The Quitman banner. (Quitman, Ga.) 1866-187?, November 29, 1867, Image 3

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I * SOUTHERN PALACE DAT GOODS HOUSE. f " » - ■ M 1 .■■■.■' 'L. L.Li!!Ji-iPIL'UL 11 J! JJLJ- L!’»mLKlUls.l L L ™S2S-±-M ORFF & WATKINS, DRY GOODS, DOMESTICS, &C., S A V AN N A H , GEORGIA. 1367. 1867. DEWITT & MORGAN, liolesale Retail Dealers in *f§ 137 Pong’fess Street, t S£vv"o,:ojn.4a.liL, G-eorgia, * -* Have Just Opened their Mhh MM Wllfll SEi 1" G> <C? SSL . •Vtpfr tnoofls by MJrevy Shinnev* Ladies Dr«=- Goods in ail the X'weQ Styles: Sheetings. Shirtings, Linens and everything wanted in llou>e-koeping : White Goods, Hosiery, and Small Wares in endless variety. Goods for Gentlemen and Hoys’ Wear. ALI. OH! STOCK IS NKW AND JI'KT BOUGHT AT THE REDUCED PRICES. DEWITT & MORGAN. PEMHiIIM’S ' : ■?- IS CROWDED WITH \N IMMLXSK STOCK OF r Fall and Winter Goods Embracing a Magnificent Stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods, CalicoetShirting. Sheeting. Dome-ties of every description, (To:-. Vs, Sonlags, Nubias, Shawls’ It ■j> .*■ ••mbf'Meri,- \\ i -Is of Lvery d<’•.•ript’mn. ete. Ready I&Zl£tclo Clotb.iixg> Os every description and quality for Mt.*n and Roys, and Gentlemens Furnishing Goods In great Variety. Style and J’ufvrn. and embracing everythin; needed or desired. He abo keeps WATS,, tA.PW, BOOTS AMU SHOES., In addition to his immense stock of dry-goods, he has on hand a choice lot of Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, GROCERIES, And an endless variety ot TOYS FOR Cl IIU STM.VS, &C. 110 is prepared to o(Ter the most. tempting inducement* to purchasers and respectfully HoliciU the most rigid examination of the uaaliiv, style and prices of his entire stock. November 29, 1867, A. I* IM'-ILI I AIM NEW STORE! umi BROOKS (0., GEO, rpHE undersigned r<-]-f ctlully informs the pub- A He that he has established him-' lt at the above place, with a large and well .selected stock of ■■ 11 « ><?' , * n m . §¥"*•** ' B**** ■ wuU I I »s.j3. © »»»»! M Z % : ew, Embracing VenW ,»n,l lloys’ Suits. Overcoats, ic. | Hoots and Slices, j For Gents, Ladies, M - • - anil < bildren, and of . almost every style and quality. Hats , (Japs, Straw Goods Gents’Furnishing Goods. Ladies’ Cloth and j Cashmere Cloaks. Shawls, Ron tags, Hoods. Nubias. Comforts, Hoop Skirts, Blankets. Mv stock of NTOTIOMS, Will be found complete. I will also keep constantly on hand a complete stock of ©BO0BB!IB9b Hardware, Wood. Willow and Queeswarc in fact everything found in a lir-t e!,.-- le v . .... 1 - and Grocery store. I am prepared to sell as Good bargains, FOR THE MONEY, As can be bad in Quitman or elsewhere. iSSuAII are requested to call and examine for tbcmselves. No trouble to show Lionels. WHISKEY OUT, And no more to be kept for sale. W. A. LIVINGSTON. November JOth, 1867. WANTED, 20,000 M;:'! ■ 'JJJJJNN price w ill be paid. CULPEPPER. CREECH & CO. November 29, 1867. 4 ft- 1 f TO RENT. fT TILL BE RENTED, to the higher-: bidder, at \Y GROOVEUVILLL. Ga.. on the 7th day of December next, the Plantation belonging l<- L. P. Howell, minor, lying one mile east of Groo ver ville, Georgia. and containing two hundred and fifty acres of open land. There is a good Dwelling, ont-honses, gin- f house and screw, and a sufficient number of cab ins to accommodate twenty or more laborers. ASA KEMP, Guardian. Groovervillc, Nov. 25, 1867. 43-2 t A. U. ADDISON W. H. ELLIOTT It. A VAN WVCK ADDISON, ELLIOTT & 10., W iiol e sa le (J roce rs 9 AND Cos in in is,sion •ffcrch an fs 95 Bay Street , Savannah , Ga. All Orders entrusted to ns will be promptly ex-cuted. Qnr best attention will be given to! all consignments. REFERENCES' : I. B. _Hill, Talmadue & Cos., 39 Pine ! St. N. Y.; CH Beneddt A Cos., 86 Broad St., N. i*’ Slaughter, of Norton. Slaughter AC., c?’ . Y.; Hint Bros.. &■ Cos., Charleston. C., EC Wade & Cos., Savannah. Ga.; Gar- W pirtSL”N.T*“" 4 - Gj ' ; BKI L!OTT4£oX ' November 22, ’ST. <2 -_3 m . 1)IH (i STORE, QtITM V IN, C* ICO. rflllE undersigned has just ro ll reived a Large Lot of Family.Tledirin?, Patent Tie .bines, J .. Paint , oils, Turpentine, live StuflTs, KEROSENE OIL, ROCK POTASH, AND FANCY KOAI'.S. \ :.-.x.Ti‘rm, KoasoimbU*. .J. II M( C ALL. j Ntarc-L 8. 1807. O il’ JOHN OLIVER, House & Sign Painter, GILDER AND GLAZIER, No. II Whitaker Sr , Savannah. Ga. PK.U.KIt IX CASHES. IIS, UK, IBIS PAIYTS, OILS, CLASS, PI TTY, : And all Painters’ and Glaziers' Material. Mixed Paintsef all Colors and Shades. March 1. 1867. ly CHANGE OF SCHEBULE. Gent. Si p’t Office. A. & G. R. R- Cos., / Savannah, Ga., Nov. 18, 1857 f ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY the 30th inst., Passenger Trains on this Road will Leave Savannah 8:00 P M Quitman 6:15 A M Arrive at Whigham (No. 21). .. . ... .9:!5 A M Leave Whigbain 5:15 J’ M *• Quitman 8:15 I* M j Arrive at Savannah 6:30 A M 11. S. H unks. Gen'l Sup’i. November 22, r G7. 12 tt. TO TIIE PI HLil. T. F. LAWSON, Offers h's services to the public as a Manufacturer of Plain Tinware, | And Dealer in Japanned, Planished and Slarnp i ed Tinware. House Furnishing Goods. Ac. : and : in connexion with the above, he has on hand a j fine lot of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, OFFICE STOVES, «kC., which he offers low to the public 1 He also flatters himself that he can furnish to merchants a better and neater article of Tin ; ware, and as low or lower than they can pur- i ; chase elsewhere, north or south. All 1 ask is a I chance, before buying elsewhere. I will also manufacture, at short notice, any- j thing you may want, out of tin, sheet-iron, cop- I per or zinc. 1 Brands for marking cotton or boxes cut at ; short notice, from half-inch to six inch letters, kerosine Lamps, old Tin and Copper Vessels. Guns, Pistols, Stock Loci -. Padlocks and Um i brellas repaired neatly and expeditiously. ! He has established himself in the two i story building south of Mrs. Mclntosh's Hotel. Quitman. July 12, 1867. 23-ts Savannah /louses. RANDELL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 201 and 203 Bay Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA, H AVE NOW IN STORE a largn and com plete assortment of i*rocoriCH. which ' they offer to the trade at prices less than they I cun lu* laid down from the Northern markets, consisting in part of Bacon—Shoulders, Sides, Hums, Fork, Sugars—(all grades,) lioiined and Raw, ColYeu—Rio, Java, and Ceylon. Teas—Green and Black, diflerent qualities. Che- sc, Butter and Bard, Mackerel, Codfish, Herring, Candles, Soap and Starch, Tobacco, of various grades, &c. Special attention given to orders with re mittance or Short City Acceptance. Prices fur nished when, desired. October 22, *67. 42-—3 m. .HRsb i*t in St<\Tt;iu'li. BBT ML 6B0BBB.! Corner of York nml Houston sts., Savannah, - - - Geo. WILL mtNISII Cam Hi/ Supplies \AB Low as can be bought in this City. YTV'rrull end see for yourself. i November 22, ’67. 3m M!.!.IU\ k M’lilllliOTTß, DKAI.EKB IN’ Shads and alt kinds of Fish* In their Season, Oysters, Game, etc., Mo. 110 Bay Lane, SA VANNAII, GEO. %-d' Oiir iiinttu is : Juslici! to all. a«-Orilws from the country will bo prompt ly and carefully tilled. nov22-tl D. FALVEY, E ) r E n r V Alii ET Y OF HI in raj 1 , II lywbSiiwiM a U. 1w * w , St. Andrew's Jtull Iluilding, Broughton St., 2d door from Jefferson, Savaniiali, («co. HAS INSTORE a. large and varied aaßort , monl of Mahogany, W alnut, 1 111 ATM T AND ENAMELED Tables 8l Bureaus, Os Every Style and Pattern, G X Jli 1R S s j OF EjVEHY DESCHirYION, AC., sc. 1 November 22, : 67. 3rn WILKINSON & WILSON, COTTON FACTORS A N I) | Commission Agents for tluvSea Fowl Gin in mm iee ism * Liberal Advances made on consignments j for sale or ahipment to New York or Liverpool OFFICE, Ttfo 90 Bay Street, j SAVANNAH, GEORGI A. October 4, l8f;7. Cun WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. THE subscribers have converted their Branch E-tabiishruent. heretofon* carried on under the name of K. W. MARSH cfe CO., into an i;x< m sivi: WHOLESALE JB 25 «B ® J SW 9 Foil THE SALE OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,! PERFI’MEUY, SOAPS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, BRUSHES, And all articles '.sually found in Hi STOCKED MIG ESTABLISH!. The interest of Mr, K. W. MARSH in the new House will continue as in the old firm, and be will be pie sed to have a call liv m h st) ieu Is. RETAIL DEPARTMENT will be carried on as heretofote, at our Old Stand. A. A, SOLOMONS & CO. fceptl3 3m BARGAINS, Tltc Groovervillc Store! B. F. LINTON Sl CO. Having reoeiv«*d their Fall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods, are now prepared to offer extraordinary inducements to the public : in fact they will sell goods, for Caflh, at New York Prices. Our stock of Dry Goods is complete in every par ticulai. We also offer an elegant assortment of CLOTHING , HOOTS ANJ) SHOES i CROCK Kit >; GLASS\V A UK; HAIW Hvi RL\ TJX\VARE ; A GR/CL'LTVRAL IMPLEMENTS; CUTLERY , of approved makers; BRIDLES , SADDLES , dc We will likewise endeavor to ulwaya keep on hand a complete stock of and our convivial friends can be supplied with LIQUORS, SEGARS & TOBACCO. For the afflicted we are likewise prepared to supply their demands with rora m<: gs is* sfl 2aam sa + I and those who are building can be supplied with Paints, OUs, Brashes, i&c. We will also endeavor to keep supplied with a number of the renowned Concord Buggies, and will fill all orders for Arden's Latest Patent HORSE HOE, as we arc agents for the sale of tin* same, and which can ho seen at work in the neighborhood. Wc cordially invite the attention of the public to our slock, satisfied that we can suit them in any character of article need; for we make it a rule to keep everything that can be found in any store in tin* .State, and pledge ourselves to sell at as low prices as any house in this section. Groovervillc, Oct. 25, 1867. 15 ly JOHN I. RAYSOR, IHIAI.KIt IN' IEB I P b ***s**; Sa <rt t (*l'oorei’rslle, UP AS now received a very neat and complete . asaortjm'llt of | which will be sold on very reasonable terms. His stock embiaces Dross Goods, Domestics, notions. Hats, Caps, Boots, fihocs. Ready Made Clothing, Crockery,, Hardware, Ac., A general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, j and almost everything required by the people ol this section. He most respectfully invites his friends and the public to give him a call, and examine and price his goods before purchasing elsewhere, as in; is determined to sell as low as anybody. Groovervillc, Oct. 25, 1867. 38-ls - A N D wketmm STOCK. - .*• . Culpeper, Creech & Cos., RESPECTFULLY notify their friends and the public generally, that they have received | their CwißAjitml WIJYTEII • b*»- is '« oa -. B-a. Os Merchandize of every description, embracing 1 patents, styles and qualities of ÜBtiiS’ niiiss amis, BIIESTICS. TRIMMINGS. ITIS.M. Ladies’ and Gents’ Hats arid Caps, Boots and Shoes, anil everything generally kept in a Dry Goode Store. Also a very complete stock of FAMILY GROCERIES HARD WAKE, ETC. Tftr They tender their sincere thanks to their friends for the patronage if' liberally extended, . and solicit a continuance <>f the same. We are prepared to sell at The Very Lowest Prices. Quitman, April 10. 1807. 12-ts Town Property for Sale. The undersigned offers a two acre lot and con venient dwelling, with necessary out-houses, near the Academy, in the town of Quitman, for sale. The dwelling is new, neat and comfortable. For particulars apply to * A F. FEKHAM. June 21, 1867 JJ'tf HOTELS. W w w,* '|yi W i&Ai HOUBE, Savannah, Georgia. r|llllS First Class Hotel having been renovated I. and newly Furnished throughout, is now [ second to none in the South. GEO. McGINLY, PROPRIETOR November 2. 1867. 12-ts MARSHALL HOUSE, IIROIIGHTOTV STREET, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. r QIII IS first, class Hotel has b. en remodeled fi and newly refurnished and put in perfect older throughout. The traveling public: nmv rest assured they will find comfortable accommo dations at this House. A. I?. Ll r (’F, Proprietor. February 22, 1867. ly OUR HOUSE 'SlWllfCv ftOOMtfa Sn vaiiiui li. (iporjgin. rglllE undersigned having leaned the above i favorite l lslalilislmient, and having refitted and refurnished it throughout in the most elegant manner," would inform the public that it is now open for the Reception of Guests. The present Proprietor will spare no pains to maintain the diameter it has always enjoyed as being one of the best of the Fiisi-( lass B Lit ism nous <*s ol the country, and those who favor him with their patronage umy be assured that nothing will Ik- left undone to secure the comfort and sutisfuc ! lion of his guests. BOARDERS will be taken j |>y the week or day at a moderate charge, j novlfi 6m E. H. KIRLIN. PAVILION HOTEL. D C NOE, Proprietor. Corner of Lull mid South Hroud StrcetH, Snvumii«li» (n*org’i:t. H AVING taken the above Hotel, which hus recently been refitted and refurnished throughout, the Proprietor can assure the public that he is a« well prepared to eater to their wants as any Hotel in the State. His table will always bo supplied with the best the market affords, and nojpuins will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Transient Board. $3 00 per day. Permanent Board, $15.00 per week. A share of public patronage is solicited. February 22, 1867. 4-ts Western 1 Totel, Nos. 9, 11, 13 & 15 Cortlandt St., B. R Wiwiikhtbk, I NKW YORK. Tiioh. h. Winckkhtek. j We are in the Genler of Business, and IIKA-DQUAItTEKS KOH GEORGIANS. n<.pU3 32-ly STEVENS Horsil, 21, 28, 23 6/. 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. 1 riIHE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely n known to the traveling public. The loca tion is especially suitable to merchants and busi ness men ; it is in close proximity to the busi- I ness pari of the city--ison the highway of South ern and Western travel and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat, depots, j The Stevens House lmsliberal accommodation for over 300 guests- it, is well furnished, and pos sesses every modern improvement for the com fort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated, provided w ith gas and water : the attendance is prompt and re spectful ; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season, at moderate j rates. The rooms having been refurnished and j remodeled, we are enabled to offer extra facili | ties for the comfort arid pleasure of our guests, i GEO. K. CHAISE & CO. June 14. 1867. 6m Proprietors. _ WM. WHITE. GEO. G. MIXER , CHARLESTON HOTEL, CliarlOKtou, S. (.’. WHITE fit MIXER, nnv7 rm PKOPHIKTOKS. Use ([uitiiiaii Hotel. MRS, McINTOSH VfOTIFIES tin* public that sin* continues tin* JN Hotel business, at her. old house, on the : Public Square ; wlierc s.hc* will endeavor to make 1 guests feel at home. Her table, is supplied w ith the best the market 1 affords, and charges moderate. June 14, I««7. 20-ls P. H. BEHN, COTTON FACTOR GF.XEKAL COMMISSION MI .KOI A NT, llus removed to First door West of Exchange. I Bay Stkket, Sayax.vah, Gbd. • aug?3*'«7 29-0* CARRIAGE, BUGGY, — ms ns> Wagon Manufactory. Depot for the* Repair of Old Vehicles. W 'W W W JSa iinlj£i GrjHL-, iiotifies the public Unit hr has leased the A l'ulilic S<iuaro to the Depot, us nlsn the ftluck-mUli OF MATE UIAJ > necessary for the correct conduction of a first class Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Manufactory, and also supplied himself with Faithful and Competent Workmen, lie is now prepared to receive orders for work, and do she same in a manner that cannot be excelled, North or South, on reasona» hie terms, and us expeditiously as possible, lie is likewise prepared to Repair and have Painted and Trimmed Old Carriages <0 Buggies , and turn them out almost as good us new. Haying leased the upper story of my Carriage Manufactory, to Mr. W.S. Watti.f.s. lie is prepar ed, with Material and Taint as will be seen by his card below, to trim and paint old or new work repaired or manutaetured at this establishment, with neatness and dispatch. His BLAC KSMITH SHOP is well stocked with Tools and Material, and is in charge of an experienced workman and competent assistants prepared to do every character of WAGON work, and to make or repair AGKiGI l/ITUAL IMPLIMENTS. Having had many years experience in the business, lie Hallers himself lie can do work ns well, on rs good terms, and give as complete satisfaction, as any man oouth. A share of public palronagu is solicited. All work warranted. * 1L W. LEVERETT. Quitman. Ga., October 18, 18(17. 37-ts W. S. WATTLES, illiaaS'i SBBOOBB <© tMOHUSB HAVING leased the upper story of the building occupied by B. W." Levkbett as u Carriage Manufactory, is prepared, with a complete STOCK OF PAINTS, TRIMMINGS, &C. To linish off vehicles in a workmanlike manner, and on liberal terms. Work warranted and patron age solicited. oct2s-tlj FIRE! FIRE I! FIRE!! Cost! Cost!! We will sell at Cost for cash or produce! NO HUIVIBUG IN THIS! see if we dont t SM IIII & WAIJiIIfS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Jlk.. r r E3 HT3 NEW ZBiFUEOK. STORE^ NEXT DOOR TO J. YV. STALNAKKK & CO. JOSEPH S. CUMMINGS Has just returned Rom Now York, where be purchased a General Stock of Fall and Winter Goods* Embracing everything usually kept in a Retail filoro. These Goods having been purchased on reasonable term*, they will be Hold Low. Old frfendrf and the public generally are invited to give him a call sep27-l»m ~mw¥M±WrocKi~ A. J. ROUNTREE, IS NOW RECEIVING A LARGE STOCK OF mm Mio maim es®!®, Which have been bought for Cash, and will be sold for a small profit. Judge William Hudson Still remain* at this Store, and will take pleasure In waiting on his friend*. fcQr Thankful for the liberal patronage received, a continuance of the same is solicited. September 27, JBH7. Jy QUITMAN Carriage Uepositorj mwm wm. 11. paix; i : r i ,r r f IIAKES pleasure in saving to the citizens ej 1 Quitman and surrouiidin” «*«uintry that he continues his former position, as Manager el j his Carriage and Wagon Shop, and is now pre pared with workmen to furnish work at reasona ble prices, and to serve the people in his line to the best of his ability. lie has now likewise in successful operation a imfisl of3ill, and will grind every day for the convenience of the public, and keep constantly on hand a sup ply of Meal and Grits to sell. In connection with his Carriage and Mill busi ness, he is now prepared to Plain Lumber, Furnish Moulding for any | Lind of work , make Sash, Doors or Blinds, i and do a variety of other work. Parties wishing anything in I; i .-* line, are re-; Hpeotf'ully solicited to give him a share ot their, patronage. JEST- Terms, Cash. II PAD' KTT. Quitman Geo.. January 25, lisoJ. ly VALUABLE PLANTATION 3,-*>(K) Acres of Land! riMIIS valuable Plantation, lyi i" M on the WitJilacooe.hee River twelve miles from No. I>l. AHant?. svyC and Gulf Railroad, near Rocky riv cr. containing 3.540| acres, is comprised it! Lots Nos 1 ID. 107, 165. 104* 202, 203, 204, 20J f all in one body, exedpt No 110. 'J here are Too or 800 acres of this land UtidCf fence, of which none, except about one hundred aerex, has been under cultivation more than three years. There are hounds enough for 200 negroes* ample barns, a small Duelling House, and out buildings, and a large dwelling house not yefr completed. The titles are undoubted. This properly is offered on exceeding' h Warn. For j ilrtlculars apply to t’ol. WM. A I AXE, Quitmi.n G* Octl2 HD-tf VALUABLE "^7FIT ! ■ W f T 4! i ■ iWi ma > - s> i , rgXflK undersigned oilers for sale t. i 9 the Large Two Story frame ffijfrgj ii » Mouse, located South-west of the 1 Gourt-hoUse square, in Quitman. £tC~ A-: !•'. YV. ItUOKH*-. i October 5, i«W