The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 23, 1866, Supplement., Image 5

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*£? SS H HI AM 11 A If If II1! □ CAKEY W. STYLES. Editor. F. H. FI LUES, I’rvpi ictor. nt (HJuitmau fanner. Bold Attack on a Railroad Train On Wedneada night, about 2 o'clock, »n the traiu <m tti I.oufcville and Nash ville Railroad wnu about five miles from Franklin, Kv., the engineer diseovt red that the road was hai ricaded. lie im mediately slackened speed, lint not until ti e engine, bagjragc ear, and express car was thrown from the track end up a«t. The pas-engers being amus'd, found the traiti surrounded by guerrillas, who fired 'Hie shot, a note of warning. wVVh passed through the car without injuring any one. The guerrillas then entered the sleep ing ear and ordered the passengers tog" forward to the next car. As they erns ed the platform eaeli one was compered to hand over his pocketho"k. One passen ger had five hundred dollars m the sale pocket of his coat, which was snatched from him. Another claims tfi hove lost fifteen hundred dollars. We regret exceedingly to learn that Iter. 11. C II oi nady, of tics c ly, was one of tho unforlunate ones Hus poeket book, containing about two hundred ad twenty-five dollars, was taken. The passengers in the other car, with one exception, were not ml.lied. The white transaction occupied cot more than five minutes, and bc'i.m the passengers fairly recovered from their astonishment the intruders were gone. Col. J. K. Slaughter, front whom wo got otir information, was one of the pas sengers. They got liir p- cketliook con taining only Home liftt-t-n and dials and a few notes. When the guerrillas had departed it was discovered that the H aiti was on lire, having caught from a stove in the ex press car. The pass, tiger Cars wre pushed hack out of danger, but the en gine, express ear and baggage car were burned. None of the express freight was saved, though most of the baggage was removed. Til.- safe of the Express Company even was burned. Before leaving Nashville on Tlnirsd iy. Col. S. leaned that one ol the guen illas had been arrested. There were only eight or ten of *n-m. They had their fares blackened. The man who was arrested had plenty of money ami had f tiled to wash his face clean.- Atlanta Era A Truthful Utterance. In a late speech at tile Cooper Inst - tutein New York, Ex-Guvi-rivr .Seymore said: We have more to fear from the South if it accepts the doctrine of subjugation than we ever had to fear from its armed rebellion; wean enslave men without enslaving • nrs Ives. W eeann t have a Government whose northern face s', ill smile devotion to the popular will, tied whose Southern aspect s!i II lr iwn e m tompt, defiance and h I'e to the people of eleven States. The South has c unr.n a tively lit le to fear from misg vrretnent. It is not wise or safe to trample upon those who, for years, with desp ru'c cmrage, held tlie.r ground against tie* millions * ' e field, and the thousands of millions of treasure w - spent in the contest—i c uihest wh eh filled our homes with rn urning. loaded us down with debt and taxation, and wrought great and lasting eh mg's in policy, the maxims, and si rue'are "four Govert ment. A wise sett etneut of (lend ing quest wms will do much to build up the prosperity of the South; an unwise policy will do more to break down the wealth and prosperity of the North. Sensible Talk The Louisville Democrat says nothing can be more shallow than the hope that any amendments of the Oorstitution can furnish any guarantees against rebel lions. A government that c uld execute itsell without human agency might be safe from rebellions.—ls the Radicals could invent one, they ought »o t ike out s patent for it. It it will protect fier ce sand property, there will he great demand i >r it in the world A government strong enough to pre vent rebellions at all times is too strong for the liberties of its citiz-ns. The chance for insurrections or r •hellion* is the price p lid tor troedom. Ihe on')'se curity for free governn ent is the Consent of the governed. When that is wanted, rebellions wdlcome, of necessity, and •!! paper guarantees are mere trash. The Radicals ought to know*, from personal experience, that Constitutional provi sions are restraint upon interested partizens. ” They know that what would otherwise be unconstitutional, may become laxvtnl bv becoming indispensable to a party object!—How, then, do they expect, l>y tbeir amendmends of the Constitution, to restrain men from reliellion? They may fix uu oatbs of allegiance to a govern mi nt Wlutt and ■ they avail ? All oaths of allegiance are eonditioiial. When a government b< C -ines ‘'destructive of th si e ids,' - it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it. we have, pro e aimed, an geneiati ns ol men have acted on it in all countries and all sorts of governments W lien whole Communi ties feel that liny have good reasons to resist the government, :I 1 they want is the provocation and the opportunity. Wrf.\T Dots and Mean? —ln asking ties question the Hall;neae Transcript goes nto say that the South is a this mo ment in the most | rofuiiud quiet and rc fiose. There is not a rebel in arms; (here is not a t'niled Stales soldier nec essary to preserve order in any part of ihe southern States; there is absolutely not a ripple ie t to show where the great ship "! the I lonfederaey sunk, and sunk forever. Yet, at I'ndieal meet i gs, the proposition to march si. tigh'ering, btirn il eg and cohliseat ing columns into this peaceful and unit s sting South, i. receiv ed with uproarious applause. In the name of hamanity, justice and civiliZ'-tioii, what does all this iiu-un? N. rtiif.rn Men in' thf South.—The N Y. correspondent N< ws under date of Oetola r 2f)lh, ties xx tiles on a tt alter concerning xvliiih many false statements have been tnaih : A large number of Northern men who have pun hastd lands in the South and have s till'd there, are out with a ear I ill the Tribune, g.ving the beeirciitnstuir tinl and the iii direct to the reports of— well, of ive ei.rrespondei tH who wife that Northern men wlm settle in Southern 1 tales are plundered of titeir prop* rly and badly treated generally. These gentlemen further state that freed men contract xvillt whom they please, in like manner as the white laborers h ere I’oßiv. We have heard a good deal of spec tt I ition recent Iv, says the Shelbyville Ueputllicaii, relative t" the probahle price oft is art tel", ami we have about made up our mauls to rest easy concern ing it, since the supply b-Is fair o ex ceed the demand, it may not seem a mat ter of much importance to some, but there are those i tins and every other co nmnity whose 1 united and precarious dependence upon the means w terewith to provide, requires the most rigid econ omy. an 1 to whom it will prove no un welcome fact t" obtain their winter’s stores at less than heretofore. East year the price ranged from ten to twelve els., with perhaps few exceptions, while tins year it bids fa r to l e tw * or three cents less, with a still larger quantity in mar ket than usual Demand f R I.’eiiaiuk I.abok.- —A life fact, just "Centr' and, is xvutuly ol notice, and espi'tally by colored persons. W e stated •v.tiirdiy that a iiegri man of on. ac (U tiulanei. and whom xvc were wil ling I" recommend, was out of ei t plopment, end there were no I 'ss thill nine appl catious at <»ur "fic.'durig the day. O'course lie found it" diflictilty n getting a c.iiiifol'tal'le home and at g""d wig -s. Tnis shows the value character, and how important it *s for every serveut to c mi'' w II rec iiiiuieiid-'d by u;s larut *r I'tnp! »ver. Such an one cat never want. An exchange says that there is a ne gro in Virginia who has turned white. Jhiur fellow—he wont be noticed any more by his friends in Goligreis. {!?:“ In the Vermont I.egislature Hon. Geo. F. Edmunds was eh eb'd to til! the ttriexp red term of 8-' iiator Pool, and Jus tin S. Morrill was i'll eted !'■ r the lenn "f sx V'sirs colutiiel eitig flu m the 4>h ol March next. East Wednesday Mr. John Quincy Adams Crane a printer, ol Raleigh, took from his ear a grain of corn which ad been there eighteen years. The com was in a perfect state of preservation. gfiy- A Detroit man recently sold hi* wile for two hundred dollars to a sad'r and applied to a Justice to marry him to a gill ol' seventeen. If a man is detected in the attempt to take a pint pot. is it to be proceeded against as an act of felot y, or simply re garded as a strong desire for carrying out measure ? There is a boy down east who iR ac customed to go out on the railroad fuck and imitating the steam whistles so per fectly as to deceive the officer at the station. His last attempt proved ei- i neutly successful; the depot-master came out and switched him off. The last case of jealously is that of a lady who discarded her lover, asm cap tain, because be Lugged the shore. SUPPtHMEKf, QUITMAN, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1860. A "Down E utter 4 ’ happening a pas senger on a Western steamboat which suffered the misfortune of s.nkifig the effects of running upon a snag, st rue out 4*"ldly for the s ore. A large crowh had assembled upon Ihe hanks t" w|d ness the exciting seo.'u ; hut Yanks l disdaining any proffered help, reache , the shore safely remarking' coolly as lid dal so, he d.dti’l care a straw for himself it was the dang (1 "Id life n ttrance ("unf puny In was swimm tig for.” He was insured fi i $5,000. Ssgf The l’res dent having appointed I hi- 20tIt i slant as a day of Thanksgiv ing lie Georgia Legislature trumps his card by appointing the 22d as a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer. So we shall have two hoi days close together. The Tw i Wavs —"There's two ways ol doing it, - ' 'aid I’at to himself, as he stood musing and waiting for a job. "If I save me four 11 I'lisulid dollars 1 must lay up two hundred a year for twenty years, or 1 can put away twenty dollars a year f.r two hundred years—now which shall I do ? An old woman on a steamboat observ ed two tin it pumping up water to wash the deck, mi I the Captain being ii ar by, she m-cibiii and him as billows. "Well, Captain, got a well aboard, eh?” "Yes ma’am, always carry one,” said the polite Captain. "W ell. thafs clever, 1 always di dis like the misty river water, especially in dug days. Nearly two thousand Germans leave Europe every week f >r the United States in the ll.'i’iu'-u and Ham 1 urg mail steam ers. A company is established at Cos penhag' ii to encourage the emigration of Danes, Norwegians and Swedes to the United Suites. A writer, dwelling upon the import ance of small tilings, says 1 Unit lie al ways ta vi-s notice even of a straw, i spe cially il there happens to he a sherry cob bier at one eu I of it.” JUu* JUmttecmcnts. Administrator’s Sale?. Wild- Id* sold mi tho first Tno.-day in January. 18-7 bfloiv tho Court House door in Quitman. II rooks coun'v Goo., tin* following dom-nlnnl tracts of land belonging' to tin- Hstate of Willis King deceased : said land having been set aside a- the widow's dower in he estate of said ed to wii : Hots of Lund No's 4P» and 17 and parts of Lots 8 I ) mid 18. in tie* loth I is'riet of Brooks county ; part of Lot No. G) and a part of it Lot number unknown but dedgnated the “June a IMace " in the I I h Histriet ofsa-d county. The said land lies ill one body, but will be sold separately. Colt) fop distribution among the hei's. Terms. -One third cash : and the balance note with good security payable Ist of January 18; 8, wilh inteie t from date. .l AMKS KING. I . T. aS. T. KNIGIIT. \ n November 9. t-ds QUITAIAX WA 11, KII OUSE. Til IK subscriber takes pleasure in stating to 1. the citizens of mm and the surround ing coun'ry. that lie lias just opened his new and commodious Warehouse, in this place, for the Storage and shipment- of Cotton, Hides, Potatoes iSvrup and all other articles of country produce, so- the Savannah or Ka-'crn m irkels. Isagging, Rope, Flour, (Jtffre, Sugar, Soft, Whiskey, Brandy, Wine*, Cheese. Naits Twine , 7o ba<wo, Snuff, Axes, and various other articles for family and planta tion use. k‘-p constantly on hand which lie is determined to sell at the lowest market price. 'S-W- L.beral Cash advances made on all co ton and other produce in store. -vfe- Strict personal attention given to all bus iness entrusted to his care, especially the weigh ing and shipufent of cotton *nd other product*. Hides. Tallow I>eesw.ix. Hinders, Ac., Ac. bought at the highest price, either for Cash or Barter. All kinds of Drayage done for Merchants and others, at the shortest possible notice. (’dtton Weighed. Marked and Shipped, without storage, at reasonable rates. SAM L W. BROOKS. Obit man. October lit. fßi»b. 40 it Real Estate for S le. X) JNG unable to improve my rcai estate and > wanting money to pay debts. I offer for B ait; Three building Lota in the City of Valdosta, one acre each ; all near the business pan of the cilv. Also two unimproved business Lota in ihe’ centre of the business part of said city. Also one business Lot in said city, with a New and Elegant Store House, ili by BO feet. Each business lot fronts Main street 26 feet, running back nine'y feet. This is a fine opportunity for any one who wishes to invest in real estate. The above p o.j erty is very desirable, and will be sold low. Terms : One half cash, balance Ist of January. For particulars enquire of L. M. Gntfin, at Valdosia or address myself at Atlanta Oct. ‘iu —U-tf LEWIE COOK- SCKEWEH HOUSE, Savannah, Georgia. GEO. McGINLY, PROPRIETOR November It'D!). 42-11’ ROPEHT EH WIN* CM\B. S- U AItUEK. mm & HARDEE, COTTON FACTORS AND OKNKRAL Cointuisbion it is and Forwarding' M K IS C II A IN T *i , Suratsstttte , - - - Georgia* I [Blff! At, advances made on consignments for J sale iu Ctavanuuh, New 1 ork or Liverpool. Shippers allowed privilege "f sale in Savan nah or New Vorlc. one commission being charged. Ragging ami Rope always on hand and supplied to correspondents at w holesale rates. Correspondents in New } ork, Messrs. D- H. Baldwin & Cos. Correspond •nts in Liverpool, Me.-srs. IL * • BadcockcV Cos. nuvi-am Notice to Planters. rn.ll-: liudersigned being in couneciion with a l baltiinore Iniiise. are prepared to lurnish pi<in 1 ei’s with all kinds of Fertilizers, at liulli lnore pri'-'-s freight added t (li'di'i- fur IVi-iiviuii I iiiann. Turners Lxcel ainr. or any ill' 11"- bupt-rphosplmles, shiiubl be Kent in early We oiler anew I'ci’lilizer at a Cheap rate.' -IAS. it. SMITH A CO < buddy'a Station, Ga., Nov. X. lIM.O. 4--tt Notice to Builders. r |T. 1K undersigned are prepared lu fill all or- J ilers for Sash, B'.itid-s, Doors, &c. B at a slight advanue on l-aliimon- prices. They will furnish a list of rates on Application. All orders for 'Glass. Lully and I'aints filled wi’.h di-pa ch at Baltimore rates. ,l.\s K. SMITH A CO. Ousley's Sialion, Ga.. Nov 2, ldl tl. -s.-ts Administrator’s Sale. State of Georgia. Brooks voumy. Agreeable lo all older of tlu- Superior Court, will'be sol'i on tl'ii First. Tuesday in January next before Ihe Court House door in the town of Qui'm m between legal hours of sale, all lilt: Real Estate of Wm. G. Hunter, devi' i -i'd consisting of Eleven Hundred Acres, more or less, all in one body ; about four hundred acres in Hammock, one hundred ol which is in a stale ol cultivation. The number of acres ot tillable laud on said tract is about three hundred mid seventy-live, well improwd. with a good Dwelling and out-houses, one Grist and Saw Mill, nl. „ , good Gin House and screw, lying in the l.ih District. , . , . Also one separate tract of hour hundred and ninety acres with thirty acres cleared, lying ill the llth District of Brooks county. Georgia. Fold for Ike benefit of tin- heirs and creditors. Terms nrnle known on and iv "f sale. J A. MAGKUDEIL Adm'r. Nov. 2. 18:16. -tdi Will annexed. Georgia, Brooks Guanty. . rp 1 all whom it concerns : Whereas. J. M. Lat | te’son applies torne lor lettersofGuardiau siiip "f'he minor heirs ol ' harles itezer. tit-ceased. These are therefore to cite all persons concerned In file tbeir objections within the time prescri b'-l by law. otherwise said letters will be issued to the applicant. J.G. McCAf-L. 0.8. C. Nov. I. IBC6. G‘"rqia Appling (Aunty. -csr ILL be sold before Ihe Court-house door V? in the tow nos Hidmeeville. in said coun t-. oil Ihe first Monday in December next, the following properly : 4uo acres in No. '.9-, in the second ilisU'iot of said county. Levied oil as the lil'iinerty "f John Ve-Blaus lo satisfy an execu tion in favor of Levi ri. Yeomans. 1 roperiy pointed out by Mitchell Baxley. ‘ RICHARD CARTER Sheriff. October 26, 1866. 30<1 Georgia Pierce County. WHEREAS. Thomas Fweat applies to motor Letters of Guardianship for the minor heirs of Alien C. Strickland, late of said county decease,l. These are therefore to cite all persons interested to fi!e their Objections it'anv they have, why the said letters should not. be granted. . Given under my oO-uaUignature. November 3, 1066- Three Dollars per Annum. S. im-KNIIKIMKII M. Sltl.U Guckcnhcimer & Selii**, Wholesale Grocers, 111 I?ay Street, 5.4 FA ALVAR, GEORGIA \ Lnrgfi! and Choice Stock of Flour, Tobacco & Segars , Constancy on Hand. Orders with remittances carefully attended 10. July 13, 1866. 6m ALBERT WII,COX. THOM 11. PALMER. A. Wilcox & Cos., FACTORS, Commission M e rgft s nts A N D * FORWARDERS, BAY STREET SAVANNAH, GA. Kefer to nwn. PAt'LEFoRD, A. 9. IURTRItIOR, OCTAVt'M CHEN, HENRY BRRUIAM August 17, 1866. till BAIINF.T I'HILLlra. FRED. MY Tit-'. TIIILLirS & MYEIIS, (Jju 3j.,-- e.\ul ji)rihr\.X (yUuivnu^>*o.v& MERCHANTS, No. 85 Buy Street, Savannah, Geo, Will sell on commission, cotton, prod-ice. and merchandize. Consignments solicited. When desired, ive will ship cotton to -air friends in New York and Liverpool, making liberal advances on the same. scptL'B 3m E. D. Smytlie & Cos., lrr»i'ortcr« and Wholesale Dealers in OHBT. till ID HIS-Vill n' AVE now on band (and are constantly re _ ccivlng additions thereto.) THE LARGEST STOCK of the above goods that ever been offered in tlu* Southern market. Being Direct Importer: and .Manufacturers' agents, enables us to oil'ei then'* Goods at prices as L W AS THEY CAN BE RuUGHT IN NEW YORK or any other Northern city : thereby saving he purciiaser the extra expense ol iweighl. Insur ance ami Breakage, also (he double profits of the Importer and Jobber. Lists of assorted Crates (containing only sale able goods) will be sent on application. Qtioonsixvarc House, 109 Bi'iufrlitoti St. 2d d-»>r west of Bull SAVANNAH, GEO. Septemberl. lHi/H. Cooper, Olcotts & La nelly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN and ftationrvn, Cornor Whitaker and St. Julien Street l ?, \o. 62 Harlng’s Rangf, Savannah, J. M. Cooper, Win. 11. Olcotfc, Daniel G. Olcotl Stephen Farreily. Foreign Books inipui ied o order at New } or? rates. Wholesale orders filled at L west Jo) bing Prices. sept 8 H 7 : 111 •> M CTROPOLITAN BILL3MS S4LBCH. The Largest Billiard Saloon in the Son! Corner Dull anil Urougliton Sts, SAVANNAII, GEORGIA. November 2. 1866. fin State of Georgia, bi ooks corxrx.-Sixty davs after date I will nuke application to th- Court of Ordinary of said County for leave tos.-ll ail the real est.Ve of J. J. Pike deceased. G. W. «t E. 11. PIKE. Adm'ti November 5, 1866. tin Georgia. Brooks County. Whereas John li. Walker m ikes application to this Court for b-'ters of guardianahijmi the perfion and property of Elizabe-h R. Watt, a minor of Jesse L. Watt, dec'd These are ;heie fore to cite all persons interested to file theT objections within the time prescribed by law Otherwise said letters will be issued to the appli cant. J. G. McCALL. 0. B. C. November 1. 1866. 43 5t Quitman Academy. i exercises nl’ this Institution will be to- A mimed on tho Tiillil) OF SEI’TEMUEK next. v . Literary byt'nr'mcnt. 0 StkVi ns, and ilia, a L. Mu-1? b^nrtnifnt. Miss Sce Noktii^n. Drawing arid Painting. Miss r.i cv Cabpkxtek. ,Z-£r*lla os of Tuition as lieretofore.'TL'S T Ik l friends of the School will bo pleased to oe that the very efficient services of Mr. Evans have been seemed : mid that In* will teach the practice as well as *he theory of Surveying, to the pupils whose patents may desiieit August 17. lhiiti. ‘ ill it Land Sale. Wf ‘LB sold “t public Milr, on the First * » Tuesday in December next within the ns* ual hours of Halt*, before the Court House* door in Waresboro’. Ware the place known as the "(flvtiinore Plantation/’the late residence of Dr. 13. McDonald deceased, containing 1,020 Acres; wo hundred acres are under fence and ready for cultivation. There is also on the place a comfortable Lop Dwelling House, Kitchen, nnd all other out buildings necessary on a plantation. There are one hundred and fifty acres of land clouded and not fenced—’irnber in good condi tion for coni wood : th* b dance of the land it well timbered, for cross-ties or mill timber, thert never having been any cut off. and well adapted to turpentine. The Atlantic and Gulf Railroad i runs directly through this land This place is considered one of Th<* Best Farms in this flection, perfectly healthy, and as good , range for hogs and cattle as the country afforda. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash: the other three fourths in annual installments, with inler ; est from date notes and approved security. Ti tles made by all the heirs. W.M. A. McDonald, Agent. October 2b\ 18 Mi. 11-tit COT TONWANTED! Planters Accommodated. \ T V Friends and Cotton Planter* generally *» L ore informed that lam In the Market, for the purchase of Cotton and other Produce, at he h gliedt going rates, lam ulso prepan dto make Reasonable Advance* ‘n Planters, on their cotton and ship it to my v vc’ors iu y w unnub, for sale or further shipment. ■Bctj-38-tf J. It. EDMONDSON. Doffer fanerlor ( our*, IK66* KOm.lA Coffer county —Present, XT tin* Honorable \V. M. Sessions, Judge of i said court. September Term, 18(Jti: i.M riuh Wall ) vs. , Hill fiir Divorce, Ac. W. B Wall. ) T T appearing to the Court by the return of tho Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside ia Ids stiite. it is on motion ordered that said dr endant appear and un.-’.ver nr. the next term of hi* court, or th if the case be considered in de • iii 1 1 and that the plaintiff allowed to proceed. It is further Offered, that this notice be pub ished in some public gazette in this state for ono month. This .beplember 1!. I Slid. BESSKNT & DASHER. Plaintiff *« Attorneys. A f rm» extract from the minutes of this court, j sep2B-lm) JNO.T SMITH, Clerk VALUAHLE PLANTATION 3,500 Acres of Land! rHIS valuable Plantation. lying JjCTQbk on ihe Wiihlacixwhee K’ivei «*lve mih*' from No. 15J. Atlantic •1 Gulf Railroad near Rocky rn confining .Mu/ acres, is comprised i» .'rNo'hllO V 7 IH.S. 1«4. 202, 203, 204, 205, 1 in one body except No. 11!). There are 700 or 800 acres of this land wider •nee. of which none except about one bind rad ph. bn« been under cultivation rooro than threi •an*. There are houses enough for 200 negro#*, mplt- barns, a small Dwelling House, and «ut i iilding -. and a large dwelling house act y#t oinplefed. The titles ?*.re undoubted. i hi' property is offered on exceedingly et»*y *em<*. For particulars apply to Col. WM. A. LANE. Quitman. Ga. Octl2-39-t/ Oe'-trqkl, Clinch County. 'SIFT ILL be sold before the Court bouse do*r V % in the tow nos llomerville. in Kai«l Comb ty. between the usual hours of sale, on the frst Tuesday in December next, the following prop t-rty, ?o* v. it: I.ot of Land Number 527. in the 10th ; District of said County, containing 490 sere*. - Lei £(I on as the pioper'y of Greeu G. Wat*o», to satis y an execution iu favor of Tbomaa G. ILitnsey Property pointed out by plaintiff. WM. M AUbtlK, Sb4-riff. i November 2. IROfl. 30d BLANKS for khlo at this OSicw. j Priiitiiig ncatl executed.