The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, August 30, 1867, Image 4

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Urofcssioitttl Cards, Jamo* Ij. Hoaeley OFFERS his service* to the public generally as Collecting Attorney and Agent lor the Rale of Real Estate. .MT Room, at the Publlahing establishment <>l the “Quitman Banner,'’ over Culpepper, Creech * Cos a store. Qnitman. Feb- 1, 18fiT. 1-ts IJ, a'l'Al.l- tw. it. HUNTER, 111 NTKK A McCAI.L, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, QUITMAN, GEO. January 20, 1807. 1-ly WM. A. I.ANR. **• 11. HKB.NET. BENNET A LAKE, Dttorncns at Sato anb Solicitors ITV CHAVCEBY. QUITMAN, OR OKI* I ut'NTV, CKOIU.IA Ptr- Illlk'e at the Court House. February 1, 1807. ly William L. Evan*, anb €oimsclor at Sato, WARIKBOfbGEORGIA, \rriUL giro prompt attention to ull Imalnoss W entrusted to his care in the Brunswick Circuit leh 17-ly ~ N. T. KIKBSBLHV, Jttorncii nub Counselor at Sato, QUITMAN, GEORGIA, Offlca. in the Building next to J. S. Cummings.) Will practice in the Southern Circuit, In the Counties of Decatur In the .South-western, Clinch In the Brunswick, and Hamilton. Madison and Jefferson in Ibe Middle Circuit of Florida. January 18, 18<i7. ly . MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. J. M. MADDEN, (It FLORIDA. HEREBY notifies the citizens of Brooks coun ty, Georgia, that lie lias located ut OKA FILOO. for the practice of Ins profession. Medi cine and Surgery, mid will be pleased lo wait npon all requiring medical assistance. The beat of references furnished on application. May 31, 1867. 18-ts ~ Dr. i:. A. .) ELKS, QUITMAN, OEO., RESPECTFULLY oaks the patronage of the citizens of Quitman and surrounding conn iry. [Jan2o-tf U. VAN (MFSFN, DE3INTTIST, STOCKTON, NO. 13, A. A G. 11. It. (Formerly Dra. McDonald A Van Gieson, Macon,) KBSI’ECTFULLY offeis his services to the citizens of Clinch and surrounding eotm- Hes, In all branches of the profession. •S*. Will visit Quitman or any other point requested. REKERENTEH : J. D. Smith, M. D. M.ieon. Georgia. (’apt. B. F. Moseley, Valdosta, Georgia. J. G. Moore, Valdosta, Georgia. Dr. 11. Briggs and Mr. j. D. Cliarlton, Valdoala. Rev. O. 1., Smith, D D., Echols county, Geo. fiapl. J. Wells, Valdosta, Georgia. Capt. C. C. Williams, Lowndes county, Geo. W. J. Mabrv, YaUlosta, Georgia. March 1, 1867. 5-ts SAVE YOUR TEETH I 7b the Citizens of Quitman and Vicinity: PLEA.SE bo Informed that I have permanonMy located in your myfi’i : J*rs boautinil town, for the praclioo <<l ray profession AM work warranted cxcopi «d --▼ancod decay#. Tooth with small decays, warrants from flvo to fifteen yours, exeunt from ncgligonco, iho t,noth have been permitted to do cay in othor parts, or injured from blows. Stirglcnl operations performed with but little 4 naiu. Irregular teeth put in proper position. Tooth ache cured, an well ns all dffifia*«i»i that the teeth and mouth are subject to. Particular at tention called to my skill in extracting teeth and fturaps. PUK E FOR DFATAL WORK. Artificial Teeth, on rubber, full sot SIOO 00 *♦ “ “ gold, full set.. .Fluctuating. “ “ M pivot, p«*r tooth, $2 to $5.00 Fillings gold 1 to 20.00 ** silver 2,00 Cleaning Tooth $3.00 to 10 00 1 may be found at my office at all hours dur work days. Office-room : On the corner above.Mr. Samuel Graves* carriage shop. Notice sign. mp.Vly* M. L. BATTLE, I). !>. S. DENTISTRY^ DR. D . L . KICKS, HAVING lnented at Qn[tinan. Geo., respect fully offers his services to the citizens of Quitman and surrounding country, In the prao tleb of Dental Surgery. OctS-ly DRUG STORE, QUITM.VN, GEO. THE undersigned has just re ceived a Large Lot us selected Drugs, censistitig us |D*sC| RamHy Medicine., Patent He trines, WJa Inrpriiilne, KEROSINE OIL, ROCK POTASH, AND FANCY SOAI’S. Reasonable .1.11 McCALL. March 8 1807. i-If W. E. BARNES, Watch, Maker and Jeweler* QUITMAN. GBORGIA. CLOCKS, Watches mid every descrip- W'-JW tinned Jewelry repaired promptly. jjLAu neatly and satiaNctorily. gC.-TYa xir lie may be found at Mr. Finch’s store. February 22, 1866. ly Fisk’s Metalic Burial Cases. ■Bl VLL sizes kept consuunty ..u hand at the store of J. T. Budd. Monticello. and C. 11. Smith' store. Madison. Florida. Also, an assortmen is constantly kept ut the store of M. S. MclN TOSH, Quitman, Os. TsTA’ash on delivery. T. A W. A."W.SIMMONS, Agen December 14, 1866 Ini The ([nitman Hotel. MRS. McINTOSH NOTIFIES Ukj public that she continues the HoWl bosioe**. at her c!it bouse, on the i Public Square ; where she will endeavor to make ; guests feel at home. Her tabie is supplied with the best the market | affords, and charges moderate. June 14, ISU7. i Win. J. Ih'LausliliUt WHOLESALE AND RKTAIt. DKAt.KK IN HPEi iHiffi ui vmnv sums. Corner Brougbion and Bull Sts ■ ,Over Hillsuiau 8 Urog riWrt > SAVANANIi GEORGIA. February Jt, 18ti7 SAMUEL W. BROOKS, IBIMHOIISE & COMMISSION MERCHANT, KEEPS constantly on hunt! a genera! assort went of Family Groceries, Liquors, anu vwrtou* other articies. Quitemo, Pe.-emh. r 4 9-t SOUSVIM HOTJSS3, Savannah, Georgia. riTIU- First fins* having been renovated .1. and newly Furnished throughout, is now second to none ill the South. GEO. McGINLY, PROPRIETOR November 2. 18ti«. 42-ts PAVILION HOTEL D C NOE, Proprietor. Corner us Bull and South Broad Streets, (■lavnnitnil, Georgin. TTAVING taken the above Hotel which has 1 1 recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public that he i, us well prepared to eater to their warns as nny Hotel in the State. His table will always lie supplied with the best the market affords, and no'palns will be spared to give entire satislac lion. Transient Board . S.IOO per day. Permanent Board, $!.'».00 per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February 22. 1 H<»7. 4-ts MARSHALL HOUSE, lUKH OMTON STREET, SAVANNAH,GEORGIA. FITIIIS Aral class Hotel has been - - Jl. remodeled and newly refur- -A A nislieil and put In perfect order iBJ thruugboiit. The traveling public jSSjM I ■ls, may rest assured they will coiiifortuble accommodations at this House. A. li. LUCE, Proprietor. February 22, 1887. ly Wit. WHITE. OEO. O. MIXER. CHARLESTON HOTEL* ( linrlt *foii, H. C. WHITE & MIXER, nov7-firn rHOPRILTOIIS. IIHO W IN ’S OLI> EBTABLISMKD PHOTOCRAPH AMBROTYPE GULERY, 72 St. Julian Street MARKET SQUARE, Savannah, Georgia. rrMIIS establishment, Hi-- largest and finest In JL the city, is open at all times for the recep tion of visitors. Our facilities for the production of first, class Parts do Visile. Vmbrotypea and Porcelain Pic tures. Ih unrivalled. g.fl*vAll Pictures known to the art, are made »t this Gallery, frjm the smallest minafcure to life size. & kind of picture copied with ease and dispatch. n ii imowN, March ls», IBH7. (7-tl) Photograph Artist. zy)V^(USE CHILLS & FEVER' WE HAVE USED GALLIC*HAN’S BILLS, ami Hud they will do all that i« claimed lor them, aud eheerlully rocqinineud them to pub lic favor. .1. H. WATTS. Ex-Governor of Alabama. J. W. A. SANFORD, AlPy Geu’l of Alabama. ROUT DOUGHERTY, Judge Supreme Court, Ala. From Thomas J. Judge, Judge Supreme Court I have use’s Pii.ix on my planta tion, for Fever and Ague, und find them all that is claimed for them. TIIOS. J. JUDGE. Montgomery, Ala., Sept. *29,1858. Lowndes County j Alabama. Galligban’s Fever and Ague Bills will do. They are decidedly the best medicine lor Chills and Fever I ever gave. 1 would not be without them for five times the price. J. A. GRAHAM. Amkkkts, April 17. 1867. One box of G ai.i.iuu.w’s Biles cured me per fectly of chills and fever. They are the best medicines for chills and fevor 1 ever saw. A. G. RONALDSON, Clerk Superior Court,, Sumter county, Ga. Montgomery. Ala.. July 9. 1866. Messrs. Bunt A Hvle Gents: I have used your Gau.ujuan’s Bu is on two occasions lor Chills and Fever, and find that they effect all that they are intended to do. They arc the best remedy for the disease that 1 have ever tried. 1 Consider them perfectly reliable. Respectfully, DAN'L J-vVA RE. Grand Sec. Grand Lodge of F. and A. M. of Ala. Albany. Ga.. M«rch 11. 1867. 1 have used Gallighan's Bills in forty cases of Chills und Fever, with perfect success. They are the best Fever und Ague Bills put up. A. 11. FAST. Wholcsole in Savannah, hv A A. SOLOMONS & CO. And by all Diuggists. BLOUNT A HALES, BuoukikToks, Junc2l 21 ts Montgomery. Ala. STEVENS HOUSE." ai, 38. 35 6l 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE El! ROBE AN BEAN. riIHE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely X known to the traveling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men ; it is in close proximity to the busi ness part of the city is on the highway of South ern and Western travel -and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depot*. The Stevens House has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests it is well furnished, aud pos sesses every modern improvement for the com fort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated, provided with I gas and water ; the attendance is prompt and re spectful ; and the table is generously provided j with every delicacy of the season, at moderate |:u 4*s. The rooms having been refurnished aftd rejn »deled. we are enabled to offer extra facili ties f(»r the cmlbrl and pleasure «»t‘ our guests. GEO- K. CHASE A CO. t June 11 18* 7. tui Proprietors. L.W.WOKTSMAIT Wholesale and Re tail PKAt.KKS IN' 33 BLU G s, .MKDIOINBS, I’Klli L'UUIIY AM, FANCY GOOHS, | STOCKTON, No 13 A K G H H Ga ' A 'gist 111, 18*7. 3iu wuife’s souirnAM f-OHNAirs j Us usm| all »ror th«- world hv the physicians in hkvht hrtaM. a. l. iiaßTkiour. e. w. t. nkij. BRI AN, II I RTRIDtE & CO., ! WvMiiiuVkivai s!ldidii^*< w ! ’ A N D ■ r kb mn mm. ms mm. a> 9 SAVANNAH GEORGIA. /CONSIGNMENTS of Cotton and other Produce L Mjliciled ; which we will sell in Savannah, s'ew York or Liverpool, n» desired, making lib eral advances. Special attention given to Purchasing j Planter*’ Supplied. Western Bacon and Whiskey for sale on con ftignmertt. ttnrr.A.WD FOR SALE.-m March 1.1867. 6m O, W. EOIIBEHTiai. M. M. SIT.UVAN. Forrester & Sullivan, IiEAI.KRS IX Shad, and all kind? of Fish, In their Season, Oysters, Game, &c., No, 110 liny Lane, &4 VA N.VA 11, IFO. jKo~Onr Motto is : JUSTICE TO ALL.'tW, '■/} Orders from the country will be prompt ly and'carefully filled. ( my24-ly A. DITENUOKKIt, (I*. J. M. W. BILL, FJ-A. A. DUTENKOFER & CO., COTTON FACTORS and m- msm:msz mm. .m. ■ Commissiion >Ucvclbmto, No. 74 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORCIA. June 7th. iKii7. fim J. V. PE LOT. J. K. TUCKER. A. K. WRIOIIT PELOT, TUCKER & WRIGHT, C’otfon Factors, AND LUMBER & TIMBER MERCHANTS, 177 Bay street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. solicited, and will also sell Wool, Hides and other Produce. for supplies promptly filled. March 8, 1867. 6m AGENCY OFFICE. rrMIE people es Southern Georgin and Middle .1. Florida are hereby Informed that lam pre pared to furnish Railroad and Farm Hands ut short notice 4 and on reasonable terms ; and also Rent Lands and Houses to parties desiring to locate among them. Office : On Bryan Street, OPPOSITE THE PLANTERS’ BANK, Savannah, Geo. nty24-3m I- lI.BBYANT. Haywood, Gage & Cos. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ICE ! ICE! Nnvauunli, Oa. April 19, 1887. 6m A. S. HARTRIDCE, CoiiuiiVUou si n(1 Forwarding M I<: HCIIANT, No. 92 BA Y STREET, SAVANNAH, GA February 22, 1807. ly* JUST RECEIVED! Lard and Tobacco. LBBL, Prime, Lard ; Boxes Good Chewing Tobacco of dii ferent grades, and a nice lot of SMOKING TO BACCO. For sale low by Smith & Walker. Domestics. 1)!. 11N and Fluid Oznabiirga. Hickory Stripes. Chen , liy Smith A w alkkk. Superphosphate, Fall Turnips -several barrels on hand. . Smith it Walker. IVE visa call. We sell low for cash. VT Mmitli Ac Wulkor. Quijraan, August i), 18(‘>7. 27-tl fißur MILL. Quitman, - Ga. ■ ■ • .m mmmajmzrMrrwr 1 fm’4»by notifies the public, that he is prepared with an extra Mill ami splendid Bolting Cloth, to grind Wheat. Ile invites the people of Brooks and neighboring counties to bring their wheat clean to his mill, and they will receive fair deal ing and good flour. .11l he asks is a trial» and he guarantees to give satisfaction. He refers to the following well known citizens: Thomas Arrington, T. K. Denmark, M. Jones, ('apt. W. S. Brooks, Wm Hudson, ('apt. Moore, T. B. Carroll A Cos, li. J. Rountree. August It*. ISA 7. 28 ts LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale one hundred j and tweuty-flve acres of land, situated just! without the limits of the town of Qnitman Thirty Acres are in Cultivation, the remainder is heavily timbered - virgin forest. It desired can be bought in plots of FIFTY ACRES, Those desirous of securing the benefits of SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, MARKETS, arid the Good society of tiie healthy, pleasant and llinv;u)g town of Quitman, and at the | same time producing their own supplies, j the opportunity is hereby offered, I’-rsons wishing to purchase land in the vieini- < tv of Unities* wilt do well to fall on me soon. Wit. A. LANK. August 16. Its. f 4 m*-ANTED to make an arrangement" with a ? f live man in every county, who wi.-bes to make monev. and can give good references. No capital required. Will sell a business now pay - innOtl-btH' per month, and rely on the profits tor my pa). Address J. C TILTON. Pittsburgh.Fa Lovell & Laltimorc, MANUFACTURER* OF PLAIN TIN WARE, AND DRAI.F.RB IN Japanned, Planished and Stamped Tin Wares | ..OUSE FURNISHING GOODS, loves, Sheet Iron, Tin Plates. ; Lead, Brooms, Wooden Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, J HOLLOW WARE, &C„ &C. Crockery and Glassware , Aim, Water Cooler s and Filters, ICE PITCHERS AND REFRIGERATORS. And In connection with the above, we have in Store every variety of G 001! me ST 081 AND RANGES, With all the fixtures ready for immediate usc.- These Stoves are neat anti simple in appearance with large tine* of extra thickness and weight. Will be sold at reasonable prices. Orders lot Stoves promptly attended to. No. 155 mid 157 Congress St.. fI.WANNAH, GEO. 867. ly BLAIR & BICKFORD, DEALERS IN timber and lumber, Doors, SASH, BLINDS, mohloinos, BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, &C. 203 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. B®"AH Orders filled Promptly.*®# March I, 1867. 5-ts JOHN OLIVER, House iVSi» ii Painter, GILDER AND GLAZIER, So. 11 Whitaker St., Savannah Ga. DEALER IX MS. IBS, UK lIIS PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, PUTTY, And all Painters’ and Glaziers’ Material. Mixed Paints of all Colors and Shades. March 1.1867. j£ S. S. MILLER, DEALER IN IfIAHOGANY, WALNUT A\D PIKE airmm^uvSs, FRENCH AND COTTAGE aim sits us m sussss Mattrassos tnado to Order No. 157 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH OEO. February 1, 18(i7. ly A. J. MILLER & CO., FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, 138 BROUGHTON’ street, SAVANN AIT GEO. New Work made to Order. Reuniting. Bell Hanging. Mattress making ami Upholstering at short notice. February 1. 1567. ly M. FITZGERALD, MAXI FACTI' mat, AND WWUF.SALE hRfcT.UL DF.AI.KR IN umm, csauiAis Syrups, fimv (ii\fi:itiiim:rv. m. AT LOW TRICES. WIIITAKER STREET, One Door from Congress Savannah, Cl, esSS-Cnunfry Orders Solicited.*%Sß March I. 1887. ly HENRY UEINIURD. ISAAC MEINIIARII. j Meinhard Bro’s & Cos. DEALERS IX Boots, Shoes, Hats, «Sh®«aißfl©» Gentlemen’s FurnisUing floods, &c. Xo. 100 Biyan and T 2 St. Julian Sts., S.l r.i.Y.Y.I//, GEO lit! LI. August 17. 1866. ly "SAVANNAH MUSEUM, Situated on Chippeway Kquare, CONTAINING ANIMALS, BIRDS, RITMIX MINERALS, SHELLS, AND OTHER CURIOSITIES, Open Daily. (Sundays excepted) ni tl a. m. to 11. p. m. Admission: 25cents; Children under 8 years 20 ceuls. „ -,, THEODOR MEVLe. Proprietor. March 1, 1867. i'm H . CS . 14 l u E , WHOLESALE DKALKIv LX Foreign and Domestic XdqtioTs tXTines. fikyofa:, Gvodevtts, ~A? r ,ti« L.tfcjcr , Johnson Square, cor. St. Jul ian a?d Bryjjn streets, ODVOSIYE rULASRI RtfY^E, •iAVASXAB, GEO Agent for A. M. Bmningor X Co.'s colebraed Liquors, and agent for Worces and.Clnb u - r sept2l-ly I. L MzmwtlM, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Would call attention to his well selected Stock of SADDLES, RUIN AND J?--A-TQ-OTT 5 ©Q©©l7 & MBBM©B IDiaidiiS® ROAD, WAGON, STAGE AND SINGLE WAGON HARNESS. ALSO, A LARGESSTOei OF BRIDLES, COLLARS, HAMES, TRACES, And Other artiehw iiHUaily kept in tlk- bo iness. Alho. a aßsortment of Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, &e. February 22, 1807. 4-if J. W. STALNAKER & GO. COMMISSION IIERCIIAMS, AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dr; Goods, Groceries, HARDWARE, om ©fioisa qsqqgjgidsdslo QUITMAN, CEORCIA. References: Brighau, Holst A Cos., Savannah. Ik 11. Baldwin, New surk. Fcsfcn, Mi isckk & Wendt, New York. Our stock of Dry Goods is complete in every particular, and we will endeavor to keep Keep Supplied with Everything Needed by the people of this section of country, and on the best terms possible. Jt-fr-We most respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the public. May 17, 1867. 16-ts W. M. WALSH, Wholesale Druggist, Soulli-pust corner IJrousrliion and Barnard strerts, Savannah , - Georgia. maiDas3jaAi^ 9 CHEMICALS, ri.lii UMEIiY, ETC, TRUSSES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Pa infs, Oils, tarnish, Turpentine, Brushes, Every Variety of "Window Glass. Fieoch and German Plate, Stained, Cut and Sky Glass, single and double thickness, Putty, Ac. jsfl-G.trids will be sold on as reasonable terms as they eim be purehaw-d South, and an examina tion will sustain this assertion. Orders by mail promptly and carefully filled. novl6-6m ALMOST-NOT QUITE, ANYTHING & EVERYTHING AT f»e3Rh:am’S VARIETY STORE (TOMK AND SHE the New Goods, and especially do we invite your attention to the NEW PRICES and don't forget to bring the Greenbacks, lor by doing you coll save money. I ani now ive.mii g. and will keep constantly on ail varieties and gr oles of Pnnts Ftereg. * Printed and Plain Lawns. Jaconets. Organdie., ( hambries, Gtaghntns. F'nrmture Ulicoes, BriUianto and other Dress Goods, with French names. Tattita and Bonnet Ulbltqus, \ eive.t lahhons. Bugle Trimmings, Silk Trimmings. Plain and Fancy Belts, in gr*»at variety ; Ladies 1 doer and T.nibroid ered Collars : Mz Ambripm Shan letles, liasques, Sacks and Monties : liodtee Murirn, t-wisa do.. Jaconet do., Nainsook do.. Swiss and Jaconet Embroideries. Dimity. Swiss ami Jaconet Bands , Blonde Lace, Crape Collars. L. ('. Ildkfs. Gloves. Mitts and Gauntlets m great profusion ; Fans and Parasols, and a thousand undone oilier articles in this line, which 1 will show you when you come to sec mo. . _ HATS! IIATS ! A splendid line of Ladies. Misses. Gents, Youths and Children's Hals. To my stock of Ladies and Misses Hats especially do l invite vottr attention. OHaQTTIXTkTGF. A large an«l splendid stock of (Tents' Spring and Summer Clothing, which I will sell cheaper than the Jews on Chatham street, New York, for Greenbacks. Hardwa-re, Cutlery, efcc. Halter Chains, Pad Locks. Rim Locks, Stock Locks, Plate Locks, Chest Locks. Cubboard Locks. Spurs. Bridle Ditto. Plane Ditto. Fish Hooks and Lines. Strap Hinges, all >izes, Butt hinges, jund. saws, Foot Adzs, Draw Knives,Club axes, chop axes. Hatches. Wagon boxes, heap-hooks. Ham mers. Oil-stones, Grind-stones, snnd-stones. spring balances. G. D. caps, W. P. caps, Gun-wnipers. gun-flints, gun locks. Double and single bbh Guns and Pistols IT. S. handles, plane handles, screw drivers, screw wrenches, door bolts, carriage bolts, files of all sizes, screws, lrv pans, sauce pans, tea kettles, chisels, knives and forks, pocket knives, dog collars, candle-sticks, blind fastenings, sad-irons, planters’ hoes, grubbing hoes, traces, screw plates, horse shoes, broads ayes, squares, trowels, spirit levels, gimblets, bevils, hames. plow lines, rakes, blacksmith beliefs. \ ices unvils. Tongs, cow bells, stirup irons, andirons, counter scales, shoe knives, shoemaker s tools, ii. S. nails, wrought nails. Not to be tedious, l will sav that 1 have a large stock ot Hardware. Yankee Notions and Toys in endless variety. China Hoods in great abundance. 'Tin War©—anything you need in this line. ✓ Crockery' a good stock at low figures. Hoots mid Shoos -a good stock of good shoes. Willow ware. Wooden ware, Groceries, and a hundred other things too numerous to mention. Also, very accommodating Clerks, who do not think it any trouble to show goods. Also a lot of Maryland White Corn just received. G>vo a call. . A1 April 12. 1807. ’ A. P PLKII.L I THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE, At 116 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, CEO, The attention of the Ladies is called to our New Sewing Machine, which has juct been issued for It has no equal! It uses a finer needle, and will do Finer and Heavier work than any Machine in use, with perfect devises for Hemming. Felling, Ruffling, Cording, Braiding. Ac. Call and see how SIMPLE AND EASY to learn the Use of it. ?a@-Tlt,‘ Singer Button Hole Machine works admirably. Silk Thread, Needles, and Oil always on hand. Sewing Machine- cleaned siel repaired. Stitching of all kinds neatly done. 11. D. HAWLEY, Gen, sal Agent ter Georgia and Florida. 30351 ciaaj mm 00:1025 TICB P»3SSS ©J? TICS SOUTH, Made from the Patent Uorded Mire, whichis anew proc— wherebv a firm linen cord is covered ill with the wire— making a durable substance to which the tape? are firmly -owed. Dv this pio cecs the unsiehtlv and anreliable met di- fa?i. ninp n. d«l ;n 1 a light*-kin produced. lam now prepared so make the above in ary size, length rvie anF. red. The Trade fur nished at li-t prices sovi6 iy U D. HAWLEY, 116 Broughton at . (wp-stairs.) '*-dT ,■ CJ EOIiGIA, Brocks Connty.-^l^^^V^ J Whereas. James King and 1.5. . -iigil Executors of Nancy King, apply to this court fur Letters or Dismission as such Exocutora. Ihia is therefore to cite and admonish the parties at interest to file their objections within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be issued and granted to the said applicants. In testimony, witness, do.. Ihi~ Mar. tiib, D67 March l.Vi m J. G- McCALL, «>■ 8. C. £ 1 KOHGIA, Brooxs C’oiixtt.—Whcreaaj !x Mr-. E. Williams Administratrix of the es tate of Jus. Williams, deceased, applies to me for Letters ot Dismission from said administration. These are'therefore to notify nil parties at in teve.-t to file their objections, within the time pres* ,-ribed by law, otherwise said letters will !>• granted and issued to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Ord’y. April 1, 1867. 6m / iGi A. 1 OOKF Cot-M v 'W hereas. Henry (if O’Neal, Lxecbtor of the Estate of M. G. T ales, deceased, applies to tnefor letter*'of dia ' inissiuti from said administration." . . These are therefore to notify, all parties at in -1 feres.* to file (heir ohje-'i'-ns, within the time pruicribvd by law, ot erwise said letter* will i.f granted and issued to the applicant* J G. McCALL, O. B. C. j May 10 1867. rm £ \ KOIIGIA, Brooks Coi sty.—Whercss,B. H. fjTMaitin. lisip. Executor of Charles -1 ceased, has filed hW petition in due form of law J i praying the Court to allow trm to resign hiatrtuy os executor, having nominated J. M. Patier” -on a* his suem-ssor. These are therefore to no; tify all persons at interest, to file tlieir objection* within ttie time prescribed by law. Otherwise the praver of said, petitioner will be granted. 11l testimony whereof I hereunto nftix my officii* signature, this the Ist day of May. 1867i ' i.vrm J. G. MeC-it.i., O B. C (Tf.OHGI A, BROOKS COUNTY.—'To *ll yr wliom it may concern: Whereas, Nancy Rainey, Administratrix of 1,. B. Rainey, deceased, : makes application for Letters of Dismission from ' said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all 1 parti, at interest to file their objections within I tl.e time pt escribed by law. otherwise said lettcra , will Ijs granted the applicant. In testimony witne-s niv hand and seal of of . lice, May’2oth, 1867. mvi t tim j. G. McCALL, Ordinary. / 1 EORGIA, BriOriKs CotXTV.--Whereas. Willis VJT Haft, A.lm’rdchonis non estate John Cook, .ter.‘used, applies to me for letters of Dismission troiu his administration of said estate. These j are therefore to cite and admonish all and singaf tar the parties at interest to file their objection* within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will he granted to the applicant. J. G. McCALL, Ordinary. June 28. 1.866. 6m Georgia, Brooks county. Whereas. Joseph Yates, administrator of Jo nah Yates, deceased, applies to me for Letter* of Dismission from the administration ol said e»- I tale. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested to file their objections with ; in the time prescribed by law, otherwise said let* | ters will he granted the applicant. Juno2B, 186*.—#m J. O. MfiCii.L, o. a. c. I Hi.ilr rtf Georgia, Brook* Comity. VI-HEREAS. L>. F. McNeil applies to this \ V Court for an order requiring Lucie H. Monger, A.tministiatrix of the estate of J. C. Mo. ger. .1 • ~-e.l, to make to bint titles to a cer tain tract of land, situated in said county, and : fur which titles the said deceased became bound ! while la life. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concetned, to file tlieir objections within Ihe time pres, nhed l.v I tw, otherwise said order will he . 'anted the applicant a- prayed for. |, ■ - . u itiii— ntv hand and seal of of flee, this August 6th. lst.f. 27 :’,m .1. (i MrCALI., Ordinary. f|Y. I all whom it may concern : These are thcre- J. fore to ci’e and admonish all parties at in ter. -t. next ..f kindred and creditors, to file their objection- within the tiue- prescribed by law, ■ .iil’n-i u I1 ..I' .liimiei-tration. debonis non, w,ll h ■ i--.. and ... William Hudson, Clerk or Bn perior Ui.urt, on the estate of Ann Hunter, as re quired by law. . i Witte -- ms hand and official seal this Augiut 1 6th i ,7. ' J. G. McCALL, Ordinary, align 27 fit < -< >i ! i :i:. Mile. rot-Trosxn. I> Y virtue of an order from ths Court of Or ) d'm.iry of Coffee county. Georgia, will be j sold on the First Tuesday in October. 1667, at the I Court-lmuse door in said comity, between the le . gal hours of sale, the following lans of land : No 176, encumbered with the widow's dower J two town lots. No's a and 6 in the town of Doug i las, and one half lot of in.. ! at Gaskin's Ford on : satilla river ; In lie sold for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of D. H. Kitkland. deceased. Terms made known on day ot saio. W. A J. Kirkland, Adm'rs. Angust flth. 1867. 22-tdg Postponed Administrator’s Sale. B\ \ iriuo of an order from the Court of Oriii mu v of Coffee county. Georgia, will bw sold on tho First Tuesday hi October. IRC7. at the | Court li'ULsf door in said county, between the legal liours of sale, the following tracts of land : No in the sth district Os Cherokee; No 2lfcin the sth district of Dooly couuty ; No 60 in the 9tb distrl t «>f Erwin county. Sold for the benefit <d heirs and creditor* of Jackson Smith, lute of -aid county, deceased. Terms will be made | known on day of sale. Elizabeth Smith, Adm’x. Aug. 10. 1&67. 29-Ids (1 BORGIA, Con kk County , -Two mouths at* JT ter date application will be made to the Or ; dinary of said county.- for leave to sell the iands belonging to th» boirs of James Carvor, late of said-county, deceased, for the benefit of ■ the heirs of said deceased. W. B. Overstreet, Guardian. August sth, 1867. 29-91 C 1 EG RGIA, Coffee County.—To all whom it TT may concern: A. M. McLane having in , jiropcr form applied to me for letters o! admin- I istration on the estate of W. A. Aulker, late of ; -aid county, this is to cite all and singular the ! eieditors and next of kin of W. M. Walker to be j and appear at my office within the time allowed I by law. and show cause, if any they cau, wbj rl ! said letter should not be granted the applicant; 1 my huud and official signature Augu*W | sth, l><;7. * Daniel Lott, Ordinary, jjf VALUABLE - PLANTATION TBYC* 3, 500 Acres of a<! f on tlif Witlil.tcoiK-heo K" A ''fff ;,,'J 11 WOI-K. $ A 1 V Lot- No".- 1 id. 167. 1«5. 164. 2W| all in one hotly, except No. 11J- T here are 7UO or 800 acres of this land under 1 fence, o! which none, except about one hundred acres, has been under cultivation more than three vears. There are houses enough ior 20U negroes, ample barns, a small Dwelling House, and out buildings. and a large dwelling house not yet completed. The titles .ire undoubted. This property is offered on exceedingly euj l<> Octl2-39-tf LIVERY AND mM esflßftis* T. J. LIVINGSTON HAVING purchased of Mr. J a- E. Young the Livery St ,bi building in Quitman, baa supplied ’ 1 r . “ ■ the with a choice lot of Horses au.lY euictea, ar.-l is U"W prepared to accommodate tie pnblte with Horses and Buggies at liitiisonnlile Rates. Conveyances, wilt careful drivers, turmsbed to travelers to convey them to any portion of the country. , . Horses cared for, by the day or Tjgrv month, atm'ftderatecbsrge. . ylffia- He will also keep supplied with a cbol.e lot m Horses and Mules for sale. a Quitman, April 12.1867. 1.-U J