The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 23, 1866, Supplement., Image 6

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Sgal Motirts. Ilroolcm. fltnr'iio. Brooks (\ ur,ly. XT P'vrn thatHT’v day- nft-r J.l dab* f tvill apply loth** H<>n four* off Ord inary of said county for loir <* t<» n»I1 the real estate of A. J. English, <fecea«ed. M M. If. JOINER, AdmV. Oct. Ist, im. 2m ,vT/< TF. f) F O FCOJtO fA . Brooks County. 'VJ’trrKIK | n herein tfiveii. '!•*< *ixfv n*or da*e T will mody to fin* * Vmrf < f r»r,1 7 »n*rv of *uld County. for l<*;ivo to sell the Heal Estate of B. Bentley, deceased. M. .1. PLVTLFV | .. . W. G. HKNTI.HV, i 1 ‘ 1H - October 5. 18C6. 2m r'l EORGTA, nrookitO nut v To nil • nncet r •->) • T Wherem*. Jobt#v< Mulbm ndntinV , ’*a*ov of Tbomn« to ‘Hw court for 1 <•*- tern of mlnr-nis* nfor. ThV l« therefore to the pnr'ie« at Interest to fife within the ’’no* prescribed bv biw oflmgSeGe said bd'erH will bo infoied nnd granted to the i»«h1 '♦prdlrnrd. In testimony, witnew, Ac., this Sent, Ist, IFfifi. «*pt7-fm J. C. MeCALL. o. n. r. (hornet. Crock* Covpty: 1 OREEAPLE to an order of the ITeiinrabV J\ Court of Ordinary of hi id county will 1»o void before the Court Home dr nr. In the town of Quitman between the legal hour*- of sab* on the first Tuesdav In Peconibev next the real e*»»n'e of Elijah Lubes, deem*sod. Fold for «be benefit of the heir* and et editors of ®i»M <l»*con«e<l. MARY I EKES. Adin'r. October 1«t. Iffifi. ,H 8 9t. A DMIXISTItA TOILS S.M.E. WILL be sold on the First Tuesday In Pe cember hex*, before the Court house doer In Valdosta one Lot of Land No. 18f In 'be 11 1 h fMshrlcf of Lowndes county.confnlnV"/ t'.m . 3 more or loss. Fold n« the proner'y of Jner b Wat son. deceased, lab* of Freehs wnt», Terms, cash. WILLIAM IIITSOX. AdmV. October If). 18(16. tils Administrator’s Sale. WILL be aoM on the First Tuesday in Pe cetuber h<*Nt. Indore the Court house do!>r Iti Nashville. Cerrien County between the V'ml botirs of ante. Tot of Land V<>. eon'ainfe" 400 acres and No. 219. containing 490 acres all ffl the |Mb I'lstrlet of said eoun’y. FoM as the jmipcrtv of the TVn*e of George M. Clav'on. de ceased. late of Brooks countv. Term* cash. Oct. 15. !3wi. WM. HITSON. AdmV. roMpoiml Adiii iiilst i;it<nN Salt*. Fri? of Otoryitf. I’rooJrs County. "T'ETIIJ. be “eld before the Court House door W nt Qiii'nutn. Proofc* coun'v. CeovgV. on the First Tuesday in IVnembe** next. tie* hind be longing to the Estate of T. M. Poston, demised : Ore Lot, of said land lies in about one m'd<* of Quitman. Tomoh: made known on day of Fab*. Fold by order of Court of Ordinary. W. 11. GOLDWIPK. AdmV. October 12 IHiitJ 39; M EORCLV mmOKStoTAI V To idfcon- JT corned : Whereas, W. C. McCall, tetnpora iy Administrator Fstate of J A. Moon*, deee-m --ed makes application to fids Court for pe u anent Letters of administration on the subl estate. These an* tlierefore to and admonish all nur tH*s at inti’rest to fib 1 their » bpudb ns in the time prescribed by law. otherwise said L tiers will be Issued nnil jrrnitted tin* nrpiicant. In testimony witness, Ac <Vb Imr r O. IHfd. •41 -fit J. (». Met ALL. o. n. C'i roitei A. nnoorx AVI.,-r.>ns. H T S T. Kn ; kd*t AilminLh a'or of the es tate of J. p. Hill, deceased, neppes * *» me for Le’fers of Pi M,l -i«m fiom said Mdmini*'nt'i- u. These are thurebu-e to notify all i»artfes a* in freest to flic their ohleetlont*. wPMn t bet ini" er*‘> • efibed bv law. otherwise su'd letters will b granted and issued to tie* aupPon*. .1. C. MeCALL. Ordy. Oct. 2f*. IBIMI. fm FOPOfA. Pl OOKS rorvrv. Whermm. F. P, W Wnllc!*. ”\een'er of .tames Wa’K. *• de- ' ceased, bavin,if applied for Letter.’* of Pi.*-mission from his trust These are therefore *o »'i*e and a*baonM’ all parties at interest to the their obiei*‘iens wl'bln she t»n*e prescribed by law. oiherwb,* letters of dismission will be granted ♦!**• so»dlcan», J. G. MeCALL. Ordinary. , October lFffi. t in hcoraiti Vrcrf s- fb H i,fi/; \C»in:FAT‘T T-Vo an order of <!*-• Tlmm-tdo Court of Ordinary of snbl c'nn'v. will be >.dd before the Cnnr* l T onvo •b-«>r. i*> the 'own of Cul’man o*i *he fi s' Tio-dav ii I ••e**i'-b.M wi*bin the leral hours of «ab* to *l* • 1 •’•»!’*»<* i-'d dec the «eal «*« *fi* ** liob»n' r *n' r '«» Juhn IL Ilili. Terms made known on dnv o* T. F, T KNIGIIT, Adm’r. Gc'oher. 4th. tscf* 98 ft (7*crn>a Prcol P* ref?'.* \GI?FPAM V *o an order of «V<> TT«'Po<*rbV Com 'of Ordinary of k n l d . w’P be >*dcl o v the firs' Tuesday in I',»c* trb**** cey* t)**- ’ford the f’ouft I!o*oe do«»r ? n e; ’***t •.>«-*< wil in the legal hours of sale to *he I '•>! , hMder. a c r‘;vin lot in .sabl town. soM as *he m - * er‘v of W+b'v T.ow is. a minor. Terms made known on day of sale. JOHN L>. Guardian. October 4ih. 18* f. 98-9 1 V*rra'(i. Fr* rl s Cnn\tj. \G PIT AVIF*n nr Order nt (!.• F« n C.uir* of OfcPnprv of «n»d Oonntv will »«• s dd on the firs* Tuesday in January t>* before 'he Conr* House do* - rin the Town <}' ('«»'*n*Mn *1 e rc«l estate of I nnrdon T**rnbnP c<m i-'ir ir of«»n<‘ -business let on the east aide of l e public square In said tow n. J. F. PARRACOTT. Ad’mr. Nov. If. IFfd. 4fid CroryUl. Brook A r< :»/*/. 4 GPFFALLF to an e*d,»r of ‘he H->n. Court JnL of Oixlinnrv of su’d Oeun*y wll b«* sold on the Tuesday In January ' ex 4 , wblun th«* leral hours of sal#* before *bo tVur* 1!o«»»’o door in Qul tnan. to the hisrhes* bi«ld*»r. the real estate of A. J. Frgllsh. d*H*eased. Trims made Known on day of sale. WM. K JOINEIL Adm’r. v . 40*1 Georgia. Brook* r County. To all ccne<*rred : Wber«‘tia. Win. F«d em makes Application «o thisCo***t t. 1 etters of ad min if* t ration on the estate of J. IL Pv»!-. d**ceas,*d. These sre to notify all person** at in*ore>» to fib* their objection* wrhin the Cm** preso'ihed by taw. otherwise said lett,‘in wiP be granted to the applicant. In testimony. Je. J’.G. MeCALL O B.C. Nor. 1.4, IFff. 4 : >t itfnsgUi* Brooks County. To all concerned : Wh-'rens. John IL Wa’ker applies to ibis Court for lexers of Guardianship on ’h** estate of Flirsbeth s*ogt. a nvnnr. Those ar«* »beref(»re to notify nil persons in'eres'ed so fr* th*'lrt'bjeCt*ons. otherwise said le' ers will be i>>:u dto the applicant. In "•-•im -nr wit- Jiess. Ac.. .LG. McCAI.L O. F. C. Nvr**mber 15,15(C. 44-5; HrooUs Clou ii 4.v. Sintt of Grorg'o, Brook.* County. N p OTICF Is hereby glv* n that sixty day a aftet date I will tipply to toe Honorable Court ~f Ordinary of hi and county for leave to sell tin* real estate of EX’. Puke- deceased. J. W. PHKFF Adm’r 15, IHfifi. 2m de bonis non. C 1 EOPCIA. Bkooks Cotvrv. Whm*e»i« I icy W I’dmondson. Adm’r of l»:»vid K«lmond on j deeensed. npnlles to me for lowers of IM;-TnL*jon | from bcradmuiisMutb uof suid e-‘ate. Jltese i are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singn | Jar the parties n? ‘n'erest to fib* their < biectionx wi*h»n tbe t’liu* preurr'le-i l>v law otherwise ' said letters will begran’ed tr» *l*e apttyrant. J. MeCALL, firdinary. ! July ?, 18f r , fm C i .\\~ 'i.i:o<Tiis enryrv ‘to »n Jf win mi* may ooneem * Wlieretis. VV. W. Groover Adnvuistraforef M. rirr.fn er deeea «*»l tnakes Jiprdb afiin for l.eltersof Dismission from I said administration. These are therefore *n c*'t<* and admonish all parties a' interest to file their olrections within the'bm* preset-Imml bvlaw o*hvr'wise said letters 1 will be granPal the tippPcaUt. in •estiniony w : tm*s- my hand nnd seal of of ! flee, this May 24th. J. G. MeCALL. Ordinary. June 1. 18(Jf. 2(M'tn Sr ATK(> F G !•/) PGI A PIP »f»K F(T)I' NT V. Whereas. Elizabeth J. 'V'illiarns. Adin r*i-- tratrix of IVa'e of Jim. Williams, late of said county, deceased, makes application to me for LeHers of di-mission. These an* therefore to cite all parties at in'er -1 est «»» fi'c their objec'ions wi?!i!ii she time pre ! serbod by law. otherwise let torn of d?* mission i will !,«• granted and issued to said aoitiicant. J. G. .Ve' ALL Ord'y. ; Jufie 8. 18(5(i 21 ‘in 1 1 2 C 1 :opt;iA i lidoics ( *tntv. t«. ;.ii N uhemi* in tw concern : whereas. W. W. ( Jroovor. Guardian of Mary A. Anderson, applies for Letters of l-ismission. i These H»'e the*efore t« cite an l admonish all ! partie- at 'n tib* their obi*»etions wi*lun | the time eresin* bed bv law. otherwise s'id led j tersof l istnission will be issui and and granted the ! applicant. | In fe-timony. witness mv band anil seal of of | office, this May 24th IS':**. J. G. MeCALL, Ordinary. June 1. 1 Hfifi. ‘2O-fin (i KOPGIA I‘ r*■ ■ ' '"ini' \ . To aP ••one«*nwd: X AVI ereas John V. I‘arrnco‘t makes appli cation to 'liis Court for Letters di-ntissory as ad iniilia'm'or * »» 'b" <*«M»'e "f Lantrd* n Turnbull decensed. This is therefore to cib* and admonish all onrties e<tn f, erne*l to file their ob_iecti*'ns wi: Lin tin* time prescribed by law otherwise said l«-t»efs wdl lu* issued and g anted the upj/Kcant. In tes'im*uiv. witness Ae. Fept. I. ISffi. HnH J. G. MeCALL o. n.c. Georgia Brooks Court;/: To all concerned : Whereas. Mary Tidgpea. i Fxeeufrix of the last wi land tosP«iiiont of Sat ah Thigeen. decea-ed has fiillv administered llie«*s i <a*e of said deceased and filed her pe'ition wi'h tins cour* for disut'ssion from such trust. These | are therefore »o no i'v all persons a f in'erest >o j file their < bjccMon-* ns require*l bv law, olber wise letters of di mission will be issued and : granted to the applicant. Sept. 28 |Bfif. n m JG. AIcCALL. o. n. r OTATE Or OKOKOIA, Puooks Co V \ id tv. Whereas A M. !>. Simpbox. Adminis trator of llie Estate *f 1 J. PotuiKUs. deceased, mokes application to this Court for Dismission as | such adnrnistrrt‘or. i Ti es** a**e tlierefore 'o cite and admonish aM | parties nt interes* tn fit** »h«dr *•!»■* <o|«>na within ! the time prescr’iied 1»y law. o'herwise letters r % j Dismission w ill be gtanted the applicant. J. G. MeCALL. O. 15. C. j Sept. 20. LSfifi. 3(J-fm. >’ 7’.1 7 /•: 0 !' (1 EC BtflA Brooks < ■ourty. N r v>TICE luu’eby given, tlmt sixty days after da'e 1 will apply to the < ’ourt off >rd'miry ol said I'oun'y for leave to sell tin* Peal Estate of Joshua Lovett, deceased DENNIS DAYLAY, Adm’r. October sth. 18(91. : in Hicreo. STA TE Ob GEOnaiA Pierre County. \T\ I ATS from date application will be t made to the Honorable the Court of Ordi nary of Pierce Cotln'y for leave to sell tin* lands belonging to tfit* Eh*aft* of Jacob livers, late ol said Countv, deceased. GEORGE MOODY. Adin’r. Octobm* 1. lsffi. *. m N 7VI TE OF O ECHO !. I Tierce Count /. XTT I \TS from dPe applic a ion will 1»< L*) made to tin l llom*«* the Court of Ordi narv of Pierce C. un y for leave to si ll all the lands belonj i ig to da* Esta'e of Thomas Albrit t< n. late ol aid Coun'v. deceased. HENRY W“. ALLUITTON, Adm’r. October 1. 186 ti :m Ceonjitj Pierre Co> nty. Al ' (>T pK is iierebv given tha* six'v days after i\ date 1 will apply to the lion, tin* Court of Oidbmry ot said Conn'v. for an order for tin* sab* of the Real Esta'e of IV. F. Milichevv. late of said coutttv. deceased LEWI AMIN MINCHEW. AdmV. Oct* bet Ist. 180>. o(* 19-. m Administrator’s Sale. Geo- <7* t. Place Cou/ily: On the first Tne-day in Pecember next, w ill be sold before she Court lonise door in »he town of Plackshear Pietce county Georgia between the legal’ hours of sale cue Lot of I. uni No : s in 'be Bth district of P’eree county the real esta’e of Lazarus Tut on, late of said conn's deceased. JOSIAII PEOPLES. Ailm'r. Octcbtr lath. LSiKi. 40-»ds IjOAVihlos. Gtttrijut l< mutes Qtunfy FIX |’\ days at er dare appPcn'ion will be made to the Court of Old 'nary of the county of Lowndes to** leave to sell Lot of land V> 4SS. in tin* 3rd dis’ric* of Appling county belonging to the Lsta eot'Fn it-tip Jones, deceased MITCH EL 1. I ONES. Fept. 28. Ist’ti. ftkl Ailin'r ite bonis non. 01Inc*lt County. State of Georgia Clinch County. Fi.xty days after da’e application will be made to the Honorable the Cour’ of Ordinary ol , Clinch coun'v. for leave to sell all the lands be longing to the Esta’e ol James Douglass, late of said countv deceased ‘FREDERICK DOUGLASS. Adin’r. October 5. 18(56. *.m Ilcriihn. Georgia. Berrien County. TWO months after date application wdl bs ma*leforhe Court- of Ordinary for Lerrien county, when setting for Ordinary purposes for leave to soil the land belonging to the Estate of F. R. Godwin, deceased l.V.e of sal-1 c> t»n*v. L. A. FOLSOM. Adm’i ; September *2B, fcvki | BRING OUT THE BIG GUNI LET IT TIIT'NTUin rOTIT'i THE GLORIOUS REWS!! A R II I V A L c a> a •" A N I) WINTER iooiis:, J.R. EDMONDSON IF NOW RECEIVING and opening, at the Store very recently occupied by Messrs. < ulpepoer, Creecli & Tilliu .hi, a in ignific nt stock o; FjH 4 r Winter tioods, I-tub racing evc.ytling usually kept in a firvl ' class house. Ili.s stock of OQBBQ ©oooß* Id everything tlmt could bo desired, und bis Hardware, Crockery, GLASSW’A l!E, A XI) Yankee Notion Department Is atnplv sunnlied. H i has also a «pb*nd : d sto.’< of English French nnd American CAFFIMERRF. Hu lms also a fine lot of Irish Linens, ISI,EACHi:i) AND rXBI.EACIIED BosassTacs. Also a .Sploiul.M assnrlairiit of «S 2 HC-.«L»-a 'HEB.US;, Well adapt,-, 110 Chrudry Trade. His Slock of Hoots and Shoes Is unsurpassed, embracing Men's. Women’s and Children's Poo > and Ft oes in every variety. Al- ; so a line lot of Mon Vs and Bays’ Hats. Indeed we might say la* has almost everything. GROCERIES. in this line he designs keeping on hand a com phue supply of every article nec-N-suiy or de.-ir able for tain ly consumption. 11 is old customers an l the public generally are itivi'ed to visit bin at is new «piarters wh<*rehe hopes to pieaso, an l ri /eixe i l.beral pa o iage. UV COl N \\l\ PIP)DECE ot every Uescrip-, tion taken in exehange for goods. Roiitm m Sept-.-I. 18 9»'--tf WINTER GOODS! A T T II E NEW STORE JOS. S. CUIMINBS, QL’l i MAN, GKi). rgriK public are respectfully invited to CALL, ji. EXA MINE and PRICE a General Assort-; meat of FALL AND WINTER CI.OTUM.YG, CT--rooer ics. &C., AC., iNC., Which are now bv'ing received, and will be su’d at moderate prices. 'I hese are «l«e neatest and best selected goods now offered in the Quitman mirket and the assorttn■*m is varied and exten sive. No charge for exhibiting Goods. l i e highest market price in cash or bar ter. paid for Cotton and other count rv product-. S«’ G.Vi-: ME A HAU..-*S .J, s. (T .MAI INGS. October 12, 18vt> 7-ly K EM OVAL. FALL A Iff D WINTER STOCK* - ■ Ciil|;:'|kt. Crccfli k Tilliiiiiii U'C'l’K 'TFn.I.V no'lfy their friend* anil the i public generally, that they have removed to Uleir New Brick Store, Adjon'ng (he one -revious’v occupied by I hem. and tlmL they have on bund a YJ § DJI7 1 f*Bi' B C3Q 2 S4h «* Comprising everythin" Generally kept in a Dry (ioods S ore. Also u very heavy stock of FAMILY GROCERIES HARDWARE, ETC. r#*'They tender their sincere thanks to their friend* for the patronage so 1 berajlv extended, and solicit a continmitice of the same. We are prepared to sell at The V fry Lov.ost Criers. Quitman, Oc . 1866. 38 ts T. P. Carrol. L H. Ifarrk. S. 11. Harrfe. 0. B. CARROLL & CG., QUITMAN I .A. m a <z twl. GHiiP CASH STABS, In liiinics' New liuiltlinjjf, next ilmr In Crin’cli At Wiide. W’ I have just opened a New and Sph-ndld f T Sioek of FALL AM) WINTER wmr* HUSSY TUBE U.OTH Mi, Hoofs. Sljops. Hats, Caps, &<• Also. Flour. Salt. Coffee. Tobicco. and Family Groceries, generally. Crockery. Glass, Tin and Wood ware; iVmes'ie-*. Yarn* etc.. e*d. 7S®- The oolitic generallv are respectfully in - vi'ed to call and examine before purchasing else where. A* we sell for ca*h and at low prices, w e te and confi lent we can offer extraordinary in- S dneenmn s. Oct l I'm Jna. l>. Chari or. IV. L Pardcr (liiirltOH k Psirdep, Valdosta, Georgia, DEALEUS IN Hardware, A X D * Confectionaries. % —ALSO Agents for Insurance. August 01. lb6G. 3m L. J. Ul 11.MINTIN'. J. FLANNERY. K. W DIR MHOM» L„ J, Gj' martin & Cos., general shipping Commission and Forwarding Merchants, N«». 148 Bay .Street. Savannah. Ga. Particular attention given to procuring Fre'gh * 9 find purchase and sale of Hard Pine Timber and Lumber. Cotton, Wool, Hides, Ac. j September 7, 186S. t»m ! X. HF.SH G GUTMAN*. Hess & Gutman, WHOLESALE (fdoccws and Xiquov DEALEKS, 130 Iliya n Street, 130 SAV AN N A 11, <; E(> li <; IA , September 11, din HENRY MUNH.iitD. ISAAC MKI S HAKO. U. PEALEAS IN Boots, Shoes, Unis, (ienlli'iueii's Furnishing Goods, A.C. No. I();"> IL van nml 12 St. .1 ill an Sis , iSM IM A'.V.I//, GEORGIA. August 17, 18f»l. ly t, iK)r,<’f'Mi:i:. k, m. him HOLCOMBE & CO., ’J ims. lloleomlM', Estabusheo 1 S3(i. Wholesale C* i*oecl*», IM BAY STIiEKf. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. May It. ls>.i'. ly l). il. TUSK.' 1». R. TIfOSfAM. Purse & Thomas. Cmwiii-- sj'.ti F<»rv\ iid tig- and Slii* pings M 10 UCII A N 'PS, AT. 1 i l Hu if Street, Sarannah, Georgta. General A/enfs for Georgia for the follow ng : well known Conpianie*: Tht Wilder Patent Sals mender Safe fa. Monufae uiing the oldest and bes; fire proof.*\i,Vs In the world. The (ir?3t Bend Scale Ca M With a fu’l supply of different size* and s-vie* of Seales a way a on hand, from small Counter to large Platform. T!sp \o:i;»arcd tVaidFng Tlar'ilnr* Beyond question the Best W idling Machin** now in use. giving universal satisfaction an 1 supply ing a great necessity in its hd*or saving qualiucs. Georgia Chemical Works, •! Savannah, 4.e0. Their superior brand of Family Soap now offer ed to the public at a price below North**? n Snips is warranted equal to the best, and far superior to many. Also, sole Agent* at Savannah, for TIIE ff.IPCS SIPEK-PIIDSPIIiTE OF L'HE CO. Its implication to t.Vton. Corn and Garden Vegetables has always been a* tended with m -st satisfactory and 11.ittering results. Tin* history of its use South, for the past sis een yens justly places it u the front rank «*f fertilizers. The At lantic nnd Gulf liailroad Company, with great liberality to the pi in’ers along its line, proposes to carrv this Fertilizer at the I »1 owing rate : To No s I 1 \ and 't. at l"» cents per him Ired. 3 4 and M at IS •* 5. <>. 7 and 7,1 at 20 •* “ 8. *.} 0 and Id at : \ • jtiJV *ll.l and l:» at 25 eta. per hundred 1 C 1Y IM and 16. : 8 •• 17. 1* in i 1!* at .'Mcen s per hundred. We will cheerfully fur idi putnpblc’* e**n aining full particulars of this Super Phosphate, to any one addressing ns. Also. Agents at Savannah, tor Horace L. Emery & Son’s Inv roved Cotton Gin and Condenser for ■ue liisr time oife/ed t*»r in-pec tion of the IM in’ers of (Jeorgia I bis (I ni> ad ip*e Itobo h Long and Short (b» ton 'i In* Oil) inn he *een in opejv.’inn a Yaldo-'a with our agents Messrs Pen lletnn and Koiintree, or at our pi ice in Savannah. Also sn'e Agents at Savannah, for James Metcal e & C).’s Oils of Louisville, KatFneky. l.iibrica’ing Head Light and Machinery Oils al ways on hand, at Mane.fuc ipers prices. Along the ime of t!ie Atl ufic X' Gulf H. IL. with counties adjoining an 1 Florid i hiv ng been appointed agents for Messrs. Pur-e V Thom a* we are prepared to furni-h all articles adver tised by titem at their lowest Savannah Priee*. with Freight and Pray age to points of delivery along our route wi’hout c* nunission or any oili er expense to purchasers. PEN IM. ET< )N A ICH’ NT UK K. oc* 12. 18tit». ;i9 71 Valdosta Geo. Adm in is/rator's ? *\ Ali AUK CHANCE FOU CAPITALISTS. Georgia. Pierce County. Will be sold on tin* first Tuesday in January next, before the Court house door in he town of I Mark-he ir. Pierce tinn v. Georgia between : lre legal hours of sale. Lo's of f.aml. Numb *rs 2 r S 14 *. IfKJ m l 17 >. in the Ibh dis trie* of s iid cou.r v beioag'ng to rh * estate of W*l|i ini Gu v late of>aid county decease 1. Sold by an order from the Court o( Ordinary of sa:d county. M e ins made known on ■!»y of sale. Sad land* are well timbered an 1 afford great advanmge.s for getting Tnrpen ine puAiug up a steam m.II. or getting ranging timber, it lying imm«*d’a e!y on the b inks of SaUUa river an 1 the Brun-wu k railroad run ingacross ir. There fire also about one hundred icres cleared, and in a nigh state of cultivation uith a large an l com fortable dwelling house, with all necessa y out buildings. Person* with cani’al. wishing to invest will do we’l to examine «aid premises which they c?in do bv c riling on th * a Lnini-fr iormu • Dowling s Ferrr on the S itiPa river who will take pleasure in showing them wild lands. L \Z \UKS DOWLING. Ad’mr. BASH.xBA GUY. Adm'x November If*. 18i'»6. 40d Pierce Couni if. SIXTY and tysfrom da‘eapplication will be made _ to the Honorable of Or l’o \rv of sai 1 county, for leave to s, ll all‘he lands b ! ong'ng to the Fsta*e of Allen C. Strickland late of taid coun v deceased. THOMAS SWEAT. Adtn r. | November 3, 16GC*. 60d A New and Grand Epoch iu Medicine 2! DR. MAUCIKI/S PILLS AND SALVE. IK'R wonfler'iil me livincs an* now *o fa 5. miliar 'o Ili -j>fopU:. ihnl bill tivUi; <‘U<lors«-- m ill ul' tlir-ir v.ihir i. u ptiV'ir,nt*.tl rqulr.- 11n- nil* of Hr. M I'.-.'iol contain no mineral. Thev il . not irr'lie an-l lln-y ilo i«wt cafecWnibe .v-’- ni by extreme purging. They are universal In ci t-aiing , , . ~ ,* a no -nobs uTirtrK ! An*l enrre o-• lli;/!v ..-rei.irib-:i tbe digestion. Tley iie-e hei.ii'. yb-ar the head and ..leaily the nerve*. To ib o-who are not familiar Hriu THU I SK I'F. III! 'IACUIKI.V ITI.UI, it* an an i billi- n* It the follotvlnzextract, from variini' lei'ers will he. It i* hoped, of -a®. eient importance m jnsrify the ijiiotirigof iheai f What tho Patients say of DR. M AIJGIHLS FILLS AND SALVK. “TTipli st I’ills fiirlii-iHlactic I cwr liadf.' ‘My Lver w-irks like an c*ngitit», thmiVa lnyimr I’ills.” "Ir: iii pli-.isoil to fny to yml. Dr. Mag trii■ 1 . t! nl I w.mld int be witli-mt a Iwix nf y nr I’ills fm on iiiw mo nf in<iriiili{e iiniisi'ii fur ilo* xvur A.” ' You will dm i iii and mu- dnllar.— Yniir Fills nro only ’2~) cents, but I cnii sidci' llir-oi wmili to me mu- dollar.” •‘Dkak D erm—My tiiiiifiii* Imd a fur nil il every m->rn:ii£ like Hie back of a Y-oii I’ills :«hi'i! t a wav.” 'I I -ok halt a |m’l and crushed it to powder, and jrave il in jelly to my littlw babe l-r e'lnlei a nmi'biis The dear little pet was well in three hours after.” 1 suppose it is hardly worth while to toll y.oi ll.v b rued foot has well fYiivn IL<* jis*• «»!' y.uir Salve. KncK>sf*d liiul 2‘> tviits For another box to keep in tln' li*»iise ” “Send me sin dher box of Salve.' n “Kiielor*o(l find 75 eenis for two boxe« of your Majgg’iel's Pills and one of Salve.” “In m«*f*t gentle yet Keardiiuif medi cin* I ever awnll »w» d.” MAGGIE!. S PHaUJ AND SALVE Arc almost nniv«* «and in tlo ir effect*, and * cur® c.ui be a'most a! ways guaranteed. I R I ILIoI’S DISEASES NoMrug can b ■ more productive of cure than thf.-e Pills. Tlu*ir a’nioKt magic; influence is felt nnei- • and die u*u*l coucoinitunt* of this most fli-ires.-ing -li-i are removed. These remedies are made from the purest V EG ETA BLE C* 'SIPOUNDH. They will riot harm lire mast delicate female, and can be given wPh good effect iu prescribed do es to the youngest babe. F *n CITANKOrs DISORDERS An 1 all disorders of the skin, the salve is most inv.tin ible. It doe* not heal externally alon®, but pern**ru*e* with the most searching effect! t® the very root ol the evil. IMP M.\GGI ki/s pills INVARIABLY CIRK THE FALLOWING DISF.A**®: Astbm i, Headache, !» ,-\vi*i Complaints, Indigestion, C -ihglis, Ilifluei za, C«dd*. Lillimination, Chest Diseases, Inward Weaknea* Costiveinss f Liver Complainl, Dysp }.i-da, L**wness of Spirit® 1 liarrhea, IJingAVorm, Dr-.psy, Klit -n in ii t i Hin, Debj-ily, .-ult b’lieam, Fever ail Atrue, Sea his, Skin lbsi‘U.*rs. Each Eox contains 12 Pills. One Fill Fa lio^r. 'Not fk. None genuine without the en grave! trade milk around each pot or box. signed by DOCTOIt J. MAGGIKL, New Tork. to <*oim r erfeit which is felony. ?•*** >'*ld by all r«-.peet.ible ’ *a!er- in rnedi througlmu! the United -i * \nd Canada*, a ■j'-c-uts per box or not, m.xHlt ~now AieadyT TIIK sub-criber has received and opened hi* FALL AM) WINTER Stock of Goods, AT GROOVERVILLE. It i* Large, and comprises every article of Mer chand ze suit* -1 to the wants of the country.— Persons would do well to call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. The Ladles are invited to examine his stock of Dress Goods , consisting of the latest styles and various quali ties. Together wiih his usual us*ortm«nt o? Ladies’, Misses’ and Men’s Hats and Bonnets; nrniiiiN*. Fi.--w.-:n*. Wiikath*. I'u me*. Gi.ote». LADIES■ HISSES■ M£X ASD CBILDRKXt BCoIS AM) SILOES. G roccrics, Hardware, CROCKERY, Saddles , Bridles , Girths , With mmv other articles too tedious to mention, which will be sold at the lowest market price. JOHN M. RAYSOR. Grooverville, Oct. 28. 18(56. 13-ts ii . a. it uw e , wrt -I.TSAI F tIF.AI Ffp»J Forcigi and Domestic Liquors Win** iV 't/ar*. Grucrriex, Aie and*r, Johnson 1a > oi>r. St. Julian and bryan ttrecto, OVFOSITE n'l.l'Xl BOTSE, SA VAXXAH GEO Ati nt for A M. binninp.r A Co.'« er obrwFd Liquors, aaJ agont for Worcealfrshiroand C!nh Sauce.