The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, June 01, 1866, Image 3
£he (Quitman banner. QUITMAN. FHli) VI jJs'E I. 1866. LOCAL COLUMN. Town Improvements We are delighted to see ao many signs of pros perity and progress in Quitman. Messrs. Cul pepper, Creech and Tillman's brick store is now fairly under way. and will soon reach the pro portions of a superb building and ornament to the town Mr. T. Avery has a two-stori nl framed building, forty feet wide, nearly completed, on the main business street, which will also add to the beauty and industrial appearance of our vil lege. On another side of the square, Mr. Carnes has a handsome store nearly completed. In ad \itton to these we understand that Mr. James rYouh T about to commence building one or two largt two story business houses on the pub lic square; and that a brick store is also under ‘contra-1 and soon to be commenced, for Mr. \ fc>aai Hooker. Several buildings for residences are in process ' of construction, charming the citizens with the Ifcuaic of mechanism from morn till night, in all parts of our quiet little village: and now that *w* have two saw mills, and an extensive brick y and in full blast, wo hope progress will not ag*.in be checked for the want < f material Our Town Council too is keeping pace with these improvements, by substantial and orua mental work on the streets. JLrtnd nml Immigration Company L Again. r« Two \\ .-eks ago we Miggesied the importance of j' a Land and Immigration Company. | Brocks County: Since then a number of gen- Je-aien have signified their willingness, and read ■* to rater into such an organization, and only , wait for a movement to give * foi m and pressure” to the idea. It has b-eti suggested that a meet ■ ing of land ow ners, and others wishing to become members of the company, will be the first best t step to consider the matter, and that Monday, of | h Court week, will be the best time for such meet ing. It is therefore announced, that a meeting will be held on Monday «f Court week, to con sider the feasibility ami practical importance of •rganizing a company to furnish lands and induce emigration. Every man in the County is re kt j>ectfully invited to attend. Second Arrival of German La borers. 17 Through the Agencies of Mr. Thomas A. E. / vans, of Quitman, and Messrs. Wright, Carter, , Cos., of New Vork ten more Germans—** veil i .;n and three women have arrived in our vil lage. They were brought out for Messrs, l'adget ; Htaffoore and Mrs. Mclntosh. They are very gHwet, intelligent looking persons, and have ■ gone t > work with a zest that is really refresh log So fsir their employers are well pleased with their be’, avior, and we understand they are ; themselves quite cheerful and content ed. Many i are sending <>n for tliis class of laborers Sd we sincerely hope that all our people will; on see the»r true interest, and bring out enough i up *mppiy every branch of industry in the coun " A land and immigration company, such as ( >i, ggested for Brooks county, would secure the migration of ten or twenty thousand indus ® lous and intelligent Germans w ithin the next reive months. Me should like to see every runty in the State, and in the South move at once, and vigorously, in the same direction. , ) - Professor Cevor’a Stereoscopticon. As illustrative of Bible History, the life of :-e Pilgrims progress, and other miscella- we have never witnessed any ex hibition equal to the Stkkeoscopticon. Profes sor Cevor thoroughly understands his business, and all that he promises is performed. By his .skillful the apparatus, and aide l *( * drummond light, the most wonderful ef £( n yt art* produced, and the audience is entranced - .one scene after another imperceptibly appears and disappears. Many of the scenes are imle \*bably beautiful, whilst others profoundly im io’jf’ess the mind with admiration for the artist and , f .he sublimity of his conceptions We regretted I that our community failed to give ; nRr usouragement to this class of exhibitions, cilcu- | 4ated. as it was, to heighten every noble seuti j riitent and elevate the mind and h art to the Wftiest regions of social, moral and religious emo ‘ ■■•/». We know that many might have been ben- F* ik<\ by attending, whose prejudices and secta despotism led them into open warfare jNf |if!*.t it; whilst th* Iliinkadorians, Hand Organ thJlingtail Monkey crowd, might also have ill all Something to their advantage. :1 liable, iturday night the Professor exhibited for itut on *fit o'" the Presbyterian church in Quit in. tt lt neither his generosity, nor the object f U. the benefit was appreciated, and the cominit- tu find barely enough in the hands tb'*>or--keeper to pay the expenses of the ■*^j^6ibition. Personal. Wc were pleased to meet in Quitman, on last | Tuesday. Capt. George A. Padkick, of the , * Southern Georjian. a spicy and well conducted r ‘eekly. published at Bainbridge, Ga. Captain ' Padrick was one of the many thousand heroes j who fought for and were faithful to the Southern ; •anner: he passed unharmed through many des-; Aerate battle* - was promoted from the ranks to ihe posf?lon of Captain for gallantry; and when V the cause was lost returned to his home, to be V re * irded with the heart and hand of one of Flo- Bri< vs daughters. He is the representative j health and energy. The publisher of the I Jm s*twtr is happy to learn that his old and faith ;nl typo is prospering in business, and he wishes . rbim many years of happiness. Parties in this section who desire a paper from ♦fl’Soutb Western Georgia, are advised to subscribe •v io the Southern Georgian. Terms $3.00 per annum. The Patriot’s Farewell. Las* week we had the pleasure of presenting | to our readers “The Rebel's Vow.” by Zena.— j On our first page to-day will be found “ The Pa triot’s Farewell,*'by the same pleasing author. ,* These stanzas contain some genuine poetry,—the sentiment is mournfully sad. and sinks deep into the lacerated heart of every true man of the South, while the language comes fresh from Par nassus’ living streams of promethean fire. We are glad to be able to announce to our readers that “Zena” has kindly promised us oc casional contributions—prose and poetry—for ‘he Banner. Superior Courts. On Monday next his Honor. Judge llaxsei.i will commence, at Valdosta, the riding of tbit* Judicial Circuit. The Monday following our ow n Court sits. Lawyers, Jurors. Litigants and Witnesses will take due notice and govern themselves accord ingly. The Western Mail. For ten days past the mail from Thomasville has been provoklngly irregular. Three eonsecu-' live mails failed to bring the Macon Telegraph, and the Thomasville Enterprise of the '.3rd only reached Quitman on the I.9th. This looks as if. the fault is in he Thomasville office. Internal Revenue Tax Returns. We are i ©quested by Dr. T. S. Hopkins. As sessor for this sub District, to state that blanks ! for the return ol slaughtered animals and cotton, and also for Licenses may be found in the hands of Mr. ILF. Mabbett Collector, before whom re turns may be made aud forwarded to Dr. Hop kins at Thnma-ville. We suggest to our friends, who yet have cot ton on hand, the propriety of paying the tax on the same now. If they wait till the Ist of July, j the tax will in all probability be 5 cents per pound. ''Don't fail to reach the Col. or he will accuse the P. 0. Dos stealing it.' } On the envelope of one !of our most cherished exchanges the above ad monition was endorsed in pencil. We congratu late the author of the endorsement for the quick ness of perception, and keen relish for truth man ifested in this outward show of levity. We cer tainly could not be expected, under the present regime, to locate the abstraction of such a valu able and favorite exchange, as the Edgefield Advertiser, elsewhere. But we say to the I*. O. D., “Thou shall not steal” our exchanges. Brew cry Established We are delighted to learn that our old friend. 11. H. Linville. of Savannah, has connected a Brew cry with uis foundery establishment, and that hereafter his bachelor home will be enliven ed by K|> r v. ng oys and effervescing bubbles of domestic bliss. The Macon Weekly Telegraph, We have received a copy of this magnificent sheet. It is a large, handsome, double sheet, and contains more reading matter than any weekly published in the South : we commend it to our people as one of the very best newspapers within their reach. Published by Wm. A. Re'nl A Cos.. Macon, Ga., at $4.00 per annum. J. U. Sneed, Editor. Jlcu* — C 1 EORGIA, BROOKS COUNTY. To all j H whom it mag concern, Whereas. Mrs. S. R. ; Kambo applies to this Court for letters of Ad-1 ministration on the Estate of James Ruinbo, late of said County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all J parties at interest to file their objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters will be granted the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. June l. _3od C~i EORGIA, BROOKS ( OtJNTH !V> ill W whom it may concern: Whereas, W. W. Groover. Administrator of M. Groover, deceased, makes application for Letters of Dismission from j said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties at interest to file their objections within j the time prescribed bylaw otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. In testimony witness my hand and seal of of- | ficcv this May I th. 18ot;. J G. McCALL, Ordinary, j j dfie 1. 18 20-'m f1 EORGIA BROOKS COUNTY.—To all j Jf whom it may concern : Whereas. W W. j Oroovor. Guardian of Mary A. Anderson. # applies for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to eife and admonish all parties at interest to filn their objection* within the time prescribed by law. otherwise said Let ters of Dismission will be issued and granted the applicant. In testimony, witness my hand and seal of of , office, this May 24th. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. June 1. 18C6. 20-tim hereby given to the creditors » fJa il cob Watson, late of Brooks County, dec’d j ;to fi e heir claims in my office in due and legal i | foym. jvjihyi the time prescribed bv law. that a j | proper pro rata proportion may be made among | Huid creditor*, as th • estate of said deceased is j ! insolvent. All persons indebted to said estate j are earnestly requested to com** forward and make payment. WILLIAM HUDSON Jel . 0 fit. Clerk Sup. Court. Admr. HOLCOMBE & CO., 181 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga., / THOMAS HOLCOMBE, \ \ ESTABLISHED 1836. ) H AVE IN STORE, and offer for sale at low est market rates ; 500 barrels Flour, all grades ; 50.000 lbs Sides and Shoulders ; 5,000 lbs Hams ; 500 Sacks Salt ; 200 boxes Soap, all grades ; 25 “ Starch; 50 “ Candles, Ad amantine ; 50 casks and bags Carolina and Rangoon ] Rice. 50 boxes Tobacco, "Navy,” 10s and halt j pound plugs; 50 bags Coffee. Rio, Laguiraand Java ; 200 barrels and boxes Crackers and Biscuit, , Sugar. Soda. Butter. Lemons, Ac., Ac. ; Powder, Shot. Sardines. Raisins. Almonds. Ac. June 1. lStifi. 17 cew3m ("1 EORGI A Bi.ook* Cm ntt. Whereas. A. X Million! applies for Letters o Adminis tration on the Estate of Frederick Wattson. de ceased. These are therefore to cite all persons inter j ested. kindred and creditors, to file their objec- j tions. if any t hey have, in my office within the I i time prescribed bv law; otherwise letters will be granted the applicant. J. G. McCALL. Ordinary, j May 25, IB6o* 1964 f 1 EORGIA, Broom Coor.vrY. —Whereas.' Mrs. Mary A. Williams. Administratrix of i Bartem »us Williams, deceased, applies to me for ; : Letters of Dismission from said administration. These are therefore to notify all parties at in ‘ terestto file their objections, within the time pre*- j cribed by law. otherwise said letters will hi* j granted and issued to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Ord’y. May 25. 1866. 6m Notice. "T TTTLL BE SOLD on the First Tuesday in \ \ June next, before the Court House door in the Town of Quitman, all the unsold Lots in ; said Town. By order of the Conrt, April 24th. : 1806. Terms on the day of sale. WILLIAM HUDSON’, Cler . ! April 27, 1665. 16-6 t TH E QUIT MA N BANIV V. R . Cliitngc of Schedule. Offline Atlantis &' H. 8,, savannah. Mav 2 . ism. ON and after Mondav May :Bth, 18f.fl, the PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road will run Daily excepted) us follows : Leave Savannah at 7.30 a. m. Leave Thomasville at 4 a. m Arrive at Savannah at 6.05 r. m. Arrive at Thomasville at 9.17 r. m. JOHN SCREVEN, President May 28, 1866. 19-ts (aovciTiiunit lliii!diis»B FOR SALE. BUREAU OF REFUGEES. F. &AB D LANDS j Omo: Chief Q. M. Si \te or Gkoroia. Augu-'ta Ga. Mav 12, 186(5. ) PROPOSALS IN WRITING WILL BE Re ceived nnt 1 Monday Jun« 11 1866 by the uiidersigiit*d t who reserves the right to reject all bids not deemed for the interest of the I Government, for the purchase of the following : described property of the United States, viz • 1 Frame Building about 116 ft. x 17 ft. East side of Mclntosh Street. Augusta Ga. 1 Frame building about 3 ft x 20 ft., near the Georgia Railroad, and back of the Augusta Factory. 1 Frame building about °0 ft. x 15 f*., near the Georgia Railroad, and back of the Augusta Factory. 1 Frame 1 uiiding. about 60 ft. x 10 ft., at May field. Ga. 10 Frame Build'ngs. at Macon Ga , a part of the Bakery Establishment' nine of w ; ieh are on the north side of the Wesfe’ii R. R. aid one on the south side; two o h- se • r two stories and one contains a boiler, engine and ovens. 1 Tannery Establishment in Palmyra Lee Cos , five miles from Albany, oge her wi h ten Here of land, and a small dwelling house. I Frame Building, about 10 ft x 3 ) f . at Boston Station No. is Adatirc A G. R. R. 1 Frame Buildingabout 30 ft. x 24 ft. at Groover Sta ion. No. 17. A’l in'ic A fi. R R. 1 Frame Building about 90 feet x 4 feet at Quitman Station No 16 A 1 antic A G. R. R. 1 Frame Building about 30 feet v .4 feet at Quitman S ation, No li Atlantic A (5 R. R 2 Frame l uildings. 40 feet x I feet, at Valdosta Station No 15. Atlantic A G R. R. 1 Frame Building, aloo 60 feet- x 30 feet, Te beauville, S*ation N*« 9 Atlantic A fi. R. R 1 Frame Budding about. CO feet X '4 feet, at Screven. Station No 7, Atlantic A G. K. JR Bids will be received for any part, or all <»l the property, at each place Laymen 1 will be required within thirty and tvs after notification of acceptance of nropo.-a l , :n United States car renev. Further inform non desired in rega dto the property can be obtained at this <lfflce. C. T. WATSON. Captain A A Q M. Chief Q. M. Bureau It. F. A A L. 'or (Georgia May 18, 1866. 4t A r aluable Town Property FOR GALS. rilll AT valuable property on Tie ____ 1 corner of Screven and Mor ton streeis. in the and own of Quit { \ | jft man, known as the BLA< :KSMITH jSW] I ilft CORNER, is offer, and Ibr ale. 1 will sell the whole property, consisting of Two Lots. 40 by 105 feet, fronting on Screven Street, and Two. 52j by M. 5 feet, just in rear, and fronting on Morton Street On the corner Lot is a Black-mith Shop wiili two Forges and two sets of Tools and also a well constructed Wood Shop On the Lot adjoining there is a comfortable Dwelling and Store wi h ; convenient rear buildings. JO; El 1! S CUMMINGS. Quitman Ga. Mav 11 I8: ( . 17 5 buy w mm, At No. 17, N. O. H. 11., Ga. MJ. J. HUY AN having • 1,. Hurt i 1 - ‘ ife'-J JJ ; £ NOW READY to accoiuiDo'l i.v lIn 1 iMihlii 1 iv; everything usually kejii in a first ciass Hotel. In connection with the llo'el he lias on lian.l GROCERIES, CONsSI TING OF FLOUR, POTAYDES, SOAP. CANDLES. RAISIN' OYSTERS. SARDINES. CRACKERS ami I Other articles lon numerous to mention Also. j CALICOES AND HEADY MADE CLOTHING M. J. J. BRYAN. May 4, 1866. 16 ts ICR! ICE! ICE!! Soda 1 Sarsaparilla !! Lnnons ! (joroanufs ! ! Other l 1 ruitu ! ! ! ALE, PORTER, WIVES. CLARET l i.iyuoiis, &c., &u £tn anb AU. IN THE POOL AT THE SCHEBANGH! May 11. 1866. 17-ts Just Received, SIIEF.TINB, Sill IITI NOS, CALICOES, STK I ‘ED OSN.M BROS, J llead.v Hade Clotliiii}?, Men’s. Misses' and Boys’ Hats, LMiL'.Sm Si ULUI'S SHOES, CUT LEK Y, NAILS, WEI, i, BUCKETS, WEEDING HOES, &C. Bring on your Ba ! CON. LARD. TAI.I.OIV WAX SUGAR. PUT- • TER, CHICKENS and NOGS for which we will | exchange you Goods at reasonable prices. Live anil let live, is our motto. JAS. K. EDMONDSON &. CO. Quitman. May 18. IM6. 18-lit ■ TOiVN TREASURER'S OFFICE, i Quitman. Ga.. May 11, 1866. ALL PERSONS within the incorporate limits of the Town of Quitman, are hereby noti fied that they must make return of their proper ty subject to taxation: at this office, in conform! t v with Ordinance No. 2. W. G. BENTLEY, Cl’k & Treas. May 11, 1866. 2m WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE. Lathrop & Cos., SAVANNAH, GEO., I M I* OUTERS AND DEAI. ER S IN asm mlust aai coos#* AGENTS FUR THE SALE OF The Athens Manufuoturinjf Cuinpany YARNS, OZNABL'RGS, and SIRIIES. Tlie Georgia Factory, (A hens, Ga.,) YARNS, &c. The Richmond Factory Ozualnii'fTt', feti'ipes, and Yarns. The Newton Fuctoiy Yarntj and Oznntuirpw. Also keep consimiFy on hand, Brown bliirlings, 7—B \ Augusta Brown Shirting's. 4-4 ; Augusta Brown Drills Which they offer for Sale at the LovXat Wholesale Prices. LATHEOF & CO, May 4,1806. 3m Cor Congress uud Whitaker Streets. Stalnaker & Bentley, QUITMAKT, GrEIO., DEM ERS IN Dress Goods, Staple Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ilats and Caps, Crockery, Hardware, YWKKII NOTIONS, &c., A:c. pakticular attent on is called to tiieir SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, Which was carefully Sc'eeted.iu the Northesn Markets, and is suited to the wants ot The Planter, the Mechanic, the Ladie : :h hildren, AND WILL BE SOLD LOW FOR CASH, OR EXCHANGED FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. As oar motto is quick sales and small pruflls, we 11. v in vil.-allto purchasing elsewhere. STALNAKL.It ** BENTLEY . •May 4. if"';. 1 1 W. M. DAVIDSON, WiIOLKSALE DEALER IN WINES, LIQUORS. CIDERS, Teas ait «l i'igars; Also Agent for Massey. Collins & Cos s Pill LA DELL II I A AI.E. 150 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEO. May 4th. 1866. ly York, Williams, Mclntire & Cos., C B St URAL lEII 111 MIIB UEiiT?J 152 lluy Street, Savannah, Geo. PKAI.KUS IN Flour. Meal. Hominy Bacon Beef. Pork and all kinds of Provisions and Groceries. Consignments of alt h inds of Property Solicited ! 11 K K E It K N 0 E S : Savannah Brigham Baldwin .V Cos.. Krwin & \ Hardee. G tden & Unckles Hiram Roberts. Isaac j H La lor lie W. Woodb; dge Hunter i Gammell ; I,! G. Nowell .V Cos. j New York S. T. Knapp A Bro . D. 11. Raid-j win A Cos. [May 4 4m TE 6111 SMI MS C'jME! ®ro«vervi]!(“,<iic*rjria. DRY GOODS iimen ,* it men ; it men. The lovers of GfEAP mom s May now regail them-elves over the feast pre pared for ibera in Hie shape of Bargains! Bargains! Bargains ! We have reduced the market price of Domestics ; ONE THIRD TIIEIR VALUE, and have an immense quantity of these Goods' coming from the great Panic Sale S 3a S. York. Besides these, we have the largest and beat Slock FASHIONABLE GOODS already in Store, that will be in this section this Season. Every Novelty of the Sea son can here be found a- the crowds of t-ager ad mirers who <1 lily congregate will readily testily. Then save your in ct 'y and conn* to the place where no one will ever be cheated and where I i you can get most for it. 4 . B. F. LINTON A CO. 4 I Groovervßle April 1!. 1866. 13-tt . W. E. B Yl2 YES, jj I [AT CULPEPER. CRE ECH&TiLMA M»| QUITMAN' GEO. C 4LOCKS, WATCHES and .Icw-1* > i-lry repaired at sleirt notice January 20, 1c66. 6a T. HOLCOMBE. F. M. HULL HOLCOMBE & CO., Thos. Holcombe, Estabuhhed 1»36. Wholesale Grocers, 181 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. May 11, 18116, fy I. P. Boise, W. A. Bitva Blouse &, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 194 BAY STUEFT SAVANNAH, GA SAVANNAH, (j El) ltd A. WILL give prompt attentiori to receivin and forwarding goods, Bales on consig* | m<*nl and all orders ; and will keep constant! ! nri blind D good s'oek of : GROCERIES, LIQUORS, ALL FARM ING TOOLS, &C., &C. j Orders and consignments lespecifnlly solicited May 11. 1866. 6m Merchant 8l Cos., Go mm issi on Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign anti Domi*stl« Fruiti. CANI IE , NUTS, &C. No. 157 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA. | May U, Jut .J. ij m't. m'tt IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN CHAMPAGHIs Brandies and WL> G WINES, SEGA ItS, WM Bay street, Savar I '.'■■a f Gl F f' J % 'k JtpCf >u. - ,. -ia G;U' . MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. 0. R. OREECH. M. 0. WADE, ('IIKKCII & WADE, QUITMAN, BROOKS COUNTY, GEO. f —DEALERS IN — Staple a nd Fancy Dry Goods, n.iRD mflju?. Family Groceries, Ready Made Clothing-, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS; And all els • usually found in a country ftor* Orders for Country Produce filled promptly.— Terms Cash."SK^ January 20. iB6O. i-ts J. R EDMODSON, OF TALLOXAS, I4AS OPENED A STORE 124 Quitman, AND intends to keep a General Aasortmoat of Planters 9 Supplies, md proposes to sell for CASH or BARTER; oa iberul and fair terms. He especially Invites hit :riends and all persons coming to this market to purchase or barter, to look at his stock, which will be freely shown and with pleasure. Cash Paid for Country Produce* jJSTH. F. Mabbett respectfully invite# his friends to call at the above establishment. January 20. 1866. 1-ts CnlpeptT, Creech & Tillman, Quitman, Geo., Have on hand a large and exten sivc Stock of ME 111 Fluty DIY HIS 111 Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES AMD HATS, ALL KINDS OF HAAdWAR£, 'iich as Hoes, Axes, Trace Chains, Hamel, ,ko SALT, FLOUR, TOBACCO, WHISKY, SUGAR, CANDY, And all other articles necessary for Housekeeping ,r Agricultural purposes. They will barter or buy for cash. Cotton, Wool, <con, Corn Hides, Tallow, Beeswax, and give ih ■ highest market price. Persons wishing anything in our line, will do • ell to call and examine our stock, before pur basing elsewhere. THE-We occupy the Brick Store. -BSt January 20, lSiiu. 1-ts SPRING GOODS! A T T II E NEW STORE 0 F JOS. S. CUMMINGS, QUITMAN, GEO. THE public are respectfully invited to CALL, EXAMINE and PRICE a General Assort ment of SPRING AND SUMMER CI.OTIU.YG, Or rocer ies, &c., &0., &0„ Which arc now being received, and will be fold at moderate prices. These are THE FIHST SPRING COODS ■ffered in the Quitman market, and the assort nent is varied and extensive. No charge for ex .ibiting Goods. ESt~ GIVE ME A CALL.-S^ J. 8. CUMMINGS. March 3. 1866. 7-ts I. s. MeINTOSII. TIIOB. A. E. EVANS. Mclntosh & Evans, [orPOSITF. IIRICK STORE,] (piitiuan, Geo., HAVE JUST RECEIVED A STOCK OF SIMMIES. Minis, Shoes, CLOT H I' W fi. A<■ Which they invite the community To come and e;. an ’ PatlCr. before purchasing elsewhere. T. if They will exchange Goods or pay Cask or Hides, fallow. Beeswax, Wool. Syrup, Bacon, ,ard, Hotter. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes,and other Country Produce. March 3. 1866. 7-ts ”™»pT 4 1 P 1 i ..--.u