The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, October 12, 1871, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL BY J. T. WATERMAN. PERRY, GA., OCTOBER 12, 1871 J. T. WATERMAN, EVERY' THURSDAY MORNING, PIRXETTI. j AX ISCEEDIBLE Russian Coxjebeb. I About tbe beginning of tbe present i I century, a species of Cagliostro, or ra- | I ther a superior ldng of 'Wizard of tbe | North, made his appearance at St. Pe- ABOir Will practise in all the Courts of the Ma con Circuit, and in others by special con tract. janl9-tf GEORGIA STATE FAIR H. M. HQLTZCLAW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Om Year,-.->•& V* v• ■ • ‘Z Six Months, - - • • ; 1 ?? Three Mouths, 1 The paper will be stopped at the expira. fion of the time paid for, unless the sub- •iFuSSsrsussi*.», * * to buy PURE and UNADUL SATED MEDICINES. BUFORD M. DAVIS, ttorney at Zjaw, \ PERRY, GEORGIA,* f YiU Wctise in nil the Courts of the Ma- 1 Circuit, and? in -ofliewVRS^eiM ena ct. \ . t ian2G well as the new one, No subscription re to anonymouscomnm- Xlhsruleis im ^v a o^Tsi^ nsfl^new subscribes and 512 50, wUl receive the Home Jouunai. ""Displayed advertisements will be charged according to the space they occupy. AU1 advertisements should be max^ea ror a specified time, or- hey-will be c n and charged for until ordered out Advertisements inserted at intervals will be charged os new each insertion. Advertisements to run forafo“gerti“ e than three mpnthsr are due and ipn be coi- HE SELLS AT MACON PRICES. Beginning Monday, Oct. 23. and to continue S Bays. tation of his magical powers at court, the hour fixed for him to make.Ms ap pearance being seven o’clock. A bril liant and muneroos assembly of ladies and courtiers, presided over by the Czar, had met, but the conjnror was absent Surprised and displeased, the Czar pulled ont his watch, which indi cated five minutes after, seven; Pir- netti had not only failed in being in waiting, but he had caused the court to wait, and Alexander was not more patient than‘Louis XTV - . A quarter of an hour passed, half an hour, and no Pirnetti! Messengers who had been sent in search him. had returned unsuccessful The anger of -the Czar, with great difficulty restrained, dis played itself in threatning exclama- pnt afar from them the terrors of it* tenable sanction.—Augusta Chroniile £ Sentinel C. A DUNCAN, A TT O RN|V AT LA W, ^^iBRY,Georgia. a Grand Seale! Preparation on A Jersey Horror, Yesterday morning, betwen eight and nine o’clock, at a little place cal led Brancbvflle, in Frankford town- snip, away np amid the hills of Sus sex. New Jersey, a terrible tragedy was enacted. An old resident of the place, abrnt. seventy-five years of age named Henry Wyner, had some troub le with his wife nearly as old as him self. It culminated in a frightful dom estic row. In the wildness of hi* fu ry the old man seized an axo and literally hacked liis wife to pieces. Tbe Great Mediqi Discovci Dr. WALXEB’S ^T.rEwqTJT, 1MEGAR UTTER ss Hundreds of Tht^Q^g si ■ g|a WHAT ARE tW y ? Finest Park and Best Race Track THE BEST GIN YETI cause, before charged only Notioes of i intended to p ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. or interest, wifi tisemeiits. - Advertisers are re< (hvors as early in tin The above terms WINSHIP & BEO., Atlanta, Ga. played itself tions. At length after the lapse of an: hour, the saloon door opened, and the-; gentleman of the chamber announced Pirnetti, who presented himself with a calm front, and the serenity of one; who had done nothing to reproach, himself with. The Czar however was greatly displeased; but Pirnetti seem ed astonished, and replied with great, coolness, “Did your majesty command my presence at seven o’clock precise ly?” “Just so!” exclaimed the Czar at the height of exasperation. said Pirnetti, “ let Seven Magnificent Exhibition Halls! After he had completed this dread ful act ho procured a gun and dis charged it at himself. He droped on the .floor and ~ died almost instantly. Singular to relate, the horribly mu tilated Mn»- Wyker lived some time after her husband. The prime cause of the trouble is not known, The Wildest excitement prevails through out Sussex county regarding the mat ter A coronors jury was at once sum moned. Old Wyker was quite well known, and stood-well in the commu nity.—N. Y. Herald. CAMPBELL & JONES 250 SPLENDID HORSE COTTAGES! COTTON FACTORS. MA CON. GA. HEAD OF ALL COMPETITION! 10,00 0 in Cash Premiums Turn First Premiums at Georgia' Stale Fair, 1870. bieand substantial im- VEMENTS have been made in flLg .Jie manufacturers .now offer P\r S erf die South'# Cotton Gm ■ “Apevior, and which for durabil- 2 “Aval, and good workmanship, be e V\ed. ‘ attentf planters is called to the 13 nsed on this Gin, to heat than any other is all.grit and dirt -from (time and trouble of fre- Vjuires not more than ■tint 0 f oil consumed by nt Jin good style and in m “Vauner throughout, 14 tc jier with joint bolts; ide otv ^irert it is essen- ^in before buying ',.4°, 50 d 60 saw Gins m stoekvpri^ §4 a saw, AMprViV/ char,Je f° r joNES, 6 : aud it matters not what business noaged in, for, if intelligently «md uSv pursucd, a fortune wifi be .the -Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine. f*? £-3 C~s THEY ABE NOT A VILE «S.5 b ti FANCY DRINK,?!? itJk W Tpopr'jtaa,, ! YVhUkoy, Bnlrlts tuidOefuse Li«munnloeU,r,.<l, spiced and Bwcetcncd to please the taste. c^nsi^Ton- ics 39 Appetisers,” “ Restorer;, *c., tliat lean the tippler on to drunkenness and rain, hat are - atrtns Medlclne.made from thoXaUve Roots and nerha of California, Tree from nl 1 Alcoh<01c Stimulants. They arc theGUEAT IILOOD PCKIFIl^t and LIFE GIVING 1*KIS- CIPLEapcrfcct Itcnovator andlnsrlcoratorof the System, carrying off atl poisonous matter sjd -restoring fhe blood to ahcaltl.y condition.ho person can take theso Eltters according to dlrec- ‘ tlon and remain long Unwell. OFor Inflammatory and Chronic Uhco- runtism and Gout, Dyapepala ur Iudi- gestlori. -BfllO'us, Uemlitcnt and Intcr- niittcnt Fevers, Dtscnsert or tlie I.ivcr, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Blt- ters hare been- most snccessful. Suca Dis hes rs Offered for Fast Horses—trotting or running. The fastest horses in tl North, West and South to be' present. Superior accommodations for- stock. -‘Well, then,' your Majesty deign to look at your watch, and you will perceive that l am exact, and that it is just seven . A Mrs. Conway has been awarded the contract for building a railway in Maryland, and already has hex work men boisy engaged in digging, car ting and track-laying. This is much the most noteworthy of the re cent manifestations of female deter mination to rival man in fields here tofore exclusively occupied by him. We have become so accustomed to the Western girl who cultervates a fa*m of forty acres, planting, ploughing, and irrigating it in many fashion, that she is no longer an item of inter est Also the young woman who per petually, goes out upon a raging sea in a small boat and rescues shipwrecked sailors bids fair to exasperate man kind by her wearisome iteration of what was once a pleasing and philan thxopic novelty. But a woman who un dertakes to build a railway and proves herself a mistress of grading, ballast ing and bridge bnilding, who under stands the mysteries of “chairs” and “switches,’’and who can oversee gangs of track-laying, navvies with discretion and authority, deserves at least a tran sitory fame. ' . ' f World. before the public.. Ha«! vertising, 1 sliould neve fortune of £350,OUO. Birmingham. queut oiling, olently, in order to confound what he considered a downwright piece of in solence, was completely amazed. The watch marked seven o’clock! In turn all the courtiers pulled ont their watch es, which were fonnd, as usual, exact ly regulated by that of the Sovreign. Seven o’clock! Indicated with a com mon accord all the watches and clocks of the palace! The art of the magician was at once manifest in this strange the march of time. CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING 5,000 PEOPLE ! Clay. “ What audacity is fff-1 to war, the skillful use_ol success in business."—Hei “■The newspapers ma Fisk, Jr. “Without the aid oi could have done nothin tions. I have the.rjnast declared that at ten o’clock precisely Pirnetti, whom they all perfectly rec ognized, passed through. “He walked at a slow pace with head erect in order to be better seen," they said, “and he bade ns adieu in a clear and audible voice. ” These unanimous testimonies were confirmed by the written declaration of all the -officers placed at every gate to inspect the GRMD STATE REGATTA! Over §1,000 in Cash Premiums. Boat Clubs invited from New York to New Irleans. Fifteen different- Clubs expected. River bank terraced for one mile, ’en thousand spectators can be seated on the beautiful green sward at onee.„_ TTosdiclid raialn Old Shoulders, oou B i», the Clicst, Dizziness, Sour Eruc-ations ifsisfg '^S-^^Stomachendetlnmlato tJaidUvorand bowclK.vhlcl. render them of efflehcr in Cleansing the Wood of &££ nnd^mpnrtlng new life and v,go: Steld-Ucad, S Skin, Humors and »*““*»“ * J" „.,-,r.var 'name oruature, arc Uterallr dug ^Acarrfeaout offte «JTrt«aiu the use of these Bitters. One ko«te In « cases will convince the most Incredulous of t '2' 1 the vmated Blood whenever TOU l*sl’npuriticsbursting through taesttgij? 1 (del. Eruptions" of Sorcsv desn-clt when Ld u obstructed and slnggish In the T. XlnL B when It is fonr, undyonr feeling tin you when. Keep the blood pure ant ABBETTS LIVER SfllClHE retrogression in To anger succeeded astonishment and admiration. AND CERT; Perceiving that the Czar sintled, Pirnetti thus addressed him: “Your Majesty will pardon ine It was by the performance, of this trick that I was desirous of making my first appearance before you. But I know precious truth is at court; it is least necessary that your watch should tell it to you sire. If you consult it now you will find that it marks the real time.” TbA Czar again, drew forth his watch—it pointed to a feW min tea past eight; the same reflection had ta- . ken place in all the watches presenfr,- and in the clocks of the palace. This exploit was followed by others equally amusing and surprising. At the close of the performances, the Czar, after having complimented Pirnetti, brought back to his remembrance that in the course of the evening’s amusements he had declared that stick was the power of bis art that he could pene trate anywhere. “ Yes sire, everywhereT" replied the conjurer with modest assurance. "What!” exclaimed the Czar, “could Three Newspapers to he Printed on the Grounds, bedrin the fifteen regfo^rs. Where is the wizard, whether coming from the Nosth or South.; who m these degen erated days-perfotih so astoni.hing an eploit? . The Eeceptiok of the Russian Pbince in Nevt-Yobk.—New York shoddy is to have a rare ventilation and display on the occasion of the reception of the Russian Grand Duke A-teviu, Who expected to arrive there in a few days. The papers state the ar rangements for- the reception have been completed. Thirty, committees of the leading citizens are at work. The programme embraces a yacht fleet- es cort of tbe Imperial squadron np the bay, after which the Grand Duke lands LIYr COMPLAI! ’elegroph, Express and Post.Offices,an full operation on the ground, day and night, for the convenience of visitors. STEAM SASH FACTORY Chronicid Acnte Inflammation ,0^3' ’MACON, GA. Marble Yard, For the especial accommodation HEADACHE, SOUIi- ■OMACH, LOWNESS IOLIC, COSTIVE- Here;is the way those pious North ern Republicans conduct their con ventions. The extract we give nar rates some of the gentle scenes that transpired in the New York Republi can Convention: “Chairs and table legs were freely used by the defenders of the citadel, and fists and canes by the attacking party. At last one of the latter drew a pistol, but before he could use it he was felled to the floor by a blow from the baek of one of the iron seats, lay ing his cheek open and putting him hors du combat.'"' oon Ascension ! A Grand Fever and \ 6j Bilious F Dropsy \ Jaundice. This Medicine rely Vegetable iHABMLESS, Edward Pay son Weston, But its efficacy ArmanenUy cela Hated in tlie 8oulbeI d western Slat i to require lurtlicr Tba wise wfll givcttnai—tbat is : that is asked. \ Hundreds of Certifi, from the be men in the. country ath^ value of oi medicine. \ . PRICE ONEqlLAR Sent hy mail on ret of pjice. 1 CRAWFORD &!AXKER The distinguished Pedestrian, from New York, will appear on Mon Tuesday, October 23d and 24th, and illustrate his wonderful powers iance which have excited the wonder and admiration of the world. CAHHA Deaf, Dumb, Blind and Insane.— From statistics obtained at the census office it appears that the total number of blind persons in the United States 20,320 of which 96 are blind and deal and dumb: 75 blind and insane, 7 bl?> deaf dumb and insane, and 11 blind, deaf, dumb and idiotic. The nnmber of deaf and dumb is 15,865, including 59 deaf, dumb and insane, and 150 deaf, dumb and idiotic. There are 3*1 639 persons who are amply insancr, and 54,271 simply idiotic. Other Exhibitions of Rare Interest and Merit wiilhe of daily occurrence tlircnghont the week. Hardware. PAINTS, Cotton and Corn Sweeps, Will Passengers to and from the Park ta any part of the City every “in. “ '.r:, b -. . vim? ovr.v 'm?>j rrc'-wns Patent Mediianes, SPECIAL PEEairUMS drug store. att. THE GOOD THUvGS OP THE SEASON. He has put down the prices to meS . Cah on Imn and you carnot fofi to a CTlltflJ. - C. F. COOPE1 A Hearty Old'Virginia Welcome . Awaits'you at HEWITTS GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA., W. C. HEWITT, Proprietor. Only *32 from New York to Macon and Betafn 30GEBIES & PROVISDNS, TWENTY THOUSAND VISITORS Tobacco, Segnrs, | Liquors, Candy, Flour, Heal, l ^ Coffee, Tea, ( ' Sugar, Salt, Canned Fryib [sh, to mahtygu thirsty, and sensethi to relieve your thirst. I So come aloog, com* aliqg, mate no delay. BFtOWTT’9 SCOT. Opposite Passenger Depot, MACON, GA., ® w. r . brow* * eo*» Pr °P rl< Feed. A. Ri<»abdb, Cl«k. hawkinsville, ga, -yr-;** *. ' \\) He will spend J the first half month in his office in Perry < old Drag Store, and one fonrt latter half of each month wfll to Ms wjctidg n HawkiDivjN interview, with tlu-. ibertaih ' an service Majesty a dispatch a? flWt^ handad him sg i£ tbi Aoc/t, 'it of each jver the h, or the be given ; *t Mrs.