The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, May 09, 1874, Image 2

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Minority Report on Suutii Carolina. ; Condensed Telegram: Eldridge, from the minority of the j Sekday. Judiciary Committee of the House. The U. S. Senate is large submitted. a-minority report. oh-= the'; .V°r of the free banking hilL condition of affairs in South Carolina. The stage ofBHbao, Spain The Teportdissents entirely from the Carlists, has been raised by i ■tfonclnsioft of the majority and is gen- mants of Seranqs, army, eraliy concurred in by the entire ~mi- A boiler,ina paper mill nority of the Judiciary Committee.— York exploded killing eight l he minority aaysitds impossible to wonnd.Dg leveral others. tu:n'a de ij /fcM;; to ihe;. supplicating wail of three hundred thousand op pressed nni fit-spoiled citizens of that, once prosperous and.-.happy State, praying only that an inquiry lie made into their aheged wrongs. YYe eari- not find in the reproaches of the cciri- New Advertisements. ITtOSI'ECXUS JUST RECEIVED! r- that there' has been thirty cases of , small-pox in that place and vicinity, i te. most of which were confluent. Only r- two deaths were reported. - Sir St George Gow, the English j Lord, whose passage through Sav- d annah to Florida was some time since noted, retnrned on the' Lizzie Baker 0 Saturday with his retinne and fixings. I- His freight bill. amounted to 8300 which was a reduction in consequence t Of its quantity. ; The yield of oats has been cat off at least one-half in some of the South ern' counties by a combination of bad LUDDEN & BATES. SOtTTyiTtTUXr Savannah Morniiis New< A Large and Well Selected STOCK of DRY-G-OODS CLOTHING 1 BOOTS & SHOES. HATS, NOTIONS, AND GROCERIES,- MUSIC HOUSE fished.”—Franklin. (Ga.) jieics. “A. great paper—an honor not only to Savannah, but to the State.”—j*.- lanta (Ga.) Constitution. ‘‘A real live paper—one of the best on the Continent.SonderseUk {fi-J i Herald. ’ “SbouldTrc received by every busi ness man—able, fresh, spicy.”—Mari anna (Fla.) Courier. “The neatest, wittiest and most ably edited daily in the Southern | States. ”— Cor mg ton (Go.) Enterprise • ’Pittsburg. Moxday. Spain is' drafting all ’males oyer ■ nineteen to fight the Carlists.' An attempt was made to assasinate Senor.. Pi Y. Mnrgal]. Convocation of Homan Bishops in session at Cincinnati. Nine hundred Italions were vaoe:- .nated in New York. Tuesday. f. r- More crevasses are-reported at Prentiss Miss., and Walnut Bend, i Ark., deluding many more rich plan- ■ tat ions. : The man who . attempted to assasi- ' nate Senor. Pi Y. Margall at Madrid, 1 was an insane preist. He fired twice at Margall and then killed himself. - Judges Seal and Bennett, were . ar rested opposite Little Bock by Bax ter's men. Great excitement pre vailed. Wednesday. The Judges, arrested in Arkansas by the Baste rites were taken into the country to.prevent rescue. Wheeler, State' Auditor, was arrested, but re leased by Baxter. There is talk of Baxter removing, his head qxiaurters to Arka-Ielphia. A 8145,000 fire in Boston. Prize figl.t on foot at Philadelphia ' §1,000,. Billy Edwards and Sam Col- yer. A clerk of the N. Y. Central B. B. absconded with §32,000.. Capt. John Cristopher, Command ant at Yorkville, S. G., committed suicide. At Little Bock writs of habeas cor pus have been issned.for the captured Judges. Two brothers named Walker shot at Overton, Ky., by one Snoot. In .the Masonic Lottery at Norfolk, 77,509 drew 825.000 and 39,649 drew 812i500., Thursday. Indianapolis voter Democratic. Baxter’s officer’s refuse to obey the habeas corpus for the Supreme Judges on the ground that Pulaski county is under martial law. Baxter ordered a duplicate of the State seal, ' which Brooks captured from the express of fice. A general military air pre vails. The Steamship Linda, from Liver pool burnes at sea. Crew saved. During the bombardment of Bilbao Spain, by the Carlists, one hundred and fifty citizens were killed and wounded .by the shells which fell in that city. The A.abama Press Association convenes in Berrairigham on May 19th. " • j udges SearVand Bennett, who were captured oh Sunday might last at An- ' gustamade their escape from the 1 guard at Benton. The Captain General of Cuba has issued a decree ordering the formation of eight battalions of colored militia. Four prominent bad. characters, who offered armed resistance to General Dumas, were phot this morning by order of a court martial. - - English coal miners are striking. drict of.'th.e miehionalisfs in the qrtst airy justification for refusingtlie hear ing they now request. Their fidelity to the Constitu tion and r laws' is now unquestioned,, hadflieir ptea made in respectful terihs.' - The report then recites briefly and pointedly a list'of the grievances coni, plained of and predicates upon them that the charges of the .memorialists are true. : . It quotes from Hamilton, Calhoun and olher authori'.ies es to. the consti tutional guarantee, and conelndes as follows: “In view of the whole case we cannot hesitate to recommend the appointment of a committee of both Houses of Congress, with power and authority to.gointo the State of.South Carolina-and fully inquire and inves tigate iuto. the condition of -the State ’and the charges and complaints-of the memorialists. To do less we feel should violate or neglect a most sol emn and imperative . duty. The cry of that outraged, helpless 1 and suffer ing-.people lias reached our hearts, as well as our understanding. That once prosperous and beautiful State is on the verge of rnin. She is indeed al- 1 , ready prostrate. A horde of thieves t 1 ...1.1 il il .i weather, rust and insects. A young lady at Joonsboro was se riously if Dot fatally injured by the. down freight train from Atlanta the other night. . ' -~ The last Monroe Advertiser an nounces the Side of Mr, B. H. Napier’s interest therein, to Mr. Heiiry Caba- .niss; who will hereafter edit it. Mr. Stephens, daring the short time he has been at home, has confid- crably improved in health, Wholesale Southern Depot For the Celebrated HALLETT, DAYIS & CO., HAINES BROS., SOUTHERN GEM, &. EXCELSIOR WMah. I will sell Very Cheap for Cask. In issuing this, the twenrv-fiffi, an nual proapectus.of the Savannah Morn ;ing News, it is unnecessary to revert to the history of the paper. For d quarter of a century it has been the conspicuous and consistent champion of Southern sentiment and Southern interests. The career of the MorrnV News has been one of singular pro£ peritv. It made a place for itself from the start rnd has kept it, while all its cotemporaries of that day, and all save one of its later rivals, have perished by the wayside, and to-da* it stands firmly established in popular favor,-with little or no competition within the area of its circulation. In its editorial conduct the Mommy News will constantly pnrsue the poli cy which has characterized it fromthe start. Questions of national or sec tional interest will be canuidly anf impartially discussed, while even-s',ii>. ject of a political complexion will to treated with an eye single to the we!- fare, the peogress and substantial de- velopment of the material resources of the South. The system of carpet-bag robbery and plunder that has impov erished or section—the popnlar prac tices of official knavery and corrup tion—and all those odious features of Radicalism which have for their ob ject the prostration of sovereign States and the disestablishment of civ il gov ernment in the South—will be held up to the severest condemnation; ami at all times, in season and onf of sea- son, the paper will advocate the prim itively pure doctrines of a strict con strnetion of the Constitntiog, and the administration of the powers of the government—Executive, Judicial and Legislative—within the limits presort ; bed by that instrument. In snbserv- : ing the interests of a section that has been so sorely oppressed and so per sistently belied, the course of tk Morning News will be, as heretofore, \ strive or sharp- He is' now able to sit up most of the time and go about .some,- and his appetite' and digestion are much better. A-negrowoman and., two children were drowned in the Oconee river in Putnam county-recently. The Albany Central City says -Pot ash Farrow was in that place last week, and that his - “expression, of countenance and general appearance indicated that ibis present circumstan ces were not as satisfactory to him self as he could wish.” . The proprietors of the Atlanta Con stitution announce sold an interest to Mr. N. P. T. Finch, who has been one of its editors for a year past. ' The Brunswick * Appeal estimates the total loss by. the burning of An derson’s planing mill in that place last week at 88,000. Two hundred thou sand feet of lumber valued at 83,500 ^ were destroyed. The directors of the Elberton Air Line Railroad will soon make con tracts for the grading of the line from Elberton to Toecoa City. . The store of Mr. Sam riel May ers, at No. 11, Macon and Brunswick Bail- road, . was b urned by an incendiary last Thursday. A Jonesboro lunatic attempted to commit suicide the other day by throwing himself under a passing freight train. Tile small-pox is still raging at Rock- mart, Two deaths on Thursday and two or three others momentarily ex pected. Several new cas-s are also reported. Macon Telpgraph: Mr. Nathan Toomer, a substantial planter from Houston County. Ann hunt, a negro girl, was hung at Elberton last Friday for poisoning another girl from jealousy. America Burton, her accomplice is to be hang ed on the 2611^01 June. There are more than forty cases of small-pox in Bbckmart. Major McPherson was robbed of three hundred dollars in the Kimball House the other night. A party of Atlanta thieves garroted a man in his own store the other day. The Courier-Journal promises, to give some facts of a -rather startling nature in relation to. Colonel Victor Hugo Sturm. A Cobb county stallion bit a mjfff’s arm off the other day. The Bainbridge Democrat propo ses to secede from the Georgia Press Association. * A Greenville man has in his pos session v mouse that sings equal to any bird. Mrs. Mary Hazleton, of Borne, was Ij one hundred years old on last Satur day. A little son of Mr. L. P. YYelbuin, of Lee county, was scalded to death, recently. Farrow is going . about over the State fixing up the Radical .Congres sional slate. i • rit n story, A correspondent of the Macon T el- grapli wiitfrrgfrom Ogldtho^pe,. toys, that as be' was returning from that place'to his plantation, just about COMPARATIVELY E. L. i elder’s Old Stand. dusk, when it Wits raining and the wind blowing:from flie^sonthwest, a fish tOfhis surprise, came fluttering in his buggy. He stopped his horse and picRedit up. It was a white perch five and a halt inches long and four widens lively as if he had just been pulled out of the creek. ——-—- The War in 'A'latila. A squad of Yankee soldiers tamed out in Atlanta the other nightrto whip out the city ’for arresting and punish ing them for disorderly conduct and other'offenses. Intense excitement Win. KLTPFERMA3J, Perry, Ga, The Houston Home Journal. snppfied in this way. Catalogue to any address. O RGANS, Every style of the (amons Mason & Hamlin. Best and Ceapest. Sold at Factory prices and by small monthly payments, if desired. " that they -have Schools and Teachers supplied Best and Ceapest. Churches, BB. JHMH| on most tavorable terms- Organs delivered free to cash purchasers. 1 in any part of the South. Catalogues free to any address. T/fUSIC. An immense stock of sheet mu- lil sic and music books always on hand. Ordeix promptly filled. Any piece of Mu sic or or Music Book published in the United States in-died post-paid, on receipt of retail price. Dealers, Teachers, and •Schools supplied at New York rates. Don’t send North tor music. We can fill orders ui half the time and just as cheap, Send for our catalogue. ■jlTUSICAL MERCHANDISE., Such as lTI. Violins, Guitars, Flute, Accordeons, Fiutenas; Comets, Drnnis, Banjos, Strings, eta - We import direct from. European Manufacturers, and eau sell very low. We solicit orders in this line, and will make it directly to the advantage of all to buy from us. Goods sent by Express, C. O. D., with the privilege of examination, to any part ot the South. Send to us for Whatever is wanted in ou- line. and it will be promptly furnished at satis- tactory prices. We advertise only what we have m stock, and will keep on ; prom se to the letter. Try us with an order. It is our desire to call the attention of all persons interested in Houston County to the above named paper, and to present a few reason why those who are not already sub scribers should take it The Houston Home Journal was established in 1870, and is now in its fourth annual volume. It has become an invaluable medium for commu nication with oar people, and their appreciation is evidenced by the fact that it now located on a permanent and paying basis. 1st It is conceded to be one of the very best weekly newspapers in the state as well as one of the largest, Few papers in the state can equal it in the quantity and qnality of its reading matter, or in size and neat typography. ■ The Direct Trade Ccnveiitlou. * This body met at Atlanta on Tues- ’ day, bnfc was rather slimlv attended, ’ very few delegates from the West or Northwest being present on account of confounding the day for meeting 1 with that fixed upon for holding the National Agricultural Convention.— : Mayor Anderson,, of Savannah, oecu- • pied the chair, and Cnpt. John A. Davis, of Albany, acted as Secretary. 1 Colquei Tift made an address on .di- ‘ reet trade, which—we quote from the Constitution—was followed by inter esting speeches from Mr. Win. McKay, Chas. Green, President of the Cham ber of Commerce of Savannah, Gen. Colquitt, Gov. Smith, ex-Gov. Brown, Col. Wadley, Col. Screven, CoL How ard, Mayor Huff, Mr. MeElhehy, and Mr. KiDg of Alabama. On motion of Col. Tift a committee- of not less than five representing the railroad interest, a committee of not less than five representing the commer cial .interest, and' a committee of five representing the Agricultural inter- terest be appointed'by the chairman to propose and report business • at an adjourned meeting of fins convention. On motion of Governor Brown it was moved and adopted that Mr. Wadley be, made Chairman of the committee on railroads. On motion of Gen. Colquitt the address of Col; Tift was referred to the several' committees ap pointed by this' cofivention and the papers of Atlanta and other papers of the South and West, are hereby re- 1 quested-to publish the same aiid to ' call attention to the adjourned meet ing of this convention. ' ’ Resolved,' That’ this Comention ' be adjourned until the i4th inst., to ! meet at Atlanta; in the Senate Cham- ' her, at 10 o’clock a. m., and that-The newspapers of. the South and } requested to give notice of the same; ~ On motion of Col. Wadley, it was * made part of tlie duty, of the -Agrieul- ' LUDDEN & SATES, Savannah, Ga. either eantiously conserva r ly aggressive, as the nature of the dr- cumstance may seem to demand; 2k it will be the aim and purpose of the Southern Musical Journal, SI 00 a year- .Specimen copy free. May 9. ’74. 6m. conductors of the paper to maictk its position as one of the leading a- ponents of Southern opinion. In the news dedartment, the cur rent local eff.iirs of Georgia and Her- j ida will be chronicled with the sane. picturesqne and pungent assnlnitythat has made them such prominent rad pormlar fe:itnres of the paper. Ik local department is m charge of a gen tleman. of skill and reputation, rad will continue to be the most compktf- 2nd. It is yonr county paper, and county pride should prompt you to give it a lib eral patronage so that it go on in improvement until it stands aiming the most com plete journals of the day. GINS! GINS!! GINS!!! The Baling Passion. James H. ’Piles the negro Chancel . lor of Sardis, Miss., who was appoint ed to that .important, and honorable office by Gov. Ames, is in jail for lar- cency. Piles owes his downfall to an eflbr t to become learned in the law, of the elementary principles of which .he was blissfully ignorant when placed by Ames on the bench of his district. For months past the lawyers of Sar- been missing books'for , which To the Patrons of H usbancf ry and Farmers Of Houston and Macon Counties. commercial department is full aid complete. The figures are collated h experts, and their accuracy is sneb i' to commend them to merchants ail. b' men in this and adjoining States. The local market reports an’ compiled with laborious care and ma; be relied on as representing even phase of Savannah commerce. 3r “ It is the only paper that will keep yon fully posted on all about the courts, public meetings and incidents of interest t Gin Repairing Done in all its branches. Satisfaction Gu.irrant; disbud been missing, books-for,wbicli B t-liey had very little use while arguing The Weekly News is a carefully cl-i ited compendium of the freshest iotd-^H ligence, and comprises all the most a!-a tractive featnres of the daily, stcoi-a tains thoughtful editorials upon ters of current, interest, lively condea J sntions, sliaracteristic paragraphs, ar; the latest telegrams and market Tt’J . ports up to the hour of going to pres gg It specially commends itself to tR y farmers ane planters of Georgia, Ftof L, - _ ida and the adjacent States and, : furnished at a price that places it witi-' g in the reach of alL . What is here said of the Daily ar:, M Weekly may aLso, with equal trait -.-B be said of the Tri-Weekly News. Its HI one of the best papers of its kind jjHI contains eveiytliiDg of interest tty M appears in the Daily, together the latest telegrams and comnert-glj intelligence. TEEMS: Daily Mousing News, S10 ■ M Tbi-Weekly News, c !’ r ;f| Weekly News, Money may be sent by expres JH the risk and expense of the pKpy.a tor. Address I J. H. ESTILL, SavanKi- j before Piles. Two of them named Miller being convinced that the Chan^ cellor was the thief. They went to his house and obtained access to his. book case. The missing volumes were found, the owners' names having been erased and “J. H. Piles” pasted over tin m. A search warrant was ob tained, find a number of books be longing to the lawyers of Sardis were. : found iff the Chancellor’s house Files was convicted of larceny. No Money wanted uafilFaU tinier p.efertd by parties heving wort done. Farmer’s of Houston can leave all orders with Y 7 . L. Rainey at Perry, . 4th. Ic is independent in all things, neutral in nothing, the fearless advocs right, the denunciator of corruption and oppression, uninfluenced by political or the bribes of partisans of any name. Farmers of Macon can leave orders with YV. L. Yanlandingham, Marsballville. ^gg,I have the best of references- Spec- fel inducements to Grangers. W, J. GOLDEN, Toombsboro. May 9. 3m 5th. “The Houston Home Journal is edited with ability not only as regards tbe judgment used in winnowing all that is best from the current news of the dry, but alsc in the aptitude and vigor with which currant topics are discussed in its editorial col- fhfirt of <ho. Flood. The Augusta Cotton Exchange re ceived a few days since a . map from John B. Lafittc Go., of New Orleans which is says tiie Chronicle and Senti nel, a complete ‘ ‘diagram of. the flood ed country in Louisiana Mississippi and Arkansas, prepared notes Compil ed and famished;.by T. S. Hardee; Civil Engineer. From this map we ascertain that the enormouse extent of fourteen thousand'four hundred square miles of jthe best cotton grow ing xegfiop of the three Stales' men- umns,—Savannah News, October 24, 1873. 3000 GET THE BEST./ Webstr’s Unabridged . DXC’raoKr^.iEi.'p-. 10,000 YVords and Definitions not in other Dictionaries - 3000Engravings, 1840.pages, ; price$I2. W e commend it as a splendid specimen cf learning'labor and taste.—-Ledge-v TA very s cholar, and especially every mims- XLr ter should have one.—West Presbyt B est book for everybody that the press has produced this century.—Golden Eia. Duperior incomparably to ail pthers in its O definitions. YV. McDoniild. T he refutation of this work is not con fined, to America. —RichmondWliig. XT'very family in the Uidted States should JLi havethiswork.—-GaHitahRep. iB e ositoiy of.nseftd inforinatipn; it stands It without a rival. -Nashville Dispatch- More Valuable than Treasury Note'. —How that old cynic, Dr. Sam Johnson, would cave revelled through YYe; sbr.s new massive. Unabridged! How he would have gloated over its magnificent letter-press and its illustrations, beautifa 7 as new treas ury notes, and much more valuable to the student. It is hv far the greatest literary work of the age.—Hilt American, ALfO WEBSTER’S National Pictorial r»XCT2 C53SJ-uSx.2TtTe-, 1040 pp. octavo, 600 engravings, price $5. Publish? d bv G. &rff. MEBRIAM. Springfield,--Mass, Sold by all Booksellers. GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY. Margaret A. Laidler, Executrix of Ylatkins Laidler of said county de- Cotton Adulteration In Idia. The “astute Hindoo”- -promises to give the Manchester spinners as much trouble by mixing extraneous sab- stances with'his cotton as they gave him by their “oversizing.” A report tural Committee to consider and re port a practical plan ~ for the encour agement aiid location of em‘grants. 6th. This paper has recently been enlarged proposes to continue to add new and important for a complete family newspaper. andmuch improved, and its proprietor ■THE KEN EES A W ROUTE YYHSTERY & ATLANTIC BAIL® 1 AND COSSSOTJOSS. Few persons seem to be aware that the whole range'of maladies which are more prevalent in early Spring are at tributable -to personal habits; >and Very few physicians ever intimate, if they are aware, that what the people eat arid drink ; during the . Winter is the inost efficent Cause of what they suffer in Summer. - The preventive' displayed in that line of business- The staples are loaded or mixed with sand, or with' the shells of the c jt- tpn pod'finely broken up; also with dust, £c. If is often spread out in thin layers and damped, and, after treating it'in this manner, dust is sliakeii through it. Last season pro- It is the designated medium for giving publicity to the legal notices of the and every citizen should take it in order to keep posted in regard to the legal f his county. No other paper will post yon thoroughly. IS EYFECT.MAY 23, ISW. STATIONS. ' XOKTHWiEa Leave Atlanta - 8^0 a-and 823 ■ ’ ArriveCarteisvffle u.UCa.n.andlO^ 7 “ Kingston ' U:43 a. Jt-and lJ23 f - “ Dalton • 2:01 e u. and “ Chattanooga 4 -8r.v.and 3-^ STATIOSS. SOUTHWA®- Leave- Chattanooga 51’. M. * . Arrive Dalton 7:42 A. a- sw 1 ' “ Kingston OeSBi.*- andWJj-R '• Carteisvaje 1032a. 3tandl0«*-1 <* Atlanta Loo a. n. and I :b '1 PULLMAN PALACE CA%> of swindle was introduced, by rolling up small pellt t; of wliitish clay with some adhesive material like gum. These were subsequently rolled in cot ton wool, and then carefully shaken 8th. Its circulation is m.ich larger than the average of county newspapers and its tyerfiang columns are read by hundreds who can be reached fhjxragh no other me- rtm Tier orJwcrtlcrnrr v~i foo -\minimvim tbrough the general mass of cotton. Gotton has also been adulterated by spreading it in layers,-damping it, and and then with a seive shaking the flbur- of sonic cheap grain-through' it.- There is also a common practice of ex-’ posiug cot'oa in layers about, sir inch es deep to the heavy bight dews, the e msequence of which is that this light cotton imbibes a large quantity of moisture. It is also stated that doeras, Ac., when opened in the pres ses, were found to contain dates cn- ioris, and a variety of other articles. Adnlterafion would thus seem to have been reduced to an exact science among these people, and with results apparently so profitable as might ex cite the envy of a London or New York corner groceryman. ary, English or American, was qno- t'd or alluded to but his. The Lord. Chief Baron, in his decision, pro nounced ■~Y7ebster’s Dictionary a work of the greatest learning, research and ability.” Besides the numerous illus trations with which the volume is in-, ierspersed, there at the end sixty-sev- vn pages of the most finished picto- r al illustrations representing almost every conceivable object in nature, science and art. It would be unnec essary, if we were, competent to the task, to subject this work to a criti cal analysis. Its reputation is firmly established. It is built upon a roek, find can bid defiance to any petty storm.the critics pari raise.—Richmond I • a serious-matter,' for it is not easy to make them relinquish their hold of the adversary. The bull dogs are mos; ceased, applies. for leave to sell the entire real estate of said deceased ex cept the widow’s dower. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the June term 1874 of the Court of Ordinary of said county and show cause if any they have why said ap plication should not be granted.' ‘ YYituess my official signature this Slay 9th 1874. .. . AS. GILES, w. Ordinary. TO NEW YORK