The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, April 27, 1871, Image 2

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The Houston Home Journal PERRY, GA_, APRIL 27, 1871. News items from nil parts of the county earnestly requested, but no long communications; or poetry de sire cL Thanks.—Our thanks are hereby -tendered-to Virgil Powers, Esq;, the very efficient Superintendent of the South 'Western Bail-road, for courte: sics extended us for the present year. Small Farms. Small farms make near neighbors; the make good roads; they make plenty qf good schools and churches; there is more money made in propor tion to the labor; les.s labor is wanted; everything is kept neat; less wages have to be paid for help; less time is wasted; more is raised to the acre, be cause it is tilled better; there is no Steuckbx Lightning.—In Chatta nooga last Thursday, a negro child four or five years old was struck ! in th- forehead, by lightning, the electric fluid leaving-a whitened spot then passed downwards .find exploding in the abdomen, tore open its walls let vast out the* entrails. l)r. Alexar.dej VUall. To the m‘mbers of the Houston Ag-- You will bear in mi..d that half past ten o’clock the first Tuesday in May is the hour appointed for our reg ular meeting at, the Court House. I would-remind yon that business of more than usual interest will be before you for consideration and final dispo- T i/,f WQ ...... , ^f a drought, of wet weather, of a frost, of small prices. There is not so much| money to be paid out for ; agri cultural implements. Our wives and children have time to read, to improve their minds. A small horse is soon curried—and the work on a amall farm is always pushed forward in season. Give us small farms for comfort; aye, and give U3 small farms for profit. watching of hired men; the mmd is saL Let me mge upon the t °° _e P t m a -'.orry, a stew, a re , a importance of meeting promptly, anu !T! tbe necessity of a large attendance. It is now said that the Marquis of Xorhe loved a peasant lass, but could The Indemnity of France. France will have to pay 5,000,000,- not - withstand the temptation of a 000 francs - to Germany as'a war indem- Priucess. nity. This, in five-franc gold pieces. . Weil, who could? The j Marquis’s | would weigh 55,000,000 pounds avoir- head was very horizontal, we say. dupois. To transport all.this gbld by fessioll doesno t succeed better? .Then ~ ; ■»•». —- rail, supposing each car to carry 11,000 A Distinguished Radical in Tbou- pounds, a train of 5,000 cars would be lle.—We learn that Parson T. G. required. When spread out on the Campbell, the famous colored Senator ground, one touching the other, these for the Second District, has become five-franc gold pieces would reach al- badly complicated with the courts of most around the globe. If five-franc his county, on aceoimt of -sundry un- pieces enough to make this amount senatorial malpractices. The Grand were placed one above the other, they Jury of McIntosh, composed of whites ] would make a column of gold 1,676. and blacks, have indicted liim in three miles in height. If this column, hav- aeparate bills—one for marrying a ing its base in Paris, should topple negro with a white woman, contrary over in the direction of Berlin, Berlin to the statute; second, false imprison- would be only one third of the whole mmit of white citizens in Ms capacity distance reached by the coin at the top of J. P.; third, larceny after trust re- of the column. A quick casMer; able pon^d. to count 10,000 five-franc pieces in an hour, supposing that he commenced . . _ . _ the. sagacity of dogs. He says dogs ihg it, in case he should count eight have not common sense. In proof o! | hours daily for 300 days every' , year, his assertion, he relates how he poured the London ^ . • ... r . | LimiicJ Marriages, kerosene, on a dog and set it on fire, just- to have c little fun, as he was J is. rumored, says lonely during his wife’s absence, and P|pg§ a member of Parlimnent is that dog actually ran under the barn | ^ to bnngm a biU to leplize^ar- whistled to Mm to come out. It is ppg to enter into partnership.-for enough to make a man loose faith U definite term, just as two merchants •v . or lawyers, or tradesmen do now. ‘ Tlie proposition is somewhat startling. Dm Alkxandlb’s Call.-Wc invite ? its adjutages, however, espec- aftontion to the communication of Dr. 'fj?™ *****t ■sex ..If a man L. B. Alexander, President of the dud hls ™ fe ^ctfnl, if she fads to Houston Agricultural Society, iu sec that Ms shirt buttons are in trim, which he urges that there bo a full and * ^ f eat ** general attendance, at the meeting of if she is habitually late for trains, it the Society in May. (Surely the fal , she travels with more than, a hundred huts ought not to need any urging to 4 ° ^ S e, f she runs into do this, but they do. Now if we can **t at nel 7Redoes not have a first class agricultural society in *° {“?- atones if she does not Houston, {which can only he by every- his jokes if she puts Ms pa- body taking an interest;) we venture %*&$$£&&& him., the prediction that farming will make f lth ^ ^ hold over her,.^ greater advances the next year than the thr«lt ihaihe.wdl not re- “ver before. So come along; if there new P^ership at the end;of the is nothing you can tell the Society |but will leave, her t o set up. a about farming, doubtless you can hear I ^tageonher own account and at her. . . .. I nu'n Of rwnrsPL t.hprp. nrp- I hope also that each" member will feel that it is not only- Ms privileg e but his duty to cordially invite his' neigh bors and friends to come along with Mm and join ns, for “we will do them good.” . .- There is no interest of so much im portance to the financial success of the farming community as the prosperity of agricultural societies. It is a fact already well established .that in "those counties of Georgia where there axe. going to Europe ^ „,1 j n ; 11 cjnrvn wTiore-F nrn ptiernrrprl f/V-'* ;ood and well organized agricultural societies the farmer and.all his, inter ests, prosper; and When the farmer prospers, what other business or • pro- Ls it not plain that to foster the inter est of. these societies, it is the business of every.citizen to come up,, and with, his time, talents and,, if need be,' his money, help to make the enter prise a success and a credit to 'the county? If I know-anything:; blithe: purposes and objects of the Houston Agricultural Society, they-are-to;ben efit the. planting. inte3rest; in?oIl.ite bearings. The membership-isnotlim- ited to any class or profession of men; - but the door is thrown wideopen, and every, body is invited' to come and join US. ; - 'it The Society contemplates haying fair at Fort Valley .next fall, to be called the Houston County Fair, and what man is there who lives in the proud, wealthy and intehigent county -of Houston who does not feel directly interested-in the success of this enter prise ? Assuming to myself the pleas ure of saying there is not one, I, as the presiding officer - of' .this Society, cordially and earnestly invite' every citizen of Houston, to come to th<- Conrt House on the: first Tuesday in next month; to aid- in tide good work. L. B. Alexandee, , * ’ Pres. H. A. S. April 25, 186L Chief Justice Lochranc. No man ever'becomes great or wise nothing to do bnt to hang up Ms hat you set before you a distinct object in. Wheu tlle ^ feiR tlie capitalist of the life, you will succeed; but if you are ifc S° ^rd with her partner, indolent and improvident and change- for great is' the power of the purse, able, von will come to no good. A The man must then submit to be,-fll- —v bi > ““ d *» 1 and offended the intelligence of the means to be and do, or lie cannot rea- “ tlle woman is t<> coquetry, he amiablv bone to succeed-in hfe must be content to suffer the most fla-, WWPWWHWBWWWWMHIW nonahy nope to suoccta in me. } people, and .is, therefore, no longer • ♦ •< I grant flirtations, under the threat that He' has been wonderfully, - not to' say mysteriously, successful in his East Enough.—A man in Cairo, HI., oue of the . most f!lvored > and therefore after witnessing the performance of a one of the most detested rivals will nities heretofore accorhod/hiii^ He tightrope artist, said it was easy enough e 5IS P ac e a oe and board as ^ generously tolerated by the to walk a rope .if a man had the nerve. *° 0n as the ^ gonial partnership ^ florid has/often He said he had the neiwe, so he fas- ^rimmut- But- then, de mmwigfeoi- been inade to vdt h embarras- te;u-d a clothesline from the top of the ment by unmerited commendation, barn to the cliimnev of the house. I meu ale liue exceptions, ..Most men ■ittiokti. . L,.. . . w . and started. It w.asn't forty-eight I fmd tlie mone - v Ior ^ domestic con- hours after that beforethe family were cern ’ and ’ tdcra ^ ore ’ ^ J ' s a cleai- advan- out riding in carriages, dressed in ta S e dor . ^ to ^ ^ ls . me ^ e >‘and ratttes.his chink in utter disre- »,o, roi , v , Eetog mterviewei hi J 6 «d of those rtoso good opinio, i. -' valuable, and in sovereign contempt for all moral and material agencies except such as are under the influ- conuisting ences that govemMs own conduct,— . ■ twenty-one members in all, will be Smiling from Ms eye, and proudly, The kingdom of Wiirtemburg ex-1 divided into seven sub-committees of independent in his grandeur, he bids last words were; “I could have dom .Busts ts. Brains. ported to the United States during the three each, with unlimited powers, to defiance to- society, contemns, inteoii- ' 500 non nr.- o ^ first three months of the. war, ?20,000 | rove about the So... worth of corsets, and $3,000 worth of a ,g e and expenses, To make a sho-s books.' “It is aii ill wind tliat blows I of consistency, caCh of the seven sub nd charge mile- show , nobody good,” and now that Paris I committees should be escorted by a fails to supply the demand for that Brigadier and at least a regiment of important article of female apparel, soldiers. If they believed in the ly- Germany steps in. But in view of the kjg iKn-Klux stories that they have fact- that IVnrtembnrg is prolific of concocted, they would not venture here books, the proportion of the latter in squads of three. But tMs peram- eommbditv seems exceedingly smalLEl r, r ,Lx 1 -„„ commodity seems exceedingly smirll.— j bulating oyer the country in search of jnrer and a public tMef, and leaves us ■ So little to inform the mind, and so what they do not expect to find, at no alternative but to recogmze' -the ‘ much to deform the body! the expense of the Government, will factthatheprefers themoral andso- ■l.affnrrl -fine -ntel- nnrl oirmln™,,) cial status he has voluntarily assumed. —Albany Hews. ■ The Grand . States Circuit Court, at -savannan, ig- J ring the summer, nored the prosecution against Hon. I Linton Stephens for his course in re- Another wonderful invention is an- In Hlinois there is a woman under gard to the election in Hancock county nounced as having been perfected tt medical treatment - who has . a Eying- last December. The Savannah Bepub-1 Elgin, 111 It is a loom, capable oi snake in her stomach, and it lias been Ecan says that Mr. Stephens did not making cloth at the rate of two torn- “ tliere five years. At times the snake give himseE the least concern about dren and fifty to one thousand yards becomes exceedingly restless, as rif it the oase, and was quietly attending to per day, according - to texture and Ms professional duties at Atlanta while j quahty, with one-tenth - of the power ach of this human being, and will crawl the proceedings against Mm were be- employed by ordinary looms, and ca- up her throat, wMch throws the woman fore the jury in Savannah. It is con- pable of being so altered as to make mto spasmodic convulsions, her face fldsnt that all similar cases meet will a over ten million different styles of pat- turn black and her eye balls seem likeend in Georgia. terns. Itoccupies no more space than It is to be regretted, we think, that the ordinary loom, and docs away with, the case could not have gone far ; dl the preEminary processes needed enough to have eEcited a decision by in making -cloih, such as beaming, the Court against the constitntionaEty 1 sizing, spooKng, etc., and with the use of the “Election law" passed by the of shuttles, harness-and reeds. If it last Legislature.—Columbus Enquirer, performs as represented, it certainly ( t , ! must be a most wonderful invention, Putrid Beef is at present the aensa- iUld calcukted to I’evolutionize the tion in Boston. Where a State Legis- ^th-7naking business. Jatnre is in session, as that of Massa- The Bibb County Agricultural Soci- ichusetts now is, corruption of somt l ety lias decided to have'a county fab aort may be expected to exist. But on May 20th. The propriety of estab- Jw* much better off the Massachusetts fishing a factory for the manufacture P ipie must be than those of Georgia, of such fanning utinsils as are required who have a corrupt Bullock alwayB by our planters was discussed, but no WOng them !—Nine York Emrald. [ definite was taken in the matter. The letter from Judge Lochrane to enator" Trumbull, produced ‘ and read while Mr. Hill, was Upeakihg, is : in home respects, a Teihiirkable docti- ment. Tliough - as shifiy as a foXj assEppei-y as an eel, and as wise as an owl, we were not before aware that he realij held in Mgh esteem the two" leading traits of characier so distinctively de veloped in the career of his 'friend Blodgett. He is too . shrewd to have been imposed upon by the wily ; per jurer, and "his constant ; lookout for loose plunder and unguarded treasur. could not have over-looked the glittei- ing heaps jiurloined; and pocketed by his immaculate friend. It would he uncharitable, and we think, untrue to call the judge a fool, ;ind we have too much respect for the exalted station he holds at'present, to make| am application of the alterna tive; but he has wantonly and grossly Woodh ;U and Eer Mission. Yjctoria C. Woodhtdl, who lectured mByTaense last'Snnday- evening, talks very Confidently. That she is liberal tliere eaimot be mneh doubt. She re fused to take a penny from the Bad- ical.Glub for whom she lectured, al though that organization made a fair amount after paying all expenses. Victoria’s remark was characteristic: “What do T want of the money? I make $100,000- pbr month oiit of my bnEaness.” TMs is not a.bad .argu ment for woman’s abifityf(-SlOO,0Ob per month! Mis. .Wb.odhnE; left for New-York yesterday forenoon. Be fore leaving she made several affirma tions wMeli show the spirit and calibre that opponents of reform, must meet-. B-T^-What about .'' Mrs. W.—I am patting, up a new building in New.Y'ork, wMch is-tobt the headquarters of the movement. B.—What then? ' soon, where I ain engaged to lecture in-Landpn amd othex principal.- cities. When I return, I am going to stump the United States, and that includes Syracuse.-, ' : IL-^Cost something; will it not?: Mrs. W.—Yes, sir, it will. But I am able to stand the expense, and expec. to do it. It costs me now some §20,- OOO out. of pocket-for spreading the sentiments in wMch I so thorougMj believe. • . B.—They say tiiat Vandeibnilt and Gojfld : are,-tiie backbone of your offict in"New York. Mrs. W.—It - is not .true. I have nothing to do with them. I carry on my .business on my own responsibility. gpingte . sbqw up the social' evil in New ;York. I will make a; blow at the root of this evil. I wifi strike at those who-support, the.-institution. 1 am preparing" fOitethat now; --- They threaten to prosecute me, but let them .doit; I have money enough to de fend all suits that maj be instituted. Lhave no more ability to carry on th work ef reform .than some- other wo men; butimy position and capital give me advantages others do not possess I-devote my life and fortune to re forming the world. It is a life worl and one in which I shall succeed.—Sy racuse Standard. The Magnificent Receipts of Nil sson. TMs famed songstress gave a final concert in Baltimore on Monday night. On - her 'previous visit to that city, ths receipts of "the house for'two house; for two nights were over §8,000, r most.uhnsnal thing for that c-ity. .Yet that was a trifle compared with Nil sson’s- success elsewhere. At on< - matincevin'Bostpn. the receipts, were §8,200. For nine performances to Chicago—seven concerts and two ora tories—§54,000 were taken in. At Terre Haute, a tc.wn ; of less £hangg|k- 000 inhabitants, one house yielded §5,700. At Jacksonville, Illinois, n place' of .8,000 'inhabitants, §4,000 wae - taken in and the same amount at Peo ria, -a town of 20,000 inhabitants.— There never were such receipts be fore. Ho other icountiy- .in-the world has ever paid so high for a single per former, even in ' opera—much less in concert. Nilsson gets for her hun- dred nights §100^000,. and the expens? es of herself and large' domestic sui; all paid. Her share of extra profits is about §50,000 additional. Max Stri- koseh earns about §150,000 by hi- bold venture, which was at Ms risk, §50,000 haying been deposited ill t-h-r Bank ofEngland before Nilsson left Europe. ’irJmte of Be-pteL Hou3Ton Lodge, No. 35, F. A. M. ) Perry, Ga., April 7th. ) Again are wj called upon to record n )on our minutes the sad testimonial of death. Again called to mourn the death of a brother. Joseph S. Pugh, whose golden theads of fife were sev ered in twain by the relentless hand of fate, on Thursday night Mrreh 2, " Resolved, 1st.—That in the decease of'our "lamented brother Houston Lodge is deprived of a worthy mem ber and the fraternity of an exemplary brother., _ ? ^ . h - 2nct‘—That we tender ohr ’sincere condolence to liis mourning family, who by his death have been bereft oi a tender husband and kind parent . 3rd.:—Tha.t we.wear the usual badge ■to ■ thi ty days, and that- the ftumiture and jewels of the Lodge be draped in mourning, "as a tribute of respect and mourning for our : deceased; brother- 4th.—That we dedicate a blank page jf our Lodge book "to his memory; snd, commending Ms spirit to God, w< hope to meet him again in the Supreme Grand Lodge beyond the grave, 5thr—That this memorial be pub lished in the Houston Horn® Journal, md a copy of the same under seal be imished the family of our deceased brother. - J." B. Smith. B. M. Davis. T. M. Killen. Committee. A true extract from the minutes. Perry, Ga., April 21, 1871 Jno. S. Jobson, ' Secratary. The Flathead Indians are anxious to have one of their- tribe appointed a cadet at West Point. The proverb that “stolen kisses are weet” is deduced from the fact that hey axe generally stolen from lasses. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3:E*.<C&-CtrKPJS HOTEL Opposite Passenger Depot, MACON, GA., W. F. BROWN & CO.j Proprietors, Feed. A_ Bichauds, Clerk. W. A. EANKS* SONS, Na 43 Triangular Block, MAC OH, GEORGIA, Have just received A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF— Embroideries, Pique Trimmings, Bnfflings, Tucked Nainsooks, Dress Linens, etc. 10-4 IinenSheefings 5-4rP. C. Linen, ' BiasTuckings, Skeleton Corsets, Tucked Swiss, G. F. Corsets, Gloves, Fans, Hosiery, etc., in profusion. stock of Fancy and Staple- _ Dry° Goods is large and complete, and rar prices are guaranteed to be as low as iny house in the city. W. A BANKS & SONS, 43 Second St, Triangular Block, -,pr20-tf Macon, Ga. NOTICE! rno ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- JL All™ Robinson, colored,, sometime: -idling himself Bob Robinson, has eon- racted to work for - me the prcsait.year md has left my employment without cause i his is to warn all persons ngaiiist hiring min, as they will be prosecuted to the ex- t.-nt of the law. Ix M. HOUSEB. Perry, April 20, 187L Husband Wanted. A young lady 24 years of "age, with bln; -yes, ligbt haiq fair completion,. $5,000 in xish and of engaging manners wis'Ues to form the acquaintiince of-a gentleman not mder 30 with'd view t.o matrimony. Bef- ;i - ances required and "given. No prejndic. against widowers. Write full particulars, inclosing photograph, to “Eula Lee,’ Perry, Ga. ' Apl - 27-3t Miss McCORKLE, FASHIONABLE Millinery & Dress Malting . Fancy Goods, Notions, Trimmings, &c- All work done in the very, best style, and vatistaction gharanteed. Terms reasona ble. Give me a call at my new’ store. ro- ccnlly fitted up byMr, Cook. ap27 Notice to Wood Buyers. A LL persons are hereby notified not to xi. buy wood from tenants hying on the I Mation of Mr3. Mary M. Eagin, near Pc-itv. All wood sold from that place is stolen. E. K. EAGIN, ag’t. apr24-3t Twelve men may work a month to ty, mocks virtue; insults - frnth,- makes months at decency and embraces infa my. We write in profound sorrow, for our personal relations with bird of whom we write, have been , of - the kindest nature, and we thought , birr. better than Blodgett; but he putshim- self upon a level with a common per- ing mud and filth, spoE the work oi Ms.betters.- So one lying 1 tongue, 01 one meddling neighbor may by idle talk, dishonest speech and word-black ing, destroy or harmo ny of a neighborhood. The aggregate money value of thi land grant. to the Northern Paeifi Railroad is about §257,820,000. The total amount of the grant is 50,000, 000 acres—double the size of ' OM6, double the size of Holland and Belgi um together, and capable of support ing, eighty millions of j>eople. After all the to-do. about Utah, the Take Notice A LL per-ons an hereby warned not Lire Ephraim Blake, colored, who ow.under contcict to work for me the pres ent -year, and has left my employment without cause. Anybody, hiring him, will ee liable to prosecution, and will be prose cuted. J. P. BELV1N, apr25,1871-3t of her mouth spite- fu^r she eats'heartily, hut dare not eat pickles or anything sour, as the snake seems to go into spasms itself. The lation—806 More men than women. This looks as if there were a good deal, of political poiygammoning in the out cry over plural “ribs.”—World, A German, who has been natural ized in Wisconsin, wrote a letter -to : a. fellow-countrymdii recently wMch he said! “Oxkoose me dat I schreib yon in Englisch.- Ich habe so long stadt in Visconsin gewoUt, das ich alredy twise have gevofed, ” - - The use by royally of “we” instead of “I” is attributed to King John of England in 1100;. “We” don’t know the- name of the editor who first, used it' The Next. Peesedent.^Jnsfece-Da- Jesired to leave its den in the stom- yis of the Supreme Court of the'UM- „ AlxJx. 1 J m T ‘ . ana a resident of Illinois, is the latest mail talked of as the Demobratie" candidate' for-President in 1S72. He is a. conservative, and not an extreme Democrat. He is an During these spasms, the-snake -Rill uncle of the late Hon. Henry Winter Davis, of Baltimore," and a gentleman of fine abilities. Palis I:,t?ested with Caepet-Bag- gebs.-—Over four tiipnsand London thieves are said tobe in Paris, and the chief of the detective force of the for mer city is there watching them. These tMeves, like the carpet-baggers in the South, have probably been attracted Wonders will never cease. A fancy soap mine has been discovered near Iowa City. It is in the form of a min eral, performs all the duties of soap, and has an aromatic odor at that. Wei Modesty . in a woman is like- color trust there may be no lie about this on her cheek, decidedly becoming if discovery. not put on, : - I m |p SI iwntmnfrher'bnsiness.atherTetir to Paris in hopes of securing some bootv l ? enC3 above the Methodist Church, , . „ ■ , 0 ■ iormerlv known as tne. Ciimmtp- St.-,,,a during the troubles there. BLACK WALNUT LUE3BER, One Car Load Assorted, For Sale by JONES &, BAXTER Coni, Oats, Hay, etc. 20C0 bush As choice 571116 Com, 5uU busnas Tennessee Oa s, 200 bales Timothy and Clover Hay, 300 bu. • Bolted and AVater Ground Me 0.030 pounds Wheat Bran, !5 buk-GoV Peas, (speckled and yellow), On consignment and for sale cheap by " “ BAXTER. JONES ABA Eacon! Bacon! Bacon! 50,000 lbs. G. B. Sides - and Shoulders just received and ten - sale at reduced prices by .7. JONES & BAXTER. Eiour! Hour! Flour! 40 barris ^q.White -Bose” Choice Fanffly, 40; barrels VWhite Lilly,” Choice-Extra, For "sale at luw prices by JONES & BAXTER. Cheap Whisky, Tobacco etc 45 barrels low pr’ced Whisky, -30 boxes cheap, sound Tobacco. 30 barrels Molasses. Sugar, Coffee, Seap, Candles, etc. For sale by ,..-3. - ap-2o-ti - - .TONES iDAXTEB. LATEST SPRING STYLES. BS. CHOATE DESIRES TO INFORM . her friends and customers who have so liberally pafr-onized her in the past, that she will continue her business ar her resi- ibrmerly known as the Carpenter Stand. Dresses made in any style- desired: prices moderate: all my work warranted; good fit ting a specialty. I have a small lot of trim mings which l am offering low. Give me a call. TERMS CASH. - Mbs. S. C. CHOATF. C. P. GUILFORD & CO., MACON, GA., Are State Agents, for those Celebrated FLORENCE REVERSE-FEED SEWiHG iAOHiNES, WHICH HEM, ' FELL, COED, BRAID, TUCK, QUILT, BIND, DARN, GATHER, And Gather and Sew on without Bast ing. Also Agents for the WO ELD SEE O WEED BELL-TSESLE js'ar. Xrotris IIxAXKJHSii SMOTHERS? PIANOS, DAY & GORpON Are now receiving a large ana well selected stock of , Spring Dry Goods Of every description; a fine assortment of fT^jblothing, Hats, &c. We call special attention to our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Of all the latest stiles, which we promise to sell CHEAP. Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet Articles, dec. - SUGAR AND COFFEE Of the best grades kept constantly on hand. mli30-tf ■ , DRUGS, DRUGS} A FINE LOT OF . . Tenness0,Smolietl Bacon Hams, Sides and Shoulders.- C O It IV . New Orleans and Georgia CANE SYRUP. jZ-S-With i DRY GOODS, HATS. BOOTS, SHOES CROCKERY,. Ac. For. sale bv WIGGINS A api3.-lrn * Fort Yaiiey, Ga. N. B. Town Tax Payers T he assesment on re.vl and pc-rsohal property in Perry for 1871,, h row due, and : the-Tax Book Will remain pen until the first of July next; at the ~ T ice of Killen & Martm. EDWIN MARTIN, April 10 -oow2m Clk A Treas. CARHA T & CURD, DEALERS IN llanhvare. Iron &' Stee; PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Cotton and Corn Sweeps, Macon, Georgia Of Rl'O si . S 05 • 5 5. r-J' " (b ® CQ- 5 0) to (b rt - ; ^ T'j o§ e .ft 9 ^ ^ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in. M TJ S T O MUSICAL MERGHANOiSE. p 1 an o s Sold On Instalments LIBERAL DISCOUNT To Teachers, and the Trade generally. Cerculaes and Pbice Lists sent free on application. G. P. GUILFORD Sc. CO., 84 Mulberry St, - - - Macon, Ga MARTIN & COLYER, FORT VALLEY, - - GEORGIA Wholesale and retail dealers In GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Grain of all kinds, Tobacco, Segars, .Liquors, Candy, Flour, Meal, . Coffee, Tea, _ Sugar, Salt, Canned Fruits, Tin and Wooden Ware, All pf which will be'sold vey low.for Ca hi Give us a call. - m?!3l)-3m PLANTERS’ BANK, FORT VALLEY, GA. Authorized Capital, $200,000 DXDEE CHAItTEB PBOS£ THE STATE. Receives Deport ti, discounts Paper burs nd sells Exchange, also Gbld and Siivrn:. Collections made atalL accessible points. •V. J. Animason, - .7. E. Bhows, - - - - President.' - - - Cashier. W. J. Anderson, Col. Hngh L. Dennard; Ym. R. Brown, Dr. WaL A. Mathews Jr. W. H. Hollingshead.; mh2-3m li <3S A The Great American Health Restorer! l-';-,,--,/- "Pnrifiea the blood and - cores Scrofula, Sy philis, Skin Diseases, Bheumatism, Diseases of Women, and aii Chronie Affections oi the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Kecom- mended bv the Hedieal Faculty and many thousands of onr best citizens. Bead the testimony of Physicians and patients who have used Bosadalis; send for onr Bosadalis Guide:to Health Book, or Almanac for this year, which we publish for gratuitous distribution; it will give yon mnch valuable information. Dr. E.-W. Carr, of Baltimore, says* I take pleasure in recommending" your x-pSADAUS “ a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with happv results—one in a case of secondary syphi lis, in which the patient pronounced him self cured after Laving taken five bottles of your medicine. The other is a case of scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly improving under its use,and the indications- ‘ are that the patient will soon recover; .1, have carefully examined the formula bv whi«*h your Bosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative ingre- Dr. Sparks, of Nicholasville, Kentucky, says he has used Ecsiislis in cases of Scro- ;nla and Secondary Syphilis with satisfac-- *>vx results—as. a cleaner of the blood, I know no better remedy. ^ j WSpQgGgKfr'/-' . Samuel G. McFadden. of Murfreesboro V Tenn., says: ' " I have used seven bottles of Bosadalis. and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who has scrofulous sore eyes. Benjamin Bechtol, of Tama, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty yerrs with an in veterate eruption over my whole body; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Bo sadalis and it effected a perfect cure. Bosadalis is sold by all druggists. Office, So. 5 Commerce street Baltimore. Clement. & 3o Proprietor.. Fob Sale m Pebbt. et Dr- J.C GILBERT. mehS- Dr. J. C. GILBERT’S Is the place to buy PURE and TJVinn- TERATED MEDICINES. HE SELLS AT MACON PRICES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. dec28-tf o p al and Japan VAJHgTSfgr AT. J. C. .GILBERT’S DRUG SI0BE, dee 28-tf - Window Glass and Patty I FOR SALE BY { -Lte. «r. o. g-xubert, ■ dec 28-tf CROCKETT MACON, GA., Bnild &on Railings for Grave Lotn, Pnlfi i Squares, Ac.; make HORSE PO WER SA W MILLS, Grist Mills, Portable Engines, Iron mi Brass Castings of all kinds. mk30—3m E. CROCKcTT. PER LIKE TVe will insert an advertisement O N E- M O N X II In Thirty-four first-class GEOEGMKEWSPAPffl Including Five Bailies. 'We refer to the publisher of this paper fcMtf our responsibility is well known. L.IST JSJSXJT "eW^ER Address GEO. P. ROWELL & CO, ADVEKTISIXG AUEhTS, NOS. iO AND II PAJIK BOW, NEW VOBD ^ DUBLON & DREYFOUSr WHOLES AXE DEALEBS Df E0EEIGH AND DOMESTIC IIQTJORS, WINES ETC., ETC., Third Street) ADJOINING J. COIXESS A SON'S WAKEHOtS I MACON, GEORGIA. decl7-3xu ABBETT’S LIVER MEDIC®' A SAFE AND. CEffTAIN CEB? For all kinds of LIVER COMPLAINTS, -And ail diseases and indisposition* 1 originate from a diseased state orin*c By of the liver, such as Chronic and Acute JL. I V E B DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, boo* XFSS OF 1‘HK STOSIACH, LOWS® 3 or .spif.tts, cholic, cosnvu- Fever and Ague, Bilious FeT® Dropsy and Jaundice. This Medicine is pnrel; AND PERFECTLY HAEMLESS, But it* efflracy is too per lishetl in the Southern and Western * to require further recommendation. ^1 Tha wise will give it a trial—tWi j that is asked.. PRICE ONE DOLLAR Sent by mail on receipt of price. CRAWFORD * WALK®*’ PBOPBIETOSS, WEST POINT, - - ‘ GI0SGli For >ale byiff d' .t-ly