The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, July 06, 1866, Image 1

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Vr.Y i u filoes.] vol. r. Jhc (Oiutiibin 'il.imicv. carbv WIMTmSM Editor. ■ - m ' Fill DAT- Jl h\ 6. 1860. ~ jj* As prevVi announced. we present our readers this v» . a half sheet. Ht, * reasons therefore^ par Oftn^^JjLjj^. v the bye. is "TBfc* absent on u * * Jr* J * j/T. .*> rr - Mi/.io ..rk ‘!:-;iM be iii only $4.00. - ’ m ivlivertKment of Dr. Wm. IIav«-i:uA® Son. General Ac .»* for tbe Bale of". Mack 10,000 Receipt- * r ‘ brooks county when he wit vfeit them again |br | the Assessment of V. S. Kevv-mn- Tax. ft I s , portant to make prompt return See legal notfee fror Cl.'ncb county, f>- j tate of Thomas llni.kitD. deceased; %gr See legal a<lv|r tenements ,n A Lccb r\d Brooks counties; them * be < 111 important sale o‘ • v t“ (, 1 11 arci *\ H' ceased. • • The passengei fare on the A. &<« R it will be seen by rierence to advertisement, has been Educed. *ll »* will be good n< v to onr readers; *nd the banner flatters itself that if wiß v) !y in m-p a) in briuc:ng aht -t j-o desirable a change. IjM Eiiteifaiiimc nt people ofOurman are invited t n entertainment, to be given this Friday) evenin ' at the Court House, rathe pupils of the sr! < *,. Tbe exercises will at oclock, j> w ; The communijation from our t ilen 1 correspondent ■ Low/bies. ’ will appear a- % week. \ rcVifiecHr ' and ** veyitt MV M*ter onr r«*n<L*r* to the e*trd <»I . t . A j Stt'maV hTthTs Tg ; a vito*Jf d•'*?•""j a Lands ihe business of an architect anil .- : uK« yor •• better tsp»n Mr. Kvass: he may have his eij-.ui's (and we and übt it.) but his superiors copilot he found. Therefore, we say, if you hareja tract J or J&pel of land yOv'. desire surveyed froperly, | ca ; J Mr. Evans. If you contemplatefbiJilding | n vvfj*e and desire a plan and apeeificoKon*. the saK g**n:'email is ready to accommodalr you in j th respect. lie is a gentleman of ejhieation.! r«*fiivement. enterprise anl energy: and inch men | the country should encourage and Stonewall Jackson. Let «very soldier of that gallant letfcr, who j * never knew defeat—let every lover of|h»* cause! | fur which he gave his life—let every of [•’the great, the good, the brave, subscribe for the i •life of the lamented llero, by Rev. DriDabney—*• j \ most able w riter : and who, as at intimate | friend of the General and his family hi) Aid In bis | campaigns, and (bo possessor of all kite official * locumcnts. is amt* competent to writ his life, j Mr. T. A. E. Earns, of this place, hU the sub- j icription list and V sample copy of tli* work. It; will not be sold upcept by snbscrlpt^n. The Family Friend and Dr. Cra ven. Friend, of foe 29th ult., makes an unnecessary and very utiust assault upon Dr. Craven, the humane phy-iian at Fort ress Monroe, who endeavoied in evlry way pos- i sible to relieve the suffering, ameliorate the con- i zlition and cheer the heart of t ur lati and honor- 1 Bed President. Jefferson Davis :*wl*» has recent-1 published a book giving in detail reininiscen- j jB, '-Bof the prison life of our great and mighty | I SlLieftain. W«* have read many extracts from a vest's book, and for the life *f us, cannot | w FVlit *r of (he Final cm find %mn In Midi harsh and better t«- nn— **diMilled in ’ a alembic” On the contrary, we find Bufrdi to appre- admire. Tbe Friei-d says he (Dr. Craven.) "stands like : the icnamanon of tbe devil and grins in horrid | glee over the disasters of a noble soulv’ Probably, friend Cocke, you are mistaken—it: % is possibly you misjndge the man I Or are you ! iijffaUlbhv * Have you read the letter of that naught Christian suffering and faithful woman Carina Davis—the fit companion (M the impris oned soldier and statesman —addressed to this Dr. Craven. Chief Medical Officer. Fortress Mon roe? If you have not, hunt it up, it carefully and your kind heart will admonish^you to with draw the harsh epithets, "craven,” irbyena. j ‘‘incarnation of tho'devil,’ 7 Ac. In said letter. Mrs. I)atis acknowledges, in tbe strongest terms, her gratitude for the noble and Christian services rendered and says every letter froii her husband “comes freighted with good wished for you (Dr. Craven,) and thank? for aR your kindness to him in Ms hours of anguish and solitude. ' * Mr. Pj v;s *«ht it ♦ > de \of your fb'%r and has been taught to fetes as Hsu faihec & Fa fend.” This i? sufficient : the Friend sev- Dr. Craven is a craven and unprincipled : tl* aflec tionate and noble wife of Jet! • :i [ :-.vis say this same Dr. Craven is her hxisha V friend, and she teaches her babe to love him . > her father's tntitti. * Ty.n. TtRVFvs j? an o*-! bi;b Eschar*ye. Tin*re ' c a cpk-red lady at * *«»•• '• nn «*yb viii.i wh w! fight you o* -ha* question your eye-lids cease to wag -Afobt/c Adv. - —^l - ™ts- •■“ ' Martial Law in Florida. ! Gen. Foster has iasusd his edict, proclaiming ! ' and re-establishing Martial law in the counties Rosa. Kscanibia, Levy. Madison and j Alachua, Florida. The reasons given, by the , ! General, for this high-handed measure, which j ; overrides the proclamation of the President of the # United States, are that “several murders, at*; I tempts to kill oul other crimes have been com i mi t ted upon the persons of loyal citizen? and sol-; * diets of the United States in those counties, and j | the civil authorities have The l\ n>a-cla Ob?erv.*r bold and ( -carcely realize its reality. in str<>ng li"by md says that so far • *n deceived by ThHuljgln»x tracts are f.orn what are popu knbwiii^ 1 the “Blue of Connecticut.”— ► The anta Intelligencer says, fanaticism has j j not. as*sorue may suppose, lost the intolerating j and exacting features which made it odious in I the day they were enacted. It has only assumed as civilization has advanced, other forms, and i ! adopted other modes for tormenting mankind, j Thud. Stevens, and Senator. Sumner are as rabid j lant ic? as any of those engaged in enacting the ■ blue laws.” and far more malicious. They have i •00, a larger field to operate upon, than did the < blue lights * of Connecticut and have greater; capacity for mischief.. History will write the J ! fanatics of JStifi. as being far more intolerant ind exacting, with less regard for civil liberty, inan their ignorant ancestors who denied to the j ; mother the privilege of kissing her child on the j Sabbath day and w ho saw in aged \v» men i <■’ v whom it was their supposed duty to drown ‘or ui n : Ko. food or lodging shall he offered to a Qua- j ; her. Adamite! or other heretic. ’’ No onr shall run on Sabbath day, or walk in his garden, or # id sc where, except reverently i to and from meeCng.** • No woman shall kiss her child on the Sabbath | or fasting day. r ■\\ hen it appears that an accused has con fed ; .Tates and he refuses !0 discover them, he may j -Whoever publishes a lie to the prejudice of! hi> nejgl bor. si VI sit in the stocks, or be whip j . pod ffPoon s . pe- " ■ A debtor ill prison swearing he "Mate s • ■ )■ J>»* h x oi*l -old Fold to make ; i ■No <ine shall read conupon prayer, lo ep | I Christmas or Kiinta day.- m ike mince dance. | l play cards, or play on any instrument..of except the trumpet and JeWsharp. “No man«hail court a maid in person or by ! j lettrr wi'hou! first obtaining c«»nsent of her pa- j J rents ; five pounds penalty for first offense : ten j | pounds for second : for :he third imprisonment j j during the pleasure of the court.” ! “Every mule shall have his hair cat round ac j cording to a cap.” j Cot.. Fo : iikv Bk.*ork*i;i: Examinincj Commit- j j tbe, -Tim answer given by this officer, says the j | M m.' ii TFcij- 'iplti-4 o the question, •Please define | | wha • •*<*•>: I>, higher civilization? 7 ’ contains volumes We i id it w ith pride because we f < is truth. If we ever on ertained any doubts i j upon the object, recent- events have removed j ! hem. Let us impress such thoughts upon our , i children they are calculated to inspire sentiments j jof lb* purest, truest patriotism. The man who j | thus thinks, is an honor to his country ; lie shows , j a just appreciation of true nobility. To such an ; i one treason is abhorent it could not lurk in j his breast : ' “The pride of character, tbe chivalrous ton 1 .! | and the liberality and hospitalities of our people: 1 the broad views and great genius of our public ( ! men ; the delicacy, modesty, refinement and yet j j the lofty spirit of onr women We had a society I ! without gossip, envy or fanaticism: a ponu’ution j i of millions without beggars or paupers. Whether ! this was higher civilization isa matter of opinion j Certainly it had a different type and one which would not longer harmonize with yours : and j j hence the necessity as we believed, of separa tion.” Eccentricities of the Cholera. - The cholera has made its appearance in Jersey City, two | cases having been reported by the Coroner. In ; Elizabeth City, N. J., out of twenty-one cases of | Cholera there have been nine deaths. Remark ! able as it may seem tbe cholera appears to have | given New Yoik tbe go by, and passed towards i Philadelphia only an occasional case haviug been ; reported in New York for several days. This : was the route taken by it when it first visited I this country in 1832. not. however, entil after it I had raged fearfully in New York. In 1849 it ; approached Baltimore, and several persons died |ofit in a hospital located some two,Or three miles j from the city, but no cases or deaths, we believe I occurred in the city. flow the Constitutional Amendment i? to be Enioi:< Ko.— The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says : To carry into effect the constitutional as it passed the Senate it is now proposed to frame a concurrent resolu tion binder each house not to admit any repre sentative from any one of the excluded State? until the Stale shall formally adopt the ter ms o. I the proposed amendment The bill reported from the Committee, of fifteen for tbi purpose would be vet e . It is r.ece s try. therefore, to put it in the same on in by which the Republican caucus reso lution wa- pas e 1 at the ope ring of the session and t :us evade he e <>. No Sen c- or Repr. 8 *nt >tr e from a seceded State even if prepared to take j the ironclad oath, can therefore, be admitted to a seat:even after the constitutional amendment shall have received the ratification of twenty **n States, unless H* S'-atef-hall have accepted ! ; e b*i,n- a- a coflditicn pier dent to its repre- j ■ - -n’ ti- n either in whole orj in part Senator j Johnson in his able speech ai-unst *be proposed ■ amendment declaredibat no Southern State,would ratify it. To Cuke a Felon.— The Jturnal of Medicine j recommends as a cure for time troublesome dis-; orders, ihat as soon as the pa ts begin to swell. i cle r h saturated with the tincture of lobelia l* uid be wrapped around th< a. This kills the • '*.*» and is said never to »if applied in sea- ! son - Forney exclaim-. “G » lde r *i Irh right” This I is generous, tor it leaves him unprotected. - HERE SHALL THE PRESS THE PEOPLE’S RISHTS MAINTAIN, UNAWED BY PEAR AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." QUITMAN, GEO., FRIDAY. JULY 6, 1866. llflus Department. Alexander It. Stephens is to lecture in j the course of the u -xt season at Indianapolis. TJ.l' The Emperor Maximilian has ordered a j j draft in the cities of Mexico, Puebla, ands,! lie re turn. .*9* It is said that e*-Govcrnor Pratt, of Maryland, has nude application to the President j to allow the friends of Jefferson Paris to, visit [him at Fortress Monroe. ■irney General is understood to ; gaged several eminent phono- ; s to report in full the proceed al. whieff will come off abon^^d t!ic,(*''Veri'.or> New Jersey, have and # i call extra sessions of their , tares'for actioji.upon tli r newly propos^^iisti- 1 i tutional amendment. The Governor of Maine j ! has deferred to the irinjority of other States, and j thus it seems to be agreed that the matter shall i substantially be left,for the consideration of the people before it is settled upon, which is as it should he. jtfr A Washington correspondent says, the friends of Mr. Davis have not given up the idea of getting him released on parole. It is alleged by the counsel of Mr. Davis that his health is I very poor. MidAtU a change of air will be more beneficial thtmtall the medicines of Christendom, j *The President,.however. Inis given no Indication j that he will interfere, unless it is put on the ; ground of Mr,Davis' feeble condition. The re-j port of the Jurgeon. which is received every j week, is thaf he is gradually improving. .t- It is jrmuniv i that tlje .'resident will ve- : to the bill extending Che Ireeilnn n . ureun for ■ ;wo years (jotu he present time. If is now in the hands of a eonler.-nce committee to settle the ( disagreeing: votes of the two Houses ttpon the amendments. ■,piT~ A civil right* case Ins occurred in Somer set county', in dits .Slate. A negro woman. : charged »\ I ill assault and battery of a youth, the j son of a cii zeu of that county, lias been arrested ! and bound ovei to appear before the next Grand i Jury. s -me, persons, who are said to have ilireatenei violence against the woman, have been am 1 anl bound over to keep the peai'e, the neg'o woman claiming a warrant under the • Civil i.ipllls bid. f.f' Ihe . ional I'epitlilican of the 20th. ns ! if speriiing wo , the full authority of tiie Presi dent. declares ill substance that the vote of the . sd iiii. 'titles shall be counted in the Presi-! denttAi election of Ik, 8. anil predicts that any at- [ u . m Ji nil m from exercising their usual nittueniv in choosing a President would ■ provoke a contiict unite as irrepressible, if not nst/iloody. as that which lma just terminated." t e x. e a r. a r h i c Frnm tZei opt* New York. July -.—Noon ihe liremau has j arrived, with d.i .-s : o the ‘oh ult. Prussia mid Italy formally declared war against j Austria on the ult. The Prussians entered Dresden, the King old saxony withdrawing into J.'ohemia. Ilia army! effected a junction with the Auslriaiis. Diplomatic relations had been broken off be tvreed Prussia and Bavaria. The Prussians occupy Hanover and threaten Frankfort. An engagement tool; place between the Prussi ans and Hessians rear Frankfort, and a regiment of the latter were almost annihilated. The Austrians were hourly expected in Saxony. The State of Iloldenburg Avonholt withdrew from the Confederation A battle is expected near Frankfort, before which there are assembled thirty or fifty thou sand Federal troopff The Federal plan for operations is said to be for reconquest. The Austrians commenced hostilities on the 18th nit. by crossing the Silesian frontier at Gtihran. and’firing on tbe Prussians. The latter have not crossed the Austrian frontier. Imt re ports are that they are marching across Bohemia. Twenty thousand Prussians occupied Mechern two miles from Geipsic, arid subsequently took possession of VVurzen and Item Bail road. The British Ministry were defeated on an amendment to the Reform Bill, which was car ried against the Government by eleven majority. Mr. Gladstone thereupon communicated with the Queen who was at Balmoral. LATKIt, Nkw York. July 2.—City of Boston arrived from Liverpool with intelligence to the 21st ult., via Queenstown. Cotton had declined a Id, to Id. Breadstuffs buoyant and provisions firm * The defeat of tbe Ministry on the Reform bill will probable lead to their resignation. The Great'Las torn was to have left Midway j with anew cable on the 150th, and the - laying ol the cable will commence on July Bth. sm.r. LATER. The Steamship Cuba has arrived from Liverpool with da'es to the 23d., via Queenstown. No collision had occurred between the bellig erents. hut battles wore expected near Frankfort, also in Saxony and Silesia. The first shock ot arms will probably take place in Silesia the Frits sians having entered Austrian Silesia. The Italian army had crossed the liver Minco without opposition on the 23i1. having given three | days notification U> 'the Austrian Commander j that Itaiv would then inaugurate hostilities. The Italian Ministry has reorganized under j Ricasoh. It is stated that Cardinal Antonillia has resign ed ami it was believed that be would be sue ceeded by Cardinal A1 • ri. T!ie cull f»r Hi's National Union Convention i The following is the call sor a National Union | Convention of all the States, to be held it Phila delphia bn the Pith of August, it is tui.leriiood to have the approval of ol prominence in ad litiun to those whose names are i appended, and may therefore be regarded as a i i most important political paper. It ts clear and | explicit on every point of political interest, sts- I ting distinctly the objects of the movement and I the term, on which members to the Convention I will be admitted. We commend the call to the I serious consideration of tbe Southern people.— They will read for themselves and then deter mine upon the course it is their duty to pursue. CXIOX .NATIONAL CONVENTION. i "A National Union Convention of at least two j de 't r es from each Congressional district of all i the States ; two from each Territory : two from I the District of Columbia, and four delegates at' j large from each State, will be held at the city of 1 I*hiladel|>liia on the second Tuesday, the 14th of August next. Such delegates will he chosen by ! the electors of the several States who sustain the ! Administration in maintaining unbroken the | Union of the States under the Constitution which * our forefathers established and who agree in the ! following propositions, viz : I he Union of the States is in every case in* dissoluble”and is perpetual, and the Constitution j of the United States and the laws passed by Con ; gress in pursuance thereof.-supreme and constant and universal imtheir obligation. I “The rights, the dignity, and the equality of ! the States in the Union including the right of | representation in Congress are solemnly guaran j tee>li)V that Constitution to save which from blood trad treasuie was ex w! un- to disolve the Stall"* from the Union. hy force ol g|||tahaunon neither by tin* ||»bY ill-* exeludon n! Hjafv i-'-'nM! i\t-s nor by i f- * \&jps£fv by any other j»o\ver k and neuher'ean ought to be in any State or terri tory within bur jurisdiction. I “Lacli Su\t«* has the undoubted ri-rht to cribe the qualili Hi u of its own e cctorw **nd no external power right ially can or ought to dictate control or influence the free and voluntary action of the States in the exercise of that right. ••The maintenance inviolate of the rights of the j States to order uml control its own domestic con- j cents according to i»s own judgment exclusively j subject only to Jho Constitution of the United States is essential l«» that balance of power on j which (he perfection nml endurance ofonrpoliti e.d fabric depends and the overthrew of that system by the usurpation and centralization of pow *r in Congress wou’d be arevoludon da g r- j «ms to republican govornmen: and lies ructiv e Os liberty. • Each House of Giiftgress is nvi>le by the Cnn stit-nticn the hole judge of the remrns | and (juiWlca i<*ns of its nienil* bn* the exelu ! si**n of loyal Senators and Itep csentatives prop er’y chosen and qualified under the Constitution and laws, is unjust, and revolutionary. Every patriot should frown upon all those acts and pro ceedings everywhere which can serve no other purpose than to rekindle the animosities of the war and the effect of which upon our moral, so ci.ri and national interests at home and upon our i s'nml mg abroad differing only in degree, is inju i rions like waritsell'. “The purpose of Ihe war having.been to pre serve the Union and theTonsMtution by putting j down tlie rebellion and the rebellion Living been , suppressed, all resis'aiice to the authority of the j General Government being at an end and the war ! having cased war mea-ures should also cease : and should be follow* 1 ! l».v m - luires o! peace!'.l adminl'sfr.HtOn, s<* fnat union, harmony and com | cord in • v be encourag'-l and urdusTy! commerce I and the arts *>f peace tv.-avd and promocd : ! ;md the early res’oraUon of all the Stn'es to the ■ exercise of !heir cons,-i u'ional p -aera in the Xa | tioual Government i- indispen : ablv *o ! the st -eng h and !<• thede'ense ol the Republic j ! and. to moi*■'»>.. • pobl*«‘ erod}<-.•> -•All such eledtwMrrihe thirty six Mates and ! nine Territories of he United ShUes aod in the I)j#tri< of Columbia, who. in a spirit of patriot ism and love for 11) -* Union cm rise above per shmiil and sectional considerations, and who de divio m'cii truly National Union Convention, which shall represent, all the Stales and Territo- I rios of Hu* Unio’i as. einble as friendsj and broth- I ers uid -r the national Hag, to hold council to :>e for upon the state ol the Union and to make in ;;i -• 11 . ave”t possible danger from the ..mi • :<.■(* -ae*c'alh reqviesied to take par! in the idp.lcn oi ■ h d'd< ea'es. Fa' no delega‘e will tn'<i» :i •. p insuch G«»nventi’ ! ii who does no’ loy allv ac-opt the naUonal sitiu ion and cordially endorse the principles above set forth, and who is not nf!ached*in rue allegiance to the Constitu tion *he Union and the Government of the Uni ted Stales/ 7 A W. Randall, President. J. R. Doolittle, O. 11. Bkownino, Edgar Cowan, Charles Knap, Samuel, Executive Committee National Union Club. Washington June 25. 18(1(1. We recommend the holding of the r.bovo Con vention aud endorse the call therefore. James Dixon. T. A. Hendricks, Danniel S. Norton, J. W. Nesmith. Special ftoticcs. Fivst Term of tlie Counly CoiirJ. The County Ootul for Brooks £ibA«i£i" County, havin.z boen orpiniz*:.!, it will bt: convoni'il for the transaction of business, on tlie 2nd Monday in July next; and on the sec ond Monday in each and every month thereafter. The til'si Semi Annual Si Mon will be held on the 3d Monday in August, J. If. HUNTER, * Judge 0. C. B. C. j June 1.5 th, 18(16. 22Jf | Jtcic CD > | SSiSuiilffOial 1 A X D SURYEYING. Tuns. oS. v. ewijvs ■ HJri SLRVICE.S to make Plans and Specifications i .‘or House and Bridge Building, md to w&m> 0> SURVEY LANDS ! for all who cull upon him. jjjjf Gu.. July 6, 1866. UMICI) STC REVENUE im 7 U il.l. at r I Pal: : e.v. i. jp j ilie 17*h : b'Uiuan. " ' :n ' . i * i receive returns «>i incon Tax. 7 :r | i8(;r». P l i Proceeds of a!! cotton mid other artiede? sold j during the year, no m itko- when m tde i? returna | blc : also interest on solvent notes, whether col lected or not. T.S. HOPKINS. Afip't Assessor. 2oth Diat. I Thomasville. July 6. 1868. 25-'U SUPERINTENI>KXT S OFFICE, Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Cos. SAVANNAH. July 3d. 1866.. I-IROM AND AFTER MONDAY. July Bth, the 1 fare to Thomasville will be reduced to (Sl-) twelve dollars, and to other Stations ,in propor tion. Excursion tickets- not transferable and good for five days from date of ticket—will ‘also be sold at iftc various agencies during the present month, each purchaser paying at the cents per mile and ItKTI KNIX(4i FREE. J.*M. SELKIRK. jy’R-lm ■ General Superintendent. Change of Schedule.* Ofiiice Atlantic fit G-ulf 2X R, SA VANN A ii, May lb(i(i. and after Mondav. May *_Bth. IB'i(i, the T I PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road will ! run Daily (Sunday excepted ; as foilows: i Leave Savannah at 7.J0 a. m. Leave Thomasville at l a. m. Arrive at Savannah at 6.05 r*. m. Arrive at Thomasville at 9.17 r. m. ! ARRIVAL AM) DKI’AU'ITRK OF TRAINS AT QUITMAN. 1 Going West, arrive 7.1!) iv m. “ “ leave 7.2-1 ‘ I- Going East, arrive. „ a. m. I “ “ leave 5.11 “ JOHN SCREVEN. President. . 180(5. 19 If DisSolutstm of l-ojiavlncrslii 3). rpilfi Copartm'i'aliip hc'i'tofoi'e existing undei 1. the (inn nii'l style of it. A Fkiiiiam. is | this day dissolved by mtiliiul coiisont. All bu iticss t'onuctticil with th' l tii in will bo scttloil by A. P Pkuham who will contimu/ the business as heretofore at the old stand. .1 AMES RUSSELL, A. P. PEKHAM. Quitman, Ga.. July 1, 1866. 26-tl THE MO<T USEEUL ROOK EVER PIT.I.TSHKn I>4 Mackenzies 10,000 Receipts IT TREATS of all the useful art.*: just \yjmt jmoplw iM <<«-ery sort ot business aee.l ‘ to Know: of Agricn 1 lure. Ilor'icultiire Rees. Bleaching. Brewing. Rook Keeping. Rye ng. Crotcheting. and the other fine arts ol the ladies. (For .Held, they call get in* (his !* »ok move Until HUO spent olberwise:) Conlburiono ry. .every one cm learn to make as fine candies j as can he made anywhere;. Cements: Uarv.ugJ . with pictures itlus; raring the art:) Wine mak ing tin full:) Distilling and the vurion/ mctlioils of preparing liquors of all kind-*: 'fanning: nil kinds of Coockery; Inks: RI c i"g; id mMa c!i es; Cosmetics; Pyrotechnics; fl eiegraphing; Elec trotyping; Letlmgraphing: Silk-worm-: Ivtgrav ing; (ilue; Varnishes; Poisons and theirautidote-. Moreover, it, is one of the best Medical Rooks that has ever been writ leu. in plain language it treats of all the common diseases and how to cure them; also, the peculiar diseases of both sexes. It is the most complete Encyclopedia of knowledge that lias ever been published. Send s 1.00 to A M. HAUSER »\r S< IN, General i Agents, l’arlow, Jefferson county. Gu.: and get a copy by mail, postage pail, ln'/dligeii!. in dustrious Agents wanted to canvas; every neigh borhood in Georgia. Such can in ike from to SSOO a month Put a postage stamp in your letters if you wish them answered. July 6. 1H66. 25-M. HOnMllli & CO., 181 Bay Sfrccl, Savaimali, Ca., / THOMAS HOI.GOMBE, \ \ established 1830. ) and offer for sale at low est market rates: 600 barrels Flour, all prudes ; 50,000 lbs Sides and Shoulders ; 5,000 lbs Hums ; 500 Saeiis Salt ; 200 boxes Soap, all grades ; 25 “ Starch; 50 “ Candles, Adamantine ; 50 casks and bags Carolina and Rangoon Ilice. 50 boxes Tobacco, “ Navy,” 10s and hall pound plugs : 50 bags Coffee, Rio, Lnguira and Java ; 200 barrels and boxes Crackers and Biscuit- Sugar, Soda, Butter. Lemons, Ac., Ae.; I Powder, Shot, Sardines. Raisins. Almonds, Ac. j July 6, 1866. 17-ccw3m I A. AC.. R. Road Stock For Sale. HY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi- i nary of Brooks County. I will proceed to j I sell, before the Court House'door in Quitman, on i Ihe First Tuesday in August next. Four Shares jof Atlantic and Gulf Railroad oek, for divis ! ion among the heirs of 1) U*. King, i Terms i One-third Cash : the balance on l.t ! January next, with approved .n ri y. j JAMES KING. Guardian for D. W. K ing's children. ! June 29th, 1866. r!-tds TmrYTLTr.srßfliv OFFICE, 1 jdtKMLW <. . A 1.1. I .- ». i ■.}>; > '■ i: ■ l'.f noli : ' - 6 g "■ ' ' '' i' ''l ' . r /-i'vifr .' J I■. ii l 1 , . ' . * Xllqinirs l Hr.'.!' [".imp-; , f and :, 'lt a> •R 'T*’ .’ J ' "J •' Mill, at'- n'inu. i J- D. GU'-N IIA r-xak |Vg;il Doticrs. ST ATI' OF GKOttGIA, Clinch County.- All | pcM’sons indebted to the Estate of Thomna [ : Hilliard, late of Clinoh»County, deceased, are requested to majje immediate payment; and those having demands against said Estate are requested to present them in terms of the law. C. W HILLIARD. Adin'r S. N. IIILLIAUI), Adm’x. July 2, 1886. 25-10d Administrator's Fai i. ! KORGIA, imO* is - ••• HIT lirsi.Tut* day in Septeoibf’ { sold before -lie C•ui t ii*'use do- . n of Quitman, Ga.. be w een die !<• ■ \'< * the Real Estate of Hardy, ■ • o-ast F A Fine Plant tion, jC.n : ting of fr ei i u r•' c tom m■■ <; live hu: il Jin ;i .-tale oi c ' a ion ,u il in mtl repair; one third of.the whole is Sjdoiidid bam- : mojli. well studded with dirge while oak and rod . oak and hickory; with one hundred acres in a high sta e of cultivation. This plantation is situated eight miles north of Quitman, on the Albany road, with aw excellent frame residence, good gin-house and screw, and good uut-buihlings. It is one of the best planta tions in the county. Also a lot of land No. tifi, in the 12th Distiicl of said Comity, unimproved. WILLIAM JONES, Adm’r. July tl. 16IIG, 2ti l)t (i EORGIA. Ituooirs Cwt'N'pr.—Notice is hereby I giii-ii that sixty days after date, I will up ph to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the leal esia'.e es Laval Edmondson, deceased. LICY EDMONDSON. Adm’r. July 2, 18.16. MrOOd Cl OltO IA. Brooks Cotxtt.-—Whereas, llicy iST Edmondson. Adm’r of David Edinundsoni" deceased applies to me for letters of Dismission from her administration of said estate. These are tliereldre’to cite and admonish all and singu lar the parties at biterest to tile their objections within the time prescribed by law. otherwise said letters will be granted to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. July 2, 1860. 6m (~"i EOIiOtA. liitoons ( 'or vi v. Whereas, I. H James King. Guardian of formerly Mary •lane King now Mary Jane Hagans; Georgian King, now Georgian Tookiv-IMaria it. Maria It. Raiiwey. havi applied to the honorable < •.,1.1-0 of < irdiria’i-y for said County, for Letters of I d,mission tVooi s’,.id Uuardlunshfp. These are tliereforo to .rite and ndmonisli all miiuies ai interest, to tile their objections, if any •lioyhave. within the time prescribed bylaw, e.lienvi-e s lid lei era w ill lie granted. JAMES KING, Guardian. June 2!). ISM. 40il jr < EOIIGI i.BROnKSroL.N TV. To all whom M. X it may e.iueeru : Those are therefore to o.te and admonish nit parties at interest, next of kiiiilr" I and creditors, In file liieir objections within the time prescribed lay taw, otherwise per il! men! Letters of administration will ini grant e 1 ~nd issued to Win. Hudson. Clerk Superior i onrt. a r< iptired by Jaw, there being no uppli eatioii for llie appointment of permanent admin i Iratioii, J. G. McCALL, Ord’y. June 8, 1806. 21 .at* '\T ')TiCE is hereby given to all parties holding claim.- against the Estate of Jas. Williams, a -'o,i, to tile them with the Administratrix in .tile form of law ; and all indebted to said de ei a o-d are required to collie forward and make p '• 1,11 ELIZABETH j. WILLIAMS, Adm’x. j June 8, IStiti. 21-i;t-sli Ct TATE OF GEORGIA. BROOKS COUNTY. , T Agreeable to an order of (he lion. Court of . trdinary of said county, there will tie sold be fore the Court House door in the. town ot Quit man. on the Fir.-i Tuesday in August next, one hundred and ninety-five ,105) acres, more or less, ns part of Lot ol Land number M 2, known as the lands of James Williams, late deceased. Sold for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on day of sale. ELIZABETH J. WILLIAMS, Adm’x. June 8. IBidi. 2i-Bt-$8 NOTICED hereby given to the creditors of Ja cob Watson, late of Brooks County, dec’d file their claims in my office, in due and legal form, within tie* time prescribed by law. that a proper pro rata proportion may be made among aid creditors, as the estate of said deceased i, I-,solvent All persons indebted to -niil estat, are earnestly requested to come forward an m uii- p ~ meut. WILLIAM IIEI-SON. Jot .-d-tit. Cleric r-op. Court.. Adinr /lEOUGIA, BROOKS Col/X VJT whom i; m'V eoncrn • v L .over A'lai 'i.s’rato; it it r ~ makes appliearinn for t.e .e'. j-L L*i. : ! - lid admintttration. 'these are therefme to cite /' • rirlies at ill'i*rti tto (lb; l.eir ■ o ■ j lie time prescribed by law - ■ . j will 1, • granh’d die .quiiica In testimony witness Wf band and seat of oi' lice, tins May z-lth, iww. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. June 1, 1806. 2U-fm -j EORGIA, Bit oils CoiMV. Sixty day : <Lir afterdate, 1 will apply I" tile Court o irdinary for leave to sell Hie Heal E stilt ‘' " William Alderman lute of s-l«t 11 cd -! JOHN A. ALDERMAN, Aim r. June 1. 1866. ' «04 STI ARTS HOTEL, V A LS)t> 'T.V- GA. a : m !■ ' popti'af and w«P J' no '; n gs\ . ,'j * JL es .iblislimeni ha' tl,, j J j[j M ! leva Iff /! 1 tvb and 1 Aiß* l ; •;• rii nISIIED'F prejmrctl. witli ~, t ! •:’pp>*imm«nt.>. for tUe rccifpuon j J ’ ;1/ i t . ;l L of 'ft-UeftiS. II IS AT PBESKNT The Breakfast House , | : For the I’assenger trains on the Atlantic & Gait I it itiroad. going East. . ' The Froprietor is now putting up a eommol ~, .. jiiiiiding. near the Depot, where, on the -"tn j i in t., undw the name and stylo of STUART AND ALEKN. A First Class EATINC HOUSE Vi’ill opened, w hich w it) save tlie passengers the long i walk no *o the “Stuart's Hotel.” -vp Attached to the Hotel is tt well W supplied S T A 3 Z.E, ~x n > - cvi* H«*r-fs vli iN*ceivt'iHi i the vevv best t o<l and grooming. I A- tlTe Pro; i l *tor is determined to spare neitn ((ar ixfiin.-* nor expense in bis ellorts to nwitc Ins , How--o' worthy oi patronage. coin-, ! SVw*table in* ‘guests, be* respectfully invited his friends and the pubLe -twierally to pay bufl a •bit Moderate.-i5.2x , ' 0. T. STUART. [53.(10 per Annum. NO. 25. QUiniAXin siness not sks. SPltllYG new' stok o r Yfi (.a r * V GrV <:• Kv'i,/ r u. Which are now lie i-■■ ho \ild at moderate prides. Those are "i'rtti i-titkit s CpODS offered in tlie pit mari.e:. and the assort ment i t vartei and e.’L i 1 ;, -u ■ No charge for ex* hitjiting Goi.ds. J* r -GIVE ME A CALT,.”S® J. 8. CL'MMIIVGS. Match X 1866. 7-ts Culpeper, Creech & Tillman, llstifmetii, Crto.y Have on hand a large and eaten Hive Stock of STAPLE Mi NKT DRY 5* Hi Groceries* HOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, ALL KINDS OP HARD WARS, Such Its Hoes. Axes, Trace Chains, linin'*. A« SALT, FLOUR, TOBACCO, WHISKY, SUGAR, CANDY, | Xml all oilier articles necessary for Housekeeping * or Agricultural purposes. Tlu*v will barter or buy for cash, Cotton, Wool, Macnn’. Coni, Hides, TaIIONV, Hccs’A nX. "ive lie* highest market price. . r Persons wishing anythin"’ in our line, will do well t.o call and examine our stock, betbre pur ehasinp; elsewhere. ; -rWc* occupy the P.rick Ftore.*^^' January 20, 18G0. 1-ts « I). It. CHEECir. M * <: * QUITMAN, BROOKS COUNTY, GEO., PKALKII3 IN Staple ami Fa ncy Dry Good.*?, ii.i It l> tf.utl:. Family Groceries, Provisions, Htiidy Made Clothing, BOOTS AND SHOW.*, HATS'& CATS, \nd all else usually found in ti country store h-deru for Connh : v Produce filled promptly. Cash.“TjA/ \ January 20, IbGG, FU » J. E. .EDMODSOXST, OF TA r.LOKAg, HAS OPENI’Io A STORE IN A ND intends tc beep a Genera, of Planters 9 &?ip ’ ~ id proposes to sc ■ so» * • ••;! •• ’■ • * l . fr . L\ - M 11. PADGETT, Proprietor. HE is now prepared with tin.materiai md competent P«‘ ‘‘l’ ? 0 lkr (■•iri-i«gvs. and Wagons at short no •<»•. EBP AIRING, RE-PAINTING AND rRIMMT&.r will he done promptly. . He has on hand a number of Dugg' Lor.lag ,igi,. w ai" us. - vt.-e received r. ~t of Northern Huggiea. iWfs fQ Bugg» Fmbrellaa. All of which - < ottered for small Pr The'public and f.ieiid) « ncrally are invite.', to call and ex .mine for theinsolvea licfore pur ehasi itr where. ■ ■ Mr J<. W. LKVKK.RTTE will be found at u ! Shop ready to wait on it.y del* who may wish to purchase or examine Fue work. March 31. 1 LIVERY STABLE. OIJITMAZVs InGORCiIA* RBO. 2J. IVIcoALX, •m-s as heretofore. Horses and Buggies always i rm hand, and to he hired on reasonable terms.— ' onvi-viinc vitti artful drivers, furnished to travelers, to rry them to any part of the coup • trv. Ilorsi-.- .ar-J for by "t- day or month at r Rain mmrn J ,iry 20. PSOh. 1 jWBMMHWI