The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 23, 1866, Image 3

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KENNEY & O'BRIEN Importers of and Jobbers ia sp 1 ©00E)8o ho«/Vry, laces and Embroideries, 142 Broughton street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA-; f»vils*done business in Sav for r> t . last Fourteen Veals, are prep ua and to offer lnducementsto Purchaser^ OfFirst Oltitsis HEIMS SI ug STEAHEI FRI NEW YUKK p9~\Vv ask the a*ti*ntion of country merchants •nd planters before purchasing elsewhere. November -3 IX-.ti 3m Home Manufactory. (Estublisbed 183.'.) JOHN E. HERNANDEZ, >1 AN U CTIJKEH, AND !;FT AII. JjEAI.HU IN CKNBIES, Confertionarv. Cordials -snips Preserves FANCY ARTICLED To ys, .VC., &u„ so.. 146 Broughton Street, 2d door from\ irnart | Savannah, Georg- , x November 23. 18td». 3ra T T. CUNNINGIiTr • l general Commission Merclnint, Bny and Abereom M .. 4 SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. advances made on Cotton or N ival Stores. nov. 3 3m William M. Tunno & Co s, UANKEUS k X D 1 COMMISSION r-HC HANTS, Savannah, (7w;N. CONDICT. JENNINGS A CO. New York. I). JENNINGS & (JO , Charfo u n , g O . Ca. our friend* 4 lit choice and advan *ug»* of alt the ab *v*. rna k-ts iu we hare our own bouse:-? and* lim upiu«. and nblp cotton to. any European b.uAot. Arrange ment* have been made tor nt in Savan nah of the Revenue Tax upon id cotton con signed to us from any portion of oi It., ftc’a. Novenbvr .3-1 1 LOW PRICES, QUICK SALES! We have just received and opened the largest stock of saw g o o t) s t to be found in this cdy «'«* offer at Lower Prices than thev can b<* jj’Wlgln for at any other bou.-e. consisting in parlygf Every variety of Press Good'd Housekeeping G«>«»d*. 4 _ J>*»mes ics and Prin’n. Cioihs an 1 i assiniert-Hi H .pigured Linens ftndk Drills. ■ Embroideries itn«j Daces, Eg Hosiery and < cloves. ■ ltibbon* arJfi lira ids. ■ Hair Uolle and Curls I Lace I‘oin.M and Veils. B Bradley s .'.mpivss Trails, I Hand *erchi*#:* Ac. | EINSTEIN &. ECKMAW I { * 151 Congress sn ee t i Nov. 23-3 m SAVANNAH, GEO. iNoficcs CJfXTY days after date application u ill be > made to Ibe Honorable Court ol ( Mijnury sosfof Clinch conn y. for leave to sell the lan is bi - longing to the estate of Isaac Carter. d-Msed, of iaiwmles cminty. L. A. SIR VIA S. ' KtVvembwr 19. 1866-Tm Adin’r de bonis < lon . Executors’ Sale. TTMTILL V sold on Saturday, tbv Fir*) da\ of ff December next nt die late residence <.- M**s. Nancv Kin#, all the Household and Kitchen . Furniture. Corn and Fodder. Two Mules. Cattle Farm and Blacksmith Tools. Ac.. belong- W ing to the estate of Mrs Nancy King, I Terms of sale. cash. I JAMES KING. | r . I T.S.T. KNIGHT, v November 23. 18*ib. It Strayed or Stolen, FROM the undersigned, at (Jui» m; , n on Mon day. the l!)tb, a medium „j 2,. hav hoiae I Mule, about Bor <1 years old—et- „},• t,a, k and ■ carries his head on a level witt 'i» bark." He ■.bad on a black flat saddle. wiiaL; horn, when ■je was stolen or strayed off. " in I '-.rotation to said mule will 1,.. , .Uy re- and and suitably rent. U./A I B Appling Sher iff Safe. H|LL be sold b • the. Court House door in »sville Appling Co- nty. on tiie first Tue« 1 iy next the f -Rowing property : Lots L 580 and 581 in the *d district of said* couniv. t 1 . - on as P ly of Nathaniel A. Bell, -wtisfy two attachments fi. fi’ :be perior Court in frjvor of Janie> A Mob ey and L a * ~r i/' for Green & Cos. vs. Nathaniel rßell. 1 roperty pointed out bv Silas Cro'by. . ~ RICHARD CARTER. Sheriff.* LNovemoer 1C 1866. 44-30 U Jno W. A. do“son, ceo. W. Ardersor, Jr. K. H. AnceriJJ, A. H. Cj.d. Jiio.W.AiHlprsoii’sSoiis&Co COTIOX FACTORS, /orluarbiiu anh Commission MERCHANTS, [ COIIXER DRAVTOX A\D JIHVAX STS . S.WANVAII, GEORGIA | November lti. 18 it;. din E. t. riTM, F.I.IUIEU, Vp*eYork. HILTOM & RAND! LL, Wholesale Grocefs. AND DFALRItS IX I VV nCL L'qyors, &c - &c. Bay Street, Savar-nali, Goo. T r \' the attention of De.i-*rs to their large A ‘R' comple »• assor m*n of (*roi ol .j os ;»ncl Xal<iiiors* Ml.ieh they a«. prepared to ofTei* at the lowest market rates. OM M jnoF&hela, Rye X3aurb *n;kyj uvi.ui.a (Mi Laud. Agents h.r tlut chbruted Star” Whiskey. Hazard s<D i,-r in Kegs halt Kegs. ! quarter Kegs, and C sc*. nov.-Cm Advantageous Offer. r*3 li-; imd.T.iirn.'d w.IUm, I tet f..r ilie ilidive r\ of fr in -0 lo n) iH! S „t‘ Peruvian (Du- it tjui in in Viibl.i-dii (b.lev's, „r ’I Imm is ville. ;n slid per lon. The ,unlitv of the Guu no is wurrunted to be the best. H e will hike or ders from I ton to sit. .f AS. II S.MIIII A Ousley Siatnm. November 111.'., ||-t| Tliom.isvilie Enterprise c ipy till forbid. INitiihin Aetitiemv. rBT 11-. -'.vereises of Ihe ;ib *re insiiioiion will * comiin-nre under the <1 rer ion of the un de. s,piled on Mnnd.iy ihe 1 lih of J oin irv next., S rn : .lisc.ijdim- will In- b ■ enforced 'he inmrse of eduimtion will It - 'lioronitii an 1 eotnpie'e. and evry effort nude to build up a .school of a high order. Rates ot Tuition 82. 8.1. and 31 per month. | .Metereiiees . Maj. I’endleton and ('apt. -I T. n 'il l n'd »s'ii Gii : Me-si-s. 1; V, l.ane Jas. M • N .* ix iind A. Avere-t. Clyaltville (.a. | ! Mi. 18«i. (-11-8;) J. A. DIiNN.VRD. | ,jl, st Received, •ID ! 1,1 - v l-.nur: llnwird street Ku "v' p (lueliann Mills an l o her b ind-. Niils.a 8 j z ... ; p'resli Hotter. (T-heese In-ii otaloes an I v. iml , ,-ber articles for lam liy ( all «• ii. rehouse. -Nm-. 2:1, |;t ,f SAM I. IV. BROOKS. | M. V. iiENi>EUSOX,“| gs: skral (An liuUdj,«j*h F(» it nf 11.inuty} Street, Savatiliiili, Gt.u, : XtT- Dealers in IYj e ,. Wool, Deer Skua The hnrhesi Cash \»Hces paid ‘dl limes i^ r any of .he ab *v - ; yfi-\> ’• ocifi- ll 1 «t (i» ->•-/•■ t P'n'. r-e ConrJ:/. S Xn «' f' “in dah- applieilHn will be k r nude lo ihe llono able i'"iir' •* ,^ I’,',Maine in the Insta'e o: lfeitj’H' ''Jiimc..,/;', ofsaid conn y. November'3 IH'.*;. fidd Adminifi i rotor 1 * Sa r' *- C iurJy Win be-*old b fore ihe Courl House df»or al Bl;e k-*lie II . I‘iei ot* county, oil lie* fi-’-tt Tuesday in Jammy between tht* legal hours of sale, two Lots of land belonging to lie K< ttc of Uen jain:n llowaid di*ee.»«etl. to wit : No’s 213 and :H, ill tl e eleventh dis rid ol origimillv Vpjiling now Pierce county. .Sold by order ol the Court of < )rdmary. Term made known on the dav of sale. IIEGHEY CHANEY. Adm’r. ! November 1 . I8i;c. 4«)d ip Brooks Conntv. Will b » 5.. l | h.-fore the Court Hou-e in the Town of C v ii nun on the first Tuesd ty in January nex‘. die real es'a'e o t-. W. A britton, deceased, ’ ving in the 1 .tl: District of said C un tv. Sold for the b nefit of the creditors. S. .1. IIA UK ELL. Adm’r. November If. l&fifi. 40<l Georg'a. Breaks County. H IM. be s«»hl l» fore the Court House door in th * »v i »' 2ii tin 11 v ’hi sh * I*g tl hoars of sa! on thefii -t 'i nesd.jy in Jiinnarv te-xt the real es*.i?e of Joshua Loveu deceased l\ing in the 1. »h of s ild County. leims made known on dav of sale. DENNIS DAYLAY. Adra’r. November J ,: . 18 t>. 40.1 Georgia f’ ffce County: Six v days af'er and ite apjdic ilion will b • m ide to tie* Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the lands b.*b»ng ng to the estate of D. Ii Kirkland ki'e ct said conn to deceased. Jos. KIKKLANI) t . -, pt. .B. IBSB. IVM. KIRK!.AND. j A “ n ' rß ' State of Georgia, Coffee county : Kmiklull -I U.ivis, I Murtg.igc, cic. VS. r land O’Xea 1 . ) Mandi Term, 1800. T T appearing to the Court by the petition of Handel! J. Davis accompanied by the note a i Mortgage Deeds, tha; on the six'een’h day ftf April eighteen hundred and six y-oiie. the in ide and delivered to tie* Plaintiff their promissory note bearing date he day and year aforesaid whereby the defendant* promised by the first day of November next fotlou ing. the date of said note, to pay the piaintiffor bearer the sum of two thou and dollars for value received, and ttut afterwards, on Die day and year afore said the (he better to secure die pay ment ofga.d note execu'ed and delivered to the plaintiff his deed ol Mrrtgage. whereby the said defend.m ; mortgaged to the <aid i'lainiiff Lot iff land number Hs> four hundred and forly-five ii ihe six’ll Di-1 ict of said c uinty. containing ( •PJO fonrhund ed and ninety acres, more or less. And it further appearing (hatsaid noterema ns unpaid, it is there,ore ordered tha l the said De fendants do pay into court on or before the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, in terest. and cost due on said note, or show cause to the contrary if any they can. And that on the faitnre of the Defendant* so to do. the equity of redemption in and to su’d inorfgiged premises b* fi- ever thereafter barred and foreclosed. Av.d it is further ordered, that this rule be published in some public gazette in this State once a mon h for three months previous to the next term of this court, or served on the Defen dants or their special agent or attorney at .least three months previous to the next term of this court. HARRIS & WJLLi AMS. i Ttnr Attorneys. | A true extract from the rninutearff this court, j ' sep2B-lam3m JNO. T. SSUTH, Clerk. 1 & SON, Wholisnle II roc (“is, CENERAL Commission tuul Shipjtng AND FACTORS IN COTTON, Ell REU, Wool, l!ides etc., Corner B y and Ba-""l Slrcets, .sjtI.V.V.IT/, GEO. November 111. iS'P'. I,n ' CAN!I* A DRAPERS /no TAILORS, MS- "MIT »N StRF.FT. Savannah, t; orßia ! n,vc in «*or a-vl cendv for inmcHim their Full an,l H'in"' Sl-ok caran-Wnr-lie l 'rir"«; a iir*n* o r l l ’ 1 * ( l ,,f h-a ( i<s uie i, es nno \ est i-vfN to lx- »V' l in air 1 \\on«' *n the - : v in *he«r line Mil Os m i'l" "> nrder a* “linrt notice, trirttf'l and K"‘ n|> >" '"> s Tpas«ed sill, I jui-iiisl>iti}s Goods, . 1 of (.verv-R-flcriptinn requisite to a gentleman a w.irdrot* constantly "li hand. novDel lj Ctipt. J. DICK ISON, W X 'I H Bivant & Waples, Mc rt'li ii tils, ! CORNER RAV AND I,INCHES' .STREETS, .S.l VANiXAH. GEO. r,y~ Speci 'l attention given to the sale of Cot ton 't .it,her. Lumber, Country Produce. K. ,t. I) U\l, M. If. U IPI.I S, Li i * ila vim i A l.iwton. .iliii»oiui. No\ cmlier I •’*. 18lii». * ••• I V. m -k. W. A. Biivaxr. HOUSE & DRY A NT, KOI’WAIIIHNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 194 HAY ST ii, - ..-. I -AVaNNAH. GA. giv« prompt attention to receiving If an 4 torwaiduig good-, sales on consign me,n. and all orders: and will keep constantly on h in 1 u good stock ol GROCERIES, EIIJI'ORS, AEE FARM ING TOOES, &.0.. Orders and consignments respectlnlly solicited. November 1 i, 18HU. * m PIERCE 3EEHAF, WIIOI.ESAI.K DKAIiKR IN mi vmm MiES.KU!fIIMS Scaurs, Hoots aj»l Miocs, 170 BROUGHTON STREET, S *%VNNAII, GEO. oul> y.- an 1 L-m lon Brown Stout. Chum sr; - "s.jsjr onii. house DIIUSSIG H.-iviiniiiili, IE undersigned having lea-v, . U faviu ite Estublislimeiit. and Ii i> M * l ./ * , and refuruishe I it throiiirhonl in tlieimtV’ ' fi manner would inltom the public that it ’ op mi lo,* th ; t-vj* oi »f Dutc Th.i I'roprie or wi l sm • • ii > p i n* t'* tniiituiti thb char ic!er it ha • *Dv iv •• ajoved h b.-ing um* of th*- best of the First-Class Fating lions of die conn y uid : lu»->e who lavur Inin with fieir p itronage in i.v b * insured that nothing will b ■ left ill) lone to secure the comfort and s.iti-dac titm of hi ; guests. BOAUDE'I'B wdl be taken bv 'he week or divata m nlersite charge. * .Nov I I * 44-ts E 11. ICIKKLIN. M . FIRST & GO., WMOLKSAI.K DKAI.KI’S IX Wines, laiijisi>2*.n Segsn-s ® , TA. tec S3 Sia KtTSS 9 Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, 150 CONGRESS ST 'LET, SA VANN AIL GEO. November D . 18 jli. t m REMOVAL. RANDELL & CO., Have removed to 201 anti 203 Hay Street. Next door west of Barnard street, their former location and are now prepared to offer a large ►>rock of * Groceries , consisting in part of 250 btriads oi Flour—Superfine Extra, Choice. 150 half barrel.- Flour, superfine. 50 i-anvls White It. D. Meal. 100 ha.f barrel* White R. D. Hominy. I'iObbla Sugar: Crushed. A- B. C. Extra. Yello.v. 100 barrels Syrup—low price and choice. 75 b igs Kio and Java Coffee. 250 boxes Candles. Adamanfine and Spe.m. 150 tubs Lird pressed and pure lea.. 100 tubs iiiitt‘*r— Wctftern and choice Goshen. 200 boxes Cheese. Factory. State and Eng. Dairy 150 barrels Mackerel numbers 1.2, and 3, large. 30) boxes new Herring, no. land scaled. 50 boxes large Plymouth Codfish. 100 boxes Tobacco, Lis, \ pounds, and pounds. 50 gross Fine Cm, Solace. Amulet and Century# 250 boxes Peaches, Tomatoes. Oysters, Pickles. 25 bids Cider Vinegar, etc. bovIG-iu* T. J. DUNBAR & CO. Importers nml Dealers in Wines, Liquors, Cigars, etc., 147 BAY STREET Savannah, Georgia. Wo invito tho attention of the trade arid the public generally to our largo assortment of Wines, Liquors. Cordials, Conserves. Cigars, Ac., Ac., which is not- excelled by any similar establishment iu the States. DmUmr’s Celebrated Wormwood Cordial, the reputation of which is fully established in this and foreign countries. l>iiiitmi"*M well known Stomacdi ISHtorM, guarantied superior to any article of the kind designed expressly t«»r Hotel and tain ly use. Dunbar’s Sclaeidsini Cordial Schnapps, warranted of the iVinost purity, and put, up expressly for our Home, of which we are sole proprie tors and importers. . . „ , , , , c . , Sole Agents for Robert. Smith's celebrated ITiiladelphia Ale ill Poses and barrels ; English Scotch and \m -rienn Ale oml Dorter. Brandv. Scotch, limb on Whisky rthd trroek I'iiaches. well known iflirougliont the United Slates, put up by us in cases tor export and home consumption. T. I. D. A Cos. are sole agon's for 11. A H W. PallienvooiEs I’ure Itye Whiskies. \. XX. and XXX Brands guaranteed : nml unsurpassed in quality and excellence. Constantly oil hand a large and well selected stock of Bourborn anil Wheat Whiskies worth the fit ention of the trade and eottnoi ears genernllv. An nssor'ittent of Cigars of the finest grades, (no mi foe lured and im ported ex press! v for this House, witch we offer at the lowest net cash prices. _ Erandies Gin's Wines Champaigns, and every description anil grade nf Foreign Liquors, tntpor ted directly by this House and for sale in Bond nr Duty paio at lowest market rates. nov Hi dm THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE, At (16 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, CEO. The attention of the Lad es is called to our New Sewing Machine, which has jit: t b e.t issued for Bf.n y»sa ci n .te> BtJfesms. It has no equal! It uses a tiaer needle, and w ill do Fitter and Heavier w ork than any Machine in use, with perfect devises for Hetiim.n A , Felling. UuflLng, Cording, Braiding, Ac. Call an Jse hoi. SIMPLE AND EASY to learn tin Use of it. pa- The Singer Button Hole Mncltine'works admirably. Silk Thread. Needles, and Oil always on hand. Sewing Machines cleaned end repa'red Hatching of nil kinds neatly done. 11. I) HAWLEY, Gcmu ul Agent lor Georgia and Florida. WMI 13001? QEOilf SO3 00I381U «oia va. a . n■' T3£S OP Ti£B SOVTSC, Made from the Patent Corded Wire which is anew process whereby a flint linen cord is covered in with the wire unking a d'lrab’c sub.lance to which the tapes are lEm'y sewed. By this pro cess the nnsigl.tlv and tmroU tbl«*m -t l.e fastening is avo de l an I a lighter skirt Induced. _ lam Itmv menured to make the above in any size, lemrtli or s'vie ordered. I lie I fade limnshcd at list p ices * novDilv 11. 1). HAWLEY. IHi Broughton si., (tip-stairs,t I "V ES JS 9 Emporium of Fashion, CORNER BULL STREET AND BAY LANE, First: Door IS r «n-<l> ot* <ho Pulaslii House, Savannah, - - Georgia. DraptM- and Tailor, Sliiit-Makcr, Glover and Hosier. FINE READY MADE CLOT 11 ING, FURNISHING GOODS: HATS, CAPS, AMU STEAW GOODS, Gentlemen mi ble to visit, alllitili e 111 order tile r'xpro.iG. all l roly i<|>>• n getting firnt class goods, and at us low prices us ii they were present. November 1!) 3m SANDERSON & WJLhUiVSUiN, 1 Wholesale Dealers in Market Sauaro, Savannah, Georgia. November lfitli. isiiii. .11) JAMES LEAVY & CO., IM FOETZHIS AND W HOLS3ALZ DEALERS IN Poi'cijffH and Domestic Liquors. N't 13 Si 1 alt. !( j' H jjiiiltlittgs. Buy stiert Stt\ ntinali, Georgia. A Large, Stock of Goods constantly on hand. ! Ilennessyoi Otard nn<l I’inct Cotillion Br in in bond, in 1-8 casks and 1 4 casks, j All goods fold at New York prii,. s> v. iiiifreight added. nov tluj> ST. CHARLES SALOON, BY RUCKERT & JACOBY. Da;/ Lane, in Rear of Rod Office, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA The best Liquors, Ales. \vu.„ Seg irs. Ac., al ways ott hand, including a choice o,; id,* of S E\. T E R’ S W AT Ji R , directly imported from Hcrzagthuin, Nassau, and the best Rhine Wines. .say LUNCH every day at 1 1 o£loek 'S-X, November lti, lHtilj. tjulyld n. a. t'ALUKe. .t. tt. oKrrtsti. PALMER & iiEITtSII. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN H A R I) W ARE, CUTLERY, files, edge tools. Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, Agricultural Implements, 14 s ? Congress tuul 67 St. Julian Streets SAVANNAH, GEORGIA November 16, 1886. til- 1 in F . D . JO It DA N , DEALER IN Watchei t and Jneelnj, SilceP and Plated I Ware, <tc, dec., 129 Congress Street, Savattnalt, Goo. (Opposite the Pulaski House ) VIA-Watches and Jewelry Repaired. nolG-3m Lovell & Lattimore. MAM'FACTI'REIts r,v PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DEALERS IS j Japanned. Planished and Stamped Tin Wares. OISE F LJI * NISHIN <; GOODS, tovi's, Micct Iron, Tin Plates. Lead. Bruoms, Wumli'n Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery. IIOI.LOW WARE, &C, &C. Crockery and Glassware Also, I Voter Coolers and Fillers, I ICE I’ITCIIEIiS AND RLTKIGERATORS. > And in connection wi:h tbc above, we have iu Acre every variety of COfillM SIMM AND DA NOES, With all the fixtures ready for iirnnetfrate use.— These Stoves are neat and simple in appearance with large fines of extra thickness and weight Will be sold at reasonable prices. Orders foi Stoves promptly attended to. i\o. 1.5.5 and 157 Congress St.. SAVANNAH, GEO. Nor. 4th, loCtJ. Cm TEBEAU & PHILLIPS, Bog have to call the attention of the public to their (veil selected stock c Boots, r L'RtnVKS# GAITERS, gJwtSflag* 9£mg&S&fcAS» *«» For Sale at No, 1 Masonic Hall, North East Corner Hull and Prougbton Streets, and ia «:ght of all the Hotels, avannah, Georgia. November 10, 1866. 3ra W. M. WAZSK, Wholesale Druggist, Sotith-cast corner Broughton and Barnard streets, Saoannah, - - - Georgia . UirOTTERS AND dealers in ©m®B, Baaßi®iaae* CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, ETC, TRUSSES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, I>:,iuls, OiEs, Varaish, Turpentine, Itruslios Every Variety of Window Glass. Eieach n id German I'lute, Stained. Cut and Sky Glass, single and double tLickmn, l’utty, ic. W. N. Vallcau, lale cf Thomasville, .Special Salesman J!<r Goods will be sold nn as reasonable terms as they can be purchased South, and an examina tion will sustain e. ti. n Orders by unit promptly and carefuty filled. nuelK-bm Isatliarop & <36., 139 and 141 Congress .Street, SAVAH3JAH, GEORGIA. V W •««* * * * -ar* v ■*»* - B T .£>f gg i £■* £ t We having procured the Stores formerly occupied by Messrs Nevitt, Lathrop A Rogers stud Messrs. Henry Lathrop Sc Cos., will be prepared September Ist to 15th to exhibit a large STOCK OF BIT &00DS* READY MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Bl c. i At Whuk'snlc only—Lp-staivs. We propose t<> Manufacture our Clothing at home, which will enable us to offer inducements Equal to the Northern Markets. One of our firm, who lias had twenty-five years experience in the business ia this city, will remain in the purchasing markets, and will devote his time specially t.) the SOUTHERN Tit U>E. DWIGHT LATITROI’, l.ate I). kE. S. Lathrop. JOHN W. NMY ITT, " Nkvitt, Lathrop A Roger* ! Nov. 16,.. 1866. (Ilj) Cl IAS. W. lIRUNN'KR, " Henry Lathrop k Cos, aiaihim aaifyaai3 FINE SILVER WARE, men iFL&.rSTOY Goods, Christmas and New Year's Gifts. New is the time to select Presents from a splendid stork just opened at HAMILTON’S, C ORNER CONGRESS & WHITAKER STREETS,* A large invoice of First Clh.-s Goods, imported direct from the manufacturers, expressly sols his establishment, consisting of F-no C-rcld and Silver Watched, Os the most celebrated makers. American and Foreign manufacture. . ‘.'kicks, riain and < tniariKii al. for oflke an 1 parlor use. The latest style of Jewelry, a «upero' assortment. Silver Ware of exquisite workmanship »iid warranted to be of tho pure metal, Wheeler & Wilson’s Noiseless Sewing Machines.* Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired by experienced workmen at the phonest notice. Chronometers rated by transit. Cash paid for old silver, at Satfuriah, November 10, itidfi, I’. HAMILTON’S,