPOIKr. . . GEOBGIA- For sale by Matthew*, Res* A Co., Fort Valley, Ga. deolWy Sr. J. C. Gilbert, fsnjr.fl*. J- g U I r.T I ft