The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, December 07, 1871, Image 1

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Thi*?* Mixed. - THE mmm mm journal £Y33Er cacrafl^hpCBLisHzz> px T. WATERMAN? 'THU USD AX MORNING, AT FERRY, GA. jfe* l BY J. T. WATERMAN. PERRY. GA.. DECEMBER ?, 1871. YOL. I, NO. 51 • - • CAR HA T & CIT y'<i DEALERS LK Hardware, •oil & SieeL .. ~ . . UH 7 PAG-ura, -Gils, CLASS, l''sew Cotton and.£arii Stveeps,, j.-Uj fte 1 'i-af'-ril ' ihr . Ifiaeon, - ■'■“ - - lieerg I* jafci&riS'i JiiSs .,‘*>81 Co jpfftpsc**>i3 la sj^fc festew e4S adriaafc fega^Mfejsg / ■" ; «SSjrtK:a -86 ■■fcjtKJ «*4t' ,. de®38-tfi5i- ; 'E.I ^jcA^vV.' &2.QOHJ Hu eiwXI 305EA; 1 BESt S. arcS3SSC>!Sr. D E iTYTS-T -,— :' f ID IX UfTg^f «)•/•) Si -PERRY, GEORGIA. liA'XHIXSVH.LE, GA., Ho W3I Spend she' first half:: of etu-h month, in has officeiik Perry over the old Drug Store, and one fourth, or the 1 ifttie.~iii\l?‘o£.«ie.h.mouth will he given to his practice a Hawkinsviiic. at Mrs. Hudspeths: - 1 •■iMr A * •!'*' Pi mn -■■: FORT‘VALLEY, GA. Authorized CfipitaL ... $200,000 ■ rsoEn cHAmaa rlfSJ'She state. . Receives Deposit, discounth Paper, .buys tnd sells Exchange, also Gold and Silver. Collections made at 3u accessible points. ,\V. J, Anderson. - - - - President W. E. ltaows. - - - - - r Busmen; DXEEcrrdnE: \V. J. Anderson. Col. Hugh L. Dounard, Wm. R. ilrdivii; Dr. Win. Ai Mathews. Dr. AV. H. Hpfimgshsdd. ' jul20-9m WING & SOLOMON MACON, CA., JEWELERS, WATCHWORK, TE3 n S r a, vr 1 n st. vw.l'j -Jin FURNITURE! »- - ~ *V * , THOMAS WOOD, . Rest to Lanier House, MACON, GA. CARPETS, • MATTING, WINDOW SHADES, „«■'* WaLLJPAPER, 1 MATTRESSES, 1 - FEATHERS, ; § SOFAS, SETTEES, WARDROBES;, BUREAUS, Etc. . A large Stock of • PARLOR A2fi) BEDROOM-: SUIpU. .For sale low for Cash. V/ Maple Bodsteatas» From $6.00 to $10.00. FISK’S PATENT METAXLIC ^ BURIAL CASES & CASKETS The . best articles in the market, at low prices. Also Coffins in mahogany, rosewood, ceditr, and imitations,. nlGr-^m ?riEosaiA,-: Houston county.- Of Joseph. W. "Wimberiy and- lioburi C. iiryan, Kxcutors of Ou-mpsey Brown, de- Ceased, having petitioned to the Doiir: .or letters of disniisSWn iroin their said trusi; theseure thereioro to cite ail persons con cerned,' to be and appear at uxy office, on or before the regular i urni oi to is Uotnd m . Jahuarj next, (1572 i to show cause, it ^l exists, why said : petitioners . should not be dismissed from their said trust. Sept. '28,1871. W. T.. SWIFT, •An Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and CkhdiTohs. AH persons indebted to the estate or Dr a. G. 'Hhrvev, lu:e.'oi';H.puAtan ..couuijY.ut- . ceased, 'ire requested' to make nauieniaie payment, and those having demauda again*, the estate ore-requested to present them iu terms of the law'. Nov. id, toil- . _ JOHN £L LOW, Executor. EDWIN M. BROWN, Attorney at Xiaw, FORT TALLEY, GA., Will practise in all the Courts of the Ma- -ou Circuit, and in others by special con- ^.-UATcaH oriiise, looked. iip thr. u-.-adotmat-s "for a. row liTciii" H..Mi HOLT2.CLAWA ATTORiiaV Af.LAVVt PERRY;' GEORUIa: ' ' •" | SUFO?nr?yl. DAVIS, xAiiorrioy «.t Xn« w •-rS*irrt>ATj :• ^ it. WOl practise in all, the Courts of the M con Circuit, and-hr-tithers by special coi tract - jtm2G igJBt: -3S.' l C. DUN 5 SnT At r okwE Y-AThAVt, ;.k l d &4U IS li •a, ■ . .m-. --*.3 - . fthose of-Halhert ana-G.railjben'Wa!- :i u yawl hired of a unterman; and f ,, s W taken oar h-.t look at tlie j. -^ -jniake tbe fonoTOnfrrecs^la- tydl^mghted with ah that-wus neeued ;bright world without, t ■ ' * i: 'jtfon'A ?■— ' " ' ro-m-.tke the- day a merry one.-. . ■ -1. •Mb.iv.ts hard to die' so vo tmand I A n i,-mrif Awny wo wcut,v»oar of..theupost Lthfii^ifcnpwshiuna to cm ; ^ nboveby CimpiieU- Wallace ligiititci it,d lads' iyyihg. BobyTfeh ; antigiood, thaiadlhirifcj-sbbsagglear- j $762.436 11. r ; Afeto the S762,^o 11 %rl : k ^gg.^- B! ^ i "' ,nlgl! f-»luuugaHgrgnr 'j Upended by Mr. Blodgett' over ami lips, as we sfittg^Utojhoid on again# jhybVe Rid dxpehditares mh^ by Major -: t Hr^ a « a dfiD w 94erjtnying.alwiiy3 Wallace i<fc the year 1867, J ~ u ' J “‘ i 1 ' DRUGS, DRUGS Dr. J. C. GILBERT S . - d,e place to-buy’PURE and UNADIiL .-•1'iili.VTED''' MEDICINES'. in. SELLS AT «A«« PRICES, -’ALL AND BUY YOUR SUPPLIES TERMS STRICTLY GASH. AHOEBSOH & CROCKER, FORT VALLEY, GA., - Raving leased the PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE A Fire-proof Erick Building, will do a GENERAL’ Warehouse and Commission Easiness Liberal advances will be made on Cotton, and all produce in store, They are also prepared to fill orders for the best brands of Gc 12. 33.-O , at short.notice.. - . : aug3-tf MIX & KIRTLAND, ■Wholefiale aud Betail Dealers in Boo ts and Slices, Wo. 3, Colton Avenue, and 66 Third St. MACON, GEORCIA. ■Wof^Bootsaud'^hiKS of af:y"Tdiid, that they have ou hand one of the largest and beat assort ments tobe found in the. state. They ''ordially invite their old customers, and all otaers in \raut of anything in t^eii>linr. ni®Tlly tept class sto; tliexasciTj SU&AL\ SO V TIIESyr EYIERP r • ivwtn • hm — - :h Esbcdtoe's Sade. 'Will be sold on ffiefiret Tuesday in An nary. - TBT2, t:ie-prantation ol the l»ts-Ib D.-Wtatt. bc^ ya:ts of lots ot iaua umuoer r21.140 anti Uim the Upper i-iltii Dietr.ct of Houston county, lie lug tSf^e on which-said »-mtehved eddied. »nd containing about erne handled and foi ty^rcs -Uno one hundred and fifty SCTes ot hrt nambei 148, m the Lower Fifth Distrirt of say y-viinbv. wh-reon J. I. Beynolds now lives. ?° lcl . order from the Court of Ordinary of said eon..t_. Tfcrma-cash. Nov. 6, i87L Georgia, Houston County: W. T. Westbrook. gu»;dian of R. N- y rest 5^??]» a lunate, deceased, aud also administrator oi deceased. baviiiiJ fuily. discnaiged ms, dunes as fuch, asks to be finally dismissed ; tuese are tliere- fore to cite ail persons Interested tote and appear 2-t my olfice ou or before the first Monday to i co- xnarj, 18TA, tor show cause, .if any, :why tne pet^ t^)h Bhould not be granted. Given under^iny baud aad seal of - dfiice, thiB Oi^obg. SQ, •v * ' *•: - V '.j - .• ^ SOUTHERN FARM & HOME, - A Magazine of Agriculture, MahufectTU’es, add" do mestic Economy. -K V • j . i. v fr i C,fAjr. jj CfcJl. 5 Jtex. WM. M. EI’.OWSE, Editor, j. W. BURKE h CO., Publishers. Three Copies—one year,. Five Copies—one .year. Ten'Copies—one year,.» Every Farmer fl/Xtl J - i • » ' | should take it! Every Stock-ja-rcr ; ' : ; IN A CATER v, . UiugSffimer of light'that yet stole ir. ;j then, if to mock; :ts, recoding tiiij It was a clear, balm^day in dune, the faint ray: was once inure .visib Qoien Elisabeth. Gr.nts Miiriianim tn Tip-, i^tatc R aid Frauds. d-s: e Dfti3 spoke thus of Lee’s, surrender i The trail of water-h^l ^ her mistress was decapitated | g.die. coiiscjbExreduisin, and .unless God. helped ; tbbsh of Hubert affiTGimtffiMl W,.' 1>Y Elixabeth’i , . 3 • - ■ • .v .. . . ■ — «.u nuu ciimune me oooe when I,.Licharu Dawson, ci;Jsi l ipm..n. Again;and again this happened; b-.t accounts of the State Road after iU 1U Corn wall alter u two years’ jat hast we were .enveloped in pitchy : ^ anl exnen^T o* j ^ st ^ er ^ U8 ^ ai5 ^ ^r^s^gjjn^,al^p ) i'wg,^ftd Tot >ur labors. er-u ... « ^ .. .. . ” * ’ W.ith maryt af^tKiii at && other> ssxaffi^ fwr laaghter waking tip tl eflgBis'i’Sf the' 'diiri6:f4y yeijipi^'chk ttWil •nnnamiimiHri--- seTinie'dtoheed to ^fo^ple .-SSfeJ^g ■ tersof a~SiUion of deEts on at % bpito^f a larger gave %£,E^ conteiided uay Trelawny Vgbrri “ Tgc itr-nor w|> larftlpst.!- > ladan hstkl «ii mrlongiin" :aes catching gliinpses of tiny coves • hose beiiuty'Vno "foreign sc nary I "i d^b ? 4fe{ v^lt/d’^f(?s6db5. - “IhttJdne of. these bid^ebsswAitf-^^rsd ns whop Wtj began tophQW,?,y.fuptoms of fatigini, skilfully, taking mg thspi^li the : itif»w . .;lat between the- roehs-tlAit cohceafcfl - rrom ciisna! obsOTvers.' ' - P. Thiipa-the diirkhpurs that fclip wyy.1, helped to imprint aan my memory , the f - ;-.ceiiu biSiui?y : in that spot for I “can • ‘.ijure up—‘veit now that years h;tv ! -—-.-•I over mv head—every detail of tha fair picture; the high banks hem ming in'* tile nii’mic bay/ covered to ;heiin.siynnaits with h.ather anp,_ the endless'variety fif ferns that fhmfish in tiie rich alluvial soil ; the trees crown ing the heights, the sighing of the soft breeze that stirred their branches, and the musical cadence of falling waters,: :s iunnmerfeble litt’e fiValets bounded , Dm rock to rock in gli.-.i cuing cas cades, or like shyer gfflaenfs threaded their way towards the tanriiptnug jjjSsi Lie scene wits so lovely that even tha -mercurial spilii of onr coxswain' was .apitSSijlpLby it, and lie sto]*gg«liji tlie .; ai dsfr.qfjStmkajffms fqvoC^&*®tfaea'. to /Xcla^^^Jove! it’s^^y- ' “^ESSSmiiScences -ot s ‘5SSjr3l«ippv > bool-days, and song after song from Ahirio or oar • company, the tiin ilckjy passed away, 'till the deepen ir shadows warned us that we icum • part. Our diminished stores, -wore »>fd in the va.w], bending to" ou: rk; we soon emerged. from tin ■ ileful cow'into the iiro ider exp.-rus- . Michaels 3k). While we were lingering iu the-epve . - breeze had freshened, so that- ofir He boat danced m. r;ly over lire- i’s order, gave herself up j to so lively a'grief that she resolved to avenge on Qaeen Elizabeth her. dou ble loss. She disguised herself as aman took two pistol resolving to conceal herself in the crowd, till the qeen was was going te chapel, and then dis charge one at the queen, and with the o berslay herself to avoid punishment iie vTimrio- o-A xurneu -over ro au B°kit hapened that-asThe Queen was •and cash assels'jmcPahiiat? three- In an instant, On came fllffh waslfftddhpoh it, bur liiinds forced to' remiqinsh tdeir grasp ot -tfie- jagged stojtes.-toSvilieh>sJh kpcl'hYeiilcHnging, and like an arrew-we were driven for ward* ; 'hut’the' anfcliorh'fetd.-'arid^ for a' 'time, we felt £fg| wb ’ ware 'saved. . - fhis^momen t s few wordjs had .been uttered for |flif,_traDB^ion' hSd been too great, fretaf ttie mirthhnd * iii hine without," to’the diirkness aud s terror within,' to permitl.Qf/jspeecli.- We all knew by what a fraildehare we held our lives, and silently huddled together, listening to thb wash: of the billows as they came 'whirling find rumbling post onr boat; to .dash-with a .'•/ireussion like tli-. iiider against’tsome recessr o*;thb cavern which, seemed - to be; fair, far away. Shjfinge fears stole over as- as wc prayed incoherently . • tliat: the : anchor .ligiiw lipid," ahd' .the/.vvipd^ifi-opivjor' ■InuA.iustinltrvciv to tffp^das'pf -p;ar‘ .-■sseli when the eddying wwrters.. tyar- rirvl %, leaving .behind thenii 'a • trail - si-Ailcalin, so' profp'tnd that avo could flpsfrimr own deep brsathing,-and the' bitter grief of burierstwhilfc’Bajiipy* lit- ’ Were not-his thoughts : coxswain. with the widpwe.d mother wl>o, if she iost-hun j lost her all ? Presently _ the y.wful stillness was i-i'okoif UyL ainiek criiiabting frtmi ! the roof, an.l falling wu li a deafening ■ -.rash -&.'i£+3vi ^-febti’-ffom hvhere we tayidhe sound lgverberatmg along the Yivcrnotis vaults until it died away in fhe distance’. Afier a-while we fancied wc heard !hc moatiing of the wind outside our prison* Had if increased ? And if tiie result-shonld-bc as terrible as iwe so many who have been connected with the late administriitioh of the Western and Atlantic Railroad, it shows a reckless misappropriation of, the hiird earnings of the people, which amounts to prxma facie evidence of fraud and demands, in the judgment of‘this committee, the most thorough ii^estigutiqn, ; We respectfully' sug gest th'at'if shall btf the pleasiire bf the co^imitteedn charge to tilth : over' all' ^tpe'ijooks' and' papers'Qf the ‘Western' and Atiuri-tic Raih-ogd'to' ’ the. Legisla- tive ebmmittee: when appointed and to give all the information in onr power relating to the bociks, or that may be of Value on the investigation. Respectfully submitted, C. L. Redwise, C. C. Hammock, , . E. E. Rawson. Committee in charge. (■foreboded, would our fate ever be •.wiling waves, tiie bounding ra ' ,h '>ii | know'S to those who would mourn for •ding a fresh impetus th« mirth • ng j Would any vestige of the yawl, which was exubera.nt enough at- start-; ^ jj er unfortunate-crew, be washed out to sea to tell the sad tale ? At last—nnd what an eternity it seemed—we could . discern a faint glimmer of-light. A few seconds, aud it-had ; yani s hed. Then, like a bright : star'dawning upon its, it steadily in creased; and we knew tint tlio tide was failing- Brearlilessly wc- watched'.the ’.'.right hnrbiuger jot^ hopa t till 'with *y^©aA:J>risa?ned .over, -anil voieps dfrcmulchis-with thhhkfhl.jby:. we told each qthfifthftt- wtf might make an .ati tempt .to depart. ivvi ‘ It was not ,m)til'nmny. nfippY^p- hii|>(^y(|fi dfisljhd^ ©n }tjif |pp.iily sunken rocks, that we succeeded in reaching the outer' world.' What we then thought, or'howv we Acted, may bo better imagined than described; Cornish cavern when- the tide was rising, -a-.tuutsux * ,^T]ia.Camc.i.4nd.thc L;cch. , ; ili^defofseseax&rhfid'tsibfennined a cfrfibfis- ch-C^tastance of. ah ' organic We had traversed- about hah? our ward w;ty, when Tom Davies pn- lOscd li row into one of the gloomy . mkiug caverns .bo .seen li-'Qie ;C*jjui?hVc^astj Eylryj fpe- urreeing to the proposal, the boat was; lacked for a few yards,' the head •pointed towards the nearest opening, ind half-a-dozen vigorous? strokes ns iu to the yawning c-avity. 7. '.Jr . Ab we darted under tha narrow arcb,- Ave perceived that at its highest the cavern rose but a few feet above our heads, while to our great consterna tion, we found ourselves irresistibly carried much father than we nad in tended penetrating into this abode pf stiiinge echoes. As another wave canto tip, impelling ; still onward in spite of our most vigerens efforts to prevent it; we looked towards each other anxiously, and crar coxswain’s voice sounded hol low and unusually subdued a3 he ex claimed—— --- I say, you fellows,-this wont do at any price'. Stern all! ” This, to our increasing uneasiness, we found it impossible tq accdm^lirii. We had-buHMmkednrfewTf^mfa'WEen^ with a whirl and a rush against which we. could make no head, another wave rolled in, and we clung desperately to the side of the cavern to prevent our boat being dash: hidden boulder. Though alive to the. danger of the position, and bitterly regretting our oolishness in making the venture with so rough a sea running, we did not ful- ly^eifinprolijmd our diffi. _ ^ Jookedituwfird the. mouth of. the em. - To our horror, we perceived that- it was growing less and less. As the next wave came dashing in, its crest reached to within a couple of feet of the crown of the rugged arch above^ ns. The tide was still rising, and "fhe dreadful reality forced itself upon us, that in a short time we should be closed in from light and hope; m a word, that we should be buried alive in the cavern ! If rgepcie3q‘;iifea*;the>taa of With ind-.'-stfnbiible' ‘ 'weTf ry _ As the blood passes < nnlike-'as they tifefis aiift 'habits/ which ‘has reference* In^supplymg' them with food from « V - . i.1. 1, -. 731 4-, 11 storehouses .Tn tlieir own bodies till supplies are. attainable ^frcsin? dther sources. The hnmp is an immense enilecrion of^at tin jfeticnlated cells <^i5m^B3iwher, which is con centrated food. When fodder, cannot be, had’ as frequently occurs on then- long caravan'travels in the peculiar set of absorbent vessels that ipon the m.maziii' pat £to e?|eulati<ju ? ti3i dm witlKint \inta a stop to th draught upon the back. The hump l very sensibly diminished, even being almost entirely leveled, bat that which yet to^aitL had y6h ilfa^file’ __ Ettrf'of about eighteen hundred thefi ^Mnd 'dbllaSs as the proritafite fiuii which La's been recldessly ,hrfc{ iStyfar- iijid: __ .. sf- •nng the ii.^t thafr only the small sum' of forty-five thousand dollars' vfas paid fe'to. me preasnyy-fby Mr. Bii^gett' dii- "riqgf ,his' ailm'inistiation. of the road, add tliai ’^109,131 82 were 1 turned over to'him-'from'dol. E, Hiilbert’s' admin istration the increased b'u^inejS# of the rpad fqr 18J0, the careless anil' ifr'egn- iar iptanhef' in which' a large' number of iiie yonchers have been taken, which corf fee' readily pointed out tb 'your? Committee, and the sudden of The Contented Man. A wealthy epicure, applied to an Ara bian doctor for a prescription that should make liis body healthy and re store his mind to peace. The physi cian advised him to exchange shirts with a man who was perfectly content ed with his lot, upon which th.e pa tient set out upon his journey in search of such a person. After many months spent -without accomplishing bis object, he was told of a certain cobbler of whom every body spoke as a model of contentment and happi- nes. Pursuing the direction given, the ..traveler was plefisad with the sight of the cobbler enjoying; fi com? fortable nap oil his board. Without ceremony' he was aroused from his slumbers, find tiie. important interoga- ■tpry, wliethef he was' contented with his lot was answered in. the affiima- tive. ' ' “Then:’ said the seeker afoer hap- ness, ’:‘I have one small boon to ask ask' at your hands. It is that yon ex- ch ange shifts with me, that by this m sans I also may be happy ana'con tented. ‘‘Most gladly would I accede to your request,” replied the cobbler, “lot-” “Nay. refuse me not,” interrupted tiie man of wealth, “any stun thou mayest name shall be thine.” ' “I seek not tliy wealth,” .said' the cobbler, “but—but—” “But what?” . “The truth is—I have no.shirt!” ‘No man cold look upon that scene at Appomattox Court House, and for a moment in his heart, ixdieve that the followers of Robert E r Lee . were traitors or rebels, But my comrades, the ‘victor’ on that oc -asion laid not he remotest conception of tho' true Some years s§o, when the ♦titer a reporter upon an Eastern paper, it devolved upon him to write for the same edition fit? Recount of the presen tation of a gold-headed canie to Rev. Dr. Mudge, the clergyman of the place, a'ud a description of a patent hog-kill ing aid si usage mnehine, which hod ' been put in operation at tiie factory. Now what made Rev. Dr. Mudge mad was this ; The inconsiderate bucca neer who made np the forms ol the neper, got lue two locals mixed up in a frightful mauni r, and when wc went to press something like this was tho appalliug result j “ Several of the Rev. Dr. Mudge's friynds called upon him yesterday, and after a.brief conversation, the unsus picious hog was seized by the hind legs and slid alofig * beam until ho ‘woman wirfmjjldfMoefhgcfpwd wifh ; tar 5 . too'-nruehpreerpitntion, let-cme’ erf the’ “* 66 pistols fall The Guard -perceiv 'feseized-hEriihr the fpotcr-TSierQui . prahadf/AotitacRmuaFi rherkmapdra Sqedcdflfcd. b^r to-be brought in, and interrogated lief taking her.fbf a man. . .“Madam,”boldlyreplied-the woman i’though;I am thus attired, I am a woman; my name is Margaret L&brun. lyjas. far several years in .the service of .Q teen Mary whom you have un justly put to death., I resolved at the peril of my life to avenge her death by ypurs. r l / Elizabeth distend to Her.calmly, and then replied: “You thought it your dnty to at tempt my life; what is now my dhty to you?” '' “Is it in the capacity of Queen, or that of Judge, that your majesty asks my opinion?” answered the woman. “As Queen I ask it,” responded Elizabeth. -'“Then your Majesty ought to par don me,”' “Brit what assurance will you give me,’’-rejoined the Queen, “that yon will riot a second time, make a similar attempt?,’ “Madam.” replied the woman, “a pardon granted, with so much precau tion is no pardon—the Queen.becomes the Judge.” Elizabeth turning to some persons of her counsel exclaimed to them: “For thirty years I have been Queen, but I do not recollect ever hav ing found any one that has taught me such a lesson.” Then she. gave her a free pardon without any condition. Fszzling. A Doctor. the stomach is set in motion in its ac customed manner. The medical leech or blood sucker,low as it i-; in tne or ganic scale of life is carefully provid ed for in regard to the natural contir the conn down th ind while engaged in surveptiously .•otaining the lacteal fluid from th-.- ■nsie, she became indignant at their .li.shonest practice and kicked over the .amp. Hence the.great conffagration. ; fry. watched each wave rise higher and j gti^r of tiie leech, the current is <ii higher, and the faint light grow dim- j v :.' lt , l ' L rigfit and left to enter the late: mer; while, to increse the horror °*!tube.-, instead of entering direct; onr situation,, opr bo-.t w.-.s dashed 1 i at3 -the stomaebi ’ These eteals al and fro with such fearful violence that j f,qged zig-zag. backwards anti forward, knew not how long we might hope j in j 00 p^ as it were from head to tai. r Jfc.AAAAA-t.^*^--- -J. ^v^tfofaetnres ana novi**t'c j ro prevent its being broken up. j When perfectly jfniltbe leech lets f p ° - —-W ^ablest wfiters. and with our bieedin:T Sng^H p s hold. It is then plump and full to the projecting rixrhs, we s«il wi ll» R stock ol food on hand that m;t*\ . »ur faces tnnicd in mute despair , [ ils t from one to two years i rtis theippepin”; util ar-a-ny fi, + i Tier :me. the'peas of *=«». and :ndu ^ to torn. clabs.^Aaar^s ^ ^ ^tio'WArai 'xac-OaTAa Opposite'Passerg r Depot,-'- ' , . -• -, v ■ ■ MACON. GA- yi, F. BROWS k CO. . Praprlelar fsat>. ... Bainbridga Dem nf. is strangely silent in ,tcgrd to tli- Ifelp us ’""fteft-barsCfrom are a v:»y ■- ; - that 1- ng •ips sounded like the w ,ris of doom j - 1 . , I Russeil ot the to ffi 1 - . * Higher aud higher crept the ms:.ti . . . , ate the results sanunit oi the archjWa^ pbUterauafl t b^ing a ~ ‘C lor. iiz. :i> Ai te of Mbs. U’Leabx’s Cow —A Whofpisg Oxsteb Srirw.—Chica go, i Novembei-25,—From evidences 'ien’before the Fire Commissioners 'erday it was ascertainedThat Mrs. s cow ^ was the cause of the e, althorigh that lady "had no mure responsibility in the matter than what was afforded by the ownership of [ be trifled with in this manner!” the'cow. It appears that her Mend j and co-tenant McLauglin the fiddler, I A ScnscBiPxiox Candidate.—The had a. spend .time that evenmg, and S"Washington correspondent of the Bal- wishing i-o cook a few oysters, for the | timore Gazette says a paper is in cir- social; crowd, and, being short of milk, j eolation requesting Horace Gree’v to he “went for” ..Mrs. O'Leary’s cow, ^ become a emdidate for President, and Mr. M, an army' surgeon, was very fond of a joke (unless perpetrated at his own expense,) and had, moreover a contempt for 'citizen officers, who were renewed more for their courage than their scholarship. One day, at mess after the doctor had performed sundry perafflbalati. ns of the tabte, Captain S-, a brave and accomplished officer, and a great wag, remarked the doctor, who had been somewhat severe in his remarks on the literary deficiencies of some of the officers— : “Doctor M, tire you acquainted with Captain G?” “Yes I know-him well,” replied the doctor; “he is one of the new set. But what of him? “Nothing in particular. I have- just received a letter from him, aud I wiil wager you a dozen of old port that you cannot guess in six guesses how he spells cat.” “Done!-its a wager.” “Well commence guessing,” said S.' ‘-*K,a,double t;” “No. ” - '“K, a, double t, e.” “No.” f “Kja; fe e/” “No! try again.” TC, a, t, e.” “No, you heve-missed it again.” “Well, then retired the doctor, -“C.a double t.” “No. that’s not the way; try again, its yoar last guess-” C," a, g, h. t,” “No, that’s not the way; yon’ve lost yonr wager,” said S. • “Well,” said, the doctor with mnch petulance of manner,, ‘‘how does he spell it?” - . - • : . ' r > “Why, he spdls it c, a, t, replied S. with amid the'rbar choking with rage; the doctor sprang to his feet exclaiming—- Captain S., I am tori old a man to meaning of the word ‘magnanimity,’ r ta ched ’ the hot-water tank. His of the sentiment Talk of 'ri en d. s eipteteed the object jffiikeir visit, aud presented lam with a very R gold-headed-butcher, who experience of what fSai^lij Lee'lfiighf' ihake"'his £ jyaiy^iq 'tiiose moutains, and then hc'would’lose" the, supreme glory- of. terminating "tiie jyar. by"the sturretufef'te’hini^ antagonist, and he granted the temi?,.- witbout which he could not hava pro-, cured the surreiider." ! " “Call you this magnanimity? But it is said he prevehte^ Gfehl Le'e'firpm, being prosecuted fortresoh: Hehad, fortunately for him, a nfentfer' who forced the idea into his' dull Tsrain,. that his own honor and glory Were in some way some way cbhiieCted' with this matter, in riiaifitainiiiing inviolate j the parole granted Gen. Lee iind his i soldiers, and he acted in accordance to; The editor of the CuIumbns.Snii Las the suggestions' made - to Mm. Ihat i ^ntly bqfeii to Atlanta," and we make mentor has since gone, and what has l t bis exlnVct ftom.fei*,account of what been his course, its the head of a.pow-l ^ pfiSr.,. was simply ^.astonishing. The doctor'ediududeife to .remarks, .when i t -1 eSio YF-vv. rru-r- ,s aru».>_yrq ^ the machpie se^jhim, and, m has Ln^Selroiqns sausage.' The ocoutioa tor’s Mei^f ns one of tiie most.delight- be OTocuE^d.ior fif.tecn <jent8_» pound, ^Iweaie srirethat those .who .tav« fifitsb long under i^,niinistry. will joice that he lias been treated so hand somely. —Jirooi'lya Time*, erfril Government to Gun. Lee aud his! We are now in the Capitol, -an tin- followers? Compare! to what has j riglinj . baiW h,g in the heart of tlm been done to our people, it wonUj citv and as" well adaptcl for legislation have been mercy to have hung all onrl^ apa.stelHmrd |i,mse is for a? prison, leaders, civil and ^flibityV. and. thp f We.tand ah ^itbrwLbiitiicr,. first sent granted peace' and amnestjr to the j ^ Governor pro .tan. masse. Jeffrys himsitif,^ cb'tild' not j-'W-eTvere plea^ti witii -liis ExoeUgmty have devised more exquisite k w .d hno<l form and and crnrlty than has been inflicted on ; lla _ s ^ fe^st fac$ ..He was chii-rinl onr people. V , . | aiui.aqn>ii,'aii<f Atlantic anh Westen inri,.--Th e pnbJic«]!;*«: gratified to^^ tlic Gdyemoy ife/or/ojiad just dottid learn that the smvey of the route of ! thelast i, and crossed the last f, and this great work is progesang to the i P ut the last j uncial touch on t he “ satisfaction of the engineer in charge. One line between the Tennesee and Coosa rivers has been completed, and and no obstacle bos been encountered that the skill of the engineer cannot centroL We learn that another line will be run by way of Town Creek, It is believed that this will afford the cheapest route. .Iu the meantime we take pleasure in saying that this portion of the line has. afforded the field -for the croak ers, and that their widely-spread and loudly-proclaimed apprehensions’ are without fondation. They will now have to devote their whole attention to Atlanta and Hog Mountain, ridge. In the meantime we have entire confi dence in the skill of the distinguished engineers who are prosecuting these surveys and' will leave the question in their hands. The Fbee-Love Candidate foe Pbesedent.—Mrs. Victoria Woodhull, the champion of the cause, delivered a lector s on Woman Suffrage at Stein way Hall, New York^on the evening of the 20t3i. The lecture . was princi pally devoted to an attack -,onihp mar riage system, ns Uow constituted, de claring it an outrage on individual freedom and a barrier to general hap piness. Its continuance. for a life-time was preposterous and an outrage. She believed and gloned in freedove which binds the' parties together only Ador ing its existence, and severed their marital relations whenever the parties desired, aud said: ? 1 ‘Yes! lama free-lover! I believe I have an aleniable right to change my husband every day if I like. I trust-I am understood, for Imean what r 2 say and nothing else. I claim that freedom means to be free.” And, she peiieved the; .offspring, of such love was the purest. .The lecture was often and . deservedly interrupted to message- Brown met us with that bland,' cliild-likh smile, which for in-. fatnatioD, can be only I'qmiled by “brodder” Lockrane this side of Heav en. It was a holy smile, loo xweet to- be worn by a sinful mortal Wo saw the ex-Governor frequently afterwards, always iu a confidential conversation with a single person,'and we asked -ourselves -f it were possible that this “mildest, meekest-mannered man" was - the hero of Pulaski and the only real legal traitor in America. New Orleans' and Chicago.-rThor Nqw .York World, of the, ICtb, inst., Sfiys: ' ‘‘Under a *thiii hnjnanitariau veneer the Tribune brings, to mfral that the South, has been Licking iu aid and sympathy for Chicago. Con sidering that it is, after al!, from cities only that any organized benevolence can be' expected, and that Atlanta, Selma. Richmond, Columbia, ami other points Sdrith were bat just ris ing from their ashes when overwhelm ed with fhe horrible robberies of re construction, it hi not surprising |m little lia-i been contributui to Chicago. The burned are poor benefactors of the burned. "New Orleans, however, sends $30,000 to Chicago, and when New-Orleans was- desolate with yellow- fever and cried for aid, Chicago sent her $200.-As appears of record.” The Bloody Assizes is South Car olina.—The trial of the Ku-Klux pri»- onera commenced in Columbia S. C-, on. Monday, Judges Bond and Brudy presiding. A dispatch to the Charles ton News says:. The juries were cal- Icd and ; imswerc-red. Cirbin, Chsun- -t berhiinEHogs; md Worthington ap- l the neared for the Government, m Hon. Roverdy Johnson for the defence. .Corbin moved'that tho Jury be dis- what is more’ the paper is signed by such prominent Wm. M. Evarts, Charles O’Conner, Horatio Seymour, Senator Thurman, and bears with hisses, but the principal events 'jjjmsed and a jury be summoned from of the evening was the interruption of the bystanders. The motion wan op- the“oratress” by her sister Mrs. Rook- i,j Mr. Joimson. The Judgw* er, who violently .expressed-her dis-j the Court to consult, and approval of her. sentiments and wop. ‘ the decision -will be rend- red to-iUy. extravagantly applauded. jlriS generaCy understood tltet the The Sf^aeds Rampant.-Foreign j I’^nHon are trying to get a jury telegrams repori that the Spanish I wht> ^ convict, aim moved that tne Government has determined npbnjResentjuptai cEschargedon te^-, shipping thirty thousand more troops : 031 grounds to Cuba, to Jut down the insurrection, J 4»»- ■ -- andpeahapsputon a giim front to ; HerP a g OIie on the “later Fteh^Grant, and Robeson's iron pots, j ^ „ Ttece mcn weK , The. Northern papers represent' Fish.1 ^ One says, “There is u the signatures of munerous and influ- ! “ fiopl) ‘ ng about a fl>,C * teg i on every stock:” A second .-MW. s -T-SJirrti io ential Republicans In all the Northern | ^ by ^ g ^ Government ^ | Ttay have cut down my «rfy cr<., . A lady^says thetirss time, she . Wits States. H Horace can secure about j L who insuited Gon-j “* slttm ^ ° D th % fCTCe ussed she -.felt, like a-tuo of roses 3,500,000 signatures to the petition j . < , ave j tiie second crop to come up.^ ivimini-.iginjioney, cologne, nutmeg he might run with safety. | Z ° '''"j 1 ^ 9 , 1“ ’Pshaw,” said the third, “you don t nd eraubemes. She felt as if some- j >-*-< j Anewian's Captives.—A Washing- r know anything about it. I passed a ■ iiiug was running through ber nerves ! A q ebbible Snow Stobil —Dispatch- ton speciid to the Cincinnati Gazette seed store thn other day, and tiie hmgs — ” -—■* ! > '• stmterc,. we refii there Kjoking oyer the boidii on feet of diamond escorted by s ?. e .al j ^ from prp.h report snow six feet deep i says that at the last cabinet meeting, . ; ttie..eupfds in chariots drawn by an- j on a j e vel with drifts from twenty to eis shaded by honeysuckles, and the • onc hundred feet deep. Previous dis- yholqspread with melted rainbows. J patches to the tweuty-s -venth ultimo, ..| ” • * ' 'to. say that the storm had raged eight A story is toil of a father in church,: days, daring which they had not seen ho when the marriage service came the sun. The wind was high enough o tiie point where the clerginan asks, : to - 'who givetli this woman to be ied this man?” replied, “Well, sir, ;n called to do it, idthough it do go road pur ein the grain. I wanted her to mar- j the people hardy v Bill-Plows t. who i» worth twice the l - ■vioneyG’thiitee'Mn",a.? -The answer' • vasnet ibnsidsAs^lar. ' * ^ 4 iff, name to tlm •forest trees, and sev- leen lost in the drifts, ut country 'or mi tlculated to make Slid industrious. Attoeney General Akerman reported that he had two thousand prisoners alone, captured under the Eu-Klux act A debate followed as to the ability of the courts and. the general government to take care o? of so larg i pro(>ortion of the population find" a general disposition was manifested to il- have the arrests somewhat restricted, and if possible, confined to the Ko kins order. Akerman. must be a hap py man to hold so many prisoners, abort the animal, : L 1, — ..wt.rto.11 a liiila rliuantew. R- 1 AX 1 <* »*** - ._ - . hns changed j tough, perhap*. stUlaUtUe dbwti* ** tt»t ^Vimeak»ei u_ ' ,^ f .•! that-lie has got nojnope, Ifow.” ; * r ; to see who. had purchased seed pota toes.”... - A.--'- ' . »w-«..—-• A Sclienecta*r paper says that “Mm Hannah’Virtue , a wpinafer of very iwif* rect •; .assortment, remdiffg itt titU place, ’has *refnaed sad decfiited tS» le» than thwty-three offers of t riige.’* - '"We sujtpose that ] read Pope’s “Essay oB-t remote day* of^ ^