The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 16, 1866, Supplement., Image 1

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tAUKy W. STYLES. Editor, F. R. FILDES, Proprietor, she (Quitman Jjmmrr* Tbs Largest Country Circulation in the First Congressional District From the Baltimore Transcript. THE SOUTH. If 'be spectacle of a wniat soul, strup glinpr heroically With the waves of ad versity, is pleasing to the gods, the spec tacle of a great people transfixed with the arrows of misfortune, and bleeding at every r pore, yet tittering uo exclama tions of anguish or of anget and neither losing faith in Heaven, nor in its own up rightness is truly sublime. Such an ex t hibition, grand and effective to ail minds which can appreciate moral greatness the South now presents. If the preccp tions of their enemies were not complete ly blinded by party p issions, they would feel more reverence for the South in its misfortunes, than when at trio summit of its prosperity, it guided and controlled the destinies of this great nation. With communities, as with individuals, it is only the fires of adversity that reveal the true character, and prove whether it is made of gold or dross. To such an or deal has the Son’ll been subjected, and we assert that the result has demonstra ted that it is an essentially great peo ple and will he remembered and admi.ed in history as much for the serene forti tude and noble dignity with which it has sustained the direct calamities us for its brilliant statesmanship in the period of its power • rid influence, and for that magnificent valor in ha tie which has ex t- rted the admiring acclamations of the world. What this South was in the days of her former greatness we] all know. It was she who gave to the world its “one Washingti n,” the man raised up by Heaven for the achievement of American Independence ; the man whose wonder ful energies and capacity combined with the most spotless purity of purpose nd of character were the principal agency in the successful conduct of the American Revolution and the triumphant, establish ment of the reatest Republic of modern times. It was her Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence ; her Patrick Henry whose eloquent voice thrilled like a clarion blast the hearts of a struggling people ; her Madison who illuminated with his wisdom the true principles of the American Constitution, and her Marshall who remai s to this day the unapproachable glory of American jurisprudence. The sagacity of her , statesmen in the national councils con ducted the United States on a career of progress and prosperity unexampled in the records of nations, and the splendid genius of her soldiers in the field crowned with immortal chaplets our military re nown, It was her Winfield Scott, An diew Jackson and Zachary Taylor, who, from the snows of Canada, to the tropic sands of Mexico, gave to the world ex hibitions of the superior martial skill and prowess of our countrymen to foreign enemies which it had ever seen, and it was the consummate statesmanship and all embracing patriotism of her Henry Clay, which three times saved the Union he loved so well from the perds of divis ion and civil war. Th se, the fathers of American greatness, were children of the sunny South, of the great and glorious mother, at whose breast they were nurs ed, on whose hip they first stood erect, from whose lips they first learned those lessons of patriotism, viitue and valor which made their country great among the nations and their names immortal among men. Nor has the South contributed less to the material than to the political and military importance of the nation. The vast domain of the terming and p oduc tive West was given by the South to the American Union. It is no fi ure of speech hut the literal truth she has been the Mother not only of Statesmen, but of States, and those States the most fertile and destined to become the most popu lous and powerful of the Ar erican com monwealth. The wonderful variety and extent of the peculiar productions of her own of cotton rice, tobacco, and nsfv-.j st res, have laid the foundations of American commerce and contributed by far the greater part of the revenues of the uMtiisis Strip from .American pro . and wealth the elements which the i-viuth )>as contributed, and what would -4>naio ? What would have been the Revolution without Washington ? What its growth and fortunes but for the gift of the South to the United States of the richest portions of its territory, and t e commercial manufacturing and national wealth derived from the products of Southern agricultural industry? De prived of those accessories to its great ness, the United States, if it so mnch as exist'd, wovld be a fourth or fifth rate power without rank or respect among nations AH this glory of the South is past, and how does the land sit desolate that was once so radiant with beneficent power! Stripped of four thousand millions of property bereaved of tin hundred thou sand of her children, shut out from the Union which she did so much to build up and enrich, she yet maintains a compo sure and fortitude more marvelous than her pioudest achievements in the council and the field. Despoiled of her earthly possessions, looking hack upon the most dismal blight that ever came upon the fortunes of a people, looking forward to the gathering of sombre clouds thatthret en her destruction, with earthquakes rumbling hen ath her feet, and at her head anguish and despair tugging like wi'd beast no querulous complain drops from her lips no frown of indignation or i patience disturbs her brow; there is sadness and resignation, but notone ab ject glance in her heroic eye. “The Xiobe of nations! there she stands. Childless und crownless, in her voiceless woe, An empty urn within her wither’d hand, When indy dust was scatter’d long ago, The Scipio’s tomb contains no ashes now ; The very sepulchers lie tenant less Os hero c dwellers; d««t thou flow, Old liber! through a marble wilderness, Rise with thy jellow waves and mantle her distress.” First Through Freight from Liverpool. —Ry the steamship North l’nint, yester day was received a freight one of the first, if not the first, that ever came by steamer through from England to Savan nah. Messrs. West & Daniels, as con signees es the North Point, received a shipment of t'oo bundles of arrow ties, way-billed direct from Liverpool here. These.came to Baltimore on the steamer Carroll, hut were directly shipped to Sa vaio ah and arrived here with only one change from steamboat. We congratu late Messrs West & Daniels on the suc cess of their line, and are pleased to men tion this as one <>l the gratifying inci dents of their agency.— .Veita t£ Herald. Good Decision'. —The English bench lately decided at Westminister, that it was a princ pie of common law that a counsellor, in questioning a witness, should address him inf ordinary tones and in language of respect such as is employ Id by one gentleman in conversation with another ; that such lawyer lias no right to question the private business or moral character ol a witness, any further than it is apparent liny abmdutely affect his reliability, or touch the case in hand ; and that a witnees is not bound to an swer questions put to him in an insulting o • annoying manner. Vf.ry well Pit.— -Some one writes botli gracefully and lbrcibly : 1 woul ! be glad to see more parents understand that when they spend money judiciously to improve and adorn the house and the ground around it, they are in effect paying tlu ir children a premium to stay at home as much as possible to enjoy it ; but that when they spend money unnecessarily in fine clothing and jewelry for their children, they are pay ing them a premium to spend their time away from borne—that is in those places where they can attract the most atten tion and make the most display An arr.ijsing story is told of Brigham’s youngest daughter, Fanny, who don’t appeal tiygn strongly on polygamy. Up on being strongly pressed to give herself to a wealthy friend and son-iti law of Brisrliain’u, both by him and her lather, and on various grounds, she said that if it was positively necessary she would consent on the c ndition that she should have as many husbands as her liege lord had wives. That suit was not pressed much further The New Orleans Crescent, in review ing the annual 1 usiness of that city, and when referring to the s gar and molasses production, says, “we have no heart to indulge in remarks en the subject. In stead of being large exporters of sugar and molasses, we are now heavy import ers of these articles.” Napoleon —ls we believe the Paris let ter writers, Napoleon 111 has the inflam atory rheumatism, dyabetes, dyspepsia, Bl ight’s disease, Smiths disease, sciatic gout, aurora borealis, incalculus, calcu lus, and several other things. He was almost poisoned at Vichy, but be mana ged to survive all, even Bismarck’s dose of Prussic acid. An Irishman being in a church where the collection apparatus resembled an election box. on its being handed to him, whispeaed in the carrier’s ear that he was not naturalized and could not vote. SO- The Republican Banner office, in Nashville, was destroyed by the late ter rible fire in that city. SVVMIM-XIT. QUITMAN, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Hi, 1866. llaynau, the American woman-whip per, sunk out of sight beneath the con tempt of tin civilized world Beast But ler, an infinitely worse man than llaynau ever dared he, is feasted and toasted by moral and puritanical New England. General Grant’s pay is $18,618 per year, and Lt. General Shermans, $13,528. "Each is allowed fifty horses. A Major General gets $5,800 per al lotted five horses The diet- is $3,940 ZSaf* The Richmond Dispatch says that the celebrated Fisher Ames, one rs the ablest and unrest men who ever liv ed in the country, once said that “the U. S were too big for union, too democratic for liberty and too sordid for patriot ism.” It is very evident that Fisher Ames had not a very favorable idea of matters and things even in his day. In the country west and northwest of Dayton, Ohio, the rats are said to be swarming and apparently migrating southward, an indication of a severe win ter. In many places they are so numer ous that they have not only destroyed the corn, sweet potatoes and tomatoes, but are climbing fruit trees and destroy ing the fruit. Lowndes Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next between the usual hours of sale, before the Court House door in Valdosta, the lol lowing property, to wit: Fifteen Hundred pounds of Long Cotton .in the seed; levied on an the property of 15. M. William* son to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Lowndes County Court, in favor of A. Smith vs. said Will iamson. R M. DAM PIER. Sheriff L. C. November 5,1866 . 30d. Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January. 1867. before the Court House door in Quitman, Brooks countv, Geo., the following described tracts of land, belonging to the Estate of Willis King deceased ; said land having been set aside as the widow’s dower in the estate of said deceas ed. to wit: Lots of Land No’s 46 and 47. and parts of Lots No’s 45 and 48. in the 15th District of Brooks county ; part of Lot No. till, and a part of a Lot number unknown, but designated the ‘\fone’s Place,” in the 14th District of said county. The said land lies in one body, but will be sold separately. Sold for distribution among the hems. Terms. —One third cash ; and the balance note with good security, payable Ist of January 1808, with interest from date. JAMES KING. }. , , T. S. T. KNIGIIT, f Adm r " November 9. 1866. t-ds Plantation for Rent. THE undersigned. Guardirn of L. I . •1. a minor, will rent for th** yen; 1867. at public outcry to the highest bidder, at G viile, Ga.. on Thursday the 2Ld inst. the planta tion belonging to said minor, containing about 250 acres of good open land, with a good framed dwelling and all necessary outhouses. Terms of Rent : Note payable January Ist 1868. with approved security. ASA KEMP, Guardian. November 9, 1866. 43-2; QUITMAN WAREHOUSE. rflllE subscriber takes pleasure in stating to ■ the citizens of Quitman and the surround ing country, that he has just opened his new and commodious Warehouse, in this place, for the Storage and shipment of Cotton, Hides, Potatoes 6’yrup, and all other articles of country produce, for the Savannah or Eastern markets. Bagging, Rope, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Salt , Whiskey, Brandy, Wines, Cheese. Nails, Twine, To bacco, Snuff, Axes, and various other articles for family and planta tion use, kept conufantly on hand, which he is determined to sell at the low.. t market price. Liberal Cash advances made on «n cotton and other produce in store. Strict personal attention given to ull bus in ess entrusted to his care, especially the weigh ing and shipment of cotton and other produce. Ssaft*. Hides, Tallow. Beeswax, Hinders, Ac., Ac., bought at the highest price, either for Cash or Barter. All kinds of Drayage done for Merchants and others, at the shortest possible notice. Cotton Weighed, Marked and Shipped, without storage, at reasonable rates. SAM’L W. BROOKS. Quitman, October 19, 1866. 40-ts Real Estate for Sale. BEING unable to improve my reai estate, and wanting money to pay debts, I offer for sale Throe Building Lots in the City of Valdosta, one acre each ; all near the business part of the city. Also two unimproved Business Lots in the centre of the business part of said city. Also one Business Lot in said city, with a New and. Elegant Store House, 26 by 60 feet. Each business lot fronts Main street 26 feet, running back ninety feet. This is a fine opportunity for any one who wishes to invest In real estate. The above p op* erty is very desirable, ami will be sold low. Terms ; One-half cash, balance int of January. For particulars enquire of L. M. Griffin, at Valdosta or address myself at Atlanta. Oct. 36-41-ls LEWIS COOK. SCREVEN HOUSE, g£ ! s ' ‘ a Savannah, Georgia. GEO. McGINLY, PROPRIETOR November 2, 1866. 42-ts I IIWIN. (’HAS. s. HARDEE, IRWIN & HARDEE, COTTON FACTORS AND OENERAL Commission and Forwarding M E II c II A NTS, Savannah, - - - Georgia. 11BERAL advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, New York or Liverpool. Shipper* allowed privilege of salt* in Savan nah or New York, one commission being charged. Hogging and Rope always on hand and supplied to correspondents at wholesale rates. Correspondents in New York, Messrs. D. 11. Baldwin & Cos. Correspondents in Liverpool, Messrs. B. F. Babcock & Cos. nov2-3m Notice to Planters. r | TII P7 undersigned being in connection with a JL Baltimore house, are prepared to furnish planters with all kinds of Fertilizers, at Balti more prices, freight added Order.s for Peruvian Guano, Turner’s Excel sior, or arty of the Huperphosphates, should he sent in early We oiler anew Fertilizer at a cheap rate J AS. R. SMITII & CO. Ousley’s Station, Ga . Nov . 2, 1866. 42-ts %* Thomasville Enterprise copy till forbid. Notice to Builders. milE undersigned are prepared to fill all or- I ders for Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c t , at :i slight advance on Baltimore prices. They wil! ft;i ni ti » list of rates on application. All orders for Glass, Putty and Paints filled with di«pu»cb at Baltiim re rates. JA6 li. FMI Til & CO. Owsley T Station, Ga . Nov. 2, 1866. 42 ts Administrator’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA, Brooks County. Agreeable to an order of the Superior Court, will be sold on the First Tuesday iri January next, before the Court House door in the town of Quitman, between legal hours of sale, all the Real Estate of Wm. O. Hunter, deceased, consisting of Eleven Hundred Acres, more or less, all in one body ; about four hundred acres in Hummock, one hundred of which is in a state of cultivation. The number of acres of tillable land on said tract is about three hundred and seventy-five, well improved, with a good Dwelling and out houses, one Grist and Saw Mill, also a good Gin House and screw, lying in the 12th District. Also, one separate tract of Four hundred and ninety acres, with thirty acres cleared, lying in the 11th Dist rict of Brooks county, Georgia. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terras made known on day of sale. J A. MAGRUDER, Adm’r, Xov- 2- IB6o.tdn Will annexed. Georgia, Brooks County. rpO all whom it concerns : Whereas. J. M. Pat -1 te'son applies to me for letters of Guardian ship of the minor heirs of Charles Rezer, deceased. These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to file their objections within the time prescri bed by law. otherwise said letters will be issued to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, 0.8. C. Nov. I. 1866. 30-d Georgia. Appling County. ILL be sold before the Court-house door M in the town of Ilolmesville, in said coun ty, on the first Monday in D( c *mber next, the following property : 400 acres in No. 295, in the second district of said county. Levied on as the property of John Yeomans to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Levi S. Yeomans. Property pointed out by Mitchell Baxley. RICHARD CARTER, Sheriff. October 26, 1866. 30d Notice. I WILL rent, for the year 1867. my Plantation in Brooks county, six miles North-east from Quitman. About fifty acres of it is cleared land, all fresh, part hammock ; the buildings are all new. i .tin sell on the place, i revisions, dock, farming utensils. Ac. October 26—41-3 t FLA VIS E. YUC rso. 8. (Jl CKLEXIIEIMKU. jjelKj Guckenheimer & Selig, Wholesale Grocers, 111 Bay Street, SA VAMNAII, GEORGIA A Large and Choice Stock of Flour , Tobacco & Segars , Constantly on Hand. Orders with remittances carefully attended to. July 13, 1866. 6m ALBERT WILCOX. THOS. H. PALMER. A. Wilcox & Cos., FACTORS, Gq m mission M orcb ants —A ND — FORWARDERS, BAY STREET SAVANNAH, GA Refer to F.WD. PADLEFORD, A. S. IIARTRIDGK, OCTAVUB COHEN, HENRY BRIGHAM. August 17, 1866. 6m BARNET PHILLIPS. FRED. lIYF.RS PHILLIPS & MYERS, (ktu 2U x.xl mu) MERCHANTS, No. 85 Bay Street, Savannah, Geo, Will sell on commission, cotton, produce, and merchandize. Consignments solicited. When desired, we will ship cotton lo our friends in New York and Liverpool, making liberal advances on the same. sept2B 3m E. D. Smythe & Cos., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in EMORY. CIIM ill CUSS-11, HAVE now on hand (and are constantly re ceiving additions thereto,) TIIE LARGEST STOCK of the above goods that has ever been offered in the Southern market. Being Direct Importers and Manufacturers’ agents, enables us to offer these Goods at prices as LOW Art THEY CAN BE BOUGHT IN NEW YORK or any other Northern city ; thereby saving the purchaser the extra expend* of Freight, Insur ance and Breakage, also the double profits of the* Importer and Jobber. Lists of assorted Crates (containing only sale able goods) will be sent on application. Queeaiswaro I louse, 109 Broughton St, 2d door west of Bull, SAVANNAH, GEO. September 21, 1866. 3in Cooper, Olcotts & Farrclly, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN and Stationcvn, Cornor Whitaker and St. Julien Streets, Ho. 62 Warlng’s Range, Savannah, Georgia. J. M. Cooper, Wm. 11. Olcott, Daniel G. Olcott, Stephen Farreily. Foreign Books imported to order at New York rates. Wholesale orders filled at L west Job bin g I' r ices. sep 1 2 8-37- 3ni o j METROPOLITAN BILMMB SftLSOn. The Largest Billiard Saloon in the s«uii. Corner Bull and Broughton Sis, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. November 2, 1866. Cm j STATE OF GEORGIA, Brooks Coitxtx.— Sixty j days after date I will make application to the | Court of Ordinary ofsaid County for leave to soil , all the real estate of J. J. i'ike. deceased. G. W. & E. H. I’IKE, Adm'a Novembers, 18G6. 2m Georgia. Brooks County. Whereas. John 11. Walker makes application ) to this Court for letters of guardianship on the j person and property of Elizabeth R. Watt, a . minor of Jesse L. Watt, dec'd. These are there- j fore to cite all persona interested, to file their objections within the time prescribed by law. ; otherwise said letters will be issued to the. appli-, cast. J. G. McCALL. O. 11. C. i November 1. 1866. 43-5 t Three Dollars per Annum. Quitman Academy. flTlllO exercises of this Institution will be re- I A sinned on the THIRD OR SEPTEMBER ; next. Literary Department. 0. W. Stavkns, T. A. E. Evans, and Miss H. k. Stkyens. Music Department. Miss Sce Northen. Drawing and Painting. Miss Leer Carpenter. ES-Rates of Tuition ns heretofore. ! The friends of the School will be pleased td see that the very efficient services of Mr. Evans have been secured ; and that he will teach the practice, as well as the theory of Surveying, to the pupils whose parents may desire it August 17, 1866. 31 If Land Sale. TXT" I LL be sold at public sale, the First t V Tuesday in December next, witnin the 11s uil hours of sale, before the Court House door in Waresboro’, Ware county, the place known as the ‘-Gi emnol - B Plantation.” the late residence of Dr. B. McDonald, deceased, containing 1,0*20 Acres; Two hundred acres are under fence and ready for cultivation. There is also on the place a comfortable Log Dwelling House, Kitchen, and all other out buildings, necessary ona plantation. There are one hundred and fifty acres of land deeded and not fenced—timber 'in good condi tion for cord-wood ; the balance of the lend is well timbered, for cross-ties or mill timber, there never having been any out off. and well adapted to turpentine. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad runs directly through this land This place is considered oue of The Rest Farms in this section, perfectly healthy, and as good range for hogs and cattle as the country affords. Terms of sale : One-fourth cash; the other three-fourths in annual installments! with inter est from date, notes and approved security. Ti tles made by all the heirs. H M. A. McDONALD, Agent. October 26, 18GO. -11-dt COTTON WANTED! Planters Accommodated; MV Friends and Cotton Planters generally are informed that I am In the Market, for flic purchase of Cotton and other Produce, at j the highest going rates. lam also prepared to I make Reasonable, Advances to Planters, on their cotton, and ship it to my Factors in .Savannah, for sale or further shipment, oc 15-38-ts J. It. EDMONDSON. , Coffee Superior Court, 1866. C*i EORC.IA, Coffee county.---Present, H the Honorable \V\ M. Sessions, Judge of ■ .said court, September Term, 1866 : j M iriah Wall ) vs. [ Bill (or Divorce, Ac. IW. IL Wall. ) IT appearing to the Court by the return of the .Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside ia this state, it is, on motion, ordered that said de fendant appear anil answer at the next term of this court, or that the ease be considered in -de fault. and that the plaintiff allowed to proceed. It is further orcered, that this notice be pub lished in some public gazette in this state for one month. This September 11. 1866. . BESSKNT & DASHER, Plaintiff’s Attorneys. A true extract from the minutes of this court. (sep2B-lm) JNO. T SMITH, Clerk VALUABLE PLANTATION id* 3,500 Acres of Land ! TANARUS" on the Wirhhicooehce Hirer I and Gulf Railroad, near Rocky ri v- 4£2LsSi£h' or, containing 3,540A acres, is comprised in >’"*‘-•119. 167, 165, 164,202, 203, 204, 205, all in one body, ~t. t >?«. no There are 700 or 800 acres or tbla knn uuu.. fence, of which none, except about one hundred acres, has been under cultivation more than three years. There are bouses enough for 200 negroes, ainnle barns, « small Dwolllng House, and out-' buildings, and a large dwelling house not yet completed. The titles are undoubted. This property is offered on exceedingly easy | terms. For particulars apply to Col. WM. A. LANE, Quitman. Ga. Octl2-39-tf Georgia, Clinch County. WILL be sold before the Court house door in the town of HomerviHe. in said Comi ty, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following prop j erty, to wit: Lot of Land Number 527. in the 10th j District of said County, containing 490 acres.— | Levied on as the property of Green G. Watson, j to satisfy an execution in favor of Thomas G. i Ramsey. Property pointed out by plaintiff. WM. M AUSTIN, Sheriff. November 2, 1866. 30d j BLANKS for Bale at this Office. Job i Printing ncatl executed.