The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, August 01, 1874, Image 2

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. K-otcl T. Kimball. r Kimball has return &1 to Atfanl -■ nuil lias been received with open an = V? Ws mfimBtrs cl the frau.lnle band ring and a few silly citizens l side. He says lie lias coihe to vim Mauufivtiuing s paper cirri this, the won papulous sneaked behind Eve’s Grecian bend j and said: “Twasn’t me; "t was her,’ arid woman had to father everything mean, and mother it too, Whut we Vr.snt is the ballot, and the ballot we are bound to have, if we have to let down our back Lair and swim in a sea of sanguinary gore.— Applause.] NEWS and WRAPPING rAPI Rj At the lowest prices. Refer to this paper r sample of news. Address S. A ANDERSON, Ag’t, jnllltL Marietta, Ga COOKING STOYES, SHEET IRON TIN WARE ET CETERA. 5P AIRING, BOOKING GUTTERING Ac., done at stort notice and in th manner. T. T. MARTIN. Perry, Ga. SATURDAY COTTON GIN Tor Congress—5th District. • We are authorized to announce trie name of Con. John D. Stewart, of : Spalding, as a candidate for Congress from this district, subject to Demo cratic nomination. . ? Fire Insurance. The iin,lersigned having been eom- missioned as -agent for tlie Georgia • otue Insurance Company, of Col am- R.’' us, respcctfuL'y informs tlie proper ty t f owners of Perry and vicinity that N lie is prepared to receive applications, 9 fix rates and issue policies, withou the delay and trouble incident to ref- i creuce to headquarters. I desire to j lace a policy on nearly every private t - esidence in, or within six miles of ji Perry, and when desired will allow a j pHiticipat'cn in the profits of the I . PATENT JUNE 10, 1823. New- Advertisements. GUERNSEY, BABTRUM & HENDRIX,, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS,WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, BALUS TERS, NEWEL POSTS, SCROLL WORKS, BUILDERS’ HARD- WARE, GLASS, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, ETC.; ETC. A full Une of the above always in stock, and supplied to city and conntry * ■* ' June 27,6m.. With Adjustable Roll Box and Swinging Front for Ginning Damp. Wet dr Dry Cotton. ADVERTISEMENT Also, the celebrated Tenders his professional service to 1 the' public in the various branches of medicine and surgery. Thankful for the confidence which has •always been reposed in him, and for the patronage extended him; He •■hopes : by devotionto his profession to .merit: a con tinuance of the public favor. Calls for the present left at the Drug Store or at his dwelling will have prompt 200 PAGES. on short notice a bankrupt, it is probably owing to the fact that the illegal bonds with Georgia’s indorsement have never in fact been, sold,. but are now in Wall street .being- manipulated by agents and confederates as;the individual property of Bullock, Kimbail & Co. His attack on the members of the bond committee ean have little effect* as they are too free from and he too 500 ENGRAVINGS. Colored Plate. . Published Quarter ly at 25 cents a Year. First No. for 1874 just issued. ■_ A German edition at the same price. BSf-JAMES TICK, Rochester N. Y Wlio Shon’d Insure. The rich do nof? need insurance against fire, though it is well enough for them to have it. But those who would be left houseless and penniless if burnt out, cannot afford to be with out it. The Georgia Home is one of the most reliable and promp in the payment of losses, and is as liberal in its charges as any that are reliable. From ten to fifty dolla’s will give you from one to five thousand dollars of insurance on your dwellings. WILL be sold before the Court' House doar in the town of Perry- Houston county, Georgia,- on the '*4 Tuesday in July next during the le-‘ gal hours of sale, the following prop erty to-vit: 7 1231 acres of land, mote or less of the west part o^lot No. 74, 621 acres more or less of the west part of the South half of lot No. 75 m the 9th dis trict of Houston comity- Being all’of the land now occupied by John A. Howard, except his homestead. Sold as the property of said John A. How ard, Bankrupt. B. AT. Davis, Jnne 13-4r. Assignee. P.C.SAWYER,MACON, CA Four Montlis 50 Cents, Mortgage Foreclosure! GEORGIA—Houston County: In the Superior Court of said comity,- Th!s Gin took three Premiums last year. Having furnished my shop with new machin ery; ahd the best of workmen, there is no Gin made that can excel mine as to finish. I am now robbing the bearings of the Saw and Brnsb an- the pivot, or oscillating boxes that never heat, th cughrun.83 high as 2,000 revolutions to the minute. I hope my patrons will not do this yea: as they did last, wait till they needed the Gin before ordering. Send your oideas at once so that I may have time to do your work right. It costs no more to order now than, in Septem- THE SAWYER ECLIPSE COTTON GIN with i's improvements, has won its wo,y upon Its own merits, to the very first rank of popular favor. * It stands to-day WITHOUT C< Mi-ETOTON in all the points and qualities desirable or attainable in a PERFECT COTTON GIN. Our Portable or Adjustable Roll Box places it in the power of every planter to 'regulate the picking of the seed to suit himself, and is the only one that does. Properly managed SAW YER’S ECLIPSE GIN will maintain the full nat ural length of the Staple, and be made to do as rapid work as auy machine in use. Three Premiums were taken by StiVYER’S ECLIPSE GIN last year, over all competitors, viz: Two at the Southeast Alabama and South west Georgia Fair, at Eufau’a—one a silver cup, the other a diploma. Also the first Premium at the Fair at Goldsboro, North Carolina, The Houston Home Journal. spotted by contact with the Bullock adtuini' tration frauds. If the proof cannot be riiade to insure his convic tion before a court of law, his associ ation and connction with the rings as well as his flight from the State, and avowed procurement of the State’s in dorsement on the bonds of trie Bruns wick and Albany Railroad, etc., may well put honest people on their guard. His visit to Georgia can do . the peo ple no good; and those who distrust- this carpet-bagger are the wisest. To use the mildest term, he’s tricky.-— When Kimball stems the tide of pop ular indignation, outside the rings,, then will water .run up hill and kna- tfery be one. of the-cardinal virtu res. and key to heaven. Literary. Scribner's Magazine for August is before us. It is the best magazine, published. This number contains another. ; art idle of Edward King’s “Great South,” under the, ti tle of “Journeys in Georgia and Ala bama.” It is written in bis u u.dly attractive style and sylendi lly.illiistr:.- ted. Several, Statements, however, deserve severe criticisms, especially those of a political nature. Georgia has never repudiated her bonded rail road debt. Certain bonds, about §6- 000,000 were issued by Gov. Bullock wifhout authority of Jaw, and fraudu lently appropriated and put upon the market by. Bullock and Kimball as their owd property—these have been •declared illegal and void so far as the State’s indorsement was concerned. It appears from Mr. King’s own state ment that lie never visited the planta tions and couniry towns of Georgia, —he never left the line of railroad and steamboat travel, yet he tells his leaders solemnly that there is “dense- ignorance, great indolence, arid .'too much popular vengeance.”, This is false. For industry, refiinemont and morality no State is superior to Geor gia! - while New York is far inferior. — As to the Ku-Klux, Mr. King’s “invis ible empire” existed at tlie time of Ins visit solely in liis own pregnant imaffination. There are several oth er statements falsely or unfairly made. It is always a real pleasure to read Scribner’s.—Scribner & Co., New Yoak. $3 a year. St. Nicolas maintains its high character. All the children who see it go into exstasies at- once. It is the best magazine for children we ever saw.—Scribner & Co., New York. $3 a year. . Tile Great Sea"dal. The greatest scandal of the age has for the past twenty days been under going in vestigation before a committee of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. being no less than a charge! made by Theodore Tilton that Rev, Henry .Ward Beecher was frequenty guilty of ; violation^ of the seventh command ment with Mrs. Tilton. Confesisons are the evidence offered by Tilton, all of -which Beecher denies. Beecher was one of the greatest men the nineteenth century has produced, and we have thought a good man. We can’t give the details of the disgusting case, but hope for the sake of morality .arid - re ligion that it can be shown to be a false charge: N vr Vote a. The proposition is now made to differ the right of suffrage on tlie ottou caterpillars. Tf all men are qual .so are all things,—!lien why ;ot confer the sacred right upon this Quoh-abused class. tion of Clinton C. Duncan/ and. Henry M. Holtzclaw (accompanied l y the note and. mortgage deed,) that on the 14th day bf May 1866, John L.- Ready made and deliv ered to said Clinton C'. Duncan and Henry It H> ltzelaw his promissory note bearing date the day and year aforesaid, wfiefeby the.said John L. Ready promised at. thir ty days after date of said note, tb-wit, on the 11th day of June 1866,to pay to said Clinton C. Duncan and Henry M. H >ltz- claw, or bearer, e'even hnodijd and thirty dollars for value received. And that after ward on the sail 14th day df May, 1866, the said'John L. Beady. thebetier to se cure the payment of said note,, executed and delivered to the said Clinton C., and Henry M., liis Deed of Mortgage, whereby . the; said John L. mortgaged -to •• the said Clfntdii C, and Henry M.,-lot of land No. —in the twelfth-district ofsaid county of Houston whereon the said JohnL.Rca 7y then resided,, containing 'Sgo Hundred Two and one half acres mcreor less, also ■Eleven acres of Lot Fifteen, commonly called the “Budd Lot”!;'and it further ap pearing that said note arid' lriorfgage re mains unpaid to the amount pf’Kve Hun dred and thirtv dollars p¥iri v ipal and in terest thereon from the 14th-day of June 186G, it is therefore ordered that the said John L; Beady do pay into court, oif or be fore the first day of the next term there- 07 the said principal offfiye Hundred and thirty dollars and interest-thereonirom the 14th day of June 1366, and cost, or show cause to the contrary if any.he can: And that on the failure of srid John L. Ready so to do, the Equity of Redemption of said John L. Ready in and, to said motguge premises, be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed; and that said John L. Beady, his special agent or attorney be served with a copy of this petition arid rule at least three months previous to the-next term of the court.- A true extract from the minutes of Hous ton Superior Court, December Term 1873. July 29 th 18 74 D. ; H. Culleb, Clerk. C. C. Duncan and I Petition to foreclose on H. M. Holtzclaw | really and Buie Nisi . vs. | granted.' at December John L. Ready, •] Term 1873, ofHouston '-Superior’pontt. It appearing to the Court, from, the re turn of the Sheriff that said Defendant, John L Beady, cannot be found in the county of Houston, it is: ordered by the Court that further tune .be allowed to per fect serv ce ofsaid petition and Role Nisi upon , said defendant, either by publica tion in the Houston Home. Journal as re quired by law or other legal service, if said d jlen'Jant or his place of residence can be found by the Court. 0. C Duncan, | PltfFs Attys. H. M. Holtzclaw | A true extract from the minutes .of Hons-' ton Superior-Court, May Term 1874. D. H. Culleb, July .SUth 1874.. Clerk. Heroic Rorndy. The potato-hug is exterminated in the West wif h carbonic acid ga?, ap- 7pjied by means of a fire extinguisher. Will some enterprising granger try it on the cotton-eeierpillar. First B.ilo. The first bale of the new crop was received at Galveston, Texas, on Sat urday from Mrs. M. Hftusmnnn, of DeWitt county. Weight four hun dred and forty-two pounds; class, low ; middling; sold at twenty-seven cents, j This is tlie third successive year that Mrs. Hausmann has sent tlie first bale to Galveston. It is our desire to call the'attention of all persons interested in Honston County to the above named paper, and to present a few reason why those who are not already sub scribers should take it. The Houston Home Journal was established in 1870, and is now in its fourth annual volume. It has become an invaluable medium for commu nication with oar people, and their appreciation is evidenced by the fact that it now located on a permanent and paying basis. We wonld call the attention of Teachers and Amateurs to Kirikel’s New Method for the Reed Organ and Melodeon, as being die best work for these instruments. This work is pronounced superior to all others of its class by Teachers who have examined -SHUTTLE- it. It contains a clear and simple course' of instruction whereby any one may easily acquire the mastery of this favorte instru ment, with a few month’s study. It will Win be delivered on tbe cars at the following prices. Thirty-five Saws..... $181 25. Forty Saws. .. 150 00. Forty-five Saws 1G8 75. Fifty-Saws....... v 187.06- always be a favorte wprk with the Teacher,- on account of its clearness and' systematic progression, more of an amusement than a study for the Pupil, and will prove a mine of weilth to the Amateur, on account of the many choice Melodies, Songs, etc;, that Mr. Kinkel has selected and arranged 1st It is conceded to be one of the very, best weekly newspapers as one of the Largest, Few papers in the state can equal it in the^ qi of its reading matter, or in size and neat typography. - Dutridly. The Illinois State Democratic Con vention in its statement of principles ignores the issue on civil rights. Onr opinion lias been for somo, time that. Northern Democrats were only a little better than Northern Radicals. All are willing to rob and oppress the South, and only flinch when tlie fet- | ters pinch them at home. The Contest, Those who believe the social eqnnl- . ity parly will not make a strong fight i in tlie Autumn cnmpaigu are most likely very much deceived.- At any' rate it behooves the lovers of good government to put forth their whole strength, and if the Radicals . do not make as big a fight ns we anticipate live will repeat the victory of 1872, and Borever seal the doom of the bond ling and corruption in Georgia. . Seventy Saws. Eighty Saws. . REED ORGAN To prevent delay, orders and old gins should be sent in immediately. Time given to responsible parties. expressly for-this work. Kinsel’s New Method wtll be mailed, post-paid, on re-- ceipt ef S2.50. Address J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadway,, N. Y. P. O. box 5429. Voluntary Testimonials, FOR 50 Dollars !! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, 2nd. It Ls your county paper, and connty pride should prompt you to give it a eral patronage so that it go on in improvement until it stands among the most ci plete journals of the day. Send 30. cents for the latest number oS Peters’ Musical MonililjG. And yon will get at least $4 worth of on* latest anti best Vocal.und Instrumental Pia- ARisic, or by sending cents K>r- cur ro'W magazine, LA CllEilE DE LA OREME r you will get :i choice collection of Piano* Music ibr advanced players^ Address J. L. PETERS, 5UJ Eroad\my. r N. Y- nv.iydi);f. Are furnished from various sections of the cot ton growing States, of the charac ter-following. Welburn. Ga., October 15, 1873. Mb P, C. Sawyer. Macon, Ga.: My Gin is doing well and I am well pleased w ith it. In fact it can’t be beat. . . . . . Respectfully,. AND Gbahams, S. C. Sept. 10, 1873. P, C. Sawyer, Esq,: Dear Sir,—When you sent me the fifty saw gin, yon requested me when 1 tried her to let‘ you know how I liked her, and according to your request I will do so. Yesterday afternoon I timed her. I ginned one hptuc and thirty minutes on a'pile of cotton that was too damp to be in real good order, I then packe d the cotton put ting 7 K yards of bagging on the bale. I then weighed it and it weighed 514 pounds. I do not hesitate to say she is the fastest and picks as dean as any gin that I ever saw ginning, I wonld exchange her- for no 60 saw gin of any other make, Magnolia hot excepted. Yonrs Respectfully H. EASTERSIN. P. S. I weighed seed cotton for one other bale, the first one I ginned on your gin last Mon day afternoon, and it turned out fourteen pounds over one-tliixd—bale weighing 467 pounds. EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned Silver Gloss Starch. Fir o and Fro ih.. Since our'last issue 'Chicago has mfiered severely from another great Ire which destroyed vast amounts of property. Last week Pittsburg, Pa,, and the Dbiq valley was visited \yith a’treni.en- lons freshet which destroyed many ives and millions of property. The, letails of the disaster are heart- ending. Three incendiaries were -arrested in. Jliicago. T. K1XGSFOSD & SOU. HAS. BECOME A Househoki Wecessity, Its great excellence has merited the com- menuation. of Europe- for American mamr- ficture. Libel for Divorce. BEST IN THE WORLD! Evlyn Dexiard, | Houston Sup. Court, £1 i . Gerald Deuriard; | May Term 1873. Itappearing tg the Court from the re turn of the Sheriff that the Defendant in the above stated case is not to be found, and is a non-resident of this State,—it is ordered by the Court that service in the above stated c,isebe perfected by. publica tion in the Houston Home Joubnal once a month for four mOntns. B. M. Davis, .FltfFs .Att’y- A true extract from the minutes of Hous ton Superior Court D.H. Culleb, " July 29t 11874. Clerk. Athens, Ala., April 20th, 1874. Mb. P. C. Satvteb;—I am very well pleased with the fifty saw Cotton Gin I bought of yon last summer. It does all you said it would, and does it well- It Gins Fast; Picks Clean, makeR a good sample; and with the adjustable breast never chokes. I never expect to use any other. jours truly, J; K. BATTLE. 4th. It is independent in all things, nerilral in nothing, the fearless advocate of the right, the denunciator of corruption and oppression, uninfluenced by political intrigues, or the bribes of partisans of any name. £g“Tlie Highest Premium was awarded to it at PULVERIZED CORN STARCH. PEEP ABED BY T. K’NCSFORD & SON. Expressly for food, when it is properly made into puddings, is a dessert of great excellence. J For bole by all First-class Groeers; Jnne13 1 m. Another Child Stolen. Tim heart-reuding news of another idnapping case is made public in liiladelphia, under precisely the une circumstances as those connected ith that of Charley Rossr- A littje oy just- four years old, whbse parents ?side at the correr of Forty-eighth greet and Lancaster Pike, but- whose nme is, for the present, purposely ithheld, was approached on Wednes- ay by two men, in a wagon, and pre- liled to get in. One of the meii. whs bite, the other black. The little one ntdily consented, and no word has piched the. 1 parents concerning him Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair; Amer. Institute, N. Y.; Cincinnati Exposition; Indianapolis Exposition ; St. Lonis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississiupi State Fair ; and Georgia State Fair; Faibbubx, Geo., April 21st, 1874. Mb. P. C. Sawveb, Macon. Ga.: Dear Sir.—The gin I bought of you last Foil, we arc pleased to say, gives entire satisfaction. We would not have any other. We have ginned 390 bales, ginning from six to ten per day, cot ton thirding itself' after prying tale. We can sa feiy say, that in onr opinion, it is the best giu now iu use. ‘ Yours Bespt. etc., MELLEK & McXOWN. We, the undersigned, have witnessed the op eration of Messrs. Miller & McKown’s gin, made byP. C. Sawyer, Macon, Go., and can say it e’eans seed better than any gin we know of, and and makes as good lint as any gin in the State. . HENRY STRICKLAND, E. P. S. WILLIAMS, W. R. ELDER. W. T. ROBERTS, REV. S. HARVEY, J. L. MARTIN. GEOBGIA. HOUSTON COUNTY —Tlie estate of Alien P. Spradley, of said eonrty, deceased, being unrep resented and not likely to be repre sented. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, to offer at the July Term, 1874, oi the Court of 011110017 of said county, and show canse, if any they have, why the administration of said estate shonld not be vested in tbe Clerk of th6 Superior Court of said connty, or any other • person deemed fit and proper by the Conrf, Witness my official signature, this June g 1874. A S- GILES, 4 w Ordinary. Assignee’s Sale. GEOBGIA—Houston County; WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Fery,' said county, on the first Tuesday in September next, be tween the usual hours of sale, the'following properly, to.wit: Thirty-ax and one-quarter acres of the norh-east corner of lot No. 49, in thel4tli district ofsaid county. Also 49 acres in the south-east comer of No. 318, and 1091 acres of No. 319, in the 13th district of said .county; 60 acres .of the west portion ofNo.' 16, and 14 acre’s of No. 80 in the 14ih dis trust of slid county. . T he la it-mmed lan ds FOR BEING THE anil doing the largest and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market wero in direct Locust Gbove, Ga. , October 30th, 1873. Mb. P. C. Sawteb, Macon, Ga.: - * Dear Sir—-Enclosed find draft on Griffin Bank ing Company fo r $150, as payment for onr gin, mth vrliich we are ivell pleased. Yonrstrnly,- H.T. DICKLN & SON. 6th. This paper has-recently been enlarged and much improved, and. its proprietor proposes to continue to add new and: important features until shall be all that is require for a complete family newspaper. Charity is not Solfishneiv. !t- is not charity to give a penny to street mendicant of whom noth- ; is known, while we haggle with a iriniin, out of employment, for a -erable dime. It is not charity to it down a poor seamstress to a., L-vation price; to let her sit in her :■ clothes sewing all day; to de- ;t from her pitiful renumeration if : storm delays her prompt arrival, is not charity to turn a man who ailt of work into the streets with family, because he cannot pay rent. It is not charity to exact ■ utmost fartliing-from tiie widow L; orphan. It is not charity to c with a supercilious air and pat- nage, as if God hud made you, the h man, of different blood from the voring recipient, whose only crime hat he is poor. It is not charity be an L-xtorlioner-r-not though you Stow your alms by the thousands. Infidelity is the great est sin of this time, and probably the pulpit is not altogether free from .it. Whether so or not eveiy scandal in which a minister is involved does the cause of i-eligiou.more harm than all the scoffs of a thousand infidels.— Tilton is evidently a fool and a knave but the affair will cast a s l ain on the. reputation of Beecher, whether he is declared innocent or guilty, which the penance of lifetime cannot efface. - BAPTIST H¥iM BOOK, AND BAPTIST HYMN & TUNE BOOK. Six sizes.—Fifteen styles.. Price fifty cents to five dollars.' AUTHORIZED by the denomina tion at the largest- meeting ever helcf ! in the country. PREPARED at great. expence of time and money. CHEAPEST. 1000 Hymns for fif ty cents. The SI 00 Hymti and Time Book is pronounced the cheapest book ever published. BEST. Has the highest recommen dations both at home and abroad. Send for circular of Testimonials; jg@“\Eeavy discount for introduction : L. B. FISH, Business Agent; Atlanta, Ga; The above letter enclosed the following testi monial, addressed to Mr. Sawyer, viz: Lootst Grove, Ga., October 30,1S73. "We, the tmder8igned.have witnessed the oper ation of one of yonr Eclipse Cotton- Gins, which we think superior to any gin we have ever seen used. It leaves the seed perfectly dean, and at the same time turns out a beautiful sample. H.T.DICKIN&SON, E- ALEX. r.TiKV*TiT;AA'l ^ M-Ia. HARRIS, X35™Fot Ilcnvming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Bind ing, Br ciidi n g, Firibro idcri ng, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Where-we haT9 no Agents we .will, deliver a Machine for the price named above, Et the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. ' Resales for all Sswlng Ma- obines for Sals. Old Machines taken ia Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price X-ist, &e., and Copy of the "Wils on Re fleeter, one of the best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Serving Mar chines, Pashions, General Ne-A-s ana Miscellany. his own petition. 7th. It is" the designated medinm for giving publicity to the legal notices of the county, and every citizen should take it in - order to keep posted in regard to the legal affoirs of Ms county. No other paper will post you thoroughly. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aider- men in Council assembled.—That' in con form! tywith the election held for raising a suecial street tax. the Clerk of Council pro ceed to collect pue-fonrth of one per cent executions will be issued. And, Beit further ordained that the owner of each - and every horse kept for hire;-other than plowing, shall pay a li cense of three dollars. A true extract from the minutes. J. D. Martin, C. C. 8th. Its circulation iamach larger than the avirige of oounty newspapers, andits dverfising columns are read by hundreds wno car be reached through no other ms- .inT'n _ Its advertising rates are minim ;rl. Colonel Nathan Bass, of Rome, Georgia, eayg he has used Eriswoia’a, M*ssey*s ana Taylor’s gins, and that he is now running a D. Pratt Gin in Lee connty, Ga., and an Eagle an l a Carver Gin in Arkansas, and a “Sawyer Eclipse Gin” in Rome, Ga., and regards the List named as eupe* rior to any of the others. It picks faster and cleaner than any other gin -with which he is ac quainted. He says he has ginned eighty.six bales without breaking tlierolL . tli3 Iio ^is'a ia Negroes • :cuuts from the Hod riveYparishes odisiaiia concur in stating that : for the negroes are constantly ■mg, and every indication points inewai of difficulties , like that at is. A gentleman who passed ugh Grant parish informed the under Democrat, the other day, he had occasion to call at the u of a' negro named Tom Johnson found it ah arsenal, containing THE GEORGIA GRANGE. Official Organ of the Patrons of Husbandry. The Geobgia Grange, representing and advocating the interests of the Patrons of Husbandry in this State, already number ing a membership of eighteen thousand and rapidly increasing from day to day, presents to every class of our citizens, both in Georgia and rise where, one of the most efficient and valuable advertising mediums in th3 hind. It circulates in every county in the State, and doubtless comes under tlie eyes of a hundred thousand- persons. All interested should not fail to hike notice of the fact Help the Distressed.- GEohGi'IrtTz GitArfOE,— Sec-fys Office; Macon. Ga., May 11th, 3874. . rflO THE PATRONS OF HUSBANDBY Jt oi Georgia; — An appeal has beei- made to our Master by the Worthy Mas ter of the Louisiana State Grange, for help for the destitute Agriculturists of his State. We hope, in conformity to our ohliga. tion, and in harmony with the Genius of onr Order, you will at once forward to E. Taylor, Secretary, such sums, to be thus appropriated, os yon may be able, to fconf tribute, A full list of all contributions will appear in the “Georgia Grange.” By order of L. F. Livingston.- Cochran, Ga., January 7,1873. Mb. P. C. SAwsrm, Macon, Ga:: Sir: The Cotton.Gin we. bougnt of yon last Fall, after a fair trial, has given us satisfaction: It makes a coml lixit au (i cl^ns the seed welt. Bespcctfnllv, J. & B. J. lee: Its subscription price places it within the reach of alL Those who do not wish to take it for a year can get it for six or three months at a'proportioiiate psice. Let every body take it as will prove a blessing to yourself, your wife, your children anu —^— the i ublisher; Gixs REl’AJBFD PROMPTLY; Our advertising rates are literal,- Teems of SubscbIption.—One year, $2; . .clubs of ten and upwards, $1.50. Address letters and communication to— GEORGIA GRANGE PUB. CO., P. O. Drawer 34, Atlanta, Ga. Wilson Sswiei IhcMho Co. CLEYELAND, OHIO, ma6d% g e6f*gU.