The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, June 01, 1871, Image 2

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The Houston Home Journal PEKRY, GAv, JUNE 1, 1871. Take Notice.—’Transient advertis ing lhnst be pairt for iv. advance. Don’t senda notice to lie published, witiitLc- public am bejtfac close of the war, eon- message: “IH few days. ” It will not be out" Klie "eCsii. everybody. ex4 Perry, and if, will be strictly adhered ia: ' - >- gjf Mobile on |ha night of May 20th- Luks UN Cotton in Macon ft strong at 15 j, fiibtqr lots calling for 16. "■ ramentof the sword. It is, like tkc Fninx CtruTciiE.—We observe that a - - r JWjl ~jc-—; Work entitled the “Soutberu Apple and destined sonie day to sin-ing hp and Peach Cuituriat," will soon appear from the press of J- W. Burke & Co. The author; dames Fitz; of Albemarle comity: Ta:. is Well knnfm’ns n. tt-ritov ' Fko’m France.—The telegrams an-: ao.rnce that order has been restored in, produce armed men, ready for battle. P :ris. The Nationals, under Thiers,. county; Ta:, is Well knowii'as a writer The Houston Superior Court has mid agriculturist; We are glad to ob- been in session this week. His Honoi entqiiiet will be permanent,:. re;glftd'id ob serve among our farmers a tendency to gite fruit culture the attention which it deserves; Cotton has occupied too Judge Cole, we are happy to say,'As able to preside though he finds tin . ., warm weather rather enervating - aftei much of onr attention. To be inde- ins recent illness. ' The Judge’s'lock^ pendent we’-mnst have a'diversified in- many tlustry; we must be progressive^ we must redd. Fruit culture bas'nnule fermit progress witlu'n the last decade. '‘Wigi&jttig ‘ititaijdard work -npoa^Jift; hiibj»ict,;wogi-ojie in tiie dark; we are liable to commit error and lose money. TVe'adviso.oiir-friends therefore to buy the.above book andniastor its contents.' . _ That best of ’jnvehilh fnagazifii;^,^^ A Chatterbox, is as full of good-sfori#£ Hnd':pictnres as eyer. The juvenile to whom we submit > ‘goes'lor it” as'if it were pomul-cake; No.high&r praise tould: be;given: Parents, take .it for your children; Only 81,50 a year— address Pott & Atuery, .13 Cooper Union,-N.Y. The Jtme nuitiber of fecribner’s Monthly contains no less, than eight iilustrated urUcies—pio.ilrst in impoi-b hilco.-anil inteicst beieg the; second paper by Gov. Langford oit ‘.‘The >Vonders' of the 'Yellowstone. ” William Weils, gossips pleasantly, with the aid bf four illustrations, about “lights Jefferson Davis. Mr. Davis recently, in Augusta and Atlanta, yielded to the calls of the p-.ople, and made a short speech in each place. As this -is the first time onr President 'has said anything in siderabk: interest attaches to his re marks, and we shall endeavor to pub- A Gentleman. The subjoined paragraph, clipped! from an exchange, is a valuable little volume in itself: So man is a gentleman who,- with out provocation, would treat withinciv- iliiy the humblest of his species.- It is vulgarity for which id accomplish^ mentsof dressor address can everatone. list one or both oLthem'm-xt wbeU-1^. man who desires to make every — - ——- -* - ’ ies&moiiialar-.^Adt&cSe BoxjSl^Zfew York. Mr. willed,. State-rights .man -that he ever was, and on that point we would like to shake hands with him. Let mc-aly- mcfnki edtonservatives (so-eaUed) croak about “dead issues” as they like, mid accept as'many situations as they will,, the thing called “State righto*” is not dead. It was not settled by the arbit- fabled aragon’s -teeth, buried; iiL- grqilnd .und hidden from sight, bui , Superior Court- mm. NE.W A D VER TISEMENTS:. ■ A 1IOXTH. Eorae and Carriage- fur- 1 mailed. Expenses paid. H. SHAW, A MILLION DOLLARS! ShreWd but-quiet men can "make a forlme by ■Verb:'' fbe -S-. I- nt 11*' r1> f irtilll c; t.-» Tin n T\G revealing tlie secret of the busincss to no one. Address G£0. WINSTEAD, (SSJBhoadwat. Kew YobeT’ -35., successfully SB®* one around him happy, and whose greatest- solicitude is never to give of- iense to any one, is a getleman by na ture and STiecies, though ha may never have worn a suit, of brqadciptii, nor. .-ver'heard- of a lexicon. There are men in every throb of whose heart solicitade-for the welfare of mankind, and whose veiy- breath is perfumed with kindness. . . 1 "* " ’ tr ^ ♦«> sdt the: will be grant i* Mflun tlie time occupy the'city: all is calm and the -liscipln-.- of the army admirable.;— there is a good prospeetthat the pres- 5rmter% i anff'Ei4 body is becoming fee ble with/the weight of yeark; bnt:hi eye is not dim nor- h^nmentat ^fet® abated; andtsudi is the regard we al hayi for him,’and such oiir c’ohfi'dehd in fife febiiit-yfjnfegrity andFpmfty that we hope it mjiy. b.p.m'arfy years;'-befor- ' yS aside th e judicial "ermine. r'Qi'peker'is on hand busy as 1 '»lively, clever and affable •-is.ever.. He is always ready, prompt gV that is felt, by his opponents. Tin ’eiff-Ti-ft'lR fm-fnnnf.i -IT, lin.^i.rp t... lawyers, we have Browii and Hiili of FirLYalley, Jack' Macon. ' Tt is probable that dourtwill contihtte ahotHen weelL WastedjHoars. Gne' libiifi a day is three fiundred and^'six^tfive tohSf a j'earj which. rV>f‘lrritn*Tinr - -'fon TinViro ^ott’o TTmut' reckoning' ten hours day’s- work- 'aniotbit to .thirty-six days. ? That is hi say, by saving one hour each’ day, we presented by Mr. iMllcinfion ihiiis're- ^eyenty-tfiree dkjs, “ofifive boats each; the “Bondage” of the * nd if Eas .been- computed that'two Mi-s; Gliidiant continues . auc ]. bunllred such-ffsiys'closely devoted to Girl;!!, MfetjvTi-afton- fiirislfes another SfgW conversant with English liters j-owerful sloiy: “The "shadow" that .^ Ee " T batjs to sayr by reading ont Came Bet we'-u:” and in “Wih n.l Ctim- <?«ch day,, we., can-become,, at the berraedo”-MaODi’iaiM ihas sonie Vorv '.‘ ,nd P f y^..^cllreiid[ ihjitdaa: cliurnctetfeiic talk at.outrthe"tahii.i.tiy, % -’ -. T ^; sfaiking estimatp shopld the' few? aiid thej-^^BrV. pf and varioV’"'' ,. the,bill bf fare: ions minor arUclcS- Cqrnpletc nf fnr«* . ■ 1 r ' Iffitf; -^e'V- Monthly Mammae foy June is-at hand. If is elegantly illns- i^g, waiting for .somebody to. strike a •rated, the froiitispiece being a piethre light and.kin die the fire; who instead P the .Ffest M. E. Chtiireh, Atlanta; of sprihghig^fropi ^ their couches and Gil. In this respect- it is an improve- applying" themselves to some .kind of ubiit on Bite ni-ecedihh- tinmhm-s: atu# , f-ments of domestics. This habit, so “ ' -ifev «r fa: : b(i equal to tlie bbst ih the land. TBfit iively atotry Nt : l eg bur a Y-Om-in. • *'* • ... -_ *- g ■ _ tempting .and. tenacious..once fixed, kind remembrance in the way of hour oT hiore during the Whiter morn ings; Who lie lm wak- costs ah, individual veiy many of the most precious Honrs of his life. tributes olio' Bf-it'fe-iicfj o£ avtiehs on The above suggestiohs ahe worthy’ “What is Mall?” TBerh ia fin inierest- °f the eonsiderat-ion of those who coni; ing account of 'Do‘Sotos lvuliahtie 1-hiin, as a justification for ignorance, Tuiitch across the Contiifent-i anil an- that they fiairT- J odier’iif Dr. Dipscomb’s-'grand char- there is never ... . acter-portruits—this iihie King I)avid books. _Hovr many wasted- moments is the subject It is a ;-tt number, could such persons count up every We iigainurge all to snh.'cnbe;Tuldresj night before retiring. Those who A. H. Ftcdford Nashville Tcnm, price spend ttheif -evemh^ at I’the. corner •};f8 iyMdr/-" grocery - or taverns; ..who exchange -«*•«-«»> ——f iiorieS by the : hour with convivial 'A'Fbwx, Kr-Ku'x.— A friend living companions; who tarry long oyer, din- hoar Byron, tells us of a Ku-Klux hen ners; who devote night after-night to belonging to him. A short iimfe - ago theati-es mi'd other placeS.of she btithhed thirteen. chickens, five of ineht,-.: which are neither* instructive which were black', She kiile’d the nor elevating; who sit around the-fee, bladi oiies alnidsr. as soon as they left Kaiii; after hour gossiping about -their Macon Cohnty Superior Conrt-Ses- . teccs ol Hols- nfi'akc and I.I yd. OGirETHonpE, Ga., May r26,1871, Editors Telegraph: aud Messenger In the.cpse qf.'.the.Btate'vs. John B, Holsenbglie, principle'in the first -de gree to. the'erifeejef murder, ahd JaiheK J.kLloyd,/accessory before the; fact to he crime dfj.mui'der in the connty/of- Alficon,- ongtiie 28tli-' day, of February, 1871,. of CoJ,.Geo. W. Fish,- the - pris- merhwere aitraiignedfcefore.thebar of. the Court . and found - guilty: : They, were both; brought, into -Court -this morqing, .Holscnbake first, .to receive- he sentence of death. T-he prisoner, Holsenhaie; was first r eques ted-to stand, up, / whereupon, the Court- gave hinr a niosfe. impressive talk as to the.heinousness/pf thg erime of which lie had htem 'found guilty;; ; When, asked by the Clerk of the-Court if he nad anything to 'say why sentence of deatli should not be pronounced-upon him, -he said, “Nothing.” He stood unmoved during the impressive address .and sentence of the Court, 5. Immediately after HoLsenbake was sentenced James G, Lloyd, was. ar raigned before the’- Court to receive sentence, and. when asked by the Clerk of the Gourt if he : had anytluug to say why , sentence should not- be pronounce :*d."upon him,,be said, n I have,”. and : protested'his innocence; hut the Court informed him that, by. all the rules of evidence known to -the law, he had been .convicted by an impartial jury of his..Udunty, and thgthe (the Court}was satisfied the verdict was right. The Oourt- then ,gave, him an impressive talk his course,of__life, and. the the crime of which he was convicted, . and.} told.-him that the., house he had built would now fall upon his own head. John B. Holsenbake was sentenced to be hung,-by the neck nn.til dead on the 14tli day of July next, between 10 n. and 2 p, m. . And James C.- Dloyd was also sentenced to be hung- by the , neck on the, 14th day , of, July- next,, b.etween 10 a. si. and 2 p. m. ; . ■ . %, ; The joegro H^xy -Stubbs, who was .indicated as - principle in the second degree in the same . murdeig Was put •upon his trial,..and found not guilty. Court is still in session: , The case Of .the State „vs; Warren H. Holsenbake,_charged with' burglary at night, -in breaking open -the .railroad depot at Oglethorpe in .1869, the jury, ■returned a verdict, of . “not guilty. ”— Court adjourned tins morning. S. (We leam that the motion for a Slew trial in the Holsenbake-Lloyd case was overruled .by Judge Clark, \but'counsel.for -the defence axe pre- p'axing a bill, o^j exceptions for the, purpose, of, carrying the case to . the Supreme Court. : Fmal-getion -on this case will be deferred until the July or possibly the. January term of- the. Su- jiremie Court.—Ep&] ,. hie shell: * Oth.t chiCkeiis, hatched neighbor,, magnifying-7their .faults;, by another hen, Acre placed with her and belittlihg-their'.virtues;-, who. de- ASSESMENT-ON BEAD AND personal property in/Peny for 1871, is now due, and thfe^Tivx Book will remain ~ »;bf- of ~ April 10-eow2nl- nEOBGIA, HOUSTON - COUNTY.—.J. \T-B- Kice,:.aclministraf<>r'of Jolih.Q/Dol- ton, decetsed/appl es to'm6 tor (ea-e. to .'mall-eow2m. O.'H. C. . lias filed his petitiou for diaiuiBsion from the afore said trustrthese are therefore ip -cite: all. persons interested to be and appear at my office bn or be fore the first Monday in September next- to show Uause^if ady, why the petition should hot be granted. Given tmjii'er iny hand and ^fficiEl^iigna- nne thi^May 31, Ib71. O.’H. C.. rvEonsfA,niohsTON : cc>p^re£2wF< - - VT H. Hollinshead, guardian of the minors of JL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. AIL work now in my shop finished, if not tiien out in thirty dayir &om date, will be ■d p k done sold-for repairs, nhd all work done By me hereafter, if .not called for in ten days will be sold for repairs. jul-S: F.A. JOBSON,. TEE OLDEST IXMACOSl MIX & KIRTLAND, DEALEltS IX Boots and Shoes, LEATHER & Ah; 3, Cotton Atenue, MACON, GA., SIG,J 5 pF;I$E Dm; ; M0T. :J TTTE would 6av-to the people of. ^opsion, man; V V of whom hAve traded^witlu than score of years, that we how have a stock Manufactured-by TTLOS. W YNUe, near Del Air; jRibftnnond Comity, Ga. Short Staple Gin, with attached ciAle flue. UplarfS? tong; aiftl .Short Staple Gih, .With irNSUETASSED M TEE STATE •T. HolJinshea£. having -QiHchai^ed'.his.diztirs as such, and made a-final scttleB^c" 4 -* —'* c -' TboK5 who have knerw that we do not,boa u3 in former years WE KEEP NO INEEBJOB'STUGk t my,< gust * BHH he should not be_ dis::harged. Given under ifiy hand aud'officiiil signature this 'May '30. 1871.' V?; T: SWIFT, O. H. C; HOUSTON COUNTY.—George W. „as applied, for exemption of person-' alH, and I will pa^-upon.-the kinS'OTt the vth day Of June, 1871, at ten o’clock, A. M., at mt office. . May 2o; I^i; WT T. SWIFT, Oi H: C. -Win: Ji., iehipiion iof the sadie ed for exempt’! ttyv . H ^ _ on the twelfth -day Of June, 1871, at -tea. ayd valuation of. homestead. anUT-iv-m pass npor. . . t-'.if a' .y n ra- -*r on i om the same on the'tenth day of June,. 1871, at tea 0-dock,- A M, at my office^May 30, 1871. o’doet, Ai M., at mj-olBco.-. May 22. 1871. •W. ,T„ SWIFT,,O. H. C: w. T. swiet, O.'H. G. Wc make, cannot be excelled by any hair brush need. The bristles are all drawn in by a corrf, and 'the timber is all selected from the best lumber* well seisoned; and c\*ery brush is made i»crfcctly fire and rat proof. . ' ^ ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H- A SAI3ES,. - to Be raisi-'d, two Bf %12bii being black vote the hours of ' car .or boat; passage; ^rero killed immediately. Now see’if' to find from business to small talk^ or Bnlloek does’ not ofl’er a reward for the reading; of the . unimportant .dissi/ this lien. , : pating details,-personal controyermes,: — t . scandals, Tcevelations witkfwhich daily/ Ferry Agriculttu-ai'Cliifi .papers are . too often padded; who : ” ' Frnh3rlin, Pa., Buys and sells improved'and Bitimproycd lands, 'anywhere in-the Hinted -btates^ . ^ . . .The proposed meeting of this Club promenade the avenues in fine linen. hextPridav (2d instant) at the house to see and seen; who squa.ndey-the, of Capt; David M. Brown, will be ^ * ^ering-plafegsl j-ostponed to Fndav of next week, ,«ff d ?ther fashionable resoi-ts-aholild, 1 •June 9 til. I be members are cordially ft? ..misspent' invited, and we hope Will punctually oonr tor one week, if they would real- ottend. J. Dickson Smith, me How large a portmq of their lives 1/ Vy; f - -yw-L^Yapsolutoh*_gpeq-tp Jtasto; . ’■ ar e glad achieve jfinncBss in thii-wxaldi.nb-imifc raa ”Lf_. onr ter -vha* hiSVoiMhh;^6i^6rtunitmk : Georgia ca’ssinieres. They aro very Whoever :idms to /b’eeohie fefdrmed, -generiilly used throughout this section, dajl - do SQ By giv-hjV fe books :the ah<K and this indicates such economy and apgrqaatipmp£iiqine iiidi: arc glad to make a hotibe of it. -If.ourl^^ ft matters n6t wte* akobation people, would use more home-made £w y be, he efin .secure enongh-,mo- r.riiclcs, not only Wearing apparel, but nights each rlav to make him familiar of other kinds, there would be hiore in tim3 witii ; the bestanthors.-ILm'ft wealth and prosperity in this c-oiiii- <f : ’ the 'largest Uxeweiie's r df Eng- Thaxks—to a lady friend, for a very land; produce each from.- seventy to plums. The way to‘onr heart is tirrongh our throat. In a "certain neighborhood, hot far from Perry, live three.mehj , who hhye wen tv-nine cliildred, eigh- 'a goo together twenty 'teen of whom aiteh We have heard of-a man in 'this county who said the other day, that inside his our paper shouldn't go iionse. there are some houses into which neitherjfih honest man nor his paper Vliould g0. ninety- milliohs of quarts of beer an- nntdlj, the largest ■ brewery' of ..Ger many produces. about tweDty-thfee millions of quarts, and the largest of Austria about thirty-eight millions of- quarts. Irrespective, of its export and import, England consumes about one hundred and twenty quarts'of that be verage to each head of her population; Belgium, sixty-four; Germany, forty- eight; Austria, twenty; Fiance, eight een; Switzerland, sixteen quarts. At Agents 1 Read This ! Munich, Bavaria, about two hundred <v *^ Well, lie is probably right; and thirty quarts of lager-beer to each head of the population are consumed annually. Munich is' the most noted city for beer-drinking in theworld MERCHANT’S OS' GOOD FOR .. -irifns and Scalds,. Rheumatism, • hilblains, Hemorho.dsor Biles, -prams and Braises, Sore Nipples,'' Fistula, Manije; , Spavjns.^ivueney, Scratches, or Grease. -Tiesh'Wounds, rostTJites, iflxtemal Poisons; . Sand'Orauks*, * v - - - -- •jjiIIH of. alLkinds, Sitl'ast, Ringbone, r Poll Evil, .... Foot Ilot ln ts)ieev, Bites ol animals & Insects. Roup in Poultry, iaotnache, &cr,- ' Lame Back, -A:c., &c. i.Reete - Gratlicd’ Heels, • Iiahge size, $^1,005 MEF»itJ3J,-60c.i Small, 25c. 'TLh Galling Oil'll.bieiirnJVs^^^ a lani- fment for tiiirty^igbt years- fi-All we tu ik-is a^: be* sure tod follow directions.'' ' > trial, but i ' in pavC~ mediciuea, for one of'onr Alintoacs arrd Tade- Mecums, and see what the-people Ha> about, the . —„ -— T _ ^ mmmm dealers throughout ihe Bnited>Staie^,and. ptina ltrlesi ' A ' 1 ‘* ■ -rami.are unsolicited. Use the Gargling Oit am tell your neighbors v.-h'at good it has done* l • Tvedeal iair and liberal with all, and defy, con- ^ - J TWritefor an Almanac or Obok Book/ -MANUFACTURED AT LOCKPOF.T, N. Y., KESOHANT’S V | Gargling Gil Company. ^ ■Tony HODGE. Scc'v- fesT^ajBljlSSKD' 1S32. THE MOORE COTTON GIN! Also, A Genuine Pattern of the GRISWOLD GIN. FORMERLY AT DOUBLE WELLS, GA. T HE undersigned, having resumed the maniifaptnre of the above Gin, propose to make it what it what it was.before the wto—the Favorite of the South. Our work stands upon its own merits, and we think this a silfficienf guarantee. We have secured the services of some of the best mechan ical talent in the Northern-shops, in addition to some of the best workmen from the shop of the late Samuel Griswold. Mr. Chas. Gardner, who served eight years’ appienticeship under E. Carver & Co. East Bridgewater, Mass.,-and. who was employed as-Superintendentof the Double Wells Shop from ;tiie commencement pf. the inanufactue of the Moore Cotton Gin. until its suspension, is again at his post, and will give each gin- his personal inspection before, it leaves the shop. In calling The .attention of-planters to onr Cotton Gins, we desire that they should notico the im provements that we offerj- which are substantially as follows: H. E3VC O V A.XiS , J. D. MARTIN, Watchmaker and Jeweler W. A. BANKS A SONS Have just received a beautiful. Assortment of And Dealer in ■WATCHES, CLOCKS'and JEWELRY, Ha£ removed to the old favorite comer, ad- joimng Bice & Killeris, where he will be pleased to wait on all having business in his line. mal8-lm SdU Ahead o/ Jjl Camipkituhi ! I / THOS. .WYNNE’S ^ Improved Open-throat, Curved-breast Double X. Self-ribbed-cleaning-seed, Pre mium aud Diploma p .. *- : - Cotton (xinsj Common Bibbed Gin,; with same attach ment ■ i OrriW;. .- ; fei8-3 Thu Paper for ThhrP^pie! Tlie Atlanta Constitution. W. A. Hcmpiiiil & Co.. ProD T rs. j 7"; , / ■ DaiXiX, pel annum,;.-:;;.;; : .§10.00 “ six ihonths,.. ;. .(§-5.00 -WiHtaiX, pertannam,. J : . ! .. .§ 2:0u Payable in Advance, GUANO! GUANO! PHENES GUANO, SALT AND PLASTEE COMPOUND, WILCOX GIBBS '* CO. MANIPU LATED GUANO: I am offering the above well known standard fertilizers-for. Bash- or on time at • . GKEATLY DEDUCED PBICES to correspond with the low price of cotton; - - MtP . • OM), ANDERSON, ; Eort Valley, Ga decl7-tf.. ... Paraqols, 2 f Bleached Goods, Coltonades, Ifin^i Diapers, etc., etc. ; 43 ®^G03NI> STBliE'r, MACON, GEORGIA maylStf LATEST SPRING STYLES. BS. CHOATE DESIRES TQINFOBM . her ffiehds aUd.cvfstom'eis jtbo have sc' rally .patronized her in Uie pasti thfi: she will corftiifhe her business other resi dence just above .the'Methodist; Church, formedji-kiio’wir <ls tlie Carjienter Stand. / -Dresses made in any style desired; prices moderate; all my work warranted; good fli ng a specialty. I have a small lot of trim- lings which I mil offering K>w. Give mt call: TUBUS CASH. ’ -A 1' -. Mbs. & C.-iCHOATE. WM, BRUNSON, ht’lALEB iS GROGERIE S CONFECTIONERIES," AND AhENT POff ATiL THE APPROVED KINtiS OF X7 JL 3ST O . A PORTABLE ROLL BOX, For. obtaining any inclination of the Gin Rib qv ufied; the object of which is to improv’8 in the quantity ginned, or-lessen the quantity and impfove the qurtliH' of the lint. Also, to gin "damp or wet cotton^ to alter tlie picking or separating the lint from the seed-cither to take more lint off, or less lint from the seed, as circumstances require. We use both the common Roll Box-und a Swinging Front. The latter ife arranged to let but all the seeds and Lulls in a moment and is Vfery easily managed. THE GIN BRUSfrS CYLINDER AND &nUSN BOXES Are both oscillating and, plain. Can fnmish either, aS'inay be ordered. Wo line v tiicm with the best babbit metal. ’ ' . ' . ^ , b-i n s-a W-3 We inake all the Saws that wc use frbin the best Eughsh Cast Sled, Sntl of any si^d that mhy be de led. We employ, to superintend .tod'mauiifatfcnre our saws, one of the best saw-makers in thb 'South; and our machinery for the niaiiuTacturo of Gin Sav» r s cannot be excelled COTTON SEED CRUSHING MITT,. We are tlife only pucccssfiilinanufactuferp of tois useful and important invention—the. Cotton Gin with the Cotton Seed Crushing Mill attached. It wlll.hardly be necessary here to allude to tlie immense -.saving and e£on<imical ijRe .of toufelicd' cotton a maimre. We received a gold medal as a pre mium from the'Fau- of. the jCqtton Pltoters'Conventibn, held in Macon, Ga., 1860, for the best Cotton Seed Crushers attached to the Gin Stand, to crash the seed as fast as it escapes from thc ’Hblli We refer to some, of the many certificates that we have oh the subject; TRIAL OF THE CINSs We keep constantly on hand seed'cotton and all gins are tried before leaving the shop, bid or new ones: REPAS&SNG OLD CSNS. 30^4..- :&e. s. arojBs£s3!ir, DENT 1ST PEBEY, ... 1 i . . GEOBGIA, HAIVEDLsville, ga, He will spend the first half of each mouth in his office in Perry over, the old Drug Store, and one fourth; or the latter half of each month udll-be giveu to his practice n Hawkmsvlhe al'Mrs; Hudspeths. White Wire Clothes Line, Braided and. plaih: Warranted hot to rust or injure'clothes in any way. , For sale by F. W. JOBSON, mhSO-tf Ferry, Go. SEA-FOWL We liave a cumplete assortmeht of the very be?t Cotton Gin Machinery in the country, and make repairing old gins a .siiGcitoyi Planters will do. wull to send-their old gins and have them made as good hew at a much less cost than a new Gin can be bought for.'Seud ony'ourbrders and old ginscarly. ‘We are authorised by Messrs. Findla3 r ’s Sons ‘ ' ’ " to receive orders for Findlay & Craig's Screw Cotton : Press, and Craig's Portable Horse power, and Castings generally.* •For particulari) send for Circular tod-Price .T3st SAWYER & MOOEE,. ■ meBSrtml ■ , / ^MNDLA YS IRON WORKS, MACON GA. GO TO THE, PALACE DOLLAR STORE! In Broivn House Block, MACON, GA. A NEW SUPPLY OF GOODS RECEIVED.EVERY DAY FROM. NEW LOUIS E. PIKE, . 1 Proprietor. /O' : JEL THE LATEST STYLES OF . ' ' - IMH BUCK WAtiiUT LlirdBER. One Car Load Assorted, .For Sale by JONES & BAXTER. At ©. FRASRAM7 SAPOL1HME eairi Kid /Gloves and . , ciotuiiiij; removes Paint, Gri rce, "Tar. st, iu- stanfly, witiiout tne least injatj to &c finest fab ric. Sold bv Druggists and Fancv eoeda Deal FRAGRANT SAPOl.lKXK CO., 33 Barelav St. 1 Sork, La Salle St. Cbieaso,,. -m.c -t/Je. vertisemeut in ’ Eight ncrimnn __—, XzirspoPEES for SrvT>oiiinA rEsTLrsE per One Hue one week vvili ro=t -Six Do.lars, Two Liiit - whl cost Twelve Dollars, and Ten lines will.cost _ Sixtv Dollars. Send Tor a printed last. Address GEO. P. BOWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, No. 41 Park Bow, New York. WILL PAY AGEXTS A SALARY OF $?0 PEE WEEK, AND EXPENSES, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonde rful inventions. Address M. WAGNER £: CO.. Mar- shall, Mich. A DAY FOR ALL with Stencil Tools Address A. E. GRAHAM, Springfield, Vt. CfiBNTB’ Lto CXOTHEtCj At D. -5=1 LADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHHHIBHN^ Clotli .and. 1 eatlier Boots and • ■■ .a AT D. KEfVIPNER’S; v-_- ' iCl l&Z- THOSE BEAUTIFDB' ' .. iciiies, Arpacas, Percales, Grenadines, Lends, Japs, silk Striped Poplins, etc., v Can^beTound only ah - \ - - .D/KEMPNEk IVITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE BES’! STOCK OF SEEING AND SUMMEB P B I N T S." i:Ay Call and examine them at D. Jv EMPNEB’S BBICK STOBE, Pkeex G-UAWO. We propose to sell this first-class Ftrtili- zarfor 400 Pounds Low Middling Cotton, ^ O. O » 0.0* Ter ton, payable November ist Now is tbe-time to get a genuine article on liberal terms. For sale by J6S*Aii perscas' indebted to me will please come forward and- make immediate pay ment, as I need the money to carry on my business. WM. BBUNSON. i jiuiSC-tf CAR HA T & CURD, DEALERS IN liardwarej Iron & Steel, PAiriTS, OILS, CLASS, Gotten and Com Sweeps, Macon, jcliIJO^im Georgia R. C. WiuDtK & SOW, STEAM SjISII FACT0? v T, MACON, GA, Third St. next to Ariope’s Marble Yard; SCAXtTACTgBEBS - OF DOOBS, SASH,- .A \ ' " BUNDS, . MOULDINGS, BBACKETS; And all Mods of Braiding Materials. Special - attention given- to the building o • Cottage and public Houses! Bough anti Dressed Dumber always on bond. Send us your orders. Satiifaclidfi guaranteed. mall-tf B. C. -WUiDEB &SON. DRUGS, DRUGS 1 Dr. J, G. GILBERT’S s the place to buy PURE arid UNADUD 'I'fiKA'I'mt JLtttoiGxsimo.- ilE SELLS AT MACON PRICES^ CALL AND BUY YOUB SUPPLIES TERMS STRICTLY flASTT dec28-tf G o p al and Japan esjktxssc. AT J.-C. GILBERT S DRUG STORE, dvo 28-tf- . Window Glass and Puity FOB SALE BY Dr. a - , e. MARTIN & COLYER, FORT VALLEY, - - GEORGIA, Wholesale and retail dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Grain of all kinds, Tobacco, Segars, Liquors, Candy, Fiour, Meal, Cofteei Tea, Sugar, Salt) - Canned Fruits, CROCKETT X2TGZ30L '^7’€>3?35LS, j MACON, GA., Tih and' Wooden Ware, All of which will be sold vey low tor Cush. Give us a call. m ;30-3m PLANTERS’ BANK, - ' FOBT VAHLEY, GA; Authorized Capjtalj - $200,000 TJKDEB CHAETEK FBOlf THE STATE. Receives Deposits, discounts Paper, bnys and sells Exchange., also' Gold and Silver. Collections made at all accessible points. CROCKER, MATHEWS & C0. 5 i-CBT TALLEYt GA. Coin, Oats, Hay, etc. 2000 bushels choice ’White Corn,.- SOQ bushels'Tiennessee Oats, 200 bales Timothy apd Clover Hay, ^ 300 bu. Bolted and Water Ground Meaj 75 <fe"c^^Bmmta I) I 9 INES & Bacon! Bacon! Bacon! 50,000 lbs. C. B; Sides imd -Shouldera jnst received and for sale at reduced prices b'v - JONES A BAXTER*. FlonrJ Flour T Flour! 40 barrels “White Bose” Choice Family, 40 barreLs “White Lilly,” Choice Exii-a, 200 sacks Tennessee Extra Family. For sale at low prices by JONES A BAXTER. Cheap Whisky, Tobacco etc 45 barrels low priced Whisky, 30 boxes cheap, sound Tobaeco. 30 barrels Molasses. Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Candles, etc. For sale by pr25-tf JONES A BAXTER. W. J. AsnEntfok; 1 1 / - President. W. E. Bkowx, - - - - - Cashier.' MBECTOBS: - W. J. Anderson,.Cob Hugh-L. Detinard, Wm, .B. Brown, t)r. Wm. A.. Mathews. Dr. W. H. Hollingshead. - ' mh2 -3m }-| osa d Ali s ! Purifies the blood and-cures Scrofula^ Sy- .pliilis, tjkin Diseases, Bfieumatism, Diseases of Women, and all Chronic Affections of toe Blood, liver and Kidneys. Becom- mentfed by the Medical Faculty and many thourands of uurWsTcitlzens- Eead the testanony erf Physicians and ■patients who have used; Kosadaiis; send fop for gratuitods distribution; w ^ _ much valuable information. w - e *- . Dr. R- W. Ctar, of Baltimore, says: ' I take pleasure in recommending yonr Bosmmiih us a very powerful alterative. -Ikave-seeait ra"’ xeeuSa—one in I The Great American Health Hestorer!. joHiz: scrofnBi at long is rapidly improain? mdr* rt^nngjuiWttw.lTiao^H^.. are that tlfe jAtjent" vrHl Soon recover. I liave carefullv eraitiined the formula by SjBifik, of JTjcbolasvaie, Kentucky, says he has usefi Etsifus. in cases of Scro- kuowno better remedy. SIcTaddeu. of Murfreesboro’, Build Don Bailings for Grave Lots, Public Squares, Ac.; make HORSE POWER SA W MILLS, Grist Mills, Portable Engines, Iron cmi Brass Castings of all kinds-. mh30-3m E. CROCKETT. DUELOM & DctEY FOUS, nVU.CTS IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS j WINES, ETC., ETC., *571ti 1 T-cX Stroct, ADJOINING ?. COLLINS & SON’S WABEHOUSB ht&CON, GEORGIA. decl7-3nl * ABBETT'S LIVER KEBiClMfi * I* have use'd fieven bottles of Bosadalis, tod "am entirely cured'of Bhemnatism; soncl^ me four bottles^as I wish it for my ' Benjamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes, I have suffered for twenty yerrs with an in veterate eruption over my whole bodv* a short time since I purchased a bottle of Bo- eadalis and it effected a perfect cure. Jiosadalis is sold by all druggists. Office, No. 5 Commerce street Baltimore Clements & Co*, Proprietors. _ Fob Sale is Perby, by Dr. J. C GILBERT. A bAi'E l&b CEEIAIa tuii? For all kinds oT LIVER GOIV1 PLAINTS, Aiul all d.scartes and indispositions toax I.ato liyfe a CLtriuaricU. aUivo ur AUita-UT- 61 Lie Laver, buen as oiironic aud Acute Inflummaiioi. Ia I V E It SICK HEADACHE, SOUB- KESS OE THE STOMACH, LOWNESS OT SPHilTS, CHOLIC,' COSTTVE- Fever and -Agile, Bilious Feyer, Dropsy and Jaundice. Tills Medicine is purely Yegetahk AXD PEUFECTLX HAMILESS,- - " But ita efilcaoy is too permanently estab- asliea in tne boutnern ana V. e^iern sum to require reeomnienUauou. Tha wise will give it a triai—tnat is all that is asked. nunuieds of Certificates from the best utry attest ti Itiis value of ourj DOLLAR. Sent by mail on receipt of price. CRAWFORD & WALKER, . PBOPRIETOES. GEOBGIA. WEST POINT, For sale by Matthew*, Ross & Co., Fort” ^ ‘ r ■ :.r