The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, September 19, 1874, Image 2

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* lldiiM.on liope Journal. The Usurper Driven Out; Wednesdups dispatches from Nek ! iJWIN i.m,'! :v, tmTon asd Pnor CuriOns Things. Mis. Editor:—There are UK several t Hill and Stephens. The verdict of the people of eighth THE GREAT so PBorBiEroB. j Orleans were of the most startling | *ery curious things on the surface of ^ ninth Congressional districts of 1 chnvncteK Two years ago McEnerv ^'e bccasloi, but there is one m partic- this State is very significant. If anj-j Ihoroilfflllv ill! V ... i „ i ^ larc which one in particular every .. -i-.n.i.* —ta t New Advertisements. JFor Congress-5dh District.- thiug was needed to determine between j 1 lrs lhoroite,hlj in i w .. s Governor of the State,. -- _ . tins.-W*™ < •— * ‘ but Kefe was -ted by decaee of a man is at Hberty to determine for hnn- the real merits of the two men, w 1 O/rnT-oio F.ri..! j rsag* 1 Lm m. In MO. of U. «». , t».e. i. >h. eighth Georgia State J? an.| - ’■ • ~ rr—,g._ -uv oathpf office to support the Constitn- It is curious that because men are [ Hou . A . H. S'epbens was re-nomina-; ...... CATUBDAY M‘'i: .*••’i N■, SfePT., 19. j of t i„, T T„it,-,l States, the IW 11111 d;,iu S 'veil financially they arp ’ t I(l bj a vary large majority, although { | - dent interfered,. sustained the nsur- i exceedingly mad against somebody : - wa3 known be was not a candidate, ! per Kellogg, and nullified the right of] for it; Mo3tl - v ;ire mad wi.b the ia fact did not want the position. In <jf IS 74. F. S. JOHNSON, SB. HOLMES JOHNSON. F. S. JOHNSON, Jit. HGN, MltTGH A. SANDLER, jthe people to select - a ruler. The Sen- 'viong party, and the further from the ninth Mr. Hill’s friends have been i ». •v~t . •v “r.. ii. .i i riaht- rllft 511101*ipr. YuU. Cilll CU6SS or»fiv-iilxr Miirnccinn' ^n’o tvifii 1 ate of tlie United States declared that j 1 ’ i S Llt > 'he angrier. You can guess actively canvassing his claims, with Of IteKalb County f McEnhry was elected, and a Congres- pretty nearly bow much a man owes his knowledge and implied consent,— | sioual committee has for months past J>yThe beat of bis passion, and he yet be ran so poorly that his name was I. . *1. a—xi—i> ^fVnrspR ln« nrailitors as If they were Withdrawn ffoin the convention. We are glad Mr. Stephens’ health has so i nproved as to allow him to accept the nomination. Such was the power of his great name that the Radicals have What is a Darling?’ An exchange answers this question lu the following ttdicisns stylet It is the dear little bright creature who meets One on the step; who flings her fair arms around one’s nett; and hisses one with her wlmle etfui of love; who spiScs die’s hat; Who relieves one of one’s coat; and’ arranges the tea and toast so 1 pie’tilv; who places I e elfish ftffitt at the piano a*A unsolici ted, warbles’ foithsfch dfc’.icioss songs. qksts hers elf at oue’s fddtsto land nsks her eager uSheaid ot qnesii ins, with finch’ bright eyes'and flushing- ■fate, ail’d Mi. whose glossy curls one places oni’s hand and breathes ‘God bless her!’ as the fairy form dep rta. n -r 'r-O'* _ .-—7 i Vveota gys ’fi Sviccessor. rf’he Tt idieiils' at Griffin Tuesday uonVina'ed 3. G. \V. Mills, of Atlanta. AVe that Mills will visit $<.t?stbU soon to make soeiaLoqnulity spiefehes. A friend informs us tba Mitts visited Houston in the stoirnv vJays. of 1868. The night after-lie was here some young men for amusement posted a flaming sign requesting the K. K. Ks. to meet, at the “nine new {l ives.” Next morning Mills saw it mid returned to Atlanta in. haste, ta lcing a "copy of the ; dncuihent, pre pared and transferred rto Gen. Pope lty D.uiiel ljdsey, the Freedman’s Bu reau Agent. beep talcing evidence in the matter.— For a week the Kellogg police have bee a makiue illegal searches ai>d seiz- Tao Liberal Prizes. Our esteemed - fright! Prof. B. E. Psrlc, vtbp is Bonthern agent for tlie liest si rics of .school books, offers rlie following prizes to the bast speaker" under sixtebu years" of age,-at the State Fair; Open to all white boys in tlie State. First, one fiue Web ster’s Unabridged Dictionary, worth $12. One Guthcarls’s Youth’s Speak er. One Oldham’s Humorous Speak er. and one BandiiH’s Elocution. Sec ond,—One Webster’s Counting-house Dictionary, worth $•! 00; one Oath cart’s Literary B sider; one Forbisb- er’s Yoicc and Action, and one San ders’ Speaker. Those desiring o con test will write to Malcolm Johnson, Atlanta, or Prof. Park, at Macon. Blues and Grays. At Vicksburg, Miss.j-tsrvcral days ago a cull far a meeting of tlie former soldiers of tlie Union and Con ft. del ate armies was published, stating that the purpose was to foster and encour age kindly relations between the sol diers of the late war and to form a bond’of mutual friendship and good feeling. Bevoral preliminary meetings were held, and were attended by rep resentatives" of both ''armies, those of the Union army residents of this city being nearly equal-ill number to those fe'e' {JoUfedefate army. At a meeting last night the hotly formed itself into an association to be known ns the or der of Blues and Grays. Speeches were delivered indicative of the ut most good feeling and relief at this public acknowledgement of a break in the dark cloud of prejudice which has been oppi essing all alike. Nows Items. A collision on the Great' Eastern [Railway of England killed twenty and wounded fifty persons. A terrible af fair. . . Woods and cranberry swamps in } ew jersey are afire. Many seizures of arms are reported in"New Orleans by the police. .The arms were supposed to be for the white leagues. ~The Spanish .Republicans claim an other victory over, the Carlists. 3,500' more Spanish troops are eu route for Cuba.- Gen Beauregard is visiting in Can ada. ’ . Barnnnrs balloon has bursted. Mexican war volunteers are on a jamboree. , Much indignation exists in New Or leans over the seizure of pnvate arms by State authorities. R. B. Bullock is in Massachusetts and the “honest’-’ Radicals want to run him for Congress, but he fears the issue and declines. An attempt was recently made to as sassinate the Govern or of Peru. >-»-» — Indian Meal as Food. The difficulties that are found in growing potatoes, together with the high price of flour, suggests the ques tion whether the value of Indian corn and. its pt-Gper' preparation as food for liumuu beings, is well understood. Chemical analysis shows that corn is rich in the elements that- nourish the bod}-, while practical exper enee in some instances, seems to throw a a doubt upon its. wholesoineness. The truth is, that while com is full of ivatrition, it is not practically very nutritious.- This seeminginccngruity js easily explained. That portion of the kernel which is hard and flinty, is saturated- with an oil- wliioh is not expelled iu the process of cooking, and which is an element most difficult for- the stomach- to digest. Thus, while the elements of nutrition are in tea' com; there is so-mueh vital ener gy wasted in adapfiugit to the wanfcf of tlie system; that the loss is- nearly ; ^neli equal to the'p^oht?.’ Is it the will of’ the people of the This oil, which makes coni so- diffi- . J „ . ,, 1 , . . . ., cult of digestion, and- therefore, so i United Sfates taat tnese patnois su-ul unpopular, is easily ex'pe'led by kiln-1 again be subjected to Kellogg’s rob- drying. Corn meal and hominy,- may j ’ oerV) . alJ d' ground into the dust? be readily and thoroughly cooked in twenty miuutes, either bv. boilirg or baking. The Indians long since made this diswveiy -aud-.on journeys that tax ed’ their physical powers to the u'most subsisted i^on- parched com. • Every family should bo provided with a kiln adapted 1 to this purpose,- and at (lie same time eapableof k-einj used fr.r drying-fruit. ures of arms belonging to private that Police and negro militia, with Gen. Longstreet as their hireling eommander, might eri- f.iree any measure of outrage npoii the people. On the fourteenthj thousands of the citizens of New Orieans idet^at the Clay statue, passed' resolutions de claring KdHogg an usurper, and re questing him to vacate the Executive office. He declined to receive the committee. Mutual threats were made. Afterwards 0, B. Penn, who was elected Lieut’. Gjvernoi iu 1872 on the McEuery ticket, issued a procla mation assuming the’gubernatorial office, "amt appointing officers to oi'-i ganize the militia. Only a short time elapsed before armed . meu were sta- tloued at the crossings of : the princi pal streets. Five hundred police ap peared under Gen. Longstreet with artillery at I he head of Canal street, and took position. A fire was open ed from both sides aud about fifty people killed and wounded; but the' p iliee were soon driven awiiy and due piece artillery captured by Penn’s mi litia* ' In tbe memHime President Grant is sued a proclamation ordering all dis orderly persons to disband and go to their homes. The United States troops quietly held possession of the custom house. Tufesday morning about ten thou sand of the Pehn militia soon captur ed the State House, and all the State and city properly was soon in their hauds. The police surrendered, and the coup <le dal was complete. From all parts of the State come congratulations and ailuouhcemeuts that the movement to oust tue usur per Was a complete success; and, ex cept iu’New Orleans, a bloodless, vic- tory. The negro did hoit appear in tlie scene us ; eitliei . aero martyr. He-and his rignts :are more proieeted by the new regime than the old, and no excesses were committed by'the victors. ' Kellogg, Longstreet and other lead- ing scaliiwags ’took refuge in the Cus tom House, and the working of the State government under Lieut. Gov. Pehn, went on quietly. Gov. Penn sent a dispatch to President Grant announcing the result of the move- mi hi,' ‘ and containing expressions of loyalty to the general government. The suddenness and snebess of this grand uprising c f the people in their might to secure the overthrow of ilie usurpation, shdws that it had been qnietly and thoroughly organized be forehand! It is so Ffehchy in its conception, that only the nobleness and order of its execution pronounces i t to belong to the Southern States of North America. ■'We:beiievS the people of Louisiana areih'tiie right, and our heart is with them. May the God of "Peace and War smile on them, and deliver them from the vengeance of the dictator at Washington. We care not what the Radicals of the North may think when we' ’are right? Let 'our people raise their voices in prayer for the de liverance of-Lonisitina. The Federal troops cheered the Penn militia! Thursday dispatches from New Or leans report all quiet. The peopje have resumed their usual avocations. Thonsands of people in all parts of the Union sympathise with the move ment. Little idea can be formed of the robbery and spoliation to which the people have been subjected by the Kellogg government The President of the United States, however, will uphold the usurper, and bus telegraphed Gen. Emery net to recognize the present government in Louisiana. He feels that his part}- friends, tlie thieves and adventurers who have so same men, it has been as sedulously proclaimed that the cotton crop would certainly be short But the corn has invariably been short, and tne cotton hipped out-,’ How . is that for cu rious? The ue v regime was inaugurated one year ago, and shouts rent the air when orators promised ah early jnbi- lee.for five dollars. And’ hoary Shy- locks were seen in the near future trembling and stammering at the judgment bar of “another Daniel. And the sweet voices of Minerva and Ceres were heard o'n : the air singing “Harvest Home.” And old Kill Cotton tossed dollars in the air like a juggler in a side show tossing-little balls'.’ Ah’d : the large girl with the cornucopia sat near the door of every man’s fiir chstle. But," lb! the prom ise fails, at least in one respect. There are to-day a greater number-of middle men than ever before. Yon see, in addition to the original add odious set,.' there are scores of home-made grangers iu the commercial arena. The most original, unique, and ihelo-drainutic performance of, .tlie times, is 10 steal off about forty miles and cuss a warehouse. Who now ris the bbdhr'ite .skeptic to doubt that. Don Quixote did charge a pndmill;? Ben Zine. usurper is a rebellion. As the time is now at hand for the Radicals to raise their biennial clam or to influence the elections North, we wit! not he surprised at any outrage they may perpetralo. The New Orleans affair is a thrilling episode id American history, and we Wait With some impatience for the se- emses his creditors as if they were candidates. Now the first man who finds that his choler fits himself the best, and says so, will “win the beer.” Let all speak at once This thing of going to town in search of wbiit is called accommda- tionjand securing it bn terms that are definitely understood, and- then going about abusing the man who ex tended it, is, to say the least of it,— is—tiiisMs where the Litin comes in, and a heap of it. The English lacks compass. Daring the past- sever al summers it has been noised abroad, refused to’ put tip a candidate against him. With Stephens in the House aad Gordon In the Senate 'of the Uni ted States, Georgia’s delegation wiq be led by men inferior - to none that dare measure arms with them. Mr. Hill’s chagrin at his defeat by Gordon it's < ston fol.owed by Lis bo.Tig ha _* bled l-y the pen Of the decrepid Ste phens, followed-by his rejection by and printed,'and quoted, at cl believed the people, that he most how. be, cer- that an abundant crop of corn was ; t .in that Georgia can get"along witl» growing. No fractions were men- Honed and no disasters apprehended. During the same seasons and by the “Hart from The-” Gen. Toombs in ai recent speech at Madison made some very severe re marks on newspapers, Ferhaps. the fact that they still -appear regularly, as before his speech, is accounted for on the hypothesis that the orator.. Was too drank to impress his sentiments on the people of Georgia. Dr.Mary Walker Ag -in. Dr. Mary Walker is a strange prod uct of our late war—a strange product' both of its physical and theoretical excitements. Pnripg the; war Mary found her way to Castle Thunder; rin Richmon d, and had a pretty hard time of it. The worst thing they did to Mnry iu that lovelyprisou was to force her to doff her unmentionables "and 1 don the emblematic petticoat of her sex. At first Mary wept, tlien sue waxed wrathy, and finally fell into into love, and quietude. At last, in 1861 she was liberated, obtained - n new pair of pantaloons, and in' the position. of a martyr to patriotism, stalked the smooth and broad paVe of Pennsylvania avenue, to the amuse ment of the crowd of idle brigadiers- jjincl rColonels who ornamented tlie Unification of the Universities. Some thirster after fame has con ceived the idea of the unification of the various colleges in the State, in# king each One a department of the University of Georgia. Many; secular papers seem to pounce on the idea- as something grand. We can see' no good to" result froih.iit,4-fbr besides increasing the burden of taxation for their support, each denomination, we presume, would rather have the entire control of its own institutions! Sep arate, as they are, one cannot make encroachments on another, no causes for dispute can arise, and many un pleasant quarrels and much bickering are avoided Our idea is that men of different views get along better when- separate. We hope the chnrchesand the col- leges will be kept out of politics,— and we deprecate the introduction - of a political issue in which their inter ests are involved.. Should j the civil rights bill become a law, and it will, let 110 tax money go’into these col leges, and they will be exempt from its: provisions. This last is a. strong; point. We vote against unifica tion. ■ ;-!>!? - - -■—:— Good Advice. All the yoaiig 1 women in the country • would do well to heed to the words of ■ . _ BishqpJFpster, addressed to the grad uating class of the Wesleyan Female College in Cincinnati He said: “Learn your obligation to the past; be careful of the'-present; and prepare yourself, for the great future is before you. The reign of brain has come. Though yon may not be found the ballot-box, yon can build up the the men. You live in-a particularly excitiug rime, when you have placed in opposition to you one of the great est of vices, and you women will ccn- jong despoiled the South, must not qner is ali of those of your sex who be driven fiom power by an outraged are real women will combin' T> "—-~ people. But a few days will elapse e’re the usurper-may again be placed in power by Federal bayonets. Attorney General Williams intimates are fools wbethar they, know it or not, by your conduct toward them send them from .your presence.- Reserve Revolution. TheLouiriana revolution bassfagge- red the' administration. They will do qnthing vrithin five fdays. There can be no doubt that their .present inten sion is to restore Kellogg.- ft is said that Giant is very angry. The tpne Profitable Thi3vevy. According to thebest authority, the public debt iu Texas was increased, under carpet.bag and negro rule, from two-nillions to. nearly fourteen mil lions; that of Louisiana from%ievento forty millions; that of South Carolina from one million to twenty-five mil lions; that of Alabama from eight mil lions to fifty-two millions; and that of Georgia from two millions to fourteen- millions. ’ In five States, therefore; the increase was from twenty-forfr millions to one hundred and seventy-three mil lions. The m-'-ney earae out' of- the' pockets- of the native white, property- owners, and went into the pockets of . . , . , . _ I of the ISorihCra papers is- perplexing, iinen-.oi im'-j n-aaer tfce of most ultra Republican j the pl-.inderiog Republican officials, jnortnJjzc hnnselt by giving to tnej •• . t * , 3s , . -public a kiln that- shail be simple, ! P a ® ers that Louisiana- Las;rho wonuer the plunderers were' at fiitj&P: thatwill answer the pm’-1 exercised the drybie aad ' coneeded'jXong Branch last week, clamoring for po.-js. * right of revolution. * martial law- . out his taking the lead! : This self! esteemed oracle is humbled indeed. porticoes of the National and Willard-’s ; iInle ' ' The Annual Fair of the Georgia State Agricultural Society for 1S74 will be held at Oglethorpe Park, ATLANTA. GA. Beginning October 19th and Contin uii'g ONE WEEK. §15,000 in PREMIUMS offered—AH in CASH Except Medals and Diplomas, No Sil ver Plate. NO ENTRYFEES CHARGED We append a few extracts from the .Premium List, as showing the'R&uge and Character of the Exposition. COUNTY PREMIUMS To the County inairing the best exhibition of STOCK *...$600 00. To the. County making the best exhibition of . FIELD CROPS.... i... 500 00 To the Colirity making the best exhibition of HORTICULTURAL and DOMESTIC prod ucts ; 300 00 •To* the County-, making the best exhibition of FRUITS 100 00 To Hie County making the bast exhibition of DOMESTIC MAOTFBCTURES 150 00 To the Conntv making the best exhibition of AR TICLES ~ MANUFACTURED RY MACHIN ERY 150 00 HORSE DEPARTMENT. -Best thoroughbred stallion and ten of bis colts $*20n 00 Beststiillloii of all work and tenof his colts 125 00 Best Gelding or Mar®................... 100 CO Second Best Gelding or Mare . 50 00 Best eomhmation Horse orJIare 50 00 'Best Sancile.Hoise or Mare 50 00 Second Best Saddle-Horse or Mare 25 00 Third Best ; addle-Horse or Mare 10 (*0 Finest iind Best Double Team, matched 100 00 Second.Best Double Team, matched.... 50 00 Best Phir Muies, m harness 50 00 25 00 GATTLE DEPARTMENT. hotels. - Mary cared little who was gazing at her. She was always sure of au audi ence at the White House, even -with Lincoln, whom she amused by her pertness and nonsensical affectations of superior ability, which she would assert in an English altogether her ow.n. All sorts of things were said about her, but still she unde a living; and. to-day comes the newB of her pacing the boulevards of Paris iu the breeches that were the wonder of the avenues of Washington. .It seems t .at Mary is on her way to Constantin pie, where all of her sex wear those things, not metaphorically; but actually. She goes to be the official chief physician of the Seraglio of the mighty. Porte- Mary has struck the right, place at last, Her medical short coinings will pass unmarked in the land oi talis mans, aDd her bloomerism will flonr- ish in its indigenous soil. The Egyp tian Khedive has a French miale physi cian, but- the great Sultan will have an American female surgeon. In Con stantinople Mary will tread ground rendered classic by Anna Commeha, and by a long line of female phyloso pliers, beside whose beauty and wis dom the fame of Susan B.’s and of Cady S.’s pales as the moon before the. SUn. Heartily do-we Congratulate j Bcs* Collection of Pears the Turk on his acquisition, but gal- ! HOME INDUSTRY, lantry forbids that we shonld congrat ulate ourselves on—a gooff riddance. ■Brooklyn Eagle., $25 and $20’ Respectively, for the best Bull and . .Cow of each of the following breeds; Alder- derhy.’ Ayrshire, Brahmin, Devon, Durham ;bud Natives. Bast pen of Fat Cattle, not less than ten $100 00 Best MHch Cow. 75 00 Seconef-Best Milcli Cow 40 00 Best Bseeding BnU with live of his calves 100 00 SHEEP. $25 to $15 Bospeclively. for the best Buck and E#e of each of the following breeds: Merino, Southdown and -Cotswold. Best Sweepstakes Buck. $30 00 Befit peri of Fat Mutton * * * * 30 00 SWINE. Liberal premiums for all tbe different breeds of hogs. Best Sweepstakes Boar .'. $25 00 Sweepstakes Sow with pigs 25 U0 POULTRY This department is nneommonly full and Jibe - al. Premiums are offered ft r Thiity-fonr diff - entAorieties. $10for the oeat trio of each v: r - Kty except Bantams, for which $5 is offered for thebest trio o * each variety. -Best-Trio I r inze Turk :ys $20 0 Best piir B; email, Eonj Kong, Africen an i Too- • loose Giete, each. 10 00 Best psi® It u**i: Poland, Mnsc o/y, ana Cayu*a DnicTiS, ea- h 5 00 - For uie best display of Domestic Fowls 100 00 Best.displfiy Of PigeoitB ' 25 00 CROP PRODUCTS. 0 NEW HARDWARE HGUSE New Cooas MACON GA. UR STOCK OF GOODS IS NOW OPENED AND ARRANGED. HAVING I DRESS CUTTING IP A - A - KISU - -' T BESOn,. I | ia the rear of tlie- Presbvter^.ri '*** offers her semees in Cutting m./i C; to the ladies of Perry and vFcinia ! Satisfaction given, or no char--' MS. U J bought it for Cash, we can and will sell Us low as ethers in -the trade. We offer among other things,— H. Diston’s Saw Mill Goods of all kinds, Tools of every kind, Buggy and Wagon Material. Rubber and Leather Beltings, Fairtsmk’s Scales. Wooden Ware, Hollow Ware, —Iron and Steel, Table and Pocket Cutlery Builders Materials j23~In short, All Goods nsnally kept in such a business. The Parker Breech-Loading Gun, Togetlu r with the best makes of English Muzzle-Loading Guns, Dupont’s and Hazzard’s Powders. We represent Tlie Pratt G-in, And have them o&all sizes on band. ^>~CaU and See Us. F. S. JOHNSON & SONS, No. 31 Third Street, near City and CentraPBiuiks, Macon, Gn. GAMP BELL & J0NES> Warehouse and Commission Merchants, MACONGEORGIA. T O MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE TIMES, WE DETERMINED, EARLY IN in the Spring, to attempt a reduction in the rates of Storage and Commission on Co ton, and now announce the following changes: OLD RATES, | PRESENT RATES- Commission ,-rT. Ij percent | Commission 1J peroe t. Stonge 5(Jc per bale | Storage 25c per bale. Thankful for the liberality of our friends in the part w*' must look to them for in creased patronage to enable us to adhere to the low rates we have inaugnated. Me. J. W. Stubbs, a prominent Granger and Planter ot County, will be our Weigher the present season. We guarantee our best efforts for the interests all who favor ns with business. p3~ 1 he usual Advances made on Cotton in store. CAMPBELL & JONES. NEW FAMILY GROCERY STORE. J. C. GILBERT, PERRY, GEORGIA. J HAVE OPENED IN THE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY DAY & GORDON on the Public Square a WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Faty3lily Supplies. Which I will sell Cheap for Cash. Friends and the Public Generally are invited to give me their patronage. * j. C. GILBERT. Bert; three bales of shopt staple-Cott n Secoud bestlot , • Best single bole short staple Second best do • Best Barrel of Georgia made sugar $150 00 100 00 50 00 25 00 ■ 25.00 Best barrel Georgia made Sorghum Syrup 25 00 Best display of samples of crops, the contribu- . tion of a single farm 50 00 Best diBplay of vegetables. 25 00 FRUIT, BEst Collection of Apples $25 00 Level Heads. The colored men of Evansville, Ind., met the other day and passed resolu tions denouncing the Rupublicau par- party • as corrupt and no longer worthy of trust, and the professions of friend ship for the colored man false and made only for the purpose of buying votes. They further pledge them- themsevles to vote against, the Be- . •, ... . ,, I 'publiean’party', ilf tbisYhing eontin- on the battle-field, or at ue j nothing bnt’a series of warm mns- tard-pi asters will prevent a political convulsion in this country.; Best display of JeDies/Preserves, Pickles, Jams, Catnips, .and Cordials, made-and exhibited by one lady - $50 09 Second-best display of the same 40 00 Third best dbmlay of the same 25 00 Bent display of dried fruits 25 >0 Second best . 10 00 Best display Canned Vegetables 25 00 Second best ... 101'0 *Best ditjpiay of ornamental Preserves cut by hand -; 25 (»0 Best display of Domestic Wines 25 00 Best display of Ba^ads by one lady 25 00 Haudsomest Iced and Ornamental Cake to be two f et high. 20 00 NEEDLEWORK. Bpstnlade Geutlenan’s Suit by a ’ady 25 00 Best made Lady’s Suit ' ~ 25 00 Best xnade'Silk Dress by a Georgia Iz tty not a dress maker 25 00 Best piece of Tapestry in Worsted : nd Floss • by a Georgia .lady ,000.001 TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. THE SECOND ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION. of presents, which we have heretofore announced and for which wc are under obligations to some subscribers, will now be pushed to a speedy con- sumation. Our distribution differs from those of leading Northern ond Western newspapers in two par- ticulaas: first our presents are awarded to belli Dally and Weelly tmbscriberfi and secounly, to both new and old subscribers Every daily subscaiber paying $10 for one year's subscription, will redve a registered card entitlingLini to porticipate in the distribution; every doily snbscriber paying $5 for six months •will receive a card entitling^to a half interest in the cash presents awarded. A dub of bve Weekly subscribers, sending $10 for one year's subscription, will receive one reg istered card; one Weekly subscriber, cpn get a registered card by advancing $10, or a card enti tling him one-hal in the cash presents by. advan cing $5 subscription. J93rln our lasl distribution a dub of Weekly subscribe s obtained $1250 In Gold. Which was paid to Mr. George Ebcrliart, Paoli, Madison Co., Ga. in the presence of Ex-Mayor Hammock. The Weekly Constitution is a mammoth 3- X»ge paper, containing 48 columns, only $2 a year, As aFamily and Farm Journal it is unsurpas- as the first, which | «ceivcalso Ita, a completo. outfit, or Bend for NEW OFFERS! NEW IDEAS! See the Grand Gifts of our Fiiesidc Friend to its Subcribers.* Entirely new and unprecedented, and such as will intorest every one, Yon miss it if yon don’t send for samples and full particulars which ari sen! free. See the Grreat Wa.tcli Offer! OUB FIRESIDE FRIEND is now'in its Fifth Volume, .thoroughly established as the leading Family and Story Weekly in the Union, has the largest circulation, and the best appoinied Print ing and publisning establishment and building in the West. Is a large eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price $3 0 per year. Ev ery subscriber receives a magnificent premium and a share in the distribution. Subscribe now WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative in every neighborhood Nothing eqnals it for agenaa, male or iemale. young oa old. Large Crab wages and a Superb Outfit, exclusive territory, which is rapidly filling up. Most apply at once. Subscribe by sending $3 00, and receive the paper one year, a magn;_ ficent premium, a share in the distribution, and New Advertisements. ied Baby Basket by a lady [Bestset of Mouchoir Case by (ieorgia lady 25 Uo Best display of Female Handicraft'b& one . J&fr - - \r 50 00 PAINTINGS. gaee such universal satisisetion. The distribu tion will be in public, and superintended by commissioners JSSr All the presents distributed without sca ling, and to boua fide subscribers only. fgjy- Subscribe at once before the distribution comes off, for i t is the last. Sample copies oj the Constitution, and circu lar giving full particulars sent free on application. Liberal inducements and a special list of pre miums offered to local agents Address W. A. HEMPHILL & CO-. . Atlanta, Ga. As this.mcybe seen by some unacquainted with us, we refer, by permission, t© Ex-ilnyor Ham- o*» rft mock, Col. G: W. Adair, CoL J. R. Wallace, lcad- w z' -ii: J a Gountv terly Returiis. 25 (0 citizens, who supcrintemied our first dislri bution, and the present Mayor of Atlanta, Col. S. B. Spencer. County Court should te filed in ofiice by 28 ; nst at farthest for Judgement in Januu- - ‘ SAM’L i) KILLEN, ■ 3 ^S e -- ITotice. rpHE genffemen composing the Demo- L cratic Executive Committee of Hous- a County are rcqriesffe-l to" meet at the Court House oa the first Tuesday in Octc- ber'rtf-st at 12 M. i&ligSbl&Mte C.C.DUNCA^^ f — Chairman. Farmers!! BEK the undersign ad Fanners, do ce-rti- cing e very Depirtmeutof Inanstrrand Art. „ ....... fy that \Y. 5. Golffenhas repaired our Cotton riins (vr<?ll) and confidently recom mend him tc> all having such work to do. . itrspectsully, IV. W. Hxxdebsos. B. F. Moaj’.is. - C. S. Bexax. Special Notice. rpHIS is to notify all persons concerned A that hereafter the Commissioners of Houston county will not- pay more than FiveDollais for adult paupers coffins,' and . smaller will be paid for in : proportion'-to' i size at above basis. ! EDWARD JACKSON, Clerk. : Best Oil Ilamting Ijy a Georgia artist ' 50 00 Best display of Paintings, Di swings, etc. Sjr . the pupils of any School or College 50 00 Bent Oil Painting representing a Southern : Landscrpefrom nature - 20 00 Best Oil Painting repiescnting an historical scene 20 00 -Best Portrait Painting 20 00 MILITARY COMPANY. For fee best drilled V olunteer Military - Company, of not less than forty mem bers, rank and file $500 00 Second best 250 00 Third best • 125 00 The following named ditingnished gentlemen have been invited to act as -Judges of the military contest!-• I' : ' . GE-V. 3. E-JOHXSTOX. of Georgia: Ges. JOHX a BRECKEXKIDGE, of Kentucky. Ges. J. B. HOOD, oi'I.ouisi2ua. . Gex. J, B. GOBBOX, of Georgia. Gex. D. H. HILL, of North Carolina. RACES. Purse for for Trotting Horses, open so the world $559 00 Purse for Bunning Horses, open to .he world - - 300 00 Five other purses of liberal amounts ore offer ed. The alove is but an outline of tbe Premium List as offered by the STATE AGIUCULTUHvL and the CITT OF ATLANTA, embra- The full Premium LiEtin Pamphlet form, will be scut by mail, upon api‘Ii-aton to the Secretary. FREIGHTS AND TRANSPORTATION. Aa-angemeuts .will be male with the 'various railroad and steamship lines 5or the usual redu- t od rates for visi'ors and articles coming to the Fair. . Articles may be sent, consigned “Gaorgia Slate Fair, Atlanta, Ga.',’* any time after the 1st October. No pains ar.expenfe will be spared to make the approaching Fair worthy as a State Exhibition, or to contrihhte to the comfort and enjoyment of its visitors, and all persons are respectfully invited to come and bring whatever of merit they may — have to* exhibit. < GEN. A H. COLQUITT, President. . ■ *" • frES.WJT. PHIL LIPS. General Superintendent, MALCOLM JOHXSTOHN, Secretary. i S. B. SPEJfeER, Mayer of the City Atlanta, Ga. j aug 22 id- JOHN 33. COFIELD. Photographer & Portrait Painter Perry Georgia- YX/TLL take all styles of pictures ot the lowes n prices, arid guarantee satisfaction. He in vites everybody to coll and examine his speci mens, and to compare his work with that of any other artist. In price and style of work he defies competition. Gallery on Carroll Street, otherwise amply prepared to serve those wh< may call Dec. 13. ‘ particulars. Name territory desired in writing watebs a Co., Publishers, Chicago, 111- BYINGTON’SHOTElI FOr.TVALLET.GA. ^ TS THE BItEAKI AST HObaEforii,. ’ A Siwannah. Augusta and Macon p 1 § Dinner House for the train from bany to Macon. Supper House Columbus to Macon, Savannah and Large comfortable rooms withfin^n, 1 every ct ivenienc— : Assignee’s Sale. GEORGIA—Honkios Counts: , WILD be sold before the Conrt House door m the town of Pery, said coimty, on the first Tnesday in October next, be tween the usual hours of sale, the fallowing property, to.wit: Thirty-six and one-quarter acres of the nor h-east corner of lot No. 19, in tbe 14th district of said county. Also 49 acres in the sonth-east-corner of No. 318, and 190i : acres of No. 519, in the 13th district of saiti county; 60 acres of the west portion of No. 16, and 14 acres of No. 80 in the 14th dis trict of said county. The last-named lands being the remainder after the termination of the life estate of Mis. Haler. Said property soldiorthebenefit of Cred itors of O. N. Rountiee, a Bankrupt upon his own petition. T. M. KujTm?, Yf. Beunson, Houston Sheriffs Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Peny, Houston County,’ Georgia, on the first Tnesday in OCTOBER next, during the legal hours of sale, the folio sing property, to wit: One black mule named Juie. Levied T. T. MARTIN, Manufacturer and Kef ail Dealer in UPI 1ST COOKING STOVES,, SHEET IRON, TIN WAKE, ET CETERA. R epairing, roofing, gut tering, &o., done at short no- Brick For Sale, HATE ON HAND A lap J quantity of brick, which for sale in quantities to suit pjnil ers. Person wanting good bfictl do well to give ns a call beWJ chasing elsewhere. Address '"3 ANDERSON & HARDEMas j jnl4-3m. .Macon, I Who Should Insure, The rich do not need inj^l against fire, though it is well ec ^\*. for them to have it. Bat those J would te left houseless and peoJj if burnt- out, cannot afford to be,J out it. The Georgia Home is c - .l the most reliable and promp in payment of losses, and is as libera-■ its charges as any that are From ten to fifty dolia's will giv e ,S from one to five thousand dolhg f insurance on yoni dwellings. A New Idea! WILSON ^sHums— FOR 50 Dollars!!] FARMERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS,! AND EVERYBODY Buy the World-Renowned on outsold to satisfy a fi-fa from Houston • tice and in the best manner. Superior Court, in llivor of T. J. Hardison and wife, and A. H. Finney, adm’r., vs T. B. Goff, adm’r. Said mule in possesion of-T. B. Goff when levied upon. Lot of land No-. 140 ia the 9th district of said, county. Levied on by virtue of a fi-fa from Houston Superior Court, Dec. Term 1873. B- W. Crocker vs S. C. Bdgtworth. Property pointed out by deft. S. (3.. Edge-! worth. IV. U- PIERCE. * Sheriff tf. T. T. MARTIN, Ptrrr, Ga. Me Ml Mail! THE BEST IN THE WORLD! E^-Tlie Highest Premium ir»| awarded to it at VIENNA;| Ohio State Fair; Northern Ohio Fair} • Amer. Institute, N. TJ| Cincinnati Exposition} Indiandpolis Exposition} St. Lonis Fair} Louisiana State Fair} Mississippi State Fair} and Georgia State Fair,|. FOR BEING THE BEST SEWING SUCHHEl and doing tlie largest and range of work, -til ofl** 1 Machines in the Uarket were in direct COMPETITION!! VW’ForHevvmini’ ^ I ing,Stitching, GordH \ Binding, Braid" 1 * Embroidering, Q lLl }', ing and Stitching P or heavy goods- d ^ j icnszcrpasseiL- "Where wS’have nd^g 8 ^ I we will deliver a I for the price-named at the nearest-.Bad Station of Pnrchaser 2 - ohinss for Safe Old Machines taken in Exeiia^ Send for Circulars, pri- I GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY. ; —Stancil How;rd Executor of Micnael: Howard, of said county deceased, applies : for leave to sell the entire real estate of j said deceased: This is therefore to cite all persons con- j - ceroed to appear at the October term 1874(0 j ! the Court of Ordinary of said county and] j show cause if any they -have why said ap- ] * n,v r ii>D« MVirFn - plication should not be granted. - j n,4 aJwSLL AUCERANDi “I official signature this Sept; iDRILL m good territtny. HIGHEST! oth 187L | -TE5TMOXTALS FltOCI GOVEBNOBS A. S. GILES, OF IOWA. ARKANSAS ASD PAXGTA. . Eist, &c., and Copy 1 , "Wilson Reflector, ons devoted to Sewing^ chines, Fashions, Cs- News and Miscellany* Wanted ADDllES*’ IOWA, ARKANSAS XSD ] Csteloguee free. W. CUSS, SL Lcuis, SIo. 4w r Or-liimiy. ftoil Ssfisf 1* 1 CLEYELANU, OHI® 1