The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, November 23, 1871, Image 1

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/tUUSTtW HOME JOURNAL He is gone from tfie mansion, and gone from theoty, 'He has gone from his office, he h?.s gone in his grief! His clan, in their sorrow, cry aloni. • >'>.. t a pity,, who came proudly, ahoa'd 30 liteathicl!" He has flown away, as some fearful tornado Whisks away on its wings a poor hand- fill dfcliaff! Oh, Blodget come tickle ns! Harris * do tickle ns! Tweedy, please tickle us! TVe all want to . . laugh! -o-i : • \ ' s-.--i Jgj^KSSttWATEllWAII, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, Bf j; T. WA®MM, PERRY/?GA. vni;. r; \o:ifl wM^yah ieiuale College I ; EDWIN M. BROWN, Attorney At Ziaw, FORT VALT7EY, GA., ,U ' Window Glass and Putty -OT YJJlAG DY FOR SALE BY Ur. or. C. G-IXJBEELT. 1B3L CAR H A ..T & CU RD, testing articles on the wrecking in-; -terest, says:' c - . In; Floriaa - there , is a class more strictly denominated wreckers than those in Massachusetts, as they are licensed as'.such, and spend their whole-time • in aiding'the craft that may go ashore oh'ihe dreaded reefs of ttie Gulf coast. The.Florids wrecki- eis,--speaking of the vessel used, is much like the schooner of our' North ern' fishermen.- 3 Probaly - no vessel floats that equals in safety speed. ; Tke pilot boats are like them, but usually larger- A captain and six men consti tute the usual crew. In most instances two vessels workin company.—As-it often - happens that several -vessels are owned by one company they take ground to good advantage. From Cape* Florida id Kljsy West it is ijbojft rfwohundred and fifty miles, "on ground* which is a fatal o'ne ior our shipping. - the wreckingvessels are stationed with insight of each other, and signal art- passed on the discgyery- of . u; wrecks From' Cape Florida northward the coast is open to tho ocean and no shelter vfrefckingfectaft For this reason the wrecked vessels are often not visited by weckers for sereral'i days '-after they *- go-nsliore. '•’here is such*-harvest of&wreeks, in .act, after a storm on this coast, tlia: -oast, that the wreckers are obligedto onfine their duties to the ground they have been_watching . Will practise in all con Circuit, and in tract. -jpk* n< ADVANCES MADE on COTTON Cash advances macfe*by'Wm. J. Sdi-f son, President of the Planters’ Bank ot Port Valley, on cotton being shippedto our. . house. J. p fiATHROP A CO., '• Factors and Commission Merchants.:' '. Savannah, Sept fit. 1871. .J/'f. \ Hardware, Iron & Steel, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, ; • fi ■£ JK M M Cotton and Com Sweeps, Macon, - - - Uemrsiar H. M. HOLTZCLAW, He came like a vision, and basked in nt~ ■ - Tfc Ho came as a pigmy, tow tall as a ste- And now all the world knows thewonc LAW, SHOES, 60. UO 45.06 60.00 BU.FOtfID M. DAVIS, ’ Attorney cat liaw, PERRY, GEORGIA, Will practise in all the Courts of the Ma- ' The Governors resigned and so arc t • people.- ' And all through the State now. is heard } lamenting nmu;. «-•- >- , - ,J *• ■ That he did not evacuate sooner By ha i>h Foster pleate tickle ns! “Futb Ao tic- la us! Ephraim come tickle us! We all want laugh! HARDEMAN & SPARKS, Calidhe- MACON, GEORGIA iu a word everything usually il 'Dry Goods store. They attention to their ,GO UMBRELLAS, [adelpMa and Atlanta C. C. DUNCAN : Coaid he know of the sorrow of those who deplore him, He would hot have left them in bitter ness so: And oh, what sadness,; what grief must come o’er him! What pojn must attend where’er he may. AT J. C. GILBERT’S DRUG STORK de<r28-tf ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wine &. Liquor Co., No. 3, Granite Block, read Street. • ATLANTA, GA I. GUTHM4Ni Importers and tt’holesflie Dealers in Storage and Sale of Cotton, A VALAUBLE FARM ta japjjmnsrKATOB’s siM!. * v ILlPX * - Jadg^mrby these—weask nojnOre. lour interest is our interest; and our long expe- i rience enables us to guard and advance it The usual accommodations extended to those who honor us with their patronage. sep21-2m . SBEETT’S LIVER MEDICINE triorgia, Houstmi County: By virtue of authority from the Court of Ordi nary of said county, will be sold n£ public outcry before' the Cotut bouse door in Perry, ou the that Tuesday in December next, the valuable farm be longing to the estate of the late Dr. Edmund J. aictiehee, deceased,.vouWLumg about eleven huu- And those'bonds which ue spouted!, those bonds how they bind him Away froin his friends who would gladly bear half - Oh,’H.J. cometiekfons! J. C. please tickleus .K;N.'do* tickle us! We all want to laugh! PURE WINES jk LIQUORS. AS!) CERTAIN CURE PERRY, G A., . ,i?. fetfimla!y> «(S nA >ta«sA -• -, f - .. f I? ..I f? ■ : ' Keeps 'constantly on hand a. good- assort ment ot BEDSTEADS, TRUNDLE RED§, « WARDROBES,! £ABLE3j fCHAJRS; - nine (9), ten (luptvreuty- thfee (23), tweuty-fonr (24), in the Hth district 01 said county, and f tactions (numbers not known : lying between nnmben, ten (10) and eleven (11) m. d Big Indidn creek; also seventy-four sod a hail (74X) acres lviug in the fork'of Big Indian and Savage's creeks;—-to be sold subject tothe widow • dower, which baa been laid off and assigned, and comprises lot number twenty-four (24), ten acres in the south-west corner of number twenty-three, and eighty-seven and one-half acres of the south ba-f.of juumber nine. vTbnnav<me,thihI.cashand the balance in-two equal annual instalments to be come dne respectively January 1,1B73, and„ Janu- LIVER COMPLAINTS, C AMPBELL & JONES iUWKINS%LLE, GA, 8p6B<i tfie j^rst haifr But nor one can tcll-eexcept the fourth Na- tiona^ g i Which ride of the sheet bears the balance of cash: And 'tis very much feared when the state ment. is rendered, • We'll find Madame Rumor hasn’t uttered the half; Oh, Harris come tickle us! Tweedy, comb tickle us! Blodgett do tickle us! .Weallwant to laugh! Tfidiau Key/abont-tiiifl-way between Gape Florida and Hey West, is the re cognized rendezvous the of wreckers. In former days, when there were great numbers' of ships laden with .cotton rii ' fiA— n.'„ ai^infWErtSTiiafgoSa^ 1 ?!ie5' money ia fully paid,—purchaser paying life half pt each; to 'liis prsciico fi 1 Hudspeths. ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. COMMISSION KERGHANTS, posing out'from the Gulf to «nr_ pwn. ports and those of the Old World, wreckers were, of course more com mon. A vast amount' of wealth was v.rriedby even one ship, and if tin „ nen fiarvtet was enjoyed by thi wreckers. This harvest, let ns show . lainly, is a legitimate matter of busi uess. The wreckers fit out and man their vessels or Uiey arefitted byicom- panies, and are legally allowed by li- c-nse la follow the calling. As w fc Qchl9^1871. DfSPEPSIA, SICE HEADACHE, SOtiiv- .' THE STwilAwH, nOWbttiS Oi' bPllUTS, OHUAiiU, CtisilViv- JiEoS, ^SsTassortment nf ^jfTgCALLIC, ^d COFFINS. I MAPON ': 0A* : i ' ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO __ • decl7-tf This Whi novlG-tf IUNSON. E. J. JOHNSTON, '■ Eet X •JiEfLElE'iK m *3£ S Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVERWARE, •A -Hearse can be furnished to order, at any time, on short notice. I can he found in the day time at my store, next to the Hotel; ^ tof Ob, greater Gnbernator, how sad is your story! '“A wayfaring man,” and a stranger to peace, On a small pair of stilts you walked straight ■ .'up to glory, And slid down on a tubful of “grease,” Farewell to the Bullock who has fled from our pasture. And left to his followers nothing but chaff: Oh, Ephraim 'come tickleus! Foster please tickle ns! “Fatty do tickle us! We all want to lau gh! :r and-Ague, Bilious Fever, Dropsy and Jaundice. Jonatlii) 1'liisMedielne is purely Vegetab, AND l-i-.UFKCTt.Y fUBHbaSS. . <J F i ^6rdir, ;md repaired at sliort notice. I ■will sel yoil ^^mi^uie us CHEAP AS IT CAN B3 Bought in macon._ . . •> : ~ , ‘- ? GEgBG^PAUL.. ■deClT^Y""'” ^ Jones a cause,i But its ebbacy ia too; permanently csiab- IpiacUilt auuiutfiii ajuu msateiu oldicb to ,ts<^iuie lUliut'l’ I'eCohilHtfUUiUiUUl iUj WieC U’ltti—U-tl is »iA untiloi certificates iruxu tne >iebv ■iihii in L110 cuUntiy dtlcol Uc-iMiac 01 wu.. Aiiecuciue. - ' First-class Watch Work a Specialty. JEWELRY REBkrBEDs. I Mulberry and 2d St, opposite new Court ouse. novf6-3m ceased, having petitioned to' the Court for letters ofrdismissibji froihHheir said trust; these are therefore to cite nil persons con cerned, to be and appear at my office, on or before the.iegular term of tnis Court in Jannarj next, (1872) to show, cause, ifany edsfs, Why Saul petitioners should not be disinissed irom their said trust Sept 28, 1871. W. T. SWIFT, (DOMJ^MMEBC^NTS; does hot live iu this it in 1‘uri that he be Korved By pubiic*tioii 01 tue Houstou Home Journal ouce a jut mouths W.X.8WIF MIX & KIRTLAND, beiittiy uiaii on 'receipt oi-imt;. CRAWFORD & WAUtas, -. l'lCOI'kltTOBS, G-EOliOIA. “We have said a great many severe things aboiit President Grant says the Stockton (CaL) Journal, “and been censured for saying them, but after ' reading the following from that well and wfdeiy-known Republican paper, the: Cincinnati ■ Commercial we hope no one will charge a Democratic paper with nhjnstseverity toward ' the hero of Long Branch: . _ “Above all biher^ sfands the selfish, egotistical,' ignorant offiend, who owes ilia elevation to the fact that tie was the unfeeling instrument in the hands of fiendish Stanton, when fie hurled huge masses of fresh troops upon the thinned battalions of the dying Con- ’Wholesale and Retail Dealers in * -r~-3S3SSS8§ Miss McCORKLE, Administrator’s Sale. WEST POINT, - jpjP for sale by, Hatthews, Rosstt Co., ; 'j., . 1'ort Valiey.Oa. Ur. X C. Gilbeort, a«17-l/ ■■ Perry,, Ga. I HU IU_U OGIUO, IUUIO “a .. r au order from the Count of Ordinary nf said iiuiity. Terms, one-half cash-balance at twelve loutiiH. It will he sold in one^dy orm B purebasera toKSAcOefP ^*TfrBaajpiWL&.- Ovtober fr, ‘ ^ "Admiuetraior. Offers to the citizens of Pehy and vicin ity a well assorted stock of IXi.WHWMK* and other goods in her line, *whieh she will sell fit reasonable prices. Having selected hey gpp,ds ^£th .caje, she hopes, by proper aUennonAo bumness, to please her Mends, ~an<3. secure the patronage of the puhHc, which she will spare no pains to deserve. “SlWlS pro«rty b&ig to tuc opiate of John K. King. couaiMing of b^ouse- uold -and kltibca furniture, Stw±.j3tUa,:abeep ; uud 'fanning impiement*! sold for ibe benefit creditors. Terms caab. Bov. IS. 1871. Tuesday l»e- J <4 ocr, jui <u oaio pro*>erty bclongiug to I > estate of John it King. \ ' . . r. mp,-I ' F to; sold for ihe benefit of JOHN H. KING, Adm’r. — CARPETS'-, OIL CLOTHS, MATTE l Exocutorii’ Sale. ■ffill be sold in Berry,: on, tbs »ri December - next, tbo pbuitation ot t Glictt, containing 342 acres, more < MACON, .H^B^e^oiisiiuflSied'-ttj the e5!a-ebFHr. J C. Harvey, late of Houston county, de- ceasedprfe ireamedc^tixcimike immediate t^m®; aiid those having demands against the estate are requested to present them m terms of the. law. -Nov; 16, ' 1 JOHN. H.i LOW.- Executor. W OULD - inform their friends and.all in want of Boots slid Shoes opufiy kind, tbat tbej o live on hand one oT'thetlargest and beat assor!- meats to be found in. stide. They invite their old*customer8, aiSd all otlKrs iu ~ „f anything in their line, usually kept in a first- class store, to call and examine. They pledge themselves to sell at thej HOW federacy, anti has no more apprehen sion -of the Great Republic wbicb he represents as Chief -Magistral e,. chan the worm has for the greatness of of the dead hero on whose 1 >ody it fat tens.” j^EcuTotfs-ssirer old on the first Tuesday in January, iiation-of the lata B. D. White, being s of land number 121,140 and 114 in Fifth District of Houston county, be- 0 on wbicb said White lived and died, inc about one hundred and fm*y,acreft. luSdred ind fifty aAcSrf lot namber T’fll-Slds uowD^A Sobrmn^Sr rimes of hurricane. What suffering , from!tinhger and^thirst upon iminhab- ] ited w&tes, where almost - insarmoiinf - ble barriera-prevent an escape -inland These .wreekers ' far--, from bein!. land sharks and pirates, as many have imagfriedJhein,_;are known, as a class, to be hnn;ane kindly and honest. I have known some of them personally, and have regarded them as noble and upright meD;-;^-''ri,v ’« . Tho Reg- aiaCON, G. the Uppei Ing the pis and coutai Also ou« C. F. COOPER tile court ^ ' Wit and Hnmor. [SS10II i Corrected weekly by Jeff. D. Houseu »nd D. C. i Fobt ViTv-ypr, sjl, November 2L1871. COTTON,—Strict Middling BACON,—CJecr Sates,....© Clear Bib Sides..., Saon’fti. — 10 y BULK. A-A. C..C & ■ INbv. 6,>1S71;- l/l / ilMERCHANTS. Administrator’s Sale. HSiS lots in that part <* Perry cafied Neb Hope, being of tue heirs -slid meditate lirop, in the following case; .o-wit. j Hravn- W. Ianmor versus GxpBOE H t Wmx& '•I have levied upon astbeproperty of Gcoi-ge H. | ■id C (l20i'’) I bariielB corn, more or less. > u at hered n tae fieid; sixteen (“)_" c ? isn, Hager, . our isteTnSiiys, (he^election .in j that count last Wednesday,- was. A; straight oui. A man in Madison claims to have’ ■ turnips so large that he does not dare to raise them until he has time to haul stone to fill the holes A person, hearing that “time is money,” became -desirous of learning how many years it would take to “pay a little debt of a hundred dollars!” An illiterate farmer wishing to enter some animals at an agricultural exhi bition, wrote to- the secretary as fol lows: Also enter me for the best jack-ass. I am sure of -taking the pre mium.” ‘T ain’t going to live long,mother 1 ” said a woe-begone looking youngster, i ne €% to his maternal parent •‘Why •'Because my pantaloons Tobacco, Segars, liquors, Candy, ' : ‘i -Flour, Meal, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Salt, Canned Fruits, fight <\n tic boss of color—whites vs. i negroes-and -iipt_’ : a sigTe paleface, whelhcr'.Gre^ Roman, Jew,.or Gen tile, GhistiancH: Turk voted the Rad-, mat' ticlietV a»A: . to i \ complexion ,t must come at- last- all ^through the Southern .States.. • ' 1 ' j laucy lixidh... JEAI^,—Con:....... 0«us aUGAfi.—l L A.. StaRCLLii Lti.aC. YeilowrC..-.—r*; Yellow..... COFFEE,—Gliolce ISio. Fish, to make you thirsty, mid something to relieve your thirst. So come »long, come *long, make no delay. jubW-tf " ,.wer eng;ue aud brnler, one gi.^ . _ between me te-viuibouiuot sale. »3LoVtW ‘m>e afifi p’^*. «* Ip?***. «U WU>ld at private «»le- - Alexander II., the Emperor of Rus sia, said to have signed the temper ance pledge, at the request -of his wile. It would, lje well for. Ulysses L to: imitatediis example. - ’■« “‘ '“""Ty”/'' Geobgia; Houston Countt; W. T. Westbrook. gua;dian oi K. a lunatic, deceased, asu also admui; dcce:ised, having fully de-enai^etl sucb: asks to be b.ri.Iy dismiss^, fore to c;te aU perhuus mt-rested w at my ofilce on or bciore t-.e fii.flt - ruary. iWfi to sUow cause, g any. tion buouU net be granted. Gi' baud aud seal of office, tms Octobe Footpads—Bunion plasters. How to consume time——eat dates, Wlmt was ttie first "bet made? The alphabet. An. early spring—jumping out of bed at five o’clock, in the morning. The most dangerous kind of a "bat, sometimes flies-at night, is a brick- Autnatr,... *i/S T, as S 6 h© ‘ti The above are qnanti- FORT VALLEY, GA., not, pray' is all tomed out behind," was the re- iture “Why, Unde Johnny," said his friend, “can yon afford to e at shad at twenty-five cents a pound?” “Ach vohl! said Uncle Johnny triumphant ly, “I can put him in mine ice-cbe-'.t and keep him until he gets cheaper,'” An invaiid-onea complained to his neighbor of a shanghai which the lat ter kept. The bird was a terribe nuisance, and give him no peace day or night. "But,” said the skeptic;J owner, “my cock only crows four or five times a day. I don’t see how that can annoy yon so much.” Be cause,” replied the sufferer, “yon don't take into account all the' times when I am exacting him t< crow.” : j Vax-ex of Accident Jxsckakck.—A i woman driving a spirited ho*st wus : ( run away with by him. Being against FORT VALLEY, GA, PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE THOMAS WOOD, PvTAnier- House, MACON, GA. Authorized Capital, * • " USBBB CHABTE8, HWS* .7^ A- Chicago sausage-maker with nn- nsiuii candor advertises his waxes as “dog cheap.” A ‘-leading eitzen” of Boston recent ly requested information about a firm. FALL &WlMTER DRY GOODS CAKPETfl,:' matting, WINDOW SHADES, WALLPAPER, v MA3riK®«%3» '- ' ' ^FEATHEBb, sofas, SETTEES, WARDROBES, Receives Deposits, dis© and sells Exchange, also i Coiiecijoiis made at an .vances will be made on Cotton, jdnee in store, They tire also Ml orders for the best wands oi 1 “ULfAWO Why-will next yea* ,be Skc last? flTPTf gfVW ATtT.y -RATES. Because last year was 1B70 and next ■ - ■ “ ’ ' yeax will be IS72 (too). Will Co vcii to yjflmbie ibrix aRflortmcnt. . -g u v V' . why should potatoes grow better 43 !SECO]SP,^T :, ?® ET: s than any other vegetable? Because UACOK GEORGIA. ; *ey hive got eyes to see what; they are doing. sep28tf W. A. BANKS-i SONS. A Detroit-paper accounts for fte Lil'c Xind Insurance, intemperance.of a, prominent senator *i - r r ! - " . by the fac-t that he was “brought- up oiere-ti iii'fhe very best Companies j on gje”bqftlfe:”' by a home AgeHt. • Jnd.'S. JoBsox. -j '^ ho flid^rm say our friend W. J. Aunzasos, - - * rrtM ‘ W. E. Bbown. ------ Cashier. PIBECTOBN* W J. Anderson, CoL Hugh L. Dennard, Wm. R: Brown, Dr. W.-a-HoUingsbenA- J -._ 9in at short notice. w.ite.rmwf,.J-i4W4SBCi. r.w.-x«n»o J. W. LAtHROF A CO WING & TWO FTSt HORSTS and TWO EXTRA ilL'X-ES, wiLcii I will sell cheap. Call early. FISK’S PATENT METALLIC BURIAL CASES A CASKETS 3 niioeiL M/> Coffins in mahogany, wjdmiti p^ewasd. <*dar, and imitations. »X6-3m Oil fot 'greasin; presses,; for sale 1 1 Marsh all ville, Ga. Perscrs wrntil