The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, June 14, 1867, Image 2

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BUIE & BICKFORD, DEALERS IN TIMHEIt AM) liUMHEK, Doors, SASH, 1$ LINDS, MOULDINGS, BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, &C. 2(K> Bay Street, savannah, Georgia. *er All OkU'l'h fi11.,1 rr«Hii|»tly.-WI March I. 1867. .Vis JOHN OLIVER, House k Sip Painter, GILDER AND GLAZIER, Fl#. II \Y liitaker St Savannah. Uu. IWAI.KR IV S4SHES, liS. BLISDS. lIISGS, rmri, tut*, run, And all Painters’ and Glaziers' Material. -Mix.-,1 Paint* of all Colors and Sliihlik. Miiitli i, I*MJ7. ly Thos. W. Sliea, Homo, Sign and Decorative Fainter, (Sillier, (Jminer and Glazier, WIIOI.KHAI.F. AMI RKTAII. DKAI.EB IS SJI.SK, BUMS*, DOORS, MOULIMNOS, kC. All klmls of I\»inU*nT Tools, White Ltwl. Oil*, Mixed Paint*, Gloss, IhiMy. Whitewash and other BrtiMhos, Pnpor Hung* ingi and Fire Board Print*, St. Julian Street, old Stand of John (l. tniVajnnt, SAVANNAH, GKO July n, 1806. Iy S. S. MILLER, DF.ALF.It IV naecAH, vmnT aid rm; iyirmm»rwiaa 9 FRENCH AND COTTAGE CHAMBER SETS 111 HUG GLASSES. MattrnßscH made to Order IVn. 157 Itroughlou Street, SAVANNAH GKO. February I, 1 H«7. ly A. J. MILLER & CO., mufins WAREHOUSE, 138 BROUGHTON STREET, OEO. N«w Work made to Order. Repairing, Bell Hanging, Mattren* making and Unhuhtciim: at ah orfc notice. February 1. 1567. ly Home Manufactory. ' (Established In 1832.) JOHN E. HERNANDEZ, MANUFACTURER And Wholesale mid Retail Dealer in CANDIES, .Confectionery, Cordials, Syrups, Preserves, Fancy Articlos, TOYS, ttO. (to. 146 Brongliton st., 2d door front Barium], Savannah, Georgia April fl. imij. 3m M. FITZGERALD, M AN U FACT l H ER, AND WIJOLESAI.K * RKTAII, DKAI.KR IV cirbies. wmi'&u Syrups, FANCY (DJIFBfTIOMIIV, &f., AT LOW PRICKS. WIIITAKER STREET, ♦ne Dour front Congress, Savannah, fia. MrOonntry Orders Soli of toil.lS* March I. IWI7. ly M. FERST & CO., w rolls ai.k m:\i.Kits in U'liicn, (Liquors Soynrs « -n n b» ■ ■•: • „ Fnu<*}' Groeerlt'H, Tolmeeo, IDO CONGRESS STREET. SA VANSAII, OEO Bovembar 16, 1866. Out E. I- 111 SHAKO. 11. 11. U.KKII.L. A. H. WK.SSOI.OWM, V. I OUERARD, FERRILL & CO., Cotton P a cto rs, A Ni) ffdlwii Commission JHmbants, Hat Street, Savannah, Geo. sell on cotnrote&ioa. Cotton. Timber W I’ioducc aad McrcLtumluo. ConsigiuuenL (•tidied. Wheu ileblrvd. ivc will ship cotton It «»ur friends in Sew Ywt k and ldverpooi, liiukuu liberal uut Hliccc oil ihv Siuae. % ui:. Etir M KS : Roberta, H;»bersham # and: tn>n, Savannah, Ga. \V . Audeiaou, do. Anthony Porter. do. Hunter & (Luamdl, tlo. tfuuU i*t. 4 do. Eta. in it Hardee. do. Governor D. S. Walker. Tallahas«tv, Via. a. .t. uiiit. do. U in turn R. Pottos. and« Kx-Gov. A. iv. AllUon. Quincy, l a. fc,.\ .ige iV ilaile GmnM iile. 1 ia. Samuel Swan. J-ieksonvUte. Ila. C. O. Barnard. Jacksonville, V la. July IJ. 1 »♦*. l v A!J. Ip i* anythin* .« yif p.j u > know. If tu 1 .•••> . • “ x % e n in two ssiijysv&m mcotjise:, Savannah, Georgia. ritllis First n»M Hotel having been renovated I and newlv Furnished throughout, is now seeond to none in the South. OEO. McGINLY, PROPRIETOR November 2. 18(1(1, 42-ts PAVILION HOTEL. D C NOE, Proprietor ! Corner es Hull und South Hroad Streetn, Htivniiimh. Georflrln. H AVING taken IlMMibeve Until, whieli liar recently been rHitted and refurnished throughout, the Proprietor run u«Miire the jmhtir that he in a* well prepared to cater to their wants }i« any Ib>tel in the State. Ills table will always he supplied with the best the market afford*, and no pains will be spared to gDe entire HUthdac tiou Transient Board SR.OO per day. Periiialieiif Mount if* IA 110 pel week. A share of public patronage i* nollclUil. February 22, Ixi»7. 4-ts MARSHALL HOUSE; imOIIUHTOX STREET, SAVANNAH, GKORGIA. rs VIIX Drill claw llnti'l lias lii'cn , X rimindflnl and imwly n-l'nr- gfzZYlv . nislnnl mid put in pnrfrct *'idi'f ii, jp T he truvidlng publV jH { ilgf may r»*st namirud they will iind coßifurtnlilu accommiHlatlmia at this llouh-. A. It. LUCK, Prnprlidor. Kebrtmry 22, 1867. Iy OUR HOUSE DllflltC R 0 0 MS. HiiVJtnnnli. (»em - (rln. rill IK undvndpnnl having leiumml the above 1 Favorite K«tul>ll»hnient. and having relltted mid reFiiiTilalied it throughout in the moat elegant milliner, would Inform the pnldie that it is now open for the Reception offiiioat*. The preaent I’roprlelor will spare no pains to maintain the elm rue ter it ha* always enjoyed as being one of the best of the First-Class Fitting Umiis t>s ol the country, mid those who favor him with their patronage may lie assn rial that nothing will he left undone to secure tile comfort and satisfac lion of ids guests. IIOAKDK.KS will he taken by the w eek or day at a moderate charge. Nov 16, 1866. I l-tl K. 11. KIR LIN. VVM. WHITE. <lE(>. G. MIXER. CHARLESTON HOTEL, C’lmrloHloii, S. €. WHITE & MIXER, PROPUIETOKS. BIOH N ? S OI,I) KHTABI.IBIIKD PHOTOGRAPH AND— f- UIIIIIOTITIS (iII,Id!RV, 72 St. Julian Street MARKKT SQUAIIE, Savannah, Georgia. rpiIIS pslal.liHlunent, the largest and finest In 1 the city, Ls opeu at all times for the recep tion of visitors. Our facilities for tin* production of first class Carts do Visile, Ainbrotypes und Porcelain Pic tures. is unrivalled. Pictures known to the art. are made tt this Gallery, (ram the smallest minuture to life size. kind of picture copied with ease an«l dispatch. H. 11. IIKOWN, March 15, IHr*7. (7-tt) Photograph -VrtlsC Bolshaw 8c Silva, WIIoUVAI.E ANB RET AIT. BEAI.KRS IN CROCK KIEV, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, KEROSENE LAMPS House Furnishing Goods, &C., AC., &C. 08 St. Julian and 101 Bryan Streets, (Next door to the cor. of Whittaker,) N.l r.t.Y.WI//.. Qb'OJtGlA. July la, 1860. ly SAVANNAH MUSEUM, Situated ou Chippeway Square, UONTAIMMI IM.VILS, Hill IIS, ItIiPTILKS, MINERALS, SHELLS, AND OTHER CURIOSITIES, Open Daily, (Sundays excepted) from 6 a. in. to ». p. m. Admission : 2.7 cents ; Children wilder 8 years 20 cents. TIIK.ODOB MKVI-X Proprietor. Marrli I, 1667. dm 11 . G . 11l \V E , WIIin.KS.U.E PE.II.ER IX Foreign and Domestic Diq .iors Wines St ijarx, (!n*vn<‘.<, Ah: and lahjct, Johnson Square, cor. Ist. Jxlbtn und Bryan strm'D, onxisiTE la I.ASM 1101 SE, S'.l VANN Ml, GEO Agent for A. M. Itinninger A Co.’s celehraed Liquors, and'agent for Worcestershire and Club .'-unco. s>'pt2l-ly‘ VALUABLE PLANTATION e» h»• j»«* m ■ - ■ 3,500 Acres of Land! flllllS valuable Plantation, lyin JL on lht‘ Wilhi.. <:' oo Kuei j er, coutuiniug acreV.* Ls coiU|»i »seu mi L<»ts No's 11« J. 1( 7. !(*.». 104. 2«*2, 2o;>, :ot, 200. | all in one body, except No. IPJ. There are 700 or 800 acres of this land under 1 fence. #l* which none, except about one hundred acres, has been under cultivation more than three j years, lucre are bouses enough l*n ioo negroes. [ anip'e barns, a small Bwelli g ileiisi*, and oitt l nil lings, and a large dwelling house n«»t yet | (.oui, Hie tiues art* u..aouUUu. uis L OTKM*ty is offered on exceedingly easy j u-rm'. 1* >*r jaiu< A - ; r.d. \> M A l, \\. « • . * i;i. «‘ ' ' ' W. M. WALSH, \/holesale Druggist, Mbs Hontli-enst eoinrr Brongliion mul Bnrimrd streets, # - Savaryiah , - - - - Georgia. ar.aTT433 9 isna2>a®:miß3 9 CHEMICALS, perfumery, etc, TRUSSES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Painlm, Oils, Varuisli, Turpentine, llrUNltcft, Every Variety of “Window G-lass. Kieuch und German l’luto, Stained, Cut anil Sky Glass, single and double thickness, I'utty, Ac. W. N. Yalleau, late of Thomasvillc, Hpc<*lnl HnleHmnn ,7A-Goods will he sold on ns reasonable terms as they cch he purchased Smith, mul an examina tion w ill sustain this assertion. Orders by mail promptly and carefully filled. nov 16-6 tn DIRECT IMPORTATION! r JpiIK subHcribera would invite the attention of Dealers to their Extensive stock DRUGS, MEDICINES, —ym. s ■»— FANCY GOODS, /111 of whiclJhavc been received by Recent Arrivals Direct from Europe. The arrangements are now perfected for receiving additional supplies. Their desire is to make this market equal to any in the country. A large and general assortment of GARDEN SEEDS Always on hand. Orders will be attended to with dispatch. A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., DRUGGISTS, Market Square , Savannah, Geo. December 21.1866. 4!)- 1867. SPRING TRADE. 1867. j/ Presents to the Attention of * ou,, * r . v Merchants, physicians and planters, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK I ■ W. W. LINCOLN, K rn- mm nms DRUGGIST & CHEMIST, p. SAVANNAH. Lift J w”y. At—M.w, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Potash, &c. all which he offers on the most favorable terms, At corner of Bull and Congress streets, Monument Square, Savannah, Geo. April ill, 1867. 12-2 ALMOST-NOT QUITE, ANYTHING A EVERYTHING AT PERHAM’S VARIETY STORE CIOME AND SEE the Njwv Goods, and especially do we invite vour attention to thn NEW J PRICES, und doift forget to bring the Greenbacks, for by no doing you can save money. ! 1 am now n*cei\ mg. and will keep constantly on hand, all varieties and grades of Prints. Bareges, j Printed and Plain Lawns, Jaconets, Organdie., Obumbries. Ginghams. Furniture Calicoes, Brilliants j and other Dross Goods with French names. Taflita and Bonnet ltibbons. Velvet Ribbons, Bogle j Trimmings, Filk Trimmings, Plain and Fancy Belts, in grout variety : Ladies* Paper and Finbroid- j ered Collars ; Mz. Anihiquc Shaw'lettes, Basques. Sacks and Mantles; Bodice Ahu-lin, Swiss do.. Jaconet, do.. Nainsook do.. Swiss and Jaconet Fmbroideries. Dimity, Swiss and Jaconet BamU : Blonde Lace, Crape Collars. L. C. lldkts. Gloves, Mitts and Gauntlet* in great profusion ; Fans and Parasols, and a thousand and one other articles in this line, which 1 will show you when you come to see me. HATS 2 KCA.TJS 2 A splendid line of Ladies, Misses, Gents. Youths and Children s Hats. To my stock of Ladies' and Misses llats especially do l invite your attention. CLOTHING. A large and splendid stock, of (vents’ Spring and Summer Clothing, which I will sell cheaper j than the Jews on Chatham street. New York, for Greenbacks. Hardware, Cutlery, cfcc. Halter Chain., Kail Looks. Rim Locks, Stock Locks. Plaio Locks, Cliost Locks. Ciiblioanl Looks Spurs, liriillo llitts. Plano Rills. Kish Hooks and Linos, Strap Hinges, aH sizes, Butt hinjfes, Hand saws, Foot Allas Draw Knives,Club axes, chop axes. Hatches, Wagon boxes, lionp-hooks. Ham mers. Oil-stones, Grind-stones, snnd-stones. spVlug balances. G. D. oajrs.'M . P. caps. Gun-whipers. emi tlinls. pnn locks, Double und single bbl. Guns and Pistols. 11. S. handles, plane handles, screw drivers. screw wrenches, doorbells, carriage bolls, files of all sizes, screws, fry puns, sauce pans. : tea kettles, chisels, knives mid forks, pocket knives, dog collars, candle-slicks, blind hinges and ; fastenings, sad-irons, planters' hoes, grnldiinghoes. traces, screw plates, horse shoes, broad axes, squares, trowels, spirit levels, gimblets. hevils, hames. plow lines, rakes,blacksmith bellows, vices anvils. Tongs, cow hells, stirup irons, andirons, counter scales, shoe knives, shoemaker's tools, 11. S. nails, wrought nails. Not to lie tedious. I w ill say that I have s largcsfock of Hardware. Yankee .Notions anil Toys in endless variety. China Roods ill great abundance. Tin Will's* anything you need in this line. Croekery a good stock at low figures. Hoots si ml Bw|km*-» a good stock ■ ■!' good shoes. Willow w are. Womlcn wart*. Groceries, mid a humlreil oilier things toe nmnorous to mention. Also, very accommodating Clerks’, w ho do not think it any trouble to show goods. Also a lot of Maryland While Corn just received. Give us a call. April 12, 1867. ' A. I* I'KRII AM Edward Daly, Agent, WHOLES* LE Shoe House, Takes pleasure in informing liis friends and patrons in this State, also North Car olina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, that ho has removed from No. 133 to the Spacious Establishment, Xo. I ll Meeting street, opposite Ilayne, Cliarlestoii 9 S. 0., Where ho is now prepared with a large and well selected stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND THUNKS, To meet the wants of Merchants and the trade i t th > diove mentioned States. This House was established in 1836. and has s i t |. ~ , ~f- „ n ,i tb. devouring ravages of sword and lire. Mr. lIKXRY Dai.v. the senior pariner, who our Georgia friends ought u> remember, is the pin chaser ot the yo*>ls lor this Mammoth tShoe House? his Hi a yu* Dai.t. *lriv«*s tho u.a bbvry of >r«l sportful!r invH 7 ' s attontior It* bis stuck, j riuu- lil cittl AL iv- -J nj ... . Ul ,; >i m CROCKERY, CHINA'AND GIjASSWARB. E.D. Smythe^Co., 3(fm})oftft)s and MltolcsaU I Have recently received, by tbe Ships “John Patton'' and “Monsoon,” direct from Staffordshire. England, the Diva'iiu' jlih Os Gckxl* in our line that ha« <*ver been offiTcd in tills Market. Tb<***<? poo*l« have been gt'locte*l fur our trade, and which we are prepared to offer to Dealer* at PRICES IS LOW IS THEY CIS BE BOUGHT IN YEW YORK, J or an y other city, thereby Raving to the purchaser the extra expense of Freight, Insurance, Break ! ;ige, and the double profit of Importer and Jobber. E. D. SMYTHE & CO., • 109 lircmgliton Street, 140 nod 5T St. Julian Streets, Savannah, Georgia. j March 1, 1867. w w Wmtr ap w An Jun jfo&AJUJuAii&tbiiJEffiig SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Would call attention to his well selected Stock of SADDLES, PLAIN AND FANCY ; 3 lt) ©©l7 © oßQoO£i©l3 Eli2iEloSSßp ROAD, WAGON, STAGE AND SINGLE WAGON HARNESS. also, a large stuck of BRIDLES, COLLARS, HAMES, TRACES, And Other articles usually kept in tbe business. Also, a fine assortment of Trunks, Valises, Carpet Hags, &e. February 22, 18G7. Ctf 1867. SPRING 1867. SBMMEK CLOTHIIJd. The subscribers have in Store, and an* receiving weekly, I URGE YMI WELL SELECTED STOCK OF fLOTIUMi.j Which they offer, either Wholesale or Retail, JSjt IVTew York. Prices. WE MANUFACTURE Ol’R GOODS, and feel as--ured that w.* can compete favorably with any other house, either North or South, os regards Price and Style. HEIDT& LUDLOW, No’s 154 Congress and 73 St. Julian Streets, Savannah, Oa. February 22, IKG7. 3m HATS, MATS, MATS. SPRING- STOCK, 1867. —— :o: vrow OPEN, IN MY WHOLESALE ROOM, Up-Slain*, | LARGE ASHORTMENT OF Wool, Fur, Straw Hats, For Men and Boys ; and a complete assortment of TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS, For Ladies, Misses Children, all of whirl) Will be Sold at X**>W Prices My Retail Department (Ist floor) is supplied with all T3C3S LATEST STY&ES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. S. M. FOLDING, Savannah, Ga., April 5, 1867. (2m) No. Congress street. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE, At 1(6 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, GEO. The attention of the I.a,lies is called to our New Sewing Machine, which has just been issued for JE-r'-.-m v■ ■ ■ .-m mu m It lavs no equal! It uses a finer needle, and will do Fine) ami Heavier work than anv Machine in use. with perfect devises for Hemming, Felling, Ruffling, Cording, Braiding. Ac. Call and see how SIMPLE AND EASY to learn the Use of it. Singer Button Hole Machine*works admirably. Silk Thread, Needles, and Oil always on hand. Sewing Machines cleaned and repaired. Stitching of all kinds neatly done. 11. IV IIA WLEY, General Agent for Georgia and Florida. MW o©oE> QEDmTSOO ©01381!? .«« m. ■ : wh*,- ■« «•« » *■. Tics PMBS C3? 'TStm SOJJTK, Made from t’ • Patent Corded Wire, which is anew process whereby a firm linen cord is covered in with the v: . -making a durable sub tam eto which the tapes are firmly sewed. By this pro cess the unsightly and unreliable metalic fastening is avoided, and a lighter skirt produced. lam now prepared to make the above iu any size, length or style ordered. Th * Trade furnished : at list prices. novl6-ly H. D. HAWLEY. 110 Broughton st.. (up-stairs.) , A. T. CUNNINGHAM, fiutov m\ t*%cucval Vtlmhaut, Corner Bay and A.bcrcom streets, Savannah, ----- Georgia. BACON, CO BN, [ eEBUV ’AN Cl ANO, 11 \Y O Vi'S I /■■■■'* Law bone, BAGGING, HOPE, IKON TIES, i Super Phosphate Lime. ulizers sold on T.ibernl Terms and TT'NG i INK advance- m tde ou Cotton. Naval ?: o. v' A,-Tv. March 1. 1>67. ’' Ul ffgal lil'OdlCM. C 1 KORGIA. Brooke(,'oiinty^-Toall X Whereas, James King and T. S. T. Executors of Nancy King, apply to this court Letlers of Dismission as such Executors. The* i« therefore to cite and admonish the parties »» interest t” fib* their objections within tbetime , prescribed by law. otherwise said letters will issued and granted to the said applicants. }■ In testimony, witness, Ac., this Mar. 6th. IS6I March l.>-6m J. o. ». c. I CeoPgia, Brooks county. * * Whereas. A. 'ViUaford, administrator ol Fred erick Watson, deceased, applies to me for Letters Ibf Dismiss ion from the administration ot said es- r late. These are therefore to cite and si!monish all parties in ten-sit si to file thdr objeetjona with in tin* iMhe prescribed by law, otherwise said \0“ I. ter* will Be grained the applicant. Dec. 21, 1866.—6 mJ. G. McClll, o. a. f Georgia, brook* Oonttly: Whereas. Cliarles and Martin Knight, adminir trators of Turlton Knight, apply to Ihia com for letters of Dismission as siicli administrator* '1 best* are therefore to cile and admonish all p*r ties at interest to file their objections within o>* time prescribed by otherwise said lettari will l>e granted tbe applicant. Witness mv hand and official signature. J. G. MeCaUs Ordinary. January 1. 1867. t,m Georgia, bricks (oanfj. m mWT lIERE.Vf*. John W. Duke*, ndministratay* ff de bonis non of Estate of E. 0. la late of said county, deceased, makes applifStiai to me for letter* of dismission. These are therefore to cite nil parties a t intr e»t to file their objections within the time pr scribod bv law. otherwise letter* ,rs dismis'ltn i will be granted to said applicant. J. G. McCtU., Ordinary. January 11, 1867. 6m ♦ STATE OF GEORGIA. Brooks fount/. Wliem»«, Jndgt* Laac ;f4njin»U»- ! tor of EJizabctb OUiff. lute of mul a < it/* <V. coflS4*rl, makes application to me lor UttL*nj : in ins ion. Tiu*w* arc therefore to cite all pitriie* ai inter ent to file their objections within th«* !iui pre scribed by law. otherwise letters of dumtifokNi will be granted to said acant. J. G. McCall, Ordinary. January 18, 18ti7. Cm Georgia, llremks County. VY uk he am, W. J. Patrick, administrator of Hci ry Singleton, applies to this court for letter* ot dismission as such administrator. These are therefore to cite and admonish the parties at In terest to file their Ejection* within the time pro scribed by law, otherwise said letters will bo issued to the applicant. Witness my hand and official signature. J. G. McCall, Ordinary. January Ist, 1807. <‘>m CIEORGIA. Brook* C’orvrv. Whereas. Sa- Ts rah J. Tillman, adm’x of Jos. J Tillmau. deceased, applies to me tor letters of Dismiscioa from her administration of said instate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singajM lar the parties at interest to file their objections within the time prescribed bv law. otherwiee ; said letters will be granted to the applicant J. G. McCALL, Ordinary* Dec 21,1866. Gm (1 KORGIA. Bkooks Coi.vrr.— V\hereas, Mrs. IT Mary Norris, Guardian of Joshua Norris, | Felly Norris and Missouri Norris, having applied i for Letlers of Dismission from her trust— I These are therefore to cite and admonish all parti<*s at interest to file their objections within , the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant. J. G. McCALL. Ordinary. April 19. 1807. 12-tit ( ‘'l KoRU!A. # BnooKsCoi’vrY.— All persona balding X claims against the estate ot K. Doles, de ! ceased, ure hereby notified to file tlv-m in due form of law. Anti those indebted xo said deceos-l ed ate requested to make pay Rent at once. MARY E. DUKES. Adm’x, April 26, J 867. 13-6 t C 1 KORGIA, Brooks County.— JC Mrs. K. Williams Administratrix of the es tate of J as. Williams, deceased, applies to me for j Letters of Dismission from said administration. These are therefore to notify all parties at in terestto file their objections, within the time pre*- cribed by law, otherwise said letters will !*• granted and issued to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Qrd’y. April l. 1867. Jim C 1 KORGIA, Brooks CorxTY.- Notice is hereby Xgiv en that, whereas Moses Dixon, late of said : county, deceased, departed this life intestate, and jno one has applied for letters of administration on the Estate of said deceased; audit hat in term* of the law. administration will be vested in tbe Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, after thirty days from th publication of this notice, unless some valid ob jection is made to such appo : ntment . Witness iny oflicial signature this Ist May. J. G. McCall. May 10.1867. 15-5 L 4 * (1 KORGIA, BrooksCocntv. Notice is hereby Xgiven that, whereas. Pleasant W. Dixon, late of said county, deceased, departed this life inte*- Lite, and no one has applied for letters of admin istration on the Estate* of said deceased; and that in terms of the law. administration will be rest ed in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or soma < other fit and proper person, after thirty day* from (he publication of this notice, unless somo valid objection is made to such appointment. Witness mv official signature, this Ist May, 1847 J. G. McCall, O. B. C. May 10th, 1867. LV^i. GEORGIA, Brooks Cotnty.—Whereas, Henry O’Neal, Executor of the Estate of M. G. Yates, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission from said administration. These are therefore to notify all parties at in terest to file their objections, within the time prescribed by law. otherwise said letters will be granted and issued to the applicant. J G* McCALL, O. B. C. May 10. 1867. 6m C 1 EOUGIA, Brooks County.—Whereas B. If. TTMartin. h>q M Executor of Charles Rizer, «1*- # ceased, has filed his petition in due form of law, praying the Court to allow him to resign his trust as such executor, having nominated J. M. Patter son as his successor. These are therefore to no tify all persons at interest, to file their objection* within the time prescribed by law. otherwise the i prayer of said|petitioner will be granted. In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my official signature, this the Ist day of May, 1867. 15-6ra J. G. McCaU, O. B. C. jM GEORGIA, BIi(K>KS CDi NTV.-To .UJ MJT whom it may concern : M hereas. Nancy■ Rainey, AdrainisjjaJe/x oTL. B. Rainey, deceased,* makes apjrt-teation for Letters of Dismission fror * said administration. . r , , J Thi*s<» are therefore to cite and oftytt rrnji ■ parties to fib* their obje&tiHfffc j fl the time prescribed by law, oik rwise said b fl will be granted the K In testimony witness my hajJJ and seal H fiee. this May 20th, 1867. | my24-6m «L C McCALL, Ordir^ COFFEE. jfl and 1 KUiUiiA. C’ofkkk County.—To all may concern : William Walker ha proper form applied to me for permanent/etterM| of Ydministration on the Estate ofJ,«un I. Mai-” ker. late of said county, this is to cfe all and pilar the creditors and next of kijf of John Pa■ Walker, to be and appear at ray epee within time allowed by law and show cafse. if an\ they Can why permanent administration should not be I granted to Willinm WiUirer on J<fu F. I l ' ri \V l itncss mv hand and nffloialArnatnre April* 26th a I* 7 • DANIEL l/l Ordinary M*y 3 1867. . State ot Georgia, M7HEKBAF.M. J. Ki; ‘^ ent , l 0 ML »* of Ha vis* Kirt’ v 1,,.,, ~m l recorded. < Ci'mrbm Ins petiUomr- I ~ is Kirkland's that he has full) all persons estate. This is .1 before o Cite J ■'.■'""TT?' ~r j',. eisehavged lr,.in i,)sX)u"mir)7stiallot), a‘7* 1 [ . ivc letl*‘rs of dismission on *he first Monday- In August. 1867. DANIEL LOTT.A»rdlfc»i.. ■ Febrnary 3. 1867. 1111 State of Georgia, Collie County. Elisha Lott, administrator of >\ Murk Lou ar I David Lott, represent* to ihe Court, in hi* P' itien duly filed and enter-' ..,1 on -•ev.r.l t! a: lie .n.sfnllv administered Mark Loti's and David Lot's estates. This is there- r f.ire to cite all, rsons cornelneil. kindred ond credit o'* t.) show cause if anv they can. why said administrator should not he discharged from toe said administration, and receive letters ol ili-mis sioii on the first Monday in Align *■ Ifi*' l ■ DANIEL LOlT. Ordinary February o. i>7. 4