The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, November 30, 1871, Image 2

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SUSTAIN HOVIHERX ENTERPRISE ! NEW A D YER TlSEME NTS. I mating the seme remark, but the weather has just turned ool<l and de prived us of the privilege. K. T. Terrell, of Gwinnett cor.ntv. who is nearly blind, made this year with no assistance 60 barrels of com aud four bags of cotton. A Mr. Bagley, of Putnam county, was found dead at the yard gate of his brother in that county, one morning last week—supposed to have been killed by the accidental discharge of j Georgia. Houston County : his gun while in the act of opening: • John c. gmnph Las applied for , personalty aud sitting apart and -tile gate. * homestt'aj. and I wdl pass iir-on the iT AFFLECK’S The Houston Home Journal Dr. Crook’s WineofTtr. vk 10 YEARS JEf —OF A— Public Test The Sumter Republican has this: reduced to only two meals tions which .ought to be answered. They want to know if it is trae that Bullock has misapplied the public funds, as has so often been charged. They want to know if he has issned bonds unauthorized by law. They want to know, in a word, if he has i been-guilty of misdemeanors in office I for which he should be punished.. | They want to know, also, if Foster j Blodgett is a robber; if he has stolen or squandered the profits arising from : the business of theSmte Bond. They j know that- since he took charge of it-, • the Road has paid only §45,000 into : the Treasury; they think it ought to ■ have paid .nearly or _qnit< first-class Illustrated Agricultural Magazine! PERRY, GA, NOVEMBER 30, 1871 [ We are now ! a day in consequence of our patrons failing to pay their does. If help does | not come shortly we must fall back on one. Our “devil’’ says he can’t stand that. Last Thnsrday the trial of George F. Page for murder, commenced in the Sumter Superior Court Page is a Radical member of the Legislature from Lee County. The Democratic members of the Legislature have decided in caucus that the present session is not the time for the election of State House officers. The Atlanta Sun gives currency to a rumor that Joe Brown- bought Bul- loekV$20,000 bam, and farm attach ed before the latter’s departure. Tiic people of Dawson are holding : their breath in anticipation of a brick hotel. The editor of the Dawson Journal is lamenting the complain TOST TALLEY, GA, a full supply of SOUTHERN FARM & HOME, A Magazine of Agriculture, Manufactures, and "Do mestic Economy. FAMILY CROCERIES, vance. We wanted to let every man j try the paper and see whether he liked j pie time to decide that question long j ago, hut we disliked to call for the i money during the spring or summer. A majority of our subserilxus have paid without being called on ; to those wo are duly thankful. Others have pail since wc called for the money; those alto we thank. But there are , some- who have not yet paid and. to thorn we null say a few. words. We i , want the money. We mean you, friend, < who are reading this.; we don’t mean j your neighbor ■„ we mean you, - and > want, you apply these remarks toj. yoursolf. When you c0me to Perry; duringconrt week, we expect you to! pay your subscript-ion. If you don’t- como, yon can s^nd it by your neigh- j bor. Don’t come and tell ns, “ I don’t j want my paper-stopped ; I like it, and j I'll settle for it before long.” That is j ft very poor kind of liking, and we; can’t pay board with, such promises. Your subscription,!! is true, is a small amount, but a hundred such make a large’ amount. Let each one who owes ns pay during conrt week ; otherwise your paper will be stopped and yor.r name entered on the “skunk list.” We earnestly desire every man in Houston for a subscriber, but we wouldn’t give a dried apple for a mil lion who don’t pay. This is plain Enough; we hope all understand it-, P. S.—If any one is really too poor to pay and will tell ns so, we will for give him the.debt. To have more merit than any similar p ! epnra- tion offered the public. Grand Jurors. Drawn to serve at- December Term of the Superior Court, commencing on the second Monday in December. LA Stubbs, J HLaidlei, T W Henderson, C S Bryan, . M J Nelson, ,E N (Hosier, John B Lane,, JP Weddon, J C Ellis, T H Reddick, Isaac Tin son, W D Dyer, . • B B Thompson, . John Aiken, Geo. Walton, J E Ren fro e, Alexis Bryant, C Poland, M H Thompson, E W Leaptrot, S C Pattisliall, Isaiah Walton, Isaac D Taylor, J T Lissenbea, C W Holleman, Henry Clark, W F Bassett, J M.Dalton, S E.-BasseS*# - G E Clark, S Laidler, -H H Lissenbea, M McDonald, -. J T An ph, Jos. Tnrrentine, MuD Lane, Tnos. Chaneey, G ;T Markeri, T H Morchman, J A Hancock, J I-McWilliams, A E Graves, W Leverett, C M Lester, J Q Ellis/ H L Williams, HELP, CASH-USI ir I sinli IN THE RESTAURANT, You can obtain any delicacy of the season Oysters, Fish, Sausage, and in fact everything w-mally kept in a first-class Dining Saloon. as much; monthly, and they want to know where ! the mom y went. These two men Bullock and Blodgett j have been repeatedly charged with climes which should be punished if] proven. The people now ask, .are j : these charges true, and if so, why are; not- the culprits brought to .trial 2 j The LegisIatureJias been in session. ] four weeks, and has done nothing to ] investigate the offidal.condpctof these men. The investigation . should be ! made and the men in question should -be proven guilty or declared innocent. Tne delay of the Legislature creates the suspicion in the minds of the peo ple that that body does not want to investigate these allied frauds, and consequently that we have not an hon- est Legislature. Many think they have reason for fearing that there are some influential men in both Houses who belong to some infamous “ring,” and who control the action of their col leagues. . Is it, not. probable that Joe Brown, the prince • of wire-workers, is influ encing, through his. satellites : in the Legislature, the action of that body so :is to prevent any action towards clear ing up the frauds which- we all sup pose- -to have been committed ? If this is not the solution of the problem, whaiPis ? j Tha honest, plain people of the State are coming, to think that our Legislature is not an honest body of men, und,the members owe it-to their own reputation, as well as their con stituents, to take early action on this jnatter, Those that are owing me on acconnt, an requested to crime toward and pay me ai once—I acea the money ana must have n I MEAN BUSINESS 1 i is lamenting the completion of the nbw jail in that place. He thinks the windows too small ’and too far froar the ground.. And reminds us that those-carrots have not been I brought in yet for our jail. 7 George Harvel five miles from Grif fin, had his house burnt- by accident .last week. Loss S2500. ’ j Newspapers all over the , State % barking about big. potatoes. This thing is getting very common. None of our readers'need bring us a potato and expect a notice unless it. .weighs fifteen pounds. There now. An Episcopak.cburch is now being built in Hawkinsvillfi. The editor of the Hawkinsville Dis patch rises to explain about that gourd- vine of Chalker’s. He Says it covers an area of gronnd35-feet in diameter All right parson. Four prisoners escaped from the At lanta jail last Wednesday night.' ' We are again reminded that as vet no boiled carrots have been provided tor securing the doors of our jail. (hie small negro attempted to feed another on pistol balls the other day. The other’s mamma is now fitting his clothes to Iris yonnger brother. The Constitution urges the people of Atlanta to be on the alert. The cnnniiig freedmen are preparing to pass off fraudulent tickets on the nil-’ suspecting and unsophisticated whites, at ’the ensning municipal election. The whites - have our sympathies in this their hour of need. That antiquated fossil. Gov. ’ Sam. Bard, intends to resume journalism In Atlanta about the first of January. What have the people of Atlanta done that they should forever suffer this infliction. The gin house of W. J. Hicks in Troup county, was bumeed I5st week with its contents. Loss §1250. Matrimony is steadily on the in crease in this State. In the exchan ges that came to us by last Saturday’s mail, we counted no less than thir teen marriages- It still grows sadder. The Cntbbert Appeal has . this: A difficulty occured in Clay county, near the Calhoun line, on Saturday last, DR. CROOK’S WINE .OF TAR BLACK, and WHITE. AJjA.I»A.CASi BLACK and COLORED M e ri n o ss» At extraordinary low figures, at nov 23-2t FEEDER.' A Magazine for Gfrildren. Removes pain in Breast, bide or nacx. " J-— Cures Gravel and Kidney Diseases, fail to tedl on Affleck, aud DR. CROOK’S- WINE OF TAR i S ^ are meaL - Should be taken for | all diseases of the Urinaiy Organs. - Hgnstmr Snpa-ior .Court.— — i ’ jonmed Term, 181 DE. CROOK'S .WINE OF TAR ■ « ! 1®^^. . KC Possesses Tegetable Ingredients vermis | to which makes it J. i:. UAxi-jiin... ) ll the best Tonic in the market. Wherefore, it is ordered and adj Messrs. Pott * Amkby-give notice, that they have made arras, gements for the sate ol" the monthly parts ol this popular English PerioaieaL This Magazine has, in a short time, readied the enormous circulation in England, of 160,000! Each number contains 32 printed pages, and is illustrated with ten full-page and a number o. smaller BEAHTHIILLY EXECUTE!-- WOOlaCC i ti. The printing is in that style which is so atti active to children, and which has made several English magazines, and the Chatterbox in particular, such We have secured the agency in this lo cality for the sale of LAZARUS & MOR RIS" celebrated perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses; they are very popular and have been a special manufacture of the above firm for many years. These specta cles will assist the sight most brialliautly, strengthen and preserve the eyes, and are very easy and pleasant to wear. We solicit a call from those needing aids to sight. Our fall assortment in gold, silver, steel and shell frames, will enable us to fit all conditions of the eye, and give great satis faction to those -win. favor ns with a calL H. P. EVERETT & Co. nov 23-tf • Fort Valley, Ga. Petty Jurors. FM King, C C Dennartl, SL Thompson, J J Jones, W. Finney, J H Doles, T F Tucker, E Green, J A Howard, R’ R Adams, J A. Dallas, J 0 Howell, S W Dupree, B F Avant, D C Dunbar, ASNniin, . SR Smith, J I Reynolds, Taylor Harris, . M McCoy, W Johnson, J D Murray, G. W Stnrges, N W H Gilbert, S F Bridges, LW Stewart, -R L Braswell, W L Bainey, JL Alldredge, F C Henderson, G W Hardison, J T Walker, O H Miller, B C Holt, J F Mathews, J S Thompson, D H Honker, John King, J E Taylor, Z T Vinson, S Akins, J Brewer, J J Smith, S P Salter, F S King, J A Wiggins, A J Hardison, Jas. Vinson, . Jas. Barnes, J M Boon, W Avera, J F Everett, John Talton. D G Walker, B H Pitts, W D Allen, A B Tucker, H Hickson, G W Smith, E L Polipck, L C Watson, WTEing, J W Hodge, R Stripling, SC Rice, JFClark, ‘ H S Kezar, A H Tharp, W Brunson, J Martin. J F Avera, W D Vinson, said mortgage. a:icl the tnmi of One Hundred and j LitlMv Dollars and Seventy-nine cents, for inter est due up to t.;is date, aud the sum of One Htiu- Ired dollars for Attorney’s fees in this behalf, with interest ou pnucipjd sum up to date of pay ment and tiie Hnm of for cosh* of rniit. Jaue 1,1871- Xisbexk .v Jackson, PT1T* Att*ya. - It appearing to the Court that the defendant, J. t. Campbell does not reside iu the county of IfouHt/nz It ;'s ordered that film Bide be published >uce a mouth for four inm»ths, iu official ga zette of said county, nnicjts serefetr be adotuiri- edged thcreoic by tiie first dfcy of August next. -)R. CROOK’S WINE OF TAR j.: jet, , .. . , . . . ! A tnift extract from the minutes of Houston Su- feliould be taken if your Stomach nerior Court, Aug. 5,1871, D. H. Cullzr. d. c. The Groat Medical DiscoTfrj. Dr. WCALIFOIUtl^: VINEGAR BITTERS si Hundred! cf Thousands f* 3 Bear testimony to their "Wonder- o'o IU1 Curative Effects. g r * III WHAT ARE THEY?!?; DR. CROOK’S WINE OF TAR Makes Delicate Females; who are never feeling well, Renew. Our subscribers are reminded that those subscriptions which began with our first number will expire this day three weeks. > The cash is requisite for ft renewal. We suggest that Court week- will be a good time to hand in the' money. We hope.,all will renew.' Friends, patronize yonr local paper, anil you will not regret it. ”' If we can get proper in encouragement we prom ise to give our readers twice or perhaps three times as much reading as we have given this year. This, without any increaso of price, will make the Home Journal tho cheapest paper in Georgin. Let EViar one eene\v PBOMPThX. DR.'CROOK’S WINE OF TAB Has restored many persons who have been unable to work for years. Houston Superior Court:—May Ad- -joumed Term, 1871. JznonxHJHcbbat, J LIBEL FOB OTVOBCE. verms j iu Houston-Superior Court. Ltdix IIcuiiiT. } May Term, 1371. It appearim; to the Court by the return of the Sheriff iu the nbwve-stated esc, that the" defend ant d'WK not reside iu the county of Houston, and it further appearing that Hie said defendant does not reside in the State of Georgia, but the State of Tennessee: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that service 1* perfected on said defendant by JR. CROOK’S WINE OF TAR Shonld be taken if- yon feel v.eak or debilitated. -Reference is made on the first page to a poem by Gen. Magrucler, entitled •‘ Imogene.” Thinking our readers may not have seen it, and considering it an exquisite little love-song, we give it a place in our columns : List,- dearest, list; to thy lover who calls, Imogene; . 1 Wake, dearest, wake; while the dew gently fells, . Imogene; Descend from thy lattice, the moon is asleep, The bright stars above us their lone vigils keep. Then fear not, brave Imogene, Thou dearer than life; ■ The heart of a soldier’ - Is the home of his wife, CROOK’S WINE OF TAR Rapidly restores exhausted strength. Fo-sesrir.if po*ci1ul r-vieur: DR. CROOK’S WINE OF TAR Resiorcs the Appuitc and Strengtlu-ns the Stomach. i publication of this order pace a month for four * months preceding Gie' next tcrarof this Conrt. in , the Hou>-ton Home Journal, a.' paper published in j raid county, and that this order goon the oiitutewi | of t&b Conti. By the Court. THOS. D. KING, Libellant’* Attorney. ! A true extract from the minutes of Houston So- | perior Court, Aug. 5,1871, D. H. Ccixkk, d. c. These lid lera ure po^ni Democratic Stale Cuurention. A Convention of the Democratic party will assemble- in Atlanta on Wednesday, the 6th day of December next, at 10 o’clock, a.- m., to nominate a candidate for Governor. By direction of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee. Cliitoud Asdeksos, "Cluu’rman. They purify ihoAystem, md vx.i i Bcmittunt and Iulciiuitteiit ic\i L'R; CROOKS WINE OF TAB Gives tone and energy to Debilitated Constitutiona. CITATIOX FOR SETTLJSMEXT, Effort iite Ordinary of Houston County, June Term, 1871. and are a preventive of Chills.ntd Fever. L>K. CKGOK^S AVI N£ OF TAR All recovering from any Illness, vill tint! this the best Tonic they can take. All yield to their powerful cflicar Stimulant?. Thcyarc t!ic(«]{£AT JiLOOS* PUHiriEltaud LIFE GlYISil PRIS DI i*IiE z perfect Bcaovatcr x:;d Invfr^nitoro; tiw* System, carrying off all r-olsonons r.:c! ter and restoring t!:c blocd to r. benltlty condition. No person can take these Lliters ^econllag to ciiree- tion nad remain IoasunwJI. Pur Inflamiuulory nail Ckronic Khea* mutism niid Gout, I)ys?epi»w ttr Iadl- Bilious, lleniiitflut end later* .miticnt FevorMy Disease* oflhe lAver, K-idueys, aud Bladder,. these.Ss:- ters hxx; bec.» most sueci ss.’nir ^ Siich l>i>- r&mcs aro caiiied by Vitiated Blootl, rrulc. is. generally ptodused by deraaijcitteut of th Digrentive Or^siiM. l)VSF£l’.SiA Oil INDIGESTION. IlcacUche. Faiu ia thi Siionldecs. Con*;hi, Tidi ness of tho CHiest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations c - the Stomach, Bad taslc la th«-2dohth. Bilious At tacks, ralpitatlon of tbs HtarCladar-u-atlon * the I.uag5,l*xtu in thercjfions of the uklneys.a- a hundred otiier painful tymptouis, arc the or springs of pyspenaia. Th-y inrtgorats the Stomach and KtltinZi.- * : • torpid liver xr.d idc.i render ti.cs*. nr equalled emcacy !-i clca.tsin,' i. ■ j- Impurities, and imparting ;-cv. ii \ , the whole system. # FOB.SKIN DISEASES. ' r»r Selt r.heuai,BSbich**. Spot ;, 1 i-u: :. *. BoUa.Carbuncles,iUnrg-TroriaH,.*^..- ; ’ Eyes, Ery*lpeUs, Itch, Scurfs, Diaowi.-rct,..>: ’. tho Skin, Humors and Dia.asw of£i:e .■?!< whatever name ornatnr.*, aro titers!:r and carried oat of the system iu a. t-h'-r the use of thesr Bitters. Or e oases will eon vinca tlse most lr.crfcjr. Tv- - ouratiT^toubcts. Cleanse tlis Vitlatad BIoo ! its inipurities bursting throv«;i. * . pics, or Soren: uu.-a . find it. obstructed and s'-i-z •• • cleanse it wlion It is fuul . ivOM ' 1 1- tell you whoa. Keep t: V health of tho system w! ii foliar. PIN, TA PE ana ot:::r »V t”.: the system of so many Ihcv.* - 1 i - destroyed and r^’.uovcG- 7 or ’ •carefully the cfrcuUr srsand' *• J.WAIaKER, rmnrUVA? V.. •: COv, DrUjT/isU a id £j.;U- A5:-.. Cal,and 5? aa;lSi Com vtc? C. C. Duncan, ^ailmlnistmtor do bonia -non, c>T liiKtlon Smith, *- vntKt?K Jtndah Hodges. Mr*. Ardilla Smith, administra trix. Mrs. Judith Saiith. administratrix, Garrett Smith, of Houston County r John Fulton of Ban- dolph. County ;-E. B. GHbert. execotor, of Pulaski County; and Mrs. E. A.-Hmitb. Are an antidote to change of Yt'uUr and l»u Thy steed stands impatient his mistress to bear, Imogene; To the home of her lover on the praries ofer, Imogene-; Beloved as a maiden, adored as a wife, Thoa shalt forever be the star of my 1 fe. Then fear not brave Imogene, Thou dearer than life ; The heart of. a soldier - Is the home of liis wife, FORT TALLEY CORRESPONDENCE. Fort Valley Market Report. “Will save days of suffering to the «ck, and Four Valley, Ga., Nov. 20th—Town dull and busines drooping for the sea son. Everybody is willing to bny but are minnsthe wherewith. Money very tight Debtors seem destined to re main such. Creditors can’t see it that way, and donning becomes a fine art. More or less cotton comes in daily ; some to the depot direct, most of it to the Warehonse. Our Bulls and Bears, - New York herself would not be ashamed to own; their nerve, their back-bone and the ease with which they can figure on a margin would muke Jym Fysk’s head swim. Every bout brings their telegrams from all parts of the country and the good peo ple of your rural village would be as r tonished and amazed to see with wlrnt perfect coldness these are read. There is nothing Eke Eving on the railroad. En passant, how about that road to Peny which was to carry the present crop to market 7 No late news from the new county movement. Whether it is to be or not to be, is now the question on whtek we daily pouder. Your readers may know that our citizens axe in ear nest about it when I tell them that one of our most influential-men-offered to yonr delegate, to build albthe bridges, pay yonr preachers, pay the doctors »nd school all your children for the next twenty yenrs if you would let us bare a new county. How is that for high ? Can as great an inducement be offered us to stay in the old county. If so, let us hear from you. We remarked the ominous presence of one or two warehouse men on cur streets yesterday. The disease has not yet fully developed, its more alarming symptoms. Rumors are rife to the effect that we are going to have a newspaper. | Some say it is a fixed fact. If Hancock county can support four, Houston cer- ^‘dnly can two £,jie more rumor and I close this. THhev aa- v here that Harris of the News fe having a ?oh*en colored watch-guard manufacturin' out of his top-knot as_a bridal present to. ” °ne°f Eis brethren otttiequiil. Perba ” s 3-’ ou ; Mr - Editor, knowsensething abov. * this. mSm don’t know a-’h^ing about it, Ed-j 1 - inr’SI Wl vr ov T u? C. C. Danin, adwiz-iitnitur de bonis non of j^ W 1AK R-S(l.»n Smith. Iwrias filed fee petition to: see*. Should be taken to strengthen and Uemeut of bis aaamets as admmixtratnr afore- build nn vour svstem aud lt 3 FP%W>» ^ Court By the returu »4» >onr sysiem. nf tht; that Mr*. E. A. Smith. *dm-nirtr»- VI a’>« WIVP r»c» rr.« ry trixjtf Jbasc hoi io Be found in Houston )Ut\. \\ »A fc, Ur l AK Couurr. aatl ll furtaer appearing that rin? rrsldet Should be kept in every house, 2**?*“* thelimUrteT^uK.aStete: okxbzsi t i-A r .• that be perfected on feud Mr*, b. A. Smith _ . 4 . ^ by publTcatton of this nntice four months in th* Tonic properties tried by alL Houaton Home JouriSL — * C. C. DUNCAN, Petitioner. A true extract from the minute* of Court Jon* 12,1871. W. T. SWIFT, 6- H. C. Corrected weekly by Jeft. D. Housek and D. C. Fountain, Proviaion Dealers. The grand Panacea for all Hie ilis of hfe. Fobt Valley, Ga., November 21,1871. COTTON,—Strict Middling... 17 @ BACON,—Clear Sides...... M ClearKibSides........ k ....... 10 •'ftp - Shoulders..... 8 . BULK MEATS,—Clear Sides, ($ * Clear ^ib Sides 2 }*■■$ Shoulders (gp HAMS,—Tennessee C. C- 17 (& , Sugar-cured Canvassed 20 (£ LABD,—Leaf............ 15 (& Pressed lfJST@» FLOUB,—Superfine 8 25® Faufily, a.............. 9 25(£ Extra Family, 9 75ftp ~ Fhncy Brands...... 10 5l)(cp GBAIN,—Com 1 15(cp Oats 85 ($, SUGAB,—Standard A 15>»<& #r staiiari urn L JT CO’AX TOfcTTrr EE2AMf In Tmintr or OV’. ' jUj Vot'Single, thei*e Bitfers RreRn-\ arequallcd and have often been thu\. S means ot wvvinir life. '■* TRY ONE BOTTLE- l Brutal Murder. We quote'the foUowing from the Savannah News, of Saturday: Mr. D. F. Pelote owns a stock farm on Warsaw Island, about sixteen miles from that city, on the coast. He is: well known in the city and vicinity, es pecially among boatmen and gentlemen who have a relish’for sports oh the seuside during the summer. It ap pears that hist Thursday, week - Mr. Pelote engaged a 'white man named Simmons, and a negro to watch the house and the Eve stock on the island. Mr. Simmons, who is said to be from Atlanta, went to Warsaw Island last week, Thursday, accom panied by the negro. Neither of them’ were known to-CoL Pelote. On last Thursday a Mr. Howard, who was proposing -to rent the place,. accompa-: ni’ed by negro boys, rowed a boat down to the-islond.and landed’. They saw no one moving -about the island and- decided to cad on CoL Pelote for some necessary information. They approached the house and called for the persons whom they thought would be able to give them all the informa tion they desired. No one answered their call, and thereupon they went to the door and passed into the dwelling. There a most horrible sight awaited them. On the floor, in a pool of blood, lay’the dead body of. the old man,-Mr. Simmons. The skull of the man had been broken in, and from it protraded- the brains, thus presenting a most horrible sight to the astonished visitor. One leg of the bid man, which had evidently been thrust into the fire place, was entirely burnt off, together with the shoes from both feet. From one side of the murdered man the entrails were protruding. The body of the -victim was also badly decom posed: - Purify your Blood, SPOTS WOOD HOTEL. MACON, GA. Nearly opposite the Passenger Depot. SALT,—Liverpool Virginia BICE............. CANDLES,—Star. NAILS, Only one minute's walk. BAGGING,,.. 22 TIES, The above are wholesale prices; small quanti ties will of course be proportionately higher. J. Walker, Proprietor. IL H. McDonald A O-, Dru**i*il k. Geo. A cents. S*n Fnroewro.Cal .and 34 Cotntr.srcfi SL. N.T» HILLVON9 Bear Testimony to their Wonderful Cnmelee Effect** ‘ Tlncsrnr Hitter* .are not Yil« Fancy Drink, Made of Poor Ham, Whisker* Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doc tored. spiced and sweetened to please th* taste, called “ Tonics,” ** Appetizers.” “ Restorer*. ’ that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from th* Native Boots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant*. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invijrorator of the System, carry ing off all poisonous matter and rcstortn* the blood to a healthy condition. No persen can take them Bitters according to direction* and remain loar unwell, provided their boD^s are not destroyed by mineral poison or othe»- means, and the vital organs wasted beyond thr point of repair.” They are a Gentle Purgnilre am well a* a Tonic, possessing also, the peculiar merit' of acting- as a powerful arent in relieving Conges tion or Inflammation of 'he Liver, and of all the Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in yoanff or old. married jr single, at the daw* of womanhood or at the tu** of life, these Tonic ’Bit ters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rhe*« mntUm and Gout, fijspepsin or In* digeatlon, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fever*, Disenae* of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitter* have been most successful. .Such DUcane* are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the DiarcMtive Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain in the Should*! s, CouRhs. Tight ness of the Chest. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the 8tomach. Bad Taste in the Month. Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lnngs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms at* the off springs of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate th* torpid liver. »»»d Bowel*, which render them of unequalled efficacy in dtanaing the blood of ail im purities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions,Tetter. Salt Kiteam. Blotches, Bpoca, Pimple*. Pustule*. . Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald nead. Sor* Byes,Brysipelaa. Itch. Scurfs, Discoloration* of th* Skhu Humors and Disraaes of the Skin, of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and car ried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitter*.- One bottle in such cases .will con vince the most incrednkma of their curative effect. BROWKPS SOTKIj Opposite Passenger Depot, MACON, GA., Tf. F. BROWN & CO., Proprietors, I'kjt). A. EimAKrs, Clurk. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Prof. P. Loud's COUGH SYRUP! cold., sureties of the throat, chest sad lungs, bronchitis, etc. Every case, of consumption commences with 3 cough excited from the individual having taken cold. The diseases of the air passages are of giek' interest to every intelligent being. The; delicate organization of the lungs, their constant activitv. and their being exposed to contact of air of such different temperature, and which contains various irritating matters suspended in it, render them especially liable to diseases, and those of most se rious character. For those diseases wc offer Prof. Lond’s Cough Mixture as a remedy. If you catch a cold, do not wait to let it get a deep hold, but take the remedy Wherever Poke Root prrows, it has a local ojanalion as a Blood Purifier, and for the -ore ot Rheumatism. With ail this local repotnrv n and ijie praise of dis-inj*uished Physicians Drs; Coe. Lee, King, Wilson M. ‘hint,- Gril Copland and o hers,) who havc tesied.. smediral jiowers; it has been negiected by ihc profession at large, as much ill rough a vans of a proper appreciation ol its merits, as a knowledge of the proper way lo prepare ii for medicinal use. Dr. Olivet Crook, : a physician who devotes liis entire imeiothedniiesofhis profession,! has fully i'-tied the active medicinal qualities of Poke Knot during the Iasi 25. years, and unhesi tatingly pronounces it - o have mop.e mer.i —for diseases depending on a de]irave<i con dition of die blood,—than any and ah other jriicles named in the Materia* Medica. Un der Ith? instructions our Chemist has com- WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Merchants, Gents:—-Mr. P. Laud having referred you to me relative to the,merits of his Cough Syrup, I.take pleasure in »«tating that when suffering from a very severe cold and distressing cough, which destroyed my rest. Mr. Loud noticed my cough aud present- DR. CROOK'S .'SYKUPOl' . >KE ROOT- Cures Scro ala, S<-rofiilou^ Tumors, Scrofuiou- di-ea-es of the Eyes, or Scrofula ir. any form. ed me with some of his Syrup, which afforded me immediate relief, and enabled me to rest quietly, a thing 1 had not been able to do for several nights - before. I there tore esteem the Syrup a very valu able medicine. Yours, very resi>ectfully, GEOBtiE S. (JliEAB. PREPARED ONLY BY Hunt, Rankin. & L,amar, MACON, GA., FOB SALE BT Mathews, Grees A Co., Fort Valley, Da. J. G- Gilbert, Perry, N. T. Johnson, Marshallville. FOURTH STEEET, Opposite Spotswood Hotel, MACON, GEOKGIA Agricultural department is ^.'ro^ar- ing seailS seasonable for the Souk'.— A supply may be obtained by applica tion te the agents of the -deportment, or th*»ugli memers of Congress, Tlie distribution will be gratuitous,-but the department wants some guarantee that &e seed will not be wasthed, UK. CROOK’S SYRUP OF Pf )KE ROOT. Cures Rheiiniatism, Pains in Lin)l«=, Bones, Ac. DR. CROOK’S SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Cures all diseases depending on a depraved eond lion of the Biood. DR. CROOK’S SYRUP OF POKE ROOT. Builds up Constitutions broken down by disease, or from Mercurial or Mineral Pontons, "Mather, send for the doctor!” "Why, my son?” Case that man in the parlor is going to die—lie said lie would, if sister Jane would not marry him and Jane said sho would’nt.” SctaM H«k», Old Sores, Bolls, (’leers, (■X Diseases or Eraption of tbe Skis, disorders or Uke User, %ypBills in any lorna, or nny entailp. »y u, are all Ppeediljwand pffeetmtlly curBl by Dr.Creok’s Syrup cf Poke Reef Georgia, Houston Cotjntt: B. H. Alldredge has applied for exemption of pe -onmlty, and I win pass upon the same on the 9th day of December, 1871, at ten o'clock, a, m., at my eScs. Nov. 34, 1871. W. T. gwnr, o. m «, :NERVQy$:9f: V1NECAR BITTERS m