The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, May 25, 1871, Image 2

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The Houston Home Journal j AU tlio Difference. PERRY, GA., MAY 25, 137L -We.send a copy of this paper to a number of persons who are not sub scribers, .as an invitation to them to become such; We hope they will respond. Take Notice.—Transient advertis ing .must be paid for in advance. Don’t send a notice to be published, .with the .m^ssagejAtl’ll send the money in a jfeiv days. ” It will not be inserted with out i the' cash. This yule applies to everybody except the business men of IVrry, and it will be strictly adhered Editorial.—We would really like .to give onr readers a rousing editorial •leader tbis week, but at this time,, .which set set apart for that purpose, the weather is so hot . and the editor is so sleepy, he can’t think of anything to write. Good people, if you are really disappointed at not-finding a good editonal right here, just sit down and. •look oyer your Bibles; you will doubt less find something there almost as .good as what we would have written. As for news—The Nationals hav< entered Paris, and fighting is going on daily in that jnuiiisfs, pr insnrcctionists, are being, d -featell at every step, andihe.slajigh; t is .reported to be terrific. We Jiope that peace may soon settle down on unhappy -France' and tliis dreadful can age ei ase. • . ; . t/ryv, Bullock, dra t him! has com- raenyy'jl his K.tirElux proclamations .againt i i o gim-iboats have appeared on Big Indian this week; the'ghats are becoming a nuisance iu Perty, cotton . js Nvoi’fih bti cents, strong, and our u vil lias washed his face. Amen. ‘ Railroad Mkktixo.—As there was; no court this week the. railroad greet ing was postponed. 'It will.take place next Wednesday, if court is m session; if not, then it will; be held on the iJVcdne&diiy of court week. Mr. JPow- ors has submitted another proposition namely: that- if the people jhere will make a voluntary contribution of. six .thousand dollars, theroadwil bebuilt at once to Peny; and for three thous and live hundred nloie, it- will be carried to Haynevillc. Make up this n mount-, citizens; make it up, obi make it u;i! It is so e:isy to get the Rail- m d. let’s have ip. —-- ■-.. SurKKtoii C(;ritT.—IJuite a large number of-people came to JPerry last JJondny to attend Court, but a message w .s rc.ceived.from Jnjfea Cole, adjourn ing court. to next Monday, on account .of his illness, and the jurors agd .other .parties'in.torested went home! again, not well pleased at losing a day ’s'work foi; nothing. We sincerely'hope, and; so saying," we echo the Sentiuient-of .the entire commiinirt, that theMudgi- . will soon recoyier fiSftnSgS sickness and in the evening, aiid : be able to resume Ms Mu ties. We are informed tlvatia daughter of- ,T.ohu _R.. C. Abbott, the .yell known jhistoriuu, is teaching a freedmeii’S school in Macon, - Thanks.'—Our tjpuiks -nre-l hereby given t. > -Messrs. W. C. Singleton,'.W. W. Collins, JL-ZE-- Grimes, J.-A. Pugh and iteniy Hendee, .Cojiynittee, for an invitation to the Basket Pic-aic of the Macon Reading and S ’cial Club. 11 business did not compel us to remain .at home. ye. should orteud yith much pleasure. From the names of all the committees, we feel sure it will he a delightful occasion. We’d like to read phe inside of some of those.^baskets,” and associate a little with the contents ■ • krir^i- '.‘a : ———»*■«. =- r The Confederate iron steamer Ala- b.vr.a was paid lor by two hundred and ninely Southern gehtlSmeh—hence t.r« *“2U0.” In all her cruises'she cap- ,uu--'d sixty-four . vessels owned by TforUiern merchants. ' The New Tor nominate G§n. date forthgjPr said that the reports of Ku-Klux'out rages iu the South have been exagger ated, and has expressed the belief that the passage pf the Force bill was un called for and unnecessary, as, ..well... as unconstitutional. . - The Herald forgets that when Presi dent Grant was General of the Army he expressed similar views; .while, now that he is President and a candidate" for re-election, he sees things in a very different light, and thinks-it indispen sable to his own peace of mind that he should lie vested with dictatorial pow- " mWI c'd from Gen. Sherman’s present posi tion, if is probable he would still be of Gen. Sherman’s present opinion. Georgia News. j Tliomasville has subscribed $2,100 from API, ouu exchanges. j to the Methodist Orphans’ Home. ; Brooks eountv claims a population of ■ A'Eufglar alarm gnn lsAhaAatest At- P,SX). She produced last year 6.000 j lanta improvement. i bales of cotton, a large surplus of pr«^ ! £>is: desperate neglo crfmim Matthew Marris, at Davis benzmery, twelve miles from Athens, one night hit week. Baker county juvjpiles are uncom monly “spry.” Two of •them aged 8 and 12 years respectively, and black apd white,, as to color, stole a horse and boggy last week and were arrested in Bainbridge. Collector Robb yesterday expressed to the Secretary of the Treasury §41- - rr 000 in gold, received as import du ll Grant had never been promote . fln .? _ ^ Nesro Voters in Indiana. grafigMEfapljy;.- The Nashville Union and American says: i ^ who voted the'Democratic .ticket was beaten and egged as he left the polls by a number of negro bullies whp were employed by a white Radical to do the work.' About fifteen other negro men, who ihten’dfed'”voting the Democratic ticket were deterred from going to the polls by this exhibition of Kn-ZKlux ruffianism. Had this occurred/in a Southern city to a Radical negro, it would have been held a sufficient cause to have called for military interference. It shows that the negro is not-tb. be al lowed to vote the Democratic .ticket in the North any more than in the South. The Radicals do not intend that the ne gro shall exercise in the right of a free man in the matter of voting.” ♦.* — Advice of an Old Lady. Now, John, listen to me, for I'am old er than you, or I coujdn’t be your eiother. Never do you marry a young woman, John, before you : have con trived to happen' where she lives at a, efJ_.-x.-_.- ties on. Tuesday last. This is one of the largest days recipts at the Custom House in many years.—Savannah Ad vertiser. An earthquake Ea^urday morning, at Augusta, kicked np a tremendons hobbeiy among the sinners of that sleepy town. Two. distinct shocks were felt; It was noticed that next, day there was an unusually large atten dance at the various churches. The little daughter of Sir. J, H. Ot to, of Macon, was drowned on Friday morning in a tub of water, - Some horseman has paid, five thou sand dollars for a half intererest in the: celebrated Georgia trotter Bis marck;. Albany received twenty-three thour sand nine hundred and twenty-four bales of cotton from September 1st, 1870, to May 1st, 1871. Rev. Mr. Smith, of Dalton; will lec ture in that place shortly in behalf of Miss.-Rosalie, sister of Edgar Allan Poe. In Walker county, oii the’ pth inst., M A Ellison shot and kflted. F. M. Coulter. Ellison is in jaiL A T. Stewart, of New York, has re cently ordered rtvelve hundred pairs of the celebrated cotton blankets -made in Colmnbus. lie new/Catholic Church in Atlanta least four or five times before break* fast./ You should know how late she lies in bed in the morning. You should take notice whether her complexion; is the same in the morning Wit is imthe evening, or whetlierth’e wash aind tow el have robbed .her of Ijer evening bloom.' You Would take' care to. sur prise her, so. tbiit youcan see her momr ingrdi-ess,*'and observe how . her hair looks when, she is not expecting you. 'If possible, you should be where you could hear the morning . conversation between her and her mother. If. We is ill-natured and snappish to her mother, bo We‘will be to ypu, depend on it. But if you find her'up and dressed neatly in the morning, with the lending a hand to get ready in good season, she is a stunner, John, and the sooner you get her to. yourself the better. \ - Daniel Webster said of Agriculture: •‘No man is so high as to be. indepen dent of the success of this great inter est; and no is so low ; asbiot to be affected by its prosperity or decline.— The cultivation of the earth is the most 11 important.labor of inah/ ” ' by the sometMng he had in Ms pocket. It was a knife, wMch, being of no use in Ms pocket, he stuck it into the school- master’s leftside. The sWoolmaster’s heai:twas so much affected by this cutting reminder that he at once gave ear to that boy, and has never lifted any little boys since. B 11 Near Fort Valley, May 22, 1871. Mb. Editoe:—Last week I traveled over a portion of Houston, .Bibb, and Macon, counties, and regret to say everything- so far as my Observation reaches, relating to crops presented almost an impenetrable gloom. While in Macon, I saw but few business trans- . actions^ though the .city is . improving > Gf Baltimore, for at a rate to indnce one * to believa . ^ •• ; ''- 0l!0 - This is for newspaper adver- - twenty cents for cotton next faff The Superior Com-t of Ma con county was in session last week— l£ev\— AnvmmsrNG Gonteact.—Dr. • William H. Tutt, the'“Great Medicine Man,” of Augusta, Ga., 'concluded an advertising contract, a few days since, vitii Messrs.. Griffin & Hoffman, Ad- i for newspaper adver tising alone, andembraces-all thefirst- . class papers in the United States and British Provinces. In addition to the : hove,Mr. Pughe, of Augusta, is engag ed in printing i;000,000 -Almanacs for Dr. Tutt, who is distrihntiug them gra tuitously from Maine to California.—■ Thus it will be seen what an immense business Dr. Tutt is building up, and how liighly he appreciates the value Of advertising and the liberal use of Print er’s Snk. We are glad to know that Ms enterprise is being crowned with, success. His printing expenses for .this year will amprixJt to over, fifty .tliousand dollars. - -There is an ehei^ry ip the keeping of boarding houses in Arkansas quite un known elsewhere. The proprietor of a private hostelry in a town of that State, having heard ffe.qnent eopplaint from his boarders about the regular recur rence of hash, prepared himself to crush the rebellion's spirit. At the next jnnrnmg meal he placed two revolvers beside Ms plate, and remarked, “Who soever says he don’t like hash lies.”— : He then.began distributing hagh, and no man declined it. Most young men consider it a great misfortune to be born poor, or not to have capital enough to establish them selves, at their outset in life, in a good comfortable business. This is a mistak en notion. So far from poverty being a misfortune to them, if we may judge from what jye every day behold, it is really a blessing; the chance is more th n ten to one against him vho starts wifli a fortune. the'able cbiinselofs in attendance were Attorney General. Farrow,. Willis B. Hawkins, Samuel Hall, W. S. Wallace, Wiri> IF. Robinson, - (3ias. ‘ T. Goode, Phil Cook, Eli Warren and others.— The farmers of-Macon county are fully up with the culture of their crojis, in wMch particular they beat Houston :md Bibb; but at the same time cannot boast' of 'an advanceiii'growth.'of cropk The public roads in Macon county, more especially west of Flint River, are in spendid condition, which I think speaks well for John L. Parker, ordinary, commissioners, overseers, hands and all concerned. Houston county, will you not emulate the ex ample of Macon, and give us good roads? Oglethorpe, the the county site ‘ of Macon, is rather in a dilapidated con dition, but nevertheless is doing her share of business. Montezuma, for its size, has ho rival as a business town. Marshally|ile also is a flourish ing village. In good old Houston, public roads ns a general thing, are in very bad order, and we would say (grand) jurors look npon the roads; roads cannot look upon jurors. Truly, etc. Naqap. visions, and her debt is small. criminals escap ed. from Bibb county jail cm Wednes- f M- W. Park was shot and killed by. day. _ i'U - , . T», Rev. W. T. Brantley, ofAthu peceived a call to the pastors’ Baptist Church in Baltimore, - The buggy-stealers are operating in Jefferson comity. The Commereiid says the taxable projoerty of Rome in 1870 was §1,359- 533, and in 1871 1,395,100. ■The Eagle and Phoenix Manufactory of Columbus has received six hundred and sixty-eight bales of cotton that have pot parsed through the warehous es. A Gwinnett county mail, ip order to get Ms name in the’papers,ate fifty eggs at one meal. The name duly appeared, but it was at the head of an obituary. , a , him: “Where would you be now, Paddy, if the devil had his due?”— Faith,” replied Paddy, “I’d be walk ing by mysdf to New York.” rjEORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.—George W. VI Bcssett has applied fcr exemption of person- a'tv, and I will pass npdirtKe same on the 7th day. of June, 1871, at ten o’clock, A. M., at niy office.-* -- May 25, 1871. W. T. SWIFT, O. H. C. will soon be.cp.mpletedjit will be one of the handsomest church edifices in the Soutlp . Atlanjta thinks her sales during the past year will foot-up twenty-five mil lions of dollars. _ Tivo suflrage-slingers in Pike county wejre,drowned : recently .in attempting to rob ntrothne on Flint river. lie ;Rome Commercial is publishing Bullock’s proclamations on cohdiriohs. Any compensation which may be re ceived for. them in., excess of-. §800 is to be returned to the State Treasury.— Grady winds, up his -_ explanation in this, lively manner: “We believe that Rufus Beelzebub Bullock is the com- pletest yillian that ever sat in official chair. we believe that he has stolen thonsands upon thousands of . dollars same countenance,'the same smile,.ih'e. Horn the treasury ; we believe that it is "same neatly combed bnfrj fbe same in a xt.a.—~ T ready and; pleasant answer to her moth- — which characterized . her deportm ent the-righteous duty on the coming Leg islature to impeach the scoundrel and kick him out of the sight of honest men; and, that’s all we have to say up on the subject of proclamations and public;plunder. ” The Bainbridge Sun says that young lawyers, fleas, hnd. snap-beans are flourr idling thereabouts. . - Mrs. SaIHe-James, of Pierce - county, and her husband, though only in mod erate circumstances, have raised twen ty-seven orphan - children, and given to each a start in life, besides raising a large family .of their own. “Lovick Pierce College” is the name of an institution of learning which itis proposed to. establish, in Quitman. . The Quitman Banner -says: “The Savannah .News gives marriages under the . head of ‘matrimonial experi ments.’ They publisb them in Macon as •horrible accidents.’. We. expect to publish them as ‘happy mistakes.’ ” Wm. Boges, an orphan -bpy, living in Hall county, was instantly killed on Tuesday by the accidental discharge of his gun. “Bismarck,” the Macon trotter, is on his way to the. North, where he is ex pected to distinguish Tnmqplf An Augusta mother wants to know if a. teacher has a right to paddle a pupil at a pic-nic. She endeavored to test the msitter in a justice’s court, but the result was unsatisfactory. Dr. Westmoreland, of Atlanta,-has been sentenced to ten years inthe pen itentiary for shooting Dr. Redwine, but his counsel will argue- for a new trial. A relation of Foster Blodgett, rejoic ing in the cheerful soubriquet of Shade Judge James M. Clark presiding.— The trial of Jrtolsenbake, charged with' _S. Pardue, is passing counterfeit mon- tlie murdca: of Geo- /W. Edi, of Ogle thorpe employed nearly all the - week, ey in Augusta. The Radical Kn-Klux are operating the accused was found guilty. Among in Pickens county. A colored Demo- Induca all your neighbors to sub- i scribe for .he Houston Home Journal. crat named Andy Gwin had Ms house burned recently, and two other colored Democrats were badly beaten at the sametime. The RadicalDepnty Sher iff of the county was the leader of, the Ku-Kluxes. The lightning struck a negro woman in Merriwether county last week, and glanced off and killed a mule with which .she was plowing. The woman was unhurt, of course. A Fort Gaines man, in expressing an opinion that the place is health; cheerfully inrites the public toinspe the grave-yard. Two negroes in Cuthbert had a playful little row last Friday, in wMch one carved the ether in suoh a manner that he was the chief attraction in a fu neral procession wMch took place the next day. Colored sisters-in-law in Thomasville bring tbeir relations to terms with a spade. A homed frog, all the way from Tex as, has been added to the museum of the Thomasville Enterprise. Cartersrille had a female lecture last Monday night. Mr. N. C. Monroe, of Griffin, recent ly lost a little boj, who was bom the same hour and day, and died the same -hour and day as his grandfather, the Hon. Nathan C. Monroe, of Macon. A Yankee was. walking withanIrish- NEW rjEOEGIA, HOUSTON. COUNTY/ -Mrs. H. A. As "Peurifoy, wife of A. W. Penrifoy. has peft'dn-" ed for exemption of personalty and eett'ng apart mid:—’—»■—— ’ ^eA.^it ! mFofflbS'"W€ W. T. SWIFT, - O. H. C. Wliit% Wire Clothes Line,, Braided and iifeim Warranted .not to mat or inhire/clothe* in ionf way/ For a*5e by / ' F- W DOBSON, f . mli30-tf Perry, Ga. GL'ANOI GUANO! PPPENIX GUANO, r AND PLASTER COMPOUND, - WILCOX GIBBS * CO. MANIPU LATED GUANO. I am offering ihe above well known standard fertilizers for cash or bn ' time it'*£ tEATLY REDUCED. PRICES to correspond with the low price of cotton: ' 'I:■' ■ -. C. D. ANDERSON, Fort Valley, Ga dec!7-tf. DU. OMEs - S. ffOESOKT, D E N PERRY, TAM . T I ST, - - - GEORGIA, HAWKKSYILLE, GA, He will spend the first half of each month-in. Ms. office in Perry oyer the old Drug Store,-and one fom th, hr the; ■nd valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon- latter .half of each month will be gi veri ?l^ e X O ^ttmY h 0 at ten ‘ ^ Mspracticc h Mrs. Hudspeths, ESff'ATtTxTSiTrBm X3KT 1852. . . .. THE MOORE COTTON GIN ! Also-, A Qeriuine Pattern of the GRISWOLD GIN. FORMERLY AT DOUBLE WELLS, GA. j -fuTiT rpHE undersigned, having resumed the manufacture of the above Gin, propose to. make it what it JL what it was before the war—-the Favorite of the South.. Our work stands upon its own merits, and we think this a sufficient guarantee. We have secured the services of some of the best mechan ical talent in the Northern shops, in addition to some of n the best workmen fropi the shop of .tlie late Samuel Griswold., Mr. Chas. Gardner, who served eight years* appienticesliip under E. Carver &: Co. East Bridgewater, Mass., and who was employed as Superintendentof the Double-Wells Shop from the commencement of the maunfactiie of the Moore Cotton Gin, until its suspension, is again at his poffL'and will give each gin his personal inflection before it leaves the shop. In calling the attention of planters to our Cotton Gins, we desire that they should notice the im provements that we offer,.which.are substantially as follows: For obtaining any inclination of the Gin Bib or Grate, is used; the object of which is to improve in* /the quanti^yr ginned,, or lessen tiie quantity and improve the quality of thalint. Also, to gin damp or -wet-cotton fo alter -tha picking or separating the lint from the seed—either to take more lint off. or less lint from the seed, as circumstances require. We use both the common Roll Box and a Swinging Front. The latter is arranged to let out all the seeds and hulls in a moment and is very easily managed. THE CIN We make, cannot be excelled by any hair brush used. The bristles are all drawn in by a cord, and the timber is all selected from the best lumber, well seasoned; and every bruslLis made perfectly fire and rat proof. ri a v: f s .: A «. n & , CY Ll NDER ANJ>- 'BRUSH BOXES CIN S A W S;. We make all the Saws that we use from the best English Cast’ Steel, and of ary size, .that may ~be de sired. We employ, to superintend and; manulactiue our .saws; one of the best saw-makers hi tie South; and our machinery* for the manufacture of Gin Saws cannot be excelled We are the oiily successful manufacturers of this useful and important invention—tlie Cotton Gin with the Cotton Seed Crushing Mill attached. It will hardly be necessary hero to allude to the immense saving and economical use of crushed cotton seed as a manure. We received a gold medal as a pre mium from the Irfir.of .the. Ccttpn Planters’ Convention, held jn Macon,. Ga,; I860, for the best Cotton Seed Crashers attached to tlie Gih J Stand, to crush the seed as fast as it esrtaxicB from the BolL We refer to some of the many certificates that we have on the subject TRIAL OF THE C1NS. We keep constantly on hand seed cotton and all ginsarejxied before leaving the shop, old or now ones. REPAIRtHC OLD CIM3. TVe haveja. complete assortment of the very i^esf Cotton'Gm Machinery in the country, and make repairing old "gins a specialty. Planters will do well to .send their old gins and have them made as good as new at a much less cost than a new Gin bought for. Send on your orders and old gins early. We are authorized by Messrs. Findlay’s Sons to receive orders for Findlay & Craig’s Screw Cotton Press, and Craig’s Portable Horse power, and Castings generally. For particulars send for Circular and Price last ~ v>. SAWYIilR' & KO0H72, FTFDEaYS ZD?OF' works, macor, ga. ma25 iiuml G 0 TO THE PALACE DOLLAR STORE! In Brown House Block, MACON, GA. A. FEWSUPPLY _QFG/}DJ>S RECEIVED EVERY DAY FROM ATEW YORK. ma2 5 Z0UI&B.. A H. HlGtttOWEB,: Jast-eeD. Andeews, f GENTS’ LINEN CLOTHING, At D. EEMPNEB’S AND CHILDREN’S \ Clotli and 1 eather Boots and Shoes! AT.U. KEMPNER’S^a^^^ THOSE BEAUTIFUL . ? '■ ’ ues, Alpacas, Percales, Grenadines, Lenos, Japs, silk Striped Poplins, etc., ■ Can i;e pqund oney at J). KEMPNER w* m.: V A Xi! J. D. MARTIN, Watchmaker and Jeweler Axid Dealcrin WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Has removed to tke old favorite comer, ai joining Rice & Killen’s, where.he ivill be lileased to wait on all having business in his line.^ . um Still Ahead of All Competition ! ! i THOS. WYNNE’S Improved Open-throat, Curved-breast, Doable -X, Sdl-ribbed-deaning-seed, Pre mium hiidDiploma Cotton Gins/ Manufactured by THOS. WY2CSE, near Bd Air, Richmond Gmnty. Ga. .Short-Staple Gin, with attached-ciide fine. Upland Long and Short Staple Gin, with attached circle fine. Common- Ribbed Gin, with same attach ment. . - . - %£" AU Sizes Made to Order. m!8-3 The Paper Sot The People! LATEST SPRINC STYLES. II OS. GHOATE DESIRES TO INFORM ill her fiiendstind customers who have so liberally patronized her in the past, that she wfil' continue her business at her resi dence just above the Methodist Church, formerly known as the Carpenter Stand. . - Dresses made in.any style desired;prices moderate; aU my work wairanted; good fit ting a specialty.-I-h'ave a small lot of trim mings which ! am pffering low. • Give me $20,000 offered for New Subscribers The Atlanta Constitution. W. A. HempkiiP& Co.. Prop’rs. f _j.. j? ji fz'& ti'i'S '' Daily, per anntnn,..§10.00 “ six;xnontiis,. 5. Ot). Weekly, per aimum,.7. .§ 2.00 Payable in Advance. 0 0 OK’SHALL. THE PERRY THESPIAN CORPS Win again appear before the public OX Tuesday, May 31, 1871 m the 3 THEILLING TRAGEDY ENTITLED THE ROBBERS; And will conclude with the side-split- - ting Farce, i ~ ♦« COUSIN JOE’S VISIT. Wednesday, J«ne lost, They will present the UNRIVALLED . POPULAR DRAMA, ' .. THE/ ., INNKEEPER OF ABBEVILLE, ; AND THE MOST LAUGHABLE NEGRO FARCE ~ \ EXTANT, THE TICKET TAKER. ApaHSSiON. ,.V.N.,"..... .50 cents. HALF TTGKETS.........25 cents. RESERVED SEATS ..75 cents. Door opens at 71 o'clock P. M. and Performance commence at 8. Tickets can lie'secured at the fol lowing-places: Rice’&'Killen’s, J. W. Mann’s, E. ZL. Felder’s and T. J. Ca-. .tor’s stores. Hal-l-2t We propose to sell this first-class Fcrtilii zer for 400 Pounds Low /Middling Cotton, @.G O.OO, Per ton,:payable.November 1st Now is 'tbs'time to get a genuine article oh liberal terms. -For sale - by CROCKER, MATHEWS & CO., FORT; VALLEY, GA. mh9-tf SLACK WALNUT LUMBER. For Sale by JONES .& BAXTER. Corn, Oats, Hay, etc.. 2000 bushels choice White Com, - 500 bushels Tennessee Oats, 200 bales Timothy and Clover Hay, 300 bn. Doited and Water GroundMeai 10,000 pounds’Wheat Bran, 75 bn. Cow Peas, (speckled and yellow), On consignment and for sale cheap bv • JONES & BAXTER. Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! 50,000 lbs. C. R. Sides and Sbonlders just received and for sale at reduced prices by / :. JONES & BAXTER. y KS& SONS utiful Assortment of Spring Prints, I"" Piques, Lawns, Ma. nijp Bltoched Goods, Cottonades, linen Diapers, etc., etc., SECOND STREET, HAC0R, . GEORGIA. maylStf V/M. BRUNSON, DEALER E? &J . O C E. p I E S CONFKCTIONEBIES, AND AGENT FOB ALL THE APPROVED KINDS OF <3-.Tr A. KT O. persons indebted to me willplease come forward Jiiid make immediate pay ment. as I ut-ed Uie monev to carrv on my bnsiness. WM. BRUNSON jan2t!-tf DE-LLEHS IX Hardware, Iron & Steel, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Cottcu and Com Sweeps, Macon, - - - - treorgia. mLJO- in rtfiARTiN & COLYER, FORT VALLEY, - - GEORGIA, - WV/Lsale. and-rttadl'dailers in GE0CEJ-i& : ,PROVISIONS, Grain of aU kinds, Tobacco, Stgam, Liquors, Candy r Flour, Mad, Coffee,Tea, Sugar, Salt, R. C. WILDER & SON, STEAM SASH FACTORY, MACON, GA., Tli if d St. nexJ to. Artopfs Marble Yar^ HAJTCFACTDBEES'or DOORS, . SASH; BLINDS, T MOULDINGS, BRACKETS . grveftto Cottage and public Houses. Roi your orders, mall-tf ■Satifaction'fpiamnleed. R. C. WILDER 4 SOX. DRUGS,- DRUGS! Dr. J. C. GILBERTS Is the place to buy PURE and UNADUt ‘DERATED MEDICINES. HE SELLS AT 3IACCX PPJCES. CALL AND BUY YOUR SUPPLIES TERMS STRICTLY CASH. dec28-tf C o p al and Japan i ....; ’ ■■ i- _ VAHSTISH, AT J. C. GILBERT’S DP.UG STOKE, dee 28-tf Window Glass and Fatty FOR SALE BY Ur. a-. O. G-XtiEEHT. dec 28-tf Tin and Wooden. Wai All Of which will besold vey low for Cash. Give us a Cali; ' mh30-3m PLANTERS’ BAJVTK, FORT VALLEY, GA. Authorized Capital, • - - - $200,000 cxDEh cn.vr.TEC moil the sis is. Eeccn-es DeppsiLs, discounts Paper, bays .inJsells ExcEahge.'atso Gbld and Silver. Collections, made at all accessible points. W. J. Andebson,' -W. E. Beows, - - - President. - - Cashier. PIEECTOES: CROCKETT - Works, ■ ALA CON, GA. , Bniid Iron Eailiugs for Grave Lots Public Squares, - &k; nuke HORSE P'OWER SA W MILLS, Grist Mills, Portable Engines, Iron and . Brass Castings of (ill hinds. mh'.lO 3m E. CROCK.-IT. DUSLOfi & DrtEYFOUS, wwnr.ykAT.F. DEALERS XX FOREIGN ANT) DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES, ETCm ETC., Tiiird Slxeet, ADJOINING J. COLLINS A SON’S WAEEHOCSE MACON, GEORGIA. A decl7-3m " * T? Wm A ^ T.. ABBETT’S LIVER KEBiCHE Wm. R. Brorni, Dr. Wm. A. Mathews Dr. W. H. Hollingshead., mh2- 3ni R osadLalis! A SAFE AND CEiaCilN I D Flour! Flour! Flour! 40 barrels “White Rose” Choice Familv, 40 barrels “White Lilly,” Choice Extra, 200 sacks Tennessee Extra Family. For saleat low prices by JONES & BAXTER. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE BEST STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER P B I N T S. Call and examine them at D. KEMPNEtt’S BBIGK STORE, Penar Ga ..* :/' - . .. - Cheap Whisky, Tobacco etc; | 45 barrels low priced Whisky, 30 boxes cheap, sound Tobacco. 30 barrels Molasses. 'Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Candles, etc. For sale by «prft5-tf . JONES £ BAXTER. i ... s For all kinds of \> LIVER CO P/I PLAINTS, The Great American Health Restorer! Purifies the hloofi and cares Scrofula, Sy- pliilia, Skin Diseases, Bkeumatnmx, Diseases of Women, and all Clironie' Affections of A the Blood; Liver and Kidneys.' liecom- t H mended by the Medical Facility and manv thousands of onr best citizens. .4- u ■ Bead the testimony of Phvsicians and In patients who have used Kosadalis; send for our Eosadalis Guide fa Health Book, ox H Almanac for this year. whlch we publish 2 for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information. Dr. B. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says: I take pleasure in recommending your Rosadalls as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with happy results—one in a case of secondary syphi lis, in which the patient pronounced him- \ M self cured after having taken five bottles of | Fl your medicine. - The other is a case of { scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly j. K improving under its iise.and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the' formula by H which your Bosadalis is made, and find it aii excellent compound of alterative ingre dients. r Dr. Sparks, of JCicbolasville, Kentucky, says he has uscu EvSililis in cases of Scro fula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfac tory results—as a cleaner of the blood, I know no better remedy. ‘ - -£ Samuel G. MiFadden. of Murfreesboro’, Tenn., says: I Lave used seven bottles of Bosadalis, and am entirely cured of Bbeumatisin; send me four bottles, as I wish it for my brother, who lias scrofulous sore eyes. Benjamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty yerrs with an *nl* veterate eruption, over my whole body; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Bo- sadaiis and it effected a perfect cure." Bosadalis is sold by aU druggists. •kiid all diseases and indispositions L-H *naic Axon, a oiscascu buuc or j ( n l-VLl'.Cl, SUCtiaS.-;.!; I Office, Nq. 5 Commerce street Baltimore. . Clements St Co., Fropriettes*, . . . Foa Sale in PkArt, by - ' 3>P; i. C GILBERT. - * rn'h2Jl, L I V E R 5 DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, S001-- NESS OF THE STOHACH, LOWNESS OF SPIEITS, CHOLIC, COSTTVE- KESS, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Dropsy and Jaundice. This Medicine is pwely Tcgctahh AND PEBFECTLY HARMLESS, - But itB eflicacy is too permanently estab- nsned in tne ckiutnern and Western a to req»aie iuitncr i ccomnifeudation. - Tnsr wise will gi>*e it a trial—that is Hundreds of Certificates from the^best men in tne country attest tho value of out medicine. RRIQE ONE DOLLAR- Sent hy mafi oa receipt of price. CRAWFORD to WALKER PBOPEIETORS, WEST POIXT, - - - . GEOBGIA- For aale hy ■:Sf Olatthev:, Ross & Co., Fort Valley, Ga. Sr. J, C. Gilbert, ilecJT-ly Perry. Ga- Jimmie and Acute TnHammatim-; ■ i