The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 30, 1867, Image 3

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JpSOVTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE; j-Jl —J-UJJ ILL.JI._J-J ULL-i „ 1 ! " —2! ■ --- . .JUujiaglHi-g.l ORFF & WATKINS, DRY GOODS, DOMESTICS, &C., Savannah, - - - - - Georgia.- She Quitman |samw. LOCALCOLUMN • . QUITMAN', GEORGIaTaUG. 30, 1867 , If you will übo Medicines, Pro*. Kayton’s Great Remedies. JHj.Kcad lidolpho Wolfe’s advertisements in this day’s paper. '"~'t JV 1 * Administrators and Executors Gen. Pope’s order, forbidding State, bounty and municipal officers advertising in newspapers that oppose the Sherman reconstruction bill, applies to those of ficials only, and all Administrators, Executors and Guardians, are at liberty to publish their advertisements in papers of their own selection, over their own name. Mrs. Smith’s School. Wo learn that Mrs. E. A. Smith's Sc lect School will re-open on Monday next, and in addition, opportunity will be af forded a few to pursue the study of music. It is useless for us to say a word in ■ commendation of Mrs. Smith, as a teach I cr. She has taught in this section for j years, and all know her as an excellent! instructor and disciplinarian. She will have a crowded school room. Fire-Kitchen Burnt. Early Sunday morning, the kitchen attached to the jail caught fire, and in a few moments was reduced to ashes. The! fire originated from the stove-pipe, which passed through the roof. The Jail escap ed destruction owing to the recent heavy and continued rains and the absence of wind. We understand Mr. Wattles, the jailor, suffered considerable loss, by the total destruction of his kitchen and din ing room furniture. In this connection, we would direct j the attention of several of our citizens to! tho fact that their stove pipes are in pre cisely the same position as that of Mr. Wattles'—passing through the roofs of their kitchens. It is dangerous, and unless remedied, no surprise need he evinced il fires are frequent. The Telegraph Office. It is highly important that tho tele graph office and operator, now establish ed at this point, should remain. It will be found a great convenience to busi ness men during the Fall and Winter mouths. There is a probability, however, of its removal, an account of the business transacted not being sufficient to pay the operator's salary. This obstacle can be removed, if our business men will unite tu a pledge to make up whatever defi ciency may be found in the revenue of the office, to pay this salary. During the business season, the receipts may be sufficient, without outside aid; but in the event of a failure, it is asked of parties interested that they come to the rescue. Mr. Haines, the operator, is an intelli gent, accommodating and clever gentle man, thoroughly understands his busi ueas, and is desirous to remain among us. Therefore{we suggest to our citizens to unite and raise the necessary sum for the purpose. “Our share is ready.” Still Upward and Onward. The "hard times” have not in tho least east a damper over the spirit of progress •nd improvement that has, during the past eighteen months appeared to animate almost every citizen of our flourishing and prosperous town. During the summer months many new buildings have been erected, others have | donned coats of paint, and at present Viitc a number of buildings are in the pCocesi of completion. Whilst we write, the masons are preparing the ground, mixing mortar, &c., in the rear of our cffi.e, preparatory to building a consid erable addition to the already magnificent brick store hous- of .Messrs Culpepper, Creech &■ Jjo, These gentlemen baiVv, dygdeal toward the building t • ii n- iut:ful f iwti, ha: •v t : tr<-ive that their i t This building -I’: xvi ■ ready fin a;;' varied stock which f ..nd Creech is now iu the Eastern markets. Many new buildings are spoken of during the Fall and Winter months. This is a happy sign of prosperity; and we hope the good work will continue until Quitman can rank the largest interior city in Southern Georgia. Dentistrr We were shown, a few days ago, a set of teeth put up by our townsman, Dr. D. L. Ricks. For neatness of workmanship and apparent durability, we do not think they can be excelled. This is the first specimen we have seen of D*r. R’s skill as a Dentist, and we can safely, and do rni'Bt cordially, recommend him’ to parties requiring deutal work. Berrep. Thax Eyes.—The uew Rltistrated Weekly, ylfbe Pe«) and Pencil.” No 4, comes to band much improved. It must prove a success— Tbe principle upon which It in started is entirely different from the ordinary gift enterprise. lOcts may secure SIO,OOO. Sold by all newsdealers. f. R. Diwlet & Cos., Publishers, 21 4 23 Ann Si N. y. HOLCOMBE & CO. Tho*. Holcomb*, Xittbliahed 1536. WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 181 Bay Street, (patteß* SAVANNAH, GA. Jas. £. Grady. / HAVE IN STORE, and offer for sale at low est market prices: 50 Casks Bacon—sides and shoulders ; 20 Casks choice llams ; 50 Bbls Mess Pork ; 100 Kegs Lard ; 10 Hhds Muscovado Sugar ; 50 Bbls A., B. and C. Sugars ; 20 Bbls Crushed Sugar ; 500 Sacks and Barrels Flour ; 35 Bags Rio Coffee ; 10 Bags Java Coffee ; 10 Bags Laguira Coffee; 100 Boxes Soap—all kinds ; 25 Boxes Starch ; 50 Boxes Tobacco; 200 Packages Mackerel all sizes and qualities; 100 Barrels and Boxes Sugar, Soda, Egg, Lem on and Congress Crackers ; 200 Bags assorted Shot; 50 Kegs, Half and Quarter Kegs Powder; 100 Boxes Cheese ; 25 Kegs choice Butter ; A L S O Raisins, Almonds, Sardines Aco., A:o-„ &<•* August 23,18t>(>. 29-3 m WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are good for Gout. aug23-3m F. CONSTANT, Bull St., near Bay Street, Savannah, Goo., DEALER IN— Imports anb Domestic Cigars, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. With a long established reputation as an Im porter, he endeavors to keep as good a stock, in quantity aud assortment, as can be found in the .State. “ The Recess.” CONNECTED with the Cigar and Tobacco Es tablishment, is a SALOON for the accommodation of regular patrons and the public generally, where the Best of Imported Liquors are served, with a LUNCH each day. Strangers will find it a quiet resort, with no Wines cr Li quors that are not choice. atig23-29-ly DEW OF THE ALPS. This cordial has only to be tasted to be appre ciated . Bearden Sc Gaines, Commission Merchants, No. 88 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CEORCIA. Keep constantly on hand Liquors in Bond and Duty Paid. Scgain and Tobacco. Liberal Advances made on consignments of Cotton, Ac., to our friends llakuib, Gainbh & Cos., New York. aug23-3m Wolfe’s SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are good for all urinary complaints. T. SKELTON JONES, bookseller tad Stationer, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Theological. Classical, School and Miscellaneous Publications kept on band. received for any Work, Foreign or American. aug23-ty wolfe’s schiedam schnapps are good for Rheumatism. lILUN & METER, Savannah, Georgia. HAVE Iway* on band an extensive stock of! Bacon, Pork, Lard, Butter, Soap, Candles Potatoes, Onions. »nd other articles, which we sell at liberal prices, on liberal terms. aug23Tß67. - 6m WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM KCH.v rPS are put up in quart and pint bottles, with the proprietor’s name on tbe bottle, cork and label. Edward C. Wade. Seaborn 11. Wade. E. C. WADE Sc CO., COTTON FACTORS, (feral Commission ciflerrjjairfs, And Agents for Fertilizers. SAVANNAH, GEO. aug23 Cm James Roach, Boot and Shop, Maker, ST. JULIAN STREET, Between Whitaker Street and Johnson’s Square, . Savannah, Georgia. Aug. 23, lief* Cm P. H. BEHN, COTTON FACTOR —A SD— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Has removed to First door West of Exchange. Bay Street,. Savannah, Geo. aug23-'67 29-ly* GOULD & I’IJNTIRE’S PATENT Self Fastening COTTON TIE AND IRON BANDS. THE LATEST AND BEST INVENTION. I7*OR simplicity, strength and easiness of ad justment this Tie has no equal in this or any other, market. It : s simpler than all others, because the Buckle is plain, having no tongues to press against the band, and requiring no pins to be slipped in or pulled out ; stronger, because of the compactness of the buckle and quality of iron used in its manufacture ; and easier of ad justment, since it is self-fastening, the band hav ing only to he run into the Buckle and the Fas tening becomes complete the moment the j res sure is taken from the cotton. Another Advantage of this Tit) is that the Buckle is small, presenting an even surface, has no rough edges or protrud ing points, and sinks even wi'h the cotton, there by preventing the Bands from being wrojivlied apart from the buckles of different bales getting caught in handling or transportation, and when the bales are piled on each other. THE WEIGHT OF TIIE TIB AND BAND will compare favorably with that of any new of fered. J. M. BERRIEN, Agent for Savannah. ii. t. McDowell, General Agent for Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. aug23-3m WHAT DO YOU DRINK? Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. It checks the disarrangement of the bowels in warm climates. BALTIMORE AM) SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. The New and Fast Steamships, HI NIT. ED. EBID i Him Will ply regularly between Baltimore and Savan nah, leaving each port every Thursday, and con necting with the interior of Georgia and West Florida by Central und A A G Railroad, and with East Florida by regular Packets. Through Bills of Lading will be issued to all points on the Central and Atlantic and Gulf It. Roads aud connecting lines, and to Brunswick, St Marys and landings oil the St Johns river.— Goods consigned to the agents at either end of the line, w ill bo forwarded promptly and free of all commissions. Passengers are furnished with superior accom modations and save two hundred miles of sea travel by taking this route. For further information and particulars apply to WEST A DA NIKI S, A gents, Savannalf. au23-3m J. B. ANDREWS, Agent Baltimore. WOl,Fit's SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are recommended by all the medical faculty. T. BROWN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Gentlemen’s and Hoys’ CLOTHING, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, Ac IVo. 08 Bryan St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Aug. 23, 18C7. Cm wolfe’s schiedam schnapps are a preventive for chills and fever. I„ J. OUIt.MARTIN. JOHN FLANNERY. K. W. DRUMMOND L. J. Guilmartin & Cos., COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission MERCHANTS, Savannah , - - - Georgia. Liberal advances made on Consignments. Orders promptly filled at lowest market rates. Bagging, Rope and Iron Tien, constantly on hand. August 15th, 18C7. 6m WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCH.VAPPB are sold by all grocers and apothecaries. Fall Importation 1867. It I B B ONS, Millinery and Straw Goods. IRMSTRO.\CJSOR & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Ribbons, Bonnet Silks and Safins, Velvets, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, Straw Bonnets, Flats, &c. No. 237 and 239 Baltimore St. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Offer a stock unsurpassed in the United States in variety and cheapness. Orders solicited and prompt attention given. aug23 TO ALL WHO USE LIQUOR. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps is manufactured in Holland by a process only known to the propri etor, and is warranted the purest liquor ever manufactured. FRANCIS B. LONE 7 , ROBERT S. FINLEY, JOSEPH P. ELLIOTT, JNO B. ROBERTS. F. B. LONEY Sc CO. Imp outers of HARDWARE, Cutlery, duns, Ac. 240 Baltimore St. ...... .BALTIMORE. aag23 29-3m* WCLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS should be in the hands of every boucckeeper. WM. CANDY. BERNARD UILI’IN. 1 Canby, Gilpin & Cos., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRTJGrS, Northwest Cor. Light and Lombardy Sts., BALTIMORE, MD. atig23 29-6m* WOI.EK’s SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are good for Dyspepsia. aug23-3m WM. D. BARRETT. JKSBK T. IIIUUINS. Barrett & Higgins, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BITS, mn STRAW GOODS, No. 272 BALTIMORE STREET, White Marble Building, Haiti more, Maryland. aug23 3m* AGUE AND FEVER. The only preventive known for chills and f<y ver is the use of Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps. Daniel Miller & Cos., Importers and Jobbers ok Foreign and Domestic. Dry Goods, White Goods, Hosiery, &e., 329 Baltimore and 44 German Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. n.iN'r. miller. n. clay uii.i.ku. tueo. k. miu.ek. aug‘23 3m* WOLFISH SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers will have to use caution in purchasing. JOHN W. BRUFF & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IB Al DOMESTIC IT K No. in 1 tfiltimore St, Between Charles and Randolph Bts. John W. Cruft, ) •John W. Baker, f BALTIMORE. Jos. E Bruff, C A. B. Faulkner. ' aug23-ly* WOLFE'S SCIIIF.DAM SCHNAPPS have been before the American public for the i last eighteen years. DARBY & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SLtu, §Uii dJLUk', No. 296 West Baltimore St. and No. IN. Liberty St. Baltimore, Maryland. aug23 29-6m* Wolfe’s SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are good for all kidney and bladder complaints. L. Fassano & Sons, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN NOTIONS, Fancy Goods, Hosiery Trimmings and Small Wares, 208 W. Baltimore St BALTIMORE. aug23 29-Gm* wolfe’s schiedam schnapps are good for colic and pain in the stomach. Fassano, Magruder & Cos., Wholesale Dealers in Jfoot*, Shoes & Brogan* 2&R Baltimore at., BALTIMORE, MARYLAND aug2:t 29-lim* WOLFK’h SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS correct* the change of water. I). K, Shipl-y, 11. W. Roane, Geo. W. llowurd Shipley, Roane & Cos., Manufacturers and Jobbers of Clothing, 303 West Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. woi.fe’s schiedam schnapps is the purest liquor manufactured in the world. CHINA ! GLASS! mMMWiM. GEO. W. HERRING & SON, j No. 7 N oii t Ii Char les Street, BALTIMORE. aug23 29-3 m DEW OF THE ALPS. Udolpho Wwlle. sole Agent for the above cor dial, manufactured in Geneva, Switzerland, is used bysriil tho crowned heads of Europe. GRIFFIN, BROTHER & CO. | GROCERS AND (Conuntsoiott 105 ZiOtVXBARD STREET, Ualtimqre, Maryland. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN j BACON, CORN, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, LIQUORS, j And Grocer of Every DescnjAwn. April 12, 1867. 11-fy Fountain Hotel, Light Street, BALTIMORE, Maryland. W. H Clabaugli, Pro. Omnibus aDd Baggage Wagon in attendance up on all Depots and Bom Landings. 1867. fall 1868. whiter' "mad e. I JOHN C. MAKER & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY CQOOS, Notions, Millinery, iWHfB STFGOODS, Corner of Broughton and Whitaker Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. ./G L.V7 V FOR OXIOVIE & BAKERS Elastic SI ili-li Sewing Machines. August 2, 31867. ly 1067. 100*7- DEWITT & MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DOMESTIC MS FORmi DR7 GOODS, 137 Congress Street, Savannali, Georgia, Have Just Opened their MIX Km WIOTII stoc es: . J\*etv Goods by Ever// Steamer. Ladies’ Dress Goods in all the Newest Styles ; Sheetings, Shirtings, Linens and everything wanted in House-keeping ; White Goods, Hosiery, and Small Wares in endless variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Boys’ Wear. ALL OUR STOCK IS NEW AND JUST BOUGHT AT TIIE REDUCED PRICES. DEWITT Sc MORGAN. August 23, 1867. 3m A. EINBTEJN. 8. H. ECKMAN. A. EINSTEIN. H. H. ECKMAN. A. VKTBBURO EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, EINSTEIN, ECKMAN & CO. Established 1845. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, JUrJrt wi lulG'nLFClothiujf and Hats, 151 Congress Street, 163 Congress St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. SAVANNAH GEORGIA. 1867. ~FALL TRADR 1867. We invite your atteniion to our Large and Carefully selected Stock of ’ STAPLE AND FANCY ®mir mtsma. mnemm mb shoes, Purchased expressly for this Market, and which are offered at the Lowest Prices. Merchants and Planters visiting our city, or ordering supplies, w ill find it to their interest to in spect our stock, or send us their orders. An established business of Twenty One years in this city, is a guarantee that we give satisfaction to our patrons. Hoping that you will pav us a visit and inspect our stock, we are reapoctlully, &c. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, 151 and 163 Congress street, SAVANNAH, GEO. August 23, 1867. 6m COME AND SEE! STEVENS & ROUNTREE ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Which have been bought for Cash, and will ho sold for a small jirolit. Judge Hudson will take pleasure in waiting on his friends. pis We feel thankful for the liberal patronage wc have received, and ask ntinuance of the same. March 8, 1867. ly U. A. PALMER. H. DKPPISH. j PALMER & DEITiSHJ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARD WAR E, CUTLERY, FILES, EDGE TOOLS, Powder, Lead, Shot, Caps, Agricultural Implements, 148 Congress aud 67 St. Julian Streets, : SAVANNAH, GEORGIA August 23, 1867. 29-6 m Town Property for Sale. * Tho undersigned offers a two acre lot and con : | venient dwelling, with necessary out-houses, near | ; ths'Academy, in the town of Quitman, fdr sale. \ Tho dwelling is new, neat and comfortable. For 1 1 particulars apply to i* A P PEKHAM. ! f June 21. 1867 21 ts OUR HOUSE momm Suvaiiiiiili. (h'orjria. riYHK undersigned having leased the above 9 favorite Mstablishmeut, and having refitted 1 and refurnished it throughout in tbe most elegant manner, would inform the public {bat Ft is now open for the Reception of .Queste iX’* e present Proprietor will spare no pains to maintain the character it has al\vays enjoyed as being one of the best of the First-Claag Eating lions «*s of the country, and those who favor him with their patronage may be assured that nothing wilt be left undone to secure the comfort and satisfac j lion of hbrguests. BOARDERS will be taken by the week or day at a moderate charge. aug-23 6m E. H. KIRLIN. rtagß! mHE undersigned is authorized to purchase, at J a fair price, 106,000 pounds White Cdttoii 1 or Linen Rags, for the manufacture of paper. 1 Bring (hem in at once. H. L. A DAMP. | Quitman, August 23, 1367. ti QUITMAN Carriage Repository mmiumms. 11. PADGETT rp.YKHS pleasure in saying to the citizens of J. Quitman and surrounding country that ho bus resumed bis former position, at Manager of his Carriage and .Wagon Shop, and is now pre pared with workmen to furnish work at reasona ble prices, and to serve the people in his lino to (lie nest of his ability. } •’ 1 He has now likewise in successful operation a Grist Mill, and will grind every Tuesday and Saturday forlhe public, aud keep constantly on hand a supply of Meal and Grits to soil, or by contract will fur nish such quantities as parties may heed at their own, houses. , - -, - ; , Ir - i-iinrction witL hla Carriage and Mill busi iL s-, In Is now prepared to Plain Lumber, Furnish Moulding for any Lind of work, make boor* or Blinds, Carriage or Wagon Spokes, and do a variety of other work. * l’urties wishing anything in his line, are re spectfully solicited to give him a share of their patronage. /r®"Terms, Cash. H. PADGETT. Quitman, Geo., January 25, 18fi7. Ly The Grooverville Store! B. F. LINTON Sc CO. HKG leave to call the attention of the public to their large and well selected stock of Spring and Summer !S(si|>lo sinU Ifnnoy goods, CONSISTING IN PART OF Oznabm gH, Domestics. French and American Cal icoes, Plain Swiss and Figured Muslins, Bareges, Printed Jaconet and Linen.. Linen and Paper* Collars and cuffs, Gloves, Hosiery, Balmorals,- Hoop Skirts Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Trimmings, Embroideries, Belts, Ac, We also offer an elegant assortment of CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES; CROCKbSy, GLASSWARE; HARDWARE, TINWARE; AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; CUTLERY, of approved ifiSlfersj PA TENT PRESERVE JARS; BRIDLES, SADDLES, Ac We will likewise tandenvor to always keep on hand a complete stock of Groceries, and olir crjnVlvial friendA can be supplied with LIQUORS, SEGARS & TOBACCO. For tho allljotod wo are likewise prepared to supply their demands with r and those who are building can be supplied with Paints, Oils, Brushes, &.c. We will also endeavor to keep supplied with a number of the renowned Concord Buggies, and will fill all orders for Arden’s Latest Patent 4 i HORSE HOE, \ as we are agents for the s tie of the same, and which can be seen at work in the neighborhood. Our facilities for furnishing supplies to our planting friends are unsurpassed, and we offer favorable facilities where we are well secured. Wo cordially invite the attention of the pttblio* to our stock, satisfied that' we sau suit them in' any character of article nerd; for we make it a rule to keep r\ erything that can be found in any store in the State, and pledge oiirsejvea Jo sell at as low prices as any house in this section. Groovervilh*, May 10, l&trf. „ .15-1 y JOHN M. RAYSOB, DEALER IN . san spa' T/aWhsftetasi * WllW* w* Atb W* W**S»lM»Wf Groorereille, Ga ., HAS now on hand a very neat and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods; which will be sold on very reasonable terms. His stock euibiaces * > ► . Dress Goods, 3>cmostics, XNTotions. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Ready Made Clothing, Hardwgre, &c, B A generalassortpienj, FAMILY GROCERIES, and almost everything required by the people ajl this section. - * He most respectfully invites his friends and the public t > give him a call, and examine . aud price his goods befon purchasing elsew here, as lie is determined to fk.ll as low as anybody. Grooverville, May 31, 1867. *IB-tf pIl'MAf r ACADEMY, MALE AMI FEMALE. 7 REV. O. L. SMITH. I’rtncipal. O. W. STEVENS, l j. vottssnra T. A. & EVANS; 1 ■ MISS M. V. BROOKS, Slusic Teacher. rptlE Eierciafs of this institution will be re -1 1 sumed on Monday, September 2nd. Terms as heretofore, except Music, which i* $12.50 pbr quarter. Board in private lamilica easily obtained. . . • JAMES HILLIARD. President Board of Trustees. Aug 23, !867. 22-3 t wourx’s SCBtESIJt BCHKAPYf - h.Y* > der,t in al! the Urge cities vt ‘he Unlae