The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, August 15, 1874, Image 2

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Houston Home Journal. r EDWIN M.vKTIN, Editor asd Phopiuetoh. pun-r circulates thoroughly in this, (he •wealthiest, and most mr.ulous cotton section of Georgia. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST, 1*5, tor Congress—5tR District. We are authorized to announce the 'liame 'of <5ol. J'oen I>. Stewabt, of Spalding, as a candidate for Congress /from.thiid:stticfc‘^ to cratic nomination. • Blodgett Heard From,- Foster Blodgett -writes to the Atlan ta Herald from-‘’parts miknown” that Mr. Abratns,* of the. Atlanta News, wrote hifi-biography in 18/1. Now - we know AbramsT didn't tfrite it jnst because Blodgett says he did. —— The Cottrn-C op. The Mobile Cotton Exchange re- ' ports in the average Hie crop in Ala bama is in ns good a condition ns last year. In Mississippi it is pronounced more favorable. Georgia, as reported by the Savannah Exchange, shows a better condition than last year. Ftori-; da also reports au .improvement. — A Wise Suggostfoa- The Borne Commercial gets the h#Dg of the school-house in- the. following manner. While money is so exceedingly scarce, the people should- make it a point to pay small accounts promptly. Five dollars paid Out by one man ear ly in the morning, often pays debts amounting to a hundred dollarsdurihg the day, by continually changing hands. Pay your small debts promt) Severe PunishnAmt.. The emperor of China has ordered that all the poet) y, from the earliest, time donn to the present, be connect ed and arranged in a series, which will probably number a fifty thousand pound volume.. Aggravated offenders against his dignity, for whom disem boweling and hamsti-ipging is consid ered too good, will be compelled to read -these volumes until- di atb slowly terminates existence. Democratic V'oteries. There has lately been a perfect ava- innch of Democratic-victories. First Kentucky led off .with a sweeping Democratic victory, of fifty-thous and majority. Then Tennessee gives - a sweeping Democratic victory, ma jority not yet known. Next North Carolina’ gains" a 'glorious victory, electing seveu out of eight members to Congress, with a large majority iD the State legislature and carrying the State from by ten to twenty thousand majority. Goorgi&Musical Electic. $be JiTly-Augitst -number of this cfiirmihgSonthern, magazineis at hand. 1 Itritsrnew and handsome 'dress,ele gant • cover, beautiful typography, and. interesting litere’fary matter (or- ---ig&tfatand selected), it is unsurpassed: by any Similar publication iu the Uni ted States; The tnnsic in this num ber, as usual, is select and pleasitig. , As an able exponent and represen- sentatiye of Southern music and liter ature, we give it hearty welcome. Subscription price Only $1- per annum. Address Guilford, W00.I& Co., At lanta, Go. • Tie District Plan. If there is one thing more than any other for which we and every other good citizen of our county should la bor, it is to secnreuuity and harmony among the opponents of the social equality mc-asu: e in the approaching elections. To do this ice are willing to make any reasonable sacrifices, — and will even go ao far as not to bolt though our opinions should be snub bed and treated with disrespect by parties older in years but who are not so well informed in regard to the. , „ . . . m, J&is thought that there will be a fight, status of aflairs in our county?- Wep- , , “ The’A-tJanta News scrapes the white Fashion Jot?. It is rumored that the Fall season wi'l see women apparently clad in coiats 6f mail, a fine network covering corsage and 'overskirt,-1 heavy with - closely . wro ught steel-beads: ana when in ad dition to this the fronts of hats' are or- n amented- -in a simi]ay .mahperi hel- nietwise, the effect can be- imagined, Jfhe coming new boot will have the ’iUtjs- bottom or. extension, edge entirely new fashion in shape design of boots ..will.come out thi s fall, called “La Belle Kellog;” also a very hand some' n ew style of skating slioe. An Editor Tight. We believe it is seldom that editors indulge in a drop, but when they do, their readers ave sure to - find them out. A Syracuse’ (N. Y.) cotemporary was called upon to record- a. ‘fmelan- choly event” at a time when his head was rather heavy, and ; he did it np in the following’ manner: “Yesterday morning, at 4 o’clock, p. in., a man with a heel in. the hole of his stock- iiig, comniitted’arsemc by. swallowing a dpse of suicide. The inquest- of a verdict returned a jury, that tta^cte- •ceased came to'the fact in accordance with his death. He leaves-a child’and six’small wiveato lament’the end of his untimely lbss. In death we.are in the midst of life !” jpj A Decided Success. - T-ho system of premiums adopted by Gui- i‘-.reside Friend -is a decided sne- reis. The paper is thoroiighly estab lish-.; a, and its premium plan is now •siaJly -identified with it. The -paper is r.ow offering its Third-Annual Distri bution of Premiums to subscribers, aid in addition to a share in" Ibis, enen subscriber receives an -elegant -ffHiaoc -Jromo and the privefege of the m erchandise list. We would call arccnt-iou to their advertisement in ■ r column. We should think it wopld make a grand jiaj-ing agency fcr any, one who would like ewploy- : V tile .kind’ either for their moments or their entire The publishers, Messrs. Wa rn, Chicago, will send, free - - "oaid A sample copy, quarter- i full pavticiilars of tlte dis- .... and their new plans :to- any - bf our readers wire- wilt sejid ilieir have no individual euds to accomplish, but our opinions when based on rea son are worth more than contrary opinions unsupported by any argu ment, except probably, appeals to un-. worthy prejudices. It is a very important matter to send proper men to the Legislature from thi e uinty,—men who know the right and dare maintain it; arid Democrat ic nominees should be the choice of the majority of the Democratic voters who will have to elect them. What ever plan of nomination will give the most general satisfaction, we are sure that that the plan of. allowing a con vention of three delegates from each militia district to select candidates is. not a fail- and wise measure, though they may select good men. We are satisfied that the resolution in the meeting of the 7th to that effect was made without due consideration. ‘ We have collated the following sta tistics -from reliable authority,—the tax digest of 1872,—which is approx imately correct, and will give a pretty correct idea of the number of Demo cratic voters in each district. No. 771—Upper Fifth, 93 white polls and 75 colored polls. No. 709—Lower Fifth, 48 white and 42. colored polls. No. 887—Sixth, 70 white and 104 colored polls. No. 528,--Ninth, 150 white and 309 colored polls. No. 527,—Tenth, 51 white and 99 colored polls. - No. 928, Upper Town, 27 white and 57 colored polls. . .No. 619,—Lower. Town, 96 white and 202 colored polls. No. 500,—Upper Eleventh, 43 white aid 151 colored polls. No. 970 Lower Eleventh, 24 white and 169 colored polls. . No, 542,—Twelfth, 44 White and 152 colored, polls. No. 541,—Old Tliirtegith, 36 white and 157 colored polls. No. 926,—New Thirteenth. 42 white and 148 colored polls. No. 765—UppeiJFourteenth 30 white and 231 colored polls. No. 492,—Lower Fourteenth 14 white and lC4colored polls. Total,—768 white nnd 2,000 color ed polls in the county. Here it will be seen that the ninth, Fort’ Valley district, with 150 ■ white voters can exert no more influence in the nomination than the Lower Fourteenth with only 14 white voters, The Democratic voting population of the six smallest districts can vote eighteen votes, while the samo»num' ber of voters iu another part of the connty—the ninth distriot,—will have only three voters in the nominating convention. If those who direct the matter wish to nave a fair and satis factory nomination, they had better adopt some other plan. : A mass meeting would be much less objectionable, but that plan is vio lently opposed, and not without good reason. - A motion was made by the editor of this paper in the meeting of the sev enth Which, embodied the: .only satis factory solution of the difBeultyy.and; which no one did him the courtesy second’,—and that motion was that ballot be taken-by sworn managers at' each precinct, a list ofjDemqeratrc vo ters taken, and that the managers meet at the Court House and consolidate the returns, and that the three candi dates receiving the highest number of Democratic voles ’ be declared the nominees of-the party. This will al ow every Democratic to have his voice as to who shall represent him, and is the only fair way to give due ■weight to the wishes of each section of the county. It is not too late to change the rule HlsoeHeat. Mayor Spencer of Atlanta offers ns ertise- reorgia State Lair. The paper on which the petition endors ing the bond thief, Kimball, as an honest man, cost- so much that Allan ta has little money to spare to country newspapers. Mr. St. Clair-Abrams, of the Atlan ta News, denounces CoL B. A Alston, of the Herald, and a candidate .for Congress from this district, who sign ed the Kimball petition, as consorting with thieves, and as beneath the,-no tice or contempt of an honest man.—. wash off of Kimball about as fast as the “leading citizens” put it on. If the honest people of the State do not all subscribe for the News, they will be guilty of sh; m -ful ingrafted.-. The demand for the return of the return of the State Capital to Milledge- vifle is becoming stronger all over the State. All candidates must be sound on that, and the fraudulent bond question. A correspondent writes the .Savan nah News to know what “nest-hiding” meant. The innocent Harris confes sed sqnarely.tliat he. did not,know,-— CoL Thompson said it most likely had something to do with the fradaoieht bond question, rbut he:would write to Mr. Estill, -who was On- a visit to Salt Lake City, for a definition,. adopted,-but alter the Saturday be fore the first Tuesday in September it w;ll be too late. We throw out these suggestions with the hope that they will be acted on. _ 'i he plan suggested- has been ’adop ted by the counties of. Fulaski, Bibb, and Fulton, and doubtless . will soon Be generally practiced. The War of Races. The social equality dogma of Radi calism is already beginning to put the devil into the negroes. At Austin, Mississippi, on Monday last, a gentle man attacked by an infuriated negro fired at him, and was so unfortunate as to hit a little-negro girl, whereupon the negroes gathered: in large numbers to inflict summary punishment. The Sheriff with a small posse held the town .against a large and. increasing force of armednegroes until Wednes' day, when the report that devastations were being committed on the planta tions caused the countrymen to leave for the protection of their hpmes.- The mob about-1,0U0 strong then cap tured and pillaged the villiage, hold ing'it I eyeral hours until the-ar.ival of a steamboat with armed people from Memphis and other places caused them to letire. In the numerous skimishes some 15 or 20 negroes were killed and several white men killed arid wounded. At last accounts mqpg, .fighting was imminent^; FaU.particu- lars are expected to-day. On Satar- dry last the Bepublican Sheriff and posse -at Somerville. Tenn., were at tacked by a mob of negroes for at.enrpiing to arrest one of? them whom had committed some crime. The .sheriff and his two broth ers were killed, and three negroes shot. The Military from Memphis restored order. The negroes say .tlie£ will wade in blood for their ciyil rights social equality.' - - ■ . -- .< ■ The Black Republicans will hail th(s news of riot arid bloodshed with joy. What place will next be an offei-ing to the fanatics and their negro allies. The Dcadin Pari--. The burial of the dead in Paris, is performed by a chartered company, that includes all interments under-niriej classes, everything supplied—the first costing over 7,000 francs and the ninth 1 about nineteen francs. The city pays the company about five francs peri body interred, -and out of the receipts the company allocate fifty-six per, cent of its profits to support the vari ous religions recognized by law, and three-fonrths of a a million of francs per annom. The company is also honrid to bnry gratuitously the poor, which in 1873 amounted to 25,000 cases, against 19,000 nearly-who paid; Co^gwiloBal Distr’vt:. The following table shows . the ap portionment of counties among the several Congreesional Districts in Georgia, and the name of the present representative of each District FIRST DISTRICT. ’ A’ M. Sloan, Radical. Appling, Chatham, Liberty,- Bryan, Clinch, McIntosh, Bnllock, Echols, Pierce, Burke, Effingham, Scriven, Camdem, Emanuel, TatnaU, Charlton, Glynn, Ware and Wayne, ' ’ SECOND DISTRICT. ~ ’ . Richard H. Whitely, Radical, of De catur. - - Baker, Decatur, Quitman, Berrien, Dougherty, Randolph, Brooks, Early, Terrell, CalhouD, LowBdes, Thomas, Clay, Miller, Worth, Colquitt, Mitch- THIRD DISTRICT. Gen. PliiL Cook,—Democrat. Coffee, Macon, Sumpter, Dodge, Montgomery, Taylor, Dooly, Pnlaski, Telfair, Irwin, Schiey, "Webster, Lee, Stewait, Wilcox. FOURTH DISTRICT. ' ’ . H. R. HaiTis,—Democrat, of Green ville. - . Campbell, Dpnglaas,.. Merriweather, Carroll, Harris, Muscogee,-Chattahoo chee, Heard, Talbot, Coweta .l^arion,' Troup. . - FIFTH DISTRICT. J. C. Freeman,—-Radical, of Spald ing. Crawford, Henry, Pike, Clayton, Houston, Spalding, 7 DeKalb, Milton, Upson, Fayette, Fulton. SIXTH DISTRICT. James. H. Blount,—Democrat, of Bibb. Baldwin, Jones, Rockdale, Bibb, Laurens, Twiggs, Butts, Newton, Wal ton, Jasper, Putnam, *and Wilkin son. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Gen. P. M. B. Young,—Democrat, of Bartow. Bartow, Dade, Paulding, Catoosa, Floyd, Polk, Chattooga, Gordon,Wal ker, Cherokee, Harralson, Whitfield, Cobb, Murray. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Alt xaader H. Stephens,—Democrat, of Taliaferro. I Colombia, Hait, Oglethorpe, Elbert, Jefferson, Richmond, Glasscock,-John son, Taliaferro, Greene, Lincoln,War ren,'-Hancock, McDuffie, Washington, Wilkes. K NINTH DISTRICT. I&ffr P. Bell,—Democrat, of Cum- min ?- - ,j\ Banks,’ ’ Gilmer, Madison,, TGlarke, .GwinT%ti, Morgan, Dawson, Hall, ‘ ‘^aririiu, Habersham;’Bjhun Forsyth,' Jackson, - Towns, Franfiiri, Lumpkin, White, Union. - New Advertisements. PM*y P School HE Fall Si stion of this school wifi commence ou the 1st of September,. T prox.- RATES,—2, 3, 4, or 0 dollors per month of four weeks, according to advancement of pupils. Patrons of the’ school are requested td Send in their children on the first day, and regularly thereafter.till the close Of the term. ; TUITION payable at the end . of each scholastic month.. 2t - SIDNET LEWIS, - Let us educate our children.- We can give them nothing so good for success in fife. See advertisement of Mr,. 8, Lewis: Many of ns will vouch for his’effiriency -as a teacher and disciplinarian. Board is rea sonable at Perry, and to he Had at good places. .. • T. J. OA WILL be so sold before the Court House door in the towri of Perry, The rich thus bury the poor, and the^ Honstori County, Georgia, on the 1st dead defray the rchgious rites of the liying. The coiripany has in its eiri’-. ployment 585 agents, 570 hearses and mourning coaches, and 270 homes, and supplies a master of the ceremo nies. It is the Government famishes the officer with the three-hornered hat; he takes charge of the body at its domicile, heads the procession through the streets, and retires only when the last’spadeful of earth has been tbowD into the grave. The inute3 do riot like to be called eroquemorts; and they classify corpses as “salmoris, herrings arid whiting,” representing respectively the rich, the poor and 7 children. - They are not sad employ es piougli silent; many are very gay, do 'duty in the pantomimes and chorns scenes of theatres, and some lead the ’danCCs in the public 7 balls. The Good it has Done, jit is thonght thai two-tliirds of the counties in Georgia will elect repre sentatives ^pledged to vote.for a con- Btitntional amendment prohibiting the recognitioirof-. the. fraudnlent. bondH; and perhaps-to remove its sittings to to the building atMiHedgeviile. This will be hastenedi;.by:Kmibairs return; Tuesday in t September daring the legal hours of sale, the following property to^wit:’ - - , - - : The remainder reversion after the .expiration of the Homestead of J ohn A. Howard, Bankrupt, in the following lands to-wit: All of lot No 55, sorith half ’6 lot No. 54, 30 aores of lot No. 73, and. 79 acres ot east part of lot-No - 74, in. the 9th district of Houston connty, containing 451J acres more or less, being the lands now occupied as a homestead by said John A. Howaad, Bankrupt, sold as the property of said Bankrupt. - - : . B. M. Davis, Aug. 14, td. ‘ Cheapest and Best.- 'Wrilia A meriean Sardine' Com. epany’e-(New York) boneless sardine - .. are much-better, and less than ISSI* - - _ B. M» Bavisi 1 the cost oX imported ly. Aug. It td. Assigaoe.- Bankrupt Sale. WILD be sold -before the. Court House door in the town df Perry; Houston conrityT Georgia, on the 1st" Tuesday in Sept next,-during-tke. Je-- gal hours of side, the following prop erty to-wit: The remainder or reversion after the expiration of the homestead of W. T. Swift, in the following lands, to-wit. LotNo. 14 and all of lot No. 15 south east of Bay creek, and 60 acres off the east end «if lot No. 13, in the 10th clis- trict- of said cjunty. All af lois Nos. 3, 4, 29 and 30, south of Bay creek, and 50 acres off - lots Nos, 3 - and 4 north of Bay creek arid in the 9th dis trict of- said county,-and eontairiing in the aggregate,-500 acres more or less. Also the residence in lot Ny. 16 in the" town of Perry, containing If acres, rioiv. occupied by. said "W; T. Swift,-all of said realty comprising the home stead of W. T. Swift, ’and-'sold as" the SUBSCRIBE NOW. SUBSCRIBE NOW. SUBSCRIBE NOW. For'the present campaign. For the present campaign. For the present campaign, The Houston Home Journal. Advertisement. It is our desire to call the attention of all persons interested in Honston County to the above named paper, and to present a few reason why those who are not already sub scribers should take it The Houston Home .Journal was established in 1870, and is now in its fourth annual volume. It has become an invaluable medium for commu nication with oar people, and their appreciation is evidenced by the fact that it now located on a permanent and paying haais. 1st It is conceded to be one of the very best weekly newspapers in the state as well as one of the largest. Few papers in the state can equal it in the quantity and quality of its reading matter, or in size and neat typography. D 2nd:: It is your county paper, and connty pride should prompt you to give it a lib eral patrounge so that it go on iu improvement until it stands among the most com plete journals of the day. . 3rd It is the only paper that will keep you fully posted-on your county affairs,-- all abont the courts, public meetings and incidents of interest to our people. It makes 4th.’ - It is independentin all things, nentral in nothing, the fearless advocate of th c right, the denunciator of corrnptionand oppression, uninfluenced by political ia*rigV!CE or the hribte of partisans of any name, R BYINCTON’S HOTEL, FORT VALLEY, GA. TS THE BREAKFAST HOUSE for tho train X Savannah. Augusta and Macon to Coltunbns. Dinner Honsc for the train from Eufaula and Al- M:\con_ Sapper House for the train from to Macon, Savannah and Augusta. Large '.omfortable rooms with fire-places and everv cc rveniens^- augi3 tf Brick Sale. \\7E HAYE ON HAND A LARGE ’ " qnantity of brick, which we offer for sale in quantities to suit purchas ers. Ferson wanting good brick, will do well to give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Address ANDERSON & HARDEMAN, jul4-3m. Macon, Ga. DRESS CUTTING-! A. A. KING, AT RESIDENCE, in the rear of the Presbyterian Church, offers her services in Cutting and Fitting; to the ladies of Perry and vicinity. may30tf. MSS. A. A. KING. Who Should Insure. The rich do not need insurance against fire, though it is well enough for them to have it. Bat those who would he left konseless and penniless if burnt out, cannot afford to be with ont it. The Georgia Home is one of the most rehable and promp in the payment of losses, and is as liberal in its charges as any that are rebable. From ten to fifty dollars will give yon from one to five thousand dollars of insurance on your dwellings. :5th; “The Houston Home Journal is edited with ability not only as regards the judgment need in winnowing all that is best from the current news of the day, hnt also iri-fhe aptitude, and vigor with which currant topics are discussed in its editorial col- umns, —Savannah News, October 24, 1873. NEW OFFERS! NEW IDEAS! See the Grand Gifts at our Rieside Friend to its.Subcribers- _ntirely ne w; and unpreced will intorest B^ery .one,-. Yo’ send for samples and full particulars sent. free. ‘ ' See the ; . - * t - /f G-roat Watcli Offer l OUB FIRESIDE FRIEND iB now'in its Fifth' Yoluine, thoroughly established ak the leading; Family ana Story Ve?Hy in the Union, has the largest circulation, and the best appoinied Print; iugflud pnhlianiugpfttfthliHhTnAut and hnilditTg ,T-:. . - P ~ - - - the West. Is a large eight-page illastrated and original family Weehly, price SC-OAper year-. ^Lv- ery suhscriber receives a magnificent premium and a share in the distribution, Subscribe now! ’ - 6th.- This paper has recently been enlarged and much improved, and its proprietor proposes to continue to add new and important features until shall be all that is require- for a complete family newspaper. WE WANT AGENTS." We want a representative m every neighborhood. Nothing equals it for agenas, male or ipm ale, young pa old. .Large Cash wages and a Superb Outfit, er<dusive'territory, which is rapidly filling up.' Mist apply at once. Subscribe by sending §3 00, and receive the paper one. year, a magni ficent premium, a share'in the distribution, and receive also Fbee, a complete outfit, or send for particulars.. Name territory desired in -writing. Address. waters a Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111. Just Arrived, OXE THOUSAND COJPIES OF CHEAP PIIBLiA Tl OHS! Received by the Fort Valley News Co., to day, Another Installment on the Way. We will have in stock by the 20tn inst, one. of the finest and largest stocks of Sta tionery Goods ever brought to.- this mar ket, and will be sold .25/per cent cheaper than was ever offered before We mean what we say. If yon want anything in tmr line, call at the Post Office building. 7 -'^®“Smd-Stamp for our‘ catalogue of Books, Pictures- eta.,’ which we tend by -mail post-paid. Address; "FORT VALLEY NEWS CO., ’. Fort' Valley, Ga: _ 7th. It is tiie designated medium for giving pnhliciiy to the legal notices of the connty, arid every citizen should hike it in. order to keep posted in regard to the legal aS^tirs of.hiscooniy. No other paper vriR post you thoroughly. 8th. Its circnlation is much larger than the average of county newspapers, and its advertising columns are read by hundreds wuo can be reached through no other me- pi tun.. Its advertising Tatessxe mihimmn. E Its subscription price places it within the reach of alL Those who do not wish to .take it for a year can get it for six or thfee months at a proportionate price. Let every body take it as Whl prove a blessing to youiself, your wife, your Children and - —i ’ the j uhliehwr. One Vhar , Six Mottthw » Three MontLs, - Atidrees,- fit S fi w *2 OO. :>iOOV -EDWIN So; -V - MARTIN, Perry, Gcnrpis A New Ideal WILSON SHUTTLE ir-ort 50 Dollars !! FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned WM@!f Sill Sewintt ficle! TUB BEST IN THE WORLD! J^The Highest Premliun was awarded to-it at •VIEUSnsTA^ Ohio State Fairj. Northern Ohio Fair5 Amer. Institute, N. Y.J Cincinnati Exposition ; Indianapolis Exposition ; St. Louis Fair; Louisiana State Fair; Mississippi State Fair; and Georgia State Fair; f£r being the BEST SEWING MACHINES, and doing thc largest and best range of work. All other Machines in the Market were in direct COMPETITION!! VSTFor Hemming, Fell ing, Stitching, Cording, Binding, Braiding, - Embroidering, Quilt ing and Stitching fine or heavy goods it is unsurpassed. Where we have no Agents we will deliver a Machine for the price named above, at the nearest Rail Road Station of Purchasers. Needles for all Sewing Ma chines for Sale. Old Machines taken in Exchange. Send for Circulars, Price List, &c., and Copy of the Wilson Reflector, one of the best Periodicals of the day, devoted to Sewing Ma-' chines, Fashions, General News and Miscellany.- Agents Wanted ADDRESS, Cleveland, mm. ... tlw Lind. It circulates in ever. S? 5 iu the State, and doubtless coma the eyes r,l a hundred thousand rJ?* 1 AH interested-should not fail to ’ of the fact. 1 Our advertising rates are liberal, Terms of Srascrirnox.—One vea, »- I ■ clubs of tea and upwards, S1-.50.- ' ^ i ..uiire.s-; letters aud couiiuuuie.iti--, • GEORGIA GRANGE PUB. CO ’ P. O.- BhViver 24, Atlanta, Assignee’s- Sale.- GEORGIA—Housiox* Coustt: WILL be sold before the Conri R I door m the town of Pery, said eom,i. the first Tuesday in September tween the usual hcnr-i n.. 1 property, to;wit i . . Thirty-six find cm&qUartcr acres of «. I north-east comer of lot No. 49. in the n* i district of said county. Also 49 the south-east corner of-No. 318, and Ids connty; 60 acres of the west portion of? 0 16, and 14 acres of No. 80 in the 14th i tncf of and connty. The Last-named bat being the remainder after the temmlw of the life estate of Mis. Hater. rauu!lr ' 1 - , - time and place be sold 18 bales of cotton. Said nff-.W sold for the benefit of ofrJ itors of 0. N. Rountree, a Bankrupt ow, his own petition. T. M. KnAs/ V W. Bacxsos! KINKEL’S | We would caH the attention of Tea-b and Amateurs to Kinkel’s New Method i> the Reed Organ and Melodeon, ns bey, the best work for these instruments, ’{v! work is pronounced superior to all other,! of its class by Teach-vs w-ho have erariiej ■ HEW MITHOfi it. It contains a clear aud simple coma of instruction whereby any one may erih acquire the mastery of tins fiivorte ment, writh afew month’s study. It FOR THE always he a favorte work with the Teachs ^ on account of its clearness'and systemafc progression, more of an amusement than study for the Pupil, and will prove a mm If of wealth to the Amatenr. on account the many choice Melodies, Songs, efeT that Mr. Kirikel has selected and anangd; RE E ORGAN, expressly for this work. KinseTa XnB Method wtll be mailed, post-paid, on r- ’ ceipt of $2.50. Address J. L. PETERS, 599 Broadwn, I N. Y. P. O. box 5429. ‘ : h M Send 30 cents for the latest number of Peters’ Musical Monthly, and you will get at least S4 worth of on [ Latest and best Vocal and Instrumental Pia- Muric, or by sending 60 cents for onrwi S magazine, LA CREME DE LA CREME, you will get a choice collection of film j Vlusic for advanced pLayers. Address J, k. PETERS, 599 Broadway, X. I. may30t£ OSWE5GO Silver Gloss Starch | For title Hauudry. MANUFACTUBED BY T. KBGSFOill) & SOS, HAS BECOME A Household Necessity, Its great excellence has merited the cob- mentation of Europe for American m®- factare. PULVERIZED CORN STARCH PEEP ABED BT T. KINCSFORD & SON. Expressly for food, when it is propd! made 1 into puddings, is a dessert m S& excellence. For tail? by all First-class GicctU June 13 lt L GEORGIA, HOUSTON 0005^1 —The estate of Allen P. Spradlef,®! said connty, deceased, being tuusi resented and not likely-to beNf® sented. This is therefore to cite all pc* 8051 / Concerned, to offer at the July Tent if . 1874, ol the Court of Ordinary off® |.counly. and show cause, if any “S have, why the administration of ■“ estate should not be vested in.® Clerk of the Superior Court of s*; connty, or any other person dees* fit and proper by the Court. . Witness my official signature, a 3 Jane 6. 1874. A. S. GILES, i w Ordinal BAPTIST HYMN BOOK, AND BAPTIST JEYMN'ITtUNE BOOT Six sizes.—Fifteen styles. Price fifty cents to f AUTHORIZED by. the aeuv^^ tion at the largest meeting ever “ In the country. PBEPABED at great expend i time and money. CHEAPEST. 1000 By mas %L ty cents. The §1 00 Hymn and , Book is pronounced the cheaj ever published. BEST. Has the big da lions both at home and Send for circular of Te: fi@“Heavy discount for lob L.B.; Help' tke Distre Gedbgx Geaitge . . . Macon, Ga., ITtO THE PATRONS OF HTk> B £_ i X or Georgia; - An^ made to our Master by the VortW^ ter of the Louisiana State for the destitute A^jriculturiScS c- We hope, in conformity to- tion. and in harmony /vith the ; oiir.O'der, von will at once for->»'k ; Taylhr, Se he otts i0 ’ A full-list of all. conpapf 1 ’"‘‘Georgia Grange-.. - ■ L.F/Livisstf ,r- gi-Dsvssiw* J. H- Echols- Executive Cca^